Not even a month in

>Not even a month in
>Over half the playerbase has either left the game or gone back to retail

What went wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Source: my ass

yeah fuck you OP

still subscription-based
fuck that

why do tranny jannies not do anything about daily bait threads

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>Why doesn't anybody like Classic anymore

Times change, boomer

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>Paying subscription for a solved 15 years old game that supposedly would have stayed the same even though a gajillion things have changed in these 1.5 decades and is now starting to show up

You thought you did, but you didn't

why do ffxiv trannies hate wowc so much

even if I quit classic, I'm not going to retail. So stop wasting your time, retards

i wish this was true. Mobs for quests are camped like hell.

I was still tempted to play again. But now that the news about layering fuckup destroyed every server economy and pace, this just takes the cake.

Classic is a solved game, there's no point in doing the same shit you already did over a decade ago. Classicfags will be in for a rude awakening by the time the next expansion drops and most of the Classic servers become ghost towns.

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>this kills the classicnigger

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my server still gets 2+hour log in queues every evening

In souls you have 2 attacks and roll, in dmc you have dozens of unique attacks for every weapon/stance, but it doesn''t make dmc harder than souls, just flashier.

It's a buggy, exploitable piece of trash.

DMC is harder than souls even on normal

the shit is leaving so we can enjoy the community

I don't see how it will last in the long run without all the quality of life changes that later patches and expansions introduced, nostalgia will likely only keep people invested for a month or so. Besides those that are just rabid for old complicated shit for the sake of old complicated shit.
Don't really see MMO's in general having a particularly long life span anymore anyways. Their own over-saturation of the market basically watered down every playerbase so the idea of "massive" isn't even there anymore.

post you're toons

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number 1 way to trigger autists:
>press enter
>slash 1
>"classic is easier than retail"


Back in legion i found a bug that allowed me to kill 2nd boss in toes for an unlimited amount of times with loot. I only wanted a belt, so i killed him about 30 times in a week. Nothing is free of bugs.

It's not faithful enough to real Vanilla, not just from the retarded playerbase but on a core level thanks to nu-nu-nu-Blizzard's retardism.

What’s a good way to instigate PVP on an RP server? I invaded Astranaar for half an hour but no PC’s came to defend it

>implying you can stop autism


they released the shittiest version of vanilla and its still blown away every other MMO

Make a thematic event for it and post it on the forums/discord of your server.

It still works, retard.

1.12 was a mistake

You're a fucking retard

>still have to wait in queue every day
>Population doesn't seem to decrease at all

When does the next retail patch comes out so we can play Classic in peace ?

>uhmmm e-eventually we'd have had to update to this so it wouldn't be w-worth it to get you used to older talents...
>they use the balance changes made after fucking Naxxramas was already out
It's really amazing, all they had to do was follow the footsteps of their vastly superior predecessors to the letter and couldn't help but do cartwheels out of the path and shit in the grass

>blown away
in your dreams lmao

Blizzard is a small indie company. Cut them some slack.

Higher levels when the newness wears down the socializing stops.
Quests are largely not interesting with most zones having no stories.
Its not hard.
Classes getting denied from groups left and right.
Class fantasy only exists for a few classes at best
Class quests are shit unless your warlock, paladin, or maybe rogue.
People realizing the old talent trees didnt have choice, it just felt like one because more button.

Its turning out exactly as I imagined and its funny to me.

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Old school runescape is a solved game. But both games offer hundreds of hours in content and fun to play.

Mages are the best choice for everything
3 mages = fastest time dungeon.

they fucked up

I'm loving it and according to the published numbers it's got 4 million active players, which is at least 4 times as many as BFA. Every zone is fucking lit with other players, people helping each other with quests and socializing etc. The only thing I really dislike is the zoomer lootbois AOE grinding or the dungeon cleave meta meme, but those people aren't really affecting my gameplay experience so idc.

no souls is just way easier than people pretend
fucking nelo angelo 3 in the first DMC is more complex than nearly every souls boss

People fall into modern day habits (which was honestly vanilla habits even in vanilla) more and more as you level up. Communication slows then stops in later dungeons as they're so piss easy that everyone knows what to do. Classes are so hilariously imbalanced that many specs just arent going to get you a group even if said spec is still generally viable.

People forgot all the bad shit in vanilla and like to act like its just a modern retail thing. Naw. Its just the reality of loot based games like this. People will get used to what needs done. People will only want whats effective. Just like in vanilla. You can only get around it by getting a guild.

Which is what people from vanilla ACTUALLY remember:
Grouping up with rando's at low levels and socializing then; which is why most nostalgia stories are dealing with things like Deadmines or Scarlet Monastary, and doing shit with their friends at high level, because your friends largely wont give a shit that you're bringing your dumb ret paladin along for the dungeon run.

You gotta be a really sad, lonely person to post shit like this for the sole purpose of getting reactions. I'm well aware I'm just adding fuel to the pathetic embers that are your pleasure from being a braindead dipshit but oh well.


>Gone to retail
you mean gone to next streamer twitch fotm game, because retail is unironically dead, the only people who play are those who still log in once a week for their raid before going back to classic

Still going great for me. 46 druid reporting in

Genuinely upset and seething WoWkeks ITT

half? where'd you get that number?

nothing, all of the servers are still overcrowded even with layering

I mean I'm glad I'm not getting 8 hours queues any more, but still

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OP sits and waits, dreaming of getting his RAF backpack and showing all his frens the new sparkle ponies he's gotten. But alas, everyone is still playing Classic...

It's over, retailchads won.

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its like you have no idea how release hype works?
Why wouldnt anyone with an active sub try it? thats going to inflate the numbers of "players" to far beyond what the retention number is going to be..

Where are these numbers? I don't doubt them, I just want them for citation reasons. I made a bet with a friend over what the numbers would be after one month, three months, and twelve months.

Retarded busywork button mashing has no place in RPGs, its not skill based, its not tactical, its just something to distract you from realizing the game is a pile of shit.

let the past die

I remembered how absolute shit paladin was in vanilla, it plays much better now in retail.

subscription beats micro transactions

holy power a shit but i agree
wotlk pala was best

>Communist manifesto on the meritocracy version of the game
not even trying

Shockadins are pretty good in vanilla once you get a shitload of SP and a good weapon.

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>arguing which version of wow is better

That's like arguing over which turd tastes better

The combat is embarassingly simplistic compared to retail. Pathetic game for casuals disguised as hardcores.

>shockadins are good when they have the best everything

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Aoe farming isn't new

What about Mages or people who main them?

How can you stand 10+ years for FROSTBOLT?

honestly, it feels like mages make up the majority class.

I'm assuming because they're piss easy to level, cheap as fuck to maintain, and probably toted as a great farming tool by streamers and the chinese. Max efficiency, and no flavor.

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Why would someone just lie on the internet?

guess you hate fighting games other than smash as well?

I think its a combo of self sufficiency, easy top damage and good in pvp to because of how many instant cast spells they can dump on you while they are running ontop of ice block ice barrier frost nova blink giving them stupid survivability

Enjoy your flowchart rotation, I hate Retail's hyper-RNG titanforging reward system, timegating, and mission table, so I'm never touching it again

>go to play yesterday
>half hour queue time when I haven’t seen a queue since the first two days
What the hell, OP. I thought we were supposed to be losing players not gaining them

Isn't the usual retention rate of players like 10-15% or something? If this game kept 50% that would make it one of the most successful videogames of all time, wouldn't it?

