Today is Mexico's birthday

Today is Mexico's birthday
What games take place in Mexico?

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Other urls found in this thread:

my wife darkness is so cute

Why are the Japanese so bigoted? This is not cool in 2019.

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Call of Juarez: The Cartel

>just finished watching the latest narcovideos on bestgore

How can people still consider mexicans humans is beyond me

>Today is Mexico's birthday
Didn't Mexico go through like 5 different governments throughout its sad history?

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yeah, most governments tend to change every 4-6 years

Putting filthy Mexican babies inside Lalatina!

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Aqua is best girl

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He means the part where mexico has been ruled by everyone from the French to the Americans. Who is to say what foreign power will control it tomorrow?

GUN I think, its been so long. All I remember is you kill a lot of Mexicans, Natives, Whites, I think Chinamen were in there too.

>this is sooooo offensive towards mexicans
Are you amerilard or something?

Only white people complain about this shit.
Mexicans eat this shit up. I should know.

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>watches gore
>questions other people’s humanity

Mexican here, can confirm.

>watching gore
you need to be 18+ to post here zoom zoom

Do you really want drug cartels or jungle communists to represent mexico? Wtf?

First day on the internet huh? You have a lot of catching up to do, wait until you see what niggers do

Well I wouldn't worry too much about that if America can't even get Mexico to pay for the border wall.

And they were all kicked out or bought off. Now the only outside power that controls Mexico is the jews, but everyone is controlled by the jews.

Red dead redemption, a part of the game at least.

Don't Mexicans love this shit? I know I always love absurd stereotypes of Americans in foreign media.

You've got it wrong there. Just because something is representative of a country doesn't mean it's offensive.
Mariachis, Dia de los Muertos skeletons, luchadores and the like are the Mexican equivalent of, say, the badass American trucker, wild west cowboys or John Cena, the "cool" positive stereotypes, and no one in Mexico ever gets offended by that.

Army of two the cartel

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prereg for her new kusoge coming out in winter.

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I have an announcement to make
that's all.

kill yourself amerimutt

>that comment of jass

Can confirm as well

Already signed up, its probably going to be trash but I'll give it a try

Rembember speedy gonzalez´s bullshit?
Only SJW fagottry "hate" this.

Guacamelee. Right? It looks like Mexico.

>16 de septiembre
>18 de septiembre

Celebremos juntos hermanos Méxicanos
T. Weon


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I want white liberal roasties and doughboys to stop getting offended on my behalf. Shut the FUCK up.

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Why do Americans think portrayal of culture is inherently offensive? Is it because (((they))) want all culture erased and replaced with American consumerism and corporation/billionaire worship?

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Speedy Gonzalez was so popular and loved here that Manolo Muños made a song about him.
Manolo Muñoz was based.

>Today is Mexico's birthday

I spit on the face of shit mexico.

Based Mexicano

>Don't Mexicans love this shit?
Yeah, unlike white north americans, we have a sense of humor and enjoy that kind of shit.

Hell, pic related is my favorite Drawn Together episode.

t. mexican

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>Why do Americans think portrayal of culture is inherently offensive?

Americans don't you dense low info faggot.

Brainwashed Marxist shits that should be even be here think that way, not Americans.

no, because it's cultural appropriation
it's sort of like how people get mad at people who don't play video games wearing video game shirts

Samba de amigo

why the fuck japanese gives maracas to their stupid mexican stereotypes, we dont use that instrument ever


>no, because it's cultural appropriation

There is no such fucking thing you brainwashed faggot, you do not speak for anyone other than yourselves.

Today, I shall play as Mexico’s folk hero.

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then why does Yea Forums complain about it happening so often?


>USA colony
>refuse speak mexican language in Los Angeles
>secretly Trump´s supporters

Thread theme:

Yes it is paco hernandez.

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why maracas tho? I've never once seen a mariachi using them

Honestly I just don't give enough of a shit to care. Why can't most folk be like this instead of being sensitive faggots?

>ctrl+f "total overdose"
>0 results
guess only I played it and moreover only I liked it

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kotal buffs when

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>Translating ano as year, instead of anus.

None of them are dressed like mariachis, but maracas are definitely used here, paired with this fucking thing.

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What's the best Mexican videogame character and why is it Cormano?

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Depends on the region

On this day I have several ideas that can be a reality in video games.
-An elite soldier who’s resurrected by the Aztec god of blood, codename: Yaoyotl.
-A marine who wants to save Mexico using massacres against narcos and commies (included freemasonry) and is too mad to die, codename: The Mad Marine.
-A semi-psychopath brave Mexican president who leads the country to a new empire, making non-discriminatory genocides, codename: The Last President.
-A Mexican/Polish priest that is very intolerant towards the modern world and have a great sense of justice, is a Doom fan have a female student as a sidekick (and is in constant war against the demons, furries, commies, several narcos), codename: The God’s Bastard.
-The Aztec empire are winning more territory and their last confrontation is the American Natives, which means an epic, but bloody and ruthless game, codename: Tribe vs. Empire.
What is your opinions?

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Group think and social pressure.

cause amerimutts have no culture and history. shitty colonial country like canada and australia. they dont understand what the real culture/history is, and it has become like some cult dogma.

metal gear rising


>hating based guiro

Bitch ass nigga who can't enjoy a cumbion.

You mistyped Angel

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America has more internal cultural tension because it's the world's biggest cultural melting pot. Other countries don't have these issues on the same scale because they're much more homogenous.

>my culture is everyone's culture
fuck off

australian here, we love culture. we just hate abos and curry muncher indians

Dark souls but Aztec/Mayan etc
>Ruler of darkness Tezcatlipoca
>Bearer of fire Xólotl
>Matriarch Chimalma

Guiros are based, they just look fucking weird.

Don't know who either of those are, but this is my favorite Mexican character.

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>Mexican studio makes a game/cartoon
>It has to be themed around Mexican culture

Think outside of your box, negros.

The Konosuba girls are ugly, anyway. Also, the game was shiet

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Kill yourself.

Post badass eagle warriors

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Even mainland Chinks never claim like this.

