WHO THE FUCK IS PUNISHED SNAKE I thought I was playing as Big Boss
>Ground Zeroes play as Big Boss
>helicopter blows up
>Phantom Pain wake up in hospital
>no longer Big Boss
what the fuck
WHO THE FUCK IS PUNISHED SNAKE I thought I was playing as Big Boss
>Ground Zeroes play as Big Boss
>helicopter blows up
>Phantom Pain wake up in hospital
>no longer Big Boss
what the fuck
I miss /mgg/
You are in for a ride.
Ground Zeroes was so good and I'm still confused by what MGSV is supposed to be
>I'm still confused by what MGSV is supposed to be
it's supposed to explain how there's two big bosses
TPP is a phantom pain, as the entire third act is missing. Defying any sense of reality, you feel it too, don't you? You can barely make out what you're experiencing, you know what is missing, it hurts so much yet you're left with so little.
It's hilarious how the ending of V depends on the knowledge of Big Boss' and venom's involvement in Outer Heaven and Zanzibar. But, plebs haven't played those because "eww 2D" so they have no clue whats going on
this. it's so fucking cringe seeing all these fags for years bitch and moan about muh le stupid ending, muh bad plot twist, "Wtf kojima im not playing big boss????" when they haven't played metal gear and Zanzibar land disturbance. There's two big bosses, that's established. TPP backtracks to how that came to be, and I loved how Kojima deployed it as a plot twist, and I love it more he looped the story back and roped it to the ancient games instead of tipping off the zoomer audiences.
its a completion of Metal Gear as a franchise
ending right where it began and explaining the plothole of BB's survival in MG2
I wish every mission in MGSV had a subsistence mode from the start. The buddies and overpowered gadgets you can resupply at any time, really made the gameplay trivial as fuck.
He's an avatar for you, the player. He and you are supposed to contribute to his character, together.
With that being critically important, you develop his story after the game ends by merely just playing the game, unconsciously.
Everything you do postgame is what he does between TPP and MG1... in a way.
If two Big Bosses is supposedly established, then why the fuck does the game treat it like this big reveal at the end of the story?
because this game is literally the pivot that shows you how it happened, how two big bosses came to be.
>If two Big Bosses is supposedly established
it wasn't established before TPP
Because most zoomers didn't play through MG1 and 2, so eventually people thought Big Boss dying at the end of MG1 got retconned.
What about him?!
Calms down a little after learning that his life was saved -->The Medic becomes concerned.
Looks at Medic --> Sees a fragment of skull and is perplexed
This gives the player a hint that they are actually this wounded medic
>big reveal
There was nothing big about it, hints were dropped RIGHT AT THE BEGININING OF THE GAME
I wish Kojimbo didn't put fucking ishmael in the very first trailer
>What about him?!
>Calms down a little after learning that his life was saved -->The Medic becomes concerned.
>Looks at Medic --> Sees a fragment of skull and is perplexed
>This gives the player a hint that they are actually this wounded medic
The fuck is this
you play as ocelot in ds
"what about him" is in the last mission, not in the beggining
That was absolutely retconned, there is no indication in either game that there are two big bosses. Or that Snake was a clone, for that matter.
I've always been interested in the Metal Gear story, but I tried playing MGS1 and the gameplay really didn't click for me. Can I just watch longplays of the series or is that missing out too much?
get ready for 20hrs of cutscenes if you do that
Play the pc version. It cuts some unimportant shit and you can always get a trainer for god mode to escape some cringe encounters.
why do you even play videogames
You can just not bother, user. Video games are created to be played. Like you wouldn't even get MGS2 if you don't play through it.
Not really since the games never were more than just servicable at best for carrying 20-30hours of cutscenes.
If you played any of them you played them all more or less with only V being a huge step forward, atleast gameplay wise.
Never played IV for example and felt like I didn't miss out on anything after watching a longplay of it.
Fuck is even the point if you dont play it
>pc version
I'm an unapologetic zoomer and I'd watch a long play. Game itself looks so bad. Not that I have a thing against old graphics I grew up with a NES, got a PS1 towards the end of its life, still play ancient shit to this day but MGS1 looks awful and the previous MG games look soulless. The thing about the MGS games is that they're supposed to be cinematic-heavy and the cutscenes are supposed to immerse, and the visuals for making this immersion take-off didn't come around until sons of liberty.
I will never understand people who jerk off to Ground Zeroes, a literal fucking demo mission for MGSV, but shit on phantom pain
>supposed to immerse
Metal Gear Solid is not, and has never been immersive. It has always been a Japanese anime disguised as a game. And if the visuals alone are putting you off and think mg is "soulless", you have betrayed your supposed nes roots and can go fuck off
MGS 3, 5 and 4 are legit some of the funnest games ever
totally different than MGS1
It's all the lack of open world. Ground Zeros had no wasted space
Why'd they clone Big Boss 3 times over with every one of them going off the rails if they could've just used some plastic surgery and ' le hypnosis ' on any random idiot in a backwater hospital to make a somehow flawless duplicate
for that matter what the fuck was Liquid doing in Africa by himself as a small child
>Japanese anime disguised as a game
they call those JRPGs you retarded fag. And no, MGS is literally about the immersion, the feeling of sneaking into huge complexes and bases, the atmospheric, thrilling build-up, hours of dialogue about the cold war, political alliances, historical conflicts, nuclear warfare, metal gears, top-secret political ops, the USSR and the US, the CIA and KGB definitely have zero affinity to your manchild cartoon hobby my friend. MGS is realistic IRL political documentary/movie/TV show submerged in fantasy submerged in a game. Which is why it's carried best with good visuals that show you the faces of characters and their expressions instead of watching drawing stills of them with nothing to them except a voice.
>if they could've just used some plastic surgery and ' le hypnosis ' on any random idiot in a backwater hospital to make a somehow flawless duplicate
Complete afterthought. The whole point of the twist was to have "you" "write a tale" "as Big Boss" because Kojima does not like writing actual stories anymore.
Kojima makes up shit as he goes.
just want to say MGSV is one of the best vidya experiences i' ever had
>character in vidya gets a bara makeover
>it's not the same guy retard
Yes, I know, will you shut the fuck up? It's "Snake" anyway in a sense
GZ has a big door that opens and closes. You can...
