Hello, I'm the only good character left in the Warcraft franchise.
Hello, I'm the only good character left in the Warcraft franchise
Other urls found in this thread:
>Play Horde for years, thought they were actually going to make the horde the evil side outright since BFA is apparently "inspired" by WC1 and 2 after Teldrassil
>was perfectly content with this since it seemed like an interesting
>"no it's le morally grey and everything Sylvanas did was perfectly planned even when it was the exact opposite of what she said five seconds ago :^)))!"
It's really more an indictment of how fucking bad the writing is when lots of people believe that Shadowlands "leak" is real (even I don't rule it out completely).
what a weird picture of illidan
[1.General-Desolace] user: where is rexxar
Can we have him as warchief? He doesnt warmonger but he also isn't afraid to kick the Alliance in the face.
Nah they cucked him too in the end.
You can't. He's the quintessential '90s loner comic book action hero. He always has one foot out the door and is a capable leader but prefers to work alone. If you sat him in a throne room and had him do politicks he would be miserable and probably turn into a totally different, worse character. He's best used as a guy who shows up when the Horde needs help.
>levels literally dont matter anymore
This was done because their badly designed game allowed max level players to invite low-levels to high level instances, clear trash and boost them to max level in an hour. Blizzard hates fun and creativity so much its pathetic.
Did you not play BFA? They massacred Rexxar's character, he'd might as well be mind controlled by Sylvanas at this point.
Literally WHO!?
No your not. Your some shitty OC from a b tier writer from the expansion.
>forgetting my nigga archmage arugula
you too shall serve
>Sylvanas dies
>Sylvanas lives
I won't matter who's Warchief anymore because they're ending the Horde vs Alliance conflict permanently.
Arugal did nothing wrong. It was Genns fault. He told Arugal to summon them, then when they got out of control he told Arugal to take them out the gates.
Seems 8.2.5 will release on October 1, with the war campaign being timegated for 4 weeks culminating in the ending with the two cinematics, one which will be the longest in-game cinematic to date, on the 29th, right before Blizzcon, where 8.3 will be presented and a short teaser for the 9.0 expansion will be shown as well.
Too bad he was a shit follower in the worst class hall in the entire expansion. I would have rather dwelled in the deepest pits of sewage beneath Dalaran with my mouth open than in that bland fucking mess that was the Unseen Path.
BFA ruined his character by having him joining the Horde of Sylvanas.
I'd Say that Maiev is the last good character left.
>stealing more FFXIV ideas while nerfing another level boost workaround
Now this is desperate
>Yea Forums is one person
The quintessential redditor post
6 mins is really the longest for in-game cinematics? Didn't Legion have equally if not longer ones?
>6 minute animation that will just make everyone angry
>Genn is a paranoid pants-shitting retard who condemned not just his sworn allies, but a significant portion of his own people by building le wall
>Is single-handedly responsible for the worgen plague that further tortured and massacred the civilians
>People finally got so sick of his shit they got an infinitely more charismatic and even-handed leader to rise up in defiance of his rule
>Is portrayed as a do-no-wrong honorable grizzled and wise king whose only fallback is that he is too proactive in pursuing his revenge
I fucking HATE these bland fantasy faggot writers.
>six minutes
Is this supposed to be a boast?
Someone defending Genn is the easiest way to spot lorelets. Guy was a dick that even all the other kingdoms hated and thought badly of.
I think official forum and Wowhead posters are the one demographic on Earth I would not hesitate to line up and systematically execute.
I hated him and considered him a non-character until he dabbed on Sylvanas in Legion
I think the longest so far is the Broken Shore cinematic which was 4:10.
I've been wanting to Sylvanas to fuck off since Wrath's end. Garrosh was right. She IS a bitch.
>dabbed on Sylvanas
>almost died and gave Sylvanas casus belli
>gets his ass kicked just to break an antique lamp
Was it a setback to her? Sure, but we all knew there was zero way the status quo would allow the Forsaken infinite rezzes, and we still ended up with the outcome that portrayed Genn as not even close to the same league as Sylvanas in a fight.
Prepare your butts.
I've gotta wonder if they think people will actually enjoy this shit or if they're just straight up masturbating at this point.