Amerimutts are beyond commies.

wew, now that's art

And the ironic part is that Mexico was a better place ruled by the French and Americans.

Right now with the new president and all, it's like a big GTA game, but everyone is CJ out for blood.

>Eagle warrior
>not Jaguar warrior
They were basically the berserker of Aztec armies.

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America's a melting pot where a portion of it is desperate to homogenize everything and allow themselves to be manipulated by corporations and billionaires to try and achieve that.
Look at Sony, first thing that happened when the Playstation division was handed to California was them making new censorship mandates to Japan and demanding Japanese devs know English or pay for a translator just to read the long list of bullshit demands they dropped suddenly on people mid-development.

t.fat rich kid

It seems that you have'nt been in the southern part of México.

There is an actual mexicano marine that massacred narcos, just google el marino loco

No, it's the complete opposite. It's is anti White since it is multiculturalism and gives the belief if X race was given Y things they would have became a first would nation like America when in fact the lesser races could never be a first world nation due to their culture and nature not compatible with White culture and values. Non Whites are tribal and collectives being one thing.

I mean, really does anyone here seriously think that blacks and/or hispanics would have ever put a man on the Moon?

Blacks no, hispánica mayyyybe, also most of the scientist involved in the moon landing were German not amertards aka mutts, even thomas edison was mexican.

cartel scum doesn't represent all Mexicans just like niggers doesn't represent all Americans

I'm waiting for the movie.

Wh*tey watching gore he thinks he's above anything lmfao


I agree, user, posting Umaru isn't cool in any year.

>thomas edison was mexican
Shit, I jumped timelines again.

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>even thomas edison was mexican.
The fucker was born in Ohio and was the son of a Canadian from Nova Scotia and a New Yorker from Chenango County.

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What are some games with this plot?

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The Mad Marine is OBVIOUSLY based on that soldier.

>mods allow Mexican / Argentinian politics and society generals like this one while deleting actual videogame threads

The reasoning behind it is typically
Companies profiting off of culture that is not their own using depictions that do not represent said culture well
Attempting to take said culture and integrate it as their own to eventually claim as their own over time
Inaccurately portraying the country in question to be and only be about exaggerated parodies.

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literally poor man GTA, i should know since i played the shit out of it back then.

>That Spaniard cronist that wrote about one of them fighting for 3 hours VS 10 armored spearmen and winning.

Fuck my shit up.

Sounds based to me

¿Ya es hora?

I'm sad Guacamelee wasn't brought up.

It's a great series.

Metal Gear Rising Revengeance

Also Death Stranding has Mexican representation with Del Toro

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who is that cum commander?

In order to become one they had to capture like 6 enemies on battle alive while on the front line, so it was effectively a warrior that was really fucking good at battle.

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>obviously robot dude trying to disguise himself under a poncho and sombrero
>"Adios Amigos"
as a Mexican i fuckin kek'd hard

Ash looks a lot like a Mexican

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That art style is horrendous.

Too bad its real

This guy explain the ranks in the Aztec army. You have to be a badass to become a Jaguar Warrior.

Alola Ash is great stuff, homo.

This guy has drawn literally hundreds of these "half breed" images and it worries me.

da fuck? isn't sony japanese, how can america sony dictate what main japanese sony does

>not knowing Angel

user c'mon.

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The gaming division is basically their top money maker soon to be followed by the movie branch. if both are to be primarily based out of california then it can easily dictate how most of the company works.

>Master of the house of darts
>Master of the house of darkness
>Cutter of men
That some real life boss shit right there.

what are the requirements for being a wrestler in mexico?
how tall or big do you have to be?

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>get a mask
>get a new identity
>beat the shit out of everyone that comes your way
>keep your real identity a secret

Is this from the movie?
Are there torrents now?

Do you have to download the APK everytime there's an update or is there an easier way to play japanese games off of the google play store?

Your wife darkness has a big futa cock.

If you use a VPN to make a Japanese google account you can login to the play store with that account and download the game and then it all just werks

Thanks, I'll look into it.

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Megumin is trash compared to best goddess

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not with that awful artstyle
>inb4 XYfaggot
XY is also shit, ash should've won in sinnoh

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Yeah it's a shame best goddess isnt in very many scenes and we get stuck with aqua.

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that was a good game


>decapitates a horse in one blow
>dies from the flu

there's literal midgets that are popular wrestlers here, so...


at least the kids are not half black, some mexicans are white passing because of previous mixing

Anyone else looking forward to this Mexican game?

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Basado. ¿Porque mierda nunca nadie lo pensó? Imagina tener feriados del 16 al 19 todos los años por hermandad latinoamericana.

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una vez fui a mexico

fue horrible

>just five different governments
I think thats being to generous

Looks cute.

so your build and height does not matter?

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Thread theme

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Mexico has long since given up its right to its own land when it allowed itself to be run by syndicates.
i.e. ripe colonial land.

As long as you are likeable and win at least sometimes you are set

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In Mexico comedy and charisma are the most important traits on a wrestler, there are fat ass unfit ones, midgets, guys that dress like fucking clowns, monsters or demons, faggots that act super faggy, and there are also the ones that take it more seriously and look like an actual classic wrestler and fight like one.

Rudo or tecnico are the fight styles, mascara or cabellera are what the wrestler could lose if he lose and important fight.

>Rudo or tecnico
Aka "good guys" and "heels"

If cartels represented the total mexican population then every white guy the shoots up a mall, school or general public place would represent the whole the total white population.

>so many people took this bait

Viva Mexico!!

>neither posted the literal chad

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wtf I love Mexico now

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based MAGA bro

where my Kemonito Cultists @?

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>tfw spics got a better independence party than the fucking US and allowed to have a military parade

The military parade was pretty fucking cool. The special forces and naval medical academy have sweet uniforms. The other military academies having a group of eagle handlers for parade was fucking awesome too.

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Metal Gear Rising has a Mexico level but it's in the sewers mostly as well as a secret lab.
Also how do you do my fellow amigos?

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Drop out of life chicano.

This was some great bait. Have another (you), faggot.

