
How did Moblins go from looking like pudgy bulldogs to lanky unicorn-aardvarks?

Attached: moblins botw.jpg (1024x576, 77K)

Zelda enemies have been changing in appearance since the early games.

They had Hinoxes in the game and probably didn't want to have Moblins be built similarly.

So they are actually interesting for once instead of lol pig enemy

Why call them Moblins?

Because thats what they are.
The higher ranking soldier like monsters
Were you upset when snes changed how enemies looked as well?

In OoT they weren't pudgy either. They were built.

They started out as pudgy pig things then became huge monoliths of muscle then became short pig things with tiny feet then got combined into this thats towering muscle but somehow still having a tiny lower body like in WW

They look like porn game enemies
I bet they have weird pig cocks

Skyward Sword had the funniest looking Moblins to me

Attached: Moblin_(Skyward_Sword).png (766x431, 363K)

Hell, they completely dropped the pig thing in OOT and just made them bulldogs.

Attached: oot.png (328x614, 205K)

This. I mean, the bokoblins in this game don't really look anything like the bokoblins in past games

>no one did any porn of a monstermask wearing link having a great big gay orgy with monsters

I wish OOT had moblins outside of the Sacred Forest Meadow.


Yes it did.

those horns look really stupid. I hope they bring in a cooler looking bread as well as Iron Knuckles and being back the gecko styled Lizfos from SS. (I hate SS, but the Lizfos looked really cool)

Attached: zelda7.jpg (235x214, 8K)

Those fucking nipple guards man

Yes it did, but were you upset by it

BotW (and SS) needed more imposing enemies.
The lynel is the only enemy that isn't a joke.

I never noticed how ripped these things actually are.

>Iron Knuckles
Fuck yes, I want to see this. I want a proper fight in BotW2, not just being able to spam attack to beat literally any standard enemy.

Honestly if BotW had proper dungeons and a better variety of enemies/combat it would be absolutely GOAT, such a shame.

bring back these mofos.

Attached: zelda17.png (567x505, 182K)


They're honestly really sexy in BotW

i always forget OoT had moblins

Lynels were alright but some lynels were way easier than others.

Ffffuck hammer/lance lynels. I couldn't get their patterns down worth a shit.

I love me some Iron Knuckles
Imagine a game with them as the generals and Darknuts and the actual soldiers with lizalfos beneath them and so on.
Actually working together and barking orders.
Shit would be gr8

Attached: Darknut_(Twilight_Princess).png (751x903, 493K)

Yes i was.

Unfortunate you dislike when artists are able to try now forms when a new medium arrives.
For instance all zeldas before BOTW were designed with subHD resolutions in mind so all the enemies and assets in general are very very easy to make out details and the overall design.
Now that botw was at least half way to HD we are starting to see them bring back details like muscles and such since they can support it.

I stopped fucking with hammer lynels after a silver with a crusher wiped out my maxed-out health in a single hit. Not even worth it.

Shit art design is how.

BotW was a disgrace

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