Beat Three Houses on maddening difficulty with permadeath or you are not a real gamer.
Beat Three Houses on maddening difficulty with permadeath or you are not a real gamer
>Ferdinand's B rank is locked behind timeskip
Fucking why
>playing anime pedophile games
Nigga the fuck do I care about your opinion of me?
Imagine a western game came out and one of the protagonists wanted to open up all of the borders of his country and eradicate racism. How would Yea Forums react?
Hahahaha xDDD
PUNCH Nazis!!!!
nu-Yea Forums would collectively have an aneurysm and post quality would increase 1000% afterwards
laugh when it results in the characters own demise
>play yaoibait childrens' game or you don't play video games
So this is the fisher-price audience, huh?
He's going to regret that when I start slicing into his hand
t. soulssperg
Is that really this character's motivation? No wonder nobody talks about him
>merchant based government
seeing snoyboys rabidly seethe over nintendo's endless stream of GOAT switch games brings me so much joy
mad cuz bad
>rreeeee socialism bad capitalism good!
>b-brown guy wants to open borders and create a capitalist society?! no!!! but my welfare!!! competition bad, socialism good!
lmao livid
yuh based
yuh cringe
How bad is Chad Grandpa on it? He was already a massive pain on Hard
Twitternigger pls go
>Golden Deer route
but im not hungry
>maddening isn't even the hardest difficulty
should have thought twice before complaining the game was too easy
Just don't approach him until you kill all his butt buddies and you'll be fine
How do you people do it? How have you played through this game many multiples of times already? I finally beat my first run a few days ago (Hard/Classic), with roughly 50 hours of play time, with a couple of actually really challenging levels (to keep everyone alive). Not something I could just "rush" through if I played again, a second run would probably still take me 35-ish hours.
So, wtf? How?
How about normal difficulty casual for fun times?
I'm not a wagie
maddening is not really hard after you get past the bullshit early game
People who live on social security in a basement playing games all day.
Claude is truly the worst character in Three Houses. There's nothing redeemable about him.
His skin color isn't that dark, thanks for taking mediterranean people and thinking they are black you fucking disgusting American twitter retards.
t. buttmad wagie
holy shit left
you literally cant meme or be funny
>haha kek and lmao hitler is so funni
yeah... no
>if you don't beat casual VN with light TBS elements you are not a real gamer
Who's the sunkissed Italian prince
America can only think in Black and white. It's a sickness and their polution is spreading across the globe.
you people live thanks to us, everything you do is nazi this nazi that, hitler this
get your own thing guys
so this is the power of third grade history and call of duty
>tfw no werewolf Marianne
Then why is your second in command a huge racist?
It's more nuanced. He's the son of a Fodlan noblewoman and what is literally Kublai Khan on a wyvern.
He was raised a bit in Fire emblem mongolia before he was legitimized.
He wants the FE Mongols and Fodlan to chill.
As a naive 15 year old yeah. Then your character dies and the continent is plunged into half a decade of bloody war and he grows up to have nuanced views and is the only Lord who isn't literallypsychotic, and is the only one who survives no matter what
This picture is based and successfully triggered those you wanted to trigger good job OP
based and basedpilled
Why do Americunts think he's a nigger?
Is it untrue?
why do americunts think at all? they're clearly not very skilled at it
Fair point.
I finished the game 4 times on hard/classic, took me 35 hours first playthrough, 30 second, then 20 and then 15. I also work 60-80 hours a week. Get over it pussy and get good.
>doesn't even fuck her
>grappler Byleth
You should be rushing C in Heavy Armor on Byleth for Weight -3 anyway.
You're a faggot.
Speed > Weight
Ignore the cringy shit, basically explains why weight is kind of shit and speed is better to focus on.
Where can you see this?
This is your brain on /pol/
Niggers don't get to decide what's based and cringe.
Looks like the GD kiddo who posts tumblr fanart is still here. This time he makes it even more obvious that he saved it off of tumblr/twitter
Guys, is it just me or does Dimitri's character not make sense? Why does he think killing Edelgard will bring justice to the casualties of Duscur when she had nothing to do with the Duscur incident? Edelgard was as young as Dimitri when it happened so she suffered just as much, if not more so, from the slitherers who were behind it. Furthermore, if Dimitri really cared about justice for Duscur, shouldn't he be making an effort to investigate the slitherers and focus his angst on them, rather than Edelgard? What did Edelgard do to Dimitri that he takes so personal??
don’t even try, they’re just going to call you hitler or edeltard
The Slither leading the Duscur incident wore Flame Emperor mask.
One of the reasons I don't like Edelgard's route is that they have to juggle to justify in a very poor way why you can recruit many of the characters. For example: Ingrid CF breaks all his character and doesn't even know what he is doing, and Felix becomes a homeless murderer with depression and hypocrite. Pure shit.
She's not Annette, Sylvain, or Dimitri so why would he?
Why do you post this in every thread?
He doesn't know she had nothing to do with it, and she herself is shown siding with the slithers. Her being "as young as him" isn't proof that she couldn't have done it, considering he took part in quelling a rebellion like a year afterwards. Edelgard gives him no proof she didn't do it, only saying "it wasn't me" while working with the guys that admitted to doing it.
Dimitri believes that Edelgard inherited the purpose of the old FE and that is why he does evil like burning villages.
>imagine thinking that that tanned faggot is black
I'm not a nigger and this post is based.
OP is and will always be a faggot and gets beat in the street by pajeets at a BLM rally.
end of a playtrough.
He isn't wrong. Edelgard knows she's doing bad things.
Because he's literally fucking insane. Not in a "haha yeah he's really angry" type way as in diagnosed in the DSM5 insane. He hears voices in his head telling him to kill and hurt people and dies young as king even in the ONE route he manages to not go nuclear and self destruct during the war. He's even crazier than Edelgard is( who is also batshit by the way) who had her single-minded focus on her goals to keep her lucid and Hubert taking on a mountain of sin on her behalf
Lots of people haven't invested 120 hours to play every route so they are colored by the one they've bothered to complete, so plenty of people will pretend Dimitri is a classic FE lord and not a schizophrenic gorilla held together with masking tape and hope. The only sane Lord is Claude who (perhaps rightly so) decides in every route to get the fuck out of Fodlan and go bang anime brown cuties in Almyra rather than deal with a crazy pope, a crazy emperor or a crazy king
yeah bro that 13 year old girl busy being tortured and experimented on in the dungeons was totally the one behind the tragedy of duscur
This is fucking false
>Fantasy olive colored person is the same as real world person
The same shit is repeated with FE involved
Rhea deciding to follow the rest of her class after seeing dorito pope turn into a fucking dragon is not out of character. She wants to be a knight, do you really think slaying an evil dragon is against her beliefs?
Jesus Christ does he really hear voices telling him to kill people? Why does anyone follow this madman? He’s just a bishoujo at first and only looks cool when he gets that sick eyepatch and coat.
Obviously he knew that ... ah no! Edelgard is retard and explained nothing!
I don't play bing bing wahoo games
He becomes Mongolian Trump at the end though, it's incredible how he grows from an anchor baby that wants open borders and mocks the church into an actual diplomat that just wants people to give each other a chance.
If anything given the amount of times he is proven wrong in his route one could take it as a jab at mass immigration.
All dark skinned people in the history of fantasy have been oppressed and marginalized by wh*te people. Like drows.