>colorful pyrotechny all over the country one night prior
>parades filled will all kinds of traditional music
>traditional dances
>traditional meals all over the place
>Mexico's military is pretty cool

Mexico knows how to have fun.

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Why does the us not have military parades?
Why is it all so gay?

I didn't know US didn't have those, especially with how much they love to fellate the military. I guess all that Hollywood propaganda is more than enough.

No lo sé pero literal amenecí en Garibaldi después de haber dado el grito en el zócalo y me fuí crudo, pedo y desvelado así al desfile con mis compadres y lo pasamos chingonsisímo. Pobre paracaídista, se metió un vergazo de esos de aquellos...
VIVA MEXICO, CABRONES y que chinge a su madre cualquier pendejo pesímista malinchista.

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>mfw she looks like my cousin that used to look like dora when she was little
>mfw she thought kissing on the lips was the same as kissing on cheeks
>mfw she always brings that up when we meet

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There are parades, full of fucking corporations and emergency services.

didn't trump have one on the 4th of July and everyone called him a fascist?

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We dont use them at all, really.

>mariachi women
>wearing pants
Absolutely haram

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The US doesn't do big military parades because the US knows its number one. It doesn't need to remind anyone that they are the most powerful military on the planet.

I think most people from Latin America would love it. In fact, people from LatAm countries that aren't Mexico resent the fact that they don't have the same level of representation, even stereotypical and cartoonish. I forget which comedian it was who said it, but he was complaining about white Americans being offended on behalf of other races, and he said something to the effect of "I'd much rather be stereotyped than ignored."

King Gizzard used Kemonito in their tour poster here in Mexico

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The US doesn't do military parades because our military is busy subjugating other countries.

He's voiced by a Cuban-American, but the character is obviously Mexican.

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Most King of Fighters include Mexican characters and stages
Also Street Fighter

Is that exclusive to Xbone, or am I thinking of something else?

Theyre dressed as mariachis,
maybe if thry were wearing a pancho sombrero a fake moustache and were sitting next to a cactus with tequila in their hand but no

>wild west cowboys
Are not American, theyre more Mexican aesthetic that Americans adopted

mexicans are too stupid to be offended. That's why they're the minority equivalent doormats in burgerstan
>yeeesss let the gringo make fun of our culture and make them think everyone in mexico has a sombrero and ponchos
>if i act nice and let senior john stomp my nuts they'll consider me a honrary white!
>omg wtf why did they shoot abunch of us in a walmart ;-;?!
niggers have more balls than spics at this point

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I'm tempted but I think this is gonna confirm the curse of my family
>great grandpa stole my great grandmother from her bf and both bf and grandmother's family chased him with the intent of killing for a long time till her family finally accepted that he was gonna marry her
>grandpa had a crush on grandma who was from a rich family so he made his way up the social ranks just to be with her but she got a disease that would end her life at age 23 after birthing my father everyone knew she was gonna die but grandpa did not care and made sure to give her the best years of her short life
>dad ended up banging and impregnating my mom while in college at age of 21 he decided to marry her to take care of me and her
basically so far every male generation of my family ends up with making a family in a really weird manner and I'm not gonna be the first case of incest

Imagine you're a spaniard minding his own business in this new place and then a guy wearing the head of a cat shows up while this plays on the background

user, not wanting to cause trouble but you sound quite upset.


Fuck her you faggot!

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Marrying your cousin is legal in several states, user.

my uncle pissed off some narcos and now he's couple of feet down someone yard

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happy birthday stinky dirt and drug factory

national escape day?

god, imperialism makes me cum

Your uncle was stupid.

reminder Aqua like big semen

The only things Aqua likes are expensive presents and alcohol. She is the most realistic anime girl.

this + this built an actual civilization with advanced structures, sub saharans didn't build squat

Mexico's birthday is September 21st when the independence was officially promulgated, not when it was "declared"
Dumbass puto who picks Rugal.

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you have no power here, jude

so, no national escape day today?

Sept 27th*

>cant beat scrub rugal players
Fucking spics.

yes yes, i'm sure the next /pol/ shooter is going spare you this time around because you sucked off enough gringo cock to dethrone candace owens


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>everyone and their mothers play Magic Plus Whatever
>even with infinite bars they still can't beat Rugal

What's the point?



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>Ruins your Aztec Gods.

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Thankfully we have fire to correct that.

Whip is boring.
Kula is cute, but is ice Ryu.

Mai, Mature, Shermie, Yuri, Leona and Blue Mary is where it's at.

>not wanting your to fuck your Aztec Gods


Locua is an absolute cutie patootie.

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I'm not that fond of Whip but Kula and Angel are my top KoF girls.

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American /pol/ posters are just as brown as the average Mexican.

>tfw Quetzalcoatl told Mictlantecuhtli to cleanse their heresy with holy fire of justice.

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>Magic Plus Whatever
All the room hacks pretty much killed the kof arcade scene in mexico
Pussy ass faggot.
Angel its ok tho.

You and your stupid pc bullshit are not a thing in mexico Retard. Also Mexicans are really into tits faggot

Well, those are my ideas so fuck off you pussy.

why was 2002 the most popular KoF?

I'm more of an assman.

You have to be retarded coomer to look at some shota cock starved and think that's a improvement to the original bad ass god

To be fair, Locua is insanely strong and nobody dares even trying to fight her. Tohru tried and she got bodied in a matter of seconds.

You need to be a fucking moron to believe that a chinese fap material cartoon about maid dragon whores is intended to be an "improvement" over precolonial mythology. Its if anything its a tribute to that you fucking colossal autistic faggot.

Fucking =/= Marrying her
I fucked my cousin twice, she's pretty fucking hot.


Is not weird that the character is OP, she is based around the main Aztec god.

>not making an honest woman out of your cousin
You are a shit person

Thank you Mexico for giving us continuous gorekino, specially the latest Pitbull webm from your shithole.

>specially the latest Pitbull webm from your shithole.
I remember it was all over on Yea Forums a few days ago lmao.

Jesus, gorefags are pathetic, come on chump, say something edgy now.

