How can the west even compete? Are they even trying at this point?

How can the west even compete? Are they even trying at this point?

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They can't. Robots will be cucking those poor wagies forever

What exactly is the point of this webm?

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you can do this in God of War too.

with beauties like this.

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I want to lick A2's navel clean

Nier is garbage weeb-bait only liked by Coomers

To show how retarded japs are

>spams button
>complains action is spammed

A2 longhair > Short hair

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A2 is infinitely more beautiful than 2B and people only care about 2B because she walks around with her fat ass hanging out like a roboslut.

>How can the west even compete?
Good gameplay

A2 short hair > A2 long hair > Toobz

coom thread with no actual discussion


A2 > *

Never touched the DLC costumes, but I know in the screenshots 2B was the one with Kaine's clothes. Can A2 wear them too or just 2B? It seems a bit fucky if A2 can't.

she's 16, kys cringe pedoscum

>game lets you spam

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I'm on the fence, because I prefer short hair, but I think long hair is what set A2's look apart from everyone else and helped make her unique.

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>cheap overstylized design with zero flaws
it just ends up looking gimmicky and generic
"chingu chongo I typpu hoto girl into google and we make this our character designu!"

> Good gameplay
I wish.

that's how the game is designed
if spamming wasnt the intended way to play, then you wouldnt be able to spam

Yea Forums, what’s a woman?

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>Are they even trying at this point?
Actually, no. Most western devs don't seem to be trying at all.


Nearly smashed my head through my desk when she cuts her hair JUST as she becomes playable.

I'm a short hairfag but this is true. Why do Japs like the "cut hair" development so much?

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>say 'combrain'
>post gets deleted
I swear to god we may as well be on fucking twitter
>you have been banned for complaining

>when the characters are better than the game.

I want to force A2 to take a bath and I want to get shampoo in her eyes!

you fucking monster

Oh, nice! They're in Tequi-la-la!

serves you right for shitposting


>shampoo in her eyes
You are a villainous scum and I spit on you. Nobody deserves this.

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>blocks ur path

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>What's a woman? what's a what's a what's a woman? Woman?

>webm BTFOing neir shit
weeb fuckers should die

2B has been modded into many games, perhaps more games than any other character -- even CJ.

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Nope, A2 just gets to wear pic related.

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the same as a man, a miserable little pile of secrets.

Cute outfit

>That Neir SFM porn where the giant robot has a horse penis and sounds himself with 2B's body and then ejects her out of it when it climaxes and she goes flying through the air
If only it had better animation.

commander is the hottest

Attached: YoRHa_Commander.png (1060x1928, 1.74M)

This is my new favorite word. Thanks, user.

>giant robot
that was halua and the attention to lore in that one was top notch

Finally, a man with good taste.

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>play the game
>can't finish the credits because the creator had a fetish for unbeatable shoot em ups


>beat the game
>2B still hasn't crushed my head between her thighs like a grape

so I guess 2B really had a soul all along

>2B's pubic mound

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Piratetard detected. Go buy it, you fucking thief. It's cheap as hell now.

The character design is great, shame about the character herself.

Why would an android have flaws?

>mfw i beat the flooded city DLC special rank on very hard with toobie
i am one with my waifu

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>How can the west even compete? Are they even trying at this point?
Witcher 3 base game is filled with attractive women, even more so if we include DLC.

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>says someone posts cringe
>is actually the one that posted the cringe

The west has been ridiculously prudish for the last 300 years. We got some catching up to do. The culture war also doesnt help.

>the puffy vulva of the operators

Black hair A2>everything.

so how many of you coomers have actually played the original nier?

Holy fucking based. Women with long. Hair is such a rarity these days. Always with the gay dyke cuts and pixie shit.

>tfw no Yonah daughter

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2B has one of the simpliest designs I have seen in recent games.

no ass no interest

haha what if A2 sat on my face like as a joke


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I bet you played the dub, faggot

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You should've bought the game user.

whats this?

