This game is extremely flawed but I still somehow, managed to love it. Are the sequels worth playing?
This game is extremely flawed but I still somehow, managed to love it. Are the sequels worth playing?
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Loved VLR, ZTD is complete garbage though.
VLR is the best in the series (except for the shitty ending)
ZTD was okay, temper your expectations going into it and you'll enjoy it
Was glad to see 999 get another life as part of the Nonary Games, getting the much needed QoL in the process that VLR introduced.
The director's next game comes out tomorrow, just play that.
also spoiler, Is all of the Allice shit just a complete cock tease on purpose or did the creator just have to cut content?
As everyone said VLR is good, though the whole 3D models and no 2D art is a though pill to swallow at first. ZTD is okay and only should play it if you want to see more.
This. ztd is worth playing for the VLR connection tho.
name one flaw
>999 was great
>ztd was shit
If you play VLR you're going to have to play ZTD
It's all or nothing, just keep that in mind
As someone that plowed through the 3 games in sequence, I'll tell ya this: All the games make for one really wild ride.
The reason why people really shit on ZTD is because the director made the game in an understanding with the fans that it would wrap-up the series and tie the story into a nice bow. It didn't, it ended in another sequel bait that most likely won't happen anytime soon.
Also, there's a REALLY cheap plot twist in ZTD that most people fucking hated. I personally felt it was really, really cheap and I really had to struggle to keep my suspension of disbelief and keep "enjoying" the plot.
VLR is pretty fucking good and the vast majority of the plot twists and surprises are actually really well executed.
>extremely flawed
Also VLR is worth it. Pretend ZTD never happened and the series ends in a cliffhanger.
What i hated the most about ZTD was those fucking new characters (minus Carlos, he was alright) they were all insufferable and offered nothing to the plot, the fact they even put em all together made it even worse.
Did you mean to post Zero Time Dilemma?
Probably, but it was an ok way to cover the issue if that was the case.
One major problem with the director's games is that there aren't enough actual waifus to attach to, but Alice gets close.
But she's too ruthless for you to actually bond with. She's a woman on a mission and you better get the fuck out of her way.
ZTD is an unintentional comedy.
Carlos was a trooper. I dunno, I didn't mind the amnesic kid. The other two though, FUCK THEM.
ZTD was a crazy fucking ride, didn't help I went through most of it shit drunk throughout a single day.
We coulda had Snake and Seven but nooooo, had to get those fucking two.
I don't care about Snake or Seven. Santa should have been in the game
It would have been better if the true end was so fucking retarded.
No. Don't even bother. Pretend they don't exist and move on.
Anyone got the MIND HACC pic?
VLR is good but ZTD is just a big disappointment
>they made the decision to have everything be told in animated cutscenes but they gave Ushikoshi no budget
>budget so low the artists were interns too inexperienced to model Junpei's jacket from the concept art
>tries too hard to be accessible to newcomers despite being the third game in a story focused series
>tries to incorporate a ton of concepts but doesn't bring it together in a meaningful way
>cuts back on the in-depth dialogue to be more movie-like and as such leaves a lot of end-game content unexplained
at least it had the most enjoyable mid-game out of the three. Carlos' wild ride was great
Man, Carlos was a true american hero.
Uchikoshi and Kodaka banding together to make a new studio is pretty nice in that you only have to avoid one label from now on. Both ZR3 and DR3 (the anime) were just so dumb. Mainly because both of them thought it'd be a good idea to just toss the old script they came up with. Though maybe it was just Uchikoshi
You made the best out of it. Probably a lot better than reading it sober.
And don't forget
>Tossed out original script just because Uchi got "bored" with it
Worst offender for me is they didn't bother to at the least use some middleware for translating vocal audio into rudimentary lip syncing. Would have saved them a lot of time and made the mouth flapping less weird.
I scrolled across that in the e-shop the other day, it looked kinda shit, but I might be biased because every single anime styled game I've played in the last few years has been garbage because I'm not into anime waifus (I'm looking at you, XBC2)
Play 2 then pretend 3 doesn't exist
I burned through all the games in a row. I thought VLR was a mess, and ZTD was trying to clean that mess up while continuing to make a second mess. Why does everyone love VLR and hate ZTD?
I don't love either. They're okay but ultimately pale in comparison to the original.
VLR was weeb as fuck but it did more right than wrong. ZTD just did everything wrong, from the new models to the gameplay to the fragment system to the conclusion to the twist
It's a pretty decent timeline.
Why do you think VLR is a mess? It's pretty coherent and doesn't go completely nuts.
ZTD is hated for many reasons. It was supposed to wrap things up anD explain some things that happened in 999 and VLR; the twist was weak; the characters were weak; VLR's nonary game was rather pointless all in all; a fucking time machine made by aliens; etc.
Man boy howdy. I think I only got half way through the game, but I got far enough to gripe about everything. I loved it, but I also loved to point out how bad this game is. Story is all over the place, characters are too, dialogue seems to be lost half of the time and jump around the other. 999 is good and all, but there's a lot of stuff in it that makes you stop, look at a fake camera and go "Is this shit real?"
VLR presented lots of concepts and explained most of them well enough. The characters' motives were well presented, the twists made sense inside its own narrative and the true endings leads to satisfying answers and it's a pretty clear sequel hook.
Except for the explanation why people never figured out that they were in the moon with its lower gravity.
>I think I only got half way through the game, but I got far enough to gripe about everything
But the final couple of routes are what makes it good, the way everything comes together
999 is the best one of the trilogy.
You'll probably enjoy VLR, but know that it's a package deal with ZTD, which you will probably hate but also love(?)
If you care very deeply for the sanctity of the original game's narrative, do not proceed.
If you want more time on the crazy train, then go ahead.
Except for Seven remembering Akane dying during the first experiment. All the weird plotlines and powers are explained well enough through dialogue and documents.
999 can be enjoyed in retrospect even if you are aware of the plot of VLR and ZTD.
999 was basically the people in their world finally figuring out how psychic powers work and VLR are the scientists stretching those powers to the very limit.
Why does Amazon list the Special Agent Edition as coming on the 24th
Maybe it's like ZTD where the limited edition got delayed by ages
I got to the part where you got to pick one of the 3 doors and took a break.
That's good. I just know every interaction killed me. Like, I guess from what you are saying it will explain how random everything was. Like how info just pops up. Don't think it'll explain how shitty the character interaction is.
I don't know about the others but 999 was garbage.
It's another "twist" game that uses shitty pseudo science and time travel to justify a twist that amounts to "the good person = the vilain! :O" (always the fucking same shit) and a retarded plot that takes place because the the characters are 4D Chessmasters
It tells nothing interesting about human nature, about the characters, about a message (besides LUV! because that's the easiest shit to pull out). No, it's nothing but a wankfest for nerds who like to make charts like this The worst? 999 doesn't even use its medium. The alternate endings reveals nothing of the grand scheme of the scenario, they're basically useless. Only the true ending is valuable to the story.
And it's a shame because game has a good ambiance and knows how to handle its mystery... So imagine my shock when I learned it was another time travel bullshit.
Chrono Cross
Ever 17
Bioshock Infinite
The "2deep4U" hack starterpack
>I got to the part where you got to pick one of the 3 doors and took a break.
That's literally the prologue though
You forgot Steins Gate and Time Hollow if you want to go down the beginner time travel series
but who was babby
The Day One Edition is also listed for Sept 24, despite the images clearly saying 9.17.2019
>The alternate endings reveals nothing of the grand scheme of the scenario, they're basically useless
You need the safe ending to unlock the true ending, since the safe ending explains one of the big mysteries.
i thought i was the only guy that played time hollow
I even played Lux Pain, the DS had a number of decent/good VN style games
I didn't play/read Steins Gate, but at least Time Hollow make use of its video game's mechanics... and you know from the start that it involves time travel.