Yes. 3 houses has tons of lore hidden behind one time conversations, S rank supports and split across all four fucking routes. The most popular theory for why he's missing an eye outside of CF is because he ripped it out after being tormented by the voices since there's sure as shit nobody besides edgelord actually capable of hurting him
Dimitri also lost his sense of taste due to trauma which is why his food likes and dislikes are based on temperature and texture when you invite him
Golden Deer: Registeel
Blue Lions: Regice
Black Eagles: Regirock
The Church: Regigigas
You know I'm right, Yea Forums.
>The Slither leading the Duscur incident wore Flame Emperor mask.
Is this canon? Where does the game say this?
How's Hitler not funny?
He was a vegan liberal arts major who specialized in genociding Caucasians and loved his mother more than his father. He's /yourguy/ leftyincel.
So we don’t know why his eye is missing? Him ripping it out sounds based as fuck. I knew about the taste thing but that’s really cool that his tea preferences are based on the temp and texture.
Lady Knight(male)
Dude the Almyrans literally raid and pillage for the shit and giggles.
I know people hate Cyril but he gives some great insight on Mongolian fire emblem, the villagers have it extra rough and the almyran nobles just want to fight the Ultimate Gigachad Maximus that is Hilda sister for bragging rights to throw feasts afterwards no matter how many die in the process.
Almyra is a shit hole before Claude actually fixes it, his S ending is saying that he will fix Almyra problems BEFORE trying to realize his dream.
In Crimson Flower his tardwrangler is mommygf seiros brainwashing him instead of Byleth and he's not missing the eye
>Dimiti has a kid in BE
>Its with Rhea/Seiros
How strong would that child be?
Byleth choosing Edelgard over Rhea doesn't make any sense.
>Edelgard gives him no proof she didn't do it
You're joking, right? What reason does Dimitri have to believe Edelgard was behind the Duscur tragedy?
Leave everything, friends, family, dreams, etc. and the dialogues in the CF are pure shit since she doesn't know what she is doing or because she kills her friends.
Why does every artist make claude darker than he actually is
He leaves and tries to fix his own country first
lol thread?
real gamers don't play FEshit
>gives me knuckle sandwich
>yells, cries and demands i get charged when i bite into it removing a few fingers
Fuck you. Don't offer me shit you don't wanna lose
Yikes. This worse than his Bernie ending.
It’s not, he made it up.
>Paired with anyone who isn't Annette, Ingrid, or Flayn.
His support with Dorothea is great, but the ending sucks.
Niggerfaggot/faggotnigger detected
Guys, is it just me or does Edelgard's character not make sense? Why does she think killing Rhea will bring justice to the people who suffered because of crests when she had nothing to do with the Agarthans experimenting on children? Rhea had no idea it was happening and thus couldn't have been involved or condone it. Furthermore, if Edelgard really cared about justice for crests, shouldn't she be making an effort to stopping the slitherers and focus her angst on them, rather than working with them to kill Rhea? What did Rhea do to Edelgard that she takes so personal??
Real gamers aren't faggots, yet here you are.
unironically I don't understand Edelgard's stance that the church is tyrannical when it seems like they really are just in the service of all the nobles and lords.
His favourite tea is chamomile, which is said to help with sleep. Then you eventually find out he has night terrors and has difficulty sleeping.
She is literally a fedora with brain issues after her crest experiments.
Gorilla insight.
DeerChads and LionKino are brothers in arms friend.
Fuck Eaglecucks
>Edelgard has to explain to Dimitri that a 12/13 year old did not instigate a rebellion by people of a different state
I don't think Edelgard is the retarded one here.
Drows are purple and have always been purple, you bigot.
Dedue is obviously the black of the game.
Everyone knows Claude is based in something from the middle east
The other duscar people aren't even as dark as him, and its obvious Claude is supposed to be Mediterranean I mean his class is literally called Barbarossa
When he saw what happened in Remire Village, which was literally the bargain bin Duscur Holocaust, he saw The Flame Emperor as just as evil as whoever caused Duscur. It's why he had a mini boar moment.
Not to mention she was working with Slither even if she tried to posture as "no I'm really the good guy I dont agree with Slither even though I'm doing nothing to stop them committing genocides".
I thought a big point was that the Slitherers made up a big chunk of the Empire's power, and in order for her to take out two birds with one stone, she'd work with them to kill Rhea and once she's dead all of the Crest things lose their power, the Slitherers are essentially neutered? I'm not real sure.
Everything wrong with the church pre timeskip is almost solely due to corrupt nobles/clergy and sinister molemen. Rhea's doctrine is basically just
>be good boys and girls
>fuck off and leave me and my family alone
>you can donate if you want
Like there's not a whole lot going on there. Just let the crazy bitch have her mommy milkies in peace and the continent will be guaranteed centuries of peace
They are Mongolians, everyone of them is mounted on a horse or a Wyvern, their land is described as an endless plain with almost no trees and they are a daiding culture specialized on hit and run tactics.
Dimitri is 1 year younger than Edelgard and Dimitri a year after the tragedy of Duscur fought revolts.
I played on normal, guess I'm not a real gamer.
Even with maddening it's a shit and boring game, instead of doing harder modes right like Fates, the ds remakes or fe6 they did it the Awakening way
I thought they were around the same age.
>play Dedue's paralogue
>The Duscur soldiers are majority black or dark brown, even with the generic soldier model
Honestly kino.
Now you've got cheese on your hand you fucking nigger
nigger i will fucking eat your hand
Kinda dumb that they didn't even bother to change the portraits though.
It's been almost 2 months, at some point you need to stop whining about those evil NEETs and budget your time better if you somehow only have a single hour of free time in a day.
and then come up with arbitrary delineations of what is and isn't real lmao
I wish enemies used combat arts or gambits more instead of just same turn reinforcements with pass.
I'm long past the age of needing to prove myself by beating games on the hardest difficulty. I did my BE route on hard and was quite satisfied with that. I will be playing the remainder of the routes on the same difficulty.
I think the creator of this image is in for a nasty surprise
It's not even hard with that on.
you stopped being a real gamer when you bought a switch and popped in three houses.
proving OP's point
fake gamer
>play maddening
>first few chapters insanely hard
>gets easy after chapter 6 until the timeskip
>starts picking up again
>Grondor rematch
>Felix and Dmitri are stat checks that completely wash your team with 0 effort
>felix is especially bad because Aegis procs means you do no damage
How the fuck am I supposed to beat this
Hey remember that Knuckle Sandwich tumblr nosed rpg ? Is it in dev hell ? I liked the music.
i will, later
>fake gamer
bout as insulting as calling someone a fake shit slurper.
I already beat all three three routes on hard classic (watched church scenes because it's practically the same shit) with over 200 hours played.
I don't give a fuck about playing the game again but this time with artifically increased enemy stats, levels, abilities and numbers.
I haven't had a chance to play Maddening yet; is Divine Pulse still a thing?
What if a brand new route comes out?
One where You go full nuclear and destroy everyone
Route where byleth is seduced by clown pussy and joins Slitherers with Jeralt after hearing how Seiros nuked agartha to smithereens
Recruit Felix or encloser then gambit his ass.
They are turks, not mongols. The turks were also steppe nomads, but actually shared the border with Europe.
Also, Barbarossa was the name of several Turkish leaders in Europe.
Is there a war to see the end cards you got like there is for the support conversations? I can't seem to figure it out, and if not its a glaring oversight.
google images
ultra cringe
Sure I'd try maddening in a new route as long as the option to lower it back to hard if it's as dumb as I've heard and my experience playing awakening on lunatic.