>literal non-character replaces Sylvanas
>Horde players expected to eat shit & take it
My body is ready
If she yells some equivalent to "DRAENOR ISFREE" you can tell they are taking a piss
even rexxar was not safe from the lore rape after supporting sylvanas when in the past, he wanted nothing to do with politics.
would it be necrophilia if you fucked that?
asking for a friend.
more like prepare you BVLLS ;)
Horde players are used to it, we've had to stomach Cairne, Vol'jin, Rastakhan as well as Garrosh getting replaced by a walking vagina wearing a fascimile of Saurfang's armor
What about twitch chat logs?
>undead paladins incoming
I'll play it.
>tfw less annoyed with her than with this asshat coming back
Literal pedofaggotry
>Blizz : "we don't give a shit about the story : if something is cool, we do it"
>WoW players : "ahahah, so true, can't wait to raid Arthas' ass with my Tauren Druid. Got my diapers ready ;)"
>Blizz : "Here in this expac we have Sylvanas doing evil stuff (that's her character since wc3 btw)"
>Those faggots i the comments talking about betrayal and cowardice
As someone who's played both sides of the Broken Shore, seeing shit like that is hilarious, because they make it out like was even remotely close between what the Alliance had to fight, and what the Horde had to fight.
The Alliance looks like pampered babies next to the Horde after that.
Did they ever explain where this nigger was during Legion? His entire story since Mists revolved around a potential invasion by the legion, and he's just fucking gone when it actually happens.
>that's her character since wc3 btw
Her WC3 character literally died at the end of Wrath. The thing that came back was an Old God tainted shell.
>The Alliance looks like pampered babies next to the Horde after that.
That's quite literally always the case.
Nothing more evil than swearing vengeance upon the Scourge, right?
>B-but Garithos!!
I'm sorry, where exactly could the Forsaken have gone? You think they could set up shop over in Hillsbrad all hunky dory? He was sentencing them to destruction, and they turned it around on him, he owed them his life anyhow as without them he would have been tongue-cleaning Dreadlord toes for the rest of his life
Is there a way to have fun with retail? The game is gorgeous and I want to play a goblin, but the combat and quests are pure cancer. Everything is retardedly easy and the "jump into the minigame machine and press 1 an 2 over and over" quests are absolutely not fun at all.
>Alliance has to fight every named demon that wasn't permadead or Kil'jaeden
>Horde had to fight a single literal who Eredar Lord, two of the most ineffective ships ever seen, and a bunch of gargoyles
>Did they ever explain where this nigger was during Legion?
Apparently depressed, brooding and highly embarassed that his master plan of freeing Garrosh and sending him back in an alternate timeline failed so spectacularly it ended up accelerating the Legion's invasion because of Gul'dan.
Throughout BfA there's a lot of easter eggs showing he's been building up a power base again, and the new scenario is about him having learned from his mistakes and basically admitting he was a massive cunt.
Alliance got their BADASS moment as a throwaway blip at the very end that had no impact on the actual battle and no mention in the actual cutscene. Just served to give them a more EPIC experience because they're Blizzard's baby boy faction
this nigga got that "too much anxiety to go outside and i fap to anime" hair
monks fun to me at least
>raiding can be done by a literal robot
>PvP is a war of attrition against overtuned healbots
>quests are braindead
>hunting down stupid shit like mounts or pets is pointless, you do it and it's done
>professions dont exist
>class flavor doesnt exist
>RP was destroyed by trigger trannies
>timegates, timegates, timegates
If this game didn't have a decade of sunk cost fallacy keeping it afloat, nobody would play it
Feels horrible man
Who let you out of Fire and Ice anyway?
I take you missed the part where all of these demons where also in the horde fight, killing tons of NPC soldiers before doing down to the Alliance and doing nothing.
The Allaince literally just fought a few waves of 50 demons, and then bailed when those named demons came.
Meanwhile the Horde fought endless waves of hundred of demons, many of which were far larger than anything the Alliance fought down there, while a bunch of spaceships where bombarding them, AND while those named demons popped in killing hundred of their NPC brethren, all at the same time.
The Alliance did fucking nothing.