999 baits you into thinking you're going to have something well-thought and susbtantific before pulling the "lol time travel xd" card
That's one ending out of five. And IIRC the 'true ending" is the safe ending expended. In any case, it makes the other endings (submarine, knife, clover going berserk) completely useless and wtf.
It would have been much more intelligent to spread to plot across all those endings and make the player put the pieces together like a puzzle.
Now, that would have been smart and "deep". Too bad hacks can only do the "plz read my wall of text and then look on the internet for timeline charts thx" route.
Time Hollow was comfy. A let down on many aspects but somehow enjoyable, it had a great atmosphere.
They physical release got delayed, but it is still scheduled to drop on eShop, PSN and Steam tomorrow.
why did you hate her Yea Forums?
>That's one ending out of five
And the true end is a second out of five. The other ends are bad ends that are meant to build suspense. Two of them introduce that there is someone in the group that is willing to kill, which is supposed to be a huge knife in the chain after everyone makes up and decides that they are ready to end the game together. I'll agree that the ax end is just a bad end that's pretty pointless though.
999 "hater" here, she was my favorite.
Maybe you can't like both the game and Lotus, lol.
No thanks
I'll never forgive that hack. Fuck your boredom.
>get bad end because I didn't decide to randomly visit certain areas at a certain time
>no way to load saves
>need to replay 10+ hours of shit VN to get the true end
I will never know how it ends
>just noticed I was namefagging
wtf. It's good now
I agree with you. And in fact, I do admit the game is very good at crafting suspense... Even the "sounds" that the ""boat"" makes were creepy.
It was seeing such a good premise ruined by the easiest trope in fiction (seriously try it) that left me a bad taste. It's not smart, it's lazy.
I'm sure you both already know about it since you mentioned Lux Pain and Time Hollow, but you might wanna try Theresia Dear Emile who's also on the DS. An old style point and click game
Steins;Gate is even worse than 999, typical of 5pb/Nitro+ it shovels piles upon piles of scientific nonsense in order to make it seem more plausible whilst underneath it's an incredibly basic story. You don't even get time travel but some shitty conspiracy shit on the side as well
It wasn't amazing but it enjoyable enough.
Except VLR did so by throwing the third game under the bus.
Think about it. Half of VLR is essentially MGS2 culminating with Luna's ending (who serves essentially as Raiden from that standpoint). For the player the events of VLR are like a mindless, farcical, completely nonsensical on every level imaginable, retell of 999's events. But this is exactly the caveat: neither Sigma, nor Luna's prototype were 999's characters. They were 3rd game's characters - and for THEM, VLR was a retell of that 3rd game's events. Therefore, for there not to be a disconnect between player's experience and characters' experiences, the 3rd game had to be essentially a literal repetition of 999 with characters swapped. VLR completely buttfucked the third game, it left it simply without any possibility for its own concept. This is what forced Uchikoshi into rebooting it, alienfaxmachining, mindhakking and cameratwisting. The second game (which was co-written) had driven him into the corner, from which he only managed to break by saying "fuck it", and making ZTD an utter non-sequel it is widely panned for being.
I've seen it posted but I've never actually played it. Psychological horror isn't really my cup of tea however
I never even finished the sequel to Hotel Dusk either
I see. And apparently the plot takes 40+ hours before it starts, right? For Steins Gate. That's what I heard
More than any of that I hated how ZtD threw out a shit ton of setup from VLR and left so much like Kyle and whatever Alice+Clover were doing up in the air.
Nevermind Uchikoshi declaring the final fucking epilogue non-canon after hyping it in interviews after VLR.
absurdly based all three of you though i like 999
ill have to give lux pain a try, never heard of it but if its anything like the 6/10 time hollow was im sure ill find something to enjoy from it
999 has no flaws
>tfw you can still remember the opening song
Eh, I dunno. 999 never tried to be deeper than it is. Love was always a component to trigger the psychic powers, hence why the children picked for the 2 teams in the first experiment were all related.
999 is just the story about how this world managed to finally prove that psychic powers work and what it took to get to the discovery.
Ace and the guys from the pharmacy company were the only true villians in the game.
Also, VLR was the one about different timelines messing with other timelines. All the psychics in 999 were never trained or fully realized in their powers to actually abuse that for the plot, save for the one stance.
>there's an unstated symptom of the disease that is said to exist at the end of Dear Martel
>at the end of Dear Emile you get a rapid cutscene that seems to imply the "Mom" is still alive and that someone is falling over dying
What the fuck did they mean by this? Was she never dead? Is the symptom false memories? Why was the sequel never localized? only pick two doors at the start, then another 3, than another set of 3. I'm at that part.
Weirdest part of ZTD to me that no one ever seemed to mention is that it casually added aliens to the universe and basically ignored it. Seems like that would be a bigger deal.
Eh I dunno. the Fax Machine was never an issue to me because I always had the head canon that Kyle would eventually be the one to invent it and send it back in time. Sigma took 45 years to learn enough science to make all the things in VLR, Kyle could just build from there and make a Time fax machine just as well.
Lux Pain is like a 2/10
Well, Alice and Clover wouldn`t be relevant to the plot of ZTD anyways, since they were still not aware of the whole ZTD debacle during that timeline and we ain`t going back to the VLR timeline anytime soon.
this. it may be worse story wise but you can't hate it.
I enjoyed Lux Pain but that's cos it had the stereotypical setting
>Mysterious student with super powers transfer in
>He's there to save the town
>Students and friends slowly succumb to the virus
>You save every single one
>You erase their memory before leaving
The gameplay was pretty fucking hard, like comparable to Trauma Centre in some instances but the translation is fucking horrible and more like a machine translation. Most people definitely didn't like Lux Pain
I would have agreed with you if the game was like you had described.
It's not a story about the world discovering that psychic power exist... It's a story about Uchikoshi thinking : "Yo okay, I'd like to make a game where you learn that the cute childhood friend you swore to protect is in fact the creepy "evil" mastermind
I'm not inventing, he said so himself :
>For me, I first start by creating a rough draft of the characters' personalities. Then I make a sort of rough draft of the setting. Next, I figure out the "twist" for the story, and work toward that by coming up with a plot that fits that particular twist perfectly. **So the "twist" comes first, basically.**
That's why it's so shallow. And he couldn't even justify his "twist" without using the cheapest trope in the book.
Non-ironically, if you want a good story with "twists" about the world discovering psychic powers, watch the unbreakable/split/glass trilogy by Shyamalan
just play the second game, don't play ZTD
Zero Escape is a dead series now. No point in playing any of it and I’m saying that as someone who enjoyed a lot of it.
You're like one path down, there's a shit load you haven't seen including the actual story
Remember when they first revealed the new art for ZTD
>a series is only worth playing if it's currently ongoing
>Steins;Gate is even worse than 999
Damn, and I wanted to try getting into the sci;adv universe with chaos head after being recommended countless times to do it but you're scaring me a little.
It's been quite a while I've finished the game so I forgot most of its plot points, but I remember thinking that the mom managed to stay alive at the end somehow.
>Why was the sequel never localized
There is a sequel? First time I'm hearing about it.
I don`t bother with authoral intent. I read the same interview and the guy does sound like a massive hack, but I choose to just accept the narrative for what it is rather than focus on why the story is the way it is. Also, in the following games, Akane`s part in the story gets more fleshed out.
Let it me put that way: 999 was fun enough for me to disregard the fact that the cool stuff in it was probably not the stuff the author was focusing on. Unlike Bioshock Infinite, where the story was completely without anything interesting and the main point was equally shitty.