>around it
>hide in a truck and go through it
>push the button yourself and open it
There is nothing like this in any mission in TPP.
because they couldn't fucking clone a dude in a generic fucking hospital on a rural island right under the noses of cipher you dumb fag. The second the medic woke up and got his face changed it took only a few days for Cipher to move on Cyprus and level the hospital. They changed the dude's face so he can save the real big boss, he's loyal and probably amnesiac and did it well, clones had to grow up or someshit and as we saw they had different personalities.
you can fucking mail yourself into bases, jump into trucks and let them drive you in or just fucking call in helicopter and shoot everything, it gives you even more freedom, but people have no idea what to do with it
You've gotten my point the entire wrong way around
I'm not saying why didn't they clone him again, I'm saying why didn't they just make duplicates instead of the other clones if it's supposedly easy enough that anyone can do it with a way better success rate
Venom Snake>Sizeable Superior
there, I said it
MGS really should never have gone open world. Way to many gamers can handle that much freedom. They need the games to be more linear, so they have a more clear idea of what "guidlines" they're supposed to break with all their moves/gadgets. Not to mention the pointless empty space.
Cursed Image
>mail yourself
Only after you collect a maguffin and it drops ypu off outside the base
>let trucks drive you
Trucks in mgsV only pitterpatter between a few tents back and forth.
>call a heli
You can do that in GZ too.
Yet. No large doors that open and close.
Because they dont want a duplicate of Big Boss, they want his genes, but not the person. Venom is Big Boss, the legendary mercenary, or atleast thats what the world is suppoused to think. Medic was one of the best soldiers under Big Boss before the surgery, but with the clones you can just make a perfect soldier out of nothing guaranteed. You could make an army, but Medic was only one. They could also clone Medic I guess. Get what im saying?
So MGSV is shit because it doesnt have large doors that open and close? Is that it? You have so many tools, so much freedom and ways to approach everything. Its the same exact game as GZ but with even more depth.
>Its the same exact game as GZ but with even more depth.
GZ has obstacles. TPP has none. Not even a door that opens and closes. GZ even has more cameras than are featured in all of the TPP missions too.
Appealing to masses is the worst thing you can do while developing game, thats how shit like Battle Royale happens. If some people cant handle it, let them get filtered. I loved MGSV and its easily the best game in the series.
You mean the Large Leader?
>Venom has The Boss' scar
What are you talking about? Battle Royals came from survival games and mainly minecraft getting big ass fuck side by side of slaughter movies/books playing with that formular of battle royal.
I'd also say the genre is not bad just most of the cash ins are. Pseudo intelectual tools like you are even worse than dumb sheep.
Go back to your BR shit zoomer, we are talking about games made with love here
venom isn't even that built in the real game, he's pretty scrawny, especially compared to big boss in the intro. I had been spoiled by some faggot on Yea Forums the day of release, but you could tell alone from how much buffer ishmael is than venom.
At the time, going open world WAS appealing to the mass. And I'm not saying have linearity for the purpose of mass appeal, I'm saying it just generally works better, and will garner mass appeal, when you have such a massive amount of options as the mass is too dumb to experiment. Story is shit, but i fucking love messing around with V's gadgets and CQC. Best game engine / move pool this gen for me
Imagine this faggot. I like playing PBUG with my friends who are all over thirty and can have played through every mgs aside from V atleast 4 times.
>I like playing PBUG
I dont care what you have to say
Modeler here
Ishmael/recovering BB uses a scrawnier model than Venom
So, when's that chapter 3 coming guys? It's taking a long time and I'm starting to think it might not happen
What am I saying, I'm just falling into Kojima's trap, that's what he wants us to think, the absolute unit
Ishmael reuses Kaz's body assets
By your logic, Kaz is bigger than Venom
I thought his existence was just too explain how snake "killed" big boss in south africa
No he doesn't? I dont fucking see it
Those scars could be from anything and it's likely from medics fixing him up after the crash
Thought that scar was similar until I googled it and turns out it's supposed to have the shape of a S
Best Metal Gear
everyone who says otherwise can go fuck themselves
>big fucking game and an interesting? character
>to explain a very minor plot detail
Nah, he exists to make you feel special and included within the Metal Gear universe. See At least it didn't go the way of Sonic Forces
BesidesMGSV sucks because half of the story missions should be yellow side ops. Chapter 2 has many cutscenes but only 3 missions. There are over 30 'destroy the armor vehicle units' and 27 of them take place in flat field arreas because they couldnt work out armor vehicle path finding. They just scoot back and forth 15m and shoot at you. At least the APC in the destroy AA mission will chase you around camp omega.
No, he has Big Boss' scar, though I don't know why Big Boss felt the need to make that scar in the shape of an S in the first place as that is an extremely unnatural scar that would draw attention to the fact that he has a fucking jigsaw wire embedded under his skin as an emergency tool for when/if he's ever captured.
>At least it didn't go the way of Sonic Forces
I remember that part from PW
That was genuinely stupid but I guess they needed an excuse for the scar
I mean it does explain a minor plot detail but it does it in a cool way
Literally what the fuck is the story in metal gear?
Ive played mgs1-5 and have absolutely not fucking clue. Big boss and solid snake are different dudes, right? Solid snake is a clone of big boss and so is liquid? What games are which guy?
Guess, it'll amuse me
Big Boss is a cool soldier.
So cool they make clones of him, Snake and Liquid.
You play as Big Boss on MGS3, Ground Zeroes, Portable Ops and Peace Walker.
You play as Solid Snake on MG 1-2, MGS 1-2 and 4.
You play as "Venom" on Phantom Pain, but you're not told that until the end.
>What games are which guy?
Trying figure out what this means. Solid is in the games about solid (mg, mg2, mgs1,2,4) BB is in mgs3,PW,V. Liquid is a side character. His game is mgs1.
you are Boss
I've played everything in release order and i'm ending it with MGS4 >>> MGR how will i feel when i'm done?
Big Boss and Solid Snake are different dudes, but they're metaphorically the same guy, "Snake". When it comes to the games where they're protags.
MGS1 = Snake is Solid Snake
MGS2 = Snake is Solid Snake. Raiden doesn't count.
MGS3 = Snake is Big Boss
MGS4 = Snake is Solid Snake
MGSPW = Snake is Big Boss
MGSVGZ = Snake is Big Boss
MGSTPP = Venom Snake is Big Boss' phantom aka you.
>"' phantom" didn't get spoilered
Fuck these glitches
End it with 3 if youre an adult that understands story telling. End it with V if youre a child who needs more and more details, characters, and scenarios.
Cool. So all of the big boss stuff is expositionary? To help explain the later solid snake stuff? Does big boss overlap with solid snake at all? Do they meet?