This game needs a total overhaul but thats way too much fucking work when you can keep milking dipshits who will play literally anything
Maybe if you wouldn't make fun of him fucking his bear waifu he would stick around and you could have a decent warchief
>sunk cost fallacy keeping it afloat
this was more clever than you intended
>Light Undead
>Light Demons
You literally can't do that. It makes no sense, even within the confines of the lore.
I agree with you apart from raiding, it's probably more mechanically intensive now than it's ever been.
>doesn't kill Artha when she had the chance because torture is better am i right?
>torture innocents
>genocides humans
>establishes a cult of personality
>kills the ones who disobey
But yea, BFA didn't get her character right at all.
Are you fucking retarded? Blizzard cucks always preferred hordeshit. They got so mad at the horde not being popular at release that they added elves and then did nothing about racial ability strength for years. This favoritism goes back to warcraft 3 where they completely redid the horde back story to make them out as fucking dindus who were to be led by green jesus.
She was never raised with necromantic energies, they just made up a bullshit light version. It's still garbage but it doesn't fight itself.
wew the mental gymnastics needed to justify THAT official headcanon from the nuWoW writers
Yup. Orcs were already the big winner of Wc3.
>End of Legion
>Almost everyone is ready for peace
>Even Greymane got his revenge and was sated with what happened in Stormheim
>Gallywix, being a jew, attacks the Alliance in Silithus and then tells Sylvanas they attacked him
>Sylvanas goes full REEEEE mode and attacks Teldrassil, starting another war
Why didn't Baine just pulp her skull? He already threatened to once. And for that matter, why does half the Horde still follow her?
>Lor'themar hates her
>Baine hates her
>Gallywix only likes getting paid
>Ji doesn't like her
>Saurfang just wants to die in battle, but even then he STILL hates her
>Allied Race leaders have no clue who she really is, but have more connection with other races anyway
>>Gallywix, being a jew, attacks the Alliance in Silithus and then tells Sylvanas they attacked him
lmao why can you guys never just tell the truth?
>>Even Greymane got his revenge and was sated with what happened in Stormheim
100% false.
>"Blizzard cucks always preferred hordeshit"
>cries about Garrosh being a traditional orc
>cries about Sylvanas being the same evil fuckface she's been since WC3
>cries when Vol'jin, the guy who never did anything but was appointed by King Human Retard, dies
>dead silent when the Horde went an entire expansion without an acting figurehead, making Legion an Alliance sausage fest where 99% of the relevant characters are either an Alliance race or Alliance-aligned
>cries for high elves on the Alliance
>cries about void elves, because the Alliance wasn't handed blood elf clones on a silver platter
>cheers when Baine does dumb treasonous shit
>cheers when Saurfang isn't helping the Horde anymore
>cheers when furries and second hand embarrassment machines pump out terrible fanart of their Horde characters crying over a tree
>cries over said tree
>cries when factions take meaningful losses in a fucking war, but especially when the Alliance does (and pretends anybody has ever visited Darnassus in 8 years)
>"Blizzard cucks always preferred hordeshit"
I hope whatever bus you ride to work hits you instead
instakilling mobs in an instance while your friend /follow you is fun
>Gallywix, being a jew, attacks the Alliance in Silithus and then tells Sylvanas they attacked him
SI:7 literally popped in and started culling civilian miners just doing their jobs. This entire stupid expansion started because of that.
Read the book, that's what happened.
>Alliance camp in Silithus gets woken up to the sound of Goblin assassins attacking them unprovoked
SI:7 came to Silithus because the Goblins were trying to keep the Alliance from finding Azerite.
She took his kingdom but he took her future. He's ready to fight again if she comes swinging but as far as he was concerned he got his revenge.
>he took her future
he didn't do shit. bfa has her in full rebound.
Nigger you need to read the book. Anduin told Shaw to go ahead and send SI:7 in during the fucking prologue, well before the goblins went after the gnome.
When you ask him for his justification on hating Jaina it's the most contrived bullshit imaginable. Basically "she retaliated to the Horde for sacking Theramore and that's bad so Im gonna follow orders even though Im a free spirited barbarian".
You mena the "Jaina must pay for her crimes!" Rexxar? Sorry, user, you mistook him for someone else.