More like you can't finishit because you're a degenerate piratefag who deserves it

yeah thats about what i was expecting
btw 2B is the least interesting character in automata and i assume you never played that either

I feel you Lightpilled user.
The problem though isn't that necessarily the West can't into attractive designs. It's just, in the case of Whitemane, they never become the norm.
The Whitemane of HOTS, differs A LOT from the one of WoW. The former looks hot, the latter looks like shit. What I'm trying to say, is that I would love to see character with the beauty and assets of HOTS Whitemane in the West (based on her concept art and in-game appearence) in a AAA game with the graphics quality of Nier Automata.

But that won't happen. Because the SJWs would not allow these depictions to appear in a mainstream game. Hell, they wouldn't even allow Whitemane to have her jiggly animations.

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It is actually possibly to beat without help.

A lot of HotS girls are better than their original game, except for overwatch
Also here's her new skin, I haven't seen it outside of the youtube video so bad quality

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>Roach is the prettiest girl

Overwatch is pretty good for porn

>A lot of HotS girls are better than their original game
This. And it's shame when the core game that they stem from depicts them worse than a spin-off MOBA side one.

And yeah, I'm looking forward to get that skin if I can. Don't forget also Grand Magistrix Whitemane.

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have you beaten very hard special rank with 2B like i have?
i assume you havent

oh fuck
not him but what level should I be before doing any of the DLC on hard, I've had it forever but never played it

there's recommended levels for each stage but you can complete those stages at a much lower level than that with the right chip setup
for the very last stage you'll want to be max level

its the prelude picture for the event.

>Good gameplay and west

serves you right piratefag

come on user there was titanfall 2 and uhhh

i'm coming


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based A2. That's why she will always be better than 2B

Finished the original, but not Automata. The originals seems a little comfier DESU.


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They are both tied for my favorite but the original is 100000% comfier
no that's a snake

It is telling that some of the most renowned and famous vidya waifus Japan has created are androids.
2B is aesthetically designed to be pleasing to the eye but also just another mass produced model, a mechanical doll literally devoid of a soul.

The west on the other hand? Look no further than Warcraft, it gave us Sylvanas who's just not a perfect dressed up barbie doll yet is incredibly beautiful AND she has a soul.

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>that post-facefuck makeup

And they absolutely killed her with blizz and their literal copy paste of Garrosh. Next.

I’d like to give the original Nier a try, but only if it gets a remastered and de-janked release.

man if you have a ps3 just install CFW, or emulate it if you have a good pc

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I just remembered that at one point there was apparently a Bayo 1/Vanquish port coming to other systems.
Wonder what happened to that.


Iris is the best girl, and anyone with a different opinion is wrong.

>yen have a sad goth gf that wants to paint you

oddly specific typo, considering.

Serious case of sameface with different hairstyles/colors. Soulless.

idk but lets try to figure it out together okay? then we can make sad cum after. Deal?

Attractive girls looking aloof is my fetish. 2nd to right is the best.

buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
ah yes agreed

>long straight white hair
>small breasts
>wide hips
this is the ultimate female form and nothing can ever surpass it

Vanquish and Bayonetta are ported to PC now, if that's what you're talking about.

Ah so you are blind

There was a port leaked for PS4/Xbox but it never came to be.
Some people think its related to Nintendo which is weird since Nintendo actually allowed the PC version of Bayo 1 to have Japanese voices

What's that?
MORE shitposting?
You just don't learn, do you user?

yes. both still make my dick rock hard though

Because the HotS team is (was?) extremely based and made of people who are passionate about what they do instead of greedy fucks who just want money.

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Wrong. Short hair is partician. All girls should have short hair.



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>NieR threads
discussion on literally any of the game's core ideas and philosophy
>NieR Automata threads

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Don’t get me wrong. Long hair has its place on many girls but short hair will always be better.

this only fucking normies like long hair exclusively
and normies are the filth of this planet

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I miss /ndg/ fir the first few weeks of Automata. It was amazing to speculate and talk about the philosophical side of the games.

Drakengard threads are even better than both.

I want to marry and impregnate 2B or die trying.

Damn.... that must have been quite pungent

then you start talking fucker

Drakengard 3 had the potential to be the coomer game to shill for like Automata is because it actually talks about sex and sexual promiscuity but it had to be actually unfuckingplayable on PS3.

