>The only modern fightan that rewards skilled play
>The only modern fightan with decent visuals and netcode
>The only modern fightan that both tourneyfags and casualfags can enjoy
>The only modern fightan that hasn't caved into SJW censorshit
Why aren't you playing Tekken 7 Yea Forums? You're not too casual to think in three dimensions, are you?
The only modern fightan that rewards skilled play
Other urls found in this thread:
You forgot
>the only modern fightan that's always fun to play
it's not fun to play because you can't find good resources on combos/tools/matchups/strategies unlike tekken 5
>no bruce
Longtime 2D-fag that started playing it more seriously recently. Besides UNIST, it's the only modern fighter I'm putting real time into. That said, the divide between casual/tourney is much more steep in Tekken than most fighters. I was able to get through it fine, because I played other fighters more seriously and I played Tekken casually for years, but T7 is very hard to break into if you're completely new.
>>The only modern fightan that hasn't caved into SJW censorshit
The Tekken bitches are hideous, some of the worst in the genre and they don't wear very skimpy clothing to begin with, so what was there to censor?
Is "modern" a codeword for comeback mechanics?
Because T7 isn't much different from any good 3d fighter from the past in fact it worse than some old games.
hooooly shit I never heard of it, watched a video of a final on YT and... jesus christ
>Besides UNIST, it's the only modern fighter I'm putting real time into.
BASED and I hope you're also HILDAPILLED
It has a good tutorial and it's getting a new version soon. Not a bad time to get into it, all things considered.
Unfortunately, I'm unga bunga B-Tatsupilled
I can't believe we live in a time where Under Night is legitimately the best 2D fighter around. I'll probably never play it but I'm still glad people haven't given up on fighting games yet.
Dunno from what timeline you're from but UNI was always good. If Arcana Hearts can get players so can UNI
Im not playing it because its trash.
Always good, yes, but not always the best.
I only play fighters that made it to the olympics.
Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, MvC and MK have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!
If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.
As someone who played Street Fighter and MvC for years, this post was clearly made by somebody who hasn't played Tekken once.
I already own it. I'll actually play it more when they bring my fucking main back. In the meantime I'm trying to git gud at 2d fighters.
>it's not fun to play because you can't find good resources on combos/tools/matchups/strategies unlike tekken 5
Did you even bother looking? There hasn't been this much discussion about Tekken ever. That just doesn't happen in forums.
But user, Josie exists.
>Modern MK and SF
>Not total unga bunga games
This is bait, right?
i dont like it very much but i agree that its currently the best to play
I hope Season 2 patch for Soul Calibur 6 kicks the shit out of tekken.
also Guilty Gear 2020 better be gud
sincerely I'm a borderline boomer who used tekkenzaibatsu and similar forums (fora?), but now those are almost empty. I'd like to get back at Tekken, but I don't know where to look except for scanning tons of youtube videos which is a pretty shitty way to go since a written post with lists readable at a glance is 100x times better
what do modern fighter games players use for discussion, combos, tools and whatnot?
Josie looks so fucking dumb but I somehow still like her.
I bought it this weekend on the sale and i have no idea where to start.
>The only modern fightan that casualfags can enjoy
Not speaking for them, but the game lacks all the casual modes that the series was known to have for them until 7, its empty for that
It's an epic copypasta that's always posted on fgg
Discord, Boomer-kun. Slide on over to and hop into tekgen.
Her tits are mostly covered with only a miniscule amount of cleavage on display. If Tekken had more titskin exposed I could maybe buy the whole "not censored" thing, but as it is I don't.
Spicy pasta
I find she looks better with longer hair. Pic is the Allison hairstyle.
I have never seen a post that so blatantly outs the guy as someone who has never played Tekken
>UNI was always good
Lmao look at this retard and laugh. Remember UNIB? UNIEL? These were bad games.
Lose the cute factor.
Lol bait. SF5, MVCI and even MvC2 are easier games to learn than any Tekken game.
I love the Philippines now.
I want to hack discord and make it crash!!
I love what they did to Kazuya in season 3. It's basically any launched into df3 > electric(s) b2, 1. The better you are the more electrics you will squeeze in.
Also, you can now start a combo with 3 electrics if you follow up with > b2, 1 easily, no need to make it frame perfect or anything. It's beautiful.
>decent netcode
Absolutely false.
>mfw trying to actually get good at Bryan while still learning the entirety of the game
I think I made a mistake but too far in to switch and I still love the maniac android.
>The only modern fightan with decent visuals and netcode
Google top 15 moves tekken 7 character name, look up combos on youtube, don't go for optimized if you're only starting out. Look up which side you step characters, there's a guide on Steam. That's about it, just go lab some easy combos and try to not get upset when you get destroyed in ranked.
>The only modern fightan that rewards skilled play
>decent netcode and visual
>The only modern fightan that rewards skilled play
How salty do you have to be to say this.