Not really. If you have a save file that saved after the final battle it will replay the credits and show you them again, but there is no way to view them from the title screen.
Turks were often demolished with Cavalry in some fights though, their fighting style is way too different to fit the Almyrans too.
>in some
how to make up a claim and immediately give up responsibility over said claim
Well that's shit, i didn't bother to keep a pre-game clear save.
The Seljuks were very much hit and run raiders much like the Mongols.
>eating a burger with utensils
No, but they added the goddess tower scenes, so maybe there's a way to add it in later. I wouldn't mind a unit viewer either to see my endgame builds without needing an otherwise worthless save, which would pair nicely with the endcards.
>just hit the end of CF
>remember there are falcon knights that spawn behind you
>they're going to attack on the same turn now
Give me one good reason why Claude and Dimitri shouldn't have teamed up in their routes.
Arguably in GD, Dimitri was too crazy to work with, Claude's retardation in BL is inexcusable though.
One of the more famous battles involving the turks is the battle of Manzikert.
>However, the right and left wings, where the arrows did most of their damage, almost broke up when individual units tried to force the Seljuks into a pitched battle;
>the Seljuk cavalry simply disengaged when challenged, the classic hit and run tactics of steppe warriors. With the Seljuks avoiding battle, Romanos was forced to order a withdrawal by the time night fell.
Either way, Almyra is a mixture of things- that being turks, persians(the almyran emblem features the likeness of a zoroastrian relic), and potentially other groups as well.
Lets just say that they were good at home advantage but any successful raid was destroyed with light cavalry until powder became a thing.
They overstayed their advantage and where prone to get demolished afterward, Mongols really mastered this shit.
In GD Claude could've just told Dimitri "OK, lets go kill her together, it will be easier/faster that way." and it probably would've worked, especially if it were after Claude slapping Dimitri's shit.
Because Dimitri goes full retard in the timeskip with no professor and gets killed by nameless empire grunts trying to get revenge.
>Playing FE
>Being a real gamer
Choose one
user, the whole lead up to the 3 faction fight in GD has Claude letting Dmitri be and go unharassed through alliance territory hoping for exactly that, but when they reach the battlefield Dmitri outright refuses to communicate and attacks immediately.
Warping Edelgard in to galeforce solo Rhea with Meteor support might be the only non masochistic way to beat the mission
Just finished my first playthrough on hard since maddening wasn't available when I started. Do I just start new game without transfering anything on maddening to get the new screen?
I'm well aware of that.
I can understand to an extent why Dimitri doesn't join, but some of the other BLs should've been recruitable.
But they are recruitable, you just have to do it before the timeskip :^)
The only real issue is Dedue. The fact that he gets no resolution or epilogue despite surviving the castle assault is a strange omission.
Why should I care about your opinion on what constitutes a "real" gamer? I play games for my own enjoyment and relaxation, so my gaming is real to me, which is the only opinion that matters to me. If you wish for me to change my habits to sate your arbitrary demands, that will either be 500 million dollars cash, or you need to submit your proper authority, including citations of the exact statute that gives you the authority along with at least 3 relevant examples of case-law with perfect Blue Book citation. I'm waiting.
switch has screenshot function
why do whites get so triggered when someone points out their racist behavior?
>They overstayed their advantage and where prone to get demolished afterward, Mongols really mastered this shit.
The Seljuk Empire's most decisive losses all came at the hands of fellow Steppe Nomads, like the Qara Khitai and then later the mongols(once they were weakened into just a Sultanate instead). They were outcompeted in their own specialty more than anything. They did not really get demolished by any "cavalry force" other than fellow riding archers.
>Lets just say that they were good at home advantage but any successful raid was destroyed with light cavalry until powder became a thing.
The Seljuk captured vast territory(so no, home advantage was really not it) and light cavalry was never a good counter to them as they were lighter armored than the light cavalry, could outrun them, and pick them off.
The Mongols did what the Seljuks did better later on, but that doesn't mean the Seljuks weren't a force to be reckoned with in its own day.
It should be dimitri saying that, considering he is the one with history with her
I wanted to pair up my BL crew but they all just bromanced eachother instead
Dimitri and Dedue
Felix and Sylvain
Anette went home with her dad
Daily reminder beating Crimson Flower on Maddening is considered cheating, as well as the Church route
That's the whole point tho
Why is that?
4 less chapters
Crimson Flower is the most difficult route to beat on Maddening due to the fewer maps giving you less chances to grind combined with the final map being fucking bonkers
>play my first run, Hard, Golden Deer
>manage to get to timeskip and the "reunion" fight, beat it
>stop playing for like two weeks
Does the rest of the game get better? I want to continue but I'm feeling the slog.
What? I thought all 3 main routes were the same lenght. I thought only the church was shorter.
When do you hear the thunder version of the music? I recall hearing both versions of most songs just not when they switched.
Church route is the main route. Edelgard's route is the "hidden" one. It's kinda weird, since you'd expect her route to be the main one, but the actual main routes are: Dimitri, Claude, Rhea
Kinda? You still have 10 chapters left but the monastery is gonna bore you to death by chapter 17
Nah. Only BL and CD have 22 chapters. Church has 21 and BE has 18, which is still triggering many Edelfags to this day
Rain is for the map, thunder is during battles.
I see, thanks.
The reunion is the climax of the game but you're missing out on dubstep warmechs and the best song in the game (deer final boss)
S-source... Please.......
>Kinda? You still have 10 chapters left but the monastery is gonna bore you to death by chapter 17
This, once i got A+ and finished the paralogues i said fuck it and just did seminar's every week.
And despite Church being the "main" Black Eagles route, the post-timeskip is a straight copy (save 1 chapter) from Claude's route but with a different final boss
The way the game handles the multiple routes is pretty baffling to be honest
check the wiki
Claude didn't really opened Fodlan's borders, not even in his own route.
This, while it's his dream of a world where everyone is equal and free he instead chooses to shove Byleth into the ruler role of Fodlan.
this is my life....
Why do non-whites get so triggered when it's pointed out that whites are the least racist group of people?
Does Three Houses have a good story?
what wiki?
I’m buying this game tomorrow, which house should I pick? Red, blue, or yellow?
For an FE game yes, but the it's still rushed and need more delays to polish things up.
>wanting to take on the gamer label
whichever lord strikes your fancy first
>It's only hard because stat inflation and EXP cuts make the beginning a pain in the ass
Call me when they actually put effort in.
would it have killed this person to put their shitty name in a corner instead of the center?
Flip a coin 3 times.
2 Heads = Black Eagles
1 Heads 1 Tail = Blue Lions
2 Tails = Golden Deer
That's only two coin flips though
My bad. My brains a little wonky right now.
But yea do that. Especially if you aren't invested in any of the characters right off the bat.
yes, and then byleth forges an alliance with almyra and begins the process of opening fodlan's borders through trade. before this, the church had a strict no outsiders policy, presumably because they wanted to make sure the people of fodlan remained ignorant to any knowledge that could lead to a repeat of the aghartha situation
Couldn't we have just paid Nemesis to Unga Bunga the slithers?
Did it with NG+
>no new title screen
Yea Forums is full of shit again.
>walk into your dad's room
>see this
W-what do?
How do you level up flying and horse stats for Byleth?
golden deer if you want the most exploration into the lore
blue lions if you want arguably the more interesting story path
black eagles if you want to see the other side of the conflict a bit more clearly (or the church route, which is a branch of black eagles and has almost as much lore stuff as golden deer)
You fucking dipshit, you only get the new title screen if you don't use NG+ to beat Maddening.
