>Reason: :)
>Reason: K/DR > 4
Why are you playing shit games?
>Reason: racial slurs
>admin disrespect
>shit game
It's dipshit carebear servers/admins.
I'm glad that matchmaking and other QoL systems are making the cancerous pockets of self-entitled "community" servers die. They were always a breeding ground of insecurity and furries.
>Reason: Griefing
If Gaben didnt want me to caberknight your medic then why is the only way to caber with a shield charge?
>preferring matchmaking to dedicated servers
I don't care if you were being ironic, get out.
>Reason: i dont like you
>banned for 3 days for no reason
>"can I get a reason as to why I was banned"
>You have been permanently banned
>Reason: Lance Armstrong was NOT the first man on the moon
>Reason: troll
>reason: we have your IP :)
>reason: posted the racist frog
not him, but it depends on the game.
Usually having a healthy mix of both is best, because they both offer advantages. Having only one is objectively shit though and sours a game horribly.
My nigga from another father
Was that from the /vg/ server?
Nah, it was pub. We pubcrawled with anons since user server didnt get populated and this happened.
>playing in full server
>Reason: VIP Member joined
Nah, fuck matchmaking, people get banned there too.
>admin makes dumbass claim about me breaking rules when I didn’t do anything and have multiple people to back me up
>tell admin he’s wrong
>banned: arguing with staff
Is there a more pathetic rule than to literally make it bannable for someone to say you’re wrong?
>Reason: minisentries are fucking cancer
quick rundown?
>Reason: RDMx20, Admin Disrespect, Ddos Threats, Ddosing, FailRP, Racial Slurs, Homophobia, Ban Evading, Hacking, MicSpam, Propkilling, Spawn Blocking, Prop Minge, Admin Impersonation, Pornographic Spray
>Console warring
Why is every rp server got 1 or 2 chill dudes and everyone else is a autistic sperg.
>Admin Impersonation
how does this one work? looks fun
Atleast he's honest
>”What’s up niggas?”
>Banned for racism
Fuck white people unironically
>banned unfairly
>come back on 20 identical accounts until admin has a mental breakdown
Seriously though why are mods the worst people on the internet
>Reason: Posting a NSFW image on a Work-Safe blue image board
based mods shitting on phoneposters
We were playan with other anons at pub server we usually frequent when user server sleeps. We dealt our normal amount of shittalking, griefing, bullying and tkilling for fun. This time an actual moderator was on and he caught me nading fresh spawn of MTF that was mostly just underage squakers. He pulled me to side and asked me "Haven't you naded the elevator couple of times before" to which I replied "I think I have done it hundreds of times on this server already and dying to elevator nade just shows you are not tactical thinker and the team is better of if liabilities like the squeakers who fall for it everytime are weeded out as soon as possible" and then I got that screen.
>Reason: your avatar is child por
what game?
>Banned for aimbotting
>mfw wasn't even aimbotting
I fucking loved the G3A3, killed so many Colonel 100 shitters with it from across the map.
>you have been banned from this server
>reason: refilling oxygen masks with welding fuel. setting engines fixed to forward max speed. stunning and cuffing engineer and dressing him with clown costume and putting 6 incendiary grenades into his inventory. locking medic into ballast. OD'ing captain with morphine. setting reactor to overload and hiding extinguishers. putting survivors to sleep and pouring methanol down their throats. cutting open hull of the submarine and letting in a pack of mudraptors
I'm never going to understand this, if you are black you can't even say nigga to your friends without others reporting your ass?
thats whats happen when you give a bit of power to broken people.
>reason: read the rules
SCP Secret Laboratory
>Tell paranoid sperg admin im coming back on a new account
>Dont and play with people who are fun to be around instead
>reason: not liking anime
fuck weebs
>replying to a porn thread
>guy enters room
>Starts hacking
>Team tries to ban him
>His name changes to legit players
>4 people get kicked
>Eventually he's kicked to
>Win round
>He shows up again in the next round
Fucking hilarious
>Reason: New account
>jannies are so bad at their jobs the what is allowed or not is inconsistent as fuck
i think ive been banned multiple times for images that i have been posting since fucking forever.
I'd ban you desu.
>late night gaming
>"It's real nigga hours!"
>reason: racism
>Reason: I have a masters in movie analysis, the sequel trilogy films far superior to the OT in direction, theme and tone.
I didn't even mention star wars, My username used to be 'The Mauler' He thought I was the youtuber...
They love their coombrain threads because they jack off to them too. Anyone calling them out on the irony get the hammer for "trolling".
>Reason: Hacking
It was my first online match of BF4 you no skill niggers.
>it’s getting quieter
>realize I’m probably one of the few innocents left. Feeling the pressure
>Looking for place to hide, turn corner
>some guy jumps down from nowhere with a gun, startles the shit out of me
>Drop him with shotgun
>accidentally back off a ledge and die to
>Banned: RDM
And another night out with anons at some sad public server.
Had this problem a few weeks ago, I'm starting to think all these off topic threads are just bait to ban people
thanks, that made my day
>banning someone who can easily get around the ban
whats even the point then???
What the fuck kind of language is this?
He's wrong about Star Wars but banning Mauler on sight if fucking based.
The only bans I've ever received were from this site and all were in the space of a few months.
Once was for spam, and that's because someone else posted an image after me, the rest have been for posting in threads that got deleted.
I try to be on my best behaviour on the internet.
