If you could only Pick 2 of these remaining Wii U titles to be ported to Switch, which would you pick?

If you could only Pick 2 of these remaining Wii U titles to be ported to Switch, which would you pick?

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>wind waker

Xenoblade X and Wonderful 101

I would choose to laugh at Switch owners wanting ports of a generation old console.

Anything that's not the bottom 3 is the wrong answer.

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Wind waker and Twilight princess

>generation old
the Wii U was the start of this gen, the PS4 and Xbone followed it
Nintendo just killed the Wii U and replaced it with the Switch because they knew they fucked up with the Wii U's existence
If anything the entire Wii U's library should be ported over to the Switch and Wii U's should be traded in for Switchs for free after Nintendo's blunder and intentional consumer assfucking they did

Obviously Pikmin 3 and SM3DW.

Mario 3D World if it comes with online multi this time.

Otherwise, Wind Waker and uh, Pikmin I guess

There's so much I'd have been able to forgive if the Switch was compatible with Wii U Pro Controllers

Pikmin 3 and The Wonderful 101 because I feel sorry for it

You and me both
>buh here's our NEW pro controller that'll be $60 goy, i mean gaijin
>dont forget to buy our NEW version of smash, mario, and xenoblade you wacky gamers

Xenoblade X and Wind Waker

Much as it pains me to admit it W101 is not worth playing without a wii u style gamepad

Wonderful 101 and twilight princess
Tp over xenoblade since it's like the only zelda game I haven't finished yet

None, I don't want Nintendo to spend their development time on the ports I won't buy.


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>without a wii u style gamepad
what's the difference between the wii u gamepad and the switch besides 5 pounds of plastic and a lower quality resolution on the screen?

inb4 this the next one announced by Nintendo

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Having access to two screens at once

Better pic
Why do fourteen year old Brazilians still think Nintendo has to choose between porting Mario 3D World and developing Mario Odyssey 2? You realize most of these are outsourced right?

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Pikmin 3 because Pikmin is fantastic and Twilight Princess HD because I missed it on the WiiU.

How do you intend to port Xenoblade X then? The map and fast travel system was designed around having two screens and for some reason being able to pause in X and look at a map "RUINS DA IMMERSION:

Pikmin 3 and TPHD

Why in God's name does this image use two similar colors for the categories? Is it a secret colorblind test or something?

Pikmin 3 and 3D World only do Arlo would shut the fuck up and didn’t make that retarded 2 faced biased video

Can I just pick none of them?

Yeah that bothered me as well

Also leaves out that Crafted World replaced Woolly World.

wonderful 101 and wonderful 102

Fatal Frame and then Fatal Frame again because you left it out of the pic in favor of more bing bing trash like WW and TP that you can probably play on your actual toaster at this point.

>buy a Wii U after seeing BOTW reveal trailer
>Nintendo spits in my mouth and delays it's release and additionally releases a new console to launch with BOTW

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A lot of games they made are outsourced, like metroid, donkey kong or luigi's mansion. So what is your point?

Porting and making a new game are 2 different things that 2 different teams do.

These are the type of people who gets mad about Link’s Awakening because they somehow think the BOTW team made it

If they'll hire some aussie shmucks again to port any of these games, they might as well don't bother.

They literally said Splatoon was only playable with a duel screen. Not sure how it works on Switch (as I've not played it) , but it certainly runs minus a second screen

Watch Star Fox Zero get a port


None, because I've already played two on the Wii U, two on the GC/Wii and I don't care about the remainder.
Also TP HD is pointless, just play the original.

I think they're going to take the L with that game and just go back to the drawing board for StarFox. They went whole-hog on making sure that game needed the gamepad in order to be played and knew full and well it'd be a risk, but it just didn't work out.

Xenoblade and Pikmin, but I would also take Wind Waker

>hmm our fans didn't really like the motion controls and begged us to just give them a controller

>ww and tp hd
that's what the switch needs, ports of ports so the next console can have ports of ports of ports

Gyroscope on a controller is better for aiming than actual motion controls

The two screen gimmick and garbage speed and assets was the problem when Zero, not the aiming

I want the Switch to become the new Zelda machine.

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The motion/gyroscope wasn’t the problem though
People keep making this mistake.

>Gyroscope on a controller is better for aiming than actual motion controls
You know what's better than both of those?
A normal fucking controller that doesn't require you to jump through hoops just to play a game that's concept was perfected in the 90's
SF64 has the results they keep trying to replicate, but refuse to understand WHY 64 is so much more fun than the crap they keep giving us

I forgot Twilight Princess HD even existed.
XCX and W101 are definitely deserving of switch ports. They're great games and the success of niche games by the same developers on the Switch suggests it would be worthwhile to port those two.

>The motion/gyroscope wasn’t the problem though
Not the entire problem, but it really turned me off
Why hasn't Nintendo figured out most people just want to sit down on a couch and relax into a pillow or something and play a video game?
Why does everything need to have a gimmick that requires extra work to just play the game?

I unironically liked Skyward Sword, but the motion controls are such a turn off when it comes to replayability

XBX, looks pretty fun and it doesn't seem to have all the garbage that XBC2 has that makes it so shit

Don't really care about all the rest but one of the zeldas

Your not wrong but it was done retardedly when games like splatoon had it right.
Majority of Switch games today include gyro as an option so you can mix your regular controller with precision aiming if you want to.
Stop being a sperg about it. This isn’t the Wii era.

