Characters that literally did nothing wrong

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That's not from a video game

>Everything he did to Angel
>Not wrong
I mean sure, wanting to wipe out the whole Bandit population was a smart idea, it's just that his only real mistake in that was not sorting the sane/useful from the insane. Although really it feels like Lilith's fault he became more of a homicidal psycho compared to before his scarring.

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Forgot everything again, Tatsuya?

>Everything he did to Angel
It is revealed in BL3 that Angel went berserk and gunned down her own mother using her siren hacking powers. She, as a child, was able to put all Hyperion offense systems under her control, so Jack did what would be the best: connected her to the whole Hyperion system as one giant supercomputer and maintained father/daughter relationship.

>pic unrelated

>Everything he did to Angel
>Not wrong

They could never top Jack. The twins don't even come close

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Are you sure?

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There is no need to top Jack. They just need to make villains out of good characters, not meme-spouting zoomers who the twins are.

The twins are better in the 2nd half after Troy goes on his power trip. They're just objectively evil though. Jack wasn't so one sided. Plus Dameon Clark just made that character. Without him Jack wouldn't have been nearly as memorable

>that on top of all the shit that happened to him in TPS
Jack had a hard life. Honestly I can't really blame him for the things he did. I'm pretty sure anyone would snap if they were in Jacks shoes.

To be fair alot of his problems were of his own doing. He was a narcassistic egomaniac from the beginning. It was just something that slowly built up over time. Otherwise he would have never used Angel the way he did. He always had a plan to rule Pandora with an iron fist.

im curious to see what'll happen to him in doom eternal

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Well... technically, the version of Adolf from C&C: Red Alert literally didn't do anything wrong yet. And he never got the chance to either, as he was Chrono-dusted to replace our canonical timeline with that of the Red Alert series.

He owns the company that controls the New U stations and the catch a ride stations.
Could have very easily stopped the vault hunters when they died by refusing to regenerate them, or at the very least cut them off from transportation.
Then they finally get to him and kill him.
He is not regenerated at a New U station like the vault hunters were countless times.

Those aren't canon you fucking idiot

New u stations are not canon

Everything you and Lilith/Roland did in the Pre-Sequel only proved him right and reinforced his point of view.

And yet there's literally a quest that revolves entirely about acknowledging them as a presence in the world and handsome Jack's knowage in them. Jesus christ talk about fucking amature hour at gearbox.