>Friend gets kicked
>But it's okay if people are doing it on the admin's team
>Tell admin the guy was on the other side of the wall he was blowing up without knowing
>Admin: I don't give a fug :D
>Eventually get banned for cheating/aimbotting when destroying them ingame
>The server's clan are garbage at the game hence why they call it "Noob friendly" server so they ban anyone who is better than them
Brazilian monkeys ruined Bad Company 2 for NA so avoid RaS server at all costs. Sadly it's the only server in NA that's on the Rush gamemode that isn't on hardcore while the other low ping populated server is 24/7 Heavy Metal which is an incredibly shitty map.
>Votekick starts against me
>open console
>immediately back in game
>that one BF2 server called "Robert Reeds House of AIDS"
Just pretend to be an admin
Bonus points if non-children believe you
>reason: (an entire paragraph of the shit you just typed out with no further explanation)
Oh wait you were probably on that same server Those fucking brazilians are probably the reason why barely anyone in NA plays BC2 anymore.
>reason: not getting inside the helicopter
>get banned for shitting on fujo on yurifags who are spamming anime discussion on Yea Forums
>mention it after the ban naturally times
>banned again
Fags are a protected species on that board. Having seen the IRC logs I'm not surprised, just disappointed. Like literally nothing I did was bannable. Everything I said was either true or within the rules.
You could have saved it for an antag round, user
I never get banned from things. Maybe you guys are just faggots.
ttt and darkRP are the most autistic shitholes I've ever had the displeasure of visiting.
>be darkRP with mates for a laugh while they wait for classic to drop
>minding our own buisness selling guns and doing 'chemistry' in the back
>thief breaks in with hired marauder without declaring raid
>guns us all down
>elaborate maze gets removed by tranny janny fore being "illegally constructed" i.e. too complicated for smoothbrains
>thief and his fuckbuddy are from uganda or some other afro shithole according to steam
>"practising for real life eh buddy?"
>banned for racism
>play cod bo3 with friend on pc
>he's using a controller for aim assist left in by the devs
>gets top score every match
>one day he got banned
Some kind of perma ban that locked him out of mp, some bullshit.
> Cutter's classic duel server
Ahh the times.
long man bad
>toxic in moba (hots)
>never coming back to that crap
had a similar experience with overwatch except I didn't got banned.
I just uninstalled.
>reason: racism outside of Yea Forums
Nigger mods seething
Is that what Bill Gates does now he's retired?
Nah there's good reason. Mostly because he's a pseud brainlet who slaves over his videos but can't keep a coherent point on shit like EFAP. He's trying way to hard to be a bigbrain and it's not working.
>you can't make an objective argument for subjectivity
>not because subjectivity is wrong but because that's a contradiction
The balls on that pseud to rant for fucking hours about objective criticism when he can't even grasp the basic concept of what objectivity and subjectivity are and how they interact.
>banned for replying to off-topic garbage
TTT has been ruined by RDM shit
>no killing based off guns
>no killing asked off suspicion
>no killing off of location
>killed someone while chasing a T in the mass confusion? Slay
It completely takes out the whole point of the fucking game and makes every round the same shit over and over with no room for variance on either side. The game already punishes people for randomly shooting others with the karma system as well as other people probably thinking you’re the T if you don’t call anything
Only reason you should ban or slay for RDM is if it is consistently blatant griefing
Just wait mate. Everyone who's posted in the thread is in for a surprise.
>reason: no blacks allowed
remember that time all of the /vg/ server got banned by the game creator
>thread already had 300 replies before I started posting
Oh shit, kittenmod got his shit pushed in. Good job.
Usually doesn't happen unless the thread gained a lot of traction.
>Reason: not participating in ERP
>report an off topic thread three times
>it gets deleted
>I save an Innocent being attacked by a traitor from the back
>innocent was an underaged and he began to attack some one from other building thinking he was the sniper
>I help and kill the guy 'cause at least the kid IS innocent
>you have been kicked for the reason : learn to play
>enter immediately and began to mass shoot the server
>get banned
the server was good but this one admin was an absolute idiot.
>use little shitty sumg
>bum rush enemies
>kill them half the team
>banned: aim botting
They've done range bans a couple of times
Well, he wasn't the first man on the moon.
>Reason: Using Macros ( you can write an appeal in the forum)
>Write appeal
>Get unbanned
>Everyone on game starts laughing at me
fuck BYOND and fuck Naruto games.
>Reason: Im the law
>playing dead by daylight
>one perk kinda gives me wall hacks that let me see where are other players
>kill them all
>nice wallhacks retard
>some streamear saying he got it all on camera
>The ban was issued on tomorrow.
>Reason: Global rule 3
>Reason: Replying to porn thread
Are you fucking kidding me, Hiro
>Reason: you asked for it moron
For the past 10 years or so I've made it a habit to ask any and all admin/moderator i come across to personally ban me for no reason.
Majority of them don't because they're weak faggots
This sucks ass. That and quick que passes at theme parks, same shit but different flavor.
You were a bad goy dawg. Guilty by association. Only post in good boi threads or get the switch. Broken rules? Lacking healthy fear of authority
>mfw I hosted my own server with a >100 ping autokick and banned people for talking in non-english languages or having an annoying accent
Maybe instead of banning me mods should take preventive measures to ensure porn threads aren't created?
>playing private linage 2 server
>me and my brother were young and spend all our day playing
>become the most prominent players of a low rate server
>since we were the strongest players, we noticed when some literally who appeared with a better grade armor than ours
>ask the admin(female) what the hell was that about
>straight out perma banned us
>all the characters and the effort were lost in a single moment
>I didn't even say a thing and still got banned
>proceed to create multiple accounts and spam global chat with my brother
>eventually the admin got so frustrated she straight up disabled new account registration on the website
>server died a couple of months later
And that's when I learned that women make the worst figures of authorithy.
>reason: motd disabled
There’s more than one mod/janny and sometimes they actually enforce the rules. It’s like jaywalking - it’s technically illegal but cops usually won’t bother you about it. But if they want to, they can.
