What went wrong

what went wrong

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speedrunner curse


The answer is always facecam. There is literally no reason to show your face except for attention

He started showing his face and giving his opinions

he's never been funny, let's be honest

Increased ego

He decided to show his face and then felt the need to act like iDubbbz.

Also he skipped leg day.

How's that voice acting career going for him?

his ego skyrocketed when he revealed his face and people thought he was cute and his opinions matter despite being a retarded 5'3 dwarf.


>user reveals their face
>suddenly their content begins to drop in quality
why does this happen

wassuppy everynyan it's critical-chan OwO

Fucking THIS, I used to like the guy, now it's just
>Here's my opinion about something fucking stupid for 10 minutes to get the most money out of you.

>except for attention
attention will get you more followers and viewers though, right?

Anyone catch the video where he doxxed his address before he changed it lmao.

A guy like Critikal is proof that some people deserve to be depressed, otherwise they grow a huge fucking ego and become absolute sacks of shit.
Remember when this dude just made dumb short videos and donated all his money to charities? I do.

I can touch my nipples with my toes

>this is the same guy who used to make Modern Mustache Shit 2 videos
The world just ain't fair.

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I guess they broke the anonymous barrier and now they feel the need to behave different since everyone has seen what they really look like.

He showed his stupid fucking face and now he can't stop being like haha farts and balls aren't I funny. It didn't help his credibility whenever he was part of the whole City of Heroes fiasco that went down. Complete unlikable piece of shit.

for a board that hates youtubers,twitch streamers, etc, you guys sure do watch a lot about them.

He's a complete scumbag. This motherfucker hid the fact a City of Heroes server existed for seven years. Even when it was brought out into the open, he still kept denying and lying about it until the server owner himself was on his stream. The same server that gaslit people and sabetoged projects while blackmailing the players who did play on the server.

Yeah, but there's good attention (increasing quality by leaning into what viewers like from your content while leaving behind what they don't) and bad attention (getting mixed up in e-drama, facecams, attention whoring--basically nothing that should be involved with the simple formula of playing games and talking about them). It all comes down to your integrity, which many of these youtube hacks have none of

But user! He said the evil charities were misusing the money and he was ignorant to that fact, and now he's wised up.

You forget the worst part. He made a video claiming he would never get to play again while also showing off Paragon Chat telling people to go donate to their fucking patreon. Absolute fucking cunt.

Is this the manlet end game?

These. Same with h3h3. Remember when that guy made actual content.

they're taking the easiest route of content creating by becoming a "personality." Reel people in with actual content, then reveal yourself and become a personality. A lot of people do this once their channel takes off.

"you like my videos, then surely you want to hear my political and tasteful opinions as well now, right?"

He started showing his face instead of letting everyone believe he's a 7 foot lumbering man behind a computer and he started streaming which is the most cancerous thing he could've done. His shitty podcast featuring Kaya "here's my shitty opinion on something I know nothing about" Orsan doesn't help.

>He showed his stupid fucking face and now he can't stop being like haha farts and balls aren't I funny.
He was always like that.

It always becomes more personal at that point and they get swept up in dumb e-drama. ALWAYS.

He's alright, I miss his stuff where he would just play obscure games and make nipple jokes though.

>goes on facecam
>he turns out to be hot
>incels suddenly turn on him

This is what happened.

He stopped playing shitty games and just reacts to YouTube videos on Twitch now.

Am I the only one bothered by the fact that he makes loads of Youtube money but he still uses shitty apple earbuds for his pc?

Go to bed, Cr1tiKal

His youtube content switched from him playing shitty games to reuploads from twitch of him reading to shitty youtube videos

He probably does that on purpose.
I don't think I ever seen him talk about how much he makes and it even took him forever to say what kind of car he drove.
Not to mention his house barely has any furniture in it.

Fucking christ never trust ecelebs bullshit

He can't take criticism at all, he's made two videos already blaming his old fanbase and crying about how we want him to be depressed while simultaneously saying his content hasn't changed at all, i don't even think he was depressed he's just very good at being a manipulative asshole. That half assed apology to projared was also pathetic after watching his video, it doesn't hold any value whatsoever. Here 's a pic of my cat.

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To be fair, charities are bullshit.

The question is: was he always a huge faggot pretending to be a chill guy, or was he a chill guy that turned into a huge faggot because of the e-fame?

