Picks an american nigger to be the face of a game based on a war that mainly involved white europeans

>picks an american nigger to be the face of a game based on a war that mainly involved white europeans
why are americans such attention whores?

Attached: 367151-battlefield-1-playstation-4-front-cover.jpg (800x800, 85K)

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pretty sure yuros made this game tranny

Made by swedecucks not americans

What I want to know is why they made a big deal out of the Harlem Hellfighters being in the game when the only one on screen is the narrator from the game’s intro, and the implication that the American Scout/Sniper is a Hellfighter

Not an American game. Not an American person in game, but a man from an all-black French Battalion. I know you Euros love to hate us, but at least get your facts straight.

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>Sweden is in America

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Isnt the devs who makes the new Wolfenstein games in Sweden as well? What the hell is going on in Sweden?

pretty sure the dude in the picture is a Harlem hellfighter like it was in the first mission

Out of all of the things to nitpick about this game you choose the most insignificant and inconsequential thing imaginable.

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It seems you're correct. It looks like irony striked hard today.

There's going to be 4 billion Africans by 2100, I'd hardly call that insignificant and inconsequential.

The point of the campaign was to tell the small stories that nobody paid attention to, but nonetheless involved human sacrifice.

OP is absolute proof that other countries will never stop thinking of america, even when they have nothing to do with the situation

because this the first thing the appears to the casual observer when picking up the game; like, what or who is this nigga supposed to represent in this WWI game i'm about to purchase/pirate?

>What is the biggest market for making video games?
>What is the publisher who paid Dice for making the game?
>Where is this publisher based?

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I think DICE is doing it out of spite at this point and I can't say I really blame them

the cover art is shit-tier on so many levels
>nigger in a WWI game
>american is armed with german weaponry (german pistol and german submachine gun)
>chooses to use pistol and stick instead of submachine gun
>also has a sniper rifle attached to his waste
what trash cover art.

And how many of them are going to be target audience for any devs?

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I actually had a load of fun in this game. Tank squads with my bros and going Rambo with shotguns will always be fun with this. That plus a load of other things but to act like playing this game is awful is downright false.

DICE and EA were publicly concerned that "certain segments" of the population didn't even know what World War One was. Easy solution was to put a gangsta black guy on the cover so those "segments" would buy it anyway

>later change the main title screen to a dyke and they never change it
face it wh*te man, your time is OVER

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lol you got btfo, cope

It may as well be.

>Italian, German, Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, Royal Marines, Russian Empire and Red Army factions are all extremely well designed
>German, American, French and British team feature dindus for no other reason than muh blackness

Had to set the stage for Asian females in BF V I guess. The real heroes.

Congratulations, you're 2-3 years late to witness this.

>t. never played a BF game

have sex

This, they forgo good design just to do this shit, its not because they arent white, it looks fucking stupid seeing what looks like a black man straight from the bush wearing a fucking WW1 british uniform to the 9's. Like if you had some pastey white man wearing tribal african get up, it looks stupid aesthetically, avoid it.

Is BF1 active at all on PC? I actually liked the operations mode, I fucking despise that they started playing this politics shite because the game was actually decent, so any discussion and opinion is mired in this shit.

if you actually played the game you would realize that it's mostly white dudes shooting each other. The only niggers are on the american side and the only females you see are on the Bolshevik side, both of which are historically accurate

W-what? In English please without the buzzwords.

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Also the french and russian content weren't in the base game.

How come your player model is black when you play on a map taking place in France?

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i'm sorry as an europoor from this region the panne region (i see americans,french,german,anglo tourists daily) shit is beyond ridicoulous all these french soldiers that gave their lives just to be represented by a nigger

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Why are gamers so frail? There's a trillion billion films and games about white boys rolling around in the WW1 mud so why not show a different perspective for once?

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Do you not know basic history? The french regularly used African soldiers from their colonies

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>a fake, whorishly politicized perspective
Fixed it for you, nigger.

name 1 non american publisher

Blacks didn't fight with the AEF they were literally palmed off to the French because of segregation.
There were about 20 black German servicemen in WW1, all of whom were cooks/minstrels. Despite this 2/7 German classes are black and the cavalry is reused for Austria-Hungary despite a (white) cavalry model existing.