Don't accept bans
I'm not with him guys! I'm a good boy I SWEAR it.
Maybe they should just allow porn threads like when Yea Forums was good back in 05 or 06.
hey I also got banned from a shitty byond game
>be playing some gay rp game with /vg/
>need to cross a border
>cross it
>some people immediately start harassing me
>ask for documents or passport or some shit
>I dont know how this bitch even saw me I was 3 screens away
>I think this whole thing is bullshjit
>they start gloating about having giant fuckhueg screens to play on that let them see half the map
>tired of dealing with them
>they want to search my belongings
>just rp me masturbating in front of them while I link a screenshot of my inventory
>banned almost immediately
>reason: copy pasted what I just typed
>go to appeal weeks later
What’s RDM?
this is 4channel, not Yea Forums
>reason: idiot pedophile
Wait this thread is not about Yea Forums bans
>Reason: Replying to a cunny thread
>Reason: You killed my girlfriend
Stepped on this one while using phone IP's
is this a ban bait thread?
>you have been banned by Anonymous for 1 hour
>reason: goodnight lads
Community servers with professional non-attention whoring admins that only ban cheaters will always be better than MM.
Rusty Decorative Marihuana
That's what the porn boards are for, although gif sucks now
The strangest one I've come across was a warning on /fa/ because someone asked which brands of tobacco were the most fashionable.
You showed you ip bro im hacking you as we speak
Don't fuck with Anonymous
Man, I never played that mod exactly because of that, I'm a HUGE fan of the phantom custom map in starcraft 2 (for those who don't know, that's a regular 8 person map where a single
random person gets insane automatic resources and has to kill all other players) and the whole fun was to see the abuse of paranoid players, the best moments come from that.
trans post
I come across bans from other people all the time on my phone
It's always fun seeing the post that was the reason. There's this one suicide copy pasta that someone keeps spamming
Depends on the game, but dedicated servers breed off topic autism.
Some idiot in my neck of the state keeps getting banned for posting CP from their phone.
I came across a ban for zoophilia porn on Yea Forums once, someone near me is a degenerate.
>reason: nigger
I can't even get mad this always got a chuckle from me.
Based chad
I've never been banned from a game.
Matchmaking mostly just results in people screaming at each other for daring to do anything that might cost them precious MMR and filling bullshit reports as empty as any insecure admin's tantrum bans, though.
Someone in chile is a degenerate because I keep getting banned for posting (or soliciting) CP when phone-browsing
Mine too for a while. Hasn't happened recently for some time, though, so I guess they got van'd for good.
>people getting banned for replying in off topic threads
how come this never happens to me and yet i always reply on threads that get deleted shortly afterwards?
Are jannies still giving out site wide bans for posting in "off-topic" threads?
I'm honestly surprised by the amount of degenerates that post stuff like that.
I never really understand that one. I have gotten it from time to time, seems very random. With the amount of posts here that are "off-topic" they could ban like 95% of Yea Forums so it's kind of a retarded rule to begin with.
it's pretty random, happened to me like twice and I've been posting for like 9 years.
Happened to me in the last 12 months too.
It's based on the whim of any particular janny. There's no rule against posting in off topic threads. This would require users to basically moderate for the jannies, in accurately guessing what they would deem as off topic. I've posted in threads that are off topic that hit the bump limit and never get 404ed. I've posted in threads that are actually on topic and gotten that ban. Shit sucks. It's basically a purge they do on only Yea Forums users.
>reason: being fucking retarded
the language is downsyndrome zoomer
Ruben’s Delicious Mangos
why are jannies so gay
what is it about cocks they like so much
>Banned: Your spray got me in trouble with parents
probably the only power they had in their life is banning people on a indonesian film forum
watch as this post gets deleted
based 3 fiddy
>Reason: focusing admins
>You will not post any of the following outside of Yea Forums
randy's dirty microdrive
There's no actual rule against it, so it's literally just used by sperging mods throwing a power-tantrum because you unknowingly made a fool out of them in some thread or another. I've gotten it for pointing out that only newfags post wojak anymore.
I got kicked once for using a spray of cute anime girls in swimsuits and backstabbing people who stopped to look at it.
wait a second...
There were plenty of namefags and tripfags back then. Now seeing a single non-user poster once or twice a year is an oddity.
rare decaffeinated macchiato
Ooh ooh ah ah
>I've gotten it for pointing out that only newfags post wojak anymore.
aaaah, that makes sense, so when we get randomly banned for offtopic we just have to assume we hurt some janny feefees
>get banned for "replying to offtopic garbage"
>ban was for a post made a day ago
>don't even remember what the offtopic garbage was
>half the board is offtopic garbage anyway
>Reason: You have over 50 times the hours on pyro than anyone else. dude, get a life
Having only matchmaking is shit. Having only community servers is fine.
That would make sense if the thread started as off topic instead of devolving into off topic midway
>TORtanic's "golden" age
>Playing a Sith on Korriban
>Invited to join a guild called "Confederate States of America"
>Figure why the fuck not and accept
>Greeted by a gaggle of people
>Tell them I'm glad to meet them and hope we kill lots of Pub-niggers together
>"WTF" "Not cool man" "Dats rayciss"
>Am confuse
>Get told by guild leader they're a racially diverse and all-inclusive guild to anyone that wants to be a part of the CSA. There were even lots of black members
>Tell them "Hey, that's okay with me. Some of my best slaves are black."
>[You have been removed from the guild.]
tl;dr I was kicked out of a Johnny Reb guild for being too racist
Read da manual. Also, killing people without probable cause (or what the admins consider probable cause) is considered naughty on some TTT servers.
you deserved it for playing pyro
If there's no specific post cited in the ban you can safely assume it was just you replying to someone you didn't know was a janny and absolutely humiliating them.
