Hideo Kojima Addresses Death Stranding Walking Sim Criticisms

Apologize you faggots.

>"And now everyone will say, 'Oh, it's a walking simulator!'
>It's the same as when I first brought out a stealth game. If 100 people play it and 100 people say it's fun, it means the genre or the game already exists. But this is a new genre - same as stealth the first time, there will be people who don't get it. It will take time for the real evaluations to come in."

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Other urls found in this thread:


So we can make Walking Simulator an official genre when 100 people say this like this game?

>Gamers: it’s a walking simulator

>Kojima: no it’s much more .. it’s realism.. if you are in a river you drift like real life ... you can’t carry unlimited items like real life... if you walk to a far away spot you ..

>Gamers: .. you walk .. a lot .. like real life .. so it’s a walking simulator.

basically this

>guys Quiet has a deep and dark reasons for wearing skimpy clothes, you will ne ashamed of your words and deeds
>btw shes a plant...like literally a plant, same IQ as one and just as useless
Bravo Kojima, I can never take this man seriously after MGS4

>PS Plus subscription is a new genre

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The game is quite literally a walking simulator. It is meant to simulate walking.

Holy fuck who cares about muh real life shit, Kojima has lost it. Max Payne is the best third person game to exist and it had magic inventory. Far better writing than any Kojima game, too.

Only Kojimadrones like this

>But this is a new genre
Could you be more pretentious than Kojima?
>It's the same as when I first brought out a stealth game

>It's not a walking simulator....there's also jogging

I think it's pretty damn clear at this point he invested all the money in the story and didn't have time or resources left to design interesting gameplay around it. The camps are the main g aneplay of the game and they're recycled and lazy. If you want a good story with high quality
Cinematics buy this because I'm sure you'll get it since that's obviously where the money went.

Why didn't he write a book then?

I want old Hideo back :'(

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Imagine thinking you invented the fucking stealth genre. Imagine being that pig headed.

are you stupid or retarded

I wouldn't belive what he says, he doesn't even understand his own games.

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He's too pozzed by Hollywood

Kojima is passionate about his creations.
>Yea Forums
"HURR DURR... pretentious asshole make same game like everyone else!"


>implying he could write a good book

>shoehorn nonsensical random ass ideas into a game
>turns out the end product isn't gamey enough and plays more like a movie
>not a walking sim

Real talk, it probably won't need a PS+ sub, unless there's real time player interaction, and there doesn't seem to be any as of what we've seen. If there's going to be lots of real time interactions all the fucking place requiring low-latency, then yes, it would need PS+. There have been other Sony produced games who had online interactions but didn't need PS+, one of them being Journey on PS4 or GR2.

He just dumb

But this is a new genre - same as stealth the first time
So it IS a walking genre then?

>there will be people who don't get it.
Hackdeo Turdjima is so fucking full of himself at this point, he probably doesn't even realise how far up his ass his head is.

I don't have a PS4 so I can't check, but how about games like Dark Souls and Nier Automata? those two come into mind

Its fucking hilarious he says this considering every Big Boss-centric game is a soft reset of the character's motivation and personality.

>And now everyone will say, 'Oh, it's a walking simulator!'

>It's the same as when I first brought out a stealth game. If 100 people play it and 100 people say it's fun, it means the genre or the game already exists. But this is a new genre - same as stealth the first time, there will be people who don't get it. It will take time for the real evaluations to come in."
Kojima is such a cringe inducing narcissistic shithead

get your shit together kojimbo

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You apologize for the bait faggot. That explains quiet literally fucking nothing.

Based, Yea Forums cant recover

Is this motherfucker seriously saying he invented the stealth genre?

He might have invented stealth but walking simulators are already a thing.

He sounds like he has fucking alzheimers

Dark Souls depends on the chapter, and I can't remember rn but some of them do require a subscription. As for Nier Automata, I'm pretty sure it doesn't require anything because it lacks that real time low-latency component I've talked about.

look up castle wolfenstein and then kill yourself.

Bloodborne requires you to get PS Plus to get any sort of online interactions, otherwise you're forced in offline mode.
Which is a fucking joke, you're paying for a game to basically get an experience of a PC pirate, because no subscription.

Even funnier is that he justifies it later on saying that Solid Snake is like Frankenstein's monster, so less human than Big Boss (Dr Frankenstein). If he'd read the book, or watched any of the films, he'd realise that Frankenstein's monster was the more human one.
Truely the George Lucas of gaming.

I hate when people try to call this game a walking simulator. There is so much more that you can do. You can do almost anything. You can walk left, walk right, walk forward, walk backwads. You can strafe as you like. You can jump like a bunny. You can sneak like a snake. You can swim like a fish. You can run like a nigger. you can care for a baby like a mother. You can talk with holograms like a power ranger. The sky is the limit. You cant fly like a bird.

>i invented stealth games

The ego on this guy.

he is a hack who is only good enough enough for the video games industry.
if he tried to be a writer in the literature world or even a director in the film industry, he would be laughed out of town for the amateur he is.

this is why shits like Neil Druckmann and Kojima stuck to video games and have their egos and dicks stroked in an industry that is considered by the entire world to be a kids' thing, than getting exposed as the fraudulent, talentless hacks as they are in serious arts.


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Saboteur came out in Japan 2 years before Metal Gear. Kojimas ego is out of control

>I hate when people try to call this game a walking simulator. There is so much more that you can do
get that radioactive gook's jizz out of your throat. you are repulsive. fucking Kojima dick sucker.

Hideo rules this board

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>Kojima addressed criticism with zero contents or info, just like his fucking teaser.

Very fitting since Liquid Snake's interpretation of dominant and recessive genes was just as ass backwards.

There's also Castle Wolfenstein from 1981

It's an excretion simulator. The first of its kind.

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>Far better writing than any Kojima game, too.
To be fair that's not a high bar, most Neil Breen movies pass it.

Read more than a few words and you'd see it's a joke.


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At least the Old Hunters DLC adds offline NPC summons.

This whole thing sounds like a Randy Pitchford tale i.e. bullshit.

Either that, or Kojima's broken Engrish is once again muddling a story.

Can we all agree now that Kojima is a hack?

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What about Mario Sunshine?

This game is the painting equivalent of conceptual art. Like a large, mostly empty canvas with a black dot in the corner. If you disagree with its merits as entertainment, then "you just dont get it". This is why Kojima will succeed. He's tricking normies and journalists to believe he's making something too artistic for them to even grasp. They don't want to look stupid or uncultured so they'll embrace it wholeheartedly.


>damage controlling your walking simulator by saying 'REMEMBER METAL GEAR?"

except people expect slow gameplay from stealth video games

Walking simulator: press w, look around
Kojima fully simulated walking experience: weight distribution, balance, shoe degradation, sore feet.

He cant substantively explain how this game is mechanically a new genre. He just spouts pretentious pseudo philosophy about how the "meaning" of the game is unique. Hes a hack and knows hes created just another generic TPS but with an idiotic focus on dull traversal of empty plains and hills

>m-my famous friends all understood what I was doing
Sure sure

Which is his point, dummy. You don't know what to expect from a strand game and that confuses and scares you. But Kojima will show you.