Like I get it, muh minorities, but in WW1 the minorities were literal where's Waldo status

>blacks weren't in WWI
this is your brainlet on /pol/

Thousands of French soldiers were black in WW1. The great mosque of Paris was built to honour fallen Muslim French soldiers in WW1. However it's a shame that France wasn't in the vanilla game but the fucking Yanks were. No Serbia or Bulgaria either, that's insulting.

>still making threads about that game
An FPS has a lifespan of about 3 months nowadays, fuck off

This wouldve been a great place to just let people do head swaps on their characters, in the singleplayer thjere are tons of different heads on the multiplayer bodies, in the beta the british recon was white and had an aussie hat, based on characters in the singleplayer and in the war propper. There was also lots of heads and helmet models just straight up never used outside of the singleplayer they appear, some of the helmets were fucking rad looking.
>Italian support gets a straight up knight looking helmet, that was infact historically accurate
>there were more variants in the singleplayer for other factions, like a sallet helmet and bevor
Its just a complete waste of potential, the WW2 setting doesnt allow for such weird designs like WW1 had.

Why? The point is that the publisher is American and therefore the big budget AAA game is made for the American market first and foremost. The American market is also the biggest market for video games so isn't it obvious that it is designed and maketed for an American audience?

>blacks were in WW1
this is your brain on mutt education

>However it's a shame that France wasn't in the vanilla game but the fucking Yanks were
fuck is this true? holy fuck imagine being french.

Factually incorrect. I was gunning down black Austrians left and right lmao.

What's the surprise? Without America germany would have won both wars

They were used extensively in the occupation troops to further humiliate the Germans.

It's DICE's recent decision to rewrite history to fit their narrative. They wanted to focus on the less known places. That's why there's no Normandy map in BFV but there's North Africa.

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you're thinking of another war my mutt

top kek. the Soviet Union beat Germany in WWII. France + Britain beat them in WWI.
America entered both wars when germany was already in the retreat.

battlefield 1 is my most played game I own and is the best battlefield objectively

America only got 2 maps, 1 of which was shit and an asspull.

Just give us a new Battlfield 2142.

It was admittedly worse after WW2.

you're a fuckin' fool

>france + britain won wwI

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EA also publish FIFA which is for yuroniggers only

Because the rest of the world gives it to us for free.

good thing those mutts didn't stay around if you know what i mean (they threw them in the river)

BF1 looks the best but BC2 and BF4 still outclasses it.

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Here's a new perspective for (You)
>Player discovers the current war and all wars over the past three hundred years are all (((bankers))) wars
That way it actually pertains to reality unlike what the consumer actually gets.

If EA don't shut down dice where will they go next?
>ww1 done
>ww2 done poorly
>bad company cold war?
>modern warfare done
>2143 fuck yeah

>After 1933, under racist Nazi policies, Afro-Germans deemed to be Rheinlandbastarde were persecuted. They were rounded up in a campaign of compulsory sterilization.

That's not new or interesting. Everyone who's been out of high school for more than a year knows that, and it's completely irrelevant. You're a slave to the rich and powerful, and there is nothing you will ever be able to do in your tiny little lifespan that will ever change it.

>Antagonist get redeemed in the end
Peak cover performance here

How fucking hard did Dice had to suck EA to end up putting an american nigger on the cover and France and Russia as DLC in a WW1 game

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its already confirmed they're working on bad company 3

I'm still that that BF5 only had the bong faction besides germany.
How the fuck do you decide to release a ww2 fps with only the goddamn bongs as the allied team? They haven't even added the us, russia or japan yet holy shit

So, what is your point? AAA big budget shooters, especially with the name Battlefield are primarily marketed for an American audience because that's where the majority of units will be sold. The Americans were even in the base game instead of the French or the Russians for crying out loud. Fifa is marketed to an European audience because most units will be sold in Europe. Why are you acting this is obscure in some way?

>in retreat in 1942
>the peak of axis gains

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battlefield sells similar amounts in europe as the us if not more. europe is also way more cucked than usa especially sweden so you need to stop acting like this is an american thing. it was europeans who decided to put a black on the cover

>europe is also way more cucked than usa

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Tends to sell higher in Europe, overall.


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