Redpills Yea Forums will NEVER be able to swallow

Nintendo is the only company protecting the sanctity of just plain simple fun in games, not tied down or fettered by obtuse stories and excessive graphics.

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You'd be right if some indie developers weren't also like that.

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ITT: Redpills Yea Forums will ALWAYS be able top swallow
OP is a faggot
*Guitar rift*

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Give me the ability to eat to my heart's content and not gain weight.

>numbers numbers numbers
I'm not taking any of these pills. fuck you.

don't forget *NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*

Definitely yellow or pink. Green is too vague, how fast can I fly? Is it just fast floating or do I have to exert myself with my arms or some shit?

>nintendo doesn't put effort into their games, therefore they have quality and soul
Always love you guys.

>he doesn't like game balance
Fuck you too faggot

They do put effort into their games, they just focus on the shit that MATTERS, aka the gameplay. This is why Nintendo exclusives always win over Sony exclusives.

>jumping a bunch of times
The only thing you're right about is that sony is trash. At the same time, the real debate is whether Nintendo's even worse than them or just barely better.

Objective list: Pink>Yellow>Green>Black>Grey>Blue>orange>red

Yellow because I genuinely don’t understand people unless I spend Time with them for two years

So what you're saying is gameplay you don't like isn't gameplay.

LOL here are some actual Nintendo redpills
>ports everything they can
>shits out mediocre kirby ad yoshi games on a scheduel like ea does FIFA games
>paid online without basic functionality
>makes open world game complete with towers to climb
>dlc in every game
>season passes for every game
>STILL pushes Amiboos and ties game functionality to them
>Nintendo kiddie OPs are always faggots
Try to swallow these facts kid

Black. Invest in stocks, make bank, never have to work again.

I bet you think Tetris is the holy grail of video games then.

Nintendo is the only company that develops games specifically made for toddlers. Ex.: Yoshi and Kirby games (excluding SMW2). Being a Kirby fan is the equivalent to being a Brony.

that's what you spergs always do when you dismiss anything that isn't bing bing wahoo as a "movie."

would you prefer the daily dose?

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Behold, the average non-Nintendo idea of "fun"

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red means retarded now

b-but muh pure lighthearted and simplistic FUN

OP absolutely BTFO

Reminder that nintendo needed 6 years to copy ubisoft

All that matters about a game is that it makes people feel good when they play it so they tell other people about it and buy more games.

X to awesome

>switch games being blurry and jaggy don't distract from the game
okay user

Truth is nintendo is making low effort(for their size) games and charges $60 a pop for them i.e the new Zelda which looks like a low budget title not a renown IP from one of the biggest devs on the planet.

Well, funny thing is I never actually did that. You're protesting a bit much.
That being said it's basically fact that Sony exclusives have great stories and subpar gameplay. Spider-Man, The Last of Us, Horizon: Zero Dawn, God of War, all of them had pretty great stories and voice acting and characters and all that shit but they are not fun to play. The Last of Us does absolutely nothing unique with its shooting and stealth mechanics. Spider-Man does nothing that hasn't been seen before in other open-world or Spider-Man games. Horizon: Zero Dawn is not a fun game, and it wastes it's amazing premise on boring fights and tired mechanics.
Nintendo, however, does make fun games. Their games don't rely on great stories to keep you playing. Gameplay should always come first, and unfortunately companies like Naughty Dog don't get that anymore.

Tetris is for big brained individuals. You clearly prefer shit like Cawadooty and second life

grey pill for me

Kirby games are for kids but you don't see people with Kirby avatars, dressing up as Kirby characters, going to conventions and generally being cloyingly autistic like you do with bronies..

Yep, I was just about to suggest that Deep Rock Galactic game. low poly graphics but it looks great for the art style, no internet drama. JUST video games.

He may be an insufferable dick but he is YOUR reply and you will show him some respect!