Holy fuck this guy

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Was that true when it came to the original Metal Gear on MSX? Genuinely curious, I have no idea.

Somebody assassinate this faggot please

So did anybody end up feeling bad when they discovered the reason Quiet was naked?

kojimas already shown me his boring ass walking simulator

No, see

It was genius.

I really really just want to play this with user and my best nibba, I'm going to share my ID with all of you in this board. You are all welcome to harvest some amanita muscaria with me.

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George Miller was also a mentor for Cory Barlog, wonder if he just likes video games.

Oh good god, he really is making pretentious art in video game form.

he's right though

There was that one 2D Wolfenstein game but Kojima does have a case when claiming he invented stealth games. It's debatable.

No, since it was stupid.

>Death Stranding has George Miller's blessing
You can no longer call him a hack.

Fucking kojimadrones man

>the people who were paid to spend time with me understood me immediately

>Who was also my mentor
What the...

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No, 100 play it and 100 like it.
Meaning 100% of people need to find it fun.

Who didnt get stealth?

>Only the bugmen will understand this game.

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Problem is that new isn't always good. At its core, a game needs to be fun. Just walking around isn't fun.

What most likely happened
>Kojima doesn't realize walking sims already exist
>see people make the accusation his game is a walking sim

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yeah because dark souls never happened

you are not crazy kojimbo, you are batshit insane

It seems that Konami wasn't wrong when they fired him.

He's saying that Americans don't understand generosity.

>max payne is the best third person game
if you like bullet sponge enemies that take 5 headshots to die

>all footage looks like a walking sim
>Mad people call it a walking sim
That's not how this works.

Death Stranding praises itself on it's realism.
That means this choice is realistic.
The fact that it's even a choice means both options are valid and real.

Ergo, Kojima has just confirmed that Norman Reedus sits down and pees like a girl.

Theres a reason he literally never discusses the actual gameplay mechanics and only speaks in butchered metaphors



The state of Yea Forums. Not reading a word and then being assblasted about A JOKE that they could do. Never change mongloids.

>Max Payne is the best third person game to exist and it had magic inventory. Far better writing than any Kojima game, too.
I bet you love Avengers too

While a lot of Death Stranding does indeed look like it's about simulating the act of walking, it has very little to do with what's usually referred to as walking sim. That being a linear story driven first person adventure game with some puzzles. That's, if anything, what PT was.

How the fuck would you come to that conclusion


This. So much.

So is every open world a walking simulator now.


How the fuck is Death Stranding comparable at all to something like Dear Esther?
Death Stranding at its heart is a video game, it has combat, stealth, progression, etc but also has more emphasis on traversal than something like MGS. That's nothing like Dear Esther or any actual "walking simulator" where you literally just hold W and listen to people talk.

>inb4 shill/drone for stating common sense

Anti-Kojidrones are truly the biggest drones of them all

When the nicest thing you can say about the single most anticipated upcoming release is that "at least it's technically a video game" you know the industry's fucked.

nobody played those i guess they were true to the genre

>Hideo rules this board

Pretty sure that's Sakurai, Nomura, or CDPR given how many Smash, FF7 remake, and Cyberpunk threads we go through on any given day. Kojima is less a ruler and more a spectacle that you just kind of sit back and watch and laugh at for honestly believing all the shit he spouts. He's basically a Japanese Peter Molyneux. A budding talent in his youth that helped revolutionize an entire genre of game, that grew as a creator surrounded by a bunch of dispassionate yes men who just let him do whatever he wanted and promised shit that could never be delivered with current technology.

Cod kiddies think any game with a cutscene is a movie, don't try to reason with it

It'll probably be an inventive action/adventure featuring potentially interesting twists on familiar mechanics, that's it. It's neither a walking sim nor a completely new heretofore unseen genre. Both the people screeching it's a walking sim and Hideo are the same brand of retard here honestly.

>Anti-Kojidrones are truly the biggest drones of them all
Are you mentally challenged?

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There's clearly more going on here from what I've seen. You have a package that other people want and you have to deliver it, possibly. He really wants to show off the physics engine they built around the character. What I really want to know is why is this a new genre of game? What does "stranding" translate to as a type of game format? Everything I've seen just looks like 3rd person action platformer which has been done a gorillion times now thanks to all the lazy fucks out there.

Are you reductive on purpose or is that just how your brain works?

Pretty sure I am going to hate it, but I gotta give Kojima credit for keeping me intrigued and confused for so long.

this nigga thinks he invented the stealth genre? when lupin3 game and infiltrator exist? the only reason his games are popular is because the wacky story even at his best thief 2 destroyed it whit his stealth mechanics

Rivaled only by Kojidrones themselves. Its like an apocalyptic war of autism.

I like how confidently people spout any random shit when they have no idea what they're talking about.

Your faith is misplaced. I went into MGS 5 thinking "SURELY this isn't all these is to it" and boy was I fucking wrong.

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MP is the antithesis of soi

No, just not a mindless sheep :v)

thief 2 a shit game stay mad

The old adage is true: gamers don't know what they want until they get it.

Everyone calling it a "walking sim" WILL regret their words and deeds.

>No, no, no... it's not a walking simulator. It's deep and, uh... you t-travel to deliver a package and........ a STRANDING genre game!!
Just because he tries to make it sound more profound than what it is doesn't make it any less a walking sim

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>often characterizing it as its own "stranding" genre that will change the gaming industry
Okay, this man is insane, not a retard. I apologize.

>nobody played those
Nobody played original Metal Gear either. What kind of argument is this?
And anyways, Wolfenstein as a series marked itself in history of video games much harder.

cause keiji inafune and tim schafer weren't things that happened either

>often characterising it as its own "stranding" genre that will change the gaming industry
Saying that your game "will change the gaming industry" is a bit arrogant.

is mario a running sim?

I know Kojima wanted to make games originally despite being looked down on for it, but do other faggots who want to make movie games only get into this industry because they can't cut it in Hollywood or aren't Jewish enough? I'm really starting to wonder.

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He should just make movies lol

It's a walking sim where you play a courier with actual game mechanics.

It's not a walking sim in the first place.

Since you don't seem to know how the term "walking simulator" came about in the first place, go watch a playthrough of Dear Esther.
Or just watch this: youtube.com/watch?v=ae8_rbIxjmE

hahahahahahaha keep telling yourself that.
wolfenstein more like wolfenshit

which is kind of true tho?

>it's not a walking simulator
>your job is literally being a delivery boy

mario is part of the bing bing genre that kojima invented

he's also responsible for the "so long gay bowser" catchphrase of mario

If anything it sounds worse.

Like, I'd be more excited for it if he were just honest and upfront about the game. The fact it took this long for people to understand what you'll actually be doing in it is a problem.

>Nobody played original Metal Gear either

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If a game has walking in it then it's a walking simulator. Period.

Kojima told me about the situation here. I thought I might be of some use.

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He’s probs talking about the NES game.