>End of Legion
>Almost everyone is ready for peace
>Greymane is an untrustworthy senile diaperfur but there is some faith that Anduin can handle all the pieces he has
>Anduin, being a retard, smuggles Calia fucking Menethil in secret to a peace summit after promising no funny business
>Sylvanas, who literally had no funny business planned, perceives an attack against her kingdom's stability and quashes it
Why didn't Mekkatorque give these humanfaggots a lobotomy?
You people are delusional holding on to this line when there's other reasons he's ruined. Why wouldn't the literal *Champion of the Horde* take offense at Jaina's rampages?
Compared to her getting an infinite army of Val'kyr that make her immortal? He fucking ruined her plan.
>>Sylvanas, who literally had no funny business planned, perceives an attack against her kingdom's stability and quashes it
Fuck off.
Because not only she did 0 rampage, not only the dude was afk since vanilla, BUT the Horde just committed mass slaughter.
Wc3 Rexxar wouldn't give a fuck about bfa.
Okay do tell Smarty McFagfag, what was her big plan if the summit went off without a hitch?
this is literally a feature the game needed day one and its fifteen years late and you're a retard if you have a problem with it.
The fact that he's the champion of the horde shows how much of an abomination it is that Sylvanas is warchief. They used to be a coalition fighting for a place in the world - the undead being in charge is the worst possible scenario. They were a mitigating factor against Alliance hegemony in the EK - letting those miserable twats stomp all over Horde brotherhood and honor is unthinkable. If Rexxar is champion of the Horde then the Horde is dead, and the orcs, trolls, and tauren have all made themselves slaves to the witch queen.
t. hasn't ever played Horde. He was present in all expansions besides WotLK and WoD. Rexxar doesn't give a fuck about anything but the Hordes people, and Jain has been off the rails since cata until now when she's been getting her green dickings again.
She was using it to get good press with her people, either by
>Making them hate their living family, so that they cared less when she attacked Stormwind
>Make them love their family more, thus making them want to attack Stormwind in order to turn them into Undead
Either way, she gets less flak when she launches her attack on Stormwind. Nathanos literally spells out the plan for her and she goes with it.
Just don't post if all you have is strawmen
What rampage you fucking idiot?
Dalaran for one.
This. Rexxar is the biggest honor faggot of the Horde. It takes a racist human who want to kill all beast on sight for him to accept Thrall's quest.
He was just in TBC and in Legion, and did almost nothing.
>doesn't give a fuck about anything but the Hordes people
That's wrong. He just want to travel with his bear. He just says to Thrall that he will be there if he needs him. I'm not even sure that he was refering to Jaina killing some blood elf in mop.
He was in both Cata and MoP as well user. Why the fuck do you think he would skip MoP? Chen was literally introduced with Rexxar.
Blizzard just retcons literally everything, even fundamental parts of their worldbuilding.
There's no info about him in MoP.
>Rexxar defended the Valley of Honor in phase 4 of the Elemental Unrest world event.
That's for cata. That's iterally nothing.
>Arrests anyone who could have potentially been part of CREATING A MAGICAL NUKE using NEUTRAL RESOURCES
>Only attacks those who resist
A rampage would have been her teleporting those people into the air surrounding Dalaran rather than to the Violet Hold.
Damn, could you imagine, using neutral resources to impact the Alliance/Horde war? That would be craaaaaaazy.
kek, WoW is so garbage.
>let's make the kirin tor neutral
>let's make khadgar neutral
>let's make the cenarion circle neutral
>let's make mother fucking cenarius neutral.
>Kirin Tor comes out and says they're Neutral
>Makes it extremely plain that their resources weren't to be used for the war between factions
>Garrosh uses them not only to hide the person who created the Mana Bomb, but to also steal another potential superweapon
As a former Private RP server player, MUH NOOTRALITY was one of the most infuriating player stances I ever had to deal with (especially since they without fail were always making deals with the Alliance), aside from Elfshitters being Elfshitters. And wouldn't you know it the High Elf faggots usually covered both those bases.
have you considered that she's just a badly written character with no way out?
