Why don't you play Paladins?
Why don't you play Paladins?
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I already played it three years ago
It was good until they fucked it
Much like overwatch
hero shooters are so fucking boring
yea hero shooters and cs:go are garbage fps games.
I do. I wish it had Overwatch's polish, and wasn't plagued with bugs and stupid decisions such as goddamn variable jump height
I do, though, it's pretty fun. I'm mostly playing Grohk, Barik, and Pip these days.
God, I want to fuck Pepper so bad...
i was invited to their alpha thing and was really looking forward to it, theyve changed it a lot (still kinda mad about the removal of interchangable appearance stuff) its alright, has the same issues as all their games, you can tell they stop enjoying it themselves and they start making poor changes/only going for the money
i still pop on every now and then tho
The jump thing is kinda weird, what with how you have to be almost right up against something before the game seems to register that you're trying to jump over it. Almost makes me wish they had something like source engine crouch-jumping.
Even more so than that, the direction you're facing also matters, so you can only jump a ledge that you're directly facing towards, so you can't do something like retreating while shooting, you HAVE to expose your back. It's frustrating as hell.
Mm. Seems like it'd get annoying on console, since you can't just flick backwards while in the middle of Weightless or whatever.
that doesn't look anything like that nasty tumblrcunt goblin
>have the reflexes of a sloth
>the enemy team has an Evie
Lately I've been playing a fair bit, good fun and it doesn't take up too much time.
Absolutely wrecking people as Seris, been enjoying her so much that Im so fucking tempted to actually spend money just to get the Jade Priestess skin
i play this everyday, let it die, please
Play a character where your inability to track a target isn't such a crippling disability. Or is it more that you struggle to react in time with defensive / evasive measures to avoid getting blasted?
>Playing Vivian
>shooting evie until she ices herself
>just stand there shooting still knowing that my bullets will outlast her ice block and kill her
Honestly, I've thought about it once or twice, but I'm just not into online shooters anymore.
In the mid 00s I was a super hardcore Quake and UT player. I went to tournaments and even made a little bit of money on Q3A when I was a teenager. I kept up with shooters more or less for another few years as I became an adult but I stopped finding them really satisfying. I just stopped finding the play structure of competitive shooters very satisfying, and the community aspects I liked (server browsers, mods, that kinda stuff) fell out of vogue and the new standard of matchmaking and more tightly managed communities really diminished the feeling of meaningful interaction with humans that I used to like. I'm not saying things are worse, but they're definitely not for me anymore.
Since then I've also slowed down. I just don't have the reflexes I did when I was younger, and I don't want to dedicate 100+ hours to a new game just to be kinda okay at it. So I've started playing more single player stuff. RPGs, management games, platformers, that kind of stuff. I really enjoy this stuff more than multiplayer games now. Good single player games are well structured cohesive experiences with a beginning, middle, and end that I can enjoy and appreciate upon their completion, instead of just an endless string of deathmatches that don't really mean anything other than offering some fleeting satisfaction for having proven that I'm slightly better at a video game than some stranger on the internet. Multiplayer is just hollow now, while a rich single player game makes me feel warm inside.
So that's why I'm not playing Paladins.
Mostly difficulty keeping track of where she's coming and going from at any given time, she may be behind me, she may be in front of me, she may be above me, and for some reason I'm horrible at shooting at anything when there's any sort of vertical elevation between me and the target, be it in my favor or theirs. It's not that big a problem when I'm playing, say, Lian, but with characters like Bomb King it's murder.
My favorite healer by far, it's so satisfying to get kills with her on the off-time while you keep your team in top shape.
Fair enough. What are you playing the most these days?
Moji rework when
Bugfixing season when
It doesnt take ages to get good at it mate, its pretty light. Give it a go, pick a character you like the play style of and enjoy
>fantastic heals
>incredible damage output
>game winning ultimate
Shes so fucking good
Well the SNES games that just launched on Switch have given me an excuse to revisit some games I liked when I was a kid. Just finished SMW and ALttP and I'm going to play Super Metroid next. Everyone and their dog has played these games but I wanted to give them another run as an adult and see how they hold up.
I'm also going through the NG+ of Dishonored 2 which is fairly enjoyable (even if it's a poor man's Thief) and Skyrim VR. Skyrim was a shitty disappointing game when it came out, and it's still bad for most of those reasons, but playing it in VR really is pretty incredible. I'm willing to admit that I'm enough of a brainlet that the sheer spectacle and immersiveness of VR is enough to keep me playing a game for quite a while.