"connecting hubs" is not a new game mechanic.

it is when you're hideo kojima

just like upvoting/downvoting things left by other players online in your game or surfing packages down hills

kojima is really a genius

Oh please. This is like an artist from a parody movie coming up with absurd ideas how his literal shit on a canvas is innovative and new

>George Miller is... my god
>"What you're trying to do is correct."
>I tend to kind of overlap with musicians and film directors more than the game industry people [because look at me, I am so much better than the other pathetic game creators, I am an auteur, I am obviously so much more sophisticated than any other game director]
This is the most pretentious and obsequious thing I've ever read.

The man literally invented stealth genre and was first to reveal the truth behind governments through MGS2. Changing the industry is nothing to him.

after how shit mgs5 was i won't give this hack another cent. i'll torrent this shit on pc when the definitive edition inevitably releases a year after launch because sony moneyhatted exclusivity like the cancer they are.

So it's like fallout NV?

>Nu-Yea Forums will eat this shit up
>Nu-Yea Forums has already pre ordered it
>Nu-Yea Forums will buy anything Kojiboo
The harsh truth

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Day one buy.

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Its not a walking simulator you fucking faggots its a packmule simulator, you're a glorified pizzaboy.

>He might have invented stealth
behold the true first stealth game

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Wolf3D is widely known as the first proper FPS game. Try harder.
It wasn't even released in the west until an abortion of NES port, even Kojima shat on and had nothing to do with it. Metal Gear 2 wasn't even released in the west until MGS3 Subsistence. Not to mention literally everyone but fans call it Metal Gear SOLID, because series got popular only with MGS1.

They were cryptic as fuck with the reveal of the gameplay because they knew they didn't have much of a game to show.
So instead, you got trailers upon trailers of black sand beaches, babies, floating people-things, guys in mech suits leaking black liquid from their face to try and make this appear deep and mysterious. Classic kojima

so is a walking movie piss simulator then

you're a little faggot

Quite a sad existence.

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Konami deserves a lot of the blame but yeah

it's like the quite thing all over again

it's gonna be shit

i bet the game will really be 8 out of 10 but kojima drones will eat it up

>100 people play it and 100 people say it's fun, it means the genre or the game already exists

nothing like it because you knew exactly what kind of game fallout NV was the moment it was announced

You're the only pretentious faggot here. Even Miyamoto prefers hiring people who aren't gamers.

And while you're delivering shit you have to actually pay attention to the environment, and also fight enemies, and use various tools. You're talking about the premise, not the actual game mechanics.

A "walking simulator" has little to no mechanics to speak of. It is pretty much raw story, where you just move forward to get more story, usually dispensed via a disembodied voice or journal entries. At most it might have an occasional braindead puzzle.


I don't like walking sims and I'm excited for this game

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Miyamoto is full of shit anyway.

Sakurai is the real brains.

As time passes, I grow more skeptical of that.


im sure you wont get bored of your delivery boy simulator within an hour or two as you realize this is all the game is

yeah and that all it remember for...bravo

What even is your argument at this point?

I think it depends on how interesting the world is and how frequent the supernatural elements are

That its a walking simulator.

You've yet to prove me wrong.

>Konami deserves a lot of the blame but yeah
Kojima wasted their money on pointless shit, didn't keep up with the agreed deadlines and it's Konami's fault? Just look at the mess that is MGS V and it's clearly Kojima's fault it's trash.

Inafune literally just took credit for shit he had little part in

Kojima did not invent the stealth genre, you fucking retard.

>it's great, trust me

not after mgs4 and 5 you faggot

>born out of misunderstanding

>The man literally invented stealth genre

No, he didn't, you literal retard.

Fuck off, kojimdrone. Nobody likes you here

Don't ask questions on things that haven't even been touched upon among all the memeshit and shitposting.

Keep using memes and meme phrases and words. Do NOT---I REPEAT-- do NOT use your brain to think about ANY information that is being kept from us. Keep the Yea Forums status quo alive, don't question anything and just keep posting the first thing that will get you more Yea Forums credits.

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>Kojima actually thinks he invented the stealth genre
He's actually full of himself, holy shit.

Yes, it's only remembered as the father of one of the most popular and profitable genre in the entire game industry.
Nothing remarkable.

>literally playing for upvotes
Reddit: The Videogame

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I think I'd stop taking it seriously if I was forced to make games I had no interest in making as well

user, assassination implies that the victim was important.



>do NOT use your brain
Thanks Kojima

>tim schafer "wrongfully" fired from activision
>turns out to be a total hack
>keiji inafune "wrongfully" fired from capcom
>turns out to be a total hack
>hideo kojima is "wrongfully" fire from konami

>Standu geimu? Nooo, STRANDU geimu.

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I hate Hideo Kojima physically, I dislike that kind of man. I can hardly bear to play his video games. He has the Peter Molyneux disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge.

He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like Todd Howard who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents his games as "campy" to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does in video games is therapeutic.

I did prove you wrong. Your "response" is claiming that the game will be boring. That's not the same thing. Lots of games that aren't walking simulators are boring.

You seem to think that a basic disagreement about what words means is the same as stating the objective quality of an unreleased game.

>game trailer shows motorcycles, four wheeled vehicles, exoskeletons and hoverboards

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>he is so up his own ass that he creates a new genre without knowing what it actually is himself

>look at all these different walks you can walk!
>its totally not a walking sim

see It's embarrassing how fucking bad most of Yea Forums is at arguing, especially considering how often you do it.

Nice tweet there, pal.

to those who are liking what they see so far in death stranding

i recommend you try no mans sky as the gameplay is similar

you hop from planet to planet with an assigned course gathering resources to fuel the ship and your suit thats keeping you alive

it also has the same scan mode

its an excuse so you cant compare it to anything else since its the first of its kind

>seriously responding to shit posters

>it's not a walking simulator

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Turns it's a ladder posing simulator with either Benny Hill or Laurel and Hardy physics

Then tell me who did, you will feel ashamed of your actions.

His “new genre” looks like a reskinned MGSV (empty map with enemy camps scattered about)

I would if movement in No Man's Sky didn't feel like utter shit, that's what Kojima got right.

>game trailer shows motorcycles, four wheeled vehicles, exoskeletons and hoverboards
So it stops being a walking simulator the moment you have a vehicle? Does it stop being a walking simulator the moment you have a 2 minute gunfight? Is that what you seriously believe?

>what is Enemy Territory
Underage, please leave.

>assigned course

now dead and forgotten...replaced by kojima san the first stealth genre maker

Would 'The Sims 2: Castaway' count as part of the stranding genre?

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If Death Stranding shows us anything, they were right to get rid of him. The only thing Konami did wrong was not have Kojima on a tighter leash. When you play MGSV there are a ton of things that were a waste of development time and resources that could've gone to make a better and more complete experience.
All of the Mother Base shit that was a leftover from Peace Walker was pointless and those resources could've been put to making more areas to sneak around in.
The intro/prologue sequence, while extremely impressive, should've been reused more. They made an entire area just for one mission, they should've at least reused that area for an extra mission outside of the beginning and end.
The two main maps themselves were way to big and empty, they should've done something like having 6 or so maps that were maybe only 3 or 4 times the size of GZ's instead of 2 maps that were dozens of times bigger. The fact there were very few indoor stealth sections was a travesty.
Why waste money on getting Kiefer when he only says a few lines?