Don't mind that user. From my experience, people who liked 999 generally also liked Steins;Gate, and people who don't like one don't like either of them. If you liked 999, you'll like S;G. Otherwise, you probably won't.
I remember thinking back then that it was a huge redflag, but the comfyness of the threads between June 2015 and July 2016 kept me believing in the possibility that the game would be good. The character profiles being revealed one at a time and the discussion ensuing was great
Also 5
She wasn’t evil though, she was doing it just so she could survive.
I still can't believe people doomposted about that 10/10 art ZTD had
If you liked it then it's okay pal. Not trying to change your mind. I simply used to be part of a website where 999 was huge and people were constantly jerking off about the "complexity" of the story and how "deep" it was
They tried to make a fanbase to fund Zero Escape 3 but since the game was released it's dead now
That's why I wrote "evil" like that.
From the point of view of the player, she is evil, and Uchikoshi wanted that the most innocent character and the antagonist were one and the same.
>chaos head after being recommended countless times
Are you getting chaos;head mixed up with chaos;child? Chaos;head is fucking awful, I've literally never found a single user who liked the work in all the years since it was first fan translated in 2008. It's 90% the pathetic crying and rambling of a NEET, and it didn't even pull off the delusions aspect well, where you're supposed to be unable to distinguish between what were MC's delusions and what were reality.
Not read chaos;child but I heard it's supposed to be okay? Everyone treats Steins;Gate like it's some sort of masterpiece but if you've ever read even one time travel fiction it's standard
I meant fangame*
I don't get invested in "mystery franchises". They always end up disappointing. I just enjoy the ride.
The game never appeared to me to be quite "deep" or anything. It was just a fun mystery franchise with ludicrous concepts to me.
Here's a blast from the past. I still have all the shit stored
The worst? 999 doesn't even use its medium. The alternate endings reveals nothing of the grand scheme of the scenario, they're basically useless. Only the true ending is valuable to the story.
You're completely 100% wrong on this.
Oh this is kinda sad in retrospect
Chaos;Head is good though, the pathetic and delusional MC is what makes it interesting and unique, and it has a really tense and unsettling atmosphere.
oh shit are you talking about ACE
i look at that guy's twitter once in a while and it's very sad
Oh yeah, well there is that. But right now, I only got one more door pick and the game is over after 4-6 rooms plus story. So about half way.
Yes. Is he still going?
I feel bad for him too, haven't checked out his project in ages though
wait so is 999 good or bad someone please form my own opinion
She's actually quite popular.
I have an even bigger image full of the pictures posted by Yea Forums which I even sent Uchi a couple days after ZTD came out. I got no response though
VLR is obnoxious as fuck, dunno why it gets so much praise... really fucking obnoxious how when much time is spent on the map screen where you do nothing but watch a fucking dot move around, not to mention having to stop to show an unskippable animation of a fucking door opening. "oh you are replaying a section well now you can skip it, except for this one new line of inconsequential dialogue that will lock you into a 3 minute map cutscene again"
I personally think it's a masterpiece, better than Ace Attorney and DR
It's obviously better than DR no contest, Ace Attorney I'm not sure, that series has some pretty high highs although usually there's at least 1 case that drags a game down although Investigations 2 is a masterpiece. I wouldn't have any problem with calling 999 a masterpiece either, VLR I would also call a masterpiece if it weren't for that blueball ending.
VLR is great, ZTD is average
People shit on ZTD too much because they expected too much. It's quite alright despite the cringe memey twist and dialogue and animations, if you realized what you were supposed to not expect it to explain.
Fuck I wasn't part of this but this made me sad.
>ZTD too much because they expected too much
Could you blame us though? Spike Chunsoft had no intentions of doing ZE3 because of its poor sales in Japan, but then 4 years later they finally announced that they would develop the final entry in the series which ZE2 had setup as being the real mystery/finale.
>it's a good game if you realized that the entire second game being set up for a third game would be retconned
>it's a good game if you ignore that everything Uchi said about ZTD implied that it would explain things
>it's a good game if you ignore the writing,story, characters and twists being garbage
Man, talk about nitpicking.
Those threads were pretty fun though
>Also, VLR was the one about different timelines messing with other timelines.
And this is why the VLR plot makes more sense than the plot for 999.. in 999 how is Akane present throughout the game if she died 9 years before? *magic time paradox that isn't explained*
the best part is pic related
999 is one of the best games ever
ZTD is good if you play it knowing its basically the "The Room" of video games.
Sounds like you got Kojimbo'd. It's just that for everyone who wasn't in the hypetrain, the experience can be quite different.
For real though, I cannot understand why anyone thought the meme ending in VLR was going to be explained.
>999 baits you into thinking you're going to have something well-thought and susbtantific before pulling the "lol time travel xd" card
All the other routes are literally about setting up the idea of time travel existing. It asks you to try to connect the dots with all the bits of scientific information the characters share with you. Yeah some of it sounds like pseudoscience, but that adds to the suspense of "is this really real or not?"
>Free the soul robe
>you now remember the anons who kept posting the "Snake is Brother" theory
Good times
it's true, you know
The art was good, my doomposting was mostly about Junpei and Akane being there. Never good when your advertisment for the third part of a story dirven series has a retcon in it.
Blick Winkel
She didn't actually. That was the one plot point that the writer had to explain in interviews. Everybody that was in the original incident was lying about Akane dying to keep the timeline stable. Seven had fake memories implanted some way.
That was the "dumb explanation" for 999.
I always though that was "necessary" because later in the game, positioning inside the facility became a major aspect of the plot, because with all the Bomb planting and potential murders, knowing where you were all the time was "necessary" to keep the mystery going.
The doors were unnecessary, though.
user the ending of VLR has them say Akane is working with them to get them back and ZTD was supposed to definitively end the series.
Before ZTD dropped and fucked everything up their return was possibly a huge fucking deal since it'd be the first case of physical matter being transmitted since there would be no Alice or Clover to jump to due to them being on ice until VLR.
You can't dismiss them for being irrelevant to ZTD because that only came about because Uchikoshi chose to ignore half of what he set up in VLR for it. They were meant to be relevant and that's why I'm bitching.
what's better ZTD or Danganronpa V3?
Not really, unless he said that during interviews. I played the game less than a month ago and it seemed like Alice and Clover were just going to try and contact their organization in the future and figure things out from there.
Kyle was the one supposed to help them in ZTD or the "?" character that possessed Kyle in the secret ending.
>All of the fans pulled together to try and get ZE 3 greenlit
>It's fucking shit
God dammit Uchikoshi how could you do this to us.
ZTD solely because it was just ended in a sequel hook instead of destroying the entire premise of the franchise.
oh how naïve we were
V3 is 100x better because V3 is actually good
user they have a little talk about Schroedinger's Cat and being able to go back after the "Another Time" ending.
They were clearly being setup for the final game.
>brainlets still can't understand V3's ending
come on guy
I tried the second one, but for me part of the appeal of 999 were the nice looking sprite animations.. The 3D models in VLR look like absolute shit, so I dropped it after 5 mins.
It genuinely has the worst writing and cast in the mainline games. UDG, DR3, DR0, and all the other spinoffs were shit but V3 was bad even if not as bad as them.
yea but Phi
The shitposting during release was too much fun for me not be fond of it.
If you rate them by their endings V3 is better.
V3's ending might have been divisive, but everyone agrees ZTD's shit the bed.
I fucking remember this shit, all those ideas about how Free The Souls would play an important role
I feel the same way about DR3.
Both are terrible but this site made the trainwreck fun instead of crushing.