>Theramore comes out and says they're Neutral
>Makes it extremely plain that their resources weren't to be used for the war between factions
>Varian uses them not only to funnel manpower and resources across the sea into the Barrens, but to raze and slaughter Camp Taurajo
Also a former private RP server player. It was annoying as fuck. I played pro-Alliance and pro-Horde characters and constantly had to deal with neutrality shitters being shit. And neutrality shitters were usually boring to RP with because their arguments usually always went the same way: muh peace, muh legion, muh scourge, stop being a racist.
Neutrality in some cases is fine, like with the Argents and Shattrath. Even the Kirin Tor makes some sense when they became Neutral primarily to help in the war against Arthas. The Cenarion Circle even makes a lot of sense with what happened in Hyjal during Cataclysm.
There it is.
I'm not going to demonize the Alliance over Taurajo, but to expect zero retaliation for it is fucking arrogant.
Were you a Prologue/Legacy chad too, I wonder?
For me it's not that people expected zero retaliation, or even the method of that retaliation with the Mana Bomb, but usually when it gets brought up the people who bring up Taurajo forget what happened to the Theramore civilians that were fleeing, as well as the Alliance's portion of Taurajo which was a logistical bomb waiting to go off.
Taurajo and Theramore weren't exactly equal.
No, I was on a much smaller server. Conquest of the Horde. Despite the name, most preferred peace and majority of the population was Alliance and Blood Elves. Only met like 3 other pro-faction players during my entire time there: One undead, one human, one night elf.
Blizzard was in full bed-shitting mode with Garrosh's character at this point and did a quick retcon from him purposely using the ground assault feint to let them evacuate civilians in time to UH TARGET PRACTICE HEEHEE HOW EVIL DO YOU WANT TO RAID HIM YET??
>I love my family, that's why I want them to suffer the same horrible ailment I do
You are a simpleton
Rehgar is better
Oh I did a little of that back in the day, I remember when their forums had you do a little creative writing blurb to be accepted in (dunno if that's still the case or not) and I made a fun story about an man fighting an Ogre in gladiatorial combat and it looked like a typical 'underdog human beats nasty brute' thing until I swerved the ending and had the guy be a Cult of the Damned member and get his head crushed by the Gadgetzan enforcer Ogre.
I've been out of the lore loop for a while, who is this? And did they pull Garrosh™ on Sylvanas and just make her lolevilXD?
Calia Menethil, the True Mary Sue. And yes, much like how they lied about Tirisfal's curse having nothing to do with Old Gods they lied about Sylvanas having no parallels to Garrosh
Calia Menethil, Arthas' sister. Sylvanas killed her in the BfA prequel novel when a bunch of Forsaken tried to defect to the Alliance at a truce meeting in Arathi.
Anduin and Alonsus Faol then raised her as a Lightforged Undead with the help of a Naaru.
And Sylvanas has always been evil.
Mechanically I don't think there's anything wrong with the raids, they are quite interesting and has some fun mechanics. The baseline problem is that the game, or your character rather, is so fucking easy to play that it doesn't tap into the potential of the raids.
Every one is on neutral mod to fight against the generic villain of the weak. It's just homogenization garbage because the gameplay of the most static MMO ever wouldn't follow.
That's genuinely what Sylvanas wanted in War Crimes. She was going to poison her own sister and raise her as a second Banshee Queen after they poisoned Garrosh. Vereesa only got away because she ended up choosing her sons over Sylvanas.
She's Arthas' little sister who was reintroduced in Legion. She's a priest who serves under the (now undead) guy who used to be Lordaeron's Pope, who was able to break away from the Scourge and protect Calia because of his faith. Sylvanas has always been sort of evil, BFA is just making her crazy. If 'leaks' are to be believed she's going to become the actual hero.
reminder that WoW never had a good story
Server went down a few years ago. The owner got a DMCA. Most people there jumped ship to another server called Freedom, but I didn't follow. But CotH was still doing the writing blurb thing before it went down.
She literally thinks that way. The writers confirm that she wants her sister to become undead like her so they can be a true family.
Oh fuck off.
Thanks. Think I'm glad I missed out on this, sounds like a shitshow.
Sylvanas was never "just evil", that's the whole point. The same way Garrosh never was either. They just decided to make him a punching bag because they needed a big bad.
