Is he right Yea Forums? Was Microsoft the publisher that ruined vidya?

Is he right Yea Forums? Was Microsoft the publisher that ruined vidya?

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Consoles are to blame for video games being bad

i dont care
fuck e-celeb threads and fuck OP

▲ ▲

>makes new thread because last one 404'd
Get fucked nigger


Why do you poison your brain with these videos OP? Your life would dramatically improve if you'd stop watching them, think about it.

>being an unironic Xbox fag in 2019

Yes. They popularized paying to use your own internet.

Jim Sterling is a fat moron but he's correct. Microsoft is at least partially responsible for many of the practices currently ruining the industry.


The consumer is always at fault. If you accept and buy shit games you get more shit games

everyone knows that microshit has a big chunk in that yeah - the other chunks are ea, ubi, acti & 2k

videogame industry as a whole is pure cancer, and now it also got the soros commie treatment.

golden rule for real gaming on pc: follow your own nose, never play aaa

Agreed, Fuck Jewsoft

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Not from the start, but they evolved into it.

Imagine being a “wacky costume” YouTube in current gear

It almost makes me sad to see a grown man act and dress like that. Pathetic.

i know, his gear sucks

>it's MS's fault games are bad
it's capitalism's fault.

fuck off you cock suckin nigger diddler faggot

>t.posts on Yea Forums

True, but Microsoft is the one that set the norms for horrible shit.

Why do you have adds in youtube?

isnt it nice to live under capitalism where the problems it causes are inconveniences rather than death

>noo you can't critizise capitalism nooo
>remember the 100 trillion killed by commies

Video games are in the best state they've been in since the PS2 era, what the fuck is he on about?

well i mean, prove me wrong

It did invent micro-transactions and dlc and payed online.

No it was tenndy and sony

“Inconveniences” like being charged $6000 for an ambulance ride on the USA


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Imagine ever seeing this faggots face and thinking; I should listen to this man’s opinion

its always the commie faggots that buy up a game as soon as they slap a rainbow/trans sticker on it

I'd rather have mediocre games than no food

Doesn’t this guy have a tranny wife who cummed in his eyes

Who gives a fuck what a literal cuckold has to say?

You don't have to be an xbot to call Sterling a fat gay retard.

Wrong. What sealed the deal was smart phones.
I could tolerate shovelware and those online passes, but microtransactions have truly destroyed this industry.

Yes, it's m$ fault (dunno his reasons): it came up with everything shit vidya has now.

>listening to a literal cuck
>Who's wrong anyway

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>Microsoft is at least partially responsible for many of the practices currently ruining the industry.
Being the first person to cast the stone does not absolve everyone else who did so as well. Microsoft might have been trailblazers in a lot of shitty practices, but everyone who followed suit is just as guilty.

As a rule of thumb, I would say that anything Jim Sterling says is inherently wrong. The reason video games are "bad" is because of consoles, namely by virtue of being a homogenized environment controlled by singular entities combined with one of the worst consumer cultures to ever grace the modern USA. You'd see the same thing on Epic Games Store if it wasn't destined to collapse on itself eventually.

i dont think thats true

Damn. I like Jim but it’s undeniable he has groped or otherwise raped someone in the games industry at some point

>still watching that cuck faggot

>$599 vs a console with actual games

No. Sony ruined gaming because of their ego due to the success of the Ps2.

So in other words, the PS2 ruined gaming.



He may be fat and gay but he is intelligent as opposed to retard.

Capitalism still kills everyday brah.

Does getting cum in your eyes burn

He's a retard, smoothbrain

>invented paid online for consoles
>popularized DLC
>popularized consolization of traditionally PC-focused franchises
>brought in dudebros
>tried to force always online with the Xbone
>cancelled Scalebound (meanwhile Platinum made three games with Nintendo, soon to be four)

Yep they're shit.

>Yea Forums is outraged by outrage culture.

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How? By giving people the option to eat themselves to death?

>Introduced paid online
>Popularized online gaming
>Began the “BRUHN EN BLOHM” trend of last gen with gears of war
>Attempted always online DRM
>Is still trying their damn hardest to stop you from actually owning your games
>Beginning a push for cloud gaming and streaming
Holy shit I hate Microsoft so god damn much, why do we have to live in the timeline where the Dreamcast failed?

With the way GabeN eats, soon there will be NO games and NO food.

You only have to prove the faults of a thing when you criticise it.

how is he a retard

Based off the title yes. Microsoft are the biggest reason microtransactions, paid online, and GaaS shit were spread. They weren't alone in this, companies like valve also had their stake in it, but MS was the biggest offender

Add to this those who die of lack of clean water and lack of cheap vaccines it makes 20 million deaths a year.