Swap rabbit and 999 clover
Put Alice into "inconvenient and annoying but damn if i wasn't interested in where that shit was headed"
Jesus christ how horrifying
Hey, give a little credit to our boy.
Juzoboy posting was a blessing I shall forever be thankful for.
You can still enjoy ZTD for just the moments it has and puzzles
ah, I can see how that could balance it out and get you to give it a chance, but her design didn't really appeal to me unfortunately :/
They redid it?
As every one else has plainly stated, VLR is just as good (in my opinion better) as 999, if you enjoyed 999 you'll love VLR. ZTD however is an absolute abomination that spits in the face of every fan that rallied together to get that piece of shit published.
So savor every minute of VLR, and click every thing in the room multiple times, because there's a lot of fantastic hidden dialogue from the greatest brotag of all time, SIGMA FUCKING KLIM!
It's all downhill from there though, no idea how AI Somnium is gonna be next week. I hope to god it's good. I'll probably be leaving here after tonight.
lolno. Give up now and end on a high note.
Eternal reminder
This, what the fuck happened with Santa? I can understand the others not coming back but Akane's right hand man? Fuck outta here.
She was a bit of a bitch, though surprisingly intelligent despite her appearance. Granted I forgot how much of a bitch she was when I had to deal with Alice in the next game. She's surprisingly young looking for having teen twins and I hope seven laid the pipe on her.
I haven't looked at the entire roster, but I hope there's one sexy girl in AI Somnium.
I remember this thread
I will stand behind the opinion that ZTD was an entertaining game.
It was a terrible fucking sequel that shat on the previous two games, and I will especially never forgive what it did to Junpei's character, but it was entertaining.
To be honest I didn't even think it was all that bad until after I finished playing and started browsing the Yea Forums threads.
Before then I thought it just ruined Junpei and had some silly plottwists.
Fuck that plot twist holy shit.
>accidentally stumble into the truth during the three way standoff
Even after I progressed and understood the truth I hated it.
That shit pissed me off, both of them claimed to have no involvement in VLR, so why the fuck were the shoehorned in? Especially Junpei, Uchi ruined his character. I have never gone from liking a character, to empathizing with them, to fucking hating them in my entire gaming career.
We lost two new characters to have those two losers in.
It's so abundantly clear Uchikoshi just wants to wash his hands of the series after ZTD's reception was divisive. He clearly felt it would be better received and now that criticism follows him whenever it comes up he just avoids addressing it to instead focus on the positives.
We're never going to get that third fucking interview or any kind of explanation for why he wrote what he did. Even if ZE4 somehow happens (which I doubt since he now has other work) I bet he'd not touch on ZTD's shortcomings still.
Just compare it to him openly admitting how bad the series did in Japan and how that led to edits for VLR to try sell better and it's like night and day, than honesty and willingness to talk nitty gritty details is gone
I hope it's good
please god be good
>still playing his games after ZTD and Punchline
It's your own fault for still caring if its shit
Well, at least with 14 characters, we can be sure it won' be a hidden nonary game.
14 is nowhere near 9, the root is 5, so it can't be that.
I honestly just want a brand new game anyways.
I seriously thought that the dog in ZTD would 100% be Kyle
in what ways did you find it flawed OP
Punchline was actually fun and didn't take itself too seriously though.
Honestly, I don't know why it flopped.
I can see why Uchikoshi started pandering to the dirty gaijin.
I thought she was a complete snake early game only to realise Akane was the biggest snake of all. I have no idea how Junpei decided to marry her after that.
These conspiracy theories genuinely had me believing that Snake was brother. It's a damn shame when your fanbase can write a better story.
>"We haven't seen phi in a swimsuit yet!"
That poor poor bastard.
I made one of these too, no idea where it is. It's depressing to think of the hundreds of fans that rallied together to convince Chunsoft ZE was worth finishing, only to get a disgrace of a finale.
Head was a 6/10 for me, the issue was playing it after Steins;Gate and expecting the same level of writing. I hated Takumi as a character for the same reasons. I've never encountered such a sniffling useless protagonist. What makes it even worse is he finally cuts that shit out, but it's not until the last 30mins of the game, terrible character development. He should've gotten that damn sword in chapter 6 and gradually turned into the badass you wanted him to be.
Granted, if they ever localize Noah I'd give that another go, because I actually liked some of the characters and want more.
>FES route
Sounds like someone needs to get burned by preordering another watch edition
Chaos;Child is pure kino
i bought all 3 zero escape games during the steam summer sale, I've played and 100%'d both 999 and VLR.
Should I play ZTD?
Reminder that uchi scrapped the original script to ZTD because he wrote it right after VLR and was bored with it after years of not getting it greenlit so he completely rewrote it with a few friends and that’s what we got and why it barely addresses anything
That would have saved the game for many.
I'm hoping to god it bears no connection to ZE. Though, I have read snippets of reviews that mentioned timelines, so I'm a little worried.
Guess I won't know till physical comes out next week.
Uchikoshi burns buyfags yet again by delaying physical, it'll sell like shit
>Sony game
Goodbye Uchikoshi, I hardly knew ye.
Sure, might as well. Just be aware that VLR was the peak. ZTD has some good stuff, but curb your expectations.
>the killer is a fetus
>the antagonist was the off-screen 124 years old guy with purple eyes and the power to MIND HACK
I still can't believe people consider ZTD other than trash
It’s not related. It’s a vn with investigative parts like ace attorney, and branching timelines where things happen and you reach a dead end or something like that.
Switch and pc too
I loved it. Besides the shitty twist, Delta was Grade-A antagonist.
no one even knows that punch line exists, maybe we'll see Death March Club do better
>Besides the shitty twist, Delta was Grade-A antagonist.
Are you brain dmagaed?
nothing about Delta is good besides the meme value, everything about him is poorly written
even his design is shit
i'm not sure how anyone could even argue this point.
surely a game that was divisive is better by default then a game that literally nobody liked, unless Yea Forums wants to pretend they suddenly loved the game the whole time.
I went through the series in the past year and Junpei's progression as a character fucking broke me. I feel you deeply.
I don't think you appreciate the sheer big dick energy Delta exhales. Motherfucker is cold blooded and killed gab.
Maybe it just that I feel sad for Sigma and Diana. I felt for them when it was revealed that their kid was the whole reason behind their suffering in this experiment.
I enjoyed the ending for what it was, a setup for a fourth game that would have most of the cast being fully realized JUMPers and probably would deal with them cornering the super duper terrorist in the new timeline.
I can also completely understand why so many people hated it due to the events that lead to the game being released at all.
>And IIRC the 'true ending" is the safe ending expended.
No, it's an extension of the coffin ending. You either know the code from the safe ending which unlocks the true end, or you don't and can't unlock the coffin.
Is it? A large part of why I played head was so I could play child. Head was okay, but I really hope child is a major improvement.
i'd be totally down with the ending if we actually got a satisfying 4th game, but until we SHIFT into that timeline, welp.
>killed gab.
for no reason
>mindhacked someone to kill him
for no reason(remember that he can't even SHIFT so it's extra dumb)
>killed everyone except Diana that one time
for no reason
>set up the whole game and decision points because he finds human decisions fascinating
actually mindhacks everyone so they never make decisions
>set up the nuke in the bunker that kills him in multiple timelines
for no reason
>was part of the death game
for no real reason, died in at least 1/3 of the game due to acid showers
>pretended to be retarded
for no reason
>sets up FtS
for no reason, he got retconned into caring more about Sean than his brother
NOTHING about Delta makes sense, all he has going for him are the meme and being voiced by Wesker
Funnily enough I liked how much of a detestable wimp Takumi was. Chaos;Head didn't pull any punches with him or pretend he was a decent person, unlike most other VNs where the main hero gets his dick sucked just for being the MC. I thought it was refreshing how little credit the plot gave him and how long it took for him to actually get anything of worth done, after going through so many VNs and games where MC-kun suddenly gets bestowed with powers and becomes the most OP character in the cast with little effort.