I love venom snake I only wish he was handled better
I want MGSV VR missions more than anything. This combat engine is going to fucking waste
Very satisfied. I did that recently and MGS4 is a bit shitty but has a great ending to the saga. I ended up loving Raiden when it was all over.
Metal Gear 1 and 2 are literally about Solid Snake going to kill Big Boss.
They meet before the MSX games MG and MG2SS. They meet in MG no they don't its venom and they meet in MG2SS and mgs4
>So all of the big boss stuff is expositionary? To help explain the later solid snake stuff?
>Does big boss overlap with solid snake at all?
Once again, they're metaphorically the same guy despite being completely different people, so... yes
>Do they meet
In MG2 and MG4
Didn't they meet in Peace Walker too?
>metaphorically the same guy
How does that work as a metaphor
It's tight. I honestly expected more of GZ in MGS5 and I didn't get much of that.
The ending to Ground Zeroes basically leaves room for people to fill-in the blanks with their headcanon. People were just disappointed by how the actual story turned out.
Nope. That's where BB met Kaz, Paz, and Chico
Honestly I thought the way the reveal for TPP was handled was amazing especially venom's reaction
No, Peace Walker is right around the time Solid Snake was born
Dum dum
>"Call me BiBo"
>Snake, once known as Big Boss, one game afterwards, a direct sequel even
It's a metaphor
You cant actually be a retard of this magnitude?
>"Snake, once known as Big Boss"*
Woops, forgot to add quotes
Also woooooooooops
Completely earnest
Now, where does this mysterious stranger fit in? Is he a patriot?
>Once again, they're metaphorically the same guy despite being completely different people
What the fuck am I even reading
in MGS 1 - 4 its never EVEN hinted that there were 2 Bog Bosses.
1 Big Boss was canon until Kojima fucked everyting up with MGSV
Who the fuck is solid snakes mom?
Solid Snake in disguise
Metaphors aren't just "Jim was a bowl of loose sphagetti"
Wait that's weird, didn't Hayter voice someone else in MGS1?
>Metaphors aren't just "Jim was a bowl of loose sphagetti"
Can you actually fucking explain
guys i was excited for years for this game. the day it came out was one of the best days of my life... but now i don't remember a single thing that happened in this game....
This is honestly all anyone wants. Just give me side ops with patrols in the MGO maps. I would be satisfied.
>the last mission in V before Quiet Exit is Proxy War Without End, a timed destroy the convoy level. The worst kind of mission in the game.
the atmosphere and thrill was so fucking good in GZ, that's why. The name "Ground Zeroes" is so goddamn fitting it feels like this game was handcrafted from start to finish. The intro was one of the best in the history of video games, the rain and the concurring events are enough to make you, a dude sitting behind a monitor, get your adrenaline pumping. The political scene is climaxing with the UN inspection, mother base has grown and is it's own thing and is trying to remain it's own thing, everyone is prepared for the big inspection day, everyone has their pieces in place and everything is ready to go boom, you're infiltrating guantanamo bay to save Chico and Paz while everyone in mother base is on doing a double-faced act to UN inspectors and is on maximum standby while you do a top secret infiltration mission, all the world has it's eyes on you and your army, you and Miller have come a long way and have great ambitions for the future, unknowing that in the few hours you spend in camp Omega are the same few hours XOF is gonna use to Trojan horse mother base and bring it down and force you to go into hiding for 9 years to survive.
Overall, all these things taken into consideration along with the really tight gameplay of Ground Zeroes (god, I love this name), it makes for an absolutely solid and intense thrill-rich experience.
as a diehard MGS fan i pretend that TPP never happened
let it die
Thats not what I was implying. Since Venom's tape was named "operation intruded N313" its apparent they were retconing the 1 bibo into 2 bibo to explain his "death". You need that context of MG1 and MG2SS for that to make any damn sense.
If Sonic the hedgehog were an MGS protagonist he would have to be forced to primarily go by "Speedy snake" or "Snake"
>Speedy snake/Snake
>Goes at the speed of sound, once known as "Sonic the Hedgehog"
>Solid Snake in disguise
Horseshit! Next you'll be telling me Shalashaska's are isn't possessed, when it clearly is!
>there are people who are literally too much brainlets to understand TPP's fucking ending
What the fuck is the story in the MGS games? Everyone is a big bossy snakey boss and there were 2 clones but there's venom snake and medic snake and sneaky snake and i'm the sheriff. What the hell is this series?
It's a comparison of Eastern and Western storytelling
The Japanese want extremely metaphorical/figurative storytelling that will benefit themselves.
Americans want literal entertainment.
That's what MGSV was truly all about. Japanese vs. American storytelling.
You can take the story two ways, and both would be correct (doublethink):
Big Boss despite everything is still a nice guy and he wants to thank you for being with MGS for so long by giving you an avatar of yourself, posing as Big Boss so that you can write "your own Big Boss story" through merely unconsciously playing the game. That's the true purpose of the story, to integrate the player within Metal Gear, connecting the game universe and the story universe.
Big Boss is a baddie bitch fucking cunt who brainwashed his most loyal soldier to die for him as a decoy all because he wanted to focus on his ever so increasing lust for war. That's the true purpose of the story, to show Big Boss actually being a bad guy.
Either way, he still lusted for revenge.
This, but unironically. Who is the vampire guy?
just gimme an asset flip about Solidus ffs
>implying it has an ending
Just watch the trailer from 2013. It literally features all story cutscenes as they appear in game.
It's about a bunch of soldiers and how war affects them and the rest of the world.
I remember literally every single cutscene from mgs1 through peace walker and ground zeroes. The only part I remember from TPP is some old guy talking about a hamburger
This guy?
Pretty sure he's kylo ren from star wars.
It's kojima retconning big boss into a dindu nuffin
I do feel bad for people who are suffering phantom pain from Phantom Pain. It's not easy to let the narrative go, and if I hadn't so thoroughly enjoyed the 70ish hours of the best gameplay the series ever had, I probably would be torn up over not getting any resolution either.
Metal Gear 1: Infiltrate the enemy's base to destroy Metal Gear. Big Boss turns out to be the bad guy.
Metal Gear 2: Infiltrate the enemy's base to destroy Metal Gear D. Big Boss turns out to be the bad guy again.
Metal Gear Solid: Infiltrate the enemy's base to destroy Metal Gear REX. The bad guy is your twin brother and it turns out you're both clones of Big Boss.