Well I did was OP asked anyways, technically.
>you are not a real gamer.
Faculty training with Manelua and Seteth (not available during the Flayn kidnapping month, keep it in mind)
Jeralt and someone else for horseback, I don't remember who.
Takes about about 8 or so times of training to get D+ with Flying.
Is maddening balanced around ng+?
Seteth and Jeralt
>decide to do War Master for my Hard playthrough before going Wyvern in Deers Maddening
>timeskip and not even fucking close to getting to A in Axes and Fisting
based is literally a nigger phrase so yes they can.
>waste divine pulses on trying to save gilbert and second wave same turn reinforcements with pass in the upper right of gautier inheritance
>lose sylvain on a shitty miss at the ass end of the map
letting him go. this map is such a miserable slog.
>i don't remember who
Gilbert, i believe
RIP the Gautier House
How about eavesdropping on FE calling the Slitherers out on the tragedy being their fault? He had no reason to think FE was lying since they thought no one was listening in while saying it.
Gilbert and Hannerman for riding
Hey man, just reset the whole thing, Gilbert doesn't even give you anything for keeping him alive. Sylvian is pretty good.
I spent a good 6 hours doing that chapter because I learned even letting one of the archers on the top platform move means EVERYONE fucking moves.
Who here took upskirt screenshots of Dorthea that month she's sitting down at a table?
Actually, most of the outside world seems to be even more fucked that Fodlan.
Dagda fails at life and Almyra is a Wyvern shithole.
Fodlan closed border and a isolationism had more to do with the relic weapons and an us VS them mentality of the empire that later broke through.
House Gautier and Goneril are doing most of the work here while Bergliez or wathever Caspar dad last name is spelled was the one actually trying to expand control of the empire territory outside of Fodlan since the annexation of the Sreng territories.
Nemesis wants to unga bunga everyone and everything possible user. If anything is remotely strong his pea sized brain tells him he must kill it to prove he is stronger.
The Sreng were partially annexed by the Kingdom you idiot.
So what does Grug do with weaklings then?
Thats axactly how I beat it, I dead eyed one of the archers and baited them to come, I stopped the first stair reinforcement waves and kept dragging and pushing Gilbert back to stay in line.
The ones in the top of the stairs move, but the ones in the left side of the map don't.
After you clean the wave baiting the pillar two waves of pass reinforcements is a joke with no weapon or Bow Dedue.
You just clean the map After.
So we agree that Blue Lions are the normal class, Black Eagles the weirdo band of outcasts that don't mesh with each other, and Golden Deer a bunch of nerds right?
Thats the point, kingdom annexed Sreng first showing that Fodlan is actually expanding on its own right.
Gautier household is the way it is because of constant invasions.
Bergliez and the 6 of the Empire weren't short of annexing vassal states and expanding the empire after the War.
None of my units could deal with the sheer number of them.
>OP has to be left because he isn't a racist
Kill them too, but for literally no reason. Grug kills anything that moves, he just is motivated by killing anything that may remotely actually pose a challenge to him.
Well okay but the way you worded it made it sound like the Empire conquered the Sreng, when the Empire only vassalized Brigid. Also there's the fact that Duscur was implied to be annexed by the Kingdom as well.
gd are also a weirdo band of outcasts that don't mesh with each other though
Nigga what are you doing, you lure them to the chest and abuse magic batallions from there.
Are you going to tell me that you didn't think of properly baiting in a choke point?
Anime is better than vidya
I didn't feel like back tracking all that way and no I didn't think of that because Poison Strike is a god damn pain in the dick, along with Pass Thieves running through enemy lines and smacking all of the casters.
not that guy, but I could not at all reliably hit on gambit so I worked my way slowly around the map with dedue baiting reinforcements and shit.
Yeah, if you're a retard I would say it is.
Do all the archers go after you if you bait one out? I'm on day 3 of this map right now and have thought of doing that but worried it would attract all four of them.
Yes, if you let one attack you, they'll all start to aggro, and them being aggro'd will produce the image.
Oh boy! Dark meat!
i wanted rhea dead the moment i saw her. her going nuts and killing innocents was icing on the cake. i assumed we would kill the slitherers right after her which is what byleth did albeit just in text form
I guess I get to post the blue dork again.
You can make Mercie and Annete into armored knights before that mission you know?
It's a bit of luck but you get two rolls at 35% if you E+ heavy armor and axe, I even did it with Mariane at that point.
Thats why you gambit boost, gambit boost works on equipped range, part of the reason why Thoron, Bolting/Meteor and archers are great for this.
I focused my Ashe in authority and bows for that shit, not as good as Ignatz but it was a good that allowed Mercie to finish with jeralt mercenaries one I broke through the checkpoint.
If you are playing maddening your Byleth must be good at now already, either use him or punching Felix/Dedue to open paths.
And yes I'm going Warmaster Felix this run.
just walk through the fire bro , no biggy
I just missed twice with 96, 97, and 82 percent against thieves. Do they have some special skill or am I getting RNG fucked?
oh word. I have a save right before the map so I might try again and give everyone training bows.
>not combining the two skills
Look at this ASlet
same turn reinforcements with pass is the most cancerous shit
Sounds like rng fucked, sorry user.
Get critted by a 1% 30% hit and then complain.
You have divine pulses, use them.
That's Fire Emblem baby
Wait for same turn falcons.
Falcons are the gods of enemy phase.
Imagine thinking this is what Claude did.
He went back to Almyra to fix his own shitty country first, and then he makes peace talks with Lorenz.
>Alois and Shamir pirate map
What bullshit is going to happen in there?
oh God what the fuck
bump fags
>Awakening had same turn reinforcement 8 move Pegasus knights with spears that gave them a 10 space attack radius
It could be worse
You are going to need loads of archers, loads of them I tell you.
Petra and Bernie paralogue is going to suck too.
>Petra/Bernie paralogue
>that part when your close to the end where squads of pegasus knights come out of each corner
Nuffin personnel...
I intend to do Maddening mode after I finish my BL route.
My question is, I'm unsure of what route to go through. BL has really fucking strong units, but Claude auto gets Hilda, Lysithea, and himself, of course.
funny you bring that up because i just finished that map, the majority of the pirates you fight at the top have pass
Also Hubert meteor and the knights near the forest with good charisma and AoE battalions.
I love fire emblem.
No need for paralogue, BE chap 14 (Dedriu) is cancerous
>infinite wyvern knights
>crap tons of bows
>Nader can 4x you regardless, is immune to bow. And now he moves
>Hilda + Freikugel
Smells like fear and sex.
They'd be furious under most occasions. Maybe there'd be mixed reception if said protagonist was Asian
>infinite wyvern knights
So that's the power of Almyra, not bad.
Holy shit, why are all the Blue Lions absolute fucking trash outside of Dedue, Sylvain, and Felix?
Replace them with Eagles or Deers then.
Make Mercedes a fucking fortress already.
You all forget the power of a cute girl in heavy Armor.
Patch their defense and they stop sucking.
Mercedes is the absolute best healer in the game and Ingrid is a godly dodge tank. Only shit units are Annette and Ashe, though Ashe can be fine if not rng fucked.
Eagle units are even worse. Only notable students are Petra and maybe Bernie.
>invest in axes instead of maxing out your priorities
Mercedes is fine.
