>Say mean words
>Lose account worth well over $200
Why do people not use the mute button?
Say mean words
Other urls found in this thread:
This shit is hilarious every time it happens.
>overwatch account
>worth anything
Have you considered killing yourself you microtransaction buying underage edgelord?
you deserved it for buying that faggy game
cope :D
Each fucking time.
Why can't you just hold your tongue? Blizzard doesn't have anything to gain from banning a paying customer unless you're such a turd that you are making other people not want to play. You shouldn't want to be like that. Thank Blizzard for this opportunity to look at yourself honestly and get better. Not for me but for you.
>Make game that exploits the extremities of the dunning-kruger effect
>punish players for it
go play a good game now
You deserve it for being a retard.
>knows you're married to a wifebeater
>gets beat
>crawls back on hands and knees back to the beater
why do people do this? in particular women?
>behave like a child
>have toy taken away from you like a child
>throw temper tantrum
everything seems to line up here
>200$ spent on overwatch
You should be banned from life
>only rule is don't say mean things
>says mean things
Its a test of how stupid you are. Even worse, you posted evidence of the result.
You earn loot boxes from playing the game, and I afk in OWL streams, not that hard desu
They did. They muted you. PERMANENTLY.
Just don't hit the enter button, it's that simple.
>play game with my black friend
>one guy in the game has a meltdown and starts screaming the n word
>fucking cringe every time
why is it so hard for you fucking idiots to just spout other obscenities? it's kind of pathetic that you're playing a game to have fun and instead you're just seething and flipping out at other people instead. is that really fun for you?
Why do people not just play the game? You agreed to these set of rules and still broke them and now you're pissy wanting the world to change around you. Faggot.
There are other ways to annoy people or insult them without spamming "nigger" or "retard". Know how to play the rule bending game.
>Act like a nigger in game
>Gets banned accordingly
The system works
You should thank them for preventing you from playing such a casualized garbage game.
>Playing trannywatch in current year
but not only that
>Raging in zoomiewatch
you deserve to be banned from the internet for your peasantry
>literally "say word - money stolen"
>Yea Forums is cheering
just as planned
I wish the incels would stop shooting up shart marts and do it to places that actually deserve it.
I can perfectly picture OP being some pimply college twerp who "ironically" talks in Twitch emotes before he nearly pops a blood vessel over losing a ranked game where he called his teammates niggers.
Disgusting bootlickers.
Keep seething lootbox nigger
charge back your credit card. take blizzard to small claims court.
Based Blizz deleting /pol/shits
>okay it says right here you agreed to these conditions
>b-b-but gamer ri-
>blizzard wins again!
Good, ADHD retards like you deserve it for having no impulse control i bait retards like you all the time into swearing LMAO
Every Activision/Blizzard CEO should be tortured to death on live TV AND it's hilarious that the retard OP got banned
You could just try not being a cunt, but that might too difficult for your monkey brain to comprehend.
>charge back your credit card
He probably used mommys.
What did you say faggot
>Edgy 12 year old spams NIGGER in chat
>Gets banned
>Somehow this is a bad thing
Anyone stupid enough to go on the record with racist or otherwise offensive communications should be afraid of being cut out of society and losing their property.
Sorry hun we aren't going anywhere, and you will be further marginalized
Why can't you stop using racial slurs?
If someone beat you so hard it mentally broke you and made you cum you'd crawl back to for another black eye
The account holder is a 34 year old incel.
>actually unironically defending shitty company behavior
Yea Forums really was lost when moot banned GG and everyone with an IQ above 70 left.
>playing normieshit multiplayer games in the first place
>sperging out like a retard on voice with the knowledge that doing so will get your account locked
>knows company has dragonic moderation
>still buys their shit
You mean you "did afk" cause your fucking gone kid
Why are you even playing the trash in the first place? Fucking dumb nigger.
Yea Forums had a demographic decline that mirrors the west. In 2012 Yea Forums was 68% American posters. By 2017 it's declined to 47%.
Because you've already annoyed them regardless of if they mute you or not.
Don't be a sperg.
Also, blizztivizzard did you a favor.
More importantly
>knows spazzing out on voice will get him banned
>does it anyway
>"wtf why did I get banned this is bullshit"
No one cares that you got banned. No one believes you're surprised it happened.
>shitty company behavior
Banning people for acting like spastic dipshits is not a new thing my man, if you're so concerned about it then maybe stop acting like a spastic dipshit
>government illegally bans guns and demands you turn them in
>cops no-knock you and shoot your dog and execute you
>LOL chump shoulda handed in your guns that's your fault!
And nothing of value was lost that day.
>i'm a /pol/tard btw
Who could have thunk it.
Stop trying to be keemstar in online matches and you wouldn’t get banned
>Not losing your guns in a boating accident
>cops no-knock you and shoot your dog and execute you
If you're like everyone else that talks about this, then you've likely threatened to kill anyone on your porch - of course they'll assume you're hostile and act accordingly.
>LOL chump shoulda handed in your guns that's your fault!
