So how's that game coming along Yea Forums?
So how's that game coming along Yea Forums?
I am trying.
Are you?
Currently looking at Gdevelop to port my side-scroller from Gamemaker.
Y-Yes. I will get to work momentarily.
I don't have time.
I got it into my head yesterday that I could probably use hexagonal tiles for a tactics game, rather than normal square tiles, and I'm wondering what the effort to value ratio would be.
What do you guys think about Kickstarter?
old and busted, patreon is the way to squeeze paypigs
Was fucking stuck on some stupid bullshit trying to make an elegant and generalized solution but after 2 days said fuck it and just did what worked.
Don't regret a thing, if it compiles it's good to go. Better to ship a suboptimal solution than be stuck trying to make perfect solutions to shit.
I have everything I need to start working but I don't know which engine or framework to use
I'm mostly a web developer too so that doesn't help, I don't want to run a server for people to play at
I have a hard time picking the right genders for my rpg party.
if all else fails
>let players pick MC gender or just male
>male bro tier friend
>female childhood friend
>female tsundere
>male annoying fuck
>female shy support character
and so on, just take a look at some common tropes and work your way up from there
you really don't understand the problem I have here do you?
probably not
Good, I'm still working on my Vulkan renderer after 3 years. No idea what to do with it though.
wouldn't libgdx work for whatever you want?
My Solus install shat itself and fucked my godot install up (along with lmms btw), I deleted the godot folder and reinstalled it and it worked again, but it stops working after I close it and have to reinstall it again.
Which is a great excuse to keep postponing my game devving.
Not want to sound like a Steve Jobs fan boy but "real artists ship" is true.
I could technically make the damn game in UE4 if I try hard enough, my problem is that I don't really know which one of them all is more adequate for my needs
I'll probably give Unity a go and be done with it
More than its worth probably. instead of using nice integers on 4 sides you're gonna have angles and all that kinda shit
My what now?
>have an entire room and hallway
>managed to make scripts for a jumpscare triggering when you pick up a weapon
>even managed to get functional doors that feel like the doors in Source games
I made a shitty 2009 era spookfest and I have absolutely no regrets.
can anyone who knows construct 2 in this thread help me
I'm learning to program. want to make an FPS engine just so I understand lighting and proper engine stuff, then I'll transition to Unity or something.
Used it for years. Made money with the games. Just switch to Game Maker Studio 2 or Unity and forget that C2 ever existed. Thank me later.
Literally just use any FPS tutorial in Unity then.
user, im a turbo brainlet and got construct for free. can you tell me how to make a copy of zeros saber slashes in basic platformer
>have no idea what to do after GS went from 8.1 to Studio
>Unity and Godot both have some weird ass node system that I'm too brainlet to figure out
>Unreal is way too far above what I'm thinking of doing and I don't want to get EPIC'd
>Ren'py and Tyrannobuilder are too basic for what I want to make
Just end me lads. At least I'm actually drafting the damn thing so something's set in stone when I make up my mind on what to use.
>Don't regret a thing, if it compiles it's good to go. Better to ship a suboptimal solution than be stuck trying to make perfect solutions to shit.
Apparently Hollow Knight was shittily coded but it held together and became a very popular game. Don't fret over it.
>node system
Literally what is your problem? What are you trying to accomplish?
I like programming and would like to make my own engine. that's the point.
Waste of time. Once you made a fucking engine just use it.
Serious question: Does anyone have any good reference material for RPG stats? Preferably old tile based DnD shit or anything else you think is interesting as I hope to break the "Generic JRPG battle system" rut we seem to be in currently.
Fuck yes. Shitty source mod stuff is the best
If you wanna make your own engine you could look into Raylib.
>Shitty source mod stuff is the best
I really wanna bring that mood back man. The project I'm working on now is basically if Condemned was built in Source.
>start project
>make really basic gameplay elements
>problem show up
>spend several days trying to fix it
>code is now spaghetti
>rince and repeat
user, can you use e to pick up physics props?
Do they make sounds when you drag them across stuff? I think i've got some psuedocode stored away for that exact purpose if you want it
>OpenGL abstraction layer
Seems like a shit waste of time. Should be making your graphics in Vulkan anyway. Anyone who pretends it's not a direct OpenGL replacement has never actually written OpenGL code. It's horrible and the drivers suck.
>Just switch to Game Maker Studio 2 or Unity and forget that C2 ever existed. Thank me later.