Cut Ashe for Bernadetta
Replace Annette with Lysithea
Cut Ingrid for fucking anyone
Common healer, not really meant for Gremory but I'm talking out of my ass here since I hadn't played BL yet
He's not too different from Bernie or Ignatz except his passive is questionable
Japan hates the hard worker so they gave her rally instead of good spells
You just got unlucky
Hey Ferdie is good the moment you put him in a Wyvern.
tell me why you joined Black Eagles first
You took a look at my lv10 Mariane, I'll let you know that the AI prefers to attack dedue over attacking Mercie at this point.
Dont underestimate heavy armor healers.
Fuck it I'm giving Dedue bishop mastery this run just because I can.
I played through GD to start and was planning on doing BL as my NG+. The first time around I just ignored the annoying characters, but now I'm thinking I should let them die in battle so I don't have to hear them in group conversations again. Is this common?
The following units from other classes are okay
Ferdinand (Great Knight or Wyvern Lord)
Caspar (War Master crit-dodge all fucking day)
Bernadetta (she's just fucking amazing with a bow)
Lysithea (best fucking magic user in the game)
Anyone have that one unit that's RNG blessed?
Because right now Ferdinand is fucking saving my ass in Maddening with how many crits and dodges he's done when they're vital as well as his Crest activating at what seems like right when I need it.
You get 3 units who come pre-built for bows, an unga gorilla, an actual tank, a player phase nuke with warp, and a magic utility knife in Marianne. GD definitely have the easiest time, though BL aren't that far behind
>Ferdinand (Great Knight or Wyvern Lord)
>Caspar (War Master crit-dodge all fucking day)
Weird, I found both of them shit. Also
>Great Knight
But Claude is hot, so its ok.
My GN Sylvain literally takes damage from nothing, not even mages. I'm not sure why people give that class shit.
Yeah, Ferdinand on my playthrough is a fucking god. Why do people say he's bad? He's arguably my strongest unit outside of Edelgard.
I honestly can't take Felix seriously anymore in any route after having him as a recruit first in BE. Everything he says is hypocritical BS to me in BLs and GD because we all know he could have done far worse than any of the BL character he criticizes when you recruit him in BE. When I first see BE Felix, I can’t see him as anything else.
He doesn't he know why he signed up to the Empire and turned his back on his kingdom, friends and allies, house and family and king and leader. He feels regret but is unwilling to change his ways or atone for any of his mistakes. Yet, he's the one insulting people? Dimitri maybe a boar, Dedue a cur, and Sylvain a snake, but at least they aren't bitches like Felix.
People love him for telling the truth and showing concern in his way. But it's all fucking BS when BE Felix is willing to kill all his friends and family for no reason at all. He can’t act all high and mighty when he's the worse of the BLs: a traitor. Dedue maybe too fanatically loyal and Dimitri too insane and vengeful, but at least they're not traitors like Felix. Now every time I play NG+, I go out my way to kill that sanctimonious hypocritical traitor first. I have far more respect for any BL than that traitor.
Ferdinand is great, that seal speed is a godsend.
It's growths, they both have some of the best passives in the game but need to get good levels because they aren't min maxed like some other units like Felix or Raphael. It's a bit like Lorenz would be the best tank in the game but that's quite unlikely for most players
>He can’t act all high and mighty when he's the worse
they all do that
Ingrid is a highlight, because she doesn't say shit
I had no idea her fiancee even had a name because BE Ingrid never mentioned him
Does this mean I can't recruit him?
You took him away from his emotional support boar.
I really do think they should have limited recruits though. I can see Sylvain and maybe Ashe abandoning the Kingdom, but Felix's whole schtick is being a loyal tsundere.
People just don't know how to be flexible with Lorenz, he is good at everything, even if it wasn't what you wanted to do.
If you make him a fortress he might become a good of warlocks, if you make him a Paladin he might become the best assasin in the game, if you raise him a warlock he probably got enough stats to make Warmaster Caspar blush.
Sometime you just have to reclass Lorenz because his jack has f all trades made him a master at not being a bulky warlock and you are better of giving him his axe.
Has there ever been a funny anti-racist joke?
They keep getting made in the modern day, but all of them lack humor.
Why is this the case?
Because jokes require a bit of truth, and almost no one is a full blown racist anymore other than the ones making the jokes about ending racism.
The cognitive dissonance doesn't become one of laughter but one of anger at the hypocrisy.
You can, it just means you need to actually meet his stat requirements and can't bank on B supporting him for the easy recruitment.
doing BL first made nearly all of them unrecuitable on other routes for me, i can easily picture characters from other houses going to BL but the BL cast is just too devoted to dimitri and there are too many pre-existing relationships to take any of them away for me
is that what claudes route is? how do you eliminate racism while opening borders???????????
There's cut material where Felix would be so infuriated with Dimitri for letting Rodrigue's death happen that he would defect from the Blue Lions and side with Cornelia, claiming that he’ll cut Dimitri down.
Felix was always meant to be a bitch traitor that doesn't practice what he preaches. I wish they kept this scene because it shows what he really is.
Because they're always emotionnal about the subject they're trying to joke about. So instead of being detached and funny they are engaged and not funny. It's the same thing when you're a group of friends making jokes and bants to each others when one will suddenly take it personnal and will try to retort with something filled with spite. It's just pathetic and unfunny
Why the fuck isn’t Lysithea joining me?!?
Bitch, I got you to B rank by giving you treats and cooking for you, what more do you want?
Poor Annetto, she just wanted to protect her family.
Lions: Honors kids/overachievers
Deer: (relatively) normal kids
Eagles: Special ed. (Dorothea and Lindhardt are designated tard wranglers)
>Doesn't practice what he preaches
I thought his character was based on how bitter he is over people thinking death is fine if it's honorable. I could totally see losing his dad the same way he lost his brother and Dimitri condoning it pushing him over the edge.
For you to not be shit at magic
Weird, I did BL first and it only made me want to have Felix around Lysithea and the gang.
Having Felix around a bunch of goofballs that don't care much about knight autism and have their personal goals first just seems adequate.
Kinda of a personal thing but I would have loved for a Raphael and Felix support, the guy wants to be a knight for his little sis sake for crying out loud, the guy is so lovable and dedicated to his training that he would have made Felix smile.
Or Felix and Ignatz with Felix actually encouraging him to do something else that being a knight until Ignatz finds his resolve post timeskip.
I just want more Felix supports man.
The problem with the Lions is that you need to be lucky with RNG for them to be "good"
Dedue is fine.
Sylvain can be either better or worse than Ferdinand depending on what he rolls (that's why they are often compared, but Ferdinand tends to be more "stable" I guess)
Ingrid is the most questionable member on the team, because she can either be really good or absolute garbage depending on how she rolls and it feels like there is no middle ground with her.
Ashe is meh, many argue that Bernadetta or Ignatz are strictly better. I'm in favor of Bernadetta.
Mercedes is also fine.
Annette is again, based on luck, but more-so luck determines if shes just "okay", or fucking shit.
Felix is really the only one who accels at what he does.
>one of the tard wranglers has narcolepsy while the other can't even speak properly
this sounds like a bad idea.
who the fuck would even emote at that? Surely they could tell it's a false compliment.
>Lysithea fattens him up Brosnan style
>Leonie drops him in holes
Understandable why he would avoid the other GD after those two
It would be neat if going against the fundamental values of students would get them to defect. In general I'd love if there were more incentives to get to know students/actually be a good professor.
>that poorly made text
>didn't even fix her tattoo
shit edit
but yes
You're thinking of Petra, and Lindhardt is at least semi-capable of keeping Caspar from sperging out.
