So what happened to him? Did he finish Platform Masters? Have you played it?

So what happened to him? Did he finish Platform Masters? Have you played it?

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He's swimming with the fishes

They should release the FF7R demo so he can level cap in it.

he got over some of his retarded fears and is slowly turning into a functional human being

I completely lost trace of his presence online, did he left us and ascended?

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He discredit video games, got a job in walmart or something and got swimming as a hobby

why does he look so thicc in that pic
also did he ever browse here

He got over his fear of water and has rubberbanded into the other direction. His dream is not to swim in every body of water in the world

he still posts on facebook via his platform masters page. It's slow going but it sounds like he tinkers with it from time to time.

He quit videos to work, swim and spend time with his girlfriend.

He actually bloomed out of his autism and, for the most part, dropped platform masters.

He’s now more functional than most of Yea Forums

but that's... blue water...
he... he did it...

He's still posting on facebook and playing video games. He's also still very autistic, every time he posts something it's a fact about some obscure random stat equation, I want him to play Dark Souls for this reason.

Spoonfeed me on this dood

His turnaround is actually amazing really.but he now hates vidya games fuck him

lmfao so does Yea Forums

last I checked he has a gf now.

he's a treasure

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Would link you his website but I think he let the domain expire when he transitioned out of autism.

Best you're gonna get.


Can he look at mirrors yet?

One of the biggest turbo-autist now have a normal life and having fun, traveling the world. What about you?

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I'm proud of him. While I'm sad I'll never get to experience the greatest triumph of parallax scrolling in history, he's truly living his best life.

I got out of my basement and got a job, i guess thats something.

I just bought an apartment. Except for that I spend my days crying and browsing internet. Hate my life and myself. Sad stuff.

>goes all the way to the middle of the lake
talk about overkill

He's gone from known and renowned weirdo to bottom level normalfag. I dunno if that's a step up.

documentary literally never ever

So cwc is better?

did he give up on vidya?

He got a job at walmart and he's happy with it. It pains me to see him content with such a shitty job when he's capable of so much more.

Its not what you think thats important its how he feels inside. Clearly his quality of life improved.

Uli is the anti-CWC. He was always destined to become normal while CWC sank deeper into the hell of his mind.

How come he hates games now?

That's absolutely a step up. He enjoys his life now. I bet he even eats more than just degreased pizzas now.

I never went down the Uli rabbit hole. I was wondering about the keyboard in that picture and apparently it has a layer of dryer sheets over it. Huh.

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probably because he let himself be consumed by them, to the detriment of everything else in his life. Now that hes escaped, he looks back on games as a grim reminder of the shit he pulled himself out of. I would probably be the same way if I were him.

Well, If I liked shit games I would be embarrassed too

He probably realised it was a brain response to escape facing discomfort of reality, like ptsd. Just like you try to distract yourself with everything else to avoid doing your important papers and other responsibilities, but to a more serious degree.

He became a normalfag and publicly lambasted video games.
He still uploads gameplay videos apparently but doesn't put as much time into it as he used to. I didn't even know he played pc games actually.

I use to put on Ulis long development videos on to go to sleep to, some good asmr shit right there.

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He called me handsome once.

I was honored.
Posting a classic

that's a pond

someone must have initiated it or gave him an intervention

Our boy made it, I'm so fucking proud.

>Try to find it.

I remember his only interaction was his sister and her BF as well as the internet.

speaking of

he's become a normie now, he's probably even had sex as well

what's your excuse, Yea Forums?

This confirmed fake.

I don't have one, but I know if Ulillillia can escape then we all can

Obviously, im just being humorous.

it's hot though


I lived the normie life for 6 years, then moved back in with my mother when she had a heart attack and needed 2 stents.

Now I more or less take care of her.
I still have to work for a living.

There's nothing wrong with that, i had a friend would have cover his keyboard/mouse in tissues so it stopped leaving dead skin, grease and oil as well as hair.

It's just plain fucking smart, instead of constantly cleaning it down with sanitizers or alcohol

I miss him bros. I miss everyone.

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I haven't cleaned my keyboard in 5 years :)

Ulillillia is the anti-gamer. Uli is so pure he doesnt use bad words and doesnt masturbate. He has no interest in porn or other bad things. He just wants to swim and degrease pizza and grid max stats in jarpigs. His novels are award winning. He is autistic chad redneck jesus joe dirt. I wish he would do another fireworks special its been years.

He is like a 5 year old stuck in the body of a 25-30 year old.

Those fireworks specials had such good, pure, untrammeled kid energy. Unbelievably wholesome.

Stopped being a NEET, and got a respectable, well paying job and I'm on the promotion fast lane. I started eating healthier, and while I'm not all the way to proper lifting yet I do exercise almost daily. I also really stepped up my programming skills, as that's my job. I've also just about saved up enough to buy my own apartment in a good neighbourhood, a stepping stone to one day fulfilling my dream of building my own home, on my own land.

But I lost all my NEET / otaku friends along the way. Simply don't have the time to enjoy the things we had in common to anywhere near the same degree anymore. I feel incredibly alone.

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He still has Platform Masters but is working on it in a snails pace.
He still goes full autism in video games, but it isn't his main focus right now.
He is obsessed with swimming now.
Yes, he has a job, a GF, and a cell phone.
He is a Bernie Sander supporter.
Move on.

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he quit youtube over some change to the site like 2 years ago, maybe 3, and went over to Vimeo. Vimeo is nothing more than an elephant graveyard where youtube channels go to die so no wonder you lost track

It was the google+ integration I think.

He messages me every year without fail on facebook to wish me a happy birthday, hes alive and well from what I gather

Nice bloke and seems to be pretty functional now, good for him

>Did he finish Platform Masters?

What a dumb question. You realize he has never even made a single real level right? He just liked making backgrounds a lot

Are you me ?

Good luck with your mom

You dont "buy" an apartment you rent it, moron.

>platform masters will never be finished

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Just seems kind of stupid when there are better alternatives.

he definitely did make levels and has videos playing on the levels. unless you mean good looking levels in which case maybe not but i find the aesthetic charming. it looks like it plays a lot like commander keen or just a lot of those older 2d collectathons which i really like