Did speed running always have this pronoun stuff with it?
Did speed running always have this pronoun stuff with it?
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Better question: I keep hearing good things about La Mulana, what is so good about it?
Maybe the good things about it are the good things you heard.
Don't bother. Its a soulless remake of the MSX original, and lets not talk about sequel at all.
Been like that for the past couple years when Games Done Quick changed its name to Gotta Dialate Quick.
>frame fatale
>a gdq-like event but to promote female speedrunners
>every runner is a tranny
It's a pretty unique mix of a puzzle game and and metroidvania
It's good, but if you play it you will need to write down every single tablet in the game or you will need to resort to a guide
>See a La-Mulana thread for once
>its just user trying to get people worked up about transsexuals again
Fuck off with this sort of shit
>its just user trying to get people worked up about transsexuals again
Yea Forums raging about transpeople is really annoying. I'm here for the video games, not the alt right.
Quit talking about penises and go play La-Mulana Randomizer.
Seeing tranny being butthurt that people are calling out their mental illness is a good thing.
>Xe doesn't know
Please explain.
>get perma banned for asking about that in chat
>Wake up.
>Check twitch.
>See over a thousand people are watching la-mulana.
>Quickly check what's going on.
>See it's a GDQ event.
>Click to watch the rando.
>Big fan of the game, so anticipating the fun of knowing the ins and outs and watching the chat be dumbfounded.
>Stream load.
>Immediately notice the pronouns.
>Joy gets sucked away, and replaced by disbelief.
You could just not care about some person you’re never going to meet. I’m not talking tolerance/acceptance here, I’m talking just being a grown up and letting go of your ambivalence of things that don’t affect you.
You could’ve just watched them play the game and enjoyed it, but no your internal values won’t let you look past what you don’t agree with. Besides we’ve all seen how history works, this’ll be accepted and in 60 years people will be saying >oh ignore grandpa user, he’s from a different time
define alt right. I keep seeing it used to describe people they don't like when I'm fairly certain it is a made up ideology.
History has shown that people that care about or stress pronoun use don't actually know anything about the topic they are forcing their way into like a weed.
It has never happened once in the history of mankind.
Well for one, I am still watching it in a way. I have it on in the background. I know the game well enough to follow it by sound.
Secondly, being a grown up involves having principles, and not allowing life to trample on them. That doesn't mean just rejecting everything outright. But actually challenging new ideas to see if they pass muster. Children are *too* malleable, and they allow nonsense to pass without contest.
As for history, no we won't be seeing a repeat of history. As being trans requires that the general public makes too many concessions. Like, being gay can be pushed, because ultimately being gay doesn't require that society change in order to tolerate it. But in order for trans to get pushed, it requires us to give them special accommodations. Such as regarding nonsense pronouns. You're not going to convince enough people to call a man a woman.
>starts talking
>clearly just a skinny guy
alt right ideology is basically all the dumb racist/xenophobic/homophobic etc nonsense you see on /pol/. they're basically nazis.
But you’re never going to meet them so you won’t have to call them anything. How many trans people do you know irl compared to how many times an internet post makes you think this is more common. It’s just modern transvestism, people have thought they were different genders for years it’s just they can now modify themselves to match their internal image. You should be happy, they’re basically removing themselves from the gene pool right.
Listing someone's pronouns next to their name is completely harmless, only bitter virgins get mad about stuff like this.
>You could just not care about
This is all about eventually normalizing pedophilia, so yes I'm gonna care about it, mock it, fight it, and oppose it until all the demented running the asylum are put down.
So people who hurt your feelings? Kill yourself faggot
lol virgin
Trannies are literally bitter virgins, they mutilate themselves and crossdress because they think it'll get them laid, protip it won't and they'll die alone hahahaha
>Kill yourself faggot.
You are the one with hurt feelings.
Transgender doesn't mean pedophilia.
lol tranny, you have no friends, you're an embarrassment to your family, kill yourself
That’s a pretty big jump dude. Trans are only hurting themselves, not fucking kids. You’re pretty close to being radicalised man you should prob have a breather from Yea Forums.
so you're saying they are the good guys?
>Waaaaa muh ist and isms waaaa ;_;
Fragile sensitive faggot
Completely incorrect, it blows "Maze of Gallious" out of the water. Its also not even close to a remake. You sound like you have never played either game.
Cool opinions bro, where'd you get em, /pol/?
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies?
Let them ruin their lives their own way.
