Why do gamers disingenuously claim/ignore/argue in bad faith/outright lie about the existence, effect...

Why do gamers disingenuously claim/ignore/argue in bad faith/outright lie about the existence, effect, and extent of political themes and messages in older video games?

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Other urls found in this thread:


ive never lied about video games

ask me anything

when you have no concrete ideology or understanding of any kind of theory, you end up just parroting the dumbest shit so long as it owns someone once in a while.



Nobody says that.
And if they were they would probably be refering to an earlier era of games somewhere around 80

>this thread again

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Leftism is for fags and I am not a fag.

literally nobody ever has, this is a strawman lefties invented and now legitimately believe

>argue in bad faith
what does this mean

Nearly all these games are garbage desu

A game having in universe politics or loose references to irl ideologies, making the player maybe reflect on them, is NOT the same as bringing current date politics and propaganda
Get fuked

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those were always neckbeard games. and ff7 doesnt belong on there because the political part isnt that serious compared to the generic good vs evil conflict




Concern trolling/LARPing

politics vs propaganda


Politics is just code for women, gays, and/or niggers being in a game.

it means "I can't refute your argument so I'll just engage in ad hom while trying to act superior"

>Concern trolling
what does this mean

Games with ingame political themes good
Games with identity politics bad
Simple as

>terrorism only became interesting after 9/11
spotted the millenial/zoom zoom


"Politics in video games" is badly phrased I am perfectly okay with politics. It should be something more like "sucking dick in video games" which I'm not okay with unless its a video game specifically about sucking dick whether by female or male and I played my fair share of these.

We are going through a species wide struggle between sapience and sexuality and I'd very much like it not to leak into my entertainment media unless its literally about that.

no, terrorism became an overused and boring theme after 9/11

Generally in those games the gameplay is used to tell the story which does have political or general heavy themes. Now then, post some of games not in your OP that you think does the same and the political message isn't beaten over your head by the devs, game "reporters", and shills?

Who the fuck is stupid enough to write shit like that, let alone think it is smart?


Aside from Bioshock, in those games, the gameplay took priority over the story.
These days people place story over gameplay, making the political themes more in-your-face and obnoxious.
Also, the maker of this meme purposely didn't put any games with non-left leaning themes, even though they do exist, just thought I'd point that out.

Because they're toys that simply cease being part of your life when turned off.


only wh*toid incels cry at politics in games. they are delicate like flowers

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>"old games"
>images of PS3 games included

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Because outright propaganda became commonplace, and peple fucking hate being propagandised to. So they swing hard in the other direction, and pretend any commentary on people existing is haram.

yes. please tell me what "concern trolling" means so i know you're not just bullshitting me and that is an actual thing that people use as an argument

he's not wrong though, featuring political themes is different from political pandering

>non-left leaning themes
The creator of Oddworld is right-wing, though this was a pretty recent revelation.

its just that people dont like politics they dont agree with in things, but the right is so used to being disingenuous about their reasoning that they pretend its a global issue, which sounds better

but nobody wants to see politics they disagree with




The existence of political themes isn't the problem. The problem is current day politics are retarded, and the way they've been hamfisted in to most media today is preachy and a detriment to the product.

Why do you keep making this thread?

what's your issue with people wearing glasses?

Not believing the arguments you yourself present. Basically a roundabout way of saying lieing their asses off.



>political observations
>Make. America. Nazi. Free. Again

>larping as a nigger on an anonymous image board

I think it's more about how it's done. For me it's the very direct allusions to contemporary politics that's annoying (dude, Drumpf, lmao etc.). For example Bioshock is a more general critique and it doesn't feel as hamfisted as other games. It also bothers me when they put it in games that are detached from current society (fantasy, sci-fi, historical) and act like the mainstream ideas of today are applicable to every conceivable world. Besides being obvious as shit we also lose the opportunity to explore something new and different.



Because politics is pure bile in 2019, by design, so that we can't discuss things properly and all end up insane.


>war is bad
>propoganda is bad
>there are people who want to control the narrative
>there are people who want to control you
>corporations dont have your best interests in mind
Yikes. Why did you post all of those games with fascist messages.


To be fair, contemporary politics is always pure bile.

