You do have at least 10 platinums... right? Or do you not actually complete your games?

You do have at least 10 platinums... right? Or do you not actually complete your games?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Get a PC, loser.

last one is yakuza 0

I have like 40ish.

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I have one, and thats only because you get it by just finishing the game normally, no extra bullshit.

I have 4, couldn't find any other games that were worth platinuming. gf is working on digimon cyber sleuth with 97% finished. i'll probably platinum MHW by the end of the year.

Why the fuck have you made this same thread at least 4 times over the past weekend
Every fucking time I open Yea Forums I see this thread with

Yeah, they are all visual novels on the vita though

I complete the main game and move on

Wagefags do not care for platinums only NEETs

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wrong image

and this one has 72 out of my 74

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Soulsborne games are very fun to plat


40 jizzbrain threads are fine but one thread about videogames sends you into an autistic shitfit

literally no one besides you care about your participation trophies

I have about 5 games with only a few trophies left but most require multiple more playthroughs and/or unfun grindy shit

Hell yeah, 57 and counting

>participation trophies
speak for yourself, not everyone plays shitty easy games just for trophies

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That platinum I know I will never get

Yeah, I got 10. But some of them are ez ones that kinda devalue the 10 you ask for like walking sims. I got so much of a backlog now that Platting games doesn't matter to me anymore. Ultimately, I now just want to see the end credits roll.

5 specifically.
A bunch more of ‘completed’ games if you count xbox 360 and pc.

>Soulsborne games are very fun to plat

until you get down to some of the stupid shit like:farm 30 of a rare drop for one miracle from each covenant or Dark Souls 2's "you need to get to the castle on NG++ to get some spells or Dark Souls 3's "we have rings on NG++ and one of them is behind the hardest boss in the game"

20 ish

I bet you think this is so impressive but its actually more embarrassing then someone that goes for easy plats. Imaging wasting hours of your life on shit games like I Am Bread just because the trophies are hard. Rather plat games I actually enjoy then half the shovelware on your profile.

For me it was getting the platinum for Titanfall 2, it's a short game so I didn't mind doing a second run on the hardest difficulty. Plus a lot of the trophies were gameplay related challenges. I think this is one of the best trophy lists I've ever seen. It also only has two online trophies, for a multiplayer shooter that's pretty based. Heck off Rockstar and Ubisoft with your online multiplayer trophies.

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Sony never emails this kind of stuff even with the setting enabled. Only thing I get is purchase receipts.

Is 10 some magic number?

>caring about cheevos
>thinking achievements are content

Is God of War truly the only game that actually gives you something (e.g: platinum avatars) if you get its platinum trophy?

Bloodborne gives you a PSN theme

Thats actually fun if you love those games. Also if you are a mage build the game is easy even on ng++, there are ways to improve the discovery stat

>there are ways to improve the discovery stat

I know but it's still crap. It took several hours to get the ears in Dark Souls 3 and I had like the max discovery build to boot.

22 platinums

Don’t you like them even more now that you got the platinum in soulsborne games?

Judge me fellas

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not really.

Especially with the crap games like Dark Souls 2 (only because I didn't know ADP actually meant a damn)

This is my highest accomplishment
Took me 3 days with a fellow african brother to get this fucking thing

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Who the fuck gives a shit about trophies

tfw no platinums

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i think i have one

Who cares about achievements/trophies... I play games to have fun, not to complete boring tasks.

96 at the moment. Wanted to hit 100 before the end of the summer, but it didn't end up happening.

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>Super Meat Boy


Pretty standard list. Disgaea 5, Just Cause 2, and Blazblue are slightly impressive though.

Some people find achievements/trophies fun

I have exactly one.


>super meat boy
why on earth would you ever platinum that game? i got 100% and THAT was hell, i think i'd kill myself before trying to go deathless dark cotton alley.

10 plats and 5-6 100% on steam

Bump just for that based comment.
I have 20 plats but I don't hunt for trophies

>Binary Domain
jesus christ that's commitment

I used to strive for a lot of them, but then I noticed that often times getting all of the trophies does not coincide with what I would consider maxing out the game. Sometimes you can leave entire parts of a game untouched and still get a Platinum. Other times you have to do really boring repetitive tasks that you would never naturally do while playing the game, but only to get a trophy.

>I have 20 plats but I don't hunt for trophies
yeah ok retard

There's always one bullshit (dead) online, autism grind or "beat nightmare mode without getting hit ever" one. Fuck that, I play to unwind, not have a second job or raise my blood pressure rent free.

