Yea Forums literally cannot refute this
Yea Forums literally cannot refute this
What if I read visual novels
kill yourself mobilefag
they're not games and they're not books you're just eating shit
I’m on the right but I got into visual novels/web novels/fantasy literature at around 17 to cure my world building autism
The Great Gatsby sucked ass.
I miss Quentin.
The Great Gatsby fucking sucked man.
he was too good for us bros
is that face from the actor that played Veidt in Watchmen?
>implying anyone reads in our modern age
Its the age of TV goyim.
Its 100% truth
Women read? I thought they were into twilight, eat pray and love, 50 shades of grey and whatever validates their upcoming cool wine aunt (aka catlady spinster) lifestyle.
Quentin was AHEAD of his time
That’s why mods banned him
>great gatsby is his favorite
I know this is bait but fuck that s how you know someone hasn't read anything outside of highschool
based. even scholars read some stupid low amount of non-fictional books per year compared to the past. we're all a bunch of dopamine addicted whores
I read hentai
Does that count?
The books are obsolete, old man.
I have a degree in English and I love Gatsby. Kys
Every fucking time
I want to become a chad like Quentin too!
>I'm on my way becoming an intellectual
lmao, nobody thinks that at 18. pretentious ass shit comic.
I like them both
>Quentinposting in 2019
I sometimes wonder if he knew nobody liked him. Dude was obnoxious as FUCK.
Reminder that quentin never got laid and also can't even drive lmao
Yea Forums killing quentin was the worst thing to ever happen to this board. he was our saviour
I wish this much effort was still put into memes. Instead we have a million derivatives of wojack shit.
>reads gatsby once when he's 13 and acts like an intellectual for next 11 years
Based quentin
>that faggot was proud enough of his 6yo-tier mspaint sketches to watermark his fucking tripcode in
>he eventually got arrested for possession of cheese pizza
They're shit as games and shit as novels, literally the trashiest medium ever created.
Weed smoker detected
>"Intellectual" from reading fiction
>A desirable trait
That's the kind of education rich kids get so they can feel superior to people who actually work, without having to use their brains.
I'll take whatever quentin-material you have, mayne
I read books and play vidya. Literally the only girl I know that strike up a conversation about books with me is into erotica and 50 shades of grey as well as yaoi. It would be hot if I was attracted to her but I'm not so it's just weird.
That's the point, ol' chap.
I only read scientific papers and science books, anything else is completely pointless.
Have sex incel
Same. I don't even read Yea Forums, I just have one of my workers dictate the posts to me.
>quentin images are back and not instantly autosaged or deleted
This board is fucking dead.
>the great gatsby
Not only is that book fucking basic highschool-tier shit, it's also garbage as a story
dilate, sweatie
Visual novels are just comic books with less pictures and more words.
>but it never ends like this in books
whoever edited this outed themselves as a literaturelet
Gatsby is one of the most overrated pieces of literature of all time. Only English teachers cream themselves over it
Same except replace science with esoteric knowledge.
imagine reading
>having a degree means your taste isn't shit
>several years of "what went wrong", "now that the dust has settled", "for me it's...", NEVER EVER, & r34 threads
>0 bans
>rarely deleted threads
>actively bumps to page 1
But yeah, quentinthreads are the final nail in the coffin
user, most high school lit is trash. You can like mockingbird all you want, but you never read it outside of fulfilling the requirements of an assignment.
Whoa "The Great Gatsby" is an alright book, but I highly doubt it would lead you on a path of intellectualism
>Its the age of TV goyim
lol what? No one but actual boomers and sportsfags watch TV anymore
You first
What are your favorite books, Yea Forums? I really like American Psycho.
I read classic prose whilst I wait for dungeon queues.
iirc Gatsby ends with a bad ending for everyone involved, right? I dont think you are wrong, but put a little more effort into making your strawman comics, whoever did this.
If videogames are preventing you from acquiring a social life and/or a girlfriend - you're literally hopeless.
The Collected Works of Billy the Kid by Michael Ondaatje
A Clockwork Orange
So you just read fiction? That's not special
I'd like to imagine quentin is in this thread reading this, but he can't reply to it because the prison PC has an upstream filter installed.
Eat a dick, Quentin.
>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
I'm basic af
just hide your power levels ya autists.
This thread sucks but I actually love reading. The problem is that it takes so much longer to read a book than to consume any other type of media that I also enjoy. Who has the time for it? It's probably been two or three years since I last read a novel.
are you okay user? brain damage much?
I love Quentin comics that aren't even about weed yet the strawman progressively becomes more and more of a stoner