>you’ll never get classic! It’ll never happen!! WALL OF NO!
>so what if blizzard announced classic? It’ll FAIL because no one wants it!
>so what if literally everyone is hyped about it? They don’t know what they want!
>yeah okay classic had an extremely successful launch, but everyone will quit in two weeks, you’ll see!
>alright so everyone is still playing two weeks later but they won’t last a month!
>o-okay everyone’s still playing classic a month later, b-but just give it two more months! Everyone will realize all the fun they were having was fake!
>yeah classic has been consistently popular for a year, but that’ll end soon!
>h-heh....classic TBC will fail....just wait....
>w-wait no why are they shutting down the retail servers OH GOD NO PLEASE NO WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MY MOUNTS AND TRANSMOGS

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I’m starting to think OP is just posting bullshit to get us all in the thread to discuss the game. The antagonism never keeps up throughout the whole thread beyond the occasional ‘this game sux lol’ and the surefire way to get responses is to post bullshit because everyone here likes to call out bullshit

because if you start a thread with a positive opinion or like a normal human being it gets 2 replies and disappears

>Go to dungeon
>Roll need on greens or above
>Faggots complain and bitch like little babies over digital loot
>Rolling need on it because I need to disenchant it or vendor it for money because I need money too
>People act like this is the same as murder or something
>They bitch even though they didn't roll need, so obviously didn't want the loot.
>Blizzard allows me to roll need on anything and everything I want
>Somehow this is a problem
>Get kicked from dungeons and my alt account gets blacklisted
>Still get groups all the time and do the same thing
>People still bitch

Why are people being babies because I'm playing the game?

>Hit level 10
>Realize I'm paying Blizz $14.99 a month to play a 15 year old MMO by myself
>Log out
I fell for the meme.

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When are they going to bring in paid server transfers? I took the free transfer to a low pop realm to finish questing and I want to go back to my previous high pop realm after I'm done.

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Too many players on each server, layering, dungeon grinding makes getting groups impossible, login queues are ridiculous.
I wanted to go home, not go to Northdale 2.0 paid edition.

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Thousands of games are solved. Doesn't mean they aren't fun to play. Sudoku is based around being a solved game but it's still played by millions of people.

Some people genuinely like the gameplay loop vanilla wow had. Classic ain't perfect, but scratches that itch close enough.

It’s viral marketing you shit for brains mongoloid.

I imagine this is bait, but if it's not i just want you to know that you're actually autistic. Actually either way you're autistic.

How does playing the game make me autistic? If I shouldn't roll need on everything, then why does Blizzard let me do so? Why is there some sort of rule that you can't roll need on stuff not for your class and only if it's an upgrade? Do people realize that maybe I need disenchant mats and money too? They can always roll need on stuff too if they want. Nobody is stopping them. But if they greed on shit, then obviously they don't want it. I really don't see the problem

I've avoided WoW for a long time now, but I'm currently enjoying both Classic WoW and Retail at the same time. Don't know how much the "It's just nostalgia" crowd can operate if people who have never even played a Warcraft game can enjoy it.

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If everywhere you go smells like shit maybe you should check your shoes

WoW is a game that doesn't have character collision, it doesn't have manual blocking/dodging, it doesn't have animation lock, you don't make decisions in combat at all. It isn't an action game and has no semblance of action gameplay whatsoever.
WoW is a game where you execute your 6 button flowchart almost completely unthinkingly, the tiny amount amount of reactionary abilities that exist like interrupts aren't even on the gcd and they don't have a resource cost so there is no need to think about resources or timing.

WoWs combat is just an awful facsimile of real gameplay and is actually worse than auto-battle.

Microtransactions aren't even an option you idiot.

Just trust me, anyone making the argument you're making, is autistic. Anyone reading it will think you're a tard. Just acept it, or accept that you're a dick and need on shit anyway(i do it too but i'm not autistic enough to defend it).
Just trust me on this one broheim.


When you actually do the harder encounters in retail you do actually have to think about how to maintain maximum damage within your rotation. You're just a shitposter so you are actually trying to defend classic's 1 button damage rotations.

Counter point: while I agree with your opinion of the combat, I believe that's why the social aspect in combat is more prominent. As a tank I'm dealing 10% with what the mobs do and 90% with what my fuck up team mates are doing. The challenge doesn't come from knowing the mobs, but reacting to the shaman with Rav pricing windfury while the mage fireblasts the seduced healer.

>calling your character a 'toon'
I always hated that. They're called 'characters', you aren't playing as Daffy Duck.

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why do you care?

it would be quite a thing if retail had more mechanics per boss that would make the longer rotations worthwhile - especially when you consider the dps checks involved.

Why do you care?

Been meaning to try and make a more optimized set of gear thats easier to get and not going to get your guild disbanded. If you can reach the 400~ SP mark you should be pretty good.

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Welcome to understanding colloquial rules. Now you can keep acting like an entitled yard and never get a group again, or fall in line with the local custom. Have fun!

Here (you) go

>pulls 2 boars
>cant progress
>quits to post bait threads on v
Such is the fate of retailtranny

>Do people realize that maybe I need disenchant mats and money too?
Need: An item you will equip or otherwise use because it's better than what you have
Greed: An item that you can't or won't equip or use because it's worse than what you have, but you you might want to sell or disenchant.
Pass: I don't want this item in my inventory.
Is that so hard?

Need: An item I decide I need for whatever purpose
Greed: Item I don't want
Pass: Nobody does this

based asmongold mentality

Enjoy your black listing!

old school runescape is a mobile phone game you fucking reddit retard





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Isnt that the streamer server?

I raided heroic and then mythic too you retard, the tiny amount of thinking you have to do during a raid fight like using your CDs in the correct phase or moving your character to the correct spot and substituting a button or two for 5 seconds or less is basically nothing compared to an actual game that is combat focused.

Classic gameplay is just as bad but at least they have the excuse of it being an old game. It has been 15 years and they haven't really added anymore meaningful combat decisions than existed before, just flashy distractions, lower gcd and more button mashing.

For what? FFXIV?

>"over half"

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t. Huntard

"shockadin" is not a thing in vanilla

Holy Shock is more like Holy Shit. It has a 30 second cooldown, 20 yard range, and terrible SP scaling. Even with ~350 spell damage it was only hitting for like 700 max.

op btfo

>People expecting to be able to experience WoW for the first time, again
Was never going to happen.

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I don't get where this idea of "people are only playing to try and experience it for the first time" thing is coming from.

Is it impossible to just enjoy an old game? I don't understand why there has to be some illogical ulterior motive behind everything.

I like vanilla so I'm going to play Classic. I'm not trying to "relive my childhood" or whatever other bullshit you want to project onto me.

Tried it last night, bored @ level 8. Well level 2 but i push passed the initial gut feeling in the hopes shit changes for the better. Its just retail but slowed way down. Without the QOL and with the shit graphics. For a realm that had a half hour wait time and 1200 player que it sure felt dead too.
Stormwind was busy-ish, like retail on a merged server, but goldshire was dead and no duels going on like i thought there would be.

How are people enjoying this mind numbing gameplay? Theres nothing new to see or explore and the socializing is as dead as retail or any other MMO.
I hate my friends for pressuring me to waste 15 bucks to play this shit with them. Fuck Blizzard too for keeping my retarded friends on their shitty chore game.

It's 2019 and blizzard still hasn't solved the queue problem. This is ridiculous. Why would I have to wait 2 hours to play? It's retarded. Not only doing every little thing takes a long time, even logging in does.

I found it pretty nice since with divine favor its a nice 1.1k crit to go along with my 600~ crusader judgement. I've experimented with Ret and reckoning and shockadin is just easier to be consistent with.

>not as reliant on melee procs thanks to judge and shocks.
>with 2h Seal of the Crusader will hit for 340~ which makes up for far less physical damage. It hits on every successful melee swing as well.
>Heals are still decently strong.
>Can switch from offense to heal/support on the fly
You could add the Shard of the Fallen Star for that extra damage.

I'm not even a poorfag, I just don't wanna pay for that shit.
maybe for $5/mo I'd consider.

What should i play? Warrior or Rogue?
I know that warrior has the worst leveling in classic but i'm thinking more for end game.

I have a group of friends i'm playing with but i'm conflicted on what to play.

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Mage. Nobody cares about you anymore if you're not a magic ranged DPS with insane aoe.

>Should i be A or B
>DO C!
A math major huh.

Both a and b were wrong choices user. Perhaps you should've widened your options to be not a brainlet yourself.

Why are you even replying outside you want attention?
Go kill yourself attention whore.

Killing people decked out in greens with a naxx weapon isn't that impressive, sorry

Someone sounds mad they're already bad at the game and they're not even playing yet.

>umad lol
Summer is over. Get off your phone and pay attention to your 7th grade teacher underage.

if you are playing with friends play warrior

Why do I have to submit government issued ID just to properly delete my account from existence.

This is the last thing keeping me tied to the game. Fucking nightmare.

And yet you keep going, this is far more entertaining than actually playing a game.


gotta need a source on that, buddy.