>trophy list full of games I rented and played for a few hours
>can't delete them

>games that are stuck at 90+% because of THAT trophy

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>all the cheevo whores ITT

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I liked to collect the trophies on that one too. Im still missing that speedrun tutorial thing trophy and I honestly gave up on that already. I tried many days to pull it off, but I didnt make any progress on that. My reaction time is so bad.

Also Days Gone and Horizon Zero Dawn. I guess every Sony exclusive game gives avatar or theme

Im going to platinum Burly men at sea tomorrow.

23 actually, none of them were very hard to get, just time consuming.

Last one was CTR plat, i might go for batman's arkaham knight plat and darksiders 3 plat if both games keep my interest for a long enough period of time. however getting everything on batman is proving to be kind of annoying.

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You're retarded. I these plats just finishing the games. And I've had my ps3 account since 2007. 20 plats over 11 years is not trophy hunter tier.

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Only game I have a platinum in, is the new Dad of War and I accidentally got that.

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i dont have any platinums but i do have the "S" achievement for dustforce, which i think is pretty impressive.

last one in for honor

there are literally no games you can platinum playing normally, unless its some telltale shit or something which are games only trophy hunters play

There's a whole bunch. A recent one would be Spiderman and God of War 2018. The only difficult trophy would be the Valkyries.

Dead Space 2 platinum was pretty fun to get. Intense when you've only got 3 saves for the hardcore run.

I got plat on bloodborne, did a few playthrough though to get all the endings.

I have 1 plat for Fate Stay Night and that's it, but requirement for it was reading the whole thing and play a silly minigame so I'm not sure if that counts.

No OP, I do not waste hours of my time I could be masturbating on pointless crap that exists purely for data mining.

18 so far. I only bother if I really dig the game and the requirements aren't retarded.

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bloodborne requires you to go through all of the pthumeru chalice autism and most people drop it when they get to the defiled one shot chalice

If you have over 50% trophies/achievements in any game then you're a fucking loser.

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>super monkey ball banana split

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20 platinums and the latest was horizon zero dawn, which I got with little effort


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I'm at 18 as well. Had to zoom-out a bit to fit them as my display is stuck 10-years in the past.

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>people saying trophy hunters are autistic
Clearly less than you, because you can't avoid injecting your view into a conversation that has nothing to do with you.

I don't give enough fucks to search for hidden bullshit that will bring me no joy whatsoever like a fucking nigger, looking for every piece of cotton.

>if you succeed at something then you're a loser

top kek my dude

i enjoyed the chalice dungeons desu. The queen fight was pretty nice wrap up

>just dance
shit you must be fit right?

I've been playing games since the NES and I don't think I've 100%ed a game in my life.

106 but really 70-80 because i got impatient and played a tonne of easy games to reach 100

>uncharted 3 has a 1.3% platinum trophy rate
How is this possible? I thought Uncharted was for casuals?

>only 7% of BB players fought the coolest boss in the base game

Everything about this fight is great. The unique animations- Mergo tossing you in the air, her breaking her handcuffs, the ghostly dash move-, the music, the lore. I feel like she was originally where Mergo's Wet Nurse is now, but they changed their mind and stuffed her in the Chalices.

You can succeed at eating the most shit and still be a loser.

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not very proud but 6

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>Lego Harry Potter 1-4 Ps4

they have two platinums in that collection?

I can do it for you if we share play I think, haven't played the game in a while so I might need to practice before hand.

I would drop my psn but I don't want to be bullied because the name is retarded so do you mind if I ask yours?

Yeah, I agree! Even some areas in the chalice were a treat to explore. The one that stands out the most to me was the ailing loran area, with the sand and electricity.

I guess you'd be the one to know.

Very unimpressive, I know.

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Gravitt Rush timed challenges are giving me trouble, how do so many people have that one?

>when I booted RE7 on my main profile
Some of those trophies are insane. I thought it'd be no big deal after RE2make, but god damn. Madhouse mode made me its bitch.

You just have to replay them till you make it. You get better with time.

I don't specifically go for the easy ones but since I was so close to platinum I said hell with it. Working on platinum on more FF games since its my favorite series. Too bad I can't platinum FFT as its my GOAT...

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Repost in alphabetical order because fuck "last played" order.

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>complete games
Trophies exist for losing or being killed by certain creatures or enemies.
Thats a nope from me..

Sometimes, but not all games.