Whelp, I guess I'm not having this guy or Annete in my BL's roster. I'm killing them off ASAP. I don't tolerate backstabbers, no matter what excuse they have. I'm building a world free from such corruption. Who can I replace them so I only have loyal members in this playthrough?
I was talking about both of them user.
are you sure it's not when the game literally forces you to pick between retaking the Kingdom and killing Edelgard? That seems like a much more rational split.
Well sure but Rodrigue dying does coincide with that.
What about Hilda, both are defined by their older brothers and Hilda says dying for your friends is stupid, how did the devs not think about giving them a support?
Fuck it Golden Deer shit hits the fan moment isn't the fact that the empire threatens house Gloucester, nor that fucking Nukes drop or you raid an ancient dubsteppers civilization.
The moment that shit hits the fan is nemesis waking up, not because he is the Nemesis of legend but because Hols is wounded fighting him.
Nukes are OK, the dead coming to life is OK, but losing the Ultimate Gigachad Maximus actually makes the alliance scared.
A Felix Hilda support would have been great.
but whats the fucking gameplay i wanna play a VIDEO GAME
>Yea Forumspol/
>caring about gameplay
Seteth pretty much dedicates his loyalty to you in his supports. Ferdinand and Petra are surprisingly loyal even outside of CF as recruits. In fact, I would argue they're more loyal in SS than CF.
You need to kill everyone except Dimitri and Dedue then, because all the BL students can be recruited to other houses in alternate routes.
>Ferdinand and Petra are surprisingly loyal even outside of CF as recruits. In fact, I would argue they're more loyal in SS than CF
They are.
Ironically every BE student is much happier on non BE routes. On BE they choose to follow Edelgard because it is the easiest option. Most of their families are already aligned with the Empire, the Empire is the winning side for most of the war, and with Byleth joining Edelgard they see it as suicide to oppose Edelgard. With the help of (You) when they deflect from the Empire they're much happier since they actually believe in their cause when opposing Edelgard. Ferdinand is a great example, his development on non BE routes is much better as he realizes he can't keep living in Edelgard's shadow and that he is more then his family name.
also they can marry her i think
Any character can be a traitor depending on the route. Felix betraying the BL makes no sense for his character, there's a reason his betrayal was cut content.
Can't you recruit every single BL except Dimitri and Dedue though? You sound like you got some personal hang ups that make you single out Felix for some reason. Couldn't find a husband?
Is this the most kino moment of the entire game?
Her who?
I meant to write "his enemies" but I've had a long day.
Sylvain, Ingrid, and Ash don't act like they're morally superior to Dimitri and Dedue or any of the other BLs like Felix. Felix wants to be the moral center that holds the team together, but he can betray his people and his king for the Empire? It doesn't make any sense. Also, as pointed here he also betrays the BLs even if Byleth is part of the BLs. And he's part of the main ensemble that has cutscenes in that route. Why should I spare him?
This is different. Felix and Annete were meant to betray their house and (You) despite Byleth joining the BLs ahd having them as default recruits in that run. The only reason they weren't because of time and cost. They're still backstabbing imperial shills in my eyes.
Nah, BE has wonky writing honestly.
BL campaign in general is kino and GD campaign is mostly kino, just feels a little focused at times though I guess that is because its plot encompasses more things.
So on NG+ I should plant flowers randomly and throw them at people until support rank B? That's the best recruiting method?
It's a distinguished quality of a leftist to fight the racist boogeyman. Normal people simply don't care.
Oh so Sylvain, Ingrid, and Ash only backstabbed and killed their friends/king a little bit because they weren't cunts about it? Come on now user. And what that guy pointed out is cut content, which was removed for a reason so it's not something you can really count.
Why would she be a werewolf? Her paralogue makes it very clear she never would have turned into a crest beast.
Just use your renown to give Bs to the units you want from your previous class.
Honestly just have lunch with the people you want to support, should get to B rank quite fast. On my vanilla maddening run I'm on chapter 5 and have already got two units to B rank, just remember some characters like Ferdinand and Caspar can't be B ranked until after the timeskip meaning you have to meet their requirements to recruit them.
Man, I thought I would have an ass load of renown like it would all get placed back into the pool, but it's just what I had left from before. I don't actually have that much since I bumped my professor rank up some.
furry autism
But who's the other?
It's better to bump up your rank, just follow of students who need to have their requirments met.
Don't ever spend renown on professor rank unless you can get it straight to an A. If you do get it to an A, then building support is stupid easy as you'll have enough action points in the day to use them to build up the support of the units you want.
Otherwise, use them to unlock support.
Sylvain actually requests Byleth to minimize casualties in the Kingdom and worries about his family/house, despite not really liking his Crest or his family that very much. The guy was never really loyal. I mean, he literally joins Byleth if she asks him to. I can't hate for that.
I'm also honestly surprised Ash didn't defect. The Church killed his father and the Empire has his territory by its knees in the other routes where he does. Felix is supposed to be Dimitri's Lancer as TVtropes puts it and constantly going about morality in BLs and GD, but look at him here. He's willing to kill his father and friends with no remorse. Even Ingrid doesn't pull this.
He's also miserable in every route except BL. If we're going to be comparing screenshots, why don't you pull up the one where he mourns Dimitri's death in GD and outright says he wishes he never left him? Or when he says he'll kill Edelgard so Dimitri (and he uses his name) can rest in peace?
Grappler Caspar is most precious boy, and wrestles Raphael into sexy submission every night.
What's her endgame?
Sing to Felix.
Caspar got it rough with his father dying in order for his soldiers to be spared.
Lindhart is surprisingly chill and Dorothea is happy we didn't kill Ferdie.
You can fix Bernie with Raphael or give her to someone that loves her the way she is like Seteth bromance or Felix making Bernie a stay at home mom.
Petra doesn't develop Stockholm syndrome and gets to bang the manlet crew to her heart content.
Everyone is happier, it sucks for Caspar though but he can have Petra, Dorothea or even Hilda at the end or just unleash his inner Naruto with Lindhart and Ashe if needed.
To have your babies.
I love my wife Bernadetta! Her pure soul is for snuggles and kisses!
I thought that the people that would even consider betraying the BLs would be Ashe because Rhea ordered his adopted father's death and his adopted brother and because he doesn't have any real close connection to the other BLs. And Sylvain because he actually hates Crests and Edelgard is all for abolishing them. It's strange seeing Annete turncoating.
Sylvain hates crests but he also says that he knows that they are necessary to defend his territory that is under constant attack.he wants to change it when he is in charge, he sure as fuck doesn't want to wage war against the entire country to get rid of them.
I love how if you max Hubert and Shamir, they get married and go slaughtering and assassinating every night for Edelgard
Why does felix have A support with every loli in the game
Caspar tells you he was never close with his father at least, it's upsetting for him but not life changing. Lindhart and Bernie could care less since they give two shit about their famlies, in a portion of their endings they are said to abandon their titles even. The only person it was really hard for was Ferdinand, he will ask you if he did the right thing, but he seems a lot more confident and happier opposing Edelgard.
he based
>arguing about shit that's not in the game
Ferdinand would be happy by the end of BL since Dimitri would be very happy to let him run the empire side of things and get his free education plan up and running.
Gonna start stretching for things to argue about when everyone gets bored arguing with what's actually in the game.
Dancer Raphael is the purest thing ever
Because that user has an autistic hate boner for one of the best units in the game because he's OOC in the one route where everyone is OOC.
in silver snow Linhardt straight up robs his dad to help you in the war
Bernadetta sucks in non BE routes though. In BE she becomes more confident and leaves her room. In the other routes she doesn’t develop as a character at all.