>It doesnt take ages to get good at it mate, its pretty light. Give it a go, pick a character you like the play style of and enjoy
Why would I? I don't like multiplayer shooters anymore. It isn't JUST the time commitment, it's everything.
Who else hyped for Hirez's new game?
I hope they'll add a Maeve skin.
Probably in October. They've got the pirate pass up now, so they'll probably just bring back some of the older stuff in chests instead of pushing newer things.
Haven't really seen much of it but a few youtube ads, so not really.
>Niggers and niggers and niggers and niggers and asian sword person.
I'll pass, thanks.
>it has black people in it so I can't play it
Imagine being this much of a genuinely, literally, absolutely undeniably sensitive snowflake.
>it has black people in it so I can't play it
So i 'choose' to not play it. You enjoy your disgusting nigger game though, m80.
I'm already content with TF2. I don't need anything more.
Yeah, my tastes are slow to evolve.
Post your loadout for your top class, user.
>third person
>that art direction
no thanks
You don't care for third person?
pvp third person shooters are shit because you get an advantage by hiding behind cover
because I got banned for making fun of all the mexicans palababs
Yeah but you can look at girl butt.
Paladins is superior to TF2 because there's a lot more long range hitscan, which is a lot more fun than getting in peoples face and dying all the time. That said, tankshitters and healsluts are brokenly OP in Paladins.
I already do. From what I've seen of the beta years, the game used to be really unique and then got toned down to be more in line with OW and other hero-shooters, and I now wish we still had that, but since I didnt have this knowledge when I got into it all I found was a really fun really broken game
I'd totally recommend it if anyone got into this thread out of curiosity
Furia best girl
>That said, tankshitters and healsluts are brokenly OP in Paladins.
at least you can counter them in paladins
overwatch shield meta is boring and there's nothing you can do about it
Is Paladins just enother e-sports enforced gameplay game?
I came from playing TF2 for 5 years and I can't believe people still make gameplay comparisons between it and Overwatch. TF2 has dedicated servers and tons of gameplay and mods/tweaks made for fucking around in. I even remember Quake tryhards joining in once awhile to let loose.
>Shitty maps that cramped and dont have enough space between shokes/combat zones
>Shitty gamemodes
Why the fuck did they ruin it from the beta man
That is something I like about Paladins that Overwatch doesn't do - if you're up against a team with a ton of shields, healing, or CC, you can just buy some items, and suddenly that stuff isn't such a problem anymore.
It’s a good time waster when I want to play something that isn’t my usual fighting game rotation.
Yeah, I love playing McCree and Ashe because unlike in Paladins your aiming ability is actually rewarded. However, the shields and corridors of Overwatch are pretty cancer.
I mainly play Quake and Paladins. I play Paladins when I don't feel like trying hard enough to play Quake. It compares to TF2 in that since it's 5v5 it's a lot easier to stay alive forever since there aren't endless waves of enemies coming your way.
Wrong! Pro tank players and healers will absolutely rape you without having to expend much effort because they have completely broken kits.
Supports are much more fun to play compared to Overwatch
I get bored of it within 10 hours every time I reinstall.
same I always reinstall, play 30 hours, get burned out and repeat a few months later
wondering why they don't just get rid of brainlet champions like evie and maeve and put in more high iq champs like cassie
post pepper ass
Because I'm trying to clear out my stupidly massive backlog of games, with minimal success
What game are you on right now, user?
Is this not the one that had actual graphics and then got shut down?
you're talking about paragon
I want to FUCK Moji
What reason does she have for that cutout that's not for easy access titfucks?
why would anyone want to do this
Tomb Raider 3, which I'm thinking of just dropping
rabbits are kinda hot. And she's got cute feet
What don't you like about their kits?
they're too short ranged and their gameplay's flat and undynamic
>being a boomer
>what? you avoid something that has elements you don't like? fucking baby
I will kek heartily if you do the equivalent of avoiding violent shooters because gibs remind you of pomegranate which remind you of gore in some shitty horror movie you saw as a kid.
How about you
Do people still fall for Zhin counter? was skye or terminus buffed? i stopped playing before koga release
>How about you
I don't take this game that seriously as it's mostly waifushit and grade schoolers running around as Khan and Damba hard carrying entirely without meaning to.