Mostly getting some time to actually get to learn it. I used to spend months making shit on GS8.1, but lost my momentum by the time Studio came around.
This was literally a goal I had in mind. I'm not sure how I feel about Unity's physics engine but then again, Gmod still holds up after all this time. Right now I'm sort of learning as I go with a tutorial for a survival horror game, but its taught me more about scripting than any other Unity series, even Brackeys.
I'm really tempted to try and make a standalone DarkRP game where people can use custom maps and stuff but I'm pretty sure it's a waste of time. Maybe a game that has more of vanilla TF2's feel?
You're complaining about a shit waste of time but you want to make your own engine to learn the basics of making an FPS when you could literally do that with asset packages in Unity. You essentially want to ride a horse before you learn to walk.
Any tips to not make my 2D platformer feel weightless?
Witch one is easiest to move to
Unity seems really straightforward to me user, but then again I don't have a whole lot of experience in anything else.
I have, but I'm curious to learn about Vulcan and opengl. raylib feels cheating in a sense
Honestly I wouldn't look to DnD for, "interesting gameplay mechanics" You'll either get ultra videogamey with 4e and 5e or ultra grognard with older stuff. Not that it wouldn't work for a tactics/fire emblem type game, but it sounds like you want to do something more interesting, unless you plan to make an isometric rpg or something
>Any tips to not make my 2D platformer feel weightless?
The only suggestion I have for you is to play around with the numbers and see what feels right for you. Same shit for me when I was animating gun recoil earlier today, you just have to find what works.
It's not coming along. Because i have no game. I don't know what i want to do besides 'i want make a game'. I have literally no idea what gameplay i want, and story, and setting, and characters, and so on.
And finally my HDD died and i lost most things i made.
Fuck gamedev.
Try it, change values, try again. Again and again.
Depends what you want to do. Game Maker Studio 2 is super easy these days if you want to do 2d. I recommend using the drag drop stuff only to get familiar with everything and then either do it mixed or even better only do the scripting. Unity is "free" but a lot of shit has to bought on the marketplace and for normal 2D stuff it is quite "heavy". There is also Godot but I have not really used it yet.
alright thanks nigga
It's moving at a snails pace since in wagecucking, but at least it's moving forward. Making a strategical wargame with retarded controls (to be unique)
Increase gravity, usually that do the trick.
Thanks for the feedback user.
Do you know of any good systems for calculating damage or stats in general? (preferably also taking resistances into account)
I mean what kind of game do you want to make? Cause again, DnD *can* work as a reference for some things. You're asking a pretty vague question here
What are the actual problems you're having?
He's a tr*nny
I know your pain. Currently trying to do at least one level a day for my little puzzle game, but it is barely possible. Fuck. But I wont stop.
The proper definitions surrounding transexuals is still the male/female binary, you're either a chick that wants to be a dude or a dude that wants to be a chick. So I have no idea what he's on about unless he's talking about some weird pronoun shit.
>proper definitions
There's your mistake the tr*nny menace doesn't agree with anything 'proper' and wants their snowflake shit used instead
Then whatever they are isn't actually transexual. Words mean things, you can't just co-opt that shit to mean something it doesn't mean.
I gotta clean up all my animations in time for the tech demo later this month.
I'm trying to make a tile based Rpg where all the (random?) battles are sorta tactics-y. Semi reminiscent of early ultima games (but obviously intended to be far less janky).
I intend there to be both melee and ranged combat. (and with ranged I intend walls to be a factor that block shots tested via raycasting). I'm also looking into adding both ranged and AOE magic spells (with a limited range that the AOE can be positioned from the caster possibly depending on stats and having increasing costs the further away it is. Providing that it isn't OP) as well as more specific "one off" spell effects like buffs, status effects etc.
Movement is intended to play a big part in this system so obviously it's a stat you can upgrade and I'm hoping to have characters use time units (consumed by all actions including movement) with a downtime period (kinda like ATB but not in realtime) instead of a static turn system.
What I'm looking to reference is (as stated previously) any good formulas for damage calculation that take defence and elemental resistances into account, what formulas should be used to calculate tile distances (taxicab (preferrably with nicer circles)? plain ol' vector distance?) and what effect distance should have on attacks (if any).
Sorry for the infodump but I hope you get the idea of what I'm looking for.
too many genders to choose from
language evolves all the time dipshit
Definition of Transexual hasn't changed yet, fucknuts.
the alt-right doesn't own the definition dirtbag
I don't give a fuck about the alt-right, google it motherfucker.