>keep killing the admin in tf2
>banned: no reason given
>Reason : Hurt janny feefees
The early days of instagram were kek
>reason: fuck you
Only reason janny was a fag here was not making it a public redtext ban. That joke has gotten stale.
problem solved :^)
>guy accidentally enable his mic for less than 2 seconds while listening to music
>"votekick started. Reason: micspam"
>"user have been kicked. Reason: voted off"
He just banned you for being a dumb cuck
cringe but also somewhat based
admins/mods/janitors who abuse their powers should have their testicles eaten by dogs
and yeah I am refering to THAT video. Based fucking carthel bois. They're a necessary evil.
based daughter
>you'll never go back to forums and play mafia with your bros again
It's been so long
I got banned in a cs 1.6 server for over 20 days because i killed a admin with a nade and was laughing in chat
Yeah, something like that happened to me once. Dink ran around with perma-uber because he wanted to feel special, and I airblasted him off a cliff.
>that guy who starts random votekicks
>those votekicks that are successful and just before the guys kicked he’s raging on the mic
>some guy starts a votekick
>it fails
>start votekick against him
>jannies and mods took away my shitposting
guess this is why you turn into school shooters
But what I want to know is
seems like i can post this
Thanks. Yeah sounds like usual server stuff.
I am talking about all kinds of mods/admins and jannies, not just 4channel.
Banning retarded niggers who flood the boards with shitposts is based, but when you start abusing your powers (I've seen this happen a lot, especially on d*scord) then you should get smacked, hard.
Keep up the based work.
Jannies cant ban people you retards.
They can only request them
What does that mean? You opened a shitload of tabs or something?
>even Yea Forums mods, the gayest, most fag enabling mods ever will ban blacked cucklords
>meanwhile /pol/ mods consistently delete nigger hate threads while blacked porn threads are on the front page
clown man... simply EPIC... Yes!
and pro tip you know its a janny dealing with you if he blocks you from posting for 15 minutes
This sounds exactly like SS13, but I have no idea wtf a mudraptor is
Not having a fun time in high school, huh?
mods = gods
get fucked shitter
*teleports behind you*
*resets IP*
Heh nothing personel, kid!
In my case, for some bizarre reason, I was banned for a year on my phone and never noticed that. Hell I even posted stuff from time to time and never got the info that I was banned.
but blacked is hot
Who does the actual banning then
>Reason: MLP r34 spray
I'd say you're a good griefer.
Most fags just do basic shit like releasing plasma.
Like if you are gonna grief,atleast make it good
means you participating in a DDOS attack
Gookmoot is banning massive ranges of mobile ips so he can sell more Yea Forums passes needed to bypass them. That is his secret plan to make more money of Yea Forums.
In Yea Forums? ABIB
>Reason: None
Whichever mod picks up the request
>seeing a single non-user poster once or twice a year is an oddity.
What? There are certainly less but there are plenty of tripfags around
I see them multiple times a week
People try to DDOS Yea Forums?
>tf2 server has chalkboard with rules in the pre-round start lobby
>put spray on wall
>get banned for "disrespecting the rules"
From then on i only played the party-van ssrver
its also very unlikely that you don't get banned if something like that happens.
>bored and out of ideas, start constructing random garbage in the hallways
>build an IV drip, immediately realize that they can be constructed but not deconstructed, and you can't walk through them
>start building them all over the place, clogging up hallways
>place double thick layers of IV drips around random crew members, making it impossible to escape without outside help
>things quickly escalate, all of security is chasing me down, but I can always just block them off with more IV drips and banana peels
>manage to sneak off the station in the escape confusion
>reason: stop being a jackass
are you seriously asking that?
Was the spray in violation of the rules? Or was there a server-wide ban on sprays?
It just seems like people would have other, more constructive uses for their time.
>get banned from community server
>find another that better suits you
>get banned from matchmaking
>can't play the game anymore
Reminds me of this one guy I was an admin with on a TF2 server. Among other things he would goad people into arguments just so he could ban them for arguing with staff. According to our forum ban list
he had the most bans out of any admin. One of my favorites was where he kept banning this guy because
he just kept talking, claiming it was micspam. Of course the player kept getting unbanned since he talking
excessively on the mic was not against the rules. I could go on about this guy but that story is my favorite.
The worst part is that despite all the complaints from the other 30 or so admins the server owner took years to do anything about it and all he did was remove him as an admin.
>in a Dark Souls thread
>everyone is talking about the game
>topic of builds comes up
>post the new playthrough build roll image
>get banned
Meanwhile blatant t&a threads with waifu rollers get off scott free
Moderation is a joke
Yikes, have sex whitheys
Neither. It was that I sprayed on a wall that had the server rules listed on them inside the spawn point. Despite the fact you get to see the rules when you connect to the server.
I remember this
if people bother to try and ddos anything at all you know for sure they have nothing better to do
>admin instantly bans new players to the server that aren't you
It's only console warring when nintendo gets btfo by above 40 iq anons
ABIB is a faggot
are you reading this ABIB? You're a faggot.
>admin a discord with like 100 people in it
>one dude is annoying as fuck, keeps picking fights, complete lack of social awareness
>hasn't actually broken any rules so I can't ban him
That seems like it warrents a warning at least.
>post something about the janitors
>someone immediately posts porn in thread
I've seen this happening these past months trying to delete these threads
>wedge heels
Having common sense should be a rule
You'd be amazed how many people lack it
Retard. Lance was the jazz musician.