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It is fucking true
I copped an 11k medical bill for an ambulance ride and 3 hours in hospital cause i got a surprise kidney stone
The ambulance ride cost about 9k by itself (probably cause it was like 40 minutes to some random hospital across the county but still)

He gave BOTW a 7

It was Electronic Arts, Activision, and Gearbox.

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Yes I'm sure communism would've solved those problems lol

prove it
oh ok
anyone with a brain wouldve given it 4

yes? It's kinda the point of communism to share to everyone.

"Woke" games are failing though. Not that it matters with those hypocrites, but that's not the point.

It's the mobile game full of loosely lewd shit that are booming business in town.

>people in shithole countries propped up purely by western food aid die because they can't form a stable society worth shit
>blame capitalism
are you ok retard

When you’re dead you have no problems
So technically... yes

N-no half-life 3?

>sage in name
who's the retard now

Ok lol

If I had the bill I probably would but youll just have to trust me when I say emergency medical care in america is pricey

you can prove it by just linking to a page listing standard price

What? Since when do hospitals have price menus for emergency medical care? Like fuckin yeah can i get the uhhhhhhhhhhh number 3 ambulance with extra saline and uhhhhhhhh 2 extra large blood tests

dont say anything on the internet that you cant prove, no one will believe you

>woke games are failing

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You have no idea how good we have it these days. Just don't buy the fucking microtransactions, or better yet, avoid the shitty games that actually include them because most of them aren't worth playing anyway.

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>On average, an ambulance company will charge anywhere from $350 to as much as $2,000 for a trip without insurance.
Why are commies pathological liars?

Fuck off, shill.
You can make a thread shitting on MS without that fat degenerate.

consumers ruined videogames.
The moment a hobby opens up to the masses of normies is the moment the hobby dies.

He's a fat gay retard deal with it, he still is in the right most of the time though.

>He's a retard
>he still is in the right most of the time though

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Ah yes, /only/ 2000 smackers for a fucking car ride Ebay a deal! Oh and that does not include the ER/OR bill which frequently hits 5 digits, sometimes 6

My must people turn criticising shitty corporate practises into full "evil communism" political debates. Do you really want to defend loot boxes and paid online that much?

Why are commies pathological liars?

>corporations ruined video games because the worker and the consumer are smoothbrained retards

Based sterling saying how is it

>This small part of this system is bad
>Therefore we must destroy the whole system
Seriously, why does everyone who speak of capitalism go to this exact method? Just regulate it or disavow the practice, everything else in the system is fine.

this is really redpilling me on economics, corporations need a lot of regulation because people are retarded

Don't listen to anyone who lets another man fuck his wife. That is pretty much the pinnacle of a lifetime of bad decisions.

he probably fucks the same man user
hes bi

>Just regulate it or disavow the practice
And look just how well that is going for our planet :)

What do you mean?

>small part
If only flaws of capitalism were restricted to fucking loot boxes

All the retards here are also right about trannies being mentally ill.
It's them bringing it up all the time that makes them retards.
In Jim's case it's his absolute shit taste and degerancy.

I fucking despise this fat fuck

but he's completely right here

Yes ive been saying it for the past 10 years.

It's going pretty well? What am I supposed to pretend we're on the verge of destruction?

The flaws are minor and sparse, but if you want to change something, start small.

No consoles, no games from Japan, the only country to ever make good games.

took long enough for the delusional weeb to show up

Neither left or right wingcels understand how economic systems work and they spout the mems they learned in their echo chambers

Used to like his show but he's just insufferable as fuck, and still leans into the sjw shit when drama crops up

No, is his.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>without insurance
Yeah how about with insurance you disengenuous fucking cunt, the price skyrockets cause insurance can supposedly pay for it

>unironically defending $2000 ambulance rides
Why are capitalists such bootlickers?

Square was ruining vidya long before Microsoft.
Nevermind Atari, and the saturation of cash-grab productions pre-1983.

ambulance ride in my capitalist country costs 15 euros
stop blaming capitalism on retarded policy

Whatever man is sandwiched between the hambeast that is his wife and his fat ass, has my disgust... and respect. What a trooper.

Why do you think he keeps Laura K relevant?

Just watched his video and i agree, Nintendo and Sony are all we need, Microsoft should fuck off already.

broken clock etc.
He's right about this and it needs to be reiterated but frankly anyone who cares about videogames has been saying this for years. Sega are a bunch of morons but MAN would videogames be in a much better spot if they had succeeded with the Dreamcast.

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Is vidya ruined? I hadn't noticed. Sure, there are a lot of low quality and other shitty products out there, but it's not like there are 0 good games being released anymore.

Putting all the blame squarely on Microsoft is dishonest, even if they are a shitty company that deserves to burn. There are hundreds of toher companies at fault.

What did they do this time? I thought he's busy shitting on EA at the moment.

you're an idiot

Was he right that Fat Princess is blatantly better than sexism?

