Gears 5 breaks records as biggest launch for any Xbox Game Studios game this generation


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So 3 people bought it instead of 2?


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> UK

every time, why can’t we hear about how a game sold in France or Germany?

well if its setting records then theres no reason for me to buy it since the devs got plenty of support

Kait shows too much skin, the game is haram for france and germany

>Gears brand
Basically irrelevant at this point. Too "oldschool" for zoomers and holds little to no value in the eyes of grognards who grew up on actual old school shooters. It's basically a relic of 00s and I wouldn't be surprised if 5 will be the last game in the franchise.

Gears was trash from day 1, zoomer.

>Giving out subs for free for months
>Three million players

Actually objectively pathetic numbers, especially after Xcucks told me there were at least 10 million GP subs out there.

I wonder if the dude having a meltdown in the last thread will come in here.

When did I state otherwise? Take your pills, grandpa, you're getting delusional again.

Having the biggest launch for any xbox studios game on xbone is like being the tastiest piece of shit in Delhi

Xbox hasn't exactly sold much this gen so that's hardly an achievement

>boxed sales
>only in a single country

looool imagine embarrassing yourself like this

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>xbox sales arent good in UK
You do know those turds only play sports games on playstation when they arent watching shows right?

>literally who twitter screenshot

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>xbox game studios games
>this gen
can't think of anything

Uhhhh, Sunset overdrive.

As many players as Spiderman
keep seething



The have quite a few titles on steam
Mostly they mean stiff like Halo Gears and Forza though.
Small titles like ori and cuphead are always good when they show up

Oh yeah, always forget about this

For some reason uk sales are representative of us sales too

At 5 dollars because of game pass

just started playing but
>white man "fucks up"
>mutt chick and black man side chick take over
>mutt chick is also muh instable

>Continues cliffhanger ending of 4
>New entry in a hugely popular series
What the fuck did you expect? Doesn't make it good.

Which means MS will make more money in the long run as people will keep the sub, either by forgetting about it or by playong one of the other games in it, like DMCV or MHW

>Have the ability to pay $60 for a physical game
>Or $1 to play the same game but its digital and its the delux version.

Gee I wonder why physical sales are down guys?

>UK box sales
damn son got the alaska box sales to compare?

>Gears 5 breaks records as biggest launch for any Xbox Game Studios game this generation
Compared to literally what?



MS aren't complaining though. If Sony don't have as many players for their games then that's their loss for not providing a similar service. EA, Ubi and now MS are offering this service as an alternative to spending $60 on a game in the same way Netflix, Amazon Prime Video etc offer alternatives for movies and TV shows. It's a logical business model and another revenue stream for all these companies which will only make them more money but at the same time it's not anti-consumer as it greatly benefits the consumer too. More options are always better. I think Sony will do their own Gamepass tier service next gen and put their games on it like MS, Ubi and EA do but it's kinda embarrassing MS did it first when Sony has had PSnow for ages and could have upgraded it for console players. Sony have done dumb things in the past though.

I never got around to playing Gears 3 and it's still sitting in the box sealed, worth playing?

You people must live under rocks to not know about Forza and their other shit.
Then again most of you probably didnt know theyve been putting games on steam for years now

Three million players for the second biggest Microsoft IP which is basically free to play is not that good.

Maybe because they're false advertising it with Marcus when you never even play as him

you do realize that Kait is the face of every bit of marketing right?
Do you even see ads in real life or just make them up?

The girl you play as is litterally on the front cover user

Fucking fpbp, nobody except absolute sports retards has an xbox this gen, so I can't imagine "biggest launch this gen" has any meaning at all. Why not compare it to any other gears release?

3 million players in 2 days or whatever isn't good? what the fuck are you smoking? this franchise has been dead for nearly 10 years and that's a massive leap for it. forza and halo have greatly overtaken this game.

OP pic is a giant billboard of Marcus though. Beyond the screaming internal voices thing from E3 I haven't seen her face once. That bearded washed up boomer? everywhere.
Even MS knows the E3 trailer showed the game in a bad light and people just made jokes about women being mentally unstable pieces of shit.

It had a harmful effect on their sales. It had to have for them to back off of her in the marketing like they did.

is the game good anyway? was looking to play it on multiplayer or maybe choose another gears/some better shooter

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kek thats why every TV spot and add online only shows Kait amiright?
Of course they brought out the big man marky marc to advertise at fucking e3.
Really though you should probably watch actual ads before pipping up since you only absorb whats given to you at pressers

>this generation

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>€2 for 2 months of ultimate pass
>mfw dabbing on consoleniggers @ 165Hz with the ability to aim
Loving every minute of Gears 5 boys

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It's four days and no, is not that good. Spiderman sold 3 million in three days and that game had a 60$ entry. Imagine the numbers if it was only 2$.