>On /tg/
>Post a picture of a literal fucking MTG character that is in tons of cards and promotional material
>24 hour ban for posting furry shit
I guess the mod has the hots for Elspeth and doesnt like the idea of Ajani giving her the long feline dicking
add a rule that says dont be a dick, there now you can ban people whenever you want
they've been doing it a lot these past couple of years. Sometimes the entire thread gets nuked when only one post of porn was posted.
>admin in a discord server
You don't have human rights.
>offtopic thread
>jannies start getting shit
How do you respond to this without sounding mad?
You don't.
I thought admin were power-tripping fags. Is it an autistic adherence to the rule of law or is there an autistic owner above you? Just... stop being an admin. Or make an executive action and warn/ban his toxic ass before it ruins your community
Totally reasonable. You are essentially griefing at that point. There is no reason for you to be on that server, and there is no reason for anyone on that server to want you around.
Then you let them win.
You're lucky it was only 24 hours, catfucker
When was that?
GR3 cant get you banned for regular furry images anymore.
Recently I got warned for posting furry too.
Either some of the mods have no idea on the new rule changes or they are powertrippers.
Probably both
No, I made and run the discord, but I don't want to be one of those people who kicks others over petty shit like the admins ITT, but this also means having to deal with people you can't fucking stand or even openly dislike you in the name of being fair.
I really shouldn't care that much but our community is niche, small and doesn't get a lot of new people so if I kick someone, everyone is going to notice, for better or for worse.
Get BARBED whiteboi
Come in with alt accounts and ruin their fun in a fun way.
No more than 3 or 4 monthes ago. Youd think those idiots would know who Ajani Goldmane is.
Ajani is pure! Pure!
>Reason: Dancing in water as medic
[ear-shattering splash]
>Reason: My unusual is better, loser
>banned for 3 days for replying to off topic thread
What the fuck, guillotine the mods
Reason: Fuck u fagot. Haker shit.
>length permanent
>Reason: Transphobia and misgendering of characters
Yeah, sure buddy. I totally believe that you didn't post some borderline-NSFW image of whoever it is and got banned for furry porn
>not just bullying him out
Fucking losers. Self moderation is better than any ban
Just don't post sexualized images you fucking dunce
The rule is clearly about that, use your head. You can post without cracking open your /trash/ folder.
hold a poll to ban him
Someone near me was shilling their discord server, glad they got banned
>5 cents have been deposited into your Yea Forums gold account
>Reason: Capping on Hightower
Still have mine saved.
Its like a badge of honor.
>you're too good waaaaaahhhh
Good reasoning.
You are already banned and your appeal would just be mocked in moderator discord. You can bypass the ban and have your rightful revenge.
>reason: "Your team isn't aloud to score"
>reason: "don't kill my friend"
>reason: "I don't care if he's capping the flag, he's a friendly"
Name the game.
Who falls for the gold meme? It gives you nothing except a shitty board.
>Reason: Failed to win round
Sorry, user, Ajani exudes far too much masculine energy to be considered Safe For Work. You'll have to switch to Kemba Kha Regent immediately.
Hmm. Have a community vote. Open up a strawpoll and ask if they think this issue should be addressed
I love when his more /pol/ oriented audience members shit on him and Fags in the chat. I hope wolf gets lynched for being a furfag pedo.
Dumbest reason
>reason: 我走牛奶行业
>Doing bad for a couple of rounds
>enter the zone
>suddenly playing like a mlg pro for the next round
>Reason: Cheating
git gud kid
But user, he was banned for having a high KD ratio. He was gud.
I love how notoriously bad BF admins are
Hold my shitpost for a sec
you remind me of a friend, god damn was he based.
>That double head turn to the grenadier
I know it isn't intentional but god what a moment
>he thinks sexualized=porn
do I smell puritans
>Reason: replying to off-topic garbage
Tranny janny isn't just a meme, user. This is exactly the kinda wrongthink mentality twitter has.
this is the perfect webm
the guy jank crawling his way out
the assault panicking in place
>reason: "posting NSFW"
>it was SFW
>tf2 server
>frequently make jokes
>people laugh/dont care
> wymon tard admin complains
>owner agrees ban me for 300 days
>she's the server owner's gf
and people ask me why i hate women and community servers
A place for fun indeed.
There was a guy on /vg/ who found out his roommate was a pedophile because he got banned on his own wi-fi's IP for posting CP.
>banned for a month for sharing futa sandpanda links and arguing that futa on male is straight in a thread that was already extremely off topic from the start
>banned for 3 days for defending Yeezus on /r9k/
>banned for 3 days on Yea Forums for making a monster girl quest thread
>banned for a week from Yea Forums for pestposting in a sneed thread
sometimes you have to wonder what the mods are thinking
It's the little things in life.
was that the one with
>Reason: toxic/troll/unpopular opinion/you are 'my conception of bad'/another word to hide 'you hurt my ego'
>arguing that futa on male is straight
>Reason: No spoiles
And the funny thing is this happened here.
Hell yeah equipcat
/gif/ is just /d/, /hc/, /hm/ and /lgbt/ merged into one
there's too much shit. literally.
based fofty
Yea Forums isnt kidding with that you know
Right? It's pretty obvious it is.
So how is the full release of barotrauma?
wasn't on Yea Forums was on Yea Forums
What did you spoil, user?
>gif sucks now
literally, that place turns gayer every year
Dudes taking it up the ass is pretty gay my dude.
Even if it's a girl doing the dicking.