Oh yeah, I love the difficulty in my RPGs being based on playing a rhythm game well!

Ninja looter for disenchants roll greed. If you dont have enough greens to destroy then spam more dungeon runs or pay someone for a persona dungeon run.

Beat DMC 1 half a year ago for the first time. No it's not.

Based heartseeker chad. Best server.

All these threads have gotten me into the MMO mood...

Quit during Panda expansion, did i miss anything since then?

Asmongold layer...home....

The only way I see giving this a try now is, if they release another server with no layers and don't allow tranferring there from other servers. So impossible.

Between layering, no reason balance changes, and the current community you're better off.

That would be an enormous exaggeration.

Nothing. It all went downhill after MoP.

You missed WoD which was pretty terrible. Legion was a vast improvement over WoD with a lot more to do. BfA is somewhere in between those 2 in terms of quality imo

Good? Bad? Ugly?

I love how active the zones are, I am still not use to it.
You enter any questing zone on retail besides maybe starting zones and they will be empty.

On classic everyone zone is packed full of people, constantly working together with bros on quests that are not even group quests.
Trade items and water, one guy enchants all of my gear for free.
Still in contact with the guy I met in the starting zone, I mail him cloth I find and he sends me back items he crafted.

The gameplay is fucking retarded but I am enjoying the community. Ran SFK last night and it is the best run I have ever had and I have been running that dungeon for 10 years.

Clicking more buttons doesn't automatically make it more fun.

The game is subscription+microtransactions though. Literally the worst thing

If you're playing an MMO by yourself you're a fucking retard.
The game is based around socializing with other players whether you know them IRL or not.

t. a literally autist

>WoD had a shed load of cut content. Also the great pruning of class abilities. Only 2 raid tiers and a twitter/selfie integration as a major patch update
>Legion had a fuck load to do between the artifact weapon, class order hall, and profession quests. Question was if you were interested in doing any of it. Mythic + introduced for 'tism speed runners. Plenty of raid content and fantastical anime tier HP numbers and combat scenarios. We went to another planet.
>BfA is kind of a WoD 2.0. They did another pruning of abilities to get rid of our anime tier batshit insane abilities our artifacts gave us. Raid tier sets were removed in favor of the god awful Azerite gear system that they had to overhaul completely in 8.2. People seem excited for the future patches hoping it will improve things but we'll see.

you are replying to bait, user

don't do that

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This entire thread is bait, it would have died off quickly if seething classicfags didn't spend more time defending the game online than actually playing it.

Does your mom know you aren't doing your homework?

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Damn there is still THAT many people playing classic. Why would they do that if they could be playing THIS.

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>tell blatant lies
>expect the average users of this hellhole of a website to not call people out on their bullshit

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Why do you advertise for retail when you don’t even play it?

Is this shit really worth $15 a month?

No, queue times are bad enough as is

Real answer: It depends on your situation/tastes

Fucking no.
I had better experiences in p.servers unironically.

I think you might be retarded.

modern wow is only good for slutmoging

Because they can't play WoW for free on Classic Gold grinding.

You'll need a warrior in your group if you don't want to waste hours trying to lure a warrior to carry you. But warrior is the biggest private server meme, right now it's overplayed, and getting the GOOD items you need is going to be super difficult. Rogue is in such an unplayed point right now even rogues are skipping on BiS dagges because they want swords and shit lik eperdition's blade goes to warriors. Rogue has the most absurd raw power in the game with no gear, they can decimate r14 people with lvl 1 daggers if executed right. Specially on horde, rogue is absurd with windfury, you just go from op to something else, warriors deletes everyone but they're still vulnerable and can't cc or vanish, while rogue can stunlock, blind, sap, vanish, sprint, riposte, silence kick, and do it all over again if specced for it, it's god damn bonkers.

Back at ya, bud

I didn't get the appeal back in the day and still really don't.
Dungeons and raids are good fun, but god damn leveling is just a chore. Is it because wow wasn't my first mmo? (tibia like 20 years ago)
It's not that I dislike grindy shit, I've had 3 200's in PSO, but just WoW really doesn't feel that rewarding in comparison.
I'm legitimately attempting to at least comprehend people's attachment to wow, particularly the stages where you're not running dungeons or raids.

Do you stop being perpetually broke at any point in leveling? Between basic combat skills, equipment upgrades (not even remotely BIS for my level), and ammo/repair I am consistently left with less than one gold every couple levels.
I imagined that maybe you'd stop being broke at lvl60, but then I was told you pay guild tax and basically don't do any solo content outside moneymaking, so I'd probably stop playing by then anyway because its one thing to do professions and earn some side cash, which only one of mine actually does, but if I want to kill the same things over and over I'll just play a different game that I actually enjoy.
I took skinning and leatherworking, but leatherworking has been a net loss so far, and secondary jobs (fishing, cooking, and first aid) I've done up to the expert upgrade (need to explore and save to buying those books) have been pretty much worthless outside of the being the one comfy thing in this game.
Auction house is too slow to consistently do professions for cash like you can on the grand exchange, and I don't have the capital for longer job sessions before I'd have to go back to this AH haggling garbage.
Wish I could list items only as buyout. Would just put the bid price equal to buyout, but then it would get buried by these ebay wannabes who list things at a handful of silvers for the starting bid, but a gold for the buyout.
Trading is screwed pretty hard by the ironman-tier gameplay most people do to the point I'm tempted to just sell to vendors and stay even more broke.

How do I git gold?

>Got mount at 40
>Dont feel like playing anymore

imagine thinking you do but don't

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I'm level 30 btw.
This has been an ongoing issue, and I've pretty much relied on tossing greens and the meager quest gold (5 silver) rewards for cash.

Peak hours whitemane still has a 6k que. I literally can't play anytime soon if I log on now.

Ok first, just because shit at making and managing gold doesn't mean it's difficult/impossible or everyone is broke, it just means there's people who adapt and are more knowleadgeable and better at managing money than you.

First thing you NEED to do is get an addon that tells you the value of items, that way you can discard all the crap that sells for peanuts or not even pick it up, second get the best bags you can afford, it's the only investment in game that it's worth going broke for, it will reward you more in the long run. Second you're a fucking hunter the easiest fucking farming class in the god damn game, so don't fucking complain you're already better than every other class besides aoe mages. When you're 60 you can do maraudon farms for raw gold, if even the amount of money you can make in 1hr farming maraudon is too little for you then the game is definetly not for you, you're not going to make more than that unless you're part of the devilsaur mafia, get extremely lucky with black lots or ore veins, or find a random boe purple worth a ton.

>Any aren't people level 8 like me three weeks in
Because they're stuck in stv hell?

I assume you are playing hunter? one thing you dont buy useless skills, only what u need for leveling, dont spend money for upgrades or professions. then you should have somewhat close to 100g at lvl 40. AND you sould loot everything to sell vendors

>Kungen getting perma-sheeped/mind controlled by 200 alliance so he can't go into MC
>my guild forms up a counter raid and we save him

It was actually really fucking kino

>play hunter
>remember i get one less bag
>no pet until level 10

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Are there addons that use the AH mean price? Or would it just be for vendor price? I suppose the latter is good enough for judging item value though.
I farm things very safely, but I would not say it is the fastest by any means. At least 3 other classes probably consistently out DPS me in PVE.
How did you guys guess I was hunter? By my jobs? I haven't bought any cooking recipes (only using the quest given ones) and only got a leather recipe when the one I was using turned green. Been sitting on medium leather since I got burned making fine leather belts, unaware there was a later recipe that would end up requiring them I sold them, but only after using all my light leather to make them.
I don't use fishing consumables, but I do need to buy the expert book to advance. Same boat with cooking and first aid, but at least bandages sell.

They hate anything that distracts people from masturbating to their e-waifus, especially if it involves actually playing a game
it's deep-seated insecurity combined with profound mental illness and autism

lmao enjoy your facebook dress up doll game faggot

>or gone back to retail
What fantasy world do you live in?

God I can't fucking wait for new worgen models.

nobody claims that the rotations in vanilla are hard, but the content is fun

>Shockadin still isn't a real spec.

Thanks for reminding me.

