Is it normal that my to hit % is so low right next to an enemy? Using SMG with laser...

Is it normal that my to hit % is so low right next to an enemy? Using SMG with laser, I'm lvl 6 and guns maxed every time. Dex is 11.

Or is something hindering my hit rate?

Attached: underrail.jpg (1173x848, 197K)

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user, I-
Dexterity only increases action points. You need perception for increased hitchance

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Ah sorry I remembered that wrong. My perception is 8 so not bad at all.

Question remains?

Enemies have dodge/evade which you need to overcome by pumping your weapon skill.
Level 6 is too early to be fighting any of the bandit groups.

I feel like I fucked myself over playing on hard
>trigger all fucking coil spider in the second cave for the JKK mission
>kill a lot of them
>escape location to heal and recharge shield
>now every time i enter i'm greeted with 4 spiders(2 of them are greater coil) always getting first turn, destroying my shield, stunning and killing me
>last save was few levels ago
Wat do? Even a better shield and insulated vest doesnt help much, I always get stunned for my turn

You are kinda supposed to stealth that part user, reload or try again later


I am playing on Easy, so far the game has been just right amount of difficulty similar to Fallout 1-2 I remember from a long time ago. Enjoyable. Died maybe twice when trying something foolhardy.

I was just fighting these guys as I was looking for the package pickup spot which had very loose instructions so I ended up all over the place.

If I enter that location stealthed they wont initiate combat instantly?
Is there any drug or food to prevent e-stun at that point?

>optimal range 6

Gee I wonder why.

Only guns skill effects hit chance

>Is there any drug or food to prevent e-stun at that point?
Bullhead, it's very rare though.

Found the recipe and gonna craft one, hope it's effect carries thru the area transition
Hate how fishing is mandatory for any good drugs though

Which is significantly helped by perception

He's early game, I don't think significantly is the right word


First run through, AR tincanigger here

Are traps worth it in the long run? I try hard every chance i get to use them but find it difficult to use them. Do i have to autistically layer half a map with bear traps and mines like ive seen in the many screenshots posted here?

Those are in DOMINATING, asumming you're playing in Normal and actually know your shit, you shouldn't have much trouble
That being said, having at least 25 minimum trapping skill is good, it will allow you to place down burrower poision bear traps, which will do great with gas grenades, IF you plan to use them

>every other game on Yea Forums is just shitposting
>every underrail thread reaches 500 and is actual discussion
why is this?

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It's actually a pretty good game, hard to find aynthing to shitpost about

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But i end up having issues anyway. I either always get caught trying to set up choke points or the enemy just avoids them. Seems to be more of a hassle than it is useful. Area denial? Tovs do that fine on their own though.

>I either always get caught trying to set up choke points
How? I won't assume you trap yourself in if that's the case you retarded, but you should always have an escape plan if possible, somehow.
Also care to give an example or screenshot?
>the enemy just avoids them
Trapping skills also makes -your- traps harder to spot, enemy see them because you have 0 trapping skills, also having trapping skills boost your trap detection skills and I -think- speeding up the trap arming time

But sometimes tov's are not enough, thats why you see them in conjuction with traps, gas grenades, or caltrops, or all of those combined

please help me

Attached: What do I do here.jpg (1598x918, 329K)

have you tried turning it off and on?

yeah it didn't do anything. I boosted the power in the substation above, but I can't interact with it anymore. I don't know what I'm supposed to do here, used every console.

I try to set up as close to the enemy as possible but end up getting detect from a decent distance(which i assume is normal for a tincan) My trap skill is only 5 so ill work on that.

I don't know why but I get the same vibe I got from early STALKER and Warband threads on these ones.
I think I should just get the game.

You're doing in backyard, traps should be the furthest away from the enemy so they dont see it, also light affects trap detection, make sure to put your traps in a dark corner in a hallway after a brief run, or a dark chokepoint like a doorway

Wait does that mean that optimal range is 6 steps away from the enemy?

I was always told that with SMG burst you should be next to the enemy for best dmg. Is that bs?

I wonder why they did not add some cybernetic implants or similar a la Syndicate / Deus Ex to Underrail?

It seems like they would be perfect for this kind of a game.

In game doesnt exists, at most you can put information into your brain and learn psi stuff, but not implants.
At most, during expedition, you can insert a microchip in your hand.

However, in Underrail universe, in north underrail, Hexagon is a city of high technology and augmentations, people replacing limbs with synthetics and shit

the 6 steps means just you should not be further than that away from the enemy.