Kojima needs someone telling him what he can and cannot do to keep him and his team focused. Not tell them what to do, just telling them no when they do stupid shit before it gets out of hand.

I guess Breath of the Wild is a walking sim too then

if you follow the story you travel in to the center of the galaxy you are currently in

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No, just smarter than you.

It is different in those games because you don't sacrifice anything for other players and you can also give dislikes.

So is Avengers.

What's wrong with this statement? Big Boss is a real human bean. Solid was an autistic supersoldier.

threadly reminder that kojumbo is a fucking hack for pandering to fucking trannies... im still gonna concider buyin DS cause i hope it will be a good game, and not a shit walking sim... i hope

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You literally don't know what a walking sim is

Who the fuck walks in Zelda?

You should've replaced that with one pic at the end with

I can't fucking believe Yea Forums rallies behind Konami. One of the worst fucking companies in the industry. When Metal Gear Survive was announced, everyone here shat on Konami, now, the circle is completed and everyone hates on Kojima instead.

I've probably played more walking sims than you have, friendo. But I pirated them, I'm not a dumb sony drone that would actually pay $60 for one lol

You are not supposed to do something for upvotes. You are supposed to realize that if you didn't have help yourself it would be a lot tougher and so you should feel a want to help others. The likes isn't the goal here.

One peek at MGS5 is enough to see that.

Lupin III and Infiltrator are stealth games that predate anything Kojima made. He popularized the stealth genre, he did not create it.

Do I want to buy this to experience it first-hand with Yea Forums, and either enjoy a wild ride of wacky bullshit OR the shitposting event of the decade, or do I want to save my money because all the warning signs are there that this is a conceptual mess and Kojima is more interested in paling around with celebrities and DS is just the medium to facilitate it?

Reminder that this faggot literally opened a new studio on the other side of the planet just so he had an excuse to visit Hollywood and pay c-list celebs to hang out with him.

He also took a nice big shit on Castlevania.

I only read the OP

Seems like a walking sim usually made by a bunch of pink haired faggots from SF but made on multimilion dolar corp budget by insane jap who hires celebs so they can be his friends desu.

>waaaaaaaaah why doesn't Yea Forums share my superior opinion
Fuck you, both Konami and Kojima are bad and deserve to be hated.

Helped popularize*

Because Thief came out the same year that MGS did.

except is not a new genre

You're an idiot, bro. One of them is clearly worse.

I don't think Kojima has looked a lot into other games. It sounds like a lot of the concepts he's trying to explore have already been done in Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons and Unravel, which is ironic considering the case of the latter and "strands."

The level of butthurt over this game is immense. Since Kojima is terrible at explaining his new genre, I'll help break it down for you - every player is influencing the same map in different ways. The game is ostensibly single-player, but with how every player's actions (realistically only a small group's, but who knows how they'll handle it) can impact the landscape, potential paths can open up or close and you also get help and can offer help to other players directly and indirectly through various buildings, locations and equipment. It's basically Dark Souls on turbo steroids.

When did Yea Forums go from
>Metal Gear Solid 3 is the greatest game of all time
>Kojima is a pretentious hack and the worst thing to happen to the planet

>It's a new genre because I say so.
>Remember when I came up with stealth?

This reminds me of when people said RE7 was an Outlast clone. Spoiler alert: it wasn't and most of Yea Forums are hyperbolic retards.

>He popularized the stealth genre
How? No one even remembered about Metal Gear until MGS1 and the very same year both Tenchu and Thief were released.

Kojima is a hack trying to turn games into movies because no one would let him direct an actual movie because he can't write for shit.

This is not new.

People actually started playing his games.

I kind of want this to bomb so this dude's ego get's taken down a peg. Remember what the retard said about Quiet and it turned out to be just some half assed excuse for her to walk around like a stripper?

When he made games after MGS3.

All this whinig about a walking, sim, when at the same time everyone praised Kojima when he did an actual walking sim with P.T.
Is this board filled with compelte retards?

Explain to me how I'm wrong.
Explain to me how Kojima is not a clown with a Don Quixote complex who thinks he's something he's not (A Hollywood director).
Explain to me how Kojima is not a one trick pony who ran out of fun game ideas years ago and doesn't just sit around trying to make movies out of a medium that isn't movies.
Explain to me how Kojima doesn't need a group above him to tell him "No, that's a fucking terrible idea" when he spouts something retarded that he wants to put into his game. Tell me how this lack of filter hasn't just manifested itself in his first big project in his own studio where nobody is there to tell him no.

Kojima is a hack. Just like this user's examples . Kojima, just like these two men, and just like Molyneux, and even Hollywood directors like George Lucas, are all idea men.
They're idea men who know how to talk up a product. They have passion, sure. But that passion is often misplaced when they're surrounded by yes men who agree with everything they say, resulting in disjointed messes.

AAA games are not indie games that one or two people can make in their studio apartment. They're long, complicated affairs that require big teams and collaboration. And just like when a committee gets to call all the shots and you get a souless yearly shooter or sports game, the opposite is true when you have one guy in charge of a hundred people calling every single shot and never being open to criticism or change. Only instead of a predictable and bland and safe and DLC micro-transaction filled abomination, you get this overly ambitious and disjointed mess of a project where you spend more time walking around and pissing about (In this case, literally pissing about) that has no idea what the fuck it wants to be, since the singular project lead just keeps adding more and more pointless shit that he thinks would be cool every time he has a moment to himself to let his mind wander.

and no one remember those games either

Wait, hold on.
Does Kojima actually believe he invented stealth in games? Can he really be that much of a fucking hack? It can't be, right?

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Did he go nuts after MGS 2?

Read a dictionary nigger

save that money for better game

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>One of the worst fucking companies in the industry.
You keep saying that but what are they actually doing that's so bad? And Survive was alright for what it is. The only ones that were shitting on it were Kojimadrones who were upset the hack got fired.

but fooling people like that and making fucking bank off it is kind of a genius move. 6d space chess kojima.

That sounds awesome if true. Anyway I kinda like "walking sims" as Yea Forums likes to put it and the game looks awesome. The Yea Forums hivemind is just super tsundere about Kojima. Remember when they'd kiss his feet for P.T.?

of course survive was alright you contrarian piss of shit

About 2 weeks to 1 month after TPP release when people were completing the game and found out the reason behind being ashamed of their words and deeds

>Still gonna buy the fucking walking sim
Not very bright are you?

what fantasy world are you living in where mgsV is "trash"? you are delusional beyond measure.

>"kojima's a hack!"
>PT was genuinely amazing, and despite being just a teaser it's probably the most discussed horror game since dead space
Kojima was ridiculously burned out on MGS and just wanted to get fired so he could do something different

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Kojima invented stealth genre? Lol ok...