Trying to figure out how to :
-make a scrolling level for a shump. -Where to put trigger points for enemy spawns
-How to make a looping background when a boss appears.
-make power ups bounce in the screen
-instantiate a random power up from killing enemies
A laundry list of shit to do.
Trying to make an inventory system in UE4. I hear a bit about Gameplay Ability System, should I use that or stick with Structs/Data Table? The former's got little documentation.
you sure speak like one of them shithead
First level is mc in a locked room with a loaded gun.
Does your engine have any feature that allows game objects to detect if they're onscreen or nott? If so use that for triggers. If not I'd reccomend coding your own system emulating this.
With looping backgrounds just stop the ship's track movement through the level and have the background animate on it's own (if you want a looping set of obsticles you can have them move with the background, delete when it goes off the edge and spwan in another one (you'll need at least 2 so there's no seams).
For power ups bouncing does your engine have a "collision groups" feature? You can use that to set up collisions that only the powerups will use.
you forgot
>pic related
3D or 2D?
So tile based game to you mean Fire Emblem or xcom? I'll assume Xcom because it sounds a bit more involved than a simple grid. As far as damage calculation, and really everything in general, goes I wouldn't overthink it too hard unless you have a good reason to do so. A complicated damage calculation system will just be
A Hard to debug and
B. Frustrating for the player if they have no clue whats going on
Think of it this way: what advantage do you get calculating damage with something more complicated than (attack power + weapon strength) / physical resistance + elemental damage / elemental resistance? I'm sure you "can" come up with something more complicated but there should always be a reason for your complexity. Same thing with that distance question, there should be a reason that distance causes the damage to go down, (or maybe the further it travels the less likely the attack will hit) I think you have to hammer out some of the basics of your system further.
Frozen synapse has an interesting movement system IE simultaneous turn based, if your looking for random ideas
Never finished my big titty shmup, so there.
sweet mid 90s aesthetics
can you two fuck off to /pol/ already
Gotta learn how to do c++ first
Once again thanks for the feedback.
Right off the bat you launch into an excellent point about keeping the systems transparent and easy for players to grasp. Confusing, opaque systems where stats only give you a "nudge" as to their actual purpose is something I HATE. Thanks for reminding me about that.
Also, nice mention of Frozen Synapse. It's definitely a good game to study mechanically.
I'd say start without any code at all, just get some paper out and write out exactly what you want. Worry about a prototype and what to implement where when you have a more concrete grip on what you are looking for. It sounds to me like you want to make a fantasy tactics game. You got things like heros of might and magic, FFT, isometric RPGs like the new Pathfinder game and more to look to for referneces
Thanks for the suggestions user.
You've been super helpful!
Looks cool. You should finish it.
Trying to get photogrammetry assets to not run at 15 fps.
trying to figure out some good and possibly unique multiplayer/coop modes for my SWAT 4 clone
>solo deving a game with actual graphics
Lmao good luck with that one
Made an end credits theme. I wrote lyrics for it too, but I'm no singer so at the moment it's a synth brass instrument doing the main melody.
Feedback would be appreciated, also I could post the lyrics if anyone cares
Man I wish I was in your position. I'm trying to add basic online functionality to my Phaser 3 game so you can play with a couple friends, and that shit just goes right over my head. Like I understand what's happening in theory (most of it anyways), but I know I'd never be able to stitch together a working program with NPM modules myself. Right now I'm just plonking my game on top of tutorial code.
How do you guys cope with the constant insecurity, not the one that you won't be financially successful, but the one that your game will come out as utter garbage
I hate shit graphics and I'm not a good enough artist for handpainted textures. I think I can do alright though, not AAA quality by any means but for a solodev indie game I think I'm doing alright when it comes to environment graphics.
Game dev is like drawing or getting /fit/. It ain't pretty for the first while, but over time if you keep at it, you'll get better and better.
more polys and higher res =/ better graphics
looks like a generic PS4 OTS TPP shovelware
I was going to say modded skyrim
skyrim doesnt look anything like that with mods, looks more like fallout 4
So I got a simple question that I probably know the answer to, I have been working on a co-op racing game for a bit, and in need of some art for both the players and the levels, would it be better to hire someone, look for someone to rev share, or possible just bite the bullet and try to train my unartistic ass? And if at all possible how would I go about doing that option
Just for the record and for reference, what's an example of a game that you guys like that has semi-realistic graphics, looks good and doesn't take a team of 100 full time developers to pull off like God of War or HZD?