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Why does him winning alola even matter. He won the orange league too and just like that one, the alola league is a non legitimate copy cat of the real pokemon league

i want to impregnate Haruna twice with my white-passing sperm!

I hope you dirty subhumans kill each other more for my own amusement :^)

Is that the edgiest post you can come up with? come on, try a little harder next time.


You're mistaking mexicans for brazilians

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As a latino in the US im kind of tired of the attention mexicans get over other nationalities.

>tfw no cute mexican gf

Why is your life an 80s telenovela?

Not the fault of Mexico for being interesting.

Given the state of Mexico i dont think that's a good thing.

only the worst intent

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Stay mad you brand of brown is boring compared to the USA of latins

look at the other latino countries, they are literally collapsing right as we speak.

>latino in the US

you're american. stop trying to be special because your skin is brown.

even worse than the worst intents

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Get that loser scent outta here.

Same shit different arsehole.

Dude almost all other latino countries are doing better, especially South America. Shit is happening in Mexico that makes horror movies look like g rated comedies.

Okay, I will be taking Yunyun with me to our Mexican fiesta, with churros and flan.

No, it makes me more interesting to white women.

Being boring is a good thing if the alternative is what is happening in mexico.

Who was in the wrong here?

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the cartel is a criminal organization that commits criminal acts why pretend like its a normal event. You're seeing what the criminals want you to see them being tough cold hearted sons of bitches who dont care for being wronged it was the same with pirates.

It was actually yesterday. A president pushes the official day to the 16th to match his birthday and it just stuck.

>She tries to make money in Mexico by doing donkey shows
>Millions of pesos equal a bit over a hundred USD
It was a great episode
t. Chihuahuense

Tits are great but yurishit is terrible.

una sneeda

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what does that have to do with you're desperation for attention saying "i'm latino" even tho you were born in the USA and have never been to any other country? people like you suck

>paypal will no longer let you have USD or any other currency stored in your account
>all payments will be converted to MXN and transferred to your bank account immediately
Fuck them

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Latinos overall dont really care, hispanic humor is very slapstick and old school even today. I heard its changing little by little, funny enough all thanks to white americans who go over there and push it on everyone.

>Chenango County
hmmm sounds pretty spanish to me maybe that guy was telling the truth

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>South America
Are you out of your fucking mind? only chilefags are safe there.

Mexico might have narcos and whatever you want but I will stay strong and united, and far more popular as the latam representative of vidya as much as you dislike the idea, so better get used to mariachis and sombreros, pendejo.

I live in my bubble

CONFIRMADO. Enjoy your shit P.C. culture Gringos!


1. I was not born in the US (But i do love this country and consider myself American)

2. Im tired of US media thinking all latinos are mexican. Mexico almost a failed state, why the hell would anyone wanna be associated with it. Im tired of Univision acting like only Mexico exist for latinos and pushing that shitty band music every morning in Despierta America, put other latin music in there Univison, and im tired of Jorge Ramos stupid smug ass face.

Based mexican
T. Brownie

>Mexicans are really into tits
We are actually a minority here, most people here are ass guys, at least in all the local polls I've seen around my area

Deje de hablar tanta mierda
Acá en Colombia estamos en una recesión la hijueputa, la guerra va a estallar otra vez y estamos llenos de Venezolanos rateros y mendigos que hasta se están comiendo los perros callejeros

>Mexico almost a failed state
dude you really don't know what a failed state is
We're fucking Switzerland compared to Venezuela.
Even central americans and Cubans decide to stay here instead of going back to their jungles if they can't make it to the US.

No se las venga a dar de latino.
Usted no es latino; simplemente es un gringo café.

Para de chupar pinga mexicana. Tambien deben traer de vuelta a Uribe en colombia.

Mexico no esta bien, esta en un momento horrible y no se porque la gente pretende que es un pais tan lindo. Es un pais casi en fallo donde la violencia se a puesto tan ridicula que esta peor que peliculas de terror. Porque defiendes tanto a mexico.

shut the fuck up spic this is an enligsh board

Porque no onions latino? porque no me gusta chupar la pinga de mexico? Es un pais que se merece la critica porque a tenido un fallo completo social, es una verguenza lo que esta pasando en el pais. No se como la gente defiende tanta cosa horrible que pasa. Estan al punto que casi van a necesitar un dictador para resolver sus problemas.

Dude in mexico people are literary being dismembered alive by the dozens. The social state in Mexico is probably one of the worst in the world. Venezuela is a failed commie state, we had those before but the amount of violence in mexico is ridiculous. Why is everyone here defending mexico?

el americANO estimados señoras y señores

Its mostly left wing white people really.

>Aztecz first
>the Spain
>Then independence and we're Mexico
>The the French for like 2 years (they did fuckall and just hanged around calling themselves emperors. Meanwhile the elected president rallied the war in a convoy. Shit was rad)
>the we're Mexico again
>then USA for like a day but they took Texas and it was k.
After that shit's been going on as usual. We didn't qute stopped being at war until 1940~ or so. I say we're doing fine honestly.

I don't know why you're grossly overexaggerating the violence in Mexico as if implying we're in a civil war or something
There are shithole cities in the US far more violent than plenty of cities in Mexico.

The state of Yucatan is literally safer than almost the entire US while shithole cities like Tijuana are the worst we have to offer.

Not all of Mexico is the same.

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Mexico is alright for now, I really don't see it going to war against anyone, unless attacked first for some unexplained reason.

We technically weren't Mexico until 1821, tho.

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user this is literary coping. You have to go to the worst hellholes in civil war africa to find something even close to the type of violence found in Mexico. Nigga there are dictatorships where less fucked up shit happened, Cartles have surpassed ISIS in terms of fucked up shit. The place is a horror movie in country form, i have no idea how anyone can downplay that shit.

[s4s] BTFO

fuck this is cool as hell

t. mexican

>I have never set foot in Mexico, I don't know what the country is like, but I'll complain about it based on what /pol/ and American media told me about it and assume the entire country is just as violent

Alright I'm done arguing with rotten brains.