>A game being a thoughtful examination of themes which include politics and economics is exactly the same as putting a retarded last moment cutscene implying burgerland is not "woke" enough in a fortune cookie gorefest fighting game
ok retard

It's the most socially acceptable way to say you don't want to play games full of faggots and leftist propaganda. As a low t beta you should understand all about the feminine tactic of saying things without outright saying them

I don't remember trannies being in any of those games though.

Just google it.

Propaganda is decidedly useful. Whats bad is fucking it up so badly, that the people it is suposed to placate into behaving like civilised beings take it as an affront to their intelligence.

Wow guys this is bad you’re not actually Nazis right
It’s really only on reddit

Because the liberals today are government bootlickers who want to take away any and all personal freedom.


>A concern troll is a person who participates in a debate posing as an actual or potential ally who simply has some concerns they need answered before they will ally themselves with a cause.
oh that's cute. mostly stupid but a little cute
>Not believing the arguments you yourself present
that is even stupider what the fuck
>It’s really only on reddit

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It's where you pretend that your opponent is an unprincipled liar who would say the most inane bullshit to win an argument, even if it's straight up not true.
OP would be a good example of this

Just saying the game pictured in OPs image all feature a political thought to serve as a vessel to carry the story and game. As opposed to game and stories which are vessels for a political thought.

one thing is being political, other is calling the main villain tonald drump

Because politics about transhumanism, intergalactic federations having culture and trade wars, and the hard to answer ethical question of free will vs determinism are totally the same as modern games and their political message of "KILL DE EBIL NAYTZEES" and "SOVEREIGN NATIONS BAD"

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fixed your image bro :)

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Dafuck? Concerned trolling is laring as soccermoms screaming 'won't somebody think of the children!' Whats Nazi about that?

Holy fucking BASED

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philosophy=/=politics=/=orange man bad/good=/=idpol

People have a tendency to make utter fools of themselves if that makes them feel like they won an argument.
We traded duels at dawn for internet screeching, but I suppose the all or nothing attitude remained.

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so why doesn't he just wear toilets on his feet

checkmate chinky

gamers use politics as a scapegoat. The real issue is bad writing and story telling, because games have historically have had shitty writing and story telling in general, with only a few exceptions. Gamers are hypocritically very politically charged and minded individuals, and use "politics" in games to target games with political themes and messages that they are not tolerant of. Many people who know or look up the game conflate the bad writing and story telling in general with the political message the gamers are hating on because there is already a hate mob saying "it's bad because X", and any study of human social dynamics show that humans are natural side takers and rarely form their own, truly unique opinions.

That is completely true. Also OP is a fucking faggot, either baiting, or guilty of the same he accuses all 'gamers' if thats even a fucking thing by now, of.

Because toilets are dirty

Yea, 3 of those are interesting and thought provoking takes. One of those is "doy doy women can fight wars too."

>Boob Morning Everybody! | Campaigner for all games to have breast sliders | DM me Toph x Sokka | 6 Foot Tall | Housewife-in-Training | Avi by @PaladinDraws

>Quetzalacatenango, Guatamala

What am I to make of this?

>Fiction posing as history
Spot the odd "man" out, champ.

Go back to r*ddit.

Literally only MW dealt with somewhat contemporary politics, and none of those games contain political pandering and actually deal with their topics in a (mostly) adult and balanced manner.
But you're arguing in bad faith to begin with, so fuck off.

We aint censoring nigger round here, but r*ddit, that word scares us.

I know you're just posting images from /r/Gamingcirclejerk to get the most amount of (You)s possible, but please don't tell me you actually believe any of what's said in this image. It's insanely wrong.

>halo, mw, ac
>identity politics

Are you retarded, user?

>WWII but with women, so deep and political right?
Your image says it all, those first three games actually had some political themes, the last one is just pandering to identity politics.

Don't you dare tell me, the first thing that came to your mind when starting up Halo, wasnt "Gosh, this sure as hell reminds me of all those damn mussies who blewed up the twin towers. I am no going to live out a proxy revenge fantasy.".

It was either more subtle or not as biased.

>Game where the political message makes you think and it was well written in the story.
>You were allowed to disagree
>X is BAD
>WAIT, YOU DON'T AGREE? X AND Y ARE EQUAL? OMG YOU "insert buzzword slur here"!