Zero was retarded but the idea could’ve been executed better because it has.
Zelda has gyro aiming with bows and such only f you want to.
Shit like this is what a modern Star Fox would definitely do

>as an option
that we didnt get in Zero
That's the issue
They WANT us to enjoy their retarded gimmicky crap.

>Zelda has gyro aiming with bows and such only f you want to.
And the aiming on that is fucking AIDs too.
Zero was supposed to be the modern Starfox and they didnt even give us that option to turn the gyro off

XCX is a fun as fuck mecha rpg. The gameplay is great even if the story and character development left much to be desired.

my nigga

This and it's not even a remotely difficult pick

3D World and Wonderful 101

Wonderful 101 and Project Zero Maiden of Black Water, which yiou didn't even include in your image, nor did you include Starfox Zero/Guard, NintendoLand, Game and Wario, Kirby Rainbow Paintbrush or Paper Mario Colour Splash. If I had to choose a second from the image it'd be 3D World though.

Pikmin 3 and Mario 3D World


Wind waker
Xenoblade X (only if Treehouse's censoring is undone)
Otherwise, Twilight Princess

Crafted world didn't replace anything

This nig gets it.

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I'd pick for the Switch to get two new games and I'll just play those games on my softmodded Wii U.

>any Wii U game
>any Wii game
>any GameCube games with the GameCube controller, Wii/Wii U controllers, the fucking gamepad, or really any USB controller
>every other Nintendo console and various others
>N64 VC and injection
>all on the TV or the gamepad
People underestimate the Wii U.

Pikmin 3 and Xenoblade X, they deserve another chance.

I think W101 wouldn't get that much attention if it did make it's way to switch and i want Bayo3 first

WW and TP aren't fucking Wii U games, you retards

You might as well put Mother 1 there

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Why does nobody ever include Fatal Frame 5?

>W101 is not worth playing without a wii u style gamepad
W101 is best played with the pro controller, those shitty forced gamepad segments sucked dick too

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Too bad BC isn't scaled super great and the VC has dark filters

The OP is referring to the HD versions, which were Wii U games

The gyro was great though. Being able to move and aim independently is perfect for Star Fox.

Having to look at two fucking screens at the same time like I'm a chameleon and intentionally making the reticle on the TV less accurate than the gamepad is shit.

The HD GC ports are still ports not wholesale games. the only thing they added to WW were some of the distance times sailing were shortened.

And they didn't do anything to TP besides add Gyro aiming.

Everyone sist always forgets Fatal Frame 5.

VC dark filters can be removed actually. I patched my SM64 rom to run in widescreen and 60 fps and removed the dark filter. Runs perfectly. There's a gbatemp thread on it.

Obviously you don't have the dark screen problem if you're playing on a homebrew emulator too.

Kinda indicative how KT really didn't even try to advertise for it.

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The game only came out in the West due to fan outcry, surprised nobody paid that much attention to it

TP had some sections shortened and added a new item, plus a new dungeon (despite being locked behind amiibo, which isn't an issue if you bought it physical) and other new collectibles

Which Nintendo fucked over by removing the bikini skins, and also being only available on the eshop in NA.

It really never stood a chance.

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An enhanced port is still a port user, being locked behind an Amiibo pay wall doesn't help

Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101

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That's true I suppose.
Doesn't mean I don't still want Wind Waker and Twilight Princess on the go though. Especially if they went the extra mile to make both of them more definitive on Switch than Wii U.

Wind Waker and Twilight Princess

it's alright, but I'd rather have FF4 brought over

Believe me, I want them too, but they shouldn't count as Wii U games.

They're GCN games first and foremost

wonder101 and pikmon
>inb4 Arlo

nah mate

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3D World because it was the pinnacle of the last 15 years of 3D Mario game design and it was on a system nobody owned. Then SMO came and did something completely different that, while I enjoyed, found to be inferior, but it was the new 3D Mario game on the new Nintendo system that people actually bought, so everyone has forgotten SM3DW.

>If you could only Pick 2 of these remaining Wii U titles to be ported to Switch, which would you pick?
From a personal preference, Pikmin 3 and XCX since I haven’t played either yet but would like to do so not tied to a TV.

From a business perspective, SM3DW and WW for the easy money.

That's a fair assessment.
But out of curiosity, would the 3DS versions of the N64 games still be considered N64 games, in that regard?

I would consider them that, yes. Call me a purist, but games that were made for a certain console and exclusive to it belong to that console first and everything after is a port.

TPHD because I have WWHD, SM3DW, and don't give a shit about the other three because they're trash.

More importantly, I want Metroid Prime Trilogy released on Switch.

Honestly I understand that sentiment. It's the same deal as the Virtual Console essentially

This is the only right answer. People saying WW and TP need to be shot, they're a decade old and everyone's fucking played them already, emulation is a thing too. Mario is Mario, they'll make another one just like it in a year or two. Xenoblade did fine, it doesn't need another shot.

W101 and Pikmin 3
Fuck XCX and fuck 3DWorld

This and also fuck soulless remakes.

Wonderful 101 alone would be enough but I guess 3D World would be nice. Also give me a new Kirby game with Rainbow Curse's clay tech because FUCK it looked nice.

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I'll be mad when this happens.