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WoW Classic only costs the subscription price which is 13€ per month here in commie land. BfA costs 20€ or some shit + 13€/month subscription. Both subscriptions overlap so you pay the 13 once, you get both. For some odd reason, the subscription is not cross region, so you'd have to pay double to play with your USA and Europe friends.

Queues are still packed so yes a lot of people are still sticking to classic

I mythic raided on my Warlock in retail, and I will tell you right now that absolutely no part of any rotation feels as good or as satisfying as BIG SHADOWBOLT CRITS in Classic.

People are adults and can only take so much time off or mindlessly grind for so long without feeling bad about themselves. My medium small guild had 30+ people on yesterday and today theres 2 not including myself.

Sound like you're wasting too much time doing crap that's not worth doing, at least if your concern is money. Most people just rush to 60 and then spend like 60 gold on the AH to buy everything they need to max a crafting skill. If you didn't play like the first week, crafting professions won't make you money, at least not any significant amount of it, most crafting skills are a gold sink until maxed and even then it requires you to have specific recipees. Why? because it's extremely easy and common for anyone to have maxed crafting whatever and sell, they're just going to undercut your shit, also low level shit is worthless because you stop using it so fast, people just use quest items and greens they find.

I mean sure, if your goal is to enjoy the game and take it at your own pace, it's cool too, you can go and grind your level 15 beasts for medium leather and craft shitty greens and then think you're making money, when you could be getting a level or two instead. But the reason you're having issues with money it's probably because you're thinking your leather garbage is worth something. Actually fishing is the only one that might make you money, there's a lot of fish that's useful for end game players and not many people like to fish, but again is't very specific fish the rest are mostly useless.

I you're on a pve server tigers on stv start dropping some nice grey loot, an hour there should get you some decent money. If you're on a pvp server then you're fucked, do dungeons or something, stop worrying about money and just get exp, if you're so broke to buy ammo buy the shit arrows that are like 10c and just pretend you're helping. At 40 you can grind rock elementals in badlands, those are some big money, and again clean your god damn bags, don't bother with leather, or at least not with crafting anything, vendor the damn thing and rush to 60. Why? because at 60 mobs drop grey items worth 2g+ all the time, and way more silver.

Warrior is the all around best class in the game since they are the only viable endgame tank. You CAN make Paladin and Druid work to a degree but they will never be as good or as versatilve of a tank as a Warrior. Your DPS spec is also the highest DPS in the game once you are properly geared. The downside is that without support in PvP you are pretty much a free kill.

Rogue has very high single target DPS in PvE and is the 2nd best melee DPS in endgame. They are also the best 1v1 class in the game and can kill enemy players while being severely undergeared thanks to the amount of CC and raw damage they can put out. However, you will struggle against multiple opponents without help or a large gear advantage.

Should I pick ud or orc for my rogue? I really like the fem ud animations, but everyone says orc is op as fuck.

>Guild tax
What the fuck are you talking about there is no "guild tax" anybody asking you to pay gold into your gold to stay a member is scamming you.

You fucked up by picking a crafting profession (and the worst one to boot) on your first character as an inexperienced player. Your best bet is going to be to drop leatherworking for herbalism and then go back and grind your herbalism up. Make sure you skin everything you see and vendor the leather.

>he doesn't run his own private server that lets him do anything he wants

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>gone back to retail
No they quit.

>For some odd reason, the subscription is not cross region, so you'd have to pay double to play with your USA and Europe friends.
Why the fuck do games still have regions?

Not classic you absolute retard

>RMT bot of darkness

to maximize profits, but it's not a bad thing for most games, because who the fuck wants to play with laggy brazilians

>he thinks setting up his own private server is that easy

I spent a year of my life building and setting one up and it was a goddamned nightmare. I had to learn sqeal just to log in for 30min and get bored.

I could have sworn your subscription covered both regions in WotLK. I remember whenever my server was down for maintenance, switching to the other region and having level 1 hogger raids.

People actually do not know what they want

i just downloaded a torrent with server emulation

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>private server

what the fuck happened bros? there is literally NOTHING to do in this game. im 60 and have cleared ony and mc do i continue to pay 15 a month to do it each week? there arent even bgs yet either holy fuck this game is trash

>See Alliance Rogue in yeti cave
>Go for the kill
>He calls his buddies
>Troll Warrior just lets them swarm me
>He fucking bows to them and they bow back and leave him be
>He /rudes my body

Yeah miss me with this gay shit. I don't mind getting ganked, but I won't suffer traitors. Unsubbed immediately, won't be back.

You didn't join is where shit went wrong, homeboy. We're the #321 on Grobbulus and you better fukkn join mang.
Grobbulus is fucking stale, we got niggas like, at 60 already, we need a F R E S H Grobbulus.
Hit me up.

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I wish I didn't go horde on grob... the horde guild is a joke, fucking dead.

So many brainlets. I live in Europe but I play NA servers to dodge all queues. Able to play after work with zero queues. My ms is max 110, which is basically nothing.

I can login on any populated server and never see a queue. Play 9pm and it's 2pm time in America.

You can always reroll bruh. We'd be glad to have more chill dudes. I mean, unless you're like super high level, then don't ruin that.

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redpill me on druids. are they good healers? is leveling painful?

is this a 4ch guild or some normie mixup like every fucking other wowcg guild?
because i fucking hate normies and women.

Druids are the worst healers, leveling isn't bad at all once you get catform and a few damage skills, just a bit slow before that, bear is really boring when soloing. They're heavily underplayed though, guilds want 1 or 2 druids for mark of the wild innvervate and combat rez, so getting your tier set and shit is extremely fast and effortless. They're actually decent tanks or offtanks, but you'll rarely get a chance to do that in raids, nice to do for dungeons though, a feral/resto build is perfectly fine because you get 20% extra int with the feral talents so you're not horribly gimped in solo gameplay or stuck with healing. Actually healing dungeons as a druid is kinda shit because you lack a rez spell that isn't on a 30min cooldown, so it might be better to be feral tank in 5mans and just go healer in raids.

I mean honestly this guild is just a random group of dudes I picked up. We ain't got a discord or nothin, we just are.
Also all we want is F R E S H, so if you want that shit hit me the fuck up.

What about BIG SHADOWBOLT CRITS in tbc?

Spamming that infamous hunter macro on TBC was more satisfying, people were deleted faster than I would cast a shadowbolt crit.

fair enough. I have fond memories of quagmirrans eye proccing and immediately knowing I would have to soulshatter if I crit twice in a row

i cant even wrap my mind around these cucked orbiters vying for attention of king neckbeard

I'm in university now so I can't go back to to classic. I proabbly would though just to play with friends I know simply to do BRD & UBRS, arguable some of the funnest dungeons in WoW, ever. The original dungeon designer for vanilla WoW even published a book about designing them.

BRD was the best because it was simply so massive and provided so many reasons to keep going back, even at level 60.

The tax being if you want to raid, the main tank is apparently going to use the guild coffers to pay for armor repairs, which is something members are expected to contribute to from my understanding.
That and good goy guild managed loot, which sickens me, but if my friends are actually autistic enough to keep a point tracker system/spreadsheet I'm alright with it.

what does i horde blizzard mean?

there's nothing interesting in the cash shop anyway

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Classic is patrician

post b-hole

ffxiv trannies still on suicide watch

OSRS has longevity because there's more to do than just level up and upgrade your gear. There's like 30 skills most of them take the same amount of time as dinging 60 in classic to level up to 99. It's a much bigger time sink and there's more to do when you reach endgame and gear your character up.

I think the majority of players are starting to see through the facade, or have already done so. It was pushed by private server losers but the reality is that it is not a good game and people have realized this.

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This is nothing new. What annoys me is that WoW babbies believe classic servers are somehow new to the MMO Genre. This happened to Everquest in 2006 and 2011. You had a massive amount of people coming into the game and then half of them leave as the nostalgia wore off and everyone was racing to the top.

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>quitting the game
>not playing the coomer class to level 30 and unlocking a gf

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go undead there are so many ally priest and locks wotf is worth it. fuck min maxing for pve

meant for

>On a pretty balanced PVP server
>Meme-cleave isn't really a thing people do
>No big streamers
>Form up a guild with old friends who played vanilla/tbc
>We lvl together and run dungeons like normal
>Just chat and have a good time, catching up on our lives

Just made it to 40 without doing dungeon spam, aoe mob grinds, and whatever else meme stuff is popular right now. Got enough for my mount and I'm having a pretty comfy experience in classic.