>Reason : Banned
River City girls ending
I hope I don't piss off janny-kun and catch another ban for this but yes. it is straight.
that's 99% girl you're dealing with, in fact if it's a traditional futa with a penis and vagina it's 100% a girl but just with a dick attached as extra. there's still tits, still a vagina, still 100% girl, just with 5% boy attached to said girl. it's no more gay than letting a girl peg you, you're mimicing a homosexual action but with a female doing it to you. You might say "but a dick is still going in your ass" in which case I ask you this. do you think anal sex is hot? a lot of men do, a lot of men want to penetrate the asshole of a woman. but gay dudes penetrate eachothers assholes. so by that logic even though it's a woman you'd still be doing a gay act IF we accepted that taking a dick from a woman is a gay act, so is penetrating a womans asshole.
I remember spoiling Avengers and getting permab& twice for Proxy/VPN even though it was my home IP.
I must've triggered some mod pretty hard.
This happened to me for the first time not too long ago
>it was someone posting jlaw's butthole
god Abib is really the worst mod here
found the admin's pet
>banned for 3 days for defending Yeezus on /r9k/
Good. I'm fucking pissed that you normies took the board and shat all over it turning it into Yea Forums 2,0, as if the site doesn't already have a shit ton of board (including I dunno...Yea Forums) for you to spam your normalfag shit on. Eat shit dick, janny is based in this case.
ok retard
OK faggot
>tfw almost got banned for making a sneedpost, got a warning for it, but I legit answered the question the OP was asking in spoilers so I wasn't banned
He's also the mod forcing SCP Secret Lab to /vg/ after a week anons started to talk about it and play user servers.
I think I was being a little obtuse with it so let me clarify.
We can separate futanari into two camps
>traditional futanari. full female body with female genitals just with cock and balls or just cock attached
>non futanari that people still call futanari. girlish body but no vagina and dick + balls. for the sake of clarity we will not be covering this
so establishing that we're talking about traditional futanari let's get into the nitty gritty, that being that the body is 100% female. There is a vagina, there is a female shape and form, there is a female bone structure. the difference is that ON TOP of the 100% female body there is a 10% maleness added onto it. You can't say it's 90% female 10% male because that would imply the male organ attached to them is removing part of their female physiology, which it isn't. it's just an extra part attached to the female making them 110% of a person. These percentages aren't exact they're just meant to demonstrate, don't split hairs on this.
now for the act of being penetrated by the futanari as a male. you would consider this gay. me? not so much. Let's dive in. Prostate stimulation is a natural aspect of male sexuality that many men are trying with their FULLY FEMALE partners in REAL LIFE. nothing gay about that. just a girl playing with your prostate. Now we've established females are girls, so really the futa penetrating you is just female prostate play but with a phallus. "aha" you might say "phalluses are gay" well guess again, you MIGHT have a leg to stand on if it weren't for the fact that said phallic object is attached to a female and part of said female. just as we've established having a females finger inside of you isn't gay, so too is having a females dick inside of you. not gay. not even close. it's just more of their body inside of you than a finger, like a larger finger that can cum in you. what's straighter than that?
>appeal and tell them it's an illusion
>appeal denied
>"that's clearly porn"
mod's cant take a joke
No need to be bigoted, this was a civilized discussion. Reported
Pshh... nothin personnel, (tr/j)anny.
>it's a 3 day lease
>turning it into Yea Forums 2,0
we're at Yea Forums 5.7 already
>arguing with someone that futa isn't gay
>admin agrees with me and bans the other guy
>SCP MP was doing fine, anons were cool
>suddenly forced to /vg/
>Yea Forums anons naturally stop playing because of this leaving nothing but /vg/ discord degenerates
>now SCP MP has no chance of ever coming back because the discord trannies will hijack it and ruin the experience for everyone
/vg/ is death
Bbq and chilly?
Reason: For last time, ashwalkers are not allowed on station, you have been rolebanned like three times
Fuck you TG, I shall conquer the station
The absolute state.
Stop playing TG,who the fuck loves those servers when the coders are braindead retarded
>reason: stop spamming stickies like a cunt
U deserve it faggot ass futafag
>Reason: Reserved slot
>put stickies on the payload control point
>nobody notices them
>detonate them once the cart rolls over it
Here’s your (You) faggot
Girls don’t have dicks
Like holy shit ur a retarded Faggott
Stop posting anytime u faggot
Girls don’t have dicks ur brain is literally rotted by all the gay pron u have consumed
Stop posting anytime this is embarrassing to read
Just fuck off no one asked to here about ur digusting fetish cope atmempt about coping with ur clear homosmex
The kinda shit some people get banned for is something else, i gotta say.
Never looked into this kinda shit so i wouldn't know any better, but hot damn.
I never get banned ever aside from for comedy when bantering with my friends.
Are most of you "that sperg" in every multiplayer that sucks ass and blames everybody else and then wonders why he got booted?
People rarely ban the good people you know? Even if they sperg out.
A year or two ago there was some avatarfag who would post the same 2 or 3 anime girls while making "What games should I play to help me with my depression?" Like 2 or 3 times a fucking day for weeks. I hope that faggot migrated to r9k or got permabanned. Goddamn that was fucking annoying.
different user here.
im gonna make a total turn around and say that futanari (and traps) are neither gay or straight. If you like (or in better words, prefer) futas and traps more than the normal thing, youre probably a total autist.
Hear me out:
So there are 2 things that are important for both a straight guy and a gay guy (in terms of body, not considering character). These are A. genitalia and B. a person's appearance (feminine or masculine)
For straight guys, its important that the genitalia and appearance of a person must match to the average person of the opposite gender.
For gay guys, its important that the genitalia and appearance of a person must match to the average person of the same gender.
Now, for both sides peak attraction is the desired person matching 100% with their vision of a loved one (not less, not more).
Now lets see at the futas. As in your argument they are 100% female and 10% male. That is still 10% that is not female and you would still prefer just the 100% female no strings attached
>but the dick is just a bonus!