>Caspar and Bernadetta get married
>every time he fucks up, she keeps a record of it and makes him make it up to her
>they have a million kids
This is adorable.
>muh content the devs deliberately removed
Are Flayn and Seteth traitors now because cut content shows they were potential recruits for BE now?
wait, Hubert actually gets married in one of his endings?
Did they ever explain how Edelgard is going to get rid of Crests in the game? I still haven't played CF yet, but AM and VW don't ever explain how the Empire is going to achieve this continent wide issue. Is she just going to kill all those who have Crest bloodlines? Sterilize them? Dilute their bloodline with Crestless genes? Have Hanneman or Linhardt remove anyone who has Crests? Seriously, how is she going to do it?
Is lindhart low key a Chad?
He managed to get Flayn pregnant with a sample size of five kids just because it amused him.
Also always making passes at Mariane and Lysithea.
really? I haven't used her in other routes. Does she really stay in her room the whole time?
Yup. He does in a few I think. I know for a fact that he will marry Shamir.
most of his endings end in marriage, the only one that doesn't spell it out ishim with dorothea
>racist boogeyman
i can't help but laugh when /pol/cucks say this while making a post right after talking about how all niggers should be lynched
I'm more surprised Shamir marries.She seems so distant
Yeah, though she will speak you in a more natural way.
In GD she leaves her room to pay respect to Jeralt, there are two instances post timeskip where she is out as well near the Greenhouse and in front of her room before going back to her room happy that she is back at her sanctuary.
Who wouldn't fuck this?
She leaves her room to pay respects in all routes actually.
When Flayn disappears she will be in her room but if you talk to her she opens up to show you Flayn isn't in there.
Nah, Raphael wins a Grappler battle due to his much higher defense and strenght.
Grappler only weakness is 4x0, which caspar is prone to do.
she has a thing for the second of commands of powerful people
The only good SRPG was shining force, and MAYBE advance wars.
Not blacks, but people that act like niggers.
Trust me on this one, I have a friend that got out oh his hood, in his words "you don't hate blacks unless you live with niggers", but what can I expect if folks living in gated communities expecting people to live a diverse way of life while they live in the whitest places in the country.
>I am Solon, savior of this world!
>woop woop woop! *crab walks away to the Death Knight*
Now that's a maddening change I wasn't expecting
How is advance wars an RPG?
dam son
>ishim with dorothea
that's the one I got and considering she essentially proposes to him them not getting married was just bizarre.
Oh, must have missed that detail in BE, and I didn't recruit her in my first BL run until GD.
Give them a mace or hammer, Raphael is better than Caspar though especially if you do stupid shit like assasin or feed him luck items and stacked bishop for the immortal Raphael build.
Raphael can fix literally anyone through the sheer power of muscles, screaming, and food.
He's also a profoundly good man.
SRPG faggot
His Bernie ending ain't bad at all.
GD, then BL, then BE.
What's his name again?
I'm convinced that if Dimitri had an A support with Raphael he would have healed him.
Someone said in a previous thread that Raphael is an excellent War Master, is this true?
Ferdinand Von Tire
Does Leonie get cute after timeskip? I'm considering giving her the D.
maybe there was a marriage and they just didn't mention it? idk, I just wanted to make a he's gay for fernidand joke
He is not a speedy one but quick Riposte just breaks him.
He hits extremely hard even with training gauntlets, 40 per hit, has as much defense as dedue and as stated before he doesn't dislike faith wich allows you to correct his Res growth early in the game while leveling as either Brawler or Fortress.
Out of everyone, he's the best for it unless you're memeing Felix or Marianne into it
He's okay. I think Caspar is better. He seems to dodge and crit more often.
she gets even cuter than she already is which is almost impossible
>Before the start of the month of the battle against Dimitri in the Tailtean Plains, Dimitri tells Rhea that even if he falls, the Blaiddyd bloodline will live on.
What, what did Dimitri mean by this? Did Dimitri have a secret bastard running around Faergus or married before the time skip and knocked up some random village in his travels?
> spent a solid hour powering through chapter 6 (Flayn kidnapping mission) on Maddening without NG+
> nearly done, entire map is cleared except the central room where Death Knight is (and one healer)
> decide to pick off the healer for the extra xp first
> accidentally use normal bow instead of curved shot with my low hp Leonie
> she dies, no divine pulses left
Should I just commit suicide instead of punishing myself on this fucking game? Even worse, I had fantastic level ups throughout the whole mission which will be gone now.
What’s RPG about AW?
His uncle is still alive in BE route.
enjoy the cutest girl with the absolute worst supports.
Why would you dodge when you take no fucking damage from opposing silver weapon Wyverns and Falcons, the little damage you take is removed immediately at the start of the turn by either renewal meme build or stacked luck.
Raphael is just a wall that hits really fucking hard.
Yeah but her supports with Byleth are fucking terrible.
You SHOULD give her the D in one of the playthroughs. She would get to spend the rest of her life with the child of her master. Jeralt would want that.
No damage ever is still better than some damage all the time. Also, Caspar crits way too fucking much.
Everyone says her entire character is "muh Shishou" so don't hold your breath
>renewal meme build
What race would claude be if he were real?
made byleth, marianne and dorethea Mortal Savants, is Felix good with that class?
>when the time comes to choose between you or rhea, catherine will choose rhea
catherine is hot but you don't fuck crazy. she will kill you if you disparage the church or rhea
Caspar has actually disappointed many in maddening, a lot of units have hit+20 and pass making Caspar kinda shitty unless you always have an Axe equipped since he can't hit for shit without death blow there.
Felix has early game damage and Raphael is immortal.
Make Raphael a Bishop for the Mastery, free 20% heals every turn.
This is a character that can reach 110 hp growths.
97% crit with raphael, it's not difficult. Killer knuckles +40 +20 from war +10 from Fist crit. The rest comes from his stats/ battalion
And Raphael auto heals with his passive, and has the highest HP in the game (105% growth in warmaster). if you go like that other user said and give him bishop for the extra res he's basically unkillable.
i found caspar to be a big disappoint war master compared to the beast that raphael was in my first deer playthrough. i wish i had made caspar into a wyvern lord instead because he lacked the strength to hit as hard as raphael and didn't have the bulky hp either to tank hits.
You forgot to add that batallion health cant be lowered if they deal no damage due to your buttfucking huge defense growths you can get that +20 crit without ever fearing losing it.
Which house has the worst students?
I hate the design of this map because it takes a bazillion years to reach Miklan without Warp.
Otherwise it was kino fighting that wave of enemies, Batallions have a purpose now on Maddening.
all the students are the best,
gameplay wise I'd probably put it at the lions desu
Play SS last because it's similar to VD. Hardmode: Play it on Maddening mode, because it's the most difficult route because it's just Byleth and his students. No Lord or her retainer at your side.
If you think racism is bad then you're really quite stupid lol.
>Speed > Weight
No shit. Doesn't mean you shouldn't ignore weight, dipshit.
They still have Felix, Dedue, Sylvain and Dimitri. And Ingrid if she doesn't get RNG fucked. Hell, my assassin Ashe turned out amazing.
Golden deer. All the characters other than Hilda suck and have one note personalities.
BE, Everything is either mixed or wants to ride a Wyvern.