>piss of shit
Looks like Kojima knows his audience

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you cant get autism from reading this, right?

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Subpar TPS gameplay, lots of goofy and shitty cutscenes as well as an empty open world doesn't get me excited for anything else that is supposedly new and revolutionary.

when Yea Forums grew a hard on for tortannic, and now wishes every video game to suffer the same fate.

When people who weren't 12 at the time MGS3 released played MGS3.

I think he's talking about the fact the entire ending act was removed. Eli was more involved, you know when they took the metal gear? You were supposed to find out what happend to them, but production fell apart.

>tfw Solid is more human than BigBoss
Death Stranding will be MGSV but with a different paint coat, simply as that, it will be good? as right now the game looks pretty fun to me, and to be honest MGSV biggest problems where the story and how repetitive the missions where.

Empty open-world, act 2 and 3 are complete trash, story doesn't make sense, "hurr durr you're not actually Big Boss", you will feel shame for your words and deed about Quiet.
Go take a dragon dildo and shove it up your ass, kojimdrone.

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>PT was genuinely amazing
Kojima cocksuckers are hilarious.

>kojima isn't a hack

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>still gonna concider
can you fucking read retard ?

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he did

>Its not a walking simulator its a stranding Simulator - Kojima

Attached: teehee.jpg (600x582, 68K)

Can a deranged MGSfag just shoot Kojima already?

Who invented it then?

Considering people are still talking about it five years later I'd say so
At least I actually offered some kind of argument


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I'm still buying it because I like video games and want to play one don't @ me

>make stealth game
>completely forget about level design
>add needless timers and grinding so people can play for hundreds of hours in empty world and sell out microtransactions

>he's too dumb to know what obsequious means
Lmao you fucking thicko. The reason he's being obsequious is because he literally said George Miller is his "god" you fucking idiot. And the fact that he generally seems to want to brownnose the entire movie industry.

I love how you're calling other people "pretentious" for using standard English words just because you're too fucking stupid to know them. Lmao what a fucking moron.

When will Neil make a video game full of his absolute cinematic masterpiece transcribed to video games? Because I will buy it. He'd basically be making a poor man's Deadly Premonition but he's the MC and gets the girl and does magic.

I'm really more than happy to play a Kojima walking simulator though

The ruseman strikes again.

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Death Stranding. The strands are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical strands most of the concepts will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Cliff's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these strands, to realise that they're not just walking- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Death Stranding truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the strands in Heartman's existential 21 minutes. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Kojima's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

It's amazing the length they're willing to go to suck Kojima's dick.

v/ knows MGS1,2,3 was written by other people than just kojima. His next games that were written sololyby Kojiima sucked

Event the stealth genre and surprisingly it dies with him too.
Now about to introduce a new genre called stranding.
He cant be stop

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then what the fuck is it mr.worldwide. enlighten me

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based pseud

>It's the same as when I first brought out a stealth game

he probably meant when he made his first stealth game in 1987. (he made policenauts and snatcher too). he did popularize the genre more than any other studio or developer. thief and splinter cell might be superior stealth games but they don't come even close in popularity contest.

Well we've already seen the "gameplay" so unless kojima faked everything then a walking simulator it is

Looked about as enjoyable as Starlink, which is to say it's going to be a solid 6.5. I'll probably play it to mindlessly wander around and fuck shit up. That's one of the things I liked about MGSV, I could just drop in to a spot and drive around and pick up mats just because it's fun. Fucking with the AI was also great so I'm hoping there are humans or robots or whatever to interact with in the world so it isn't so fucking empty.

consider, I think is what you were looking for?

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Why does Kojima keep referring to this as a new genre? it's so incredibly narcissistic of a developer to fucking claim that he's making a new genre, especially somebody like Kojima, who fucking himself admits that he doesn't play games.
I don't think he even knows about Dark Souls, it is so arrogant to see this guy taking credit for shit that has been done before him.

He makes himself really hard to like with his giga narcissism.

Walking simulators don't have fail states and are literally just walking

You offered nothing but excuses for a man that is nothing but a hack.

Why the fuck couldnt a developer claim he makes a new genre?

Hitman exists.
Also in terms of Kojima's definition of open world stealth games, there's Far Cry series being well alive.

The salt from this game is delightful.

Its only going to get better when it gets amazing reviews on all fronts. Only Playstation. And wins GOTY.

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Shows what you know

Amazing, the effect Kojima has on people. So many dedicated shitposters ITT. Why would you spend so much time and energy pretending to hate something?

Who give a shit about hitman?

Gravity Rush 2 doesn't require it either. If it's a small social feature, it usually gets in for free. If you play together with someone, you usually get charged. I'd assume Journey might be the only game that lets you play with another person for free since it's anonymous.


Battleborn is: FPS; hobby-grade coop campaign; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice

turns out it was 3d moba

He's a madman. He thinks he invented stealth. He's like the Emperor's New Clothes. He thinks he created this incredible game because everyone around him is too afraid to tell him the truth. In reality it's trash and we will all get to laugh at him when it releases.

It's fine if said developer actually did so, Kojima however did not.

To be fair, people understood what the game was after that first gameplay trailer dropped, it's just everybody assumed there'd be more to it than that.

Great example, so because of one retard no one can make new genres now?

Because the game usually isn't made up or developed by one guy.
I think one of Deus Ex (HR) developers said that people tend to associate a product with just one person. Kojima clearly takes advantage of that.

>openly acknowledging it's a fucking movie

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>nobody could really hate Kojima

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Uh oh, pretentious faggot's elumbated

nice pasta faggot

>you will ne ashamed of your words and deeds
Did anyone ever call him out on this?

PT's quality is pretty widely agreed upon though, and it's public knowledge that he had no interest in continuing MGS after 2

>misspell one letter
>faggots go apeshit
well its my fault for not payin attention in skool at anglo lessons...

Attached: cheers.jpg (720x714, 41K)

I can't wait for his stupid "stranding" genre to completely fall apart around him

I don't think you read it right my ESL friend.

>Narodnaya Volya literature
Cool if true, unironically.

>Who give a shit about hitman?
Clearly a lot of people and it's just Hitman (2016) numbers. In comparison, entire Metal Gear series through 31 years sold 54 million.

Attached: hitman.png (794x236, 31K)

>But this is a new genre - same as stealth the first time, there will be people who don't get it
Wolfenstein, you disgusting hack.
Heck, even fucking Pac Man.

>movie directors understood my movie better than game designers
No shit

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I was watching Maximillian the other day and he said he had some friends who used to work with Kojima and they all said he had his head up his ass and was a complete asshole to work with who thinks he's god's gift to gaming.

Not sure if it's true, but interesting to hear nonetheless.

Because that is for others to clear up. Artists don't tell people what genre they are, they especially don't tell people they're a fucking new genre never seen before.