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Soul vs soulless

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every time the pass zoomer gets to the threads.

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Exactly what I said. People will miss all the content and the actually good changes that happened, like spawn times.

Gl getting that gear as holy pally

>Play hunter
>Remember I am a bfa shitter



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when are they adding lvl 60 classic boost?

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I wish free server faggots would proper terminologies BECAUSE THIS IS FUCKING RETAIL YOU GOD DAMN IDIOT

Classic isn't retail you fucking mongoloid

fuck off even blizz has retail and classic as the names in the files of the game

>the main tank is apparently going to use the guild coffers to pay for armor repairs,
Yeah fuck that, he's not the only plate wearer. If I'm supposed to grind for gold and pots why the fuck shouldn't the MT? Because dick sucking? Drop that nonsense train

I need every piece of gear and i have yet to be "punished" for it when all these nerds talk about their dumb ass "blacklists". Lmao shut up nerds, ill take as much gear as I want and there is nothing you can do about it.

Fuck off back to BfA tranny retail is a dress up ERP sim.

Funny how retail gets shit on but 1 boss in retail has more mechanics than every single boss combined in classic lmao

Turn off layering and open a fresh server so I can play

Seeth harder free fags
Haven't played """retail""" since Cata

We already had this bait today

There were many better ones, but they didn't copy the WoW formula exactly so fat losers couldn't grind through their garbage content with Disneyland graphics. WoW ruined MMO's.

Are boss mechanics what make an mmo?

Is CWoW any good if you never played WoW?

>5000 queue on Herod

U gay boi?

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Uni started up two weeks ago. Don't tell me you're a neet who isn't working towards their future, while sitting at home leeching off the work of others.

They realized the game that was challenging when they where 10 isn't when your 25

Tranny wotlk babby

>post stupid useless opinion
>You've said something false and here is why
>why do you care?
So you expect to be able to prance around sucking dick without someone calling you a fucking fag?

>going to uni
>not having free time

Why do you feel the need to lie to us, user?

Maybe if your stupid faggot ass was paying attention at any given time this same fucking shitty faggy fucking thread was made, you'd already have an answer for your cumguzzling ass.

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eq progression servers were nothing even remotely like classic but nice try

Leveling was most of the experience. Every few levels you get something cool which always kept me going. For example rogue gets dual weild at 10, poisons at 20, first stun at 24, mount at 40, etc. There is always something to look forward to. If it's not a skill you maybe get access to a new dungeon. Always something to look forward to.

Today, I helped random tank-less party assault some furbolg campseven though I’m of the opposite faction. Did I do a good?


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>only 5000 now

>invite lvl 25 friend to gnomer run
>he needs the one item I need
>laughs my face saying get fucked shitter
I've never been so tilted

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Filter process where all the bitches and streamer zoomers leave since their ADHD prohibits any sort of achievement if a game match session lasts longer than 10 minutes


lol guild banks get their money by selling raid drops you retard


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>can't get group
Just incorrect, end game raiding requires hunters, warriors, healers, made more convenient by warlocks, and made less boring by rogues and warrior dps, you aren't going to frostbolt your way to a quick raid run. Every single good guild is going to be looking for a diverse roster because that's actually what works in raids, even if we accept that aoe farming is the best way to clear dungeons, the game isn't ultimately about dungeons.

>communication dies down
Sure if you're an autist you'll stop talking to your friends

>le early game nostalgia
I have some memories of ragefire and gnomer meme groups but the vast, vast majority of my memories are from end game grouping and raiding and pvp, maybe your shitty experience doesn't encompass everyone elses'

>false dichotomy

ffxiv fags are so pissed that WoW at its lowest is still more popular than FFXIV will ever be and now there's two things they can and will never beat. Keep jerking off to your cartoon anime girls

oh jeeze

glad i left retards like you when i got the free server transfer, fucking blight

the lack of soul in this is disturbing

How's the eRP?

havent actually seen any

please play retail for the love of god

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Can't make this up. I work odd shifts so I usually play around 2-4am server time when it's pretty quiet. I'm in chat and mention having 100g before lvl 40 for my mount. I get a whisper from another player asking me what professions he should take and how to make money. So I start giving him basic advice like taking 2 gathering profs and AH what you can. He says he never uses the AH and just vendors everything. So I start giving him an Auction House 101 lesson. Basic stuff. As I'm telling him info about cornering markets I say. "Yay capitalism!" and he responds, "We must seize the means of production." So I tell him that he is his own mean of production and fuck that commie bullshit. Dude stops responding to me.

Why are commies so uneducated, insistent on being poor, and fiscally irresponsible?


Uglier than the default UI.

lol reminds me of early lvling when the servers went up and these commie noobs would send whiney whispers about decline invites to grind quests.
>"why would you not work together?!"
>knowing full well they just want a carry
All I could think is what do you think this is communism?


>>Not even a month in
>>Over half the playerbase has either left the game or gone back to retail
I fuckin' wish. Maybe then I could actually do my quests without having one out of every three kills stolen during off-hours.

I've been waiting for the game to die out to jump in.
It'll be great when I don't have to wait in fuck huge queues, I don't give a fuck if I miss the first wave of elites.


Yes truly he was in the wrong for making a joke and you correct for having the right ideology but being total sperg.

i love you

user didnt nothing wrong. Economically illiterate commies deserve poverty

Rogue is tits. I've shit on dozens of people minding their own business as soon as I hit the contested areas. Haven't lost a single fight either. Not one. A couple got kind of close but I keep a stack of the best health pots I can use on me at all times

Why are MMOs like FFXIV and WoW so popular? All I see and hear from my friends is how they're always bored or waiting. Vindictus and Dungeon Fighter aren't technically MMOs but I had a lot of fun with them then quit when the Korean MMO shit kicks in.

Still having a great time every night with friends on horde side grobbulus, fuck all you zf aoe spam groups tho

only two mmos that dont die within a year and doesn't have shitty fucking cashshops that give free gear. also both the mmorpgs you listed are both unironically dogshit in almost every way

>Questing as hunter
>Rogue attempts to gank
>Wing clip
>Serpent sting
>Send pet after him
>He tries to abort his failure and vanishes
>Still gets revealed by serpent sting
>He pots but it's futile
>Gets run down like a dog
Killing rogues is easy

Because kmmos are all p2w bullshit. Hopefully archeage unchained wont have shit like that if the devs actually keep their word.

name recognition and dont underestimate peoples willingness to gravitate towards the simplest thing out there

Lol @ all the idiots parroting information they don't understand. Please don't join, we don't need more fools playing with us

I use stone form to clear off poisons/bleeds before vanishing. :3

>archeage unchained
Is that just what Archeage was at the start? Because I played that game alongside Yea Forums when it came out and it was ass back then too.

I'm lvl35 and think I'm gonna call it quit,its too time consuming and I'm not 14yo anymore

>still cant log in at night due to 3k queues

They all got tired of waiting in line to wait in line

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>Hopefully archeage unchained wont have shit like that if the devs actually keep their word.
It already has 3 tiers of subscription so...

Vindictus is hot fucking garbage

Literally the only game im looking forward to. Archeage was fun as fuck but held back because of its terrible monetization

You're alliance? I guess you're ok then

Unchained has no subs, its b2p. Unless you mean the different packs you can buy and thats all just cosmetics.

Nope. Archeage Pass gives you additional labor, it's like the patron sub was.

>making shit up

Nope, already debunked. Archepass does not give additional labor.

At 60 they 100%-0 you unless you can get out of the blind.

people joke about this game dying but dying is the best thing that could happen to the game. May we live forever in valhalla

this shit got old fast bros.

>level 60
>epic mount
>rag and ony dead
>already raid logging
>tfw I thought i did but i didnt

raiding at 60 is just stacking consumables and pressing your 1-3 button rotation. Spend more time doing logistical bullshit then actually playing the game. Raid trash is harder than the boss. 10min wait to rez every1 and rebuff if there's wipe. God forbid if some1 has to repair. This shit is so boring there's no way in hell im showing up to raid tmrw

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If a rogue vanished with a dot on (and didn't use the opportunity to re-open), they're bad. Also, if they initiate fights without crippling poison applied, they're even worse.

did the boomers get bored already?