Man they are shilling feminazis and sjw´s on mexican universities
t.estudiante de ingenieria

At this point a that would be an improvement, at least open warfare actually has rules. How long until Mexico is a full on Cartel state? has AMLO done anything substantial or he still just memeing during his weird daily press conferences.

>anyone criticizing mexico must be a polfag and racist, mexico is a perfect country
You are fucking delusional user.

M8 stop watching cartel movies, the faggots who get killed were probably members of a rival cartel. So nothing is lost when some thug gets killed

They kinda only kill themselves and try to avoid killing civil unless confused or specifically ordered for some deep political shit.

They sure do it in the most grotesque fashion tho, Isis on the other hand, they are just fucking faggots that kill because lol religion of peace.

The US should pulled a manifest destiny on Mexico desu. Certainly could have done a better job of running the country that's for sure.

>se a puesto
Esa ortografía de mierda, brayan detectado

Why is there such a close relationship between mexico and Japan? Whenever I see a Japanese video song and anime video in YouTube there are more comments in espanol than English. Why?

That type of violence erodes the morality in society user

AMLO is a living meme, war is a business, one that we don't really need right now, Mexico has several connections and allies that might step in to help, shit could lead to WW3 no joking, no one but psychos want that to happen.

Except they’re literally the reason it’s shit

Americans have a long history of fucking with other nations and they lose their minds every time it happens to them

how do you think it feels to put that up your butt

Mi emperatriz.

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>American studios make games/cartoons
>At least 60% is American culture
At least they are making something, which is already an achievement compared to us

t. Venezuelan

>has AMLO done anything substantial or he still just memeing during his weird daily press conferences.
He has´nt done anything and he won´t do anything, mexico is a beautiful country, but unfortunatelly we need a civil war to cleanse it from all the corrupt and jewish cocksuckers. we need to stop the war aggainst narcos and stop giving a shit about gringo´s junkies problem.

Social programs are our best bet atm. He's been pushing those while laxing certain drug related shit
We tried handling this with guns and only turned up the heat on cartel violence

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Not him but I did go to Mexico once, I saw a bouncer beat the shit out of a dude for asking tourists for money. Pretty based vacation destination.

I've seen some mexicans who hate it.

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Gangs in america do the same, the only difference is that they don´t post or record their tortures sessions.

I am kind of curious, what makes Yucatan so safe compare to everything else? It is 3 times better than the 2nd place.

>has AMLO done anything substantial or he still just memeing during his weird daily press conferences.
He still speaks as if he's in campaign and violence hasn't dropped.
I'm moving out of Mexico by 2024 if shit stays the same or gets worse.

There's absolutely no reason Mexico would ever want to go to war, it has remained as a neutral country for decades, if not almost a whole century, and its military is actually used to help its country and others during disasters unlike the warmongering US military who romantizes war because is their best business.

itt u can see how many taco shitskins are lurking on Yea Forums

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As a latino immigrant to the US, if the US ever invaded Mexico i would sign up for the US military that same day like any proper American patriot would, desu. Mexicans obviously cant be trusted with running a country properly. We could divide up the mexico into 4 or 5 states and have it running properly within a decade. Then we would turn you all into actual Christians, none of this virgen de guadalupa stuff, that's not in the Bible. God Bless America.

Mexico never decided to fool japan or screw them.

brown chad here can confirm

The relationship of them is old and extended, is odd how we like each other even if we are polar opposites.

They are super serious and cold, we are outgoing and spicy, our cultures and origins are nothing alike, hell even our food is full of strong flavors while their food is plain.

Cartels don't exist there.
Also their society isn't corrupt and rotten like chilangos are. They are like the Japanese of Mexico when it comes to respecting each other.

Let me guess, 2nd gen immigrant?

Gangs in America are not doing daily dismembering of people in the streets user, they have drive-bys and shoot outs and its all contained to a couple of dozens bad neighborhoods.

I could imagine Drawn Together being release right now. Shit would drive people crazy. Sucks that Comedy Central basically cut all ties to it on Netflix amd Hulu.

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brace yourself:

There are just more weebs in mexico. I don't know why.

>has AMLO done anything substantial
Depends on what you mean by substantial. Of course he's not going to come one day and just say "ok being rich is illegal now" or shit on random people like Trump but there have been many changes here and there, mainly rooting out the old social structure the ruling block had in the highest echelons of government.
The problem is that he's focusing so much in covert organized crime (corrupt officials, petrol smuggling, huge tax fraud) that he's ignoring OVERT organized crime, hoping to wither them on the vine by cutting off the cash flow. To say whether it works or not is debatable, to say the absolute least.

>yunyun's tummy

>I don't know why.
Dragon Ball and Pokemon were huge here.
Also Ranma, Saint Seiya and a lot of 90s anime.

Basically almost every kid in this country used to watch Dragon Ball on canal 5 after coming back from school.

Shit is going to be the same. The dollar will cost 30 pesos, and the south will continue to be a shithole except guanajuato and puebla, the north will be more prosperous economically speaking.

Fuck off subhuman. Mexicans are better than you because they decided to stay and try to improve their country, while you fled like the coward subhuman that you are

>that kid whose parents didn't let him watch anime because "esas cosas son del diablo"

Always felt bad for those poor fucks.

Anime was incredibly common in the 90's and it would be brought straight from Japan and dubbed in Mexico. It was really common to watch Ranma, Saint Seiya, Sailor Moon, Captain Tsubasa and Dragon Ball every single day on open TV. It was until 4kids put its filthy hands on anime when they started localizing it from whatever shitty edits the US had done, such as Pokemon or One Piece.

>Mexicans are better than you because they decided to stay and try to improve their country
There is no fucking way you actually believe this
There is just no way anyone can say this with a straight face, you people are truly delusional.

Hold the fuck up, minute 0:55 so that is the source of that Amaterasu .gif


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shut up chicANO


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who do you think that finance every mexican president elections? that´s right el narco.
Calderon, Peña and AMLOL are working for sinaloa´s cartel.

>don't let him swallow the worm

I'm more amused at how you're writing all this vomit with a straight face. Here, have one more (You).

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Then why did you leave your country intead of trying to fix it, coward.
The only people that go to the US are the equivalents of niggers in latin america.