>Really though you should probably watch actual ads
this fucking board man, nothing but shitposting and shills.

>sales don't exist if I can't see them

The multiplayer is just more of the same. The campaign is bad.

Yea it’s good, better than 4 in every way and I’m not even that into gears. I’m enjoying it a lot.

Gears is a boomer franchise

Oh, what's that?
You mean consolefags don't actually care about physical and buy everything digital too?
What happened consolebros? I thought physical was like, super important and why consoles were great.
Now it suddenly doesn't matter anymore now that you realize that most consoleniggers eat up digital anyways?

Kids still play that homo erotic bear fetish game.

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>UK sales as if those matter at all.
That's like saying Ohio's boxed sales are indicative of how well a game sold. You either say the whole PAL region or you don't even speak.



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>some nigger complains about muh marketing
>admits he literally hasnt seen any marketing outside press events like E3
I barely watch TV and still see commercials for this shit often enough. Same for BL3.
E3 coverage is pretty much nothing like the casual marketing campaigns the user tried to complain about.
>he doesnt even know how advertising a game works
So sad.

You do know Playstation Now exists, right shitposter?

Whoa he actually said that? Based Keanu

>online streaming
did they change something or are you baiting me?

are you really comparing a global icon like spiderman to a niche exclusive franchise which only westerners knew about because of the xbox 360? jesus christ. 3m in 3 days or whatever for gears is immense. we're talking about a game where the previous one had less than half that. gears games are as big or probably not even as big as FROM games and games like bloodborne sold 3m in 3 years despite being $30 after a year and given away for free on psn as well.

let me guess you want this game to crash and burn right? just say you like less games.

PS Now is garbage compared to Game Pass though. It’s not even close.

It never mattered, the "p-physical is important and that's why consoles are great!" shitposting was just one autistic kid coping with every other consolenigger eating up digital and asking for more.
Expect next gen to drop physical games entirely.

Thank you user! Im kinda scared about the fucking microtransactions ruining the experience

>this generation
so they have to write fake news and spin it as a success by deliberately not comparing it to previous generatoins

if you fall for this marketing ass pull, you are beyond help.

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>PlayStation Now offers unlimited download access to more than 300 PS4 games, allowing you to download and play them directly on your PlayStation 4 system


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Pc copys.

What the fucck are you talking about? The game is pretty much free. No shit people are playing. Gears 4 made more money with "less than half" because those were all full price sales. Three million for a free to play game is nothing special. Apex Legends had ten million players in three days. And that was a literal who game that came out of nowhere with barely no marketing.

>xbox game studios game
>this generation
begs the question, how many games has xbox game studios launched this generation?

call me when it gets actual good games like monster hunter world, dmc5, metro exodus, mgs5, halo mcc etc.

I was talking about for PC though like how gamepass becoming is now.

Does it ever get large titles day one?
Thats literally the only reason to even use a service like this is to not pay 60 dollars

They publish a lot user
Like even on steam

>trust me bro my dad works at nintendo trust me

>good games like
>metro exodus
>halo on a Playstation

are you playing the game? if no why not it's free? let me guess you're not interested. well there will be millions of other people in your position. they're not playing it because it's cheap. no one does that. people play it because they're interested in it and the price is even more of an incentive paired with that interest. the fact people are even willing to sign up to gamepass whilst other services like ea access are bombing because no one cares about bf5 proves that even further and ea access at its STANDARD price is like $30 for a year which is $0.5 more than gamepass is on sale per month with the $2 for 2 months.

also answer the question, you want this game to crash and burn right? just say you like less games.

>they're now shit games because my beloved platform doesn't have them

and every xbox thread here for the last 6 years has people claiming MS will kill of xbox and give sony all their IP for free including halo so where the fuck is it?

Go look for yourself retard. The internet is a click away.
As far as huge titles go though maybe Forza and Halo.
Cuphead and ori are pretty much indie so they didnt get that big

>are you playing the game?
Yes i played the fucking game.
>also answer the question, you want this game to crash and burn right?
I don't give a shit either way, but pretending this is a massive success is ridiculous.

>not big

cuphead is fucking huge to the point you have retardera making fucking petitions to bring it to ps4. ori is getting extra funding from nintendo to bring it to the switch because of how much they liked it.

