A "professional" wrote this

A "professional" wrote this.

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Excited to play this game when it doesn’t cost the equivalent of an arm and a leg up here in canuckistan.

And it's beautiful.

He's right you know. I always take my time before the final mission in any game.

Why doesnt he just replay it?? Its mostly gameplay only anyways

That's a depressive/crazy person thing

>Not just pirating it
But I'm sure as a Canuck you're also a consolenigger.

>play Control
>few hours of shitty story

>play Doom
>countless amount of user created levels and mods
>infinite amount of levels thanks to OBLIGE

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More like professionally gay lol

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>games end, and that's wrong!

And they're making bank and you're just a bitter autist on Yea Forums. Did you ever stop to consider that maybe the authors of this trash are fully aware it's trash but don't give a shit because retards will still read their articles and give them job security? Why should they put effort into their work if it's just for some clickbait farm? Seems pretty based if you ask me.

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I'm a gamer I haven't played any games

I've done this with games before. I stop playing it for a week because I know it'll end at some point. It always makes me sad.

It does sound retarded but it also makes sense and people can relate to it. I've often found myself intentionally limiting the time I spend playing a specific title just because it's too good and I don't want it to end. Like taking your time to savor a cake with small bites.

>i dont want it to end so i ended it
What is the point if its the same thing.
Well, one is worse.

>>few hours of shitty story
Whatever you say, Speedreader-kun

>Here's the thing about movies: The more you watch the movie, the less movie there is to watch.
Imagine a movie critic writing this. What planet do these fucks even live on?

>the more you live, the less life is there to live

Its just another SCP rip-off

A "Gamer" made this thread.

What was that other retarded phrase by Kotaku?
>I have gone home and I home but I am not home
or something.


>I don't want it to end
>So I stopped playing

Peak retard

>another SCP rip-off
Name 5 and I'll condescendingly explain to you why every one is shitty and incomplete.

Control is an SCP game with B U D G E T. If you can't see the obvious advantage that gives Control compared to other SCP games then I'm going to ask you to put your mommy on the line so I can finish this conversation with an adult.

I know people who do this and it bugs the shit out of me
Well thanks fucker now I cant talk to you about it

It’s kinda understandable. I’ve had games that I was blown away while playing when I was younger. Would get to the final boss area after like a week and then would drop the game for two months because I didn’t want it to end.


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They are far from making bank, writing articles for gaming sites pays very little and is not a stable job at all, most journalists at these sites are not even employees. A lot of them do it part time and have to get a regular job as a side gig to pay the bills. The only people that are well paid are those who work in "real" magazines or newspapers, like NYT.

Shit wrong thread

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It's completely understandable.
If he posted it in a Yea Forums thread, you would all be like
>iktf bro

Just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right.


don't bother, he's just another angry virgin seething about the female MC

also arent most of them being fired lately

>btfo'd so hard his post needs a MINDBREAK tag
L o l

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Dammit i know how it feels.

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This, Kotaku is certainly making cash, but they can replace the retards that spew out this clickbait garbage whenever they want. People are so obsessed with video games and being a "writer" that they'll work these jobs for almost nothing.

So I guess the game isn't inherently very fun then otherwise it wouldn't end because you'd just replay it. Apparently the only thing keeping you going was the story.


and a faggot posted this.

if you kill your enemies, they win!

And here's why.

>No dont! If you kill him youll be just like him!
Anybody got any examples of when they actually kill them after this is said?

Prototype 2 is a great game and perfectly good sequel to the first game.

>the more you play, the more of the game you have to experience

This. Just play the game again if you like it you dumbfuck. One of you retards in the thread who agrees with Kotaku on this explain it to me.

When I was a kid I had the opposite autism and I'd start over again and try different things immediately after finishing the game. I beat the first few Pokemon games way more than I can count

And i always save some chunks of content for when i want to blow off steam

>making bank
trash publications will die off almost as quickly as they did in the magazine era, maybe it takes a bit longer because so much of these clickbait farms are basically on a type of auto-pilot steered by Facebook like malware and retweets, but they'll perish all the same, shame they actually manage to compete with higher quality stuff like EDGE, PCGamer, Eurogamer etc. but that's part of the price of Facebook existing

Injustice, I don't remember if that scene's in the game though, but it's in the comic, Bruce says it to Clark right before Clark punches a hole through the Joker iirc.