Also, didn't Sylvanas run around on her own in Legion, stealing various shit from the Valkeries and other gods? Was that ever explained?
Who on Yea Forums is gonna complain that Sylvanas is dead?
The ones that think the Sylvanas porn will just disappear.
I was a staunch advocate for Forsaken supremacy but even I know it's just a mercy killing at this point
>Also, didn't Sylvanas run around on her own in Legion, stealing various shit from the Valkeries and other gods? Was that ever explained?
She did. She wanted to get herself infinite Val'kyr because they're the only way for her to remain essentially immortal. Genn stops her and the storyline about it is pretty much dropped.
wow isnt cannon
>Sylvanas was never "just evil"
yes she was. She had the excuse of "muh revenge", but once it's gone, there's just that left.
Just like Illidan. WoW players are just giant retard who can't follow a simple story and WoW writers are forced to follow their will because who else pay $15 per month for some update?
>RP on a private server
>play as a neutral goblin merchant
>leap through a dozen hoops to get the proper documentation to operate in Ironforge and Orgrimmar
>offer contraband to both factions; goods from the other side they could never get otherwise
>make a ton of money because roleplayers love having an incharacter reason for their elf owning a dwarf shotgun, or whatever
>shit gets awkward when tensions escalate in Dalaran
>totally-not-Greymane screams his head off, wants to know where one of his understudies got a Forsaken blight pack
>points at me
>not even a half hour later get abducted from the bar while I'm having a drink
>thrown in the Stockades without a trial
>commander who has been trying to nail me for contraband fucks me in the ass and then shoots me in the head
>undead priest I sold military secrets to resurrects me
>fuck & shotgun wedding the commander's son
>there was no court record so he's forced to tolerate me, basically get a greencard to hang around Stormwind full time
me because she is right.
>burn tree with tree hugging elves in it
Based af
when will wow finally FUCKING DIE?
This is the most goblin tale I have ever read.
Oh right, cheers. That was a shame though, it looked like it had potential to be interesting
I'm still hoping this is real just because the shitstorm will be beautiful.
I appreciate this post only because goblin RPers were rare, and goblin RPers that weren't massive neutral/nice faggots were even rarer.
Why is he even i the addon
It can't. People have invested too much time and money into WoW to let it go and unsub
i wish most roleplay was like this
Why do you faggots literally lie about Vajainas genocide during the dalaran purge?
Fuck Marry Kill;
Maiev, Liadrin, and Alleria
what the fuck is this? Is that Jaina?
Its not that Sylvanas is suddenly evil, its that Sylvanas is suddenly evil and not even for a sensible or pragmatic reason
Read nigga read.
Arthas' sister, a light-undead. You need to read the books if you want to understand WoW's story, user.
Read the thread.
Which HUD is this?
On one hand, I want it to be real just to try to see the shitstorm from both sides. On the other hand, I just know this shitposting will affect Yea Forums for months and will destroy WoW's already weak story further as everything all the lore characters did will get brushed under the rug because of this one "good" reason.
>Marry Liadrin
>Kill Alleria (muh void)
>Fuck Maiev
RIP Prologue WoW.
And Wake RP too.
Correct answers.
>everything all the lore characters did will get brushed under the rug because of this one "good" reason.
That isn't the worst of it. It's WoD and Illidan in Legion all over again. We're going to the afterlife, that means they can bring every dead fucker they want back.
>Arthas' sister, a light-undead
>having to steal features from other MMO's
WoW lore seem like a really convoluted mess of bad decisions and cliches
Yeah pretty much.
Even Hearthstone has more continuity at this point.
Its because one writer is writing her as his do nothing waifu and the other isn't.
Sheesh, imagine reading 200+ pages of that shit.
I'm told Wake is trying to arrange another go. All-Human RP is really not my cup of tea though.
See youtu.be
Blizzard never cared about the lore.
Aren't you forgetting someone?
>One writer's waifu is Sylvanas
>The other writer's husbando is Anduin
Thanks for reminding me that the superior team one Rexxar model compared to that disaster exist in HoTS
>Getting a 1920's dancing girl skin in the next HotS event
You got the name of it user?
only lore up to classic is canon, sorry ;)
>HS team makes her look somewhat unique on top of being a part of a cool, albeit hard to pull off, mechanic
>WoW just makes her another hooded DK on a Horse
>who condemned
He didn't condemn shit, thanks to the wall the Scourge actually didn't get into Gilneas.
