Have gay characters EVER been done well in video games?

Have gay characters EVER been done well in video games?

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Juhani in KOTOR was pretty toned down. I don't think she ever even mentions being a lesbian unless you play as a female and make the first move towards her.

idk, marth?
Yeah but she's a shit character anyway.

I see Arcade Gannon in New Vegas propped up quite a bit, he's the same deal. You wouldn't know he was gay unless you deliberately asked him via the "confirmed bachelor" perk.

My son.

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They've never even been done well in real life.
Sage and hide.

>inb4 some user mentions veronica and arcade gannon simply for the fact they don't shove it in your face

That doesn't make them good, it means they're not automatically shit

even then, he has specific taste

even if the player is also gay male, he refuses

you can tell he's a homo by looking at him though

VA11-HALL-A honestly.

no they are unattractive as fuck mostly
SJWs don't even have a good taste in being faggots

>"people" think this is waifu/daughteru material

This, you can write the objectively best character to exist in any medium, but once there's even a tiny mention, just one sentence that can be reached by researching more about the character, that mentions he's gay, Yea Forumsaggots will automatically call him a bad character.
To Yea Forums, there's no good gay character, in any medium.

No, and they never will be. Homosexuality is a small minority, and as such any character that has a homosex love interest will feel like pandering. And no one likes that. Considering that 95% of game characters have no love interest at all, when you make one a homo it'll stand out at over-representation.
Maybe if one game every two years did it. Fucking maybe.

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Veronica and Arcade Gannon.

Which makes me realise that Bethesda made every single companion a romance option no matter the gender, meaning that they never wrote that part of the character.

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Yea Forums will tell you something like the doctor from New Vegas where it's a really small footnote as their example because they can easily ignore it while saying they don't hate gays. That or maybe some lesbian couple they can fap to.

Greg and Agnus I like. Too often people feel the need to put gay relationships in nothing but the most positive light. Fights are often light and often about their gay status and often resolved with just a hug when in reality they should face all the hardships any normal relationship does. Greg and Angus don't show a 100% strong "relationships are all sunshine and roses!" feelings but you still get why they love eachother or maybe even why it could fall apart.

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Gay Tony. And I just found out he's in GTA Online.

the homo always reveals himself as such


He literally mentions it in dialogue like "I know you're wondering why a handsome man hasn't come along and swept me off my feet."

Look at you try and explain, Arcade Ganon needs no explanation cuz everyone knows he's good and likeable already.

I'm not gay and never planning on fapping to them, so why would I give a fuck what species they are? They're just well done as characters in that regard.

It'd help your case if they weren't just together because their small town is shit, and the fox wasn't such a fucking spastic.

Is Tina gay now? Let me guess Hammerlock went full tranny as well

Witcher 3 White Orchard hunter was done pretty well. Gotta push him to reveal the truth, otherwise, nothing of it will be mentioned, only that he was exiled from the village.

Sylvando from DQ XI is one of the best I've seen.

>Is Tina gay now?
She was implied to be attracted to women in BL2 You just might not have noticed in the middle of all the crazy talk..

Bit more than implied.

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Oh, I like Arcade. He just barely fits the bill of the thread because you could remove that one line and it would change nothing else in the game. It's true tokenism.

Quite the opposite, it helps my case. Did you read what I said? I want an end to an "all sunshine and rainbows" portrayal of gays because people are afraid it would somehow put the movement in a bad light despite that it would just put them on the same level as strait relationships. So you're gonna point out some addressed trouble in their relationship and tell me I've been proven wrong?

>Tina has unusual gender-specific dialogue, referring to both male and female Vault Hunters as "girl." She also makes a number of sexual comments in an appreciative manner in regards the female members of her tea party, whilst during the Assault on Dragon Keep storyline she confesses to liking Maya in The Siren's invitation, asking if Maya likes her in turn. Additionally, her original motivation for helping the Vault Hunters train for Mad Moxxi was going to be due to her having a crush on Mad Moxxi.

I guess. I kind of always wrote those off as more"lol isn't tina just so wacky" jokes

Arcade Gannon in FNV is a great example of a gay dude done well imho

Only good gay characters out there are the characters were sexuality doesn't define them.

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I thought she just wanted friends

Catherine Full Body

>has a male name
>is a lesbian
Makes sense

This. Nothing is worse than someone that wears their sexuality as their personality.