Because you RETARDS keep RESPONDING to it like the fucking DOGS you are. If you STOPPED for 3 days, this shit would go away instantly!

Living the dream

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Such dedication as well as cringe in a single video.

Bitch nigga, it wasn't even the start, Mazinger Z and Candy Candy were the ones that started it all.

Probably the only non meme answer on amlo here . conservative media can seethe all they want

The ideologies and colors are a meme, the same people have ruled Mexico since it was born. The American and French interventions were short lived and never had actual control over all the territory, Juárez is called like that because president Juarez have his capital there.

How is it possible that el Chapo has´nt got killed and only captured while otheer leaders are shot.


I mean being realistic the US military would fuck mexico so hard in the ass they are gonna have to change the eagle eating a snake into an eagle eating an aspirin. You dont actually think mexico would stand a chance against the US military do you?

These are the kind of faggots who think acting like a brown version of Candace owens is going to give get them a spot at the White tables
Uncle juans if you will

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sorry wrong number

The irony is the "Americans" you claim to be doing that are marxist chucklfucks that hate America and would legit call you a nazi to even imply they're American and that they've been literally raped by you.

Have fun dealing with Japan's rage.

Then why did you leave your country intead of trying to fix it, coward.
The only people that go to the US are the equivalents of niggers in latin america.

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Basically Americans are descendants of the white niggers of europe, aka the irish and italians

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You have to go back

Not a Mexican Yea Forums thread without best dude

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Mexican army probably doesñt stand a chance, but cartels, you better not fuck with them. What do you think is going to happen when their puppet goverment is going to shut down. They wouldñnt allow it. They have already dealt with FBI, CIA and DEA, not to metion than they have real militar trainig from former US marines.

Why would a latino not from mexico be in anyway loyal to mexico?

I dunno, why did millions of greaseball wops flee Italy instead of defeating the fascists in power?

To be fair, AMLO was in campaign for decades and never stopped. He did not just come up one day and say "OK here's my political party vote for me", he's been accumulating power, resources and most importantly, clout, over years in a perpetual grassroots movement. I can't disprove that he may have gotten bankrolled by a cartel at some point, but I can buy MORENA having been brought up without the need of shadow lobbyist groups.
It's really telling than his true boom coincided with the rise of social media.

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Sad none of the new SFIV characters got into V, except for Juri.

That is why they don´t have a culture of value

Go back where, retarded gringo? I'm already home, and you can't get me out of the internet.

Kill yourself dumb Amerimutt.

Most japanese people i've met say they really like the warm and friendly attitude of mexicans

Is there anything more cringe than this fucking weeb who swears on Mexico and japan's relationship. God Damn dude, it's not that deep. The average Mexican doesn't consider Japan as allies, and the same goes for the average jap

The amount of coping from mexicans in this thread is amazing.

We also have faggots

Because the Italians who stayed were´nt commies or they waited for a chance of killing mussolini. You are a coward or a nigger because you fled from your country instead of improving it. You also give a bad representation of latin americans thanks to your nigger mindset.

it just werks

aaauyyyyy taco burrito enchilada dorito! Ya ya ya ya

>Let me sing for you the song of my people
>Mariachi music ensues

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All I want is a traditional Japanese gf, I will give her my passion and will dedicate my life to her while maintaining my own culture.

God damn japanese girls looks so soft and feminine, unlike the crazy, rude and alcoholic sex adicted thots we have here, I don't want those sluts.

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You know spics are a problem when even niggers hate them.

Is "durito".

The US has a long proud history of immigration. Im proud of the life i have built here and my children will know their immigrant origins. Much better than being in your mexican country close to being a failed state ran by organized crime. I feel sorry for you user, all you have in life is your failed state, i feel sorry for you and i feel pity.

They look at Mexicans as cordial clown people and most of them are. Anime is so popular that you would find espanol subs faster than English ones.

There's not a single country america has improved by enforcing their military, your armies only know how to create guerrillas, dead people and terrorists.

Why would Japan defend mexico in an US-mexican war? That ... retarded. The realistic event is that they wouldn't get involved at all.

Same faggot


I fucking hate Americunts

Cartels will defend mexico unironically

read the fucking thread

In this scenario the US would take over the territory and move in their own people and governments. Also most places the US invades end up better off afterwards, even places like Vietnam.

Rent free everyday.

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Oh well, thread was fun until the /pol/tard arrived. Have a happy rest of Dia de la Independencia, mexianons.

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Filthy chicano with an inferiority complex detected

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Thread theme.

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Obsessed everytime.

Its not /pol/ to admit the US is a better place than mexico. If anything the mexicans in this thread has showed themselves to be racist by using slurs against Americans and Hispanic Americans who only wanted to discuss current events in an organized way. Your behavior is abhorrent and you should at least apologize.

I just found out PRI ruled mexico for ever 90 years wtf

Mexican here, you are a fucking faggot.

Why this has to suck bros

has a long history of WHITE inmigration not the brown one, you probably are a self hating mexican faggot or a central american.
You are the equivalent of a nigger in your country. You were so incompetent that you could´nt get a decent job or get a university degree. So you decided to go on the easy rout and fled to the US instead of staying and trying to to fix and improve your fucking country. There is a reason why even niggers hate spics .


Because deep inside Japan still has a strong grudge with US, if US attack Mexico for whatever reason they will see a good opportunity to attack a busy and weakened US, the funny part is that they won't be the only ones to see the same chance, several other countries might join in as well to gang on US.

Chicanos dont count.

You lost vietnam, you didn't improved shit there.
The contries where you tried to enforce your special brand of "freedom" are powderrkegs of political instability, resentful citizens, cells of radicalism and where american citizens are main targets of danger.


what about liberia, afghanistan,irak, vietnam and nigeria? the US only knows to make shitholes worse than they already are

What is it with you spineless fucks doing this shit every time?
>nope good sir, you're the one who is racist/homophobic
Trying to look all high and mighty, it's fucking pathetic because not only it's a coward way to prove how little you defend your own shitty ideology, you try to look smart but you only end up looking like the self-righteous cunt you truly are.