Technically correct. That was the risk you assumed when you held out against elected officials.
Imagine getting upset at words in an online videogame.
Imagine letting some literal who influence your enjoyment of the game.
Imagine just not muting people who you don't like.
Imagine begging developers to ban people who hurt your fee-fees.
Imagine playing Overwatch.
You all deserve what you get.
Just chargeback the game. What are they gonna do, close your account?
Imagine thinking you have the right to act however you want on someone else's property.
You played yourself.
One of the best things that's going to come from humanity moving into outer space is that online games will be less common because playing interplanetary will be impossible
>actions have consequences
why didnt you not open your mouth? why is our responsibility to put you in a containment void? have some responsibility for yourself.
>Wah why can't Yea Forums be my own circlejerk.
Man up, faggot. You acted like a children and so you got your toy taken from you. Watching overbabies lose their money is always fun.
Because reporting makes this happen and it's hilarious everytime.
Why are you annoying?
yeah charge back a game that he's owned for probably over a year
Xim / xer probably bought the game more than year ago. Good luck charging that shit back, no decent bank will touch that.
one day they're gonna come for you too, bootlicker
Should be illegal to ban people from purchased games like that with no recompense.
Just shadowban them and let them play games with other "banned" players.
talk shit, get hit
they took away your outlet of impotent rage, what now little guy?
>go to buy game
>before you buy it the company who made it warns you that if you say nigger they will ban you
>accept this and buy the game
>in every single game you play you make sure to spam NIGGER in chat every time someone makes a mistake
WTF why I get baned?
>Imagine thinking you have the right to act however you want on someone else's property.
I didn't even buy the game.
>b-but muh rules!
Doesn't change the fact that the rules are retarded in the first place. You have to be a child to be offended by words said by a random nigger in an online videogame. If your enjoyment of the game is directly tied to what people say to you, then you really need to mute the person, not play, or grow up.
Its funny seeing all you bootlicking mongs defend shitty business practices under the guise of "but muh EULA".
Vote with your money, don't even buy the game in the first place.
>video game marketed at teens
>has an agreement form that tells you what not to do
>break the agreement multiple times
>get punished
>it's a privately owned company
>acted like a children
You know that user arguing Yea Forums is getting browned makes a lot of sense when you see low iq posts like this more and more consistently.
Scary! I totally agree with your point of view now! You scared me straight with your tough talkin' ways!
Fucking retard.
/pol/tards are the lowest iq normies this board has.
>Be kiddo
>Have LAN parties with irl friends.
>AoE2 and War3 lan games
>Insult each others mom with people across you
>Shake hands and walk it off once the game session ends
>Fast forward to mmo era
>People insults each other in chat but everyone's cool because we know the differences between mmo and real life
>The only complain about moderation is bot spamming links and shit, where devs are doing absolutely nothing about it
>Fast forward overwatch era
>Every devs are embracing censorships and chat moderation like crazy
>Every company starting to hire their cyber police team for no particular reasons other than because their competitor have one
>Literally zero arguments about why exactly were devs in a position of handing out punishment based on chat activities
>Punishments are also bias and subjective based on dev's preference and personal view
>Fast forward to BR era
>Every devs are suddenly gay. Every companies now has a rainbow flag
>Gender equality apparently means "vagina strong, penis weak" now
>Homosexual acceptance apparently means "gay people strong, straight people should go to hell" now
>Consumers value are disregarded. Devs make games based on not market demand but rather to satisfy their own fantasies
>Criticisms are not welcomed. All communication between devs and players are closed. Only way for a consumer to make a feedback and voice their opinion is through review bombing
>Any kind of aggressive language is a ban
>Using the wrong pronounce is a ban
Where exactly did we fucked up
Most of them defend it under the guise of trolling OP epic style, it's much rarer for them to admit they're just bootlickers.
>Doesn't change the fact that the rules are retarded in the first place.
Doesn't change the fact that you agreed to them. They can't be THAT retarded if you sign off on them.
Seriously, you bannedfags are so unselfaware.
Let the manchildren cry for all i care lol. Always fun to see losers like you and OP being buttblasted over everything.
You're comparing group activities with people you know to activities with an ever rotating group of randoms.
You're fucking stupid.
We didnt do shit. Big corpo did it.
Hey moron, did you miss the part where I said
>I didn't even buy the game.
>Vote with your money and don't buy the game in the first place.
>The rules are retarded in the first place.
I guess I shouldn't expect reading comprehension from bootlicking niggers. If you're okay with censorship and shitty business practices, I guess Overwatch is for you, but personally I don't throw a tantrum like you when a literal who calls me a nigger on a videogame.
Then it's not fucking worth $200
Dunno why you tards think a company would put up with your shit. The whole point of the EULA is to have an out to get rid of undesirables.
Why are you constantly crying about it? Why do you always agree to their terms?
At this point I can't even tell.
When /pol/tards and normies started buying and playing shitty games. Play stupid games, get stupid prizes. Real man play quake anyway. Anything else is for fucking pussies.
>The rules are retarded in the first place.