Not really. A straight guy doesnt want to play with someone else's dick. this counts on both fucking a person that has a dick AND getting fucked by a person with a dick. They have their own thing and they have their biological desire to put his own dick into a vagina (or any other hole) of a person with only a vagina.
The gay guys, same thing. They prefer 100% male and not something more female or something less male. They want to play with a dick, not a vagina.
Now what about traps? The same thing applies, the difference is that those rules apply more to an overall appearance rather than only genitalia.
Therefore, in my opinion, if you like futas (or traps), youre not gay and not straight. You are very weird abomination of the 2 sexual desires.
TG is trash but trash I feel comfortable in,
Other than /vg/ there are no "good" serverd, and calling vg good is a stretch too
>that one time where some redditor start talking in OOC that everyone should stop using ligger even while RP, because its racist towards black, and everyone started calling him nigger
TG has its moments
I actually havent played SS13 since I switched to linux
>There were plenty of namefags and tripfags back then
and it was just as gay
Trans girls are girls, so it's just a guy fucking a girl, and therefore straight.
>Trans girls are girls
there's a reason they're called trans girls and not girls
>Banned: Racist slits
>Go to a new server ran by different people
>First thing I here is “YOURE A NIGGER”
Hippie station is alright. I wouldn't call it good but the Thanos mode is different at the very least. The mods were fairly decent too from what I saw.
i think my ISP uses proxy cache. I ended up getting someone's ban like halfway through the ban length. It was a post on Yea Forums that was trying dox someone. It was weird, man
every server has it's downsides.
goon is really great on how advanced it is but what keeps most TG and /vg/ users away from it is the rules.
I myself really dont have trouble with that as i'm not an autistic sperg that needs to say nigger all the time
I also got used to goon controls and interface that I cannot play with TG controls and interface at all even when I try,being used to the advanced code made me a brainlet to the ancient servers that have almost zero hotkeys
Based user dabbing on tranny mod.
There were newfags back then too. Everyone was new at some point.
I can say nigger in tg, i got warned twice in vg, i'm guessing the other ones wont' even allow me to have a laff while doing my fucking job so nah
It does seem like they change shit for the sake of change, too often for no real reason, but it's not the roles i tend to play so i'm safe for now
I thought you could say nigger in /vg/?
>user banned (permanent): community hivemind trolling against tranny mods
Garbage, avoid it. More bugs. Developers are clearly just cash grabbing.
>tfw post in every off-topic thread nonstop
>never been banned because mods are afraid of my chad aura
Feels good to have janny as my personal onahole.
Trans is an adjective though. Blonde girls are a type of girl, tall girls are a type of girl, and trans girls are a type of girl.
>I replied to an off topic thread
Probably, though I feel like telling the clown not to be a jackass is a fundamental misunderstanding on someone's part.
Still not girls. It's like calling an old dog an old puppy, the dog is not a puppy anymore but old puppy helps describe different things.
>trans girls are a type of girl.
Trans girls are girls, my dude.
cope tranny
explain how
>Reason: "what's worse? the fact that i'm fucking my daughter... or the fact that the abortion clinic let me keep her?"
When I used to live with family I was constantly banned from all boards for "furry" because of somebody else in the house. I still dont know who it was. Brothers? Sister? Dad?
It's apparently from a movie and not actual porn.
Some girls have pussies, some girls have dicks. Some guys have pussies, some guys have dicks. That's pretty much it. Genitals and gender are completely unrelated. Guys are guys and girls are girls, anatomy has nothing to do with that aspect of personality.
did you sister like neopets?
did your brother watch totally spies?
does your dad REALLY get into the dog show before the superbowl?
>Reason: Trying to Root Hack in to Server.
read that as "noding the elevator"
Fine by me, mobile peasants and suck my root.
Depends how much the mod is seething that day.
Serbian Film?
>always keep a Poison ejaculating from being assfucked to spray over any selfies or clan logos
>how about you just SHUT UP AND LET ME BE SPECIAL
sound version
user theres a word for that its called bisexual
Yeah. I've seen it go both ways but usually the mod just automatically agrees with the janny.
Like 8 years ago someone dropped the name but I forgot.
no, fuck you. the gamemode gives you tons of ways to gather proof, shit like "killing off suspicion" is one of the few things that should be forbidden. you can kill someone for dragging an unid body with him, but not for holding a shotgun when someone got killed with one 1minute ago, that's retarded.
i don't know maybe i was just lucky to find a great server where mods weren't retards and would treat every report differently, i.e you wouldn't get slain for honest mistakes or shit like that. or maybe Yea Forums is just too fucking retarded to actually follow the rules of the gamemode so they sperg out.
so much better with sound
>oh noonoonoonooNOO
>shut up you motherfucking titties
oh right.
theres this word.
the point still stands, just replace "autist" and "abomination" with bisexual and its fine
Fake, font isn't even the same
>Reason: Making Space for a member of the guild/clan :)
>Had Cheat Engine open for a game I was playing, decided to test it on SWTOR and the speedhack worked
>Turbo ran to every checkpoint on every planet
>2 week ban
yikes, Yea Forums has fallen quickly. Told you faggots that accepting shonenfags was a slippery slope towards normification
>Reason: I don't like your name
save hex, freecell
I got accused of being the traitor because I had a gun in my inventory (I know how these games work, wanted the protection.) The ships gaurd threw me into the ballists and ordered the captain to dive so that he could turn it into a make shift water execution chamber. Gonna be honest, it was pretty damn funny. Next round I welded myself shut in the captains room and drove the sub straight into the ocean floor, the impact killed almost everyone and shut off oxygen to the cabin.
u a villain
>guy who posted that image of a baby holding a guy's finger that looks like a penis actually got banned for CP
Holy shit you're mad
medicine man bad
He probably used the "Illegal content" button. I've been warned about 20 times for doing that.