>just listen and believe REEEE

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Go back oh wait, you can't anymore kek

t. retard weebbrain

why do people still not get this man is just a literally massive shitposter?
Same with Laura K, who even cut his dick off to be most immune troll in the whole industry.

I guess Microsoft didn't give free shit to Sterling.

California is to blame.

funny how you missed the irony in your post

its nobody's fault jim is a nigger


So phones AND consoles then

He's giving an incomplete truth.
The truth is specifically
>Microsoft killed gaming because it let the United States of America take over the world of console gaming.
That is what started the cycle that led to the death of gaming as we knew it.
It completely buried PC gaming, it pushed corporate thinking all over gaming, it pushed western shit games developed by shit people for a shit audience, and furthermore it basically devastated Sony because Sony has the peculiar ability to win always by copying what the others do at the right time, so they went full western and that was the total end of everything.

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i can't take someone so fat seriously.

>best game ever is an Xbox exclusive
>Consoles are to blame for video games being bad
Does not compute.

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It costs the same with """free healthcare""" in countries like cucknada (it's not covered), but of course cucknadians will brag that "everything's free because we're not america!" when it's the opposite of the truth and they pay >50% of their income in taxes.

Japs can be corporate as fuck too. Once a game of theirs finds success they'll shit out that IP for the rest of time or until it stops selling.


MS act like a third party publisher, no one can deny that. But every extreme push has been from EA/Ubi/Activision. MS or not, those three would have still ruined the industry.
Also this Consoles allowed rtards into the market, said retards keep buying the shit they're fed keeping the cycle going.

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What game is the best game ever that's exclusive to xbox?

care to elaborate?

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It was bethesda.

NGB of course. Sigma is for gaylords so it doesn't count.

>Jim "Fuck you buy the game" Sterling
He's the cancer that killed video games

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nobody remembers the gaben + hats memes from 2011?

i'd blame valve A LOT. just look up their presentations about monetization, consumer triggers and HATS
But its also very clear that XBL had a big part in it, aswell as bethesdas horse armor

>muh america
Literally obsessed lol

what the fuck

Stop shilling yourself here you fat autistic chris chan lookalike

Game journos are the reason video games are bad.

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If we keep going up we'll eventually blame unga and bungita for continuing our existence

He keeps picking fights with retards to make himself look good. If you have to do this ever so often as he does, yes, you're a retard.

Sony is cancer too.

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This. Jim is entertaining till you realize you're getting mad over video games you aren't playing.

Isn't this the faggot who came on his own face and posted it on twitter?

>just don't buy the game's actual content which is sold separately and costs 10x the retail price of the game which is already 3x what it should be and lasts 1% of the duration it should despite the fact every second of it is painfully mediocre in the best case
OK shill

Microsoft hasn't made a game worth buying in a good while.

Well he's actually right about a few things. Westerners are the ones who massively produce absolute worthless video game devs with their meme degrees, who shit out something in unreal and expect to be plausible. Fallout 76 is the best possible example of this.
user Sony is now such a huge as fuck megacorp they have barely anything to do with their jap roots. There was a time when the Sony and the Playstation name was basically a seal of quality.
Well he has some points, but completely agreeing with an unironic commie is just laughable.

Yes if you're an idiot and think what they did was new or wouldn't happen anyway. Listen to the world's fattest resetera poster who is also a cuck. He's just like Yea Forums.

>Westerners are the ones who massively produce absolute worthless video game devs with their meme degrees, who shit out something in unreal and expect to be plausible. Fallout 76 is the best possible example of this.
Meanwhile dumb slants are eating up gacha shit while you whine about westerners
Dumb fucking weeb

>b-but gacha you damn weeb
Its almost like you completely forgot vegas and your EAs virtual card packs you weed smoking jew. kys.

>Sony and the Playstation name was basically a seal of quality.
You do know that the PS1 had MANY TIMES more shovelware than the n64 right?
The fucking GBA PS2 and Wii probably have more shovelware than anything else in the world not counting online purchases.

Then xboxlive and psn beat them easily

>unironically listening to boglinman

>it's okay when it's japanese
Weeb niggers in the hooouuuse toniiiiight

never forget

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How the fuck is this obese sack of shit still alive? Die of a massive heart attack already you repulsive cuck

>Is he right Yea Forums? Was Microsoft the publisher that ruined vidya?
No. It's unregulated capitalism's fault.

Commies deserve the bullet, but let's not pretend the other extreme is any better.

Too be fair, I would feel creeped out, oppressed and possibly raped in his vicinity too.

look at his dude lmfao
the hat and glasses with that suit
an overweight manchild surrounded by toys

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Considering they both end up done wrong and have some asshole taking all the rewards and doing zero work while others have to support them without choice
So yeah pretty much