Nah. He is trolling.

You made this exact same bait thread with the exact same text yesterday. Hide, report, ignore.

The image says "none of this political crap". The political messages in the games listed is not crap. The political messages in current games is transparent and garbage.

Long story short, games writers need to get gud.

Nah. Its valuable to think on why the old stuff was good, so POLITICS BAD doesnt become kneejerk.

Okay I could of sworn I saw this thread yesterday wtf.

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It's not about political themes in the game, it's about games being forced into conformity effects by real world political forces. You can make a SJW game if you want, but games should also be able to be non-SJW without the developer ending up murdered.

It's the same user that goes on /r/gamingcirclejerk, think of commies making vidya "memes," and just lazily posts their stuff over here to encite 500+ threads. Hopefully he gets range banned soon.

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Keep all politics out of video games.

>actual discussion BAD

How the fuck are those game political? Stories needs a source of conflict, just because that source is a fictional government doesn't mean the game is a critique toward Clinton administration

I'm sorry did I miss the part where the mudokon in Abe Odyssey called each other niggers?

OP isn't even here discussing anything though.

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>cherrypicking a few games, most not even that old
OP is a faggot as always.

You did. Some fag is snipping his (You)s into a compilation image and bragging to his troll group on Discord.

Twelfth post best post

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Saw this thread yesterday, it's shit bait, go the fuck home you retard.

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no lmao you stupid fucking ape
What is CounterStrike, Rainbowsix and all of their derivitaves
god you're a dense zoomer
so fucking dumb

>this thread again

Those games were games with a story and message(s), not some soiboi's deranged social media feed forced into a game for twitter brownie points.

I miss the times when having a female or non-white character in the game was just a design choice, not a political statement. You can literally play as black guy in Deus Ex if you choose so, and guess fucking what: the game is still fucking kicks ass. You know why? Because it's a game first, and then a message, and the message is conveyed to you through deep and clever writing. You playing as DiVeRsE character is not a statement, it's simply a design choice.

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The stark difference between politics in games then vs now is clearly laid out in Bioshock Infinite

main game:
>portrays racism as an obvious negative however it also concedes a thriving society emerging from it which is even very progressive when it comes to gender equality
>portrays freedom fighting as a two edged sword in the Vox Populi, making the point that good-intentioned people do not necessarily make the correct decisions and can do evil

Burial at Sea:
>Ackshually it was all the keikaku of the Lutece twins, the Vox Populi did nothing wrong and theres no way Daisy Fitzroy would have actual moral depth and end up killing an innocent. Columbia has no redeeming features.

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>the same bait thread as yesterday
Fuck off and go back to pedoera and chapofaghouse you troon


Infinite was always a mess. It was supposed to portray a hyper racist society but you never even hear the word "nigger" and the only outright portrayal of racism you see is when an interracial couple is going to get pelted with baseballs. 2 is the best Bioshock.

Because we live in the days of outrage/cancelculture. The internet has given billions of people the ability to send everyone information instantaneously, which is brilliant mind you, but which has also created a craving for the immediate gratification that it gives. People who spend all day on the internet get addicted to the attention, to say a word, hit a button and see dozens, hundreds or even thousands of people immediately nod their heads and congratulate them for agreeing with their own opinion. Human beings are social animals after all, and we have evolved to seek a society to fit in, its what has allowed us to thrive, but It was never meant for this environment. Most probably don't even realize it.
This ties into another issue, i.e. that the internet is lawless. There is no government body to regulate the discourse here, no moderators of the internet that oversee it, no police to suppress lies and no courtroom to determine the truth. Everyone can say whatever they want and can never be fully invalidated, and whenever they are shunned, they can just go to/or create another website, another safe space where their opinion is welcomed, where they are right and the others are wrong. Just look at this website, or twitter, Tumblr etc. and ask yourself when the last time actual, meaningful discourse here was, not just within the website, but discourse with the internet as a whole.
Now what do you get when you combine a lawless internet where truth doesn't exist and billions of people addicted to instant gratification and the ability to publish information with the press of a button? Lies. You get lies.