You still agreed to them.
Not sure why you're surprised you got banned.
You played yourself when you bought the game.
Real men play Rune.
>Why do people not use the mute button?
So we can laugh at you for spending $200 on overwatch.
You parents should have taught you some manners lmao
Ok poorfag
>playing overwatch
>spending over 200 burger coupons on overwarch
You deserve worse than a ban.
I swear even with the advent of relentless moderation in online multiplayer communities, everyone in competitive online games have turned into the biggest whiny bitches to ever exist. Every game in Overwatch at least has two of those people on team.
I remember Enemy Territory, Quake 3, UT literally no one gave a fuck. Even through text chat, you can literally feel the autistic banshee screeching of these salty players. I seriously think something might have been introduced in the water that has turned people into such bitches.
Ey buddy, read my fuckin' lips.
>I D I D N O T B U Y T H E G A M E.
>L E T S D I S C O U R A G E S H I T T Y B U S I N E S S P R A C T I C E S.
>Go to friend's wedding
>Give him a check for $200 as a wedding gift
>Notice one of his groomsmen is black
>It turns out he's the best man
>Later, during the reception
>Black groomsman gets up to give his best man speech
>Call black groomsman a filthy, big-lipped jiggaboo during his speech
>Everybody gets mad at me for some reason
>Thrown out of wedding, groom says he's no longer my friend
>Politely ask for the return of my check
>Groom gets even angrier, have no idea why
>Tells me to leave before he kicks my ass
This is the greatest injustice to ever be levied against mankind, and I feel personally wounded for having done nothing wrong. Persecuted in such a manner for the mere act of expressing myself. What a world we live in.
>exchange currency for product with the understanding that you will be able to access said product
>have product taken away and currency not returned because you said something that people subjectively don't like
There is no justification for this cuckoldry. As OP said the mute function exists in games for a reason. Calling people a child isn't an argument, either.
Back then people also knew how to take a ban without being a cry baby bitch about it. Now they go to their favorite social media an expect people to circle jerk them. It's fucking pathetic and why i will never have respect for manchildren. That ban was most likely well deserved and Overwatch is gay as fuck anyway lol.
What a cuck. Crying this hard about getting banned.
You are a devilish man.
Wtf, that's my battletag.
This scenario is hardly comparable to shit talking in an online PvP game and you know this yourself.
You know its exactly what op said to get banned
I still have my $200. What do you have to show for it?
>shit myself
>get kicked out of the club even though I paid 20$ for entry
Every time it's blizzard in these screenshots, I've never had this problem with any games I play.
>play shit game with stupid rules
>break stupid rules and get banned
It doesn't matter what OP said. Other players can take moderation into their own hands and mute people who say things that hurt their feelings.
you can get banned for saying GG. Keep strawmanning.
I don't know how people get banned. I called people niggers and faggots like every game, never once even got muted.
You have to be a serious fucking faggot to actually get punished.
why do you not use common sense?
It's your fault for playing tumblrwatch, you stupid fucking brainlet bootlicker.
Only faggots play blizzard games.
>Other players can take moderation into their own hands
You clearly have no idea how to run a community.
>Guy A acts like an idiot
>Guy B could just mute Guy A
>Instead, Guy B reports Guy A, causing Guy A to lose his game
The ones who file reports are the real griefers. Old griefing never cost anyone anything, but whoever reported this guy literally stole his money.
Offtopic, but ”jigaboo” has to be the greatest racial slur to ever exist.
>Tfw report anyone who says gg ez, even my teammated, after a match.
>Constantly get patted on the back by Blizzard, telling me they've taken action against them, most likely a ban.
It feels so good to steal money.
Except we don't because you can get banned from OW for being "too nice" to the point people think you're being disingenuous. You redditors just love falling back on that silly "screaming nigger" strawman though.
When will you learn that preventative measures are meaningless?
The only thing people want is to see people punished.
The kiddies wont be happy until Teacher puts user in time out.
And that's a good thing.
Maybe op will find better games to play from now on, lmao.
If overwatch was even remotely fun anymore for me I would still be doing this
I don't see how that's relevant to my argument: utilize the mute function instead of having a designated team of very fallible cyber-police monitoring a game for mean words.
>source? My huge brapper of an ass, of course!
literally look at the post above it you twat
I'm curious, why do you retards keep coming here to make these threads when you know nobody will side with you? You can't say the shit you say on Yea Forums on other platforms because they won't put up with your bullshit.
>buy game
>game clearly states that abusive language will get you banned
>call everyone a nigger
>get banned
Your fault for playing a shitty game
>"All niggers should be punished for behaving like niggers"
>Behave like a nigger
>Get punished
>Say nigger out in public
>Get assaulted
>Say nigger on over watch
>Get banned
What do people think will happen?
>dude your trash play better you suck
what he thought he said
>fucking nigger bitch fag you SUCKKKKKK beaner bitch
what he really said
Blizzard's passively at fault here too, for making a shitty game with shitty rules.
>worth well over 200$
Person deserved worse for buying that much skin garbage.