>What went wrong?
Layering had too much exploits, economy is way too fucked.

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is multi boxing allowed?

What a completely legitimate and verifiable screen shot!
>He doesn't have a repair bot in the raid
Absolute state of people who aren't even p[laying the game!

>>Not even a month in
>>Over half the playerbase has either left the game
Literally every online game ever. Says nothing about the popularity of this one in particular, which is still very high.

>i-its fake
Yeah, as much as every single 60s mage with 100% mount

>You think you do but you don't.
>Literally no new content EVER, the best they have is release old updates all the way to BC and then????
>Literally no future, no point getting invested in something that is bound to never go anywhere.
>pic related
>You can't go back and become a underage teen again.
>You will NEVER have the old BLIZZARD back
>ActivisionBlizzard is all you will ever have
>trusting activisionblizzard to do anything right.

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>Old school runescape is a solved game

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Nice pic of a false flag, now let me play the game.


OK, have fun whilee it lasts :^)

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I will, thankyou

am I supposed to be impressed?

Warriors are not the worst leveling class. Just dont use Heroic Strike. Spam sunder and pray for dodges into overpowers. If you're unlucky then your white hits still hit like a truck because of sunder.
Been chaining pulls this way since 20 and I rarely need to eat.

this is an absolute lie theres a bunch of content that will be added to it.

Warriors are by far the worst leveling class.

>Be tank
>Trivial to get dungeon runs going.
>Time to look for a guild
>All of them already have tanks. Not much room for two tanks since many raid bosses are taunt immune and there's no swap mechanics. Only if there's adds do you have anything to do.
>Still some room for a co-tank or off-tank, but every guild already has Thunderfury reserved, tier-sets reserved. X item, Y item reserved.
>Each boss drops 2 items for 40 people
The game is ass design wise.
>All these cool talents
>Experimentation is actively discouraged by being super fucking expensive.

No, that would be rogue. As I said, I melt mob before my charge even gets off cooldown (15 sec) and I pool so much rage that getting 5 sunders takes no time. Rogue has to sit there and wait for energy ticks. It was boring as fuck. So glad I rerolled.

Because Classic is not fun.
It was 15 years ago, but not for too long.
And it sure as hell ain't fun now.
For sure tho, people are not back to retail.
Retail is even worse at this point.
So yeah, fuck off blizzdrone.

Basically this. Also it's ironic.
>That's a big pack, we should have the mage (best CC with poly) CC some.
>Wait, we have a mage, lets just nova and blizzard the pull.
There's no reason not to take a dwarf priest and 2/1 or 1/2 mages/locks as a tank.

>mfw I get second highest DPS in ZF as feral tank
I was with a warrior and windfury shaman coming in below me. Only the warlock did better. Dear lord how do people still do this badly?

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Rogue is easy as fuck lmao. I leveled a warrior to 47 before rerolling based on a terrible idea by my friend group. Now my warrior is stuck on a low pop shit server so I don't even use him anymore.

My new main is a rogue and I'm only 24 and it's been cake. You're so wrong it's crazy.

You'll see what I mean when you reach ~35, especially when you dont get invited to any groups

My other friend got his rogue to 44 before rerolling and told me it only got easier 30+, lol. You're full of it.

fuck off faggot


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>that many people in the same area

Impossible, you would have gotten sharded because retail servers can't handle more than 10 people in the same area.

>he doesn't realize that all of the scripting is server-side, so if you "run your own private server" you're playing a shitty broken emulated version of the game that doesn't work properly
>wanting to play an MMORPG single player

that's a yikes from me m8

I play on heartseeker too

>WoW babbies believe classic servers are somehow new to the MMO Genre

literally nobody has claimed this, retard

everyone always pointed to things like OSRS to claim that classic would work too

>unironically giving a shit about meters in leveling dungeons

you're an idiot
download a repack, you fucking faggot
arcemu repacks were the best back in the days
you needed mysql only if you wanted to fuck around with the emulator databases and to make your own stuff
but even then people made tools to import\make your own shit

nice job taking a screenshot at 4am

>almost every server except the newest ones are full with a log in queue every single day
>autists still try to troll and shitpost saying it's dead

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and you bite it every single time
who's the retard?

How am i biting it? That would mean i am falling for it and i get tricked into thinking classic is a dead meme.

Do you even think before you type?

World PVP is so damn fun

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you're posting in a bait thread
you're complaining about trolls in a thread made by a troll
is your iq double digits or what?
you fucking faggot retard

It's too boring and it's painfully obvious how much shit in the game exists solely to waste the player's time to keep them playing longer because the lack of content overall means a lot of people would've unsubbed after a month or two if they could get through shit faster. This was true 15 years ago but most people playing (myself included) had never touched an MMO before and were so hooked on the basic nature of how MMO's work and the novelty of being in this huge warcraft world that we didn't care.

Why they would release this right as the big fall game push comes along is beyond me, every week multiple games come out I want to play and I can't justify walking for 20 minutes in WoW Classic just to get from one location to another.

>Why they would release this right as the big fall game push comes along is beyond me
To milk out the Classic retards, of course.
They made millions out of those rose-tinted retards.

Not even baiting, but people don't actually think Classic is going to be a sustained, long term thing right? You either have to go back and keep redoing older expansions and defeat the whole purpose of "Classic" or keep the game as is and have it stagnate.

>A poorly pulled screen shot =/= what mages have been doing for forever

Are you gunna cry when DM hits too?

classic itself is gonna last 2 years in term of content released
but after that?
assuming classic wont die in 4 months, probably nothing

>AoE farming is new
How new are these people tho?

We will

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user they're zoomers thinking they're hot shit for playing "true wow" with their favourite streamers
what do you think

t. 32lvl with wwaxe funneled by a high level friend or guildie

Closest thing I've seen is a bunch of naked dwarves drinking alcohol items and getting into fistfights with each other in the Goldshire inn. Bit of a laugh.

Every time I come into classic wow threads I find a dumber post than the last time

Fuck all of you seething niggers that can't handle facts, who cares about any of this when we don't have servers for the superior version of WoW yet. I'm of course talking about Burning Crusade.

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my keyboard is a controller not a fucking piano

>tfw literally spent 8 hours in BRD trying to clear all of it with a lvl 55 group

it was harder than I expected and very comfy despite dozens of wipes.

when we I be able to transfer my character to any server? Almost all my quests now are in contested areas and I found out im on 3rd highest horde pop server

i hit 32 and im hitting massive fatigue.

>no point getting invested in something that is bound to never go anywhere
Literally WoW post BC

isn't that fucking creepy?

imagine seeing a player running in the forests..

[1. General] [Timmy]: Is anyone here?

oh shit

>seething over classic
are you J Allen Brack

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I honestly don't think anyone is arguing that classic is harder, unless they're retarded. Went into MC this week with complete randoms and clear everything but domo and rag and that's only due to not having rep for runes. Everything literally fell over because the player base evolved and people know not to do stupid shit like melee hunters

I like how classic is so much fun that it pisses off the retail trannies into a rent-free permanent thread.

you're not even close to grinding hell, around 40 is when zones stop giving you enough quests and you have to grind like 4 hours per level and fight for spawns because every fucking zone is over crowded, but the good thing is past 52 you can just farm isntances that actually give you pre raid BiS

I can't play this game. Every single part of both games trigger my worst compulsive behaviors. Spent a week on classic and a week back on retail and I can't handle it. There is too much to do to feel complete. I'm out.

All bull shit aside are there actual numbers anywhere? I expect classic to not last more than a few months but would be cool to see legit numbers.

So much fun that everyone got bored and quit? Game isn't fun and only zoomies that never played it argued that it was something that it's not

This is why I rotate between four characters. You hit a stride and can push through the first 20 or so levels in two days with average playing time. If you feel keen you might just end up playing a single class for a week and hit 2-3 levels a day.

There is only login queues because the server cap is much lower than it was previously lmao

People exploited layering, if you're not sitting on thousands of gold right now you may as well uninstall

I've seen different sources mention 2m and 4m. But nothing official.

Looks pretty full to me on my server(s) senpai.