I played that over the free weekend and had a lot of fun. Mining deep in space caves is more comfy than it has any right to be

Sometimes I remember that Johnny Test shares the same voice actor as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Tidus

>you don't see people with Kirby avatars, dressing up as Kirby characters, going to conventions

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Just because you liked it as a kid doesn't mean it's good.
Just because it's the first one you played doesn't mean it's the best one


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Fucking soulless zoomer cartoons

>Nintendo caring about gameplay
>the people who brought us BotW, a Ubisoft-tier empty open world with brainless combat and repetitive content
>made Animal Crossing, a game about doing nothing except a watered-down version of what you should be doing in real life
>ignores gameplay-heavy IPs like Star Fox and Metroid constantly
>dumbs down Paper Mario
>rehashes non-challenging Kirby games endlessly

Yeah, power to the players, bravo Nintendo.

This, fuck nostalgiafags

If BOTW is so empty, brainless, and repetitive, how is it so fun?

You have a touch of the tism

Nintendo just knows what sells well and they rarely deviate from the norm.

>no answer, no argument, resorts to insults
About what I expected.

Which causes them to make the same games but with a gimmick they don’t fucking need.
Fucking stylus needed for a Star Fox game, what the fuck were they thinking?

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It’s not an insult user.

You haven't tired of the Ubisoft formula yet because you haven't played those games, since a Nintendo logo isn't present on their cases.

I feel like yellow pill would be a curse ultimately. You don't really want to read people's thoughts. You don't want to know what people are really thinking about you, because you would start to hate everyone if you did. Blue pill fucking sucks, you're basically killing yourself. Green pill sounds amazing but I'd be afraid that the military would shoot me down if they saw some man flying in the sky. Black pill, like yellow, sounds like it would be a curse. Sure you could do stuff like win the lottery if you could see the future, but I have a feeling it would really paralyze you. Every scary or unpleasant thing you see in the future will make you want to just not do anything. It would create a lot of fear.

Red, pink, and orange seem like the best choices. I can't see any terrible consequences from those, unless you're a dumbass. Grey sounds dangerous because every handshake could cause someone to fall madly in love with you. So every dude or woman you accidentally brush up against will be smitten with you.

Pink sounds like it would be the most useful to me. Orange sounds like the most fun too

Why play them when I can just watch them on YouTube?

>since a Nintendo logo isn't present on their cases
Well, duh. Why would I play Ubisoft games, which are universally known to not be fun in any sense of the word, when I have plenty of Nintendo games, which are usually fun games?

That's how my gf came to the same conclusion about BotW that I did, it only took about a half hour of me trodding through empty terrain and doing a shrine to realize the game is severely overrated.

Yeah some gimmick stick and some dont.
I dont mind other devs more experimental approaches but they are sometimes prone to adding some bullshit fads.

Hey there buddy how dare you dis Nintendo, they’re family you fuckhead I’ve plaued their games since childhood faggot. Nigger. Fuck you asshole

The Yea Forums hivemind might agree that Nintendo games are usually fun, but the magic has been gone for a while. Their logo isn't an indicator of quality, much like the Ubisoft logo.

I hate the daily dose.

>my gf
your hand doesn't count

you're just easy to entertain

You met my expectations. That was exactly the kind of response I would expect from a nintendie.

Nintendo isn't saving anything with their behaviour towards emulation. They have no reason to not just put every single emulator officialy on the switch and make all roms available with their online subscription stupidity. Microsoft does it, why can't they? It's not like people are paying them for GBA or NDS games anymore.

>Super Mario Odyssey
>Fire Emblem: Three Houses
>Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
>Super Mario Maker 2
>Splatoon 2
>Kirby: Star Allies (though I will agree that it was an unfinished game before all the updates came out)
Here are some non-BOTW Nintendo games I've played recently that I think were pretty fun. That's just on Switch. I've felt Nintendo consistently makes fun games, though I do agree that their treatment of their lesser-known franchises like Metroid, Paper Mario, and F-Zero has been shitty.