>The only modern fightan with decent visuals and netcode
The netcode is terrible. Even for delay based netcode it is bad. Let alone when comparing it to GGPO.
>The only modern fightan that both tourneyfags and casualfags can enjoy
That I can agree with.
>The only modern fightan that hasn't caved into SJW censorshit
How are Guilty Gear or Blazblue censored?
>Why aren't you playing Tekken 7 Yea Forums? You're not too casual to think in three dimensions, are you?
The actual complexity result of the third dimension is absolutely overblown. In terms of complexity Tekken is at the bottom of the barrel alongside SFV and SCVI. Naruto GNT4 has 3 dimensions as well but you won't hear the players boasting about it. Most of the difficulty in Tekken comes from the information requirements, i.e. you memorize a lot. In any other regard it is far from remarkable compared to the genre at large. Still fun though.
This reads out like a Steam forums whining thread.
I want to play KoF XIV but it's too expensive for the small playerbase behind.
I personally prefer GG for the character mechanics but Unist is certainly more solidly designed.
Tekken netcode is horrible. 4bars when playing someone who lives an 1 hour away from you is garbage. I also think the matchmaking is fucked when a lot of people are on. Whenever season 3 started on PC, I was constantly getting 3bar matches.
The discord is pretty great, can recommend
>This reads out like a Steam forums whining thread.
Copypasta, you got meme'd
>decent netcode
No it fucking doesn't, it still has shitty delay based netcode
stop beeing a 3rd world shitter or dont match 3rd world shitters and you will be fine
I don't think SC6 equals Tekken 7 in terms of complexity at all. Try playing them back to back, SC6 is way easier to get into, not only move lists are shorter, side stepping is also much easier.
I got into t7 relatively recently, and as a new player you can pick up sc6 and start having fun with it within hours. You can play tekken for a hundred hours before it clicks.
>>The only modern fightan that rewards skilled play
movement feels like shit and characters look like they have a seizure
>or dont match 3rd world shitters and you will be fine
>Decent netcode
>t7 has decent netcode
Literally how delusional
>its not clunky as shit
>thus it really lacks complexity
really makes you think
the netcode is trash, stop settling for shit
But I am
I don't mean complexity in the sense of hardness. The difficulty of a game I would divide into complexity, information requirements, and execution requirements. Complexity being the amount of tasks your brain has to process, or how much you have to think. 1f links make a game harder, but not really more complex (you could argue that decision-making based on the reliability of such thing adds a tiny bit of complexity, however).
So hard does not mean complex, but complex does mean hard. An example of this would be rythm games. They are super simple: you just press the button the game asks for when it asks for. Immediate to understand and process, but still can be extremely hard due to execution requirements.
The main difference is that pressing and holding down will have you sidestepping is sc, in tekken you will sit down. Sidestepping is more accessible in sc for sure, but I don't think tekken is clunky at all.
Korean backdash is very easy on a keyboard, you know. A A (keep A held), press S and D after each other. There you go, the game is not clunky anymore.
There's been talk the past year or two of the IOC eventually adding esports to the Olympics. Probably a MOBA (LoL/DOTA, an FPS (OW/CS:GO/Siege), and a fighting game (SFV)
its street fighter v and rocket league
The netcode makes it unplayble actually
Well if by your definition of complexity tekken and sc are equally (not) complex, then I can't agree with your definition.
Oh, I see. This Intel tournament. Thanks anons.
It's the definition of computational complexity applied to a human environment, really. Though you seem to be misunderstanding: they are not remarkably complex in relation to the rest of the genre, not that they lack complexity in absolute terms. The genre at large is quite elevated in terms of complexity.
why do you insist on talking like a fucking hick?
arigatou dfghjmas, will do
I don't even know what discord is but I'll learn
>The only modern fightan with decent visuals and netcode
MK 11 also have good netcode and stopped having shitty animations finally
>stopped having shitty animations finally
I find this hard to believe.
>>The only modern fightan that rewards skilled play
Hellsweep into Hellsweep is not skilled play, user.
I just noticed her sandals, what the fuck is up with those toe guards?
Haven't really played since Tekken on the PS2, but I'm really enjoying the game so far, even when I lose. But I really miss the older, larger maps. Does everything have to be 100% competitive? Could just ban the fun maps in tournaments.
Um, friendo, you are allowed to play multiple characters. That's how you learn their moveset and get a grasp how your oppinents need to use them. Only an idiot would sitck to one character. Sure, people have their mains, but there's absolutely no harm experimenting other characters.
>doesn't adapt and learn to block spams
Dunno, I think it's some Ninja thing. She wore regular shoes in Tekken 2.
>>The only modern fightan that rewards skilled play
What the actual fuck are you talking about? Based on what? Whiff punishing? Footsies? You mean that thing that you probably suck at that exists in EVERY fighting game?
>>The only modern fightan with decent visuals and netcode
Outside of Infinite, fighting games have more or less been able to look visually great.
>>The only modern fightan that both tourneyfags and casualfags can enjoy
Fuck casuals.