Meybe I underestimated them and if so then there you go.
Big titles right there, and MS helped get cuphead on switch as well

please explain how having 3 million players on launch for a franchise as niche as gears isn't a massive success. what's a massive success then? 500 million players only?

Are you actually implying the PS4 doesn't have Metro Exodus and MGSV?

Uhh this generation is almost over?

These fags still think they're relevant in any way?

Gears 3 was the best selling Gears game and it had 500k players on launch weekend.

Why are you even engaging with that retard? He’s just trying to be as negative as possible because/v/ contrarian.


were talking about gamepass and psnow

last time i checked metro exodus wasn't on psnow. i know mgs5 was given away with ps+ like a year ago though.

Because Gears is nowhere near niche as you trying to imply. Gears 4 had 1.5 million people playing in its first weekend and that game was 60 dollars, only in the Xbox One and the shitty MS store and was following that piece of shit Judgement.
Doubling the player numbers while you sell the game for 2 dollars isn't particularly impressive, as i said, Apex Legends had more than three times as many players in the same timeframe.

Bongistan has way more Islamic fundamentalists than either of those countries.

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Funny when talking about the united khaliphate

So steamdrones complain for years about muh xbox games on PC and when they finally get them they dont even care anymore.
You fucks are just as bad as sony cunts

>sneaky wording
>leaves out the price

Shady-as-fuck stuff always seems to follow the "successes" of SJW media projects. It's rarely-

>We sold the product by itself at a normal price, and it did amazingly well by any standard. There was no suspicious activity around the sales that suggests that we were somehow fudging the numbers. If you go outside, you will meet people who've bought the product and gone through it.

Why can't they ever seem to talk straight when discussing these "smash hits", I wonder?

>*technically it's the first "Gears" game
>**includes Gamepass

Every time. It's like when they talk about how the Xbone is the most successful console they've ever had despite being a complete failure.

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I just checked and Gears of War 2 sold 2 million in its first week and GoW3 sold three million. Those were all full price, so how is the same number anything impressive when now the game can be played by expending only 2 dollars?

gears 5 is literally unknown everywhere except the UK, US and Mexico. ask anyone anywhere else in the world what it is and i'd bet my house they don't know what it even is. it's a franchise that's never sold well at all outside of a few western countries compared to something like spiderman which even streetshitting indians or loincloth wearing africans know about. it's an incredibly niche franchise on a global scale.

apex legends on the other hand was riding off the back of two of the biggest multiplayer games in history being pubg and fortnite. it was talked about literally everywhere in this holy trinity of BR shooters and the game was available on every modern platform bar the switch (which it most likely would have been on if it had the power to run it) and did well based on that. it's success didn't come out of thin air. people for whatever reason are hungry as fuck for BR shooters so it's no wonder it did well. i don't understand why you're trying to downplay the immense success of this game. you say you don't care but you're acting like you want it to fail and it's because of retards like you who spam this shit on social media why we can't have nice things.

Good for the playerbase and game longevity, and will probably get a fuck ton of money from the predatory MTX's
Microsoft doesn't really expect people to pay full price for their games, if they did they wouldn't be on Game Pass

Just look at The second and third game sold 2 and 3 million in their first week. How the fuck is that niche at all what are you talking about? Are you a Microsoft PR person or something?

come back to me after we get 7 days worth of sales data for gears 5.

Top sellers are basically the same all over the west you just rotate the sports games around

You realize that most kids and teenagers dont even know what gears is right?
Its a dad game at this point
Hence the strong themes of family

>waaaaaaaaaaah why is this game successful i HATE it having a good launch reeeeee
absolute state of this retard

They just want another tortanic so they can fit in and have a single good time

>boxed sales in the UK are down
>when the promo code on a £1 energy drink gives you a full week of game pass during which you can beat the entire game
hmm i wonder why

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>days gone
>less than 200k in first 3 days on a 100m unit platform
>what a success based!!!!

>gears 5
>3m players after 3 days on a frankly dead platform with ~40m sales
>it's a failure it's dead!!

Bad look for xbox fans

everyone playing gears 5 is playing it for 1 or 2 dollars

>days gone
>less than 200k in first 3 days on a 100m unit platform
Now you are just making shit up

everyone who watched stranger things watched it for free because of the free 3 month promo. is netflix dead and is stranger things a commercial flop?

>any Xbox Game Studios game this generation
>this generation

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>but sony

>In its first three days after launch, it sold approximately 114,319 physical units.