But what makes it worse is that Kojima doesn't play games, so who the fuck is he to say this? He doesn't know, he's just narcissistic, how do you not see that?

the people who usually decide the genre of the game are the players
hence terms like


its only once the players have played the game and sensed that its unique enough to warrant its own category that a new genre is made

Nobody worth his salt will claim he "created a genre" without others actually defining his work as genre defining. Especially not before said work was even released.

They can, but when people refuse to have an actual discussion then it's just trolling. Your response is a good example, it's pretty clear I was talking about disingenuous shitposters.

I dont mind walking simulators. Ive always wanting to play a mountain climbing simulator. Where you climb a mountain like everest.

Your negativity is unfounded and born out of misunderstanding what the title is trying to do.
Once you recognize the secret reason for the walk simualting, you will feel ashamed of your words & deeds!

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Dismissing my criticism of Kojima and his past projects after MGS 3 doesn't mean I'm a shitposter.
Go fuck yourself if you're gonna dismiss them and then claim that I brought no arguments to why Kojima is a hack.

>Explain to me how I'm wrong
I believe you are pretty right about Kojima as a person.

>Explain to me how Kojima is not a clown with a Don Quixote complex who thinks he's something he's not (A Hollywood director).
He is a hack clown with a Don Quixote complex just to state he invented stealth as a genre.

>Explain to me how Kojima is not a one trick pony who ran out of fun game ideas years ago and doesn't just sit around trying to
make movies out of a medium that isn't movies.
This is possible, but I'm cutting him some slack considering he has made the same game since 1987 and probably he has a lot of good ideas since MGS3 when he wanted to end the franchise.

>Explain to me how Kojima doesn't need a group above him to tell him "No, that's a fucking terrible idea" when he spouts something retarded that he wants to put into his game. Tell me how this lack of filter hasn't just manifested itself in his first big project in his own studio where nobody is there to tell him no.
The beauty of this game is that it is pure undistilled Kojima brain powered with one billion yens. Even if the game is experimental, this guy has experience in what he does to deal with it. MGSV is the proof the guy has range in game mechanics. Even being the strangest game of all time, and although commercially bombs and it end being boring as shit, it's not going to fail in its execution and original vision, that's the only thing I really give a shit about a video game. Faithfulness to the spirit and passion. And this game clearly has both.

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That's an amazing story about some literal who friends of your pretend internet friend.

Well that makes it not a new genre, according to the OP

MGSV is one of the best games this generation

Death Stranding confirmed the most pretentious game made in the history of humanity

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>asking fags on here to acknowledge anything
you might as well try to go to pleddit and ask them to not be toxic for a change

Not even in top 2 of it's own year, not even the best of it's genre this generation.

Making a unique game doesn't create a new genre. First a game has to become popular enough for other developers to draw inspiration from it, then they have to release new games that have the same unique defining attributes as the original game. Once a significant enough number of similar games is released, the collective conciousness will give it a name for the sake of easier discussion.
THAT's how a genre is created. There are plenty of games that don't quite fall into any specific genre, but just making ONE unique game doesn't create a genre. It's like Kojima doesn't pay attention to past video game trends at all.

>Kojima's response is "Deal with it, nerds"

I didn't dismiss any one specific person, just people that were blatantly being disingenuous and arguing for the sake of arguing. Why does that offend you if it doesn't apply to you?

my nigga dont let those contrarian sheep take that heart of gold

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Funny that you bring up Deus Ex since Warren Spector named and helped create the "immersive sim" genre. That wasn't an entirely original genre either but no one had a problem with it.


absolutely fucking true

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>tfw DS feels like kojima is basically make a game for you

I know this game isn't going to be for everyone but- goddamn i think for the core audience he's hitting- he's hitting it pretty hard.

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>deliberately trying to find obscure words because you were too thick to know a standard english word
Lmao this is even more hilarious than before. Sorry you're so fucking thick mate.

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>LOL they just don't understand it
The ultimate dunning-kruger defense of something that is shit.

I agree, it was pretty great but the bar isn't that high this generation.

I fucked you mom last night and she was slurping on my dick like crazy, I think your dad is a gay ass neckbeard then, well just like you

This, God hand is it's very own thing with no other game like it, but most people call it an action game, hack n slash or beatemup because that is the closest it comes to being defined as another genre. There is no point in having a 1 game genre even if you are the first one.


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It's obvious this some kind of MGS2 stunt where the trailers and gameplay demos are only giving away 10% of the game. The caramel tranny might be right about this being a Metal Gear sequel. I can see this game taking a sudden turn at some point.

Its only recently I've seen people use immersive sim and its dumb. I don't care who came up with it, its dumb.

It is the only open world game that i've enjoyed. The game might be unfinished, the history might be worse than the others MGS, but still it was loved by players and critics alike.

Yea Forums is not the world. You guys don't even play video games

Same, its like he knows what I like

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after mgs2 yeah his absolutely right.

Hey haters..

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>You guys don't even play video games

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>The game might be unfinished
>but still it was loved by players and critics alike
Imagine having such a shit taste in games and willing to suck a hack's dick simply because his name is Hideo Kojima.

Kojima feels like he wants to be the David Lynch of Video games but he's really going to be the George Lucas of video games.

Walking sim or not, your game looks BORING.

Attached: not DS.jpg (945x790, 304K)

mgsv is not open world you brainless moron
you consolefag weeb fuckface

Can't wait for the game to fail to live up to it's hype. MGS 5 destroyed kojimas reputation within the MGS community. Normies are gonna call him a hack fraud too when DS releases and his career will be over.

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>Max Payne is the best third person game to exist
Holy hell you normalfags standards for what's a masterpiece is extremely low isn't it?

Lynch and Kojima don't even belong in the same sentence.

>when even the people you pay to make the game for you have no idea what or why it is

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>you have to actually pay attention to the environment
>Walk on grass and turn on the Witcher sense, if you absolutely must Ford a river then mash A to catch breath


1: Bloodborne
2: Breath of the Wild
3: Witcher 3
4: God of War
5: Persona 5
7: Nier Automata
8: Dragon Quest XI
9: Forza Horizon
10: Red Dead Redemption 2


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autistic kino incoming

Attached: Death Stranding Cargo 1.webm (1280x720, 2.55M)

What better 3rd person shooter is there though? Honestly.

Bloodborne is so retardedly overrated

Wasn't big boss the autistic super soldier retard though? meanwhile solid was the one fixing his stupid shit?

It goes against the very nature of MGS1 and 2's themes.

The absolute state of Yea Forums. No one even bothers reading I'm gay anymore.

Nooo stop it! It's too much!

>BOTW second
Lmao, Nintedrone.

I don't regularly watch him, but he was covering TGS at the time so I tuned in. Either way I don't feel like Max is the type of guy to lie, but we shall see.

Normie ass bullshit, if I may be frank.

kojima finally make a game, his reputation his ruined in the mgs community.

the absolute state of Yea Forums

Attached: kekk.jpg (266x240, 7K)

>Frankenstein's monster was the more human one
>humans are nice
The villagers were the most human. They wanted to kill the abomination onto God. Frankie's boy was a onions drinking pussy.