This is something to ask yourself when talking about any of these internet personality people. Some actually stay the same. I think it's a matter on who they really are deep down in their hearts. I think in this case he just turned into a humongous faggot because he got attention and success. It happens.



Is that Perturbed Pedro?

>le monotone man
He was never good

Lick my butt hole

He's just another low effort streamer who does nothing but consume media, contributing nothing to society. Why do sheep care about the words that come out of these people's mouths? Why do people feel they need to look up to others who aren't worth any sort of merit? Especially true for outlets like Twitch, where fools are parted with their money, all so that some moron can make a living just playing video games.

Pewdiepie is one of the most successful people doing this sort of thing, and yet what exactly does he create? All he does is broadcasts content from Reddit that people could just find for themselves.

Go support people who are actually putting in the effort to create things. Or better yet, create things yourself and doing something with your life instead of wasting your time idolising these people.

This. While there was a drop in quality when he revealed his face, it was him becoming a full time twitch streamer that ruined his content since almost all of his youtube videos are just reuploads of his streams.

why does all of his hair look like it's been pasted on? Even his eyebrows look like that.

nice cat

He literally went from shitting all the fuck over twitch to exclusively streaming to it in the span of a few months.
I mean what the fuck was that shit?

he has the most punchable face, it's like a mix between manlet, low test while being slightly buff.

Boardwalk Burgers

But seriously I listened to that podcast for a while and a podcast just really lets you know how unlikable a person actually is.
He is practically a space occupier who had more subs than any of them and was joined by
>Default English faggot
>Autofellatio Loving Texas faggot
>Some 3rd worlder who has pedophiles live rent free in his head 24/7

And then they'd get on some other E-celeb who is practically just dumped into their dumb little pointless skype calls.

I loved him as sans undertale



True. Revealed to a huge dipshit recently with that projared crap. Just piled on the drama because it equals money and views. He must have seen $$$ in his eyes. No effort to look into it just wanted to cash in and made a half assed apology on Reddit. For a guy who hates YouTube drama, he sure became what he hated.

Explain this city of heroes stuff. Didn't he get them banned or something

>For everyone asking: it did not get refunded, the donation was completely legit. However, PayPal didn't let it go through so Charlie didn't get the money. Urara still wants to get it to him somehow though.
I thought Oil kings would only donate to Twitch thots?

You feeding it cheeseburgers?

If he's so hot why did his ex cuck him then?

wasn't he the one who cheated on his ex?

God I hope Sseth doesn't turn out like him.

YouTube is a horrendous fucking platform if you play vidya.

Wait what happened? Can I have a quick rundown?

>one of the biggest cuck e-celebs
>a shitskin in denial that will REEEE if you don't call him "hapa" (mestizo)
>stole all of IP2's clips and used it for his monetized videos without giving any credit
>got mad at IP2 and started crying after IP2 bullied him
>thinks he's funny with his retarded "nipple" jokes
>caters to literal zoomers and SJW millennial
>probably on the spectrum
>browses different subreddits for drama so that he can make fun of them and make a profit on YouTube

you've know who he is in real life, and you haven't beaten him or made fun of him, you are a cuck just like him

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Boogie and critical both went downhill after twitch streaming.

Shame because they seemed like decent people but now...

completely sold out obviously. can't blame him but i hate his content now and his brand of "humor" got old pretty quickly.

>>a shitskin in denial that will REEEE if you don't call him "hapa" (mestizo)

Does this guy fit in yet?

Mestizos are brown though. How is he white though and doesn't even speak Spanish. Where the hell is his mom,

call him a shitskin or mestizo and he'll get mad

he wants to be called "hapa" or white

mestizos are mongoloids + whites

>tfw this happened to one of my favourite YouTubers loliconics.

Basically YouTube pooper but for anime then he did a voice reveal and now I'm 90% of his content is him ranting about shit

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Not sure why you guys are saying he’s such a big prickly fucking asshole. Ge seems like a dork that was just woke ebough to attain the chad mentality fir a second and therefor ascens into the everyman normie with niche tastes/knowledge. He’s doesn’t seem like a ray of sunshine or somebody who would be a good friend but he sure doesn’t strike me as an asshole.
>the kind if guy who if you net would say “hey” unenthusiastically, hang out quietly in the corner, and then be the life of the party when drunk

Do we even know what he looks like?

How is he a shitskin though? He's literally white.