All trannies are deviant perverts, any gay tranny is a pedophile, why else would they be pushing """tranny story time,""" wake up retard
Eat shit poltard
If I wanted to address the tranny in chat for whatever reason. say I'm commenting on their play, or commenting on their strategy, then I have to use"her" proper pronouns, or else I will get penalized. Possibly banned if I'm a repeat offender.
How many do I know irl? I worked with a FtM at my job. A friend of mine is a MtF and we don't talk anymore. An older friend of mine used to ask things like "what if I showed up at your place as a girl?" and spout other benefits about being a woman. He would never admit wanting to transition, but you don't study the differing brain functions of men and women well enough to recite them, as a passing hobby.
Anyway, I'm not stupid enough to think that trans people breed more trans people. So them leaving the gene pool makes no matter to me. And besides, I'm not sadistic enough to actually wish harm on any trans person. I just reject the idea that I and society must confirm their delusional beliefs.
Go back to redshit inbred mouth breathing NPC retard
>Cool opinions bro, where'd you get em, /pol/?
No, I get them from mainstream media.
But we are on Yea Forums and that shouldn't be a problem as you defined it as a problem in /pol/.
You can tell what board you are on by the header at the top of the page, and the Uniform Resource Locator used in the address bar of your browser.
Yea Forums and 4channel also use a color coded background for easy discernment. Blue is worksafe boards while red is for not-worksafe boards.
It shouldn't be too hard to figure this all out. I believe you'll find it is very easy and intuitive.
Why don't trannies all kill themselves? They're abominations
all the speedrunners I know are mentally unstable
why does speedrunning attracts fucked up people
La Mulana wasnt an MSX game you dingdong, just made to look like one
But yes, its superior to the remake in a number of ways
Maybe he was confused by the other retard claiming La Mulana was an MSX game.
it stresses repeating tasks infinitely. Perfect for autism.
Realistically it was inevitable.
You can only impress people with suboptimal mimicry of someone else's TAS for so long.
Transgenderism was the inevitable path for people too shit for even eSports.
It's simple, anyone whining about the (((altright))) is a liberal reject that hates White people, straight people, families, Christianity, etc. What they really hate is themselves and they should just do everyone a favor and commit suicide
They do kill themselves. Statistically they kill themselves at a higher volume than any other single group in the world. Almost double the failure rate as the next highest group.
They can still get those numbers up though.
I just can't fathom a being that is so debased and un-godly.
Only high level retards could handle speedrunning without boring themselves out
>You’re pretty close to being radicalised man you should prob have a breather from Yea Forums.
This is good advice. I was on Yea Forums basically every day from ~2009 to 2015 and god damn did it give me brainrot. This website can really skew your perceptions and turn you into an intolerable asshole. I'm glad I stopping coming here so much. Some of you are insufferable.
Think about it user. Speedrunning involves playing the same game, the exact same way, over and over and over for potentially hundreds of hours just to maybe shave a couple seconds off a record. It's honey to autistic people.
you are just mad because you are angry
Did it skew your mind so bad that you thought you were the other sex so you lopped off your dick?
Because places that aren't Yea Forums is doing that to people.
Yea Forums is nothing compared to what is happening outside Yea Forums.
>LGBT people just want the right to marry and be themselves, it's not like they are trying to turn your kids gay
I don't think it is necessarily comparable, mean TAS SMW basically reprograms the whole game rather then running a optimal path through it, that's cool and all but clearly not the same as running the "sub-optimal" but actually humanly possible path.
Reality is that what is most fun is the routings rather then the runs, but TAS and actual runs can have widely different routes because human limitations, as could Single and Multi Segments depending on save points and willingness to scum for "perfect" individual parts, and that is not going into different categories depending on the actual game.
Basically, The fun part is the routing and "runners" that can actually explain them in a entertaining manner, that is why a good chunk of "GDQ Application" Videos are actually better then the actual runs of said games, rejected or accepted.
real girls just cant compete
It's shit, extremely obscure and will feature a fuckton of backtracking and trial + error. Platforming is also abysmal. Has some interesting ideas though.
Honestly, pedophilia is a man problem not a trans problem. Straight men still disproportionately prey on children.
>normalizing pedophilia
Nice. I'm a traditionalist myself, so naturally i want uphold the traditions of our forefathers.
Pedophilia was legal worldwide until the feminist reform movement of the early 1900's. It's kind of cringe and progressive to be anti-pedo bro, just saying.
No, it made me a brainless neo-nazi retard.