>tfw in that image
>had only played 999 and hadn't picked up VLR yet
At least it was a ride
Still working on the Sigma cosplay bro?
>Mindhacked someone to kill him.
It was so they had not other choice but to SHIFT to another timeline and fully realize his plan of making the biggest amount of SHIFTers to solve the super terrorist threat.
>set up the whole game and decision points because he finds human decisions fascinating
Not really because he made it clear that he can only use mind hack for a few seconds at a time.
Also, He had to make the whole game to be born.
>set up the nuke in the bunker that kills him in multiple timelines
Another failsafe to guarantee people would SHIFT, since SHIFTing requires people to be in actual mortal danger, or at least believe to be. He was willing to sacrifice himself to get achieve his goals.
>was part of the death game
Yeah, because he needed to be around to give the info to close the loops in other timelines and force people to SHIFT.
All the other points, yeah.
SOME of the things Delta did made sense from a narrative perspective when you have in account that Delta wanted to train all the SHIFTers he could so they could save the world from the super terrorist he knows will kill all humanity.
Thing is though, that very thing happened that you just mentioned. He pulled a delusional sword out of then air and magically became a badass that could handle godtier amounts of pain. It just took a ridiculously long time to do so.
At the very least the cast doesn't flaunt over him. Pardon Rimi, but she has a decent reason for doing so.
Oh god, have I really become that autistic user you can point out by what he zeroes in on? I don't doubt I'm the only one that pushes siggy so hard, but damn.
I'm still not as buff as him and probably won't be, but I've had his shirt done for a couple years now. Even made a swimsuit for a swimsuit themed cosplay event. It's pretty badass when people recognize the shirt.
Well wasn't the idea that he was using all those timelines to funnel a single set of SHIFTers to the point where they were ready to take on the fanatic?
So the timelines he isn't targeting, it's better to kill everyone so that they leave that timeline.
Like when he kills Gab and then himself, they were already stuck in that timeline, their only choice was to SHIFT out so he just got himself and Gab out early.
Sounds a lot like my experience with corpse party desu
>blood covered is good
>book of shadows tries to tie up loose ends and just fuck everything up
Yui scenario was top notch tho
>blood drive goes full retard and completely removes everything that made the previous games decent like actually being scary and spooky cunny, and uses fucking unity chibi avatars
999 was the best though, the main killer for ztd for me was the change in character artist.
What do you mean sequels? There's only one
>first danganronpa about an NWO hunger game
>then 999 which is 666 backwards
then AI with the illuminati shit
What is spike Chunsoft trying to convey? Redpilled or Basedboy?
>have I really become that autistic user you can point out by what he zeroes in on?
Nah, don't worry about that. I was just reading old ZE threads in the archives through looking up Sigma's art and saw a dedicated bro in some of them so figured I'd ask plus I'm working on getting Sigma forearms too so your posts hit me on an inspirational level..
Glad I did though, that swimsuit is fucking legendary, hope you find that C-cup to go with the twelve inches someday, you absolute hero.
It definitely is a major improvement. It feels more complete, it's better written, and the story and characters are significantly improved. If you didn't actively hate every aspect of Head, you're pretty likely to enjoy Child.
You're right, it did. But to me it felt more, I don't know if deserved is the right word. But after a whole game of Takumi being scared shitless and out of his depth, it was more cathartic in a way than a typical VN hero gaining powers out of nowhere.
Not having the other characters suck his dick endlessly helped.
Oh my fucking God, I (You)'d myself originally.
She's canonically 40 during 999.
>It was so they had not other choice but to SHIFT to another timeline
Still no reason for him to kill himself when he will actually die for real, he could have just cockblocked them and placed them in a near death situation to make them SHIFT off his timeline
>Not really because he made it clear that he can only use mind hack for a few seconds at a time.
Irrelevant, after most decisions the characters say "It's like I was being controlled", Delta is behind all decision segments
>Yeah, because he needed to be around to give the info to close the loops in other timelines and force people to SHIFT.
Still no reason to cause his own death in most timelines, he could have just sat in a comfy chair in a secret room during the game and only come out when he needed to explain stuff
>Delta wanted to train all the SHIFTers he could so they could save the world from the super terrorist he knows will kill all humanity.
Every single character either already learned how to SHIFT before the game or manages to pull it off perfectly during their first try, he didn't need an entire death game for it
In fact, since only Junpei, Carlos, Sigma, Phi and Akane decide to fight the terrorist he could have just
>told the truth to Akane, Sigma and Phi, they would join him after convincing them
>told the truth to Junpei, he only needed some training
Carlos would have been the hardest to convince but with everyone working together he could have been reasoned with
The entire death game was pointless
>Every single character either already learned how to SHIFT before the game or manages to pull it off perfectly during their first try, he didn't need an entire death game for it
In fact, since only Junpei, Carlos, Sigma, Phi and Akane decide to fight the terrorist he could have just
That's a complete lie. The whole point of VLR was to gather enough mental energy for Delta and Phi to even be able to SHIFT all the way back to the ZTD incident. Carlos wasn't even aware that he was a SHIFTer. C-Team whole plot was around them getting the hang of impromptu SHIFTing and then spreading how to do it with the other teams.
>told the truth to Akane, Sigma and Phi, they would join him after convincing them
>told the truth to Junpei, he only needed some training
The "training" requires actual death danger. Sigma being in the VLR experiment was required for him to even get the hang of SHIFTing.
It was not a matter of Delta convincing people to train. The TRAINING itself requires you to actually be afraid to die and the way Delta decided to do that was througha Nonary game.
>Still no reason for him to kill himself when he will actually die for real, he could have just cockblocked them and placed them in a near death situation to make them SHIFT off his timeline
Actually there is. You just said he can't SHIFT and he was aware of different timelines. In the timeline where he reveals himself, he killed himself just to make sure there was ZERO ways for the other people to even get to squeeze him for info. Delta was a psycopath willing to die to make his plan work, because he KNEW in timeline he wanted to succeed he'd survive anyways. hence why:
>Still no reason to cause his own death in most timelines, he could have just sat in a comfy chair in a secret room during the game and only come out when he needed to explain stuff
He judged it to be necessary. Personal choice.
Seems like you just skimmed the plot and the dialogue, without taking in account motivations.
>The whole point of VLR was to gather enough mental energy for Delta and Phi to even be able to SHIFT all the way back to the ZTD incident
Only because it was a decades long jump, normal ones are easy to master as shown by Sigma being able to do it since childhood and Sigma and Phi being able to do with without even trying during VLR
Also Carlos already learned how to do it in his line of work and the second Akane explained what exactly he was doing it he instantly began shitfing all over the place without needing to practice
>The "training" requires actual death danger.
Sure, but there are easier ways to teach someone how to use it, plus Junpei already knows Espers exist and already risked his life during his detective job and 999, he would be willing to risk his life to learn how to shift
>he killed himself just to make sure there was ZERO ways for the other people to even get to squeeze him for info
All he needed to do was knock them out and kill them in their sleep with poison, and nobody would be able to get info out of him in that timeline plus he gets to survive
>he killed himself due to personal choice
Yeah and it is pretty retarded that he would kill hismelf for no reason
he does nothing for the entire game except for the endings and dies to random death traps he set up during the first half of the game
He didn't need to be there and die, and him choosing to kill himself for no real reason is bad writing
And by the way, Delta was better equipped to find the terrorist than 6 random fuckers ever will be
I would buy it for 40 bucks but 60 is too much for me.