>>The only modern fightan that hasn't caved into SJW censorshit
You're fucking blind
Why does T7 recent success make incels so mad?
People will justify Korean backdashing when it doesn't exist in any other 3D fighter. I won't say KBD is an awful concept, but it doesn't make Tekken better than other 3D fighters. It just makes it unique.
No, KBD doesn't make Tekken better than SoulCalibur. Get off your fucking high horse.
Where did I say that KBD makes tekken better than sc? If anything, sc is the better game if you're a new player.
Like I said I love both games equally, but you don't have a very active player base in sc, unfortunately.
>The Tekken bitches are hideous
imagine being this gay
>decent netcode
I mean, you can think otherwise. But for me, I come back to X, 2011 or any Injustice game and my eyes starts to hurt due to how shit the animation were and me as a retard didn’t realised. I think there are still some problem like jumping and jab punchs but in general are fine to me
I like Tekken, but it gets stale pretty fast. There's not much variety between poking with your safest buttons and throwing out a launcher. Plus, the juggles look silly.
For some weird reason Tekken gets away with so much shit, it's unbelievable.
Was that supposed to prove him wrong? You could have posted Asuka, Lili or even Kazumi, but you went with this thing instead.
For the longest time Tekken girls were built like linebackers, and when they were not being vanilla as fuck, they were bad copies of existing fighting game girls. Over 20 years later and they still try to push this "Nina Williams is hot" nonsense. It's ridiculous.
tekken fanboys are pretty good at drowning out any sort of criticism with shitposting.
>rewards skilled play
>decent visuals and netcode
Eat this low, high, mid evading 3 bar hopkick from half the cast and tell me if it rewards skilled play, user.
>>The only modern fightan that rewards skilled play
Yeah and it has "auto" combos, armored supers and if-you-grind-you-have-more-moves.
Tag 2 was the better game.
>Tekken gets away with so much shit
Say thanks to the retards that came from street fighter, those drones will defend anything and everything. They absolutely loved when Harada and Murray showed up with "Don't ask me for shit" t-shirts and respond in the same measure whenever any critique of the game pops up no matter how minor.
I just turn on assist mode and have fun in treasure battle :3
>assist mode
I thought it was more hindrance than help. Just learn a simple combo.
Tekken has better ost than any other fighting game on the market.
tekken7 definitely does not.
you guys are straight up delusional at this point
I like Guilty Gear more. UNIST is good, but I can't stand the combos in it.
I played it for a while, but compared to other fighting games I found winning not rewarding enough to encourage me to really make a serious crack at learning the game and losing frustrating enough to make me want to stop playing. Typically for me to stick with a fighting game I need to be enjoying it a basic level of play enough that I want to dig deeper and really learn about the game, but Tekken didn't have that effect on me. I don't think it's a bad game by any means, but it didn't really grab me.
I like Tekken because it relies more on knowledge and fundamentals to win than autistic combo execution. I'd like to get into anime fighting but I can't do the autistic combos.
I find the combos in Tekken more obnoxious than the ones in GG personally, with some exceptions, like Ram's combos. I like having SamSho as a side game because of how low the execution is, although I'm quite bad at it.
It's irrefutable that SFV has the best soundtrack of any fighter this generation
t7 ost is not as good as it was in previous tekken games, sure.
Give me a better ost then.
Tekken's combos are flexible. You can go for the high execution stuff if you're good, but you can also settle for ~60 damaging easy to do combos if your execution is not top notch.
I don't play sf5. Can you link me to your favorite track from that game?
You can do that in most fighting games though, in GG you could just go for a simple combo that ends in a knockdown so you can apply oki for example. Although one thing I should have said that I wasn't clear on is that I dislike being on the receiving end of Tekken's combos. I don't really mind learning them, I just find them more annoying to be hit by than I do the combos in a good amount of other games. I don't think Tekken's the worst for that, but I don't think it's great for it either.
Getting into fighting games right after a massive patch is always a pain, but at least it's not like SFV where some characters are so abandoned by the community they haven't gotten any updated guides since 2017.
Should I bother trying to use Asuka's db1 +2 screw right now or just focus on other combos? I swear there were some easy combos I was doing a few days ago that don't work anymore.
God, I wish the fucking rematch load times were not so fucking long. What the fuck could they possibly need to do that requires it to take so long when LAN rematch is near instant?
lets not go that far now youtube.com
The fucking hand texturing always gets me. Xiaoyu's hands look like that of an old lady!
That's a lot of dumb shit you just wrote.
GG has amazing OST.
But I never hear these tracks when fighting people in the lobbies.
Just lab new combos. I'm playing Kazuya, and all my old stuff works, but new combos are too good to miss out on.
this one starts when you use sol install
Still you replied to him instead of talking about something else
The music in the game is quite varied so I'll post a few
>Metro City
Very good taste.
Yeah, Nina and Christie are mannish and ugly, the latter in particular is a terrible waste of underboob