>Listing someone's pronouns next to their name is completely harmless
It's actually a convenient shibboleth that lets you pick out the crazies from the crowd. The crazy people are everyone who has pronouns on their fucking profile.
lol virgin
No one wants to hear about your headcanon
should have utilized that agency you were gifted with at birth to make better decisions. I'm sure its everyone else's fault though. Surely you had no effect on your own development from the ages of 18 onward.
Real time any% is the same route as TAS for Super Mario World.
>he doesn't know feminists and trannies are natural enemies.
big cringe
I'll call people whatever they want, I really don't give a shit, but I'm not eager to embrace a future where we all have to walk around with pronoun name tags thanks to .3% of the population.
But nazis were geniuses.
Did you know Chopin himself, the greatest pianist of all time, was an anti-semite? So was Bobby Fischer, the greatest chess player of all time.
What's with all these geniuses and their disdain for Jews? I guess brainlets like us will never understand eh?
Yeah, no. Men are the ones doing all the diddling, and ruining the psyche of so many children. Literally every pornstar and stripper has a story of sexual abuse from a male figure in their life.
And then you have the whole catholic church pedo ring. And it's not really a gay thing for the catholic church. Pedos so often prefer boys, because they themselves were molested as boys, and the cycle repeat for the boys they touch. It's a twisted psyche thing.
It's not headcanon, I've seen them try to do it, I've gotten kids to get the fuck away from them before they ruin their entire lives for about 4 minutes of bean flicking.
This. I'm not interested in faggots who entertain this shit
Then don’t go to Yea Forums. Go to /vg/ instead, EVERYONE knows that Yea Forums is reddit incarnate. It always has and always will be filled with underaged redditors. The board is CONSTANTLY filled with shit threads and e-celebs, actual content is either moved elsewhere or pruned.
Never played.
I intentionally say things like "my man" or "my dude" when talking to them and then tell them they are acting like a woman when they cry about it.
It honestly won't know which part to complain about or what have you. Just give their already fragile emotional state as many whiplashes as you can.
You'll notice they stop showing up to places after a while. Hopefully they've killed themselves in abject misery.
/vg/ is just an externally linked Discord board full of faggots and trannies doing ERP in the most ironic ways possible.
Bobby Fischer was Jewish, though
At least its fucking contained. Unlike Yea Forumseddit
I'll never meet Kojima, should I not care what's going on with Death Stranding?
as you type that there is a debate in this very thread, on Yea Forums, about it. It isn't contained. /o/ is contained, /po/ is contained, /m/ is contained. You never hear about those boards ever. Because they stick to what their board was meant for.
/vg/ is a LITERAL containment board created years after the site went up to quite literally contain the shittiest element of a shitty board to itself.
Whoa, it's almost like the mainstream media, hollywood, and all the billionaire epsteins out there are pushing this degeneracy so they can benefit from it themselves.
Crazy huh.
Most anti-semitism (made up word) stems from jews leaving the reservation because they aren't devoid of morals enough to even stand idly by while their brethren act the way they do.
Jewish faith and culture is intentionally obfuscated because it wouldn't sustain light shining on it. It is a blessing from God that he made them duplicitous enough to turn against even their own tribe. There is a thing as being too-jewish and people like Bobby Fischer are proof of it.
Oh of course I accept some of the blame for Yea Forums nearly radicalizing me, I should have known better than to listen to these dumbfucks. But this is clearly not the best environment to develop empathy or critical thinking skills. I was already a racist asshole, but I wouldn't have gone as far off the nazi deep end as I did if I didn't spend such a significant chunk of my life here. If you're already halfway retarded, reading posts on here every day will absolutely take you the rest of the way there to full retard.
yeah i'm sure it's everyone else's fault that you literally cannot help but spew politics on the video games board
So you're like some sort of schoolyard bully?
>Thread on VG
Actual fucking discussion about the game and people not shitting up the thread with trannyshit
>Thread on Yea Forums
Barely any discussion about the game, mostly just politics, shitposting, and trannyshit.
when did I mention politics when talking about origami, autos, or mecha?
man youre dumb as shit dude
Not to my knowledge. But its big famous and organized so of course the culture wars reached it, anf OFC the socjus side won.
Is that what actually happened?
lol. /vg/ is just people posting waifus and baiting each other into ERP.
You want a real board for gaming discussion go to /vr/. That is where all the real mofos hang out.
You have to like retro gaming though. Look up the SaGa threads. I'm convinced a 60 year old japanese man that worked on the series posts there often.