>Is single-handedly responsible for the worgen plague
That's wrong, Moon Priestess Velinde Starsong is the one responsible for the Worgen plague as she had brought the Worgen to Azeroth in order to battle the Burning Legion presence in it using the Scythe of Elune. After that she lost the scythe and the Worgen went out of control, multiplying rapidly.
Genn was proud and wilful, maybe even a dick, since he was trying to get his hands on Alterac after the end of the second war, but he was a king and he had geoplolitical ambitions just like everyone else be it Lordaeron or Stormwind. Him quitting alliance was what spared his kingdom an early death.
But there have been undeads since vanilla with the ability to use the light
Keep hearing about this shit, so could some poor masochistic soul who still keeps up with the horrible excuse for lore explain what the difference is between a holy zombie and a dude who's just regularly resurrected with holy magic?
Channeling the Light and being an Undead purely risen and animated by the Light are entirely different things. It's like the difference between a Mage who can cast Fireball and Bolvar becoming a stupid Lavaman
Undead when using holy powers can feel their undead flesh and experience terrible pain at the same time when they use it as it burns them. Someone resurrected with holy magic should be just a regular living being unless they were so far gone that the holy power is keeping them animated as an automaton.
One is shinier and works as a puppet for the Naaru, who will conveniently turn evil in a few expansions.
this is a feature COX had day 1 before wow even came out and was one of the best parts of that game
One allows you to become the leader of the Forsaken, the other doesn't.
I'm waiting to hear back from my group of old ProLegacy deadders to see, I think it doesn't have an actual website yet and is probably still in the discord planning stage, so who knows if it'll actually see the light of day
>entirely different things
It's not that much of a stretch. Also, about undeads being hurt by the light, what qualifies as undead? Wasn't calia raised pretty quickly after dying?
making the undead playable characters is the worst mistake wow ever made
I'm keeping an eye on Prophecy RP, progress is slow but what they have looks really good.
Thanks for the heads up.
no, that was adding blood elves and draenei in TBC
>the guy who literally walked away from the horde because of its warmongering is “just following orders” on stormsong
>seemingly showing signs of dementia because he references some slaughter perpetrated by jaina that was cut to push the garbage lawful good overdrive
Nah, he’s dirty too
>I wonder why people want classic back
>I know, let's let them do our shitty boring meme quests over and over again!
Everyone steals form WoW.
>genn was supposed to let his people be taxed to intern genocidal orcs
>genn was supposed to let his people be eternally fucked by the scourge
Being a worgen isn't bad by comparison.
>leveling to max level in an hour is fun
holy shit is this the power of /retail/ players?
>long grinds are content
"long grinds" create adventures, create opportunities, create gank histories, create communities, create a motherfucking great online game
No, long grinds bore people until they do what is optimal to skip that shit, and it's still a grind
Everything in the game is content.
Not a bad feature but when is it coming to real wow?
You missed the part where the Scourge is a joke in WoW and that Genn was already an asshole back in wc3.
Yeah if your a room temperature iq ADHD zoomer
stop tryharding to be a retard, or you must be boring as fuck as a person
Level sync was in other games for years though.
Everything's a joke in WoW.
And yeah Genn was an asshole, that's why Gilneas wasn't in ruins like everyone else around them. There was nothing he could have done to help Lordaeron anyways.
>Humanized Lordaeron
Yuck, but at least they're letting you play as Horde-type races. Doesn't look too bad.
>the vast majority of people seem to like this
>I fucking hate it and feel like it ruins a core MMO principle and is part of makes the modern version of the genre so dull compared to older generations of it.
