Señor Juan! If our series is that great how come we don't have any video games?

Señor Juan! If our series is that great how come we don't have any video games?

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Other urls found in this thread:

What genre could it be? Fighting game? Then I main Roberto

Armando, el hijo de Concha. He's so strong he had to be written out of the show, just like Fugo.

>Not maining Mariano
Joke characters are always the strongest ones

He would be like the Lei Wulong of Aquí no hay quien viva

>Not Emilio
Literally the same character except he has more health and more stamina to spam specials

Who's stronger? Mariano or Coldmind?

>right: soul
>link: soulless

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Un poquito de BASED

I meant left I'm betrunken

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>character has self-damaging move

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>tfw you realize carlos is the only good character that cares for others and sacrifices himself, with one of the worst endings
everyone else is a selfish piece of shit

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>not maining Juan Cuesta and cucking your opponent
Literally the most powerful character.

But Carlos is a selfish, pathetic and arrogamt piece of shit that uses pity and money to get his way.
Roberto is actually the most based of the two rivals.


Chino cudeiro comes with an auto-Phoenix down, he literally cannot die he completely destroys the game balance this?

Not maining the secret high IQ waifu

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I'd main the drunk nun whatever she was called

>the most powerful character.
>Absolutely shit on by Concha players

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Shit taste confirmed. Lucía is cute. CUTE!

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How did we go from this...

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>she's unironically a genius mathematician
holy shit

roberto is a retard who values his pride before anything else, also a traitor and a bad friend
carlos is not selfish
he has pride but actually cares about other people

one of the worst acting in the series
she was the gf of one of the producers or some shit


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>not maining Mauri

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Are you an ant?

say that to my face not online and see what happens motherfucker

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>Not maining the 3 of them in Capcom vs ANHQV

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>My favorite Spanish comedy? Qué Vida Más Triste, no doubt.

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>juan cuesta unchained
is that the most powerful character?


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Honest question: do people outside of Spain know about ANHQV or are we all just a bunch of spaniards?

/our guy/ Paco

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Absolutely basauripilled

Fuck wrong post

Look at that frame Jesus Christ he framemogs everyone in that show.

We are a bunch of spaniards but the series is well known in europe and latinoamerica

>tfw Josemi became a wigger.
>He probably got rape by jews too.

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>Flipa flipa I'm invisible

Yo es que no sé por qué estamos todos hablando en inglés. Hace poco que he llegado del curro y estoy algo cansado, así que no estaría mal cambiar a español, la verdad
Este lurkeaba Yea Forums antes de que yo tuviera pelos en los huevos

>the sequel has kino cutscenes

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*Blocks your path*

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>Capcom vs ANHQV
I need this, even if It is in MUGEN

>Super Smash Shows Ultimate
>First DLC character is Luisma
>Instapick and easy

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>Games only you played

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Roberto in Tekken 7 WHEN? Fuck Miguel and fuck Steve.

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ayy lmao

Is there anyone who can beat the Luisma & Barajas dual boss?

Pick your poison

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Dlc pack 2 Captain Salami

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This is the Morrowind of spanish videogames desu


nailed it

I stopped playing it after about the 6th season pass

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I want to cum inside her


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>Pero del montón bueno

Main the ultimate Chad

Special intro vs Juan cuesta

>Juanito, si quieres paz, prepárate para la Guerra....

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Alguien puede poner el video de la chica con el perro y Ricky en el armario antes de que chapen el hilo?

Ni idea tío, pero no te preocupes, los jannies por algún motivo nunca cierran los threads españoles

No he soltao chorros de lefa a esta tía ni nada cuando tenía 11 añitos. Spanish pajilla culture

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got you

If you keep talking spanish outside of /int/ they will

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Is this show popular somewhere beyond Spain?

I'm maining my boy Josemi with his Dudu install. This is the jungle niggi.

Just Google Maria adanez desnuda, there's literally tons of topless pics

Some latin american countries

Also for some reason LQSA is popular in Bulgaria

>she's actually hot and not a dud

Maybe because the show was pretty fun.


Indeed the most powerful character and is nerfed by default

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SeaAndAnus is by far the most op character in the whole lore, he survived getting shot

did Americans watched that?

How difficult would it be to fight against a Lourdes main?

Fuck telecinco
Fuck la que se avecina

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>Manos a la obra

Absolutamente basado. Esa serie es kino.


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Was it kino?

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What does Yea Forums think about David Broncano? Is he a hack?

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Zoomer shit

Cool guy, but the people they interview are terrible. A shame

But what if we take a Persona game and disguise it as our own cooking?

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It aired in many Latin American countries, but they also produced their own versions of the show with different actors but similar storylines, layout and character archetypes.
It also aired (dubbed) in many European countries.

Zoomer garbage.

He is the spanish Geoff Keighley if he wanted to appeal to normies

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>Ana de Armas in The Boarding School

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>dubbing motherfucking Emilio
Which countries? I have my pata jamón ready.

This was probably the latest place where I expected this thread.

Also I'm unemployed and rewatching this show. Miles better than LQSA.

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absolute garbage that only retarded boomers and zoomers like

Help me please! I’m stuck!

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La Resistencia is just El Hormiguero for 20-something y/o doomers that smoke weed and listen to trap

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Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong door. Reddit's two blocks down

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How did this show get more than one season? How is it even possible? Every single character is an absolute, unrealistic retard. I can't even differentiate between characters on personality alone.

I have friends on their late 20s and 30s that see that shit.
I honestly don't get this cult of personality. I honestly don't give a flying fuck about actors or football players lives neither I care about how much fucking money they have when the whole country is on a financial crisis.


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Who could defeat him? He's literally immortal and exist trough all the planes of existence.


Ye, I think the same. I dispise a lot this whole modern cult of personality. People seem to be more willing to engage and empathize with famous persons they don't know a damn about or with fictional characters rather than with the real people they meet in the everyday. But whatever



Wiat. Is it a telenuvela thread all of a sudden? In Yea Forums? Amazin'!

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welp, if you really think about it...