Why haven't you hacked your switch yet Yea Forums? Don't tell me you are scared of bricking it, it's easier to hack than the wii was.
Why haven't you hacked your switch yet Yea Forums? Don't tell me you are scared of bricking it...
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Will i still be able to play online?
>that background
>those games
Spic or nigger?
>run goldleaf
>doesn't have the usb installation thing
Got stuck there.
I dunno, I remember the wii being really fucking easy.
You can play your bought games online.
Did you use zadig and install the switch drivers? It happened to me too until i did that.
>Run goldleaf on NSw
>Run zadig to change driver from PC
>Nothing happens on NSw side
This is gonna sound retarded but did you try a different USB port? I was having the same problems until I used a different port even though the one it was plugged into detected it in RCM.
i did
Bcuz mariko switch is not hackable yet
I can't
if you explain to me how to hack it really easily for retards, sure I'll do it. it seems so fucking hard
Nope, still didn't work.
I chose cfw Sysnand for the launch, maybe I was supposed to pick that cfw emu version. Or maybe I was supposed to update the firmware past 3.0.2. Not sure.
>tfw k-on! anime is a decade old
I wonder if Yui is homeless by now
schlop schlop schlop
I put Kosmos on mine already but I'm still confused when it comes to using CFW sysNAND vs CFW emuNAND vs OFW sysNAND, which I don't think I ever use anymore, right?
If you've hacked a wii or a ps2 you can easily do it. I'm a brainlet but I managed to do it my first try.
I hacked it a while ago but never bothered with the online stuff, emunand iirc, how do you set it up? How big are the risks? Does it work on digitally bought games?
its pretty easy honestly, but everywhere ive looked explains it fucking terribly. also the scene is constantly changing.
theres just so many “oh yeah you gotta install this driver/program/etc.
emunand is where you play your pirated games iirc and then sysnand is so you can play retail games online. i dont believe you can play pirated games online on emunant but dont quote me
where the fuck do i get anime themes bros?
I've seen people saying in these topics that all Switch (besides the Mariko revision) are hackable, is it true? Do I still have to check serial number before buying?
Not everyone is a poor scumbag like you.
Stupid question but you didnt explicitly say, you ran goldtree from pc in combination with goldleaf?
Theres a retatd proof guide in the pastebin on /vg/
I don't even have the time to play all of the games I pay money for. Hacking is what i do to extend the life of a system that's all but stopped getting new games
Short answer is no
For pirated games, the answer is no. For legally acquired games you can still go online and do everything the same. The setup for this is having a clean sysnand then using an emunand to keep offline and pirate
I'm not poor, I enjoy playing games online, and I prefer to own my games in a physical format.
When will they be able to bypass that? Pre-patched switches are a finite resource and sooner or later stores and online resellers will run out of them. In my country's ebay the guy who was selling xaw70014 already ran out of it last week.
1. Launch cfw
2. Launch goldleaf via that gallery+R thing on NSw
3. Launch zadig on PC, change libusbk on NSw
Then stuck, didn't see usb installation in the process.
>sir, would you like this free game?
>no thanks, I'm not poor so I'll pay for it!
based and logicpilled
I cant find the spot it the tut I used for zadig, but you should only need to run it once, then after that you just do goldleaf in cfw then goldtree on pc, then a cmd prompt should come up on pc saying your switch is connected. Then use the switch to browse your pc files to find the nsp. It sounds like you might have a glitch installing the drivers but it also sounds like you haven't tried to open goldtree on pc yet, try opening it and see what the command prompt says
Mugi a coalburner
For me, it's Mio
I'll hack mine after I get my second one AKA the Switch Pro just like I did my PSP. The old one gets to be the cracked one while the new one is legit.
Because there's nothing to play on it, so hacking it would be a waste of time.
>Because there's nothing to play on it
I love this crowd. My favorite kind of shitpost on Yea Forums.
>there's nothing to play on (insert literally any fucking console ever created here)
Scared of losing online. I do enjoy playing Smash online socially.
Personal choice. I like to pay for my games.
Some people can't or won't and that's their prerogative.
Why would a nigger have a k-on background
I like to pay but having a hacked systems lets you do things like apply translation patches. That's why I hacked my older PSP but kept my newer one legit so I got the benefits of both sides.
Well duh I want more games so you have to fucking pay.
This isn’t Tim Sweeney we’re talking about here who already paid for my game
Or you could, ya know, hack your switch. Granted you need an older model, but it has options for keeping your system clean and going online and using ALL nintendo features, buying games that have online. While you have a cfw emunand setup for offline singleplayer games that you can pirate. It's a pretty sweet deal
>hack it
>ability to play ps1, psp, n64, dreamcast and every console before those without any issues
>ability to play all switch games without limits, with all dlc
>ability to fix shit releases with mods like dark souls crappy audio
I'll give that a try tomorrow, oyasumi
I would if only I could get a launch window Switch. I'm scared of spending $300 to brick it just because new hardware was patched.
Is there a way to have music playing on the menu, yet?
Is fullspeed DS emulation capable without running Android?
Is fullspeed GameCube emulation feasible?
I had that shit too
A rule of thumb is that the Switch should be charging when the USB connection to your PC works
I used the usb-c cable I got with my phone but it didn't work so I ordered another one from wish, tried it again by slowly putting it in / removing it and turning it around + putting it in again and it suddenly worked
so try a couple of times, try it slowly, keep the cable straight
fullspeed DS only on android
fullspeed gamecube hell no
idk about music on the home menu but its probably possible
I mean, in an ideal and respectable first world country where people have the money to afford luxury items, that should be your response. Those of us who download and pirate everything can only really morally justify it by saying it's about convenience in tandem with knowing we could never afford to follow this hobby otherwise.
a single game is $90CAD here man. I cannot keep up with that
i'm waiting for the emulator. never owned any nintendo system, ain't gonna start now.
Im trying to swap a ps4 5.05 for a hackeable switch with huge SD. But nobody likes shitty ps4 REEEEEEE
absolutely and utterly based
I want a switch aaaaaAAAHHHHH
How is Dolphin development on the Switch? It's been 2 years already goddamit. I'd settle for native resolution desu
is the xbox one hackable yet?
Ive got one collecting dust and figured id make use of it soon