Attached: dragon maid.jpg (800x1136, 200K)

According to this Amerimutt trash, being friendly and open minded to foreign culture/people is bigoted. Americans are literally not even human. Garbage subhuman soulless insects.


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70 years, it was created on 1930, befor that they had another name.

>Also most places the US invades end up better off afterwards
kek, this is unironically what you fucking honkeys believe? Jesus h christ.

>you probably are a self hating mexican
Im not mexican, please dont insult me that way.

You are just angry better people like myself, are joining the Great American Experiment.

Friendly reminder that the studio that made dragon maid got burned, killing dozens of employees.

You mean people with a nigger mindset like you


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mexico has a big long story of dicatorships followed by angry citizens burning the goverment

Ahh, el venesolano... or some call them los venezolANOs.

a pussy with labia

and jews have ruled USA for over 200 years, whats your point?

user im not pol, im not even white. I hate pol.

Im just saying your behavior has been racist against Hispanic Americans. I was simply asking you to apologize but i wasn't expecting you to, im sorry you are offended when someone calls you out on your bad behavior.

we are in the pre burning the government phase right now, if MORENA fucks up.

What kind of subhuman are you that Mexicans consider you a nigger?

>200 years
since the prehistory

This is exactly why other hispanic countries dont like you. You guys stand high and mighty like your shit dont smell.

Mexicans just use slurs to insult people because is all they can do when people call out the poor state of their so called society.

AYYYY el venezolANO

>bunch of drunk rednecks throw up a flag saying "come and take it"
>mexicans do exactly that, twice if you count the Alamo
>it was all a ruse, though, and a handful of drunk rednecks massacres your army while they take a nap so can go balls deep in an underaged mulatto slave girl without having to hear about them bitch about stupid things like "rations" and "me duelen los pies senior general".

You really dropped the ball on that one, wetback. You gave the New World a Thermopylae moment.

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Your posts are hilarious to read with an accent.

You know what, all things considered, this was a nice thread, and I'm pleased that I'm Mexican and see part of my culture represented in media, specially the media I consume.

There are MUCH worse places to be born on, but here I am, in this colorful and vibrant one that even if with violence and problems is still beautiful, I won't change it for any other place, if I reborn, I want to reborn Mexican again.

Viva México.

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i dont get this post
whats it trying to say?

The virgin and the Chad

>this is official art
jesus how is this show popular
>inb4 the QUALITY is an ironic artistic choice resembling 2004 anime u just dun get eeet
yes because low quality dispensable whores, only meant to appeal to the lowest common denominator is the peak of anime art

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110% this.

Hit a sensible fibber didn't I? gee, sorry compadre.

dont even try to argue with a mexican over his country

they are almost nazi lvl nationalists and if they didnt liked to milk USA so much, they would have already built a frontier wall way before trump even got to power

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shut up, chicano de mierda

Probably a black guy. Mexicans hate niggers more than your average white/asian dude. A white dude will just complain, an asian dude will only throw down once his business is threatened, a mexican will get with all his mexican friends and lynch a few darkies.
What they're failing to mention in this wikipedia article is that those cops were mostly hispanic and the violence was almost entirely between the black soldiers and hispanic members of local law enforcement.

viva mexico

por donde vives?

I mean, Mexico has its problems but god, at least I wasn't born in South America

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That's Santy Annie without his mariachi hat.

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shut up faggot stop trying to make argenbros and mexibros fight

I wish all isekaifags could get isekai to a Mexican slum

Santa Anna did an oopsie

from what I've heard the japanese like mexicans more
probably because they research the place they're going before traveling there so they don't act like retards unlike americans and germans

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eurotranny dilating in rage lol

I realized how shitty the situation in argentina is when they removed their currency while still keeping MXN at around 11 pesos per dollar

No just Mexico. South America is filled with weeb teenager retards

As if the situation in Venezuela wasn't bad already, that on top of it I have to tolerate these idiots

but this thread pretty much shows the reason why hispanic america is divided in a bunch of countries instead of being one big country like the english colonies ended up

puto el que lo lea
Thanks for your attention, that's all.

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dumb frogposter

bro, santa ana was an absolute retard, a coward and a traitor, kind of like mexico's own old time trump, we mexicans make fun of him all the time, still not sure what point are you tryin to make

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>america is divided into self manageable countries instead of being one single continent wide entity
no shit

El americANO...

Stop coming over the border and fucking things up
Then I might think you're based

and how come the continent wide entity of the north is lightyears ahead of the self manageable countries of the south?

Mexicans don't come to america that much anymore it's all central americans

interesting read
shame about this entire tragedy

You are given a tiger and you want a pussy to match yours, what a cuck lol

If you're gonna be that way we don't have mass shootings in public places. Almost all homicides are related to organized crime and we haven't had any form of major public shootings in years. The common citizen is for the most part safe.

Meanwhile just this very year in usa...

>continent wide
bro... tell me you're baiting... please...

>Bunch of fucking subsaharan niggers trying to get into Mexico through GuateMALA
What the fuck? I wonder (((who))) brought them.

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Viva México.

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not him, but wouldnt be the USA like 51 different countries if it wasnt united?

I have fucked the tigers enough times, and I want a sweet bunny to take care of her.

That your greatest commander you ever had and will ever had got curb stomped by uneducated drunken white people that were basically the equivalent of Australians since no one wanted them around in the US proper and they had to fucking bail to Texas which was/is a shithole with enough farmland to grow a little bit of rice and that's fucking it. You lack higher brain function and Santa Anna was right: you people are not fit for democracy. A despotism is what you need because you are nothing but unenlightened savage subhumans.

Attached: Mexico+After+Texan+independence+Santa+Anna+wrote+a+letter+to+U.S.+Minister+to+Mexico%2C+Joel+Poinset (960x540, 114K)

JEWS brought them

>argenbros and mexibros
Nigga what?

