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Oh shit! He went super-saiyan! He's going to....do nothing.
But they brought it back with Hajime.
The first Danganronpa was the best one, change my mind
shit game
No, I agree with that!
He should have lived instead of Weedman.
Why did they have to do my boy dirty like that in chapter 3?
Weedman still needs to live long enough to take Naegi’s organs.
Who was the best girl again?
Mukuro Ikusaba. The 16th student lying hidden somewhere in the school, the one they call the Ultimate Despair.
Watch out for her.
Blame Celes
not a girl
That’s the joke.
I'll stick to blaming Hifumi.
>Guy powers up and fucking dies
>Other guy powers up and gets the power of friendship and the power to do everything and singlehandedly saves the shitshow that was DR3 by making it worse BECAUSE EVERYONE IS TOTALLY OKAY AND FINE AND EVERYONE WINS EXCEPT MUNAKATA
naw, I'm good, I'm out, see ya
Hifumi is only blamed for being an idiot. Celes is the one who came up with her spectacularly failure of a plan to begin with.
And she wouldn't have been able to do shit had Hifumi not been a filthy weeb incel that went through with her every whim.
why is the first execution the best one in the whole series
Because it’s a leftover from Distust.
she is cute
This game could have been such a fucking masterpiece if it wasnt a VN, but a dynamic story, that plays out based on what you do between cases, and how you conduct yourself during them...
Too bad the original version never came out.
Character design certainly looks much better.
artstyle looks way better
They look generic as fuck
>that Toko
>that Sakura
>that Leon
Good lord, no.
unironically better than the gay sameface we got. Fuck off
Ah, just a shitposter.
I'm at the beginning of the 3rd chapter of the second game.
Does this guy get better? I've heard he's quite popular, but so far he only acted like a little angry manlet and got two qt girls killed
That’s actually the oldest version of Danganronpa, and when it was still called Distrust. This next one is the Beta of Danganronpa, the one where Leon’s execution came from, and when his name was Kazuo Matsuzaki.
Holy shit are you blind user? Sorry I didn't know
Making it look like some french biitch tryng to draw anime on her deviantart certainly didnt improve it. Besides, CLAMP style spindly people are a lot of things, but not generic.
He becomes a lot less of an asshole and turns from a yakuza to a pirate
>Japan tries to make "badass" character
>He's another prettyboy manlet twink who will get laughed at if he wasn't in Chingchongland
He does, but then as soon as his other focal chapter is finished, he might as well be in the background because he doesn't do anything so his heel faced turn makes him end up kinda boring.
Stereotypical badass certainly wasnt my impression. Horribly repressed and socially underdeveloped manchild is more accurate.
>the one where Leon’s execution came from,
I was actually really disappointed when all the other executions ended up being goofy shit. I really like the tone the first part of the game set and was very sad to see it go for a more ridiculous over the top tone after the first case.
They transform through the power of love.
"Badass" is probably the last word I'd ever use to describe Ishimaru
Now if you want a character the developers tried so hard to convince you was cool but failed...
I wish Kodaka had better taste in character designs.
You see the same shit with Death March Club, the opening starts with real people then becomes cartoonish abominations, like he's rubbing it in your face. "You could have had something reasonable but instead we decided to make it absolutely ridiculous, isn't that funny?"
He wasn't a badass, he was a semi-prissy wannabe authoritarian.
Before playing I had a friend constantly tell me about how amazing Fuyuhiko was, the best boy, super likeable, etc. etc. and I honestly couldn't understand why or how since he was a fucking cunt. I told him if he happened to become good it better not be simply because "haha I'm suddenly nice now, how do you do fellow dangans".
I was actually pleasantly surprised with him and his evolution as a character, it all happened in a believable manner and I finally understood my friend. Fuyuhiko really is one of the best in dr2.
mental illness
>wanting some dumb "muh realism" garbage
Celes plan legitimately makes no sense because she wouldn't have been able to get into Ishimaru's room and take pictures of the laptop to show to Hifumi to begin with.