Metal Gear Solid 2: Infiltrate the enemy's base to destroy Arsenal Gear. You're not Snake and the bad guy is another one of Big Boss's clones and also your stepdad.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Infiltrate the enemy's base to destroy the Shagohod. You're actually Big Boss this time.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Infiltrate the enemy's base and destroy Outer Haven. The bad guy is just a guy pretending to be Liquid and Big Boss was alive all this time (but still dies anyway).
Peace Walker: Infiltrate the enemy's base and destroy Peace Walker. Your Metal Gear gets hijacked by teenage girl.
Metal Gear Solid V: Infiltrate the enemy's base and destroy Sahelanthropus. You end up recovering it but it gets hijacked by Liquid Snake. And also, you're just a guy pretending to be Big Boss.
Sounds boring and only answered half my questions.
You're not really missing much.
>wtf what do you mean I need to play the games to understand them??
>gets hijacked by teenage girl.
tell more about tgus teenage girl
This gamer chick called my dick punished snake
can we have a comfy metal gear thread and post best girl?
>People were just disappointed by how the actual story turned out
Probably because there was barely a story, and the majority of it was crammed into 30 minutes of unlockable audio files at the end.
>You're just yourself pretending to be Big Boss*
Fixed :)
How is it any different from Ground Zeroes? Most of that game's actual story is just audio tapes.
Then exain why BB appeared again in MG2
Why do all the "old" robots seem far bigger and more advanced than the 1998 one?
>Punished Snake
>Solid Snake
>Liquid Snake
>Big Boss
Really, Kojima?
that makes 0 sense because medic has no recollection of mgs3
Tapes are better than codec. Change my mind.
He became a cyborg.
>naked snake
>venom snake
>solid snake
>liquid snake
>solidus snake
>old snake
>liquid ocelot
Rex looks like a piece of shit next to most of them too to be frank.
Who the fuck is solidus snake and is he different than solid snake?
How about you play the games and find out?
>Who the fuck is solidus snake
43rd president of the united states
big boss's clone (and solid snake's brother in extension)
is the president of united states of america
don't forget gaseous snake
I played them all except for Ac!d. I completely zone the fuck out as soon as a movie starts or some nerd starts yelling at me on the codec
I watched a solider walk up to Big Boss and salute to him, Big Boss just stared at him for 7 minutes while the solider held the salute. Completely silent. For 7 straight minutes.
shut the FUCK up, dude
Boss this solider needs a chest binder, they've been using tape. Use your iDroid to order one when you can.
lmao, new pasta?
>Bog Bosses
>MGS is so immersive
Ah yes, it’s so immersive when someone tells you to save your game over the codec, or Psycho Mantis lists off the other games you’ve played on your console, or when Otacon tells you to change your disc, or when we’re talked at by a literal talking head on a screen for 10 minutes straight (all of which I enjoyed)
MGS’ writing is extremely deep and insightful and prescient and delves deeply into philosophy, politics, and history. I think that’s really what you’re trying to say, which has nothing to do with the kind of immersion you’re talking about (I.E. the graphics not being good enough to immerse you lmao)
This sounds like such a plausible piece of dialogue that I'm not even sure if you made it up.
it's basically the last jedi of vidya, cept from the creator of the originals and not some random faggot. I love seeing the fans that are either new and don't care or the ones that just came to terms with the fact that the game is what it is, and still has cool themes and high points in it's own regards, versus the fans that can't let go and are completely devastated and the ones that have decided to wash themselves clean of the game and disown it.
TPP doesn't get enough credit for how much it fractured the mgs fanbase.
really? The ishmael model looks like he has way bigger arms than venom when you take the camo off. Maybe I'm crazy, the cutscene where he saves you and says some shit like "you're talking to yourself" he flexes and his biceps look pretty massive.
Because the last clone was in 1976, after that they realized they didn't it.
Is Liquid or Solidus the truly genetically superior one?
The Last Jedi was a clusterfuck because it shat on the mythos, characters, and internal logic of every single previous installment, and also the story sucked.
So, you’re right about TPP being TLJ but not for the reasons you think.
They gave medic all of John's memories.
Boss muttered "Ishmael..." In his sleep. Who the fuck is Ishmael.
Did you listen to the truth tapes?
The fiddles I've lost....
>Punished Big Venom Boss Snake
Fuck's sake Kojima, pick a name and stick with it. Possibly spend more than ten minutes coming up with names, so you won't regret it and have to awkwardly change it later when you inevitably think of something better than the first pick off the top of your head.
I think Ocelot's trying to steal my style. He wears a red scarf, I wear a yellow ascot. I'm blonde, Hes blonde. Its too similar.
So is it left up to interpretation why big boss has a random face in the intro? I was under the notion he had already gotten plastic surgery, but then the ending shits on that theory. Is the hypnotherapy why you see ishmael as a random guy? At the same time, if 46 is the revelation venom has where he realizes hes not who he thought he was, why doesn't ishmael's model have a beard and his own face from that point forward? The games use of unreliable narration is frustrating, because it almost makes no sense when he wants to use it and when he does.
>posts picture of naked snake/original big boss
storylets are retarded
his lawyer and accountant
Kojima is a fucking hack and he played us all like a fiddle. Just accept MGS4 as the perfect ending to the series and never look back.
The 2D games shouldn't even be canon. What's worse is it still doesn't even make any sense. What, did Snake not ask any hard questions after taking down the false Big Boss?
Konami probably are working on a next game since the oldkojipro just was rebranded and not disbanded. (with some staff left but most of them still be in.)
if it's not a remake, would you prefer a game with The Boss, Big Boss, Solid Snake, Liquid Snake, Raiden or just a new/other character?
I wonder if BiBo is the most attractive character to both females(real) and gays in all of vidya?
when a game is literally trying to imitate movies and has hours upon fucking hours of non-gameplay dialogue or story content, yes, it needs the visuals to go with it. When I'm infiltrating a huge fucking base populated by a badass organisation of elite mercenaries and soldiers led by a badass old dude who has a metal gear stowed away inside it, it helps that the base looks the part to go along with all the immersing the game is trying to get you into instead of looking like pixels with huge isometric blocks that are supposed to be columns or pillars. Sorry you fell for the "old good" boomer elitist meme so hard but visuals aren't an inherently bad thing like the tranny cult you're orbiting wants to pass, they're actually the most core and important thing of a VIDEO game.
Punished snake is a crazy guy who makes shit up. The skulls, quiet, burning man. None of it is real. He doesnt actually look like snake, he looks like the avatar.
Raiden, with the MGSR project being revived. this would be hype as fuck.
