You can't deny this

You can't deny this

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Holy shit a retard!

JRPGs have fine artstyles

Nobody plays JRPGs because they want a roleplaying game.

They just want a VN with some grinding that they can sink like a hundred hours into.

jRPGs are like wRPGs but with:
- Soul
- a unique world and art style that isn’t bland medevil Europe again for the 100x time

and a lack of:
-man faced women characters
-feminism and social justice politics
-hand holding

>actual NPC interaction
>encyclopediac lore dumps are "interaction"
morrowind really was a mistake

Is obvious bait, but start with "a shitty artstyle" is too much even for that.

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didn't you just make a thread saying JRPGs are all lousy wizardry clones?
did you JUST NOW discover icycalm?

>no handholding

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Dark Souls is a JRPG

>meme word
>baseless lie thats ironic since jrpgs aren't in any way more diverse in setting
>I have to be able to jerk of to every character since I'm a dumb coomer
>reee womyn reeee
>hand holding when jRPGs are even more dumbed down than wRPGs

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Dark Souls is an action RPG made by Japanese with none of the shitty weeb tropes user, big difference

>trying to refute with shaming
literal cunt


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>npc meltdown
you know he is right and that makes you uncomfortable

>jRPGs are like wRPGs but with Soul

There is literally no reason for every single character to be wank material unless you are a porn addict or something

wRPGs are like jRPGs but with:
> """tutorials""" that amount to "these buttons choose what stats you have. click enemies to attack. Have fun dying twenty times in the process of learning what five specific builds actually let you out of the first dungeon! and remember, if you complain you're a fucking casual!"
> medieval europe and post-apocalyptic settings only
> turn based mechanics that belong in tactics/strategy games instead of RPGs

and a lack of:
> appealing characters
> notable, regular releases
> any actual depth to the writing rather than a million "options" only two of which are actually unique
> an appealing art style

Tell me again which I'm supposed to like?


It's all so tiring.

wRPGs are more complex than jRPGs, the other points are meaningless phrases or incelrage

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> """tutorials""" that amount to "these buttons choose what stats you have. click enemies to attack. Have fun dying twenty times in the process of learning what five specific builds actually let you out of the first dungeon! and remember, if you complain you're a fucking casual!"
so admit you play jRPGs because you are bad at vidya? Lmao
>medieval europe and post-apocalyptic settings only
actually, factually wrong

>appealing characters
ahhh yes, this barely 16 looking child has high school tier character traits. Very deep and memorable
jRPGs characters to sub double digit IQ people
> notable, regular releases
aka jap shovelware
>any actual depth to the writing rather than a million "options" only two of which are actually unique
implying japanese games have deep writing have you looked at any of the favorite jRPGs on Yea Forums?
>an appealing art style
once again showing that jRPGs appeal to children who need everything to be colorful to be entertained

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Name one western RPG with a good story.

> you either enjoy a tutorial that teaches you none of what you actually need to know, and devote multiple days on end to a video game just so you're not dogshit at it, or you're bad at video games
No. I play jRPGs because I'm good at vidya, but don't want to have """""fun""""" by dying twenty times to
> you attack the garbage fly!
> you miss!
> the garbage fly attacks you!
> 0.1 damage!
as wRPGs are wont to do.
> actually, factually wrong
There are exceptions, of course, but for the majority of notable entries in your genre, I'm correct.
> appealing characters
ahh yes, this man whose only character trait is "thief" (because any more and it would be too complicated to write him around the fucktillion of character choices to make, not to mention a waste because you aren't guaranteed to have him in your party) sure is deep and memorable
> aka jap shovelware
A genre with a bit of shovelware is better than a genre with three good releases a decade.
> implying japanese games have deep writing
I repeat: one storyline with decent depth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a billion "storylines" decided by """deep player choice""" and """""moral decisions""""" but with no fucking depth at all
> jRPGs appeal to children who need everything to be colorful to be entertained
Better than cowadooty-tier kiddies who need everything to be dark and gritty otherwise they label it "for babies lol"

>turn based mechanics that belong in tactics/strategy games instead of RPGs
So basically, you don't want a videogame. You want a visual novel with childlike character deepth and some grind. got it.


ohnonono look at this virgin!