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>God of War
>Nier Automata
>Dragon Quest XI

Attached: Pepe squashed.jpg (399x400, 47K)

Shit, that was meant for

Even worse than Molydeusex' Cube.
How is this possible?

Attached: 1555621123633.jpg (372x372, 57K)

>3: Witcher 3
>6: MGSV

Attached: 1551291856245.jpg (500x500, 47K)

Attached: Death Stranding Cargo 2.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

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Is there literally a bigger hack

He didn't. 005 came out way before Metal Gear in the 80s. And even in terms of 3D, Tenchu came out before MGS

Have you guys bought your Monster® Energy™ to enjoy while you're playing Death Stranding™ on your Sony™ PlayStation 4®?

Attached: ds monster.jpg (960x960, 86K)

a game that was unfinished and lacking focus.

now that he is in hollywood his head is so far up his ass that it almost turning into a black hole

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Pretty based list desu.

Kill yourself retard.

It's almost pornographic isn't it? I hope the hud looks as aesthetically pleasing with english text.

Attached: DS - cargo.jpg (1920x1080, 932K)

>its like he knows what i like
babies? there's a name for that

Molyneux was always focused on gameplay first even if his ideas were never properly translated into his games

Uniroinically this is some primitive hypercapitalism.

>It's the same as when I first brought out a stealth game.

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It's a platforming sim.

Seriously, kill yourself, you worthless ideaguy.

Stefan Molyneoux, David Cage, Tod Howard, thats about the list of nominees.

Calling it a new genre doesn't make it a new genre.

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Theres no reason to expect there will be any traversal options beyond what was shown

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I hate other people. I want to make it harder for them, not easier.

What if 100 people play it and 100 people say it's not fun?

I wonder if you can forgo being a delivery boy and just go complete murder bot. Murder everyone, loot yourself a deathmachine exoskelly, create voidouts and BTs and a trail of death around you. Maybe if the delivery is absolutely required you can take the 1 package with you, and fuck the extra stuff.

I eagerly avait the inevitable comparison to Pathologic though.

>why can't all games be like I want them waaaah

I love Max Payne but not every game is supposed to be Max Payne.

what stealth games where there before MG 1? genuine question

Kojima is a hack, Kojima is a hack and finally Kojima is hack. Thank you for your time.

No one's rallying behind Konami, they're not suddenly the good guys in the picture. But Kojima is probably the most blatant money wasting bullshit "auteur" in the industry. He'll only get a job with the biggest publishers who want more of his brand recognition than bottom lime revenue.

Where do you retards come from that sound like you've never played a game before? Kojima's used product placement since MGS3.

>Ahhh, Death Stranding. Now that'll be a game.

Then "they just don't get it"

This. First thing I thought when I saw that gameplay was "Wonder if I can just pick up all the garbage people leave and throw it in the river? Maybe I can collapse the ladders and hide them?"

Damn it Kojimbo, why'd you have to go mad? Metal Gear was like Tom Clancy with giant robots and fantasy science. It was never truly profound, but it sure was fun. How did he end up thinking he was some sort of artistic visionary?

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A little unknown game known as Castle fucking Wolfestein.

I love the stats.

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no you

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>people don't remember them so they don't count, kojima ftw

This game has been tested to oblivion and everybody that played has something awesome to say

stop being faggots

I'm not saying has never done before user, but it is a very rare phenomenon to spot yet. Like "Avengers Salad" or "Star Wars fruit basket" in Walmarts around the globe.

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Because retards kept calling him a genius and he began to believe it himself.

He is an artistic visionary

Walking simulators have been around for decades. Kojima's completely disconnected.

>but it sure was fun
No it wasn't

As Tarantino once stated in an interview:

>it's like two Frenchmen reading an American true crime story, and making a movie not about the plot of the book, but rather of the poetry between the lines.

The main difference is that Tarantino, being a moviefag and an antique imported kinofag, he makes more of what he likes; Kojima is a westaboo that does not understand English, nor connotations of the culture, and so has no idea as to what the fuck he is doing.

Neither Japanese nor the West will get the vision and meaning at first glance, because it will only make sense in Japanglish at level A1.

Because he surrounded himself with yes-men. Nobody out there to bring him down to earth, not to mention everybody he hangs around has very little connection to gaming, so they all view him as some genius god, Geoff Keighley is probably the only person that could tell him "uh, buddy, this is not new" but he's a professional asslicker so he'd never do it.

How was that a stealth game

Mgsv has the worst open world in modern history holy shit it's even emptier than botw

>this is a new genre
It's just a walking simulator with a bigger budget

We sucked his dick too much.


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You couldn't even drag bodies in MG1.

This channel it is pretty good. Please check it out. youtube.com/watch?v=sq9zDEcc65I

His ego was always massive but there were still people to reel him in. Over time and with success his ego grew and the influence that others had shrunk.

>all these fags in this thread seething and talking shit about kojima
>the game will still be a massive financial success and blow them all the fuck out forever
Walking sims are going to be the new big genre and you fags are going to have to live with it like it or not, lolol

nobody would work with someone this cryptic in hollywood.

people HATED working with kubrick, you know?

>there will be people who don't get it.

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Bought press. I aint believing shit until I hear people praising it here.

This reeks of
>"You will be ashamed of your words and deeds"

>you will regret your words and deeds

where have I heard this before

>SEVEN stats for walking
>not a walking sim tho :^)

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You are thinking about Return to Castle Wolfestein.

>I aint believing shit until I hear people praising it here.
Truly a sheep.

They already are if you ask the main stream press...

Look I'll buy anything you make Kojima.

It is a walking sim, but it is one that takes it to such a degree where it sounds like it'll actually become engaging to walk.

>people who make games don't understand, but people who make movies sure do!!!!!
Holy shit.

Name a more narcissist vidya developer
pro tip: you probably can

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The open world was to facilitate tacking objectives from anyway you want from multiple angles. Instead of a corridor. It wasnt meant to be about collecting random shit around the map. Yet it has that if you like that shit. It was all about being able to replay missions or just run around attacking places by heli, horse, robot, sneaking, trucks, tanks, scouting spots, ledges to drop down, back entrances to penetrate with your mini metal gear, and patrols everywhere. It's the best for tactical open world that exists.

>You can talk with holograms like a power ranger

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I actually really expected something from that statement. Holy shit.

how to give yourself scoliosis

The replies to this are phenomenal. Nothing about this is a red flag. Some people just have higher levels of conversation. Yea Forums is as about as low level as it gets. Off hand Yea Forums and Yea Forums are lower, but i'm positive other boards are just as senseless and Yea Forums is right with them.

Because people praised Metal Gear Solid for the story without adding the qualifier that it's only a good story for an action game.

that faggot who made lawbreakers

Sounds like a fucking chore to me, but each to his own.

Truly, trusting user rewievs to bought out media outlets is a sign of herd mentali and signifies a clear inability to properly asess the quality of a product.

Kys faggot.

MFW have to hear sony ponies rave about a literal walking simulator for the next 8 years

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This looks fucking kino

Remember Metal Gear Solid 4?
Remember Peace Walker?
Remember Metal Gear Solid V?
I've got no clue why anyone is excited for Death Stranding. Kojima's lost his touch.