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Hahah god how awful would It be to live under her will and service her at her whim hahaha how gross

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If Drakengard 3 ever gets ported to the PC or something, it might make a comeback.

You can emulate it on a toaster.

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Why does the robots even wear clothing

>her vagina bones

how toaster are we talking, I have an FX-8320 and 770 2GB

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Their lips are their best feature.

significantly better than anything that came out of glorious nihon, that is for certain.

Because they take after their human creators.

The entire fucking game is about wether she has a soul or not....

Who is the tiny one in the bottom left?

Yeah you can emulate it, but why the fuck should other people do it when some people want a PC port or even a port to the newer consoles? I have no idea how to word that without sounding like a complete dick.

BFA killed Sylvanas for me. It's a shame, because that character could have become something better and much more other than another vessel for feminist propaganda.
Not to mention her story and personality in BFA is complete bonkers.

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Short haired girls are cute as fuck
To hell with long haired thots

>I'm a short-hair fag, but...!
No you are not. true short hair faggots would always prefer the short hair option due to short hairs being underrepresented in the media. The west has a 10/90 ratio(dykes not included) and Japs have a 30/70 ratio.

Kill yourself


Because they want to play video games? What the fuck is wrong with you?

yeah but have you seen that ass though

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>What the fuck is wrong with you?
I'm tired as shit user.


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a2 literally does not have any clothes on at all though are you retard

oh my god

I've never played the game because the combat looks awful but who is this cutie, A2? Haven't heard of her. Is she a major character or only briefly mentioned?

briefly mentioned then major

can you please fuck off and die in a hole, secondary scum?

Looks like a less pretty and less cool Tiny Tina.

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She looks like a 12 y/o and it's not good to fap to that. Just think about how everyone on this site is depressed beta cuck who never goes out. Let's be honest for a second, im a shitter too but at least i kept some logic thinking

I actually disagree.
While Facade has some of my favorite generic mook NPCs I've ever seen in a game and is really interesting in terms of its design, I think Sanctuary and the Robot town are both way more chill and have really charming music.

I lol'd

Briefly mentioned.
then shows up in the 3rd playthrough as the most important character in the game

A2 just looks like a girl whose clothes have been ripped up in a fight, which makes sense in the context. 2B literally chooses to dress like a street hooker. Acquire better taste.

Where the fuck do you live where 12 year olds look like that?

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>7 heads tall

What fucking 12 year olds look like this?

Look at the OP's pic you delusional faggot. Have some brains and admit it's fucked up you fucking subhuman
I hate this shithole
Fags literally beating their cocks to anime and tfw no gf
it's just making me sad man

Third playthrough, you're kidding, right? If she is a big deal at all I'm surprised I haven't seen her, so many 2B fap threads go around yet I've seen no-one post a shred of A2.

>Getting mad over what people do on the internet

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>Getting mad over what people do on the internet
peak Yea Forums right there

most fags in these threads stopped at ending A or never played it

NA has a weird definition of a playthrough. You play through route A first as 2B, then repeat route A 90% the same in route B as 9S (This is a lot shorter and has its own side quests but is the most boring part of the game), then you play route C which has you play as all 3 but mainly 9S and A2.

Basically route C where you get to play as A2 is the 2nd half of the game.

You're talking to a normalfag, they ironically cannot separate reality from fiction this is why Fake News is a thing even despite how much they claim you can't. They're rampant. Some of them are now /pol/fags, some started that dumb ejaculatemind/cumer bullshit, some of them became most like here and just constantly post off-topic shit barely related to Yea Forums like the Yea Forums threads. All overrun the site by now.

Yea Forums has outlived itself by almost a decade now.

Fuck me what a s n a c k

I am. Deal with it.

Alright, thanks. I'm going to mention A2 in the fapping together thread later and see if anyone's got something for me.

There are people jacking off to the feeling of no gf?

It's called NTR, and it's worse than
>tfw no gf,
>tfw he stole your gf

they're all gone

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Fuck haircuts as character development and fuck every hack Japanese writer that uses it.

thank you [E]veryone i hope i help one of you out too, never give up

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The game has too much of a brown filter