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Back then:
>game with a black character
>is written like an actual person
>publisher/devs/journos don't make a big deal out of the character

>game with a black character
>is written like a sitcom character, color of the skin substitute for any kind of personality
>publishers/devs/journos make damn sure you notice the color of the skin and call you a racist, nazi, altright, and whatever other things they can throw at you if you have a problem with this character and the marketing

Because video games are perceived, by gamers, as little more than escapist consumer goods that serve as virtual toys.

Yes, Im not defending Infinite which is still a fucking disgrace but at least it still could grasp the concept of nuanced politics.

This is who tells you to have sex

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Because most “gamers” now just pretend to play games or watch streamers.

Nobody bitched about pic-related before but now having a black woman in a game is a huge controversy

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>There are only two sexualities, straight and "political"
Yes. Less than 2% of the world's deviant sexuality doesn't need representation, let alone positive reinforcement.

>leftards: "women and minorities are not inherently political"
>also leftards: lose their shit when a piece of media starring a woman/minority succeds/underperforms

Right, because featuring philosophy or societal commentary is exacty the same as transparent pandering.
I remember when Andrew Ryan blamed Bush for his departure underwater.

The character is referencing to the problem as in old world's politics that caused the whole nuclear war in the first place, you troglodyte.

>but now having a black woman in a game is a huge controversy
>it is alright if I bitch when the game flops tho

Anybody else take really long showers and like to think about stuff?

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Recently I've been doing that more often, yeah. Just sit down after I'm done cleaning and rinsing and kinda dissociate for a bit. Didn't used to do that.

Maybe it's because the political messages are related to what was happening say a decade ago and not now, so it's easier to miss or ignore them. I mean, if you read something from hundreds of years ago it probably has it's own spin, but what it's referring to happened beyond your memory.

Those aren't real world modern day political issues, and the writers aren't trying to bludgeon me over the head with their personal morals.

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Deus Ex is explicably political though. Government and big companies are inherently untrustworthy, the media is corrupt, the common man gets fucked over and it's all a big conspiracy.

Just because it's not about identity politics doesn't mean it's not political.

No, I hate taking showers, so they never take more than 10 minutes, in my best times I managed to bathe, shave and brush my teeth in less than 10 minutes.

All of that is absolutely correct, though. All of those issues have come up in the past and it is well known that any kind of government can become fucky and companies that become too powerful overstep their bounds to the detriment of the common man. Control and corruption of the media isn't new either.

Partially true, but it's also about pushing politics into games. It's literally impossible to fit in hamfisted identity politics into a game and have it also be deep. You can't have your cake and eat it too, especially if the whole premise of the political stance is to be as loud and obnoxious as possible. Also the whole retarded idea of EvErYtHiNg IsPoLiTiCaL is just so backwards and shortsighted that it makes me want to scream. If everything is inherently political, then that also means these nutcases can morally justify their psychotic anger towards people for liking the wrong video games. You can already get your teeth knocked in if one of these psychotic maniacs see you wearing a red cap, so they will also be punching you for carrying dark souls or whatever other game they decide to draw parallels with between politics they dislike.

>1 post by this ID

Most of those games were merely featuring politics as part of storytelling. Despite what people say about "optics," merely featuring them and exploring them doesn't constitute existing for a political purpose. You also don't have to outright support for every facet of what you're depicting; to use another industry's example: just because Sigourney Weaver forced Alien 3 to not have guns doesn't mean Jamie Lee Curtis is hypocritical for not doing the same with Halloween (2018).

Contrast with games made today that are done not to depict politics, but to serve a political purpose. AssCreed with forgoing its "historical recreation" in favor of depicting demographics as they want them to be today. Battlefield V with its change of Operation Gunnerside from a group of commandos to a mere Mother and Daughter because of girl power, not to mention adding further disrespect by trying to rewrite history the same year the very last Gunnerside team member died. It's not exploring them as a concept, it's trying to use the medium as a way to influence people to support their opinion.

Also, on a side note, there were definitely some political jabs in older games. VtMB and Fallout 2 are common examples with their literal "Republicans = Evil" lines, but they aren't indicative of the game as a whole and had just as little of an impact on what the games were trying to do as say, the rest of the pop culture references were in Fallout 2.

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