I have no friends to play with :(

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Classic is going nowhere. People have invested time into new characters. It'll be a PR disaster in which they cannot afford. This is why the caved in the first place. Blizzard shot themselves in the foot.

Turns out people knew they do, they(Blizzard) just didn't.

i have 36 gold to my name

>running RFC for the first time and finishing all those quests in one run
>turning them all in

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Don't think so, yes it will indirectly accepting a failure on their other product not holding remotely similar numbers, but it still remains as them monopolizing the largest mmo audience in the western world, and something blizzard loves to do is to shit on smaller mmos with their clever updates and expansions being released close to other mmos releasing their own expansions or brand new releases. Anything above a million players is enough to grant them good PR.

They'll never acknowledge their mistakes, but they can always bump Hazikufuckingcostas and say we're so happy people like classic! we see this as an opportunity to build something the players really enjoy, and we will work very hard to make sure our players remain happy with the gmae they're playing! also don't forget to check out our brand new patch 8.3! where we fuck all the lore and promote a sjw narrative for all our colored hair players!

This same feeling but with all the WC quests.

>no socializing at all except memes on world chat that gets people to start complaining about 2 min ("y-you're disturbing our LFG spam stop!")
>no one wants to quest to enjoy the "classic journey" because it turns out the journey was shit all along
>spellcleave spellcleave spellcleave
>have to spend three times the amount of time to find a party if you're a dps that's not a mage
>classes are busted in pvp, balance is nonexistent
>layering, complete with gamebreaking bugs
>people clearing MC with greens, because this game was never hard

I sure thought I did, but I didn't.

>it's just nostalgia!
How come I am enjoying it then? I started wow like 2 weeks before wotlk. How is my enjoyment nostalgia?

It's normal to enjoy it when you're low level.
Once you get beyond 40 the leveling experience goes to shit very fast.

Literally soul vs soulless
Also this desune

>layer exploits permanently damaging the economy

You thought you did but you didn’t.

I find the grind to 60 is really rewarding because you know everyone else had to slog through that shit to get where you are, then that combined with obtaining cool gear at whatever patch endgame is currently is what makes PvE fun for me.

Sub is keeping kids, hues, russians, chinks and other subhumans population in check, so i am more than willing to pay few dollarydoos for it.

Well you clearly think like an insect so this game is right up your alley.

WoW went downhill with BC. The last okay expansion was WotLK.

I'm already past that mark and it's still keeping me entertained.

Is this the average Yea Forums user?

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Can I just say based.

>only mature adults such as myself play this fantasy computer game with fairies and knights

Mega fucking bait

Having a guide helps cut the bullshit. I'm currently in tanaris and I am digging it. If you fuck up and have to grind two levels straight though that's aids. Doing your dungeons once you have all the quests gives a nice mix of
>Solo grinding
Some quests are plagued by overcrowded and low spawn rates. You just have to learn to skip those if they don't prereq more important ones

Kill yourself, belftard

Every game drops half the playerbase in a month, right?

The mind of a classic drone is really amazing.

>Have played for hundred hours.
This model is superior.

And classic is no exception.
Pay no attention to meme screenshots. On Ashbringer I had daily 3k queues and right now I get a queue of half like that if any. 3k queue only maybe on weekends.

>Not even baiting, but people don't actually think Classic is going to be a sustained, long term thing right?
Only if it gets brand new content made for it like OSRS or expansion content remade to fit the theme of it like how OSRS and RS3 Prifddinas are different from one another.

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all i see is people using their wallets. boring asf. why have a world brimmed with escapism fantasy and then have items you obtain in normal life.


>unironically implying vanilla is harder than Bfa
People like you are the biggest fucking retards. In classic everything just takes twice as long but there's not a single difficult mechanical encounter in the whole game
>inb4 current wow is easy
Kj mythic, Jaina mythic and azshara were all hard as fuck and nothing in classic can even compare. Same with +17 dungeons. If you say the game is easy, you're not playing it. Fucking casuals I swear

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>wasting an entire content team when they could just do TBC/wrath with tweaks

Literally I would pay for literally every expansion with TBC gameplay, mechanics, trees and stats

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I like hard games but this doesn't seem hard, just tedious. Memorizing a bunch of bullshit doesn't make you smart, just means you have a slightly longer attention span than most.

I reached 40 while questing, crafting and doing some dungeons here and there, but yeah i'm getting burned out. People who cleared raid are waiting for reset and 3 of my friends went back to other mmos or retail.

Playing classic feels like going back with "that" ex who made you miserable but the sex was stellar

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>cancer beats AIDS

Left one: Here is you projectile and aoe
Right: We don't know what we are doing, just follow this weird too long button combination
If the spells are just as solved, what's the point of making them so long? This isn't good gameplay. That's why wow died. It embraced "good gameplay" but actually just turned to bad diablo instead of an rpg.

There are no playable worgen in classic so I am not surprised.

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Addons counted 4 million players, ff xiv is about one million and retail was under 1 million.

So lmao check m8 faggot


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Take your hashtag and shove it up your ass faggot. Name one (1) thing on the picture that was paid with real money.
>implying people in vanilla weren't / aren't paying Chinese gold farmers to basically play the game for them

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Aren't M raids only hard because they're gated by titanforges and good rolls rather than mechanics?

Fascinating how in this one place you can find people shitting on casuals and braindead mechanics, but at the same start spouting bullshit like the biggest shitter when it comes to defending the garbage they like.
>n-nuh it's all ARTIFICIAL difficulty
>just because you have to press more buttons, be more attent at procs and stuff, and in addition fight bosses with more mechanics doesn't mean it's actually more DIFFICULT, just tedious

WHat the fuck is this
What utter trash am I looking at
What’s point of playing and old gayme if ur just gunna use gay modern crap anyway?

but they are all shit for being on retail, bro

Exactly, it's a rpg, you can brake it. You can choose how to play. Retail shoehorns you to it's shitty game that has zero variance.
So you guys who still think that classic didn't just singe handedly destroy retail are hilarious.

cant you just macro right so it pretty much becomes left again

>He doesnt have lifetime sub

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No they're hard because 20 people need to do actual mechanics besides "don't stand in flame lul". Sure at a certain point in an expansion everyone outgears it but actually making hall of fame with your guild is very difficult. Gearing is really easy too, I can make a new character right now and have it mythic ready by a week. You should try to pug azshara mythic and see how far you get. Everyone complains about how the game is so ez but statistically speaking 90% of players never even finish a current mythic tier.

People used that gay modern crap too back then, it was just gradient rather than material/flat.

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You think you do, but you don't.

Hello everyone , do you still like this game? Thinking og going warrior tank. Is it fun?

>press 1 to use frostbolt your most powerful ability, spamming this maximizes damage
>press 2 to use cone of cold so you can hit multiple enemies infront of you

>play this babies first rythem game while fighting this guy and depending on the class and spec you play your rotation can involve 4 key binds that deal 4,000,000 dps or 11 keybinds that deal 2,500,000 dps

>more buttons for the same fucking shit
You mad, retailcuck?

right isn't harder, or even more fun.

I take it mage is the most well-designed class in classic then?
His rotation consists of frostbolt, no clutter shit.

You can like or dislike it, that's subjective and I don't give a fuck about that. But the argument was implying
>classic harder than bfa
Which I keep hearing people claim and it's the dumbest shit I've ever heard anyone say and I want to beat those people over the head with a chair. I've done all the classic raids on pservers and told people it's too easy compared to today for non casuals and everyone was like
but Level 60 was reached in 3d and all content cleared in 4 or so days. I mean what the fuck

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Not true at all, if you do all the available quests including elite ones and dungeon quests for major instances like zf you can hit 60 with literally half of winterspring and silithus quests unfinished

Meant for

You think you do

Blatantly false.

>health potting in a duel
You're a fucking bitch.