>Days Gone is an action-adventure survival horror video game developed by SIE Bend Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 4 on April 26, 2019.
>Sony shipped 3.2 million PlayStation 4 units between the start of April and the end of June, the company announced Monday. That brings total lifetime shipments since its 2013 launch to 100 million

>for any Xbox Game Studios
>this gen
>the xbox one gen
they sold 20 copies in Japan?

>In its first three days after launch, it sold approximately 114,319 physical units.
In Japan alone. Do you even read your fucking shit?


Gears 4 sold 92k on launch weekend.
3 million > 92k

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purpose mistake catches out the resident sony shill. i knew you were bashing gears for no reason than other than being a fanboy shill. cope.

0+1 is bigger than zero.

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>I was only pretending!
Embarasing really. I don't give a fuck about Days Gone. I literally have a fucking Xbox One but i hate this PR bullshit and retards like you that fall for it.

I think that says more about the Xbox's failure than it does Gears 5's success.



>all these people dusting off their xbones
Its not even the best gears but seeing you all like this is always too funny

>gears of war is literally unknown everywhere except the UK, US and Mexico i.e. MS's biggest markets where 90% of all sold 360/Xbone consoles sit.
based retard.
>it's an incredibly niche franchise on a global scale.
Gears of war is one of MS's biggest homegrown Xbox IPs only second to Halo.

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Not even biggest Gears launch or something? After giving away all those Gamepass subs for 1 buck?

Jesus Christ that's pathetic.

At two dollars, or 3% of a full priced game. 3m * 0.03 = equivalent of 90k full priced copies, and I'm sure that a larger cut was going to Microsoft, so it might be worse than that.

>But it's proof that there's interest in the franchise!

People buy up loads of games during Steam sales for more than that and never play them.

Like I said, it's rare that you can say that SJW projects did well without attaching a shitload of conditions to that "success".

>niche exclusive franchise
this level of cope

>gears is suddenly some major global franchise because it sold well which means it actually sold shit

the level of cope from this board is hilarious. seeth harder.

The fact that anyone here mustered enough to energy to whine about fucking gears of war is sad.
It's like caring whether or not call of duty is going to be good.

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Yeah, that implies that ALL of these 3 million players that played it in the first two days are going to cancel their sub, instead of either forgetting about it or keeping it because they want to play one of the other 200 games in GamePass, like DMCV, DOOM, MHW or The Outer Worlds which gets added next month alongside 8 other games.
Not to mention that it's now also linked to XBL.

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they'll only have to forget for 4 whole months until it's worth the sale of a single copy!

>the failure xbox literally gave its fanboys brain damage

>Gears 5 is doing extremely well
>Jim Sterling the literal SonyFAG makes a damage control video shitting on Microsoft, saying they normalized MTX by putting them in CRIMSON DRAGON and Ryse
How is this level of cope even possible?

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You guys do know that gears 5 is a live service game right?
Tons of MTX and "seasons" to keep up with over the years so all the whales can dump money
It could be f2p and still make a huge profit at this point.

Because sony tards do indeed exist and jim is a bolgin loving retard as well that contradicts himself every other video.
>i like thing because its got content I like
>i dont like thing because it will get me clicks

>those games
dang, are any of those coming to windows? Might need to jump on that pass

The goal is to get people subbed and invested into GamePass, user. Most people don't just play that one game they subbed for but check out the other stuff too.

Outer Worlds will be on PC Gamepass

Dont bother, these retards dont understand how a business ecosystem works. They think all that matters is day one sales not player retention.

>Enter competition for marathon
>Only other competition has no functioning limbs
>No other competition
Wow! Who could have predicted Gears of War 5 would be the best selling Microsoft game of this generation

shame. if any of the others were I would've. I'd love to try DMCV and MHW

pirate them

and microsoft clearly do that's why they've been getting shit on for the entire generation

Only retards dont like GamePass

i didn't realise MS was going bankrupt and being shit on...oh wait.

>UK fags still think they're relevant in any way?
They're the biggest market it the EU... thus are very relevant to MS. It was the only EU country where the 360 did very well (beating the PS3) and MS tried to keep that momentum going with XBone + Fifa pack-ins years ago.

only sony shills* don't like gamepass. most neutral people are open to trying it. sony shills flat out refuse to even try it because it doesn't say sony on the label. just wait till sony does their own version of gamepass with first party games on it and they'll eat it up like the second coming of jesus.

360 also did good numbers in france and germany. the wii outsold everything across most of the EU though iirc except cuckmany where the ps3 was the best selling console there and contributed to most of the ps3 sales in the region.