Their early game depends too much on Edelgard tanking or good Ferdinand Growths, Caspar is great in lower difficulties but he sucks early game and will only stay relevant as a Wyvern while Petra wants to ride a Wyvern or go assasin and to top it off Bernie can be good if babied in any other house, but in BE you have to use Bernie at her weakest at the mercy of her potentially bad rolls like Ferdinand.
BE is just a mess in maddening.
Did I hear someone saying something negative about Lady Edelgard?
I'm here to tell you that you're wrong and here are 50 reasons why you will literally never be right.
This meme was brought to you by the EDF: Edelgard Defense Force.
>single player
I'm sure those AI were super hard to beat
PvP FE3H could be interesting
I would argue weight is even better at mages as they really benefit from weightless fire balls as it is rare for them to break multiples of 5 past 15.
> Infinite reinforcements
> Extremely hard to advance in the top corner because of Assasins and Pass Thieves spawning every turn
> Alois can't heal himself
> A Wyvern Rider (22 AS) spawn like every two turns and flies directly into town
How are you supposed to complete this without Warp cheese.
A point of speed is always better than subtracting a point of weight, but you can do both and there's no reason not to.
I put Bernie on a Pegasus with a bow, and she handled the wyverns before they got in while my troops where pushing up top. Wasn't easy but managed.
The problem is that speed+2 is tied to a class and there is little gain from it immediately.
This, I have no idea how anyone could say BL or GD unless they haven't played BE or church.
>Ferdinand is a jack of all trades but unlike Lorenz his bases are too low to allow him to do any one thing competent. He can do a bunch of things but not one will be good
>Lindhart is a mixed mage, his healing is okay but since he will be your dedicated healer for some time he never feels as competent in the role as Mercedes or Marianne
>Dorothea is the same as Lindahrt, as your offensive mage she never feels quite as strong as Annette or Lysithea. She can be great later in the game thanks to having a spell list but for most of the time she will not be able to defeat armored units without help
>Caspar relies on rng hard, he can be a crit monster or as useful a npc unit. Always a gamble to use him
Thanks fuck Petra is amazing and Bernie is goodish, church is just brutal as you will want to not put too much experience into Edelgard and Hubert unless you are playing completely blind but fuck if they're not useful when most of your team can't do shit.
Why did they take best man and daddy away from us during the timeskip?
Just take a screenshot of it you fucking retard
My Ferdies have done well, when recruited late as GD and BL, well in maddening I kinda got him early with just C support he asked in, is there a little chance for this to happen or is my game bugged?
Anyways Ferdie in those routes was a great knight and was just short of Raphael tanking capabilities with 60 hp 40 atk 38 defense 30 Dex and 25 speed when I reached nemesis, he was a paladin, fortress with pavise, Aegis and full blown axe and lances mastery.
Thats the best Ferdinand I had, however in freaking BE the guy was gaining mag as a soldier, defense and mag as a brigand, mag defense and HP as a Wyvern, shifted him to magic and then he won strength twice as a warlock.
What are you doing Ferdie?
So how long were slithers dragging people into their rape basement?
1000 years, give or take how long it took to rebuild after grug went awol on them
Did Unga the first Bunga attack the slithers? It's not really clear what exactly happened to their alliance after Nemesis got the bone sword.
you're wrong about dorothea and ferdie. Dorothea gets one of the best spell lists in the game with meteor and ferdie becomes nigh impossible to kill once you get to the late game
Reread what I wrote about Dorothea, I mention her spell list is amazing, the problem is that because both her and Lindhart are mixed mages they don't really excel as either healers or black mages in the beginning. Later on this is fine but at the start it sucks.
well something happened that caused thales to see nuking his base is a more viable alternative to waking him up
The problem is starting with them in maddening.
Look at Ferdie base stats, look at his growths.
Recruiting Ferdie kinda late fixes this, starting with Ferdinand Bernie and Dorothea VS lv 7 units is not fun.
Even Sylvain and Ashe have more breathing ground.
Maybe he was just too much of a chad for them to handle
Is the difficulty problem fixed now with Maddening?
Getting rid of crests isn't her endgoal at all, but Edeltard will tell you it is because her actual goal is so retarded even Edelfags can't deny it.
Kinda. It does make the game harder, but at the same time the difficulty spike is gigantic and you won't get used to it until beating the hell that is chapter 5
Sort. Maddening is bullshit hard.
Which one is that
Pretty sure Edelgard wants to devalue crests so Fodlan's concept of nobility falls apart. In-universe removing crests is helluva dangerous and only specific dudes can pull it off
Post it
The tower with Sylvain's bro and a huge ton of archers
This is what I was trying to say. As units they can definitely all be competent, on maddening though you want units that are competent from the start though. On maddening it's much harder to baby units that are behind.
Jesus fuck is chapter 5 hard. I've been stuck on it for three days now.
I think if you pull the battalion leader on the top boat and kill them the 2 thieves will stop spawning, gives you a lot of breathing room.
You definitely need someone flying with bow skill for those stupid wyverns though, the ones that aren't spawns don't give a shit about the town and will slaughter anyone in range
Authority is your friend.
Can't we just leave Beast Miklan to just rampage in peace?
It would automatically resort to dodge memes only for Ignatz to somehow be S+ tier
oh yeah that sounds bad
is it easier to shoot from walls
>implying Ferdinand wouldn't be top tier with his ability
Also Falcon Riders everywhere.
>double warp claude into the enemies to kill their dancer/warper turn 1
>then canto stride away
Falcon Riders would be the least of people's worries
I lost all my progress because I'm retarded and saved over my first slot I was on chapter 16 fucking hell
How do I S P E E D gd route, I was really far in and don't want to spend another 35 hours fucking around the monastery and slowly baiting enemies out.
First off, way to go you fucking retard. Second, what difficulty were you playing at?
Make Claude/Hilda a god
For Claude make him an assassin and feed him stat boosts
For Hilda make her a great knight unironically and just make her rush and kill the boss with a brave axe. Level through every single axe class Also give stat boosts if you feel like it
It's the best paired ending cuz he gets to live with a small bear and gets to cuddle with it.
bow knight is the broken class for maddening right
Fuck the church route. It's a copy and paste.
It's the best JRPG on Switch.
Make Hilda a flying axe murderer and give her all the movement upgrades you find. Use the Stride gambit and have Lysithea warp your Hilderminator towards every enemy commander and win on the first turn every time by having her bypass the entire map. Also play only the new yellow auxiliary missions for crazy leveling.
Nah man, Hilda's a better murderer as anything but Wyvern since her battalion gives her 20 crit. Wyvern does make her better at LTC though
It literally doesn't matter one bit if you're overleveled and give her stat boosters. She will oneshot anything. Not having her as a flying unit is much slower overall if you're zooming through the game.
Speed>Power as long as you have enough to kill.
Just skip enemy turns then or even triple warp then. It really isn't that much slower since most maps aren't that huge in GD if you warp her properly
Here is something to believe in!
I just went for the cute girl on the cover, didn't knew she was gonna go apeshit later
If it's even a second slower, it defeats the purpose of what you're doing. There is literally nothing faster than having a flying unit zoom to the boss. What point are you even trying to make? This isn't about making the most optimal Hilda for maddening or a serious run. Dude asked for speedrun strats. Well, sorry to break it to you, but flying Hilda is way, way, way faster than tank hilda. Even if you skip turns. Skipping also leaves your other units open for attack. It's much safer to just fly, even if it goes against her optimal build for a serious run.
If we're going that route. Claude would be even faster because he levels up slightly faster.
fixed for you, friend. not that you're still itt
To drink tea with Sensei forever.