999 had the best story/characters
VLR had the best functionality (later added to the pc version of 999) & puzzles
ZTD is a gigantic pile of shit with horrible puzzles, horrible characters, horrible setting and horrible story
>Only because it was a decades long jump, normal ones are easy to master as shown by Sigma being able to do it since childhood and Sigma and Phi being able to do with without even trying during VLR
Except no. SHIFTing instinctvely was not enough for Delta's plan, it should be voluntary. Also, SHIFTing, without proper training, doesn't let you keep your memories between SHIFTs, AGAIN. VLR's whole plot was about Sigma and Phi learning how to VOLUNTARILY SHIFT while keeping their memories.
>Sure, but there are easier ways to teach someone how to use it, plus Junpei already knows Espers exist and already risked his life during his detective job and 999, he would be willing to risk his life to learn how to shift
Except there ISN'T. Psych powers only became something to be actually studied after the original nonary games from 999 gave people the exact triggers to get psychic powers working:
>Danger of death
>Close relations between people SHIFTing, at first.
>Puzzles, because the mental trigger of SHIFTing is similar to the mental effect of solving a puzzle.
>All he needed to do was knock them out and kill them in their sleep with poison, and nobody would be able to get info out of him in that timeline plus he gets to survive
No, because when you SHIFT, you swap consciousness with another version from another timeline. Delta had to make them make the choice of SHIFTing to seal the process. Hence why there's even a timeline where they refuse to do the last SHIFT and die.
>And by the way, Delta was better equipped to find the terrorist than 6 random fuckers ever will be
No, because the whole point of ZTD happening was because the best solution he managed to firgure out to stop the super terrorist was killing 75% of humanity to MAYBE kill the terrorist in the crossfire, which luckily he managed to.
The only way he thought he could deal with that was with the SHIFTer team fully trained.
>No, because the whole point of ZTD happening was because the best solution he managed to firgure out to stop the super terrorist was killing 75% of humanity to MAYBE kill the terrorist in the crossfire, which luckily he managed to.
I mean if you're a terrorist & you're planning to do some massive attack & 3 quarters of the world just straight up fucking dies, do you not consider the possibility of not going through with the attack?
>best puzzles
There were some good ones, but fuck if I'll ever do the dice puzzles again
And fuck any puzzle where you end up solving for the gold file first
>the last puzzle in VLR
I used a guide and I'm not ashamed of it.
Oh well, that too. The game made it seem like the terrorist was an actual religious fanatic, but he could also be sane enough to think that, yes.
>Also, SHIFTing, without proper training, doesn't let you keep your memories between SHIFTs
Sigma remembers how strange his childhood shift was but he willingly ignored it because he didn't understand it, and he had no training when that happens
Even then in VLR he keeps most of his memories but he can't remember then because he doesn't understand what he just did
Phi is never confused and is always shown as being in complete control over her Shifting
Junpei managed to shift voluntarily and keep in memories during his first try
Same with Carlos
Same with Diana
Same with Eric
Same with Psycho tits
>Except there ISN'T
Carlos could do it on his own, you don't need death games to learn how to shift and there are more efficient ways to learn than death games with people who already know how to shift
>Delta had to make them make the choice of SHIFTing to seal the process.
Just use the bracelt to inject poison that would make them unable to move and would kill them in minutes(which he actually had and could use)
Bam, they are forced to shift or they die(just like with the bomb) but this time Delta survives
My point isn't that he can, my point is that he had
>an army of robots able to shift
>a time machine
>mind control/read powers
>enough power to hijack a gobernment experiment
>knowledge that the terrorist actually exist
Meanwhile Akane, Sigma and Junpei have NOTHING over him except being able to SHIFT, and his robots can already do that and he can "shift" using a time machine
I'm still mad.
I was a pure brainlet in most VLR puzzles and then I managed to go so smoothly in Q Room it's like I accessed the morphogenetic field. Fuck the Archives especially. Those 60 hours were a wild ride.
>tfw doing an escape room on a boat with some mates soon
Gonna be good, I hope.
>VLR was the peak.
VLR annoyed the shit out of me though compared to 999
>Phi is never confused and is always shown as being in complete control over her Shifting
Why are you lying. She says, multiple times, that she SHIFTs involuntarily all the time and, in fact, in one timeline where they manage to escape the facility, she has to ask Sigma to shut up so she doesn't FORGET what she needed to do in that timeline, which was getting the deactivation code for bomb 0.
They could NOT remember up until the final bomb segment.
>Junpei managed to shift voluntarily and keep in memories during his first try
Yeah, someone that actually had tapped in the morphogenetic field before and had experience with it in all timelines, including VLR.
>Same with Carlos
No, because by your own admission, he had been SHIFTing for years, but never knew what he was forgetting. He only "felt" which was the right way to move.
>Same with Diana
>Same with Eric
>Same with Psycho tits
Yeah, because they also said it was because they had a critical mass of SHIFTers. They only managed to drag the other 3 through the SHIFT because they had managed to "awaken" so many SHIFTers at once. They spell that out in the same final SHIFT in ZTD.
>Carlos could do it on his own, you don't need death games to learn how to shift
But that process wasn't under anybody's control. Just throwing yourself into fires without proper training would just kill them the old fashioned way.
>and there are more efficient ways to learn than death games with people who already know how to shift
Then tell me. Because they NEVER bring it up. The only way people awakened to SHIFTing was through the games or through near-death experiences.
It's about being able to REPRODUCE the awakening.
>Just use the bracelt to inject poison that would make them unable to move and would kill them in minutes(which he actually had and could use)
it was clearly a red herring, the end scene just being a joke since i doubt he had planned a sequel at that point.
honestly the worst thing about VLR is ruining that joke, it was pretty good
>an army of robots able to shift
Just one consciouness though. Only Sean, the individual, can SHIFT, even if he has tons of bodies.
>a time machine
Only one way, that just copies you and is destroyed by the end of ZTD.
>mind control/read powers
Limited, but yes.
>enough power to hijack a gobernment experiment
>knowledge that the terrorist actually exist
Here's the clincher. Besides the fact that the terrorist exists and HOW he achieved global extinction, Delta point blanks states that he doesn't know anything else about the terrorist, hence why he spread radical-6 to maybe get him in the VLR timeline.
Leader of a counter-terrorism organization, Crash Keys, that had enough resources to keep Phi and Sigma in cold hibernation during apocalypse, basically. Also, if trained long enough, able to achieve timelord levels of time consciouness by VLR time.
Expert in timelines, robotics and technology. Able to create AIs and fully functioning sentient robots by VLR timeline.
There ya go. You keep showing that you actually didn't pay attention to the dialogue at all and nitpicking parts that were explained in-game, save for the points I already conceded posts ago.
>Yeah, someone that actually had tapped in the morphogenetic field before and had experience with it in all timelines, including VLR.
So he didn't need to be trained
>No, because by your own admission, he had been SHIFTing for years, but never knew what he was forgetting. He only "felt" which was the right way to move.
He only needed to be told once, he didn't training either, just an explanation
>Yeah, because they also said it was because they had a critical mass of SHIFTers. They only managed to drag the other 3 through the SHIFT because they had managed to "awaken" so many SHIFTers at once. They spell that out in the same final SHIFT in ZTD.
