Why is he so perfect?

why is he so perfect?

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He’s a real bro, not a condescending jock.

That damned smile.

Blocks your path

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Which twin is this, Jimmy Olsen or Iceman?

He's just a laid back guy who's never really had to work for anything in his life. He's coasted along on his looks and charisma. They bucked the trend by making him not be the jock.

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It's that whole 'Whatever, man' attitude that got him involved in the prank in the first place. He doesn't come across as vindictive or cruel at all, it was all Jess and Em's plan. He just got dragged into it by his more forceful gf and her bff and he said Whatever, man.

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Man, I'd knock back a few beers with him while talking about wathever

Best boy by far. Had the more wholesome character arc among all of them.

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Admit it, most of you self-inserted as Jessica during the snowball fight, didn't you?

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Talk about a bait and switch. Hayden was the cover girl and everything and all of a sudden the game becomes about this absolute CHAD.

Why are the Until Dawn girls way better than the Man of Medan girls?

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The Man of Medan girls must be complete shit if the Until Dawn girls are better than them. Sam was the only decent girl in Until Dawn.

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>Friendzoning Mary Sue that's absent half the game because the actress was the most expensive is the only decent girl
Jess was Best Girl. Just wanted to have a romantic evening with her boyfriend. Didn't try to sabotage anyone else's relationship or cheat on her new bf like Ashley and Emily did. And you can tell by her reaction in the ending that she'll be riding Mike's cock for a week after they recover from their ordeal.
The only thing Sam did was wander around in a towel and refuse to see that all Josh wanted was for her to be more than just another friend to him as he tried to deal with his problems.

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Literally worst girl.

fuck you

The problem with Sam was that she was too "perfect" to be likeable and became irrelevant mid to lategame.

One hell of an ass.

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Best girl.

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Wrong pic. She's far too unstable.

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All the girls and guys have the same proportions. They're basically using the same base model. It allowed them to cheat in the prologue chapter by giving characters retextured versions of other character's clothes. Like Jess wearing Sam's skirt (colored blue) in the prologue.

Ashley's easily the biggest piece of shit

I dunno, man. I thought Sam and Emily were definitely a bit more lacking in seat padding

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I dunno about Emily but I've compared Jess and Sam in Maya and they're 100% the same.

Maybe it's the jogging pants

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Actual best boy

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Ugly, evil bridge troll. Emily is way better and doesn't hide her bitchiness like her.

I disagree. You have to at least admit that she's the cutest.

He didn't handle the whole thing very well, desu. I understand why he felt the need to separate Jess and Em so they wouldn't get pissed off at each other and leave, but then he decides to torment the three people who were least involved in what happened.

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Why wasn't Mike just with Sam instead of whiny Jess?

Especially Chris, who was passed out drunk with Josh that same night and spends the most time tormenting him instead of Em, Mike or Jess

Ashley and Emily were the whiny ones. And Sam had everyone in the friend zone. She's the blandest character by far. All her starting relationship scores are entirely average. She has no frenemies or really good friends (maybe slightly with Chris and Josh). She's the only one without any sort of conflict at all. She wasn't even in on the prank that started the whole thing. She's almost like a self-insert for the player to see the story through her eyes, except that she's missing for half the game.

I interpreted it as him being self-destructive. He hurts the people closest to him the most.

Nice thread

How is Man of Medan compared to Until Dawn? In terms of everything? (Writing, graphics, technical aspects, etc.)
Considering Until Dawn was exclusive and Man of Medan an episodic multiplatform game

Love how he starts as a dick but ends up becoming the best character by a mile

>that giant fucking drop in quality between Until Dawn and Man of Medan
I was pretty sad.

What went so right with Until Dawn? Would you gather around some friends to play it and watch their reactions in a movie(game) night? I sure did.

The issue of jumping from an in-house and very powerful engine, to a public one

He's never really a dick though. He's initially kinda happy-go-lucky, and a bit of a class clown. He didn't seem like he was involved in the prank because he wanted anything more than just to have a girl take her shirt off for him.

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More like from sony budget to no budget

I'd say it's behind in every aspect, with some being closer to Until Dawn quality, but that's mainly because of the massive drop in their budget.
I think they nearly made the best game they could with what they were working with. Could probably see more improvements over episodes