Kazuhira "Kaz" McDonnel Benedict "Master" Miller
i want a game as the real big boss during the zanzibar land disturbance
or a MG1/MG2 remake.
>Fails to get the point
you mean Kazuhira "if he's black he's not coming back" Miller right?
Metal Gear 1/2 are more retcon then continuity.
I bought Boss a cardboard box for his birthday. He loves it.
I wouldn't call the intro the best ever, but the cinematography is miles above any cutscene in TPP, it's actually kind of staggering.
but ground zeroes was a demo with the promise of more - it's essentially just a prologue
Still better than the cinematography of Survive beside the intro, for some reason the intro of Survive in the real world have a real good cinematography.
That's not true, they continued trying to make shit with his genes for no good reason and came up with all the genome soldiers
I believe that GZ, the hospital, and saving Kaz is as far as the scope of his idea for V went. Everything else was winged.
is survive any good? is it MP only?
I really want more MGS
was also in a trailer released way before the game
MGSV needs a co-op mode, it would fit with the story aswell.
>"MGS 1-4"
That's your first mistake.
Metal Gear 1 and 2 both had Big Boss as the final boss, but you kill him in MG1, MGSV is before Metal Gear and thus it gives a reason as to how Big Boss could seemingly still be around after the first game.
You literally proved that user right.
No and no.
This thread has more lore than MGSV itself.
I rented it at red box.
>its not good
>it rubs that its a mgs game in your face
>oxygen meter
>food and water meter
>timed escort missions
there's a 25 hours single player campaign. it's...alright, the alternative ending is really good tho.
it have some link with V and some with MGRR.
but the post game is mainly multiplayer after the optional boss. the missions can be of course played in solo but it's harder.
If you liked V gameplay then Survive is a fun little game. just don't get filtered by the early game like some reviewers.
It has a classic MGS vibe which MGS5 lacked
>One man job
>Infiltration in a huge base
>Multiple ways to aproach your target means you can also fuck around
>No army setting; no idroid to buy weapons: You have to find it all by yourself
On top of that MGS4 was released during a time where open world was almost the norm which began to fatigue many people
seeing both side by side makes it easy to notice some subtle, facial differences.
props to kojima for actually making venom a slightly different person physical instead of just recycling the same BiBo model from GZ
you mean props to the modeler user.
guy actually still is at Konami. like most of the old team...
Armories where Kino in GZ. Theyre completely removed from TPP
kojima actually did everything. the game told me so everytime i started and finished a mission
GZ only lacked a boss fight of skull face and it would be more of a MG than TPP.
but for some reasons V really lacked in boss fights. even Survive and acid had some for gods sake.
I want a new snake game, I'm tired of big boss and I'm tired of the 80s. I just want snake, going on adventures to fight random ass enemies like in acid.
i agree that it's stupid as fuck, but the game does explain why they can't just transform any old idiot into big boss - i believe that they state in TPP that the medic was snake's best soldier.
Whilst I'm here, is there any bit of lore in the series that explains how the fuck Big Boss was able to just return to the US and take over Foxhound and everyone was just okay with that
I know that 'Big Boss' is his actual US military title after MGS3 but the retcons in Peace Walker and V make him out to be a disgraced nuclear armed terrorist that everyone wants dead
also weren't the Patriots in control of most of the US by that time
God fucking dammit those credit spoiling all the characters for each missions were retarded.
more like in GB user. acid snake was quite different.
ok but why do you have to spoiler your shit like a /vg/ discord tranny
the one pulling the shots is the director. The director dictates what he wants and doesn't want in the game. If that character model was created to be intentionally different, that decision probably came from kojima.
Zero did it and wanted his friend back.
imagine a full budget TPP
>story is warpped up
>deeper mother base mechanics
>good main story pacing
>maybe even a 3rd theater (middle east perhaps?)
>more songs
>alot more Venom Snake dialogue
Who WAS this man?
Sorry user, not on purpose.
Could also come from Shinkawa considering he was the big artist guy.
People says they are going to miss Kojima but often forget about Shinka. i mean sure we have the ghost babel artist (who also was the artist and director of the whole Boktai franchise) and the MGRR artist but it's still not Shinkawa.
AA mission has a tank that will chase you around that you must destroy before being able to complete it.
user TPP had a 80 millions budget.
and Venom actually have a lot more voicelines in the files, they were removed very late in dev by Kojima "as a choice".
I'm also interested in how MGS lore explains this.
>GZ only lacked a boss fight
fuck off, it was perfect the way it is.
ehhhh i don't consider that a boss fight.
i just says that because every MG game had one beside GZ. and TPP clearly lacked in boss.
>user TPP had a 80 millions budget.
how much of that went into marketing? willing to bet atleast 40 million.
The medic is stated to be Big Boss's best SSS+ rank soldier so it more or less matches his capabilities you can't just brainwash any 12 year girl into being Big Boss and expect the same physical prowess.
Ground Zeros has a comprehensive narrative that allows the player to actually feel invested in the situation as it unfolds. TPP is just a bunch of empty hollow missions that have a wierd half baked loose plot. Amazing gameplay but after a while I was wondering why the fuck should I care about some old Indian and his parasites.
V still had an huge budget, bigger than any other Konami project. it's the 21th most expensive vidya of all time and the most expensive vidya of all Japan.
This desu.
And it has nothing to show for it other than an unfinished terrible end to the series. No wonder Konami fired kojima.
This, Medic was an exception, the best of the best of MSF.
to see how a random MSF soldier fight, see the protag of Survive, guy was just a green. ran half slower than venom, had a sloppy CQC and a lot less resistance to anything.
>you can't just brainwash any 12 year girl into being Big Boss
I need this exact mod.
There is a Paz model swap.
V wasn't unfinished beside kof (ONE MISSION), battle gear (removed for balance purpose) and chico (removed very early during the dev.)
we got the game, Konami did some bad shit, but so did Kojima with his weird choices.
in the end , V is V. we should live in the future and not the past.
infinite heaven
then why was he a medic
The kof mission wouldn't have improved the story a ton. I think they should have just scrapped the entire Act 2 thing. Just call it "Epilogue" and have the same missions with the twist ending being a secret.
That's at the beginning of the game. Venom buffs up by the time the fist mission starts.
Field medics are soldiers+ silly. They gotta fight in battle and glue your ass back together while under fire.