>Actual fucking discussion about the game and people not shitting up the thread with trannyshit
It's just another case of men doing things better than women, including being women. Samething would happen to the WNBA if they allowed trannies to compete.
nice video game discussion you're having there
>>arguing that people like bobby fischer are dumb
There is a reason the top 1% of humanity intentionally keeps semites at the end of a very very long pole.
OIC said pre-op tranny mtf can compete in the female braket in 2020 Olympics. Be prepared for men to shatter the woman's category for all time with records no actual woman will ever be able to top. The hubris of mankind will be solidified for thousands of years in stone.
you think im gonna read all that shit? lol
>when he intentionally put /po/ and not /pol/ and you still fell for it because you don't actually browse Yea Forums and don't know /po/ is a board.
nah man, youre like, mega retarded bro
everyone clocks a tranny, most are just polite and entertain your delusions because the alternate is some sperg ruining your day.
Well tell me something. Why don’t you see for yourself if you truly don’t believe it? Go to /FGOG/ the most Autistic general (because Fate Faggotry) and tell me. How much of it is actually just fucking video game discussion?
There's a surprising abundance of trans
speed-runners for some reason. Don't know why, just know it's a thing.
What's your theories???
Ignoring genders, is the run itself any good? I fucking love La Mulana.
Sorry, but FFXIV has the most autistic general. FGOfags are absolutely cancerous and should be drug into the road and shot, but at least they aren't a bunch of larping trannies.
Video game discussion? none of it
Fucking video game discussion? all of it
you think im gonna click on that image and read it too? lol
I played it once, didn't get the holy grail, went to the temple of the sun and just got stuck. What a buncha bullshit.
You dodged a bullet there. Imagine if you actually had to use your brain?
My theory is that sometimes trans people play videogames.
its 2d exploration most pure form.
yeah man keep replying to my posts, it makes my dick hard
This game is so fucking perfect. God how I love it. I'll even watch a tranny for it.
Mine, too.
Because Autism. That is why. There is a rather huge corelation between autism and transgenderism.
It's fitting though, because the MC switches genders in the sequel.
People openly assert (correctly) that speedrunning is for the autismals. Which is a mental impairment, categorically. No surprise people with a recognized mental impairment would also think that gender is a spectrum and that they should masquerade as the other and that people should accept or that they'd do it well enough that people wouldn't know.
There is a divine comedic aspect to the whole affair. Just like the trannies taking over the VtMB franchise and gushing their gashes over a game series with the central tenet of masquerading as a human when you are a monster and dropping that illusion is the highest crime in the culture.
It makes you realize there has to be a god and he is a shitposter in some divine realm. And he never lost his way, he still does it for the lulz even now.
>You will never pass
Too bad for you. I haven't started HRT and I already pass. Keep seething cuck
post pic
imagine the asshurt
I'm sure you genuinely believe that also.
Women can't stop it. The most they can do is try to have the asterisk affixed but the OIC will deny that.
Yeah, but what's your pronouns user? Are you wearing a skirt?
>Being a dude and diddling boys isn't gay
You're gonna have to do some serious convincing to sway me with that one, fag
Why would you make a speedrun with a randomnizer mod? The worst thing about speedruns is the luck factor, why would you intentionally max it out?
I'm wearing your loosened butthole as a cock ring
Fucking discrimination it should be LEL MulanX
Because trans people have no life which means they are almost all in the video game community.
more dramatic irony. They got born with the lowest luck stat imaginable so forcing a max stated event is the ultimate defiance of the natural order.
This is the she/her
Well there's being gay, and then there is having a compulsion to act out trauma. Like a gay person will find men young or old attractive. They might have a preference for say 116 year old boys. In the same way straight meant have a preference for 16 year old girls. But ultimately, they'll take what they can get within a reasonable age range.
But for actual pedos, they're not attracted to adult men at all. They're only attracted to young boys. These pedos are probably also attracted to women as well.(some aren't, but many are) They only have a taste for young boys, due to an experience they had when they were a young boy. Which twisted their psyche enough to make them want to reenact that trauma on others.
Choose one and only one.
You're on Yea Forums, you don't have a life either. None of us do.
Pretty good read though a slight minority of trannies pass. The part I'd highlight the most is aging, even with the trannies that pass, aging will ruin whatever beauty they have and make it very obvious what their original gender was.
I'm home but working. I do have a life. A very good one.
It's a race, brooski. It's about whose on-the-fly routing is better.
Oh hey that maniac reviews stuff on Letterboxd, it usually makes my blood boil.