I want a videogame. I don't want to spend half an hour per turn obsessing over how to move my ten party members, which of their fifty (mostly useless) attack options to use, and whether the enemy will completely unga bunga through my strategy with critical hits up the ass.

Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord.
It's basically "go to that dungeon and kill shit", the ideal video game story.

> ideal story has no depth
> in a thread where one of jRPGs' "flaws" is a lack of depth
nice cohesive argument, wRPGfags

Alright. Thanks for proving my point.
Go watch a movie

Just...stop fucking playing electronic RPGs, period. Even actual tabletop Dungeons and Dragons is more respectable than trash like Xenoblade or Fallout or whatever

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I'm not OP. If anything JRPG stories have too much "depth", video games are absolutely worthless as a storytelling medium.

fuck... I can't.

I expect nothing less from Yea Forums


Oh boy, you think you win the thread just because you're a pretentious fucktard.
I want to strap you down to a table and fucking gouge out your eyes, then feed them to you on a skewer. I want you to SUFFER until you admit that you don't actually think like this, and you just wanted to be cool.

I don't need to deny what is obviously bait. Need we even bring up the fact that a fucking WRPG fanatic was outed as a redditor last time?

You don't even deserve this fucking reply, shitlord.

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What is the WRPG equivalent of Thug Hero Party?

>a shitty artstyle
as opposed to "generic tolkien" or "generic star trek"?
>linear story
linear =/= bad, and wrpgs have universally awful stories.
>turn based mechanics
there are plenty of jrpgs with action-based combat. also, let's not pretend that highly-praised wrpgs (such as planescape and skyrim) don't have abysmal gameplay.
>character creation a pointless meme. everyone always goes to the game's wiki so they can look up what the most viable build is anyway. at that point, the game might as well just have a jrpg-style avatar.
>choice and consequence
neither jrpgs or wrpgs have this. the main difference is that wrpgs try too hard to pretend they do at the expense of a coherent narrative or world.
>actual NPC interaction
if by that, you mean exposition dumps that are far worse than the jrpg cutscenes that people complain about, then sure.


> complexity is all that matters
> not actually introducing you to this complexity in a way that makes sense
> not justifying this complexity with story elements

See this is what I'm talking about. Only a JRPG weeb or some Fallout geek could be this melodramatic. Every single one of you is the same. RPGs are a lame genre that breed autism.
Call it bait if you want, it's a fucking fact

WRPGs are more fun.
JRPGS are more emotionally engaging.


Skyrim is not an RPG. Its an open world game with shitty dialouge choices and a terrible simplistic skill and combat system.

>Its an open world game with shitty dialouge choices and a terrible simplistic skill and combat system.
So, a WRPG?

Ok, I will bite.
>both feature party creation with multiple classes/jobs
>both feature random encounters
>both are turn based
>neither offers any meaningful choices and consequences or branching stories
>4 basic classes and 4 elite classes for 8 total
>NPC interaction is limited to shops, tavern for managing party members, inn for resting and healing, temple for resurrecting dead party members or removing status effects
>whole game is one castle/town and one dungeon comprised of 10 floors
>there are no boss fights, your only goal is to defeat the evil wizard and everything else is trash mobs (except in the 10th floor)
>the whole story is "go into this wizard's lair and kill him"
>a few bugs but nothing gamebreaking
Final Fantasy:
>6 basic classes each with an (optional) advanced class for 12 total
>NPC interactions include inns for healing and shops, but also several NPCs in the multiple towns that offer insight and exposition
>there's an overworld with dozens of towns and dungeons and multiple modes of transport including a canoe for rivers, a ship for oceans, an airship that can access most of the world and even a fucking submarine to reach the sunken shrine
>several boss fights, including four major bosses fought twice throughout the game and one final boss
>your primary goal is to fulfill a prophecy by restoring the (ORBS) crystals, however throughout your adventure you will complete multiple smaller quests that allow you to obtain key items and/or gain access to new locations to progress with the story
>there is at least one side quest, as the class change is completely optional and you can beat the game without doing that dungeon
>a bunch of spells are bugged and literally don't work, two stats are bugged and significantly alter the game balance
It's easy to see the superior game and genre.

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How is an optional difficulty mode hand holding?

>Outed as a redditor
You obviously left the thread before he was outed as a literal faggot