I want og Byakuya to put babies in me.
In what world is wacky over the top bullshit not everywhere in Japanese media? Realism is the exception.
Don’t forget the original design for Monokuma.
It's also boring as sin, there's a reason people care more about nip media than western trash.
Not realism. Aesthetics. Character designs as we got them are downright ugly.
He's certainly photogenic enough to look really good for the promo art.
Not him but I get the impression people consume Japanese media to get away from all the realism that western content is bogged down with. Besides he's right, realism is boring. If you want realism look out the window lol
He is still a fucking nutcase.
I'm glad he has a lot of shirtless official art.
Dunno. I'm eastern European. We got enough weird shit homegrown, and yet I still enjoy the japs fever dreams.
Everyone's rooms are styled the same, she just removed all the decorations from her room and took pics of the laptop there.
That would sort of mean she had to either have forged it, or broke in. Neither is a good look.
The boys and girls rooms have different colored backgrounds and decorations. She can't fake it.
The rules state you can't pick the locks of the other rooms, so she can't do that either.
>forged it
That's... what I just said. Hifumi wouldn't know the difference.
There is in fact a handful of Japanese media that attempts realism, and it usually ends up a lot more interesting than the schlock in Kodaka's games.
What I mean by realism isn't photorealism, it's that characters could feasibly exist in the real world or at least in the world that they inhabit. They're down-to-earth.
You seem to have a misunderstanding of what realism means.
I would even go so far to say that most Ace Attorney characters are more realistically designed than Danganronpa/Kodaka characters. As well as Zero Escape (even VLR, which is intentionally off-the-wall).
You're misremembering, the backgrounds are all the same. Only the decorations are different and Hifumi would just believe Celeste if she said Taka didn't decorate.
She can steal the key or some other loophole. I frankly don't remember it well enough.
If by that you mean Makoto Shinkai, I really do not agree.
>when the second game spoils the 3rd
Oh god kill it with fire.
How did it spoil v3?
>she dies in the piano room
like pottery
The anime actually shows the picture she took. It's not stated that she "faked" the photo so I don't know why you would believe she did, as mysteries never leave worthless clues. She even mentions that she erased it after convincing Hifumi as to not leave evidence. It's a plot hole how she got the photo.
>The anime
I'm not even going to humor you on this one.
I bet you played with the shitty nisa translation. See, I can use an ad hominem too.
>doesn't know what ad hominem is
Nah they're both great. Remember how Hiro covered for Taka while he was depressed?
The real problem here is the double murder.
This. He still died like a bitch. Danganronpa was so bad save for a few cases.
And bashing Sakura over the head with a bottle.
More important question
Did he fuck Peko?
Hold on, my memory's a bit fuzzy here. If Fuyuhiko's sister was the Ultimate Little Sister, why was she in the reserve course?
>believing dr3's retcons
I never watched more than a few episodes of DR3 and don't remember any of it lol, I'm just going off my memory of DR2.
Because shock value lul, isn't that nice?
Yeah but he thought she was going to attack him and quickly broke down and accepted his punishment it in the following trial.
He doesn’t seem to care about Naegi’s organs to save him from debt in the final Free time event with him.
Reclutant consent. His last FTE is ass and doesn't do his character any favors, just like Teruteru's. What I'm saying is that he isn't as bad in the main story as most people make him out to be.
Did she want Fuyu's dick?
He's still really useless, and doesn't contribute to trials or investigations. He doesn't have character development despite living through the whole game nor a strong relationship or dynamic with the cast to speak of either. And he's not good at the whole comic relief thing either, he mostly just spouts nonsense, and if you don't agree with him he flies off the handle.
He's just one note and tiring you wonder why he's even here to begin with.
His final FTE does kind of give a good foundation to his character: he's secretly a selfish asshole and hides how dumb he really is, but the main game doesn't really stick to this. You really can't parse whether he really believes the things he says or not, but I honestly can't bother with figuring him out because of how annoying I find him.