What part of my post confuses you? I thought I explained it pretty simply but I can elaborate if you still don't understand.
probably august underground
Deserved it faggots who try to win on hightower are worse than faggots who spam edgy keybinds
>reason: calling other niggers
>reason: watching Naruto
>reason: CP
>mfw it's on our university employee network
>mad because bad
I've been banned from Team Fortress 2 servers for pubstomping too hard. Admin later messaged me saying that he doesn't think I'm cheating but the server was trying to promote new player friendliness and a lot of people were getting killed too much and just left.
Cute giirl. Sauce?
>ISP has WiFi hotspots all over town
>IP assigned to your MAC address
Pico from Boku no Pico
>someone says white power in chat
>nothing happens
>someone else replies with nigga power
>banned for racism
>university employee network
Sounds like a bro, you should meet up with him and kick the shit outta him
What the fuck did you do
My phone IP is underage frogposters admitting to being underage, go figure
>i wasn't
eduroam is a goldmine for these
>autoconnect to the network in Dublin near Trinity college
>global ban for >tfw no gf posting on /int/
I posted the barneyfag's pic in another board lol, I explained to the mods that I wasn't Lee and they reduced the ban from 30 days to 3 days
that fucking filename made me lose
>tfw we also have eduroam
of course they were posting on /int/
Based thai chad working janny into a shoot
Wait so they ban that guy for posting that pony TV schedule image?
>reason: hasn't seen the matrix
>Reason: Downplaying transphobia
i still think about this picture from time to time. one of the most exquisite examples of verbal destruction out there
>Reason: Griefing
People always whine about /pol/niggers being annoying, and I know they've never been to /gif/. Those fuckers are so cartoonishly racist it's fucking ridiculous
>the absolute state of Trinityniggers
the amount of tf2 community servers that kickban me for "aimbotting"
>fire bomb my own team from the backs
>some faggot is starting a vote kick against me
>"fucking team killing tard"
>votekick failed
>votekick instantly against him
>votekick passed
>return to fire bombing my team
It is such a shitshow, every thread is either about trannies, gays, SFM or racebait, 20-30 webms dumped upfront, the same amount of retarded sauce posters and then a lengthy discussion about cuckolding
>Username: Hadron
>Banned. Reason: Inappropriate user name
Happened to me multiple times
>Name myself Spica after the star
>Get banned due to racism.
>Reason: Stop asking me if i'm a homosexual
>We are lolicon website.
>Reason: Get out of the fucking J-10
He should have known. If they didn't want their buns toasted by a teammate, they wouldn't be playing Mordhau.
Fair, honestly.
>be playing a roleplay game
>place bombs and kill all the other players around
>get warned by admins
>Decide to be stealthy and suicide bomb next to the other players
>repeat until finally got cough screaming Allahu akbar
>Banned: no expiration
roleplayfags are a bunch of pussies lol
>Reason: Fat Shaming
>playing shithau earlier today
>get kicked for teamkilling despite never getting one TK the whole game
god awful game
You were killing the groove, man.
I did this in Day of defeat 2 to the enemy team.
Sometimes i was the one with the most kills.
Pissed off a lot of players.
>see teammate throwing firebombs
>go stand in them until he gets autokicked for teamkills
I think you got kicked for not teamkilling and thus not playing the game correctly
>Reason: "Czechia is sudetenland, you tard"
Jokes on him, I went to his house and flung dung at his windows.
probably, just another reason to kill myself
also plausible
>Have Hitler in my username
>Been banned from multiple TF2 and Counter Strike servers for it
Had to use the in-game name change for Holdfast or the Admin of the only public server was goona do me in
Only time I've cucked on it
>banned for a month for sharing futa sandpanda links and arguing that futa on male is straight in a thread that was already extremely off topic from the start
I thought they kicked out the Germans after the war ended.
Bad taste is grounds for a ban
>Banned by admin
>Reason: "My little brother couldnt join the full server"
I was so fucking mad
>lifeweb 2015
>learn the recipe for bombs
>each round I experiment to make bigger and bigger bombs
>start with cups of chemicals
>then move to buckets
>then actual bomb casings
>eventually to barrells filled with hundreds of units of chemicals
>bombs that freeze the server for 10 minutes and destroy literally everything that players inhabit
>do this for a few weekends
>game update
>one of the chemicals are now locked inside a secure locker, can no longer make bombs as easily
>fast forward a few years
>community filled with normalfaggots now
>banned because they moved to discord and discord ego/drama faggots
They came back afterwards. Either way, he was seething enough to ban me for arguing otherwise on his server, so gg.
I know it's time stop hentai.
>talking about video games outside of /vg/ is strictly forbidden
>having 30 smash threads clogging the catalog is fine
>Reason: "Trannies are mentally ill faggots"
Bruh just stop being black like nigga try having lighter skin lmao
trannyjannies are funny
But... Why?
>never been banned from a server for playing too well
this cannot be real
I fucking got this once! What does it mean?
>be on 30 kill streak for the first time in my life
>reason: Ghosting
Really Darn Moist
>Reason: Speaking in Berber :^)
Fucking Arab mods, I swear to fuck
I wish people would spam gore and cp etc... more like the old days. Fuck mods and fuck all these newfag underage redditors.
inb4 I'm banned
Cu-Sith from Housamo
>banned for doxxing the entire 4channel staff discord
discord trannies are real
That one is fake, though.
The second /vg/ server has only banned one guy, he's that autist that spergs out about the server constantly.
he never said it was a good type