>gone back to retail
How is this bad? I've had to create a fucking black book of retail fags and Yea Forums-tards

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>everyone with any idea how classic warcraft operates warned against layering
>major guilds since the beta had been warning about layering and the many ways it damages an economy
>major guilds also found and reported many layering exploits that could even be done in dungeons

>blizzard keeps layering anyway
>classic launches
>layering leads to a destroyed economy, exploited dungeons and mega-duped BOE/recipes
>you can literally layer-hop for black lotus farming, people already have hundreds of black lotus even on a casual level

imagine paying for a product that's worse than a free private server in every possible way
the only way they can even fix this is a complete rollback to week one of the game being live, every single server economy is already totally devastated by mass-duping and layer exploiting. no bans will ever fix this, it's impossible to root out 30% or more of your own game community and totally eradicate any items or gold generated by that many characters through singular investigations

tl;dr endgame classic is fucked for the rest of the game's lifespan due to this; this affects everyone, even the most casual level 30 once-a-week players

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Warriors are the worst leveling class but rogues aren't that much better honestly. And you'll be able to find groups as a tank almost immediately, as opposed to rogue where I'll look for hours and be turned down because there's some otehr cunt rogue in the group

Oh okay, so either I'm lying or you are a retard, and since I'm telling the truth that's a shame for you.

t. sunwell shill

actually no
get nothing
>micro shit
get something at least

But Classic is harder than bfa for focusing on other shit than raids

PetsMogsCheevos doesn't count as content, retailbab

My interest for classic dropped at 32 and I wemt back to xiv. I know your seething about xiv being popular for 1 month butvI assure you NO ONE wants you WoWfugees back. Its painfully obvious who you are at thr paid 50s bracket shitting up the roulettes and bitching to make everything like WoW.

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Yes, and?

I wanted Vanilla, not 1.12 with layering.

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but you are playing a reskinned nuwow clone

It's funny when morons say things like
>bu.. but layering is necessary!
When in reality they could have had a process ready that would merge servers after awhile, anything, but they choose to be cheap and use the game breaking feature from retail and what a surprise it broke the game

What is harder on classic than on retail? Leveling?

With better story and gameplay

sunwell sucked tho

You get turned down because Mage or Warlock make the run 10 times faster lmao
Stop playing shit classes bro


meme aoe was only possible because demo shout was broken. i'm pvp specced anyway, i don't give a shit if i make a run faster

>When in reality they could have had a process ready that would merge servers after awhile
The problem was that there's too many people retard.

Yep same cancer that killed retail directly injected straight into classic.

Be me, rogue, never have a problem finding groups for dungeons. Why dat?

Why are Shadowtrannies constantly seething about Classic? Is that game really dying that fast?

Everything LOL

/spit Retailcucks for ruining WoW

holy shit

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kek just made my guildie rage quit the guild farming all the burning exiles in arathi . god damn vanilla is nice

triggered lmao

Im not saying that retail isnt mechanicaly harder, but man, fuck all these raid tiers and mythic+. Its cancerous, boring and lazy as shit game design.
For me, what makes classic better game is that is mmoRPG (and i dont even play on rp server), when retail is closer to moba shit at this point. Not my thing, but i guess some people like it that way.

There are too many variables in demo. Generally those specs that involve getting all your trinkets procced at the same time and then popping cds, and unleashing your burst are meme specs that are trash unless you do it perfect. Then perfect you blow other specs out. That said, most "rotations" are hampered by the need to debuff targets.. and targets are debuffed cap at 16. Just one warlock could apply 6 debuffs to a single target by themselves. Those 16 debuffs are shared by 40 people.

imagine being unable to talk like a normal human because your tiny little fucking zoomer brain can only communicate in stupid fucking memes inserted by the latest influencer or gay ass youtuber

because you're retarded and don't understand what i'm saying. rogues undeniably have a harder time finding a group than fucking tanks

>That said, most "rotations" are hampered by the need to debuff targets.. and targets are debuffed cap at 16. Just one warlock could apply 6 debuffs to a single target by themselves. Those 16 debuffs are shared by 40 people.
Sounds like more garbage design from classic.

idk bro its sounding like you do but you dont

Were fine. Stay there. Seriously.

>nearly the entire playerbase begs blizzard not to add a game breaking feature
>they tell you all to fuck off and add it anyway
>immediately layering abusers have a MASSIVE leveling advantage
>a month later
>the problems it is casuing are becoming noticeably worse but they still tell you to fuck off
what's the difference between this and a buggy private servers again?

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the debuff limit wasn't a design decision but a technical limitation. they didn't remove it because it affected the balance which they wanted to replicate.

Fresh servers with no transfers allowed WHEN?

My realm got trashed by Whitemane faggots playing since the second of release.

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If people weren't such sheeple, blizzard wouldn't have needed layering. Even with layering servers had 10k ques a week later and server I am on has a 6k que after 4pm and zones even with layering are crammed full of people after forty. But people are so scared of dead servers we get the current mess.

private servers are arguably better than this pile of shit. Nobody wanted sharding.

>the debuff limit wasn't a design decision but a technical limitation

why does classic make people seethe so much? did osrs have this much hate when it came out?

In this ITT: virgin incels

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>My realm got trashed by (something unrelated to layering)
90% of posts on Yea Forums related to classic are so fucking clueless, i envy how little awareness all of you have over how bad things really are

every server, every community has been absolutely compromised by layering. people turbo-leveling and turbo-farming by abusing it, just absolutely dominating the game while the rest of the community flounders around at level 40 whining that some retard ganked them while gathering pig dicks in africa

i wonder if this is how alex jones feels

its retailniggers screaming that all their petsmountscheevos are worthless and that retail really is utter shit

No doubt. I actually wish blizzard reworked raids to make them more interesting mechanically. But when you enter pvp suddenly you're using three bars of actions. My fucking leveling warlock regularly uses 15 abilities on fucking NPCs

Almost no one in here plays retail (the /vg/ threads are fucking dead).
It's just people being annoyed by the homeshitters that have been plaguing this board for months.

Tell me that this is a mockup and not how somebody really played. Please tell me.

>What is harder on classic than on retail? Leveling?
Leveling is very fast if you use layering, i'd compare it to wotlk. However a lot of absolute morons here will tell you it's hard because they need to be spoonfed on how layer-leveling works and are unironically out there grinding for days

>leveling warlock regularly uses 15 abilities on fucking NPCs
>pet attack
>shadow bolt
>maybe life/soul drain

What graphic settings is everyone playing on?

Just curious if other people are also keeping it authentic.

i assume CoA+corruption+inmolate+siphon life+pet attack+fear(if not fear of aggroing more)+drain life spam
that's still 7 but oh well

Classic is probably the worst Pserver i've ever played on. Same chinese gold farmers, same layer abuse for world firsts, same hyper-inflation one week in from layer abuse.

that is the UI of the average nigga topping your heal meters by over 40% above the next highest guy and keeping all your DPS alive while they send him tells to spot them whenever they stay in on a damaging mechanic that would otherwise kill them, effectively speeding up your raid

that kind of turbo autism UI is what makes the difference between a 30 minute full molten core clear or a 3 day one my dude

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>casting dots that exceed the mob's effective health by nearly half their full duration

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how much is gold worth?

>i envy how little awareness all of you have over how bad things really are
so much this, the same idiots who allowed retail to turn into what it is are doing it again. the mass majority here tell themselves that we're exaggerating just because they have no fucking clue how the game works. it's actually mindblowing

Why do people get so defensive when I tell them they might as well play retail when they ask me to join their aoe exp farm groups.

>killing one mob at a time as a warlock

then you pull another mob while he's rotting

why do warlocks even exist when mages are better than them in evey way?

holy shit there is nothing better than btfoing mages with frost shock against fire elementals for elemental fire

warlocks are better than mages at soloing

aoe grinding is a meme

everyone malding about CRZ are just mad they found out about it late. debate me
>t. level 60 within the first week

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wtf is crz

they changed it's name, it used to be called 'crossrealm zones' and if you played in MoP you knew immediately how to abuse the fuck out of this
>gO BaCK tO ReaTaIL
lmao no you go back to your private servers, literal noobs

>just mad they found out about it late
that is kinda the point though, anyone who failed or refused to exploit it is now an economic slave to the few forever-reigning puppetmasters of the auction house on any given server

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The go-I mean the normies are only there to serve us private server veterans, the chosen people.

You could cut that shit down by something like 1/3 without makiing a difference though

But using open world layering for mob spawns was known since the beta and the world first 60 literally used it on stream. People have been criticizing the implementation for a long time. Exploiting instance layers is another matter entirely.