MGS V is literally what its title is: a phantom pain. The feeling you have when
>Ocelot isnt the same
>Skullface is a saturday morning cartoon villian
>Quiet writhes around like a teenager's fantasy instead of being a strong female lead like Sniper Wolf, Meryl, or any of the others
>You arent playing as BB
>Your character hardly says anything at all
>All the nuke disarming was for nothing
>There exists no explanation for the bullshit with Volgin, the Whale, or anything involving Psycho Mantis
>Disease spread via talking
>entire third act missing
>"lol jk you were teh one Snake kills in the first Metal Gear"
THAT feeling, user? That sinking in your chest. That void that will never be filled. That hope to see the story that connects the universes. The series you loved going out in a whisper instead of a bang. Thats the Phantom Pain, user. Kojima did it to make us all feel a phantom pain, the absolute madman.
Genes and memes. That is all
he was a combat medic, that's why be was brought by Big Boss in the choppa.
KOF probably was canceled for a very simple reason. by looking at the Concept art, most of the shit showed in it weren't even the game, like soldiers helping you fighting and shit. Sure 30% of the cutscene was done. but nothing of the gameplay was;
So Eva's VA is totally Meryl's under a stage name right?
>The medic is stated to be Big Boss's best SSS+ rank soldier
Where? Sad if true. It always felt pure coincidence to me. A nobody literalwho in the ranke of MSF elevated to greatness.
Well, MG ain't gonna die with Kojima.
i doubt we will only have remakes, there's still plenty of talent and things that can be done for the future.
MGR2 included when Plat will be less busy.
Will be different without Kojima, but not bad.
one of the best games ever made
Its obviously more unfinished than that. They dont start using story sideOps until chapter 2, which itself is only missions long. Do you think any professional game designer would look at chapter 2 with 3 missions and accept it as complete? Theres no way. MGSV is a half baked game thats ready to be cleaned up and edited for retail. But they did 0 testing and just shipped it as a bunch of concepts glued together by the Fox engine. Why is c2W a mission and not a gold sideop? Why isnt destroying coms equipment a sideop for every base? MgsV makes no sense.
Nah, it's the girl that voice Ariel in the little mermaid. at least probably
David Hayter fucking knows but still refuse to say it. he even teased about it during a live with Kaz voice actor and said he will tell him "after the live".
The truth tapes nigger. Big Boss literally says
>He was always the best man we had.
Stats aren't 1:1 with canon so that guy you recruited in post game of PW with higher stats then Big Boss isn't actually better.
>Well, MG ain't gonna die with Kojima
user, sometime, people just do weird fucking choice, that's the reality.
Gameplay wise it's probably the most impressive game I've played this generation. I'm still discovering new things even after 100 hours of playtime. Too bad sometimes you have to limit your gadgets to discover how great the gameplay truly is. That's why GZ felt so perfect, I guess.
Have you ever heard of the Zelda Cycle? You're seeing it here.
Believe what you want, say it's non canon if you don't want it, but it's the truth.
eheheh funny shit. youtube.com
And the KoF fight was cancelled for weird reasons too. In concept they wanted all of motherbase helphing, but isnt that how the normal Sally fight is? Miller calls airstrikes and resupplies and Pequod provides (no) cover fire. The only thing missing is friendly tanks on the mountain tops shooting. All chapter 3 would have needed is a GZ sized jungle map with one small base and two tent outposts. We just wanted an intro and exit custscene with a sally fight in the jungle.
Wrong, user. MG is gone; all thats left is the pain, and the soulless "Metal Gear" games to make that pain even worse. There could be 50 metal gear games; none of them will ever finish was Kojima started (and ended). Instead, they'll just make it hurt worse.
Big Mama or Eva was his surrogate mother but the egg he was conceived from was a random Japanese lady because of reasons
That was planned originally, I remember seeing a veeeery early concept art for the menus and UI and I vividly remember seeing a co-op option in there and I got hyped as FUCK. Such a fucking shame they scrapped the idea.
Also Snake was able to kill him so he's still not as strong as Big Boss. But he carried out his will pretty good. Was he the bad guy in MG1 or was that a trick?
Power rank
>Solid Snake
>Big Boss
RAD either needs direction for Kaz or it doesn't translate to a home mic.
Nobody is going around saying it's the best game ever created. It just has the best 2 hours of gameplay ever made. Everything in it is perfected.
The reality is I spend everyday at work shit posting on Yea Forums instead of signing off on this pile of paperwork like Im supposed too. Same deal here as it was with Kojima. If he had been doing what he said he was doing we'd all be better off.
>Also Snake was able to kill him so he's still not as strong as Big Boss
Snake brings Big Boss to near death in MG2 and both were old as fuck when they fought Solid. Big Boss beats Solid when they're close in physical age in MGS4.
Eehhh i love MGRR and it's not a Kojima game. everyone have their own choice i guess.
For me, MG doesn't need Kojima and can still live without him, even if it's different. if the game is good, then i'm fine.
>MGSV's final act wasn't a remake of MG1 and 2 featuring David Hayter as Solid Snake
remind me why we didn't kill ourselves again?
don't forget Solid Snake beat Big Boss with a deodorant can and a lighter. when big boss had an assault rifle.
Didn't even need that, just a flash viewing of Solid prepping to fight Venom.
>tfw Konami actually do a real missing link with a game about Big Boss (the real one) from V to MG1/MG2.
nah they are just going to do a remake or a game with the boss i guess, maybe a mgsr revival if we are lucky.
Because you have to live with the pain, user.
Kojima didnt want to scatter our ashes to the heartless sea. This pain will always be with us.
Id rather live in this hell than be removed from heaven for slapping Kojima
Because fan service is cringe. Kojima is a hack, but that would have just made him a clown.
Thankfully is not called MGS5 but MGSV.
So no canon.
MGS5 is PW + GZ + TPP + MGO3 + SurviVe if you like weird standalone shit.
Zero was a vegetable at that point though.
It was supposed to demonstrate the ultimate corruption of Big Boss' ideals by having him do to the player (who the game assumes is indoctrinated into the BB cult of personality) what the US Government did the The Boss
How is the PS3 version of tpp? Also is it true that mgs4 sometimes hits 60fps in places?
no idea for the PS3 version except it's 30fps.
it's true for MGS4 even if most of the game is 30 and often even lower.
Ps3 version was my main squeeze before I got PC
If Kojima had listened to Korekado the framerate probably would have been better for gods sake.
>Here's your new MG guy.
it's not Kojima for sure...Is producing MGRR an achievement?