I guess literally just set to fuck around in classic forever. I really thought i might give retail another shot next expac but I guess im just the old angry faggot now. Why the fuck do you people like this feature? The differences that was created by having different levels was a core aspect to in game community. You all bitch and moan that the game has become lifeless and that everything is the same for everyone, but then most people just love the idea of ANOTHER feature that takes away individual identity. Why not just let everyone do end game post level 10 or so? You could just get scaled up! Sure your rotation might be pretty boring, but THATS the incentive to grow in experience and level up! And whats more, it allows for possibly the smoothest learning curve weve ever had! :^)
Retail leveling was so fucking shit when I tried it after scaling. I don't blame anyone who used this method because Blizzard doesn't want to create a decent leveling experience but are more than happy to sell level boosts while promoting Allied Races.
>Why the fuck do you people like this feature?
Because WoW is currently played by people it was never made for
Goblins make infinitely more sense as the fourth Horde race, but the faction imbalance in vanilla would have been even worse without the undead bringing in the edgelord kids and goblins are hard to make distinct from gnomes.
The only thing TBC and WoTLK were good for was taking away all the 13 year olds from the Forsaken and passing them on to the Blood Elves/DKs, made the race infinitely more based from then on out.
I might hate WoW and the new story, but man the porn has only been getting better.
Weirdly enough I still like the characters with less porn more.
She's so cute. I don't want WoW writers to defile her.
She's already had tons of WoW-era content.
She's still the most dangerous non-magic user on the planet.
Her only "big" content was some book which was more or less retconned.
I just hope that she will remain on the backside.
>Retail leveling was so fucking shit when I tried it after scaling.
It's significantly better now, but it took them a long time to fix what they fucked up.
The book thing still happened, but everyone shuffles around it and mumbles when its brought up.
I wish to remain on her backside!
Maiev is not for lewd. Begone.
Good to know because that was the straw that got me to unsub before BfA Launch, (Which in hindsight, dodged a bullet there) but at this point, I don't think it's worth coming back to. Even with my guild pestering me that it's "totally gotten better" and they fixed the majority of BfA's issues, which I doubt.
kill yourself sjw reedit siofang loser
She was big in the Illidan book too.
seeihing furry faggot
Sylvanas has given the Horde the most significant military victory in its history. The Undercity was comfy but a shithole, trading it for Teldrassil was more than worth it. Nelves eternally btfo
What's worthy about taking a stronghold when you burn it to the ground? Horde can't do shit with the smoldering tree and whole darkshore is still a guerilla hell so it's not like they can use that either.
and yet they're still losing right now from Blizzard's own lips
None of this shit matters anyway, we know how it's going to end. (Kiss and make up for N'zoth or gold medal mental gymnastics to make Sylvanas Kerrigan 2.0)
>wow is now finally is Warhammer online
took them long enough
>Nelves eternally btfo
They are getting btfo since vanilla.
They enjoy it. Goblin taking Azshara was a much bigger blow than burning some shit tree.
Also Blood Elves in Horde will always look shit no matter what. .
>i just bought BFA and dont want to levle my character waaahhh its almost as if the content was made over the span of 15 years and was meant to be completed upon the release of those expansions but im a zoomer and have adhd autism and cant handle the long time it takes to get to end level waahhh
I didnt read any of this, your mom dies in her sleep tonight
They side-stepped BfA's issues (which mostly consist of Azerite Armor being dog shit). Essences are a good system, hopefully they carry that forward to the next expansion.
>Nelves eternally btfo
You're a bit late announcing that, user.
>Nelves eternally btfo
Nelves have always been eternally blown out and I genuinely don't get it because it more or less goes against everything that had been established both in Warcraft 3 and even the massively inferior ret-conned lore we get now.
Nelves were one of the most populated races, had some of the largest cities, possessed significantly advanced magic, technology, and architecture to be what one might consider a 'modern' people within the setting, but despite all this Blizzard just shafted them. Constantly. I don't even like Nelves, but jesus christ.
Why didn't the Nelves have Winterspring? Why didn't the Nelves have Azshara? Why was the Horde, consisting of refugees of refugees, even a threat to the Nelves with their paltry numbers and objectively inferior technology? Why the fuck were the Tauren so fucking eager to cut all ties with the Nelves they had been living peacefully for basically eons to buddy up with these green fucks they've literally known for maybe 15-20 years tops?
None of the 'faction powers' or relationships are consistent and they haven't been so since the beginning.
>Horde conveniently plot-armors their way through situations where they would otherwise have no chance at winning
More news at 7.