ZTD retcon, in VLR Sigma and Phi suck the Shifter juice out of the rest of the espers of the cast because strong espers absorb the power of weaker espers
>Because they NEVER bring it up
Because Uchi is a hack, the only thing people needed to learn to shift is the danger of death, doing it enough times and understanding how it worked
Just abduct some who don't know, tell them how it works and tell them they better learn how to shift or they will die
Not true, everyone is knocked out with the amnesia drug but they are able to remember what happened before they got drugged during the finale because they shift between fragments when they are knocked out, this is why the fragments are shown out of order
And even if it only worked when they were conscious, the poison scenario happens multiple times in the story(like the DUDE WHAT IF WE GET DOUBLE POISONED) and everyone shifts before they die in bad ends
>So he didn't need to be trained
He did to ACTUALLY SHIFT. Junpei was not a fully realized SHIFTer in 999 nor in VLR.
He barely tapped the morphogenetic field in 999 to get a few codes and in the last puzzle. He never did a full SHIFT until ZTD.
>He only needed to be told once, he didn't training either, just an explanation
And, you know, go through the binary test from VLR 3 times until he got the hang of actually doing it.
>ZTD retcon
ZTD is canon. If we are gonna argue retcons, what's the point of discussing the plot, just go with your headcanon.
>Uchi is a hack,
Opinions, can't argue opinions, user.
>Not true, everyone is knocked out with the amnesia drug but they are able to remember what happened before they got drugged during the finale because they shift between fragments when they are knocked out, this is why the fragments are shown out of order
TRUE, because the knock out drug and the memory drug are clearly stated to be different drugs and under Delta's control. Also, I'm saying you can't SHIFT into someone unconscious. BOTH ENDS, the timeline that is SHIFTing and the timeline that is being SHIFTed into HAVE to be fully conscious, otherwise, when they finally figured out how to SHIFT at will, they could just have jumped into any of the times they KNEW they were unconscious and figure out that They were all in the same bunker all along.
>before they die in bad ends
Exactly, BEFORE they die. Delta obviously put deadly poisons that didn't kill instantly exactly because they need a gap of time to SHIFT away.
Sean is more than enough
>have him wait until the apocalypse
>right before everything goes to shit there must be at least a trail to follow
>have him shift backwards until he finds the terrorist
>have him shift back to tell Delta who was it
This is without taking into account that they had a time machine to send Sean to before he was built and contact a younger Delta so he could prepare better for the future, giving him basically decades of prep time and future knowledge
And that is just one of the possibilities
Akane is potentially OP, but beyond having money and the potential to become OP(that she never fully shows) she is just a dumb yandere who goes full retard many times in ZTD
>Expert in timelines
>Able to create AIs and fully functioning sentient robots by VLR timeline.
Delta has Sean decades before Sigma
He may be less humanlike but he can do the job just fine
I'll say it again, 999 has no flaws
>get spoiled on 999
>get spoiled on VLR
>play ZTD at release so I won't get spoiled
>game sucks so fucking bad that it doesn't even matter
it's not fucking fair bros
>right before everything goes to shit there must be at least a trail to follow
Where? The whole point of Delta making the religion cult was to make a big enough information network to find the terrorist, which he couldn`t.
>This is without taking into account that they had a time machine to send Sean to before he was built
NO, because Sean can only exist as long as the quantum computer also exists and, as you can see, the pods don`t fit a computer the size of a massive room.
Sean can SHIFT, but he can only SHIFT up until the moment the "Sean" identity was made in the Quantum computer.
Also, the pod time machine was under US controls up until a few years before ZTD takes place. Again, plainly stated in the game.
>Delta has Sean decades before Sigma
No. The Quantum computer was NOT fully online until, at least, after the original Sean died, when Delta was already way old and had the religious cult already set up.
I had to cheat on a couple of the dice puzzles. God those were a pain in the ass. Thankfully in ZTD there was no dice
Read a good vn, fags, not some peer approved (tm) shit
Read majikoi.
Has SOME flaws.
For example, why didn't junpei try using only the bracelets to open doors until the plot called for?
>He never did a full SHIFT until ZTD.
He did, he jumped from before getting nuked alongside Carlos and Akane after the betray/ally minigame to before they got gunned down after failing the dice minigame, which also means he shifted before dying in the dice minigame or he wouldn't remember it
>ZTD is canon
Okay fine, but if the resonance is canon then he doesn't need a full team of shifters and Sigma, Phi, Akane and maybe another guy should have been more than enough to assemble a team, and he could get those three just by telling them the truth
>Exactly, BEFORE they die. Delta obviously put deadly poisons that didn't kill instantly exactly because they need a gap of time to SHIFT away.
That has been my point all along, if he needs to make the entire cast shift then why didn't he do that again instead of activating the bomb that would kill everyone and then killing himself?
Just have them shift and then let them die would lead to the same result but with Delta surviving, and there is no reason for why he went for the way that caused his death
Fair, I'd probably have less of an issue if there had been more to it after that moment. I've said it before but I would've enjoyed it more if he had gotten it during chapter 6. That moment was fucking perfect, the music was perfect, the crowd was going wild. It would've been a pretty magical moment if he had gotten the damn sword and silenced his fear in front of that massive crowd.
Awesome, I'm glad, I'd been wanting to play it, but my autism wouldn't let me play it without playing head first.
>TFW weird shit happens that isn't part of the program and you're stuck
>TFW zeros voice comes on the speaker
>TFW you watch person explode who still thinks it's all part of the program.
>when you go full morphegenetic field and the answer just falls into place
>it's the "hard" answer and you're left clueless as to what the easy and required one is
>He did, he jumped from before getting nuked alongside Carlos and Akane after the betray/ally minigame to before they got gunned down after failing the dice minigame, which also means he shifted before dying in the dice minigame or he wouldn't remember it
That all took place during ZTD, user. He never SHIFTed in 999 nor VLR.
>Just have them shift and then let them die would lead to the same result but with Delta surviving, and there is no reason for why he went for the way that caused his death
And I already explained that Delta WANTED them to struggle with the choice and ponder about it. It was his final gambit and he needed them to understand the reasoning behind the whole experiment and he judged that his death helped his case when they finally SHIFTed to the coin toss timeline.
He killing himself after explaining his plan and turning on the bomb was the last theatrical move he "had" to do so they'd be willing to work with him in the coin toss timeline and not kill him instantly, because his argument is that the everything that happened in ZTD was not a crime, because in the timeline they end at, he never executed the game at all. Also, the team having to make the conscious choice of killing the team that won the coin toss also weighted in the decision in the end, when Carlos points a gun at Delta and chooses whether to kill him or not.
It's impossible that the terrorist managed to cause a nuclear war that killed everyone without leaving some kind of trail when the nukes were launched, those are too high security for it to leave no evidence behind
Hell, just have Sean infiltrate the facility with the nukes and pay attention to who enters it and then work from there
>NO, because Sean can only exist as long as the quantum computer also exists and, as you can see, the pods don`t fit a computer the size of a massive room.
Nothing implies that Sean's consciousness is outside his body, the game just says that Sean can connect his body to the computer to move his consciousness to the Sean of another time as long as the computer is also built there
So Sean should be able to get faxed to the past
And even if "Sean" was in the computer Delta could just fax himself to the past and tell his past self very useful info
>No. The Quantum computer was NOT fully online until, at least, after the original Sean died, when Delta was already way old and had the religious cult already set up.
I don't know what you mean, Sean exists as an advanced AI during ZTD which is many years before Sigma becomes a master of robotics
>That all took place during ZTD, user. He never SHIFTed in 999 nor VLR.
I know, I'm saying that all he needed to SHIFT was actually try during his first attempt which was the bomb
He needed no training
>Delta WANTED them to struggle with the choice and ponder about it.
It's a dumb choice
They have already killed dozens of other versions of themselves of other timelines, at that point why would they suddenly start to regret it?