>get spoiled about MSGV's story a month before it came out
>don't care about the story
>play through game, realize it's executed even worse
>finish game
>don't give a fuck about the story, but still like the gameplay
>just pick a female Diamond Dog soldier to randomly explore and do missions as
>fuck everything else
Are you another fan of Flaming buffalo? why is she so loved by the community?
Should the next MG, when it happen, keep the gameplay of V, modify it or just use gameplay similar to the older games?
Gameplay of V but remove the in between mission fuckery. No research, no calling helicoptors, no having to return to base, no resource grinding.
so some kind of mix of V and MGS3?
hold up that's survive.
The gameplay is bad by MGS standards. Very simplified and watered down.
But done so on purpose, to be easily consumed by the masses.
Nah user, Survive still had some grinding and base shit. even if no chopper.
this user want weapon and equipement OSP.
Older games. V just feels like every other bland shooter.
They even removed cool shit like shooting limbs, radios, etc in V.
But even if there is another MGS it will never be like classic. That ship has sailed and the most we will ever get is more shit like V, Survive, or MAYBE a remaster of the original trilogy.
At this point a full collection on modern consoles and PC would be ideal. Every single MG/MGS game in one giant mega collection.
Which MGs is the most complex in terms of mechanics?
A new collection could happen for next gen. remake also isn't out of the question.
Considering most of the staff in the MG team are people who worked on the old games , and that the MGS1-2-3-GB main programmer returned at the company, we may have some kind of mix of the old gameplay and V for the next game.
is it because of the way it moves and wobbles?
I'd say MGS2.
Watching that now, he said he knows but can't say because their contract prevents them from doing shit like Metal Gear which reeks of Disney. So yes I believe it's Ariel, saw a Batman Beyond clip where Ariel's VA did Aquagirl and it sounds like Eva.
>sahelanthropus is seemingly the most complex mech in the entire series even though it's decades old
someone explain this shit to me?
>infiniteheaven mod is borked so my boss is stuck in afghanistan and cant leave making it impossible to work on custom sideops
2 or 3. I think 3 has more options, especially with CQC. But MGS2 laid out a lot of the other ground work for how we think of the post-MGS1 gameplay of the series.
Huey was talented unlike most other fags. but sahalentropus still wasn't usable unless by a child or a ghost.
They explain it pretty clearly in the games.
It's riddled with design flaws tho such as needing a child pilot due to small cockpit and a psyker to even move
Make it 10 GZ maps.
Sally didn't fucking work. Mantis had to puppet it around. REX only seems weaker because PS1 game but took a ton more punishment and was still agile after being blasted over and over again and being left in the tundra for a decade.
MGS4 actually is one of the deepest game gameplaywise, a shame the game is very short.
I prefer the collection first, just so we can have the games as they were but playable on modern devices with emulators, old hardware, and support for modern monitors/TVs. Mainly MGS1 is the one that is stuck the furthest back since it wasn't included in the HD collection. And MGS4 is stuck on PS3 or streamed PSNow, or emulator. (But I dont care for 4, but it would be nice to have still on modern devices.)
As for remakes. I trust the team themselves. But Konami's business choices and who directs future MGS projects will be the main decision factors.
I personally don't like it just because it feels so different from 2 and 3. To me there is a clear division between pre-MGS4 games, and MGS4 and onward games.
It's really down to preference, so I'm not saying people can't like it or that it is objectively bad. It's just drastically different, and I prefer the classic vibe setup by the PS2 era MGS games.
Metal Gear Solid V was intended to be a bait and switch side story about Venom Snake and I'd wager money that Kojima had plans to make the "real" Metal Gear Solid 5 at some point, which would have covered what happened to Big Boss between Peace Walker and the original Metal Gear.
Shit, it's even in the title
Metal Gear Solid V.
V for Venom Snake.
All the other Metal Gear Solid games have had Arabic numerals up to this point, so why the switch to Roman numerals for this one? Because it isn't really Metal Gear Solid 5. It's Venom Snake's story, hence the V.
I think that as they were making MGSV things started to go south with Konami and Kojima realized he was probably never going to get a chance to make the "real" Metal Gear Solid 5 so they tried to cram in all the story related stuff that falls flat into a game that was never designed for it in the first place.
the next MG should be that.
a lot of missions with a lot of big maps like GZ.
don't know how could the story work with that though.
a remake may be done by Bluepoint, with Konami doing a new game instead since the team maybe want more freedom. as for the director they still have Murata, unless they pick the ZOE1 guy or the Boktai guy. or just somehow new in the director chair. i still have faith in them even if people says i'm a fool thinking that.
Any news on that head transplant doctor?
Of all the crazy shit around release everything surrounding that dude was the weirdest.
Kojima wanted PW to be MGS5, but Konami renamed the game because it was a portable game.
please try to relax.
I know I'm late but ChipCheezum does a great LP of every MGS game and is currently working on finishing his very extensive MGSV play through. Would very highly recommend them, he has versions where they edit out commentation during cutscenes if that's of any importance to you.
gotchu senpai
Am I the only one that doesn't want any remakes?
>how could the story work with that though.
>travel to other base via cutscene
>taken to other base as captive
The same way we change back drops in other games. Just replace rooms and hallways with a big openended map
I would be fine with some, especially MG1-2. but i would prefer new games.
both can happen in the future, heck, both can even be in dev at the same time if Bluepoint is indeed doing a remake, the Konami team could then also do a new game.
I want a rereleased collection more than anything remastered or remade.
We all saw how that went with TTS.
>infiltrate a heavy guarded base camp in the middle of the sea
>no mission prep, no air supplies, nothing. Pure stealth.
>rescue two suspects while avoiding said guards who will take notice if Paz goes missing
>all while some nefarious shit is happening at the MB, oblivious to you.
>Skull face seemed actually intimidating once you get to listen to the tapes
TPP had more content, sure, but GZ nailed the espionage aspect that MGS is known for. Only a few locations in TPP shared similarities with camp Omega.
TTS wasn't done by Konami but Silicon knight, a western studio, and Kojima was the one asking for the cutscenes changes. they actually were done 100% like MGS1 at first.
Maybe removing Kojima was what the MGS series needed.
We will see when the next game will be done.
heck maybe you are right and the serie will have a breath of fresh air.
mgsv and gz are the same game
>Spent 20 minutes trying to find Volgin's body towards the end of the game
>Called in the dog to try and sniff him out for me or anything
>Fug is this bugged
>Turns out he's lying right there on the ground
>The entire time I thought that was just a pile of trash so I didn't check it out
>Rewarded with a cutscene that could have instead been a cool boss fight even if it was just Venom's imagination
But remember, the game is unfinished and it's all Konami's fault! Couldn't possibly just be Kojima making another piece of shit.