>No time stop pill
All trash

>They have no reason to not just put every single emulator officialy on the switch and make all roms available with their online
Money for them

Sorry I meant to say they make more money selling $20 retro games rather than putting actual emulators on their system

Not just this but Nintendo's missing a shit-ton of money just by not focusing on emulation and ports. Make a small team of like 50 people, tell them to start grabbing easy to port games from the 3DS, Wii, GameCube, and Wii U and tell them to get the fuck to work.
>Fire Emblem: Awakening
>Mario & Luigi remakes
>Kirby: Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot
>Super Mario 3D Land
>Super Paper Mario
>Donkey Kong Country Returns
>Super Mario Sunshine
>Ocarina of Time 3D and Majora's Mask 3D
>A Link Between Worlds
All games that would take relatively not much time to port to Switch. Don't let it detract from real fucking games obviously, but Nintendo's fucking retarded if they don't realize how much money they'd make selling those games again, but specialized for Switch. Make 3-4 of them a year, sell them for $20-$30 a pop, there you go, you're making fucking bank.

That's about as blue a pill as you're gonna get.

Melee is the only good competitive Smash game, nobody would've ever even considered playing post-Brawl Smash at a serious level if it wasn't for Melee creating that idea.

Melee also does something horrible to the people that play it for too long, they stop taking showers or caring about if they shit their pants in public

steam is shit.

Out of all those, Odyssey is the only one I'd say was a good, unique game. At least, the only one worth getting a switch for.

>Three Houses
Haven't played it, seemed pretty low effort to me, and I'm already not the biggest FE fan. Liked Path of Radiance and Awakening but this one looked a bit lazily-made in terms of assets which doesn't inspire confidence.
I like Smash, or at least I used to. The online is terrible and there's not a whole to do for single-players modes. Despite the roster, it's the Smash I've played the least and got tired of the quickest due to these issues.
>Mario Maker 2
Essentially a retread of the first, not really worth it if you played the first one a lot like I did.
>Splatoon 2
Same thing here as Mario Maker. Just more of the same.
Every Kirby game lately just bores me. They're all universally too easy anymore. They're not terrible games but nothing I would buy a switch for, or pay even half price for.

The switch might seem new and relevant if you didn't own a Wii U before but it's boring to me, Nintendo just seems like they're phoning it in this generation so far. Odyssey is the only game that I felt made it worth getting one, and that passes months after you've 100%'d it.

Stinky Day was about a Smash 4 event tho

>indie developers

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lol they tried virtual consoles with the wii, wiiu, and 3ds.
if it was profitable, they would have brought it back to the switch.

Doesn’t matter

Three Houses is very lazy graphically, yeah, but it's still a really fun game to strategize especially with the new Maddening mode having come out recently.
Actually that's how I'd respond to most of your criticisms. Nintendo absolutely has a problem with retreading content, this is obvious. Splatoon 2, Kirby, Mario Maker 2, they're all essentially rehashed DLCs for the previous games. Regardless, they're still very fun games. Kirby's fun to me. I like sitting down and laying back and playing an easy Kirby game and relaxing. I also enjoy making Mario levels and Mario Maker 2 adds more than enough content for me to justify pirating it.
They're just fun games. I enjoy playing them, and their gameplay keeps me coming back for more. I can't say the same for other console exclusives of this generation, which moreso make me trudge through their subpar gameplay to see more story.

Celeste is still a fun game.

Yellow or green pill are rad.

I'm going with gray though, and I'll track down 9 rich kikes, drain half their bank accounts, then use the final pill on my crush.

All other pills are worthless

If that was true, then why do I get needlessly attacked for disliking games like Bayonetta or Fire Emblem or Xenoblade? It's hypocritical for you fanboys to attack me for despising cutscenes and low framerates, when you yourselves will do the same to other companies.

This "it's okay when MY company does it" mindset is childish.

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This I love it when vidya games make me feel good. I've had some of the hardest times of my life as a college student, and my nintendo switch just allows me to escape the hellscape of my daily life and live in a world with more magic than the cruel one we live in. If I could just live inside my nintendo Switch, I would. That way I dont have to listen to my wife and her boyfriend having sex in our bedroom

Hating popular games isn't a personality

Green and orange are the only non-problematic choices

>no argument nice

>retarded opinions people wont believe, no matter how many threads I make


Because "most" honest criticism is buried under tons of shitposting. Nintendo owners also doesn't seem to care a lot about cutscenes and framerates so your point probably sounds just like more shitposting most of the time. Could you link me an example?

Pink. I wanna turn into a hot girl and do nothing but molest myself for 2 hours and then go back to being a guy like nothing happened.