i haven't worked with photographer assets, but i would assume they didn't just magically come with LODs all set up. that would probably be a good first step towards > 15fps.
not those guys but I'd say Grimrock, 4-man dev team
>looks good
none, you cant make it look real without having all the shit that comes with reality, realistic looking games are all shit
you're never going to get anything decent from rev share, and it's going to be years before you get anything decent from yourself. unfortunately if you want it to look good, you need to pay someone. and even then, it's not a guarantee
Haven't worked on it for a few days, still gotta finish these purple enemies
looks cool. reminds me of MMZ but that's probably on purpose
Honestly it's a pretty unrealistic goal without the muscle of a publisher behind you. There are plenty of good/fun 3D indie games but trying to contend with, "Ultra realistic graphics and animations" sounds like a nightmare
Do you guys think people would find a character creator for UE4 useful? It could be used both in-editor to generate NPC variations as well as in-game for player creation.
Basically you supply all the meshes and my code provides a framework for attaching them all together, setting up rules like "dress removes pants", etc.
You trying to make Koikatsu on UE4 or just a regular character editor?
I'm a gamer, so I can't come up with any ideas. When I do, I'm too lazy to start development.
>3D background
>2D foreground
Should have just committed bro
I disagree, love that mode 7 shit going on, just needs some polish
there needs to be more 2D + 3D shit in games
Life is pain. I'm a professional animator and competent artist and musician. I have too many ideas for games but I'm too much of a brainlet to program them.
just a generic character editor, although "GetMesh" is a function that you can override and create procedural meshes that way, so it would support blend shapes and stuff
Post work so I can tell who you are
I can't get myself to say "fuck it" and implement a suboptimal solution for less effort. Cause I know it'll only nag me and make me start all over in the future.
I like that it looks like a ds game. Sort like Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow.
Not sure how you'd know who I am, I don't post on these threads, only lurk.
Anyone know anything about physics based player movement and if i can be done in godot?
It looks alright and would work fine. The question however is if you can make your own assets or you are a proxy artist? Stay out of attempting to make games without actual skills, especially if you are trying to solo dev.
Yea Forums isn't the only site I visit or look for artists
Is there a good resource out there for level design? I have a few different concepts I want to try out as prototypes but I can't seem to find much about the "science" of designing a game scenario.
Honestly level design was always a struggle for me until I learned how to concept. From there it was almost instantaneous in creating them.
I am making a game on rpg maker but I never really see it listed along with the other engine logos.
Your slash effect is not big enough and your frame timing is way off. Take a closer look at how Zero does it since your inspiration is obvious. Zero's sword covers a wide range for a good reason. Good games give the melee option a decent range. Zero's Saber, Strider's Cypher, Mike Haggard's fucking arms, they all have enough space where the hurt box won't be in constant danger in combat.
I think you guys misinterpreted what I meant. He should have fully committed to the 3D backgrounds and kept the 2D sprites. That's a look that is sadly underutilized.
Got about 2 hours of content in total now, and I hired and artist so hopefully it will stop looking like $20 sprite pack shit soon.
yeah I even took the sprites as a basis
It's very placeholder-ish right now, I was just messing around with 3D viewports one day and liked the way it ended up. It probably looks like DS or mode seven-ish because It's being rendered in the actual sprite resolution, that is around the GBA resolution but Widescreen
Even though I like Strider 2 the 3D background was added later, and I wanted to stick more to something Zero-like.
Yeah, some other people commented that too, I'll look into extending it. What do you mean by frame timing though? Is it the active frames or just the oomph in the animation? By the way, the hitboxes are all still very wonky, I'll still polish them
any good /x/ tier monsters i could have in my game?
Looks pretty cool
I'm a programmer looking for an artist, I'd work with you if you're decent.
>use unity for everything
>have some stuff on itch
>try to make multiplayer game
>unet is deprecated
>official unity multiplayer is years away
>use mirror
>can't find documentation to make player 2 have a different prefab
>switch to pun2
>spawn two different models for each player
>can't get ui to not show up for both characters
>try everything under the sun
>documentation sucks
unreal engine looks complicated as fuck but I think I'm finally willing to bite the bullet. they have a blueprint tutorial on multiplayer that is a few hours long but it is exactly what I need. what does Yea Forums think of unreal?
Working on station exteriors, still. Less than 50 to go now, hopefully I'll be done by the end of the month.
I never had any real problem with Unet honestly. Most of the problems with multiplayer coding came more as a consequence with the scale of the game than anything else.