This, Bill is another great one since you will only figure it out if you pay attention and it's not important in the slightest. Surprising that the same studio created Ellie and that abysmal E3 trailer

I was going to say why are you asking Yea Forums their opinion on homo characters when most people here are straight. Then I remembered most people here are actually closet homos so they are experts on the subject.

Came in this thread to post this. What the fuck happened? Bill was such a well done depiction of a gay character, even if the game he's in is just okay. Why did they fuck things up so bad with TLOU2?

>Most people here are straight

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>the contrarians have moved on to "A-A-Arcade doesn't count!"

Predictably sad.

Kanji isn't even gay but is done better than 90% of gay characters

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Why do people think he's gay, gimme a rundown. Never touched P4 but i always hear arguments as to whether or not he is or isn't gay

the thread should have ended here

Yes, those gay punks in Streets of Rage.

Good point, but there's a difference between a gay character and having a gay romance in your game.

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>Faggot redditors aren't a minority

No, they're just not likeable. You can have the most realistic view of a relationship, and even argue it's good writing. But I dislike them both as they're both awful people. They suck ass and no one is gonna mention them because they're unlikeable. So yes, they're realistic faggots because they're easy to dislike.

You mean this guy?

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Arcade Gannon

There are plenty of crap ones that get rightfully pointed out but even decent ones get totally dumped on just for having more than a passing reference at homogay.
Also it's fine if it's yuri weeb stuff. That gets a pass every time.

The really short version is he's conflicted about his attraction to Naoto, who everyone basically assumes is a guy because she tries to pass as one for her detective work. So Kanji thinks he might be attracted to guys despite Naoto not actually being a guy.

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I assumed he was bi in the end.

I was disappointed that there wasn't an option to date him though.

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have gay characters EVER been done well in real life?

Well that's a hell of a tangent that has nothing to do with anything. Counter point: I liked them.

his character arc is him being insecure about his sexuality because he is into knitting and cute shit. This gets ramped up when he becomes attracted to Naoto who he thinks is a guy, then get's kidnapped and put into a world based around his insecurities and appears as a gay bathhouse ruled by a hyper-gay version of him. Eventually he learns to accept himself for who he is. Since all his gay shit was just his insecurities, and he is still attracted to Naoto after it's revealed she's a girl, it's very likely he isn't actually gay or at most is bisexual. His character still makes trannies seethe because they interpret his character arc as conversion therapy or an excuse to make gay jokes for the whole game

>violent delinquent with really feminine hobbies like sewing and baking
>mocked by girls for said hobbies, begins to subconsciously fear and resent women
>developed a crush on a girl(who at the time he and everyone else believed was a boy)
>becomes very confused about his own sexuality due to being an inexperienced 16 year old, wonders if he might actually be gay
>eventually decides that it wasn't about whether he liked dudes or not, it was about his fear of rejection and just wanting to be accepted for who he is
>continues crushing on said girl even when it's made clear she's a girl
>no straight answer on the matter is given though and the entire series going forward lets him live it down

Yes, Sega nailed the design.

*never lets him live it down

He's a guy who puts on a overzealous tough-guy facade because people have mocked him for having traditionally feminine interests, like sewing and crafting. So his character arc is about learning to accept himself rather than kowtow to what's expected of him.

Which may or may not entail being attracted to men.

If you consider VNs games

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That would be funny if it was a boy

This guy was done well

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only one I can think of.

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Venom is the best one

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There's almost no such thing because any character who even brings up being homo is 99.999% done terribly in the first place.
But then again a lot of irl homos are annoying and terrible, so if by "done well" you mean accurate to real life people then sure I guess.
Decent, normal, non annoying gay people are in the minority


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>Decent, normal, non annoying gay people are in the minority
That's false. Like with everything, people are letting a vocal minority determine one's opinion on a whole. Especially with the internet, it's much easier to be loud and obnoxious as fuck about being gay, but that doesn't mean that's the majority.

ur mom lmao

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She is kinda ugly, would still pound that senseless tho.

>gays are redditors
you'd think it was the opposite with all the "my girlfriend made me a cake based on videogame awesome" posts

I'm not talking about the internet, if I was 99.9% of them would be annoying cunts instead of just a majority. I'm talking about real life. Every workplace I've ever had gay colleagues they have been in the vast majority, loud, flamboyant, obnoxiously annoying cunts.


