You CAN'T argue against this, Yea Forums.
You CAN'T argue against this, Yea Forums.
Digibro is Yea Forums culture
Yea Forums is Digibro culture
consider this:
every game should be on every platform
be careful
you might just summon.....
the snoys....
Why does Yea Forums hate him so much?
>pedophile weeb says thing
Everygame should be free and complete too.
>neckbeard eceleb
>Yea Forums related
Every game is eventually on the PC.
>what are technical limitations
BASED retard, games are already barely playable on base ps4 and xbone, switch is a fucking tablet, not a full blown gaming machine
based lolicon guy
Yes arma 3 should be on the switch ;^)
He's opinionated and up his own ass. Just like majority of Yea Forums, and they hate looking in the mirror.
That's the guy that got btfo in front of everyone by Destiny?
i share some of his opinions but digibrony is an egomaniac control freak and i wouldn't like to know him personally
He won that debate though.
Oh yeah bro, I forgot Yea Forums was full of people who openly admitted to jerking off to dogs fucking toddlers and not showering.
Who are you quoting?
>nonce in denial
Yeah, that's going to be a "yikes" from me senpai
He should stick to spending 50 minutes explaining why K-on is a masterpiece.
he's probably in this thread now. Hey digi stop making low effort vlog shit and actually make edited scripted videos you lazy fat pedophile
I can't believe that idiots give him 100k a year for the no effort shit he does.
It’s the way YouTube is now.
Short, well edited and fun videos don’t make money.
Making long ass videos draws better ad-revenue plus YouTube rewards longer videos in the search results and algorithm than a short video.
Plus it’s too much work and as far as I know if you are doing this for a job, you need to release as much content as possible even if it isn’t to the high standard you normally put yourself on otherwise you got barely a fart of cash.
Look at pewdiepie, does this daily and it’s not much effort. Look at Egoraptor, animations are out and long walkthroughs of games are in. Reaction videos are shat out because it’s easy cheap to make and is popular.
Isn't this the dude that was asshurt about the Jojo anime winning an award or something?
> pedophile
loli porn advocate
Yes and people are going to say he was just joking around but even if true he's still an idiot for it
> loli porn advocate
> pedophile
please commit bowing anime girls
Fucking digibro looks like his own caricature.
I don’t have a single poster on my walls
He's still butthurt about it.
>still using the pink and lavender color scheme
I guess some things never change.
too long didn't watch
does he ever mention the switch's hardware limitations?
Have you ever considered the fact you are a faget?
And nothing you say can change that?
They’re fictional characters
They don’t feel pain because they don’t exist
Likewise defending them is pointless
i never said i was against it
You're still a pedophile.
> not attracted to real children
> never will be attracted to real children
> the fake children I'm attracted to do not resemble real children in any meaningful way
> the "slippery slope fallacy" that leads from jerking off to [random fetish] to actual pedophilia could be said to start at not having a massive tits fetish if you're going to be that kind of retard
Keep in mind this is the same faggot who said the Wii-U was better just because he could buy every exclusive game at a discount which equaled to the price of a launch day Switch. He's so fucking fickle.
it was a better option at the time because it had more games and he could get it really cheap
> not attracted to real children
> never will be attracted to real children
> the fake children I'm attracted to do not resemble real children in any meaningful way
>no arguement
His K-On videos were pretty good, made me appreciate the show more.
I bet you didn't even watch any of it and just have a 12 year old's mindset about SoL shows being icky bad gay stuff.
> no argument other than claiming I'm lying with no substantiation
He made fanfiction about kids diddling each other, dude's a pedo.
Here's an argument. You're attracted to a form that resemblance that of a underage child -> you're sexually attracted to underage childs bodies.
>his k-on videos are good.
Not the manga one, the dude has no respect for the source material and acts like everything great is only because of Kyoani.
So if a man were to jerk off to gay hentai it wouldnt be gay because theyre just drawings?
If they're just drawings that are obviously men, then it is gay
If it's traps, then we enter the same gray area as lolis, where they don't look like the real thing, ergo not gay
>this is what pedos tell themselves
Congratulations on letting me get the crowd who knows traps aren't gay on my side.
traps and lolis arent the same though so that's invalid
> are "men"
> look like women with a slight different aesthetic and sense of taboo
> not gay
> are "kids"
> look nothing like kids but for a slight aesthetic and a sense of taboo
> not pedophilia
His friend has Yea Forums taste. Digi's taste is just awful.