I trying to start building a 2d top down roguelite game similar to the mystery dungeon franchise but with puzzle-like elements, I'm good with the pixel art, but everytime I step into coding territory I fucking PANIC and need to vent a bit
Hope to solve this problem first, and then maybe end the damn prototype of the game
Nothing can be done in godot
no one is gonna use your chink spyware zhang
>Godot is dead
Godot was never alive.
what engine would you recommend?
not him but do you have contact? if not, i can post mine.
For the first time I'm at the final steps of development. Doing the last areas and texts. It will soon be fucking finished, after 3 years of constant work on this project.
Wish me luck you faggots.
good luck user you glorious homo
>Wish me luck you faggots.
Only if you talk more about your game.
Did a tutorial for the card game because i dont want people complaining that the cardgame is too hard.
My email I made when I was 12 doesn't have my real name in it, so sure.
[email protected]
that's almost [email protected]
Bravo, the most retarded post chain on Yea Forums right now.
wtf how did you get my email?
Even as a kid I wasn't into the X's
even as I kid I thought the xX's and the emo speech were cringy. Those were all the rage at the time.
all me bro :-)
Well yeah, they are talking about godot.
Is Godot really that bad?
not really, I'm of the 3-4 guys who posted their games in the thread and I use godot.
I started blender, when i'll have full motivation i'll tryhard my infiltration game
> 1-3 work on gam
> 4-6 make music for gam
> 7-9 learn to play dota
> 0 shitpost
renoise time
>not building your own engine and systems from the ground up
>t. nodev
True, there really are no devs anymore. Just all these hacks with a bullshit degree making the same games over and over
Post game
I want to into 3D but my c++ is still too bad to start from a framework. Should I use Unity?
What do you mean, you don't use C# user?
Can Unity do isometric games easily?
I'm using unity, making a 3D Contra-like game where you play as a super soldier fighting against NWO shadow government army, and you fight lots of jeeps, tanks, helicopters, as well as lots of grunts. Focus is on guns but also has melee, I'm not sure how to integrate it in the game to make it worthwhile cause you can pretty much just shoot all enemies from a distance.
Has lots of backtracking, turning on switches and unlocking doors, etc.
I say it's 3D but it's more 2.5D, in that the camera is the fixed from a 2D perspective, but the character models and environment are all 3D and you can move in the third dimension to a limited degree, most of the movement is from side to side, and jumping or going up/down stairs elevators so on, but there are parts where you move in/out, like to dodge enemies or to access certain doors.
I'm wondering if it would have been easier to make it a straight up 2D game and just use gamemaker studio.
>want to release game already
>still many bugs to fix
>not even sure if game is good enough
Just fuck my shit up, senpai
Not sure if you're here still or not but your game looks pretty neat so, if you want, I'll try to help you with the graphics. I've never done this sort of thing before but I am quite knowledgeable of and have a command on vector calculus, linear algebra and programming. Let me know if you're interested
How "far" are you into development if all you have so far is concept art and ideas for structure and gameplay loop?
0-4 sleep
5-9 dev
This actually looks pretty good
>until I learned how to concept.
Elaborate pls
we build our engines from scratch~
you don't???
>want to implement a way to grab the location under the mouse cursor and move the camera around while keeping said location exactly below the cursor in a 3d game with perspective projection
>"this will probably take me a day or two"
>it's much easier than expected - already done after 15 minutes
>dopamine for a day's work gets released
>no reason to continue working
Unreal is an irredeemable shitshow. It's really aimed at AAA studios, meaning you need an actual team of tens-to-hundreds of developers to get anything done. The simplest fucking things require modifying the engine source in a million places- good luck deciphering its crufty underengineered CS101-style code to make that happen.
As an indie, your time is better spent enginefagging or kitbashing than using Unreal. Better, just use a different engine.
Not him but would you be willing to drop contact?
Concepting is a sub skill that can be used to actually visualize estimations of the final rp
nigger, multiplayer on godot is literally baby as fuck.
It took me like two hours to learn to do multiplayer with godot.
The MSX 2 scroll is quite a weird thing.
Liar. Show works pls
0- Finally kill myself
1-9-Design that boss arena I've been putting off
great! thanks, i'll hit you up
Alright nigger, my bad.
CRIS. Get back in your FUCKING cage.
0-6 jazz
7-9 dev
whats a good alternative to gamemaker studio 2?
gamemaker studio 1
it's literally better than gaymaker.