It's forced drama and it makes no sense that Delta would potentionally ruin his entire plan by killing off the versions that finally figured what was going on over dumb morality that they had been ignoring since the start
>so they'd be willing to work with him in the coin toss timeline and not kill him instantly
Just leave them outside and talk to them from inside the building, they would listen and not attack him, plus by being free they would be willing to believe him
>when Carlos points a gun at Delta and chooses whether to kill him or not.
if he really wants to do it he can just open the door and come out after he explains everything
he had ZERO reason to mindhack someone to kill him, he could have done it in many different ways without having to kill himself
Two questions, 1. How big is the boat? 2. Will the boat be far out on the water or will it stayed docked by a pier.
>It's impossible that the terrorist managed to cause a nuclear war that killed everyone without leaving some kind of trail when the nukes were launched,
Were you there, do you have any documents where the author stated that
You are confounding shitty writing with plot holes, user.
>Hell, just have Sean infiltrate the facility with the nukes and pay attention to who enters it and then work from there
THERE WERE NO NUKES, YOU DUMBASS. The fucking terrorist exploded a anti-matter energy plant that lead to a chain reaction that exploded the other ones, which, TOGETHER with the 100% lethal super virus, killed humanity as a whole.
>Nothing implies that Sean's consciousness is outside his body, the game just says that Sean can connect his body to the computer to move his consciousness to the Sean of another time as long as the computer is also built there
Dude, stop fucking lying. IT'S STATED that SEAN IS STREAMING HIS CONSCIOUNESS FROM THE QUANTUM COMPUTER AT ALL TIMES. It's the narrative conclusion of the fucking thought experiment characters have been talking about since 999 where they argue that the brain might be just receiveing data from an outside source and that thought doesn't happen in the brain itself. Sean is the android conclusion, a consciouness that exists SOLELY in the computer and has its thoughts streamed to robot Sean.
Faxing Sean to the past would only lead to sending an empty robot back to the past, much like sending a modern modem to the 70's
>Why? It's a dumb choice
They have already killed dozens of other versions of themselves of other timelines, at that point why would they suddenly start to regret it?
It's forced drama and it makes no sense that Delta would potentionally ruin his entire plan by killing off the versions that finally figured what was going on over dumb morality that they had been ignoring since the start
I just told ya. If you think it's is dumb, that's your OPINION, not a plot hole.
Much like ME3 thinking everybody would care about that kid dying on Earth at the start of the game.
>Just leave them outside and talk to them from inside the building, they would listen and not attack him, plus by being free they would be willing to believe him
Nope. AGAIN, he clearly states that he cleaned the whole bunker before they woke up in the coin toss timeline. Reason why they could just threaten to call the police and just show them the death trap he had created. In the coin toss timeline, there's only the original mars experiment left, the cult cleaned the whole place down.
>he had ZERO reason to mindhack someone to kill him, he could have done it in many different ways without having to kill himself
He chose to, sometimes people just feel like doing stuff, like Mira.
Again, Bad writing =/= plot hole.
>Delta could just fax himself to the past and tell his past self very useful info
True, but one way or another, the experiment had to happen or Delta himself wouldn't be born.
>tfw played VLR the day it came out (and the 2 days after)
>tfw there were no guides for any of the puzzles
>tfw I still managed to do it and loved it, couldn't wait for the sequel
>tfw I waited for years to get the shiftshow that is ZTD
Life is simply unfair
>THERE WERE NO NUKES, YOU DUMBASS. The fucking terrorist exploded a anti-matter energy plant that lead to a chain reaction that exploded the other ones, which, TOGETHER with the 100% lethal super virus, killed humanity as a whole.
I'll admit my memory is fuzzy on this point
Wasn't the antimatter chain reaction something people infected with Radical-6 did in the VLR timeline to kill themselves?
And anyway, it's completely shit writting that Sean couldn't just wait until shit hit the fan, shift backwards a couple days, investigate the area where everything started and eventually find the source of everything
I'm pretty sure it isn't, but again, even if it was true having Delta fax himself to the past would give him a massive advantage in information/future tech and multiple decades worth of prep time
this is pretty dumb since the 2carlos part proves that once you fax something to past it is there to stay
Plus the way timelines work in ZE, a doomed timeline will always exist out there
And even if it wasn't, all Delta needed to recreate his birth was set up a game with Sigma, Phi and Diana
Kidnapping the rest of the cast wasn't important
The death game in ZTD was fucking evil. Why couldn't Zero just give them a peaceful death? And if you need acid, why wake them up THEN have them go through the acid shower?
>zeroes in
>if you think something dumb and poorly written is dumb then it's your opinion
okay, whatever you say
>Nope. AGAIN, he clearly states that he cleaned the whole bunker before they woke up in the coin toss timeline. Reason why they could just threaten to call the police and just show them the death trap he had created. In the coin toss timeline, there's only the original mars experiment left, the cult cleaned the whole place down.
How is cleaning the bunker supposed to get in the way of telling them the truth after leaving them outside the bunker?
>Bad writing =/= plot hole.
So what?
It's bad one way or the other, and covering plot holes with bad writing might be even worse depending how you look at it
>Wasn't the antimatter chain reaction something people infected with Radical-6 did in the VLR timeline to kill themselves?
Delta used the same method as the super terrorist to try and kill the terrorist, but instead of using the 100% mortality virus, he used the 75% mortality one. The 100% mortality one is shown in ZTD and used in a puzzle.
>I'm pretty sure it isn't.
It is, the timeline where Sean has to choose between living in the real world or leave its consciouness completely in the computer to live a perfect life states it clearly.
>So what
The whole point of the argument is pointing out that most of the plot points WERE justified in the narrative. IF the justifications were good or not, then it's not on me to argue.
>The whole point of the argument is pointing out that most of the plot points WERE justified in the narrative. IF the justifications were good or not, then it's not on me to argue.
Okay sure, Delta has the in-game reason behind killing himself "because he felt like it"
I was never arguing about him having a reason for killing himself ingame or not since many of the stuff Delta does is because he feels like it
What I'm saying is that Delta doesn't have a single logical reason behind most of his actions in the game, and killing himself is one of such actions
why the fuck did you start arguing if you agreed all along you nigger
At least you didn't use buzzwords like cope and seethe
I want to quantum fuck Carlos
>downloading the leaked .cia and solving alien calculus with Yea Forums even though I had to study for the MCAT
>experiencing the sheer retardation of carlos' ending together
comfy times despite it being a shitty game
Did you pass?
I thought 2015 was the worst year of my life, boy was I fucking wrong
Man I really loved VLR for it's puzzles. ZTD was a disappointment when it came to the actual escape room part.
I want to make a VN like 999.
What should I look out for when doing so?
What did you like about the game?
What are things I should avoid?
I want to make a VN as well but I'm shite at both art and music, I'd probably be better off writing a novel
this, I played 999 and VLR multiple times and thoroughly enjoyed ZTD. not the best game of all time, but it was alright. people think they want boring wrap-up-all-loose-ends-neatly baby bullshit but that's peak gay.
so there fags, I like ZTD, fuckin fight me
imagine thinking your taste in VNs is "refined"
DR1/2/V3 and ZE1/2/3 are all fine pieces of entertainment software. I enjoyed my time with all of them. both series ended unconventionally and I didn't mind either.
Everything he did was to make unwanted timelines unviable and funnel shifters into a single timeline together. His own life in the failed timelines are meaningless to him. Motherfucker wanted to save the world but he wasn't a superhero, so he had to find and train them.
Come on anons, you c-can do it! D-don't let the thread die now!
What I hated abour ZTD was that it didn't address any of the things the ending of VLR claimed it would except for how the world got infected (it was a bad explanation, too) and what the deal with Phi was (this was also terrible).
I really like this art.
Too bad it wasn't used in the actual game.
Phi definitely has an Electra complex and deserves to get Sigma’s dick.