Friendly reminder that:

Mexico has the cheapest vidya prices in Latin America and the most affordable ones

Mexico is also the Latin American country that had contributed the most to videogames

Just last year, we had the best indie game according to Suda51, it was so popular in Japan that it's getting a physical release via Play-Asia

Guacamelee main creator and programmer is Mexican and it's a very successful indie games, it's getting a physical release

We have Kerbal Space Program, the best selling Latin American game on Steam and the most successful one, it has sold over 3 or 4 million copies

The first videogame Latin American company is Mexican and it's called EVOGA, they worked with SNK

We had AAA Lucha Libre which is arguably the Latin American game with the biggest budget ever

Also we have created some games for PC and PS4 too

This one came to Switch/Xbone/PS4 and PC and got good reception, it's the best selling Latin American game on Nintendo e-shop and it's being published in Asia too

Not to mention that we have one of the best KOF AND SMASH players in the world

The guy who beat all licensed NES game is Mexican:

Also, Mexico is the biggest vidya market in Latin America.

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ah i see you are a retard, k

He wasn't wrong. The average Mexican is a sub-85 iq retard.

go fuck yourself

friendly reminder that mexico is a mob ridden shithole full of brown people and women with moustaches

why does all mexican games look like shit?

>Santa Ana
>greatest commander
lol are you retarded? who made you believe such an idiocy?

and yet the country is still a shithole
I don't ever wanna know how south america is doing

>hurr we wus mayan

Not wanting woman with mustaches
>what are you son, gay?

just by looking at venezuela, not very good

Books. Can't you read?

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>those mexican flags in front of DRUMPF hq

Very best girl

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Chile and Uruguay are better than Mexico but that's about it.
Economically speaking.

Argentinian faggots are like babies.
Watch this

We wuz mayan tho, the mayan blood runs thru my veins and directly to my throbbing cock which I will use to fuck murican thots each time they come to spring break.

el yikes

Attached: switch arg vs mx.png (1358x569, 145K)

>claims to have read a book about mexico
>proceeds to claim santa ana, arguably the most incompetent leader in the story of mexico ever was actually its best commander
>he is surprised when somebody starts suspecting he might actually be retarded because the claim is contradictory on its own
Man, I'm honestly not sure what you want me to believe, your argument is by definition nonsensical.

I dunno, Mexico has bigger economy than Chile and Uruguay, per cápita maybe but cost of living and inflation is bigger in Chile and Uruguay

>says honkey
>not even a nigger
You spics are so pathetic, literally no other race says honkey besides niggers.

>a book about Mexicans written by americans
>"this is not propaganda, I swear to god"

it sucks paying about 75% of your salary on rent here in CDMX but the fact that you can get everything literally everything here makes it worth it times

The cope is so hard. Quit overexaggerating the relationship between Japan and Mexico you stupid weeb spic.

>user makes claim
>other anons refute claim, but do not provide any conflicting information
ESL faggots, goddamn. There should be a test to be able to post here.

Whatever makes the amerishart REEE most

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I can go to Japan without a visa and stay there for abour 6 months. That's how Shinzo Abe pretends to fix the low birth rates.

Peru, Ecuador are doing ok, all things considered.

build that wall

kys chicANO

Metal Gear Rising.

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>Faggy chicano
Neither Mexicans or gringos like you fag.

It's not untrue. The thing is, Mexicans who can travel to Japan or Europe are the richer, more educated ones. A tiny minority, but they do leave a better impression.
Americans get all the border-hopping trash and it's hilarious.

What claim? If you mean that Santa Ana was "the best commander" only reflects your poor understanding. Its so damn far off the mark it doesn't even has a proper response other than "you really don't know shit"

If you knew even an inch about Mexican history (protip: you don't because the only mexican president mentioned in American books is probanly Santa Anna) you'd know the top tier strategists in formal military were Benito Juárez and Jose Maria Morelos, and arguably the best war commander in our history is probably Francisco Villa if you dare to read the stunts he pulled during the revolution. Names that blow over your head because your only understanding of the world is through whitewashed history.

>responsability of proof should not come from the one making the claim but the one refuting it.
see, this is the kind of rethoric that makes it clear you're not arguing in good faith, santa ana was quite literally known for being a megalomaniac with god complex, for continuously ignoring his military advisors and for being a reekless glory seeker, jumping headfirst and getting captured which made him sign such terrible peace treaties on fear of his own life, how on earth do you reconciliate those traits with calling him the being the best or even a competent leader?

We did it bros, we reached over 500 posts, viva Mexico.

We did it because we didn't had the autistic persona fucker and his friend the gay ass furfag.

Remember anons
God Bless America!

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based our emperor trump

Cope harder spic. You're just using the same excuse that niggers do.

"Were not trash low IQ animals, we swear, just look at our tiny minority of educated people."

Just cause 1% are smart enough to be considered human, it doesn't change the fact that 99% is trash.

>"Were not trash low IQ animals"
I sure as hell know I'm not. You might be, though, with all this projecting and seething.

I member going to school in murrica. Was pretty nice when i was a kid, then i made a fool of myself when i wanted to flexed my knowledge of lardland with """Christopher Columbus"""

Here's one on your level: Abraham Lincon is a total liar. The only reason he ever gets called "honest" is because he blatantly sent to jail any form of criticism and utilized the civil war going on during his government to hide his anticonstitutional methods. His dead by murder is only a reflection to the many nefarious actions he committed.

The burden to refute this is entirely on you.

USA #1

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>pancho villa
When your fellow subhuman evolutionary throwback cites Juarez (a politician who never commanded a soldier on the battlefield because he was a fucking midget and only won because of your hated American government) and Morelos (who was captured and executed because he was a priest and bad at war) and a "guerrilla" who was mostly a guy going around cashing in on a mostly fabricated image on SIETE LEGUAS you don't have anything. Anna at least had success.
Everyone knows Lincoln was a tyrant.

>an American of all people claiming that because 1% is smart doesn't mean the other 99% aren't idiots
Oh the irony. What next, you're going to tell me just because the 1% of gun owning civilians in USA commit mass murder doesn't mean the other 99% will?

>"iM SuRe aS HeLl KnOw IM nOT"

Keep telling yourself that spic, in the eyes of everyone else, including niggers, you are trash.

fuckin lold he actually was a midget

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