Devil May Cry

>DMC fanboys hate it
>action game fans hate it
>ecelebs hate it
>no character dlc
>sold like shit
>combofags hated it so much they tried to mod it to be like 4 or just went back to 4
>casuals hate it
>got trounced by Astral Chain, KH3, and Sekiro
>no one plays it anymore (check steam charts)
>Itsuno said it'd be the best action game of the current japanese era but failed on all fronts in everyway
What went so horribly wrong?

Attached: logo_dmc5.png (374x84, 11K)

Other urls found in this thread: 'combat'.webm/page/1/

they forgot to make the enemies attack you

Style over substance. They saw it works with garbage trash like Sony games.

How can one entire post be so wrong? Here's a (you) for effort, Tameem.

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I respect barry not using the same md5s to avoid archive lookups

>all from E3

Yeah nice source faggot

>DMC fanboys hate it

Started really bad there m8

Still better than FFXV

Reminder to not reply to Barry bait threads.

>>casuals hate it

Seems about right.

Why does Barry hate DMC5? I thought his shtick was tongue punching the FFXV’s poop caked fart box. What does DMC have to do with that game? Is it because FFXV was the persona 4 arena of action games?

Unrelated, but who else here thinks that FFXV is an horrible game ?

>Why does Barry hate DMC5?

Its the anti-FFXV.

Game came out after a decade and was actually good.

it also has actual gameplay instead of press circle to win

Barry hates every game that isn't 15, he's currently making threads against FF7R, DMC, likely GG and etc.

Everyone loved it and it sold among the best in the series, especially at launch. The only complaint anyone has about it is the lack of DLC and, for some, the more linear level structure (which I really enjoyed but to each their own.)

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you can draw a web of relation from FFXV to DMC through Kingdom Hearts and some other ancillary titles. Basically he used KH3 as a puppet to masquerade and compare it to DMC5 but when KH3 was shown to be casual trash he just turned to false flagging because there were no more games to compare it to without being obvious about who he is. Despite this he continues to use terms like "dmcucks" and image md5s that you can find attached to his posts literally hundreds of times in the span of a few months.

>that fucking music

Why was this game so based

I was angry with the thread;
I told the mod, the mod did end.
I was angry with my shitpost:
I told it not, my bait did grow.

And I waterd it in shit,
Night & morning with my scrub tears:
And I sunned it with D ranks
And with soft deceitful shitposts.

And it grew both day and night,
Till it bore a bait post bright.
And the dmcfag beheld it shine,
And they knew that it was mine.

And into my thread stole.
When the night had veiled the ban;
In the morning glad I see,
My shitpost outstretchd beneath DMC.

Attached: V book.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

the DMC fanbase did not buy into his falseflag shitposts where he pretended to be a KH fan to shit on DMC threads.

In fact, it backfired

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- Too easy
- Too linear
- Excessive loading
- Bland story with unnecessary and ineffective time skips

I don't hate it, it was worth buying as a fan of the series and I had a good time overall, but it was disappointing and after beating it twice it's really difficult to work up the enthusiasm to replay it. I could jump into 1, 3 or 4 right now and have a good time though.

Holy shit this.

Attached: 1538944102388.jpg (2048x1233, 471K)

play on anything but devil hunter, retard

Man this nailed it. DMC5 clearly wanted to put the 'hardcore' experience in the hands of casual gamers, which means never being attacked and JCs/SSS for everyone regardless of skill

Barry outed himself too much by spamming the same DMC4/DMC5 webms about how the combat sucked. 'combat'.webm/page/1/

The best part is when you read the posts he will also sometimes falseflag as a "KHchad" even though he also frequently shits on KH.

I literally came buckets. I had avoided spoilers like the plague so that moment was the hypest shit in the series for me.

I know some people don't like the design but I fucking adore it.

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Sorry for bumping a bait thread, but I just want to say that this post is based

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I think he is the one behind this, the why buy a game ff7r, what went wrong dmc, dropped cyberpunk, death stranding ones and gg threads.

Fuck off tameem

5's Son of Sparda is effortless and don't pretend it isn't

>p-play on anything but Son of-

Nobody should have to beat a DMC game twice for it to put up the barest hint of a fight

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>thinking any games son of sparda difficulty was hard

Not my fault ur a casul

Was there any DMC news at TGS?

He insists XV is the best action game ever, so of course any real action game tickles his autism

Only Barry hates it and this thread proves it.

Not my fault u can't read

This, pretty much.

DMC5 is shit and DMC4 is better, suck it you casuals

Is Astral Chain worth picking up DMCbros? I heard it's like B-tech Bayonetta+Revengeance ripoff

I didn't buy it for 60 bucks and thank god for that because I love it for 25 dollars.
DMC5 has Balrog, King Cerberus, and Cavaliere. Sorry m8

you already posted this in this exact thread and you made a whole thread that got barely any replies. Who wrote this

>Who wrote this
Probably OP himself

Attached: 1559352058805.png (1215x810, 50K)


Some guy on DHMalice twitter

>DHMalice twitter

It's not exactly wrong. V's inclusion coupled with Nero's means that enemies were never going to be very aggressive. The author brings up Bayonetta, and enemies are aggressive in that game because you have a dodge button all the time. Imagine if Nero fight Grace and Glory. High roller Grace into the air, leap up to combo him, and then Glory comes in to fuck your shit up and Nero has ZERO tools to get out of the way. Hell, even Grace might fuck off out of your combo and counter you, and Nero still wouldn't be able to do anything. V is the same way. That's why if you back to DMC3, even without turbo, it's a more aggressive experience. Chess pieces will gladly gang up on you in narrow hallways, ditto scythe guys.

tl;dr Nero and V ruined DMC5's challenge.

Attached: Bayonetta angel.png (438x500, 24K)


But Nero has on demand dodge, it's called Gerbera

Gerbera isn't always available. But you just reminded by that Break Away exists and COULD mitigate everything I just said if V didn't exist.

>t. G&G wanker
So how's your day been?

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That's why i think DMC6 should either be dante only or dante and vergil, to give dante a proper send off

You know what I said is true. I like V, I don't like that he's in DMC5.

Attached: Dandy3.jpg (641x546, 64K)

why did you fags bump this when we already have another thread?

There are some redesign mods for it.

About V, I agree. Nero is fine though
Again, I'm sorry for bumping it, it's probably my fault that this thread is still alive

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And Table Hopper

Can't use that in mid-air. That's what Break Away would be for. Then it goes back to V necessitating less aggressive foes.

Splitting up 20 levels between three characters was a mistake.

I still like V.

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Then why are you insulting him with horrible fanart?

Learn to use sage you stupid plebbits.

how does it feel living in a bizarro world so disconnected from reality that you actually believe all the shit you just typed accept for Astral Chain, KH, and Sekiro selling more than DMC?

Platinum games, Kingdom Hearts, and Souls games have ALWAYS sold more than DMC, that's the reason Capcom tried to do the shitty western reboot in the first place- the only reason Capcom even did 5 was because Itsuno was going to fucking quit unless Capcom let him make DMC5 and Dragons Dogma 2

I too like Vergil he's the best.

me 2