What if it's actually a good videogame?
What if it's actually a good videogame?
I think it looks good and I'm interested in trying it. I love fitness games.
It looks like it might be decent fun but I doubt it has the content to warrant costing 80 bucks, pretty much the same issue with labo.
It's just temple run but with motion controls
Is this a fortnite thing?
Is this a hula hoop game?
it apparently has far more content than labo, 20 worlds with multiple levels in each
If the ring gets more than 1 game I'll consider it. Looks like decent fun. Girl is qt.
>squeezing the ring
That shit seems like it'll break.
why is the dragon so hot FUCK
It unironically looks pretty fun. Probably not for $80, but maybe for like half that. I'd buy it someday, whenever I get around to buying a Switch
She's gonna get dracked isn't she?
Wish it was the Wii Fit Trainer. They need more games.
I was wondering where the fuck that dude with the horns was from.
It will be good, but on the same level as Kinet Adventures and PS Move Wonderbook were ‘good’.
Looks boring. that wii balance board seems more fun.
I was sure that this is made by ubisoft or activision because how cheap it looked, but it actually is nintendo. huh, weird.
i can at the very least appreciate the gym equipment monsters and the stacked gym bro dragon, those are some dumb designs in the best way possible
She'll be an alt costume.
Looks like a fun time for all
I'm like winston churchill, "no sport".
but i'm eager to watch cuties boucing their boobs on stream.