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I just loving him because he knows how to piss people off

>"This game doesn't look fun."
>"But it'll still make lots of money."
What's your point?

I was actually thinking about Wolfenstein 3D :)

t. ADHD zoomer

>sony ponies
Oh god stop you're making my horsedick hard, I-I've never been called that before...

>every player is influencing the same map in different ways. The game is ostensibly single-player, but with how every player's actions (realistically only a small group's, but who knows how they'll handle it) can impact the landscape, potential paths can open up or close
If this is the case, why the fuck did Kojima not show one example of this in the gameplay presentation? This sounds far more interesting than all the walking.
The only reasonable explanation for why he did not even show this once, is that this system is not as deep as it sounds and if he had shown it, many would likely consider it shallow.

Suddenly Yea Forums hates max payne ?

So this is a new genre eh? well fuck he better deliver or else it's going to become the clown of vidya for 5 years at least.

>lost his touch.
No, this IS his touch. He used to have people to reel him in, now it's KOMIJA PRODUCTIONS A HIDEO KOJIMA GAME FEATURING KOJIMA HIDEO

Because I liked those.

When did that meme even start? MGS2?

My point is that most people are going to love this game and are already excited as fuck for it, and no amount of whining and shitposting from you tasteless plebs can stop that.

Ya know what I love, when movie trailers spoil the entire movie for me. That's the best.

I like all of those games, so whats the problem?

It will be a Phantom Pain like game with a change in scenery, mocap actors and some social media gimmicks.

No one would hide the 'real' gameplay months from launch unless they had actually nothing more to reveal.

>Metal Gear

>haha you guys are so mad that im sitting here eating shit lmao look at your dumb faces im gonna shove another handful in my mouth and rub it on my face just to make you mad

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damn what is this from? i just find samson & delilah from 1949

What's the status of Kojima's son these days? They still estranged?

Is there an english version of the demo video?

Mods btw

Thread with retards calling everyone retards: keep it open

Thread about slightly controversial topic: REMOVE THAT SHIT BEFORE 200 REPLYS!!!

And it's fucking glorious

Holy shit you brainwashed retard you know not everyone has to have the exact same taste as you?

>The sky is the limit. You cant fly like a bird.

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Noriyoshi Ohrai

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Good on them. Though I doubt a large chunk of them has any fucking idea what they are getting themselves into.

You fucking niggas. I'm started to watch the gameplay, and it is a survival game with high tech and a base. The world is empty because the co-op it is big deal in the core mechanics. Everyone who is shitting this game is because is just not his type of game. If you don't like Rust you just are not going to like this.

And with all honesty I don't care about the people behind any videogame, I just play the damn things. You seethe more for the egomaniac rather than the game itself. You all need to take a break.

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See what i mean, only kojima could make someone seethe this much

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Based post is based. I can't believe it took this long to say

>Portable garbage
I'm looking forward to it. Enjoy Borderlands 3 spaz.

Literally who

You must have low standards.

I don't agree entirely, but this isn't a bad list.

You have incredibly shit taste.

They never were estranged. I remember him posting some shit on twitter about buying him some Lego.

Fuck off cultist cunt

remember when mgs4 came out and everyone hated it because instead of answering questions about the series in a meaningful way it just shat all over everything and also the game as 40% cutscenes
and now coomers and zoomers act like it was amazing because their only frame of reference for games is fortnite

no, some of the jp hud just had english in it.

No, I acknowledge Kojima's last games weren't on par with his original ones but they're still better than most other games in the industry.

the fuck is a coomer

Yea Forums does this better, too.

There was a lupin the third game which got inspiration from a sega arcade game called 005 (iirc that's the name of it); both of which were classified as stealth. The folks that made that sega arcade game commented that their inspiration was pacman since the source code of that mimicked a hide and seek mechanism and in many circles is considered as the pioneer of horror games and stealth. But before all of that, some dude made a floppy game with ASCII characters were you played as a boy stealing stuff from a store. There were no graphics, only ascii dashes and lines that represented the level. Some investigator actually tracked the dude down and did an interview with him

I don't remember that at all. You must have played a different game.

Weird I remember that everyone loved the game, even here on Yea Forums

keep telling yourselves that little sheep.
mgs4 was 10/10

Another anti-masturbation meme

You don't have to show every outcome of this supposed gameplay system, just one example.

To be fair Liquid didn't go to school.

Look up "death stranding walking sim" and "death stranding boring" and see how many fucking tweets you see within the name on Twitter. Nobody fucking likes it. Now look up the Japanese term for shit and boring and put in death stranding with it, they feel the same way.

The public is being pranked by a bunch of Kojima dick suckers. Nobody thinks this is a bad game but they sure as hell think it's boring as fuck

ah yes, i realized its him. but it looks like the delilah one is made for an movie or book of some sort?

There are barely any people still posting here who were around in 2008. I still remember everyone shitting on it for being a movie and the Big Boss spoilers.

This tard actually thinks he invented Stealth genre? lol

>1 nintendie game
>4 Snoy exclusive games

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How did he not invent Stealth?
He literally did, before the original Metal Gear that kind of game had never been seen before and wasn't considered financially viable.

Okay, but you don't have to care about this game if you're not interested. Not everything needs mass appeal.

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>you play as an uber eats delivery guy in a post apocalyptic world
That's it. That's all there is to it.
Is it any surprise people are calling it a walking simulator?
>Not everything needs mass appeal.
A GOTY does

Castle Wolfenstein.

who gives a fuck about public opinions or some self righteous attention seeking twitter post?

The Thing was considered a huge flop when it came out, the people simple coudln't handle it. It's still a fucking artistic masterpiece.

It's going to win GOTY whether or not it's good. Those awards have long fallen into the same trap Hollywood awards do.

You might as well say Thief or Splinter Cell were the first stealth games because muh graphics if you're ignoring the other ones

spending a good chunk of your budget on holywood actors is kinda of a dead giveaway
of where all the effort was put into this game

Twitter is primarily used for complaining about shit. All the trailers and gameplay demos get millions of views and barely any dislikes and it's getting plenty of pre-orders.

You forgot Undertale at number 1.

lol it doesn't even have a proper alarm system as far as i remember. ofc there are predessesors of a new genre, but those Ideas lead to a certain "perfection" culminating and defining a new genre (what MG1 certainly wasn't yet)

yeah, kojima didn't invent open world games with crafting/building and what not, but how he combines this ideas and extends them with new mechanics look pretty novel

cool thanks

Its a postservice sim

just because people jerked off to quiet anyway doesn't mean his artistic intent wasn't to make her design logical to the story. thinking this way is stupid, it's like you don't think there could possibly ever be a reason a character would choose to dress that way unless a man is beating his meat to it.

people will jerk off to anything. that shouldn't hinder designers from using sexy clothing for purposes aside from people jerking off to it.

he could have not given a reason at all and people would have complained that she is naked for no reason. at least he had a reason which he clearly intended before the game was even out.