>girlfriend (male)

Well, two things
1. It might be dependent on where you live/work
2. You have really bad luck

Gay characters are only well done if they are gay cowboys.

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The big problem with stuff like gay or trans characters is they use their sexuality as a replacement for actually developing the character. Like it's a trait not an entire personality. Them again that's most trans people in real life too.

tfw you can fuck the bunny


The only good gay characters are dead ones.

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You have to be joking

I fucked the bunny several times with all my characters.

>can't side with the 7th dragon and create your own new universe

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Solid Snake is a good gay character.

but why

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I think a good way would be if its something like the protagonist alluding to her/his lover throughout the story. Don't make it too obvious and dont mention the gender. Make it a good story where you really feel for the protagonist. Make him/her a good character. Don't shove trans flags all over the place. But then when they find the lover at the end of the game they're same sex.

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My first thought. Those guys were the best.

I'd rather fuck the swords desu.

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How do I get a girlfriend (male) who will bake me cake?

>not nanodesu
One job user.

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There will be no mercy for someone that killed a sick innocent loli.
>that scene where the loli is agonizing on the mic and the weaker she sounds the faster your characters run
>but by the time they get there she is already dead
Shit was honestly heartbreaking.

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Dorian from Dragon Age Inquisition.

He was the best character in the game. His character arc involves trying to get his father to accept him for who he is and he, in return, tries to accept his father for who he is.

It was legitimately heartwarming and he and the rest of the male cast (except Cullen) were the best part of the game.

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>swords don't come back to the new world

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If we are sticking to statistics, one out of twenty is a faggot, and four out of five of them are in the closet.

The bunny deserved a good dicking so she stops being so angery.

you could write the best character in the history of writing and Yea Forums would say they're shit if it's at all possible to work out they're gay

Yea Forums is bias on this subject because it's fucking totally sick nasty cool to hate da gays but code it behind less homophobic language to try and sneak it by fucking based and cool dude wow so rational truly this man is not influenced by emotions because he's cold and cruel no one with emotions has ever acted like that!

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>turning down the most powerful man alive whom could smite NCR, Legion, and House

What did he mean by this?

This is why you should be able to side with the dragon. Make a new world with the swords where you can free them from their life of corporate slavery and pet their heads forever.

And here we reach a fucking end to costructive discussion. The diversity police has arrived.

My favorite thing is their arguments crumble when you turn things around onto them.
>The bible says this:
But the bible also says that.
>Men should only want to fuck women. It's natural!
Homosexuality happens in nature pretty often, actually
>No, no, no! Real men only fuck to procreate!
Literal NPC thinking, I see

It's almost like Yea Forums isn't one person and is in fact a collective of individuals with different reasons to object to blatant heavy handed moralfagging in video fucking games of all places.

Last time I checked Yea Forums was a single person.

user, I hate gays as an athiest, not a christian. You fucks are annoying as hell and care nothing for anyone but yourselves, thats all the reason I need to want you gone.

Thats a nice strawman you have there. But I do pity your shit taste.

>care nothing for anyone but yourselves
Big generalization done by somebody who wants an entire group of people gone because he doesn't like them.

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Who wants gays gone here? raise hands.
This thread is about doing them justice in vidya. How the fuck is that against them? go drown in a housefire.

I don't have to like you. Go fuck yourself, trash.

I agree

We must have the worst fucking case of MPD ever recorded...

It's DID now

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If you know a gay nigger, it's a flip of a coin whether or not he has AIDS:

surprise surprise, Yea Forums is full of people that inflate their own intelligence without any critical reasoning behind it so they fall into moral arguments just like the people they despise, falling into tribal thinking but their tribal thinking is cool because its BASED

Fuck the DSM 5 with a ten foot jagged metal pole. Why can't they fucking settle on the basics at least....

No. They shouldnt be there in the first place.

All I ever see on reddit is "MUH SIGNIFICANT OTHER". Why dont they say GF or BF? Fucking faggot neutrals.
>inb4 >browsing reddit
yeah i'll just mindlessly hate it for no reason to fit in with Yea Forums

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>Borderlands 3 either killed every waifu or turned them gay.

Worst fucking timeline.

Neither of they are gay, sugar is just naughty and expected a boy not a girl to marry so she just roll with it, she will outlive Pratty anyways.