Pic or its bait
>whatever beauty they have
diIate tranN*id
h' /f'
fahff ah ya aimgr'luhh
Whoever adapts the fastest, wins. You have to know the game inside and out, in order to route an ever changing game.
Its true
>Have to do the same exact thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again for hours, seeing the same cutscenes, same discussions, and same gameplay day after day.
I'm already burnt out replaying a short game a second time after I just beat it even though it has new content, these people are doing it with no new content and repeating the same tricks then having to sit through ridiculous amounts of cutscenes or annoying bits just to progress. You gotta have something wrong with you to be able to pull something like that off.
>It's okay for a tranny to be naked in front of a little girl
I fucking hate the SJW scene. I wouldn't be surprised if a a surprising number of trannies are pedophiles.
This. Why we glorify mental illness is beyond me.
why are they always lesbians?
I honestly have to wonder what actual females think about this. You have an event specifically catered for your gender, and these fucks come in and take over.
The agenda driven crazies love it. Sane people, not so much.
>Couch (Transition%)
Because MTFs are always failed memes. They don't actually suffer from gender dysphoria, they're just failed men that fell for the autogynephila memes (usually fueled by anime girls) and believe they have a better shot with women as a girl.
females don't get a say in it anymore if you dislike trannies you're called a TERF
fuck knows what it means though
R'Lyehian isn't gibberish fucking jannies, nor that i would expect them to know about lovecraft.
Did they get DDOSed? Stream is down, also part way into the stream they removed the pronouns
they had to cut it short since the runner killed themselves after being misgendered 1 too many times
Only one?
sadly yeah only one killed themselves
dry ice
>tfw you don't want to watch a speedrun of your favorite game, since you want to play through it yourself
even games I dislike, like JRPGs, are things I'd rather experience first hand. If I don't like it the first time, then I watch a speedrun to see how best to optimize it.
Teans exclusionary radical feminists.
Aka women who (correctly) believe trannies are a mockery of actual females.
>I'm here for the video games
>posts marie
dont lie to yourself
wait what does teans mean?
How is it your favorite game if you never played it before by your own words?
Post a Picture then you deluded piece of shit
>Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies?
April 1st, 2019.
Trans. Phoneposting like a retard
Yeah dude, trannies would NEVER prey on children
oooooh i'm retarded i should've been able to figure that out
That's only because people aren't allowed to call pedos who rape boys gay, because that would hurt gay people's feelings.
>posting illegal non-LEGO minifigures ITT
I hope you die tomorrow user.
If you drive to work I hope you get in an accident.
If you take a bus/train I hope they crash.
If you commute by bicycle or walk, I hope you get mugged/hit by a cage.
ICK DER BEDST you piece of subhuman garbage.
I'm sorry, I meant to say "RE-play it". I don't know why I forgot that part. For example, I can't bring myself to watch a speedrun of Hollow Knight because I want to finish the pantheon of hallownest first.
Bro, come on, don't be like that
>remember newgrounds
I don't think so Tim.
I get not wanting to be spoiled on something you haven't 100% before and want to experience it yourself.
This dough head isn't attempting to be yellow (yet) and as LEGO doesn't have a copyright against flesh coloured round heads you get a pass... this time.
Refrain from posting however, or I will personally contact Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen and Denmark will open a can of whoopass on you little boy, I swear on every piece of plastic ever moulded by TLG you will die a lonely death and end up in a shallow grave on the Danish countryside.
only because most of the methods to catch pedophiles are geared towards strategies that only appeal to men. Female predators want different things from male ones and lawmakers just haven't caught up. Female predators also enjoy social norms a male predator wouldn't.
>trannies would NEVER prey on children
Unlike non-trannies?
Why both? Are there further mentally disabled people too who want to say they prefer She/Him also?
>MSX original
what game are you referring to because La Mulana was never released on the MSX
Great exploration and overall on par with SotN, Ara, Super Metroid, Hollow Knight, you name it.
Oh look, Yea Forums has found another right-wing rag to shill
>being against trannies is alt right
I've fapped to everything gay under the sun and they're still obnoxious.
>b-but pol
Go back to /pol/.
bitch you can only pass gass through your wound
So basically someone who belongs on Yea Forums?
Trannies are mentally ill, sick people and it does not help them to enable their delusion. They cannot change their sex, they are either male or female. Anyone who thinks they should choose their own pronouns is a narcissist for thinking the English language is theirs to dictate to the world.
Okay Fred