Because it's just another FOTM fad that hangs around due to an audience that can't bother to find something better and hangs around due to sunken cost fallacy.
People have gotten better about Zhin. Terminus got buffed, but Skye's still in a bit of a weird place.
Were you expecting people to disagree? Even the people that like their games tend to have a grudge about something or other. Cards Unbound, for example.
Siege is the one game mode I kinda hate, I find it strictly inferior to a regular payload/capture mode, but at the same time, I'm sick of rolling Dragon Shrine EVERY SINGLE MATCH HI-REZ GODDAMNIT
>10 different looboxes
paladinis is objectivly dog shit like all hero shooters is dead you stupid subhuman furry nigger
What was the beta like?
They showed this at the Nintendo Direct recently, thought it looked like the most generic f2p shooter trash imaginable. Generic as fuck art style, generic as fuck gameplay, generic as fuck setting. You could have told me this was a chinese mobile game and I would have believed you.
Don't lie to him. You like Paladins better because it has waifus and skins in it. That's really the only reason to play Paladins or Overwatch over TF2.
well yeah
but also the only long range class in TF2 is the sniper
I want to PET Moji because Moji looks like a little Final Fantasy Black Mage
She's pretty cute.
I love bunnies.
What are some games you'd recommend instead?
he can't
all modern shooters are developed as a result of focus testing and ripping off other companies successes
reminder CS and the BR genres both started as mods
you're unlikely to see any shooter emerge that isn't a carbon copy of something that already exists because that's just not how competitive games are made anymore
hope that some mod gets popular because that's the only way we're ever getting anything new
Iunno. I'll try it out tonight
unfortunately AAA titles don't feature mod support anymore. The BR genre spawned from Day Z, a mod for ARMA 2, an autistic military simulator by Bohemia Interactive, a tiny Czech studio that autistically devotes itself to making military simulators for the militaries of the Western world, and civilian clones for autistic military minded citizens. If Overwatch or Paladins had mod support we would presumably see some fairly incredible developments in the Hero Shooter genre, but that will absolutely never happen.
Also, MOBAs and Hero Shooters started as mods (tf), so literally every successful esport aside from RTS and Quake started as a mod. Unfortunately if Paladins had mod support it'd probably interfere with their DLC policy or some gay shit like that.
overwatch was never good
Why would I play an even more unbalanced version of Overwatch?
I appreciate the lack of overwhelming crowd control in Paladis. Overwatch feels like I'm always being stunned by SOMETHING.
>Paladins is superior to TF2 because there's a lot more long range hitscan, which is a lot more fun than getting in peoples face and dying all the time
please never fulfill your dream of becoming a game developer and settle down at an accounting job for transport company, meet and marry the sister of a driver who doesn't really look all right with the head but that's exactly why you love her, because you always felt a "normal woman" would never settle for you, and so with her you have the confidence to make the right moves, even if that sounds cruel.
you will ask yourself a lot what kind of person you are, who can only love if he feels "safe" to do so, spend hours thinking if things could ever be different.
You will grow distant from her, because every time you see her you see the social failure of your life, you'll try to find a "normal woman" for an affair, to feel validated about your masculinity, even if you told your wife countless time that you love her BECAUSE she's like that and not despite.
When you find out she's pregnant from you, you two will settle down to arizona to try to start a family but tax people drying you alive doesn't make it an easy task, and when you think that you finally got it together as your son is now 3 and she's pregnant again, news from the hospital will come telling that she has breast cancer, however at the 8th month of pregnancy she decides not to do chemio and give birth to the second child, he makes it, but she dies 3 months after.
and so here you are, approaching the better half of your life at terminal velocity, with two kids and a dead wife, no will to find another, rethinking all of your life choices.
this is the point where you regret not making videogames like you always wanted, but remember all the pain you feel is nothing compared to what you spared to the world where you work in the videogame industry.
do they fuck
I'm sorry you suck at aiming user. Try lowering your sensitivity.
I haven't seen any of this games porn cast that's mostly why
I tried it because Kinessa is cute
Better than Overwatch at least but not much of an accomplishment
Ain't nothing hotter than making a hot tomboy a puddy of femininity in your hands
Who knows, maybe when the game runs its course, they'll do what Epic did with Unreal Tournament and just hand over the source code.
>projectiles are easier