Where is the Native Camp in the Expedition expansion? I'm losing aegis-sec guys fast and I need to wipe these guys out. Where do I go to find them? Is there a map?

North side of the map, from to west to east
Northwest is where the big dick native boss is, inside a cave palace

Thanks. I don't know if I can do it, they're way too hard for me to kill in groups, but fuck time limits. If i knew the expedition was one giant time limit I wouldn't have even gotten it, stresses me the fuck out. I hope I can kill him.

You can always let the Aegis camp die and let them get overrun and finish the Expedition on your own
Objetive are: Kill Snek monolith, Kill big native bosses and the other 4 chieftains, Kill the Shadowlight, Grab the Accorn, decide Todd's fate

I guess, but that just...seems annoying. Its an option I suppose, but...Eh.

If you completed Dude's quest, you can always either teleport from the island or the pirate base

There's a teleport on the island? I don't know where the pirates are, but by island do you mean the one Aegis is on?

In the lighthouse

Oh, cool. Appreciated. I'm not sure if it'll help me much, unless it teleports me to chief pooping eagle.

Do you know how to use rifts to teleport?
How many rifts you have discovered?

Huh? yeah. Like, two. Or three or something. From the gray army base, dude's home and SGS. I don't use them often since I don't really travel much, if I'm in an area I tend to not leave it, and shops aren't a priority since I already have something like 11k charons just from quests and junk.

Foundry, ceilings, near where you found the Todor's sniper rifle
in Core City, merchant district: Ladder.
Junkyard, near Eelwood's house
Rail Crossing, boxes

Cool, those sounds handy, but it'll be a long time til I get to them again. I have no idea who todor is.

Did you complete Abram Junkyard's missions?
Did you found both Abram and Jack quicksilver in Core City?

Uh, Jack's there but he doesn't talk to me. Just sits at the bar and tells me to sod off. I basically basic SGS stuff, got to core city, did dude's quests, did the arena/gauntlet and then went to this expedition place

In Junkyard.

What did you do?

I'm super confused at where this is leading to be honest. The teleporters sound nice but my only real question was where to find Chief Beef of the natives, so I could gas him.

Northwest. West side of the caves, in a palace, near the shaman boss in the snake temple.

Now please, answer the question. What did you talked to Abram in Junkyard?
This is way more important than you think

I don't even remember who Abram is, was he relevant to the SGS plotline or something? I don't recall him

Wheezing bald man, wearing all black, in Junkyard, in Kareem's bar.

Did you delivered the SGS trade documents to the Protectorade embassy?

Oh yeah, that guy. I did. He asked for some info and I just kinda slapped the options because I didn't remember anything he asked, except for like, the fact there was a frontal guard.

I didn't start the dlc yet. Is it really that time sensitive?

reminder to use flares everywhere you want more hit chance

Good job, user.

Not at all.


Is this even possible for my character, or is there an alternate entrance? The moment I step foot in here, I'm attacked by six different people before I have a chance to breathe.

Attached: Alternate entrance.jpg (1595x921, 299K)

sell me on this game guys i've seen so many threads about it but have no idea what it is

crpg that's fun, but the dev is a cunt so pirate it

hardcore turn based retro rpg. Kind of like the older fallouts but with improved combat.

This was sarcasm.

You just cucked yourself of so much content, lore, money and quests.
I'm perplexed

But I'm playing the game how I want to, and made a decision I decided. That's a lot more fun than artificially making sure to do every choice the "correct" way.

>and made a decision I decided
A terrible one.
But point moot.
Have fun.

I did the same thing as that user, almost. I talked to Eddy and collapsed the wormhole before speaking to the Black Eels, cucking myself out of the gang war.

Was I supposed to have forewarning about what was the "correct" choice?


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Should i go pure unarmed, no fist weapon pussy shit, or will claw beat it in damage?

>will a fist or a bladed fist hurt more

Fist weapons apply defbuffs while buffing you with the right feats.
They shit all over pure unarmed.

Is melee and ranged in the same build viable? Like gun them down and when they get close shank them?

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Pure unarmed hits more often. Mere 12 DEX, Tabi boots and Lightning Punches gets you to its minimal AP cost of 4. More hits per turn means it works better with effects that trigger on each attack, like Psychokinesis' Force Emission and Telekinetic Proxy, or Fancy Footwork and Expertise feats.

Fist weapons have better base damage and certain bonus effects.

expertise works with unarmed ?

Nah but you can combine psi with melee since ranged psi doesn't rely much on feats while also providing bonuses for unarmed/fist weapons