>Yea Forums seething
yep im thinking he based
So I like listening to the PCP podcast, but Ben Saint is terrible. He has a pissy fit whenever anyone doesn't fully agree with his opinion
He's pretty based
digibrony and his screw like bestguyever make Yea Forums threads about themselves, they even cried about it on podcast that their threads get insta spammed and deleted. I guess Yea Forums is their new home now.
>lolis, where they don't look like the real thing
They do though.
>shit taste
>literal sperg
>total pseud
>ironic lolicon
He is the epitome of reddit
>idiots give him 100k a year
More than half of that goes to his editor.
Age isn't the big factor in lolis. It's the small boobs and short height. Literally the only diffrence in it being "pedo" is what age the girl has on the fucking wiki page. If the designer makes a girl look like a 13 year old but says she's actually 18, does that make me a pedo?
according to the retards, yes
according to people like me, no
Have you seen the videos he put out now?
Every game should be on every platform if it's technically possible.
If existing without exclusives isn't feasible for some platforms this would mean that they have forced themselves into the market and should've never existed in the first place.
>slippery slope fallacy
Imagine unironically thinking this in the current year LMAO nice one schlomo
>could be said to start at not having a massive tits fetish
But that's true, everyone knows "DFC" is just lolicon-lite. Hence why lolicons lose their shit at oppai-loli material. If you don't have a massive tits fetish then you are simply fucked in the head, sorry bro.
I thought these were just abstract lines on a page?
>Make trannyera mad
>Make Yea Forums mad
UM BASED?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I LOVE HIM
If be down to having im@s finally have a western release on Switch.
>Yea Forums shitting on lolis so they can throw a e-celeb they don't like under a bus
Shit board
It's just a drawing of a girl with a made up age. what's your point?
Digibro is a cunny chad therefore he is /our guy/
Redditor Detractors can fuck off as Yea Forums has and will always be a board that love cute and funny girls.
slippery slope IS a fallacy, fuck you
They're still pedophiles because they're attracted to children/child bodies.
That being said, they should.not undergo any legal ramifications because they are drawings of fictional characters.
The only good e-celeb
He pretends that he's not attracted to real children though.
This guy is my biggest guilty pleasure. He's such a smelly looking asshole but also one of the few anime related content creators that genuinely seem to care about the medium beyond making bucks off seasonal shit
Most people who hate him are butthurt because he shits on reddit shows
He likes Dr Reddit though
>triggernigger fanboy
>shit;gate fanboy
>unironically thinks butcher is a good writer
>not reddit
Shit taste and smugness, so just an average user that's pretending his opinions are worth more than that.
Is this supposed to be controversial or something? If the Switch can run it, sure, I hope you enjoy the game.
Anything that makes Yea Forums seethes is probably alright.
I can, I don't care about voretuber's argumentation. they are disgusting.
opinion discarded, max cringe
>Every game should be on EVERYTHING
THIS is what would be ideal.
Except if this happened, consoles would die overnight and game companies like Sony and Nintendo will lose a huge chunk of revenue
So yeah, ideal scenario that will never happen
no, consoles wouldn't die. you could make an argument that if every game suddenly became available on every platform (which means mobiles too) PC gaming would also die, but then lets face the facts:
>not all gamers use only one platform
>not all consolefags own gaming PC
>not all pcfags own a console
I doubt any of them would suddenly purchase something else if they already had the platform to play all games on, and old habits are hard to kill, so they would continue purchasing the consoles/new PC parts as the time goes on
You forgot Reddit Dragon and Psycho Piss.
>implying you need a gayming peesee to play a game at 1080p 60fps
>implying people will want to stick with 720p 30fps
>implying people will want to buy games for consoles when they can just pirate them on PC
>implying PC with its enormous power and freedom would actually die
Top lel, consolefag. This isnt a consolewar thread, but you cant deny the fact that if Bloodborne was ported to PC, even EGS, then PS4 would die instantly
to nerds who argue about consoles online, yes
to the normalfags that only play cod and sports games, no
>implying I wrote all that
neck yourself
>t. seething consolefag
So can anyone post the kid diddling fanfic he made? I need a good laugh.
>implying I'm a consolefag
Why are Switch owners the most annoying console war faggots on this board?
First time I heard of that. Maybe it could be the light novel he wrote in a day? Search for that.
I know that mentioned it. So its possible its the VN but not sure.
I think it's a novel he wrote when he was 19 called the Scarlet City or something
LOL the Switch can barely run games made for it.Keep buying those decade old ports nintendron.
Nobody buys them though. Capcom can't even put their foot in the door. None of their ports sell and MM11 didn't even make top 1 at the week of release.
kill all weebs
he's one of them but gets paid to shitpost