Depends though. If a remake/remaster then it is possible.
If a new title then I suspect it will play more like V. Which I'm not the biggest fan of.
It is kind of odd they're just sitting on the FOX engine right now.
well, they actually did a pretty big fox engine upgrade so i doubt it's just for PES, especially since they said they will change engine for PES next gen. (even if we don't know if it's another engine or a fox engine 2. can't be UE4 since mobile pes already use it.)
we will likely have an announcement next year, remake or new game. would prefer a new game but i'm still happy for a remake.
Not that odd. Games are expensive and risky to make. Pachinko machines are cheaper.
Venom snake is the worst snake
Kojima is to blame too since he had 5 years to work on it and still whined for more time. Most games dont even get half of that time in the development phase.
they literally are a lot less into pachinko now than 2016 and pachinko are not made by the same division of Konami.
people should stop acting retarded with that. Konami just announced a game today.
Ergonomics, MGSV plays like butter while the other MGS games play like ripping off your own toenail.
How did the franchise escape being labelled homophobic?
Ocelot is gay user.
Big Boss is the worst snake. Everything he's done was because he was piggybacking on someone or was told what to do. Hell, even a brainwashed field medic did a better job than him.
Most of the series plotlines come down to someone wanting to bone Big Boss male or female.
Because it's homoerotic
Definitely not Flaming Buffalo. I was using a different female generic. I don't like the face and hairstyle Flaming Buffalo has. As to why she's so popular? My guess is most players don't bother capturing female soldiers, so she's the first one they ever get. But I like this face better, and the hairstyle more closely resembles mine.
i want a game with Liquid Snake in the gulf war, he was captured and was in the wild for 4 years before getting rescued by the US gov.
Is that the only positive example? Also isn't he still a villain?
I'm more fan of the blond girl soldier with short hair.
hold up are you are girl.
True but you think they would at least try a lower risk project to use the engine, rather than just letting it age.
Some other user said they upgraded it though so maybe they are doing something with it. Even if not metal gear.
Liquid is worst snake. His entire uprising was planned by his genetically inferior younger brother and he was beaten by his vastly genetically inferior twin.
Liquid Ocelot kisses Old Sanke on the cheek and this is canon.
Snake also yell at Raiden for saying Vamp being gay is weird.
Well, i doubt they will use the fox engine for the bomberman game they announced, gotta be used for MG.
Liquid was gonna win if Foxdie wasn't there. he died just before shooting snake of a heart attack.
Sing, sing a song
Sing out loud, sing out strong
>Liquid was gonna win if Foxdie wasn't there. he died just before shooting snake of a heart attack.
Liquid lost the fight on top of Rex though.
did you forgot the scene where he chased Snake and Meryl with a jeep, fucked them both, trapped them and died just before pulling the trigger?
I'm annoyed Solidus is never mentioned in V. Just says LET ended in 1976.
sadly solidus va died, at least in english.
"Cipher sent us to Hell, but we are going deeper."
"Kaz, I'm already a Demon."
Would have nothing to do with it. Solid is at least mentioned as the truth tapes mention the twins and the timeline saying Venom was killed by David.
next MG should be a soft reboot, same universe, new snake, said he to be one of the aborted that somehow survived,. with him actually aging slowly.
>tfw all the shit we came up with on Yea Forums before the game released was better than the story the game had
>It's supposed to be the greatest game of all time
>1 Big Boss was canon until Kojima fucked everyting up with MGSV
play MG1 and MG2 zoomie
There's no hints of a second Big Boss in them. Big Boss just escapes in 1 originally because MSX game plot.
>soft reboot, same universe,
Video gamers are such pussies. Not a single cape shit comic story has lasted as long as outmr video game does. We need a hard stop, new universe, reboot. The same themese and memes, but instead of taking place in 2012 its 2042. It can still be about solid snake like how Batman The Dark Knight and Detective Batman are both about Batman.
>calls people zoomie
>ignores that venom is a retarded mgsv recon to mg/mg2ss
do a game with the boss an a MGR2 to finish Raiden story before that. there's actually still plenty that can be done before an hard reboot.
the road to MGSV was probably more fun than the game itself
Ah, thanks for clearing that up, Kojima.
There is literally no facial difference other than the worse skin and scarring
Venom is actually a little taller.
>they were removed very late in dev by Kojima "as a choice".
straight up false
>Yea Forums vs Yea Forums
user a modder literally managed to add them back easily. Kojima said he wanted a silent snake "just like mad max".
V has cum too.
The people who wanted MGSV to end as a literal Metal Gear 1-2 remake are zoomers who don't understand how game development works anyway.
Besides, true patricians know that MGSV does tie to the events of Metal Gear 1, since it's literally Venom Snake turning on an MSX2.
we still got 90% of the game.
What are you talking about? There is no such mod. The quote you're talking about isn't from late into development.
V ends with Venom off to right Solid, I just wish we got a little flash of Solid.
The OST for TPP sounds amazing but it's actually quite forgettable.
But it genuinely makes more sense that it would be Venom. I think Kojima knew a good way for it to make sense that you kill Big Boss twice. but people just hate the idea of the game (MG1 and MG2) being added to after its done.
a guy literally did that easily.
Venom was supposed to talk, removing those quotes were a CHOICE.
as an example, THIS youtube.com
>calls people zoomers
>biggest zoomer takes on the franchise
You're pretty retarded.
>This tone, snake sound like he truly feel sad
>get cut from the game for no reasons
What the fuck Kojima.
A desperate attempt to maintain continuity when older plans was for Big Boss to be half-Jap
The story of how Big Boss became the corrupted villain we knew from the first 2 metal gear games. With trademark Kojima mindfuckery that attempts to get the player to think about his or her own role in the story and how they assume the role of another person because they're told to, much like Venom did for BB or Raiden did for Snake.
What's real in the game then ?
>"In the end you, the player, are also Solid Snake :)"
>fans are mad, plebs get filtered
>10+ years later is acknowledged as a masterpiece
>"In the end you, the player, are also Big Boss :)"
>fans are mad, plebs get filtered
>10+ years later __________
>The OST for TPP sounds amazing but it's actually quite forgettable.
Lol, you can't even hear it...The ost is SO LOW, even Ground Zeroes has a higher volume for the OST.
Didn't know Ocelot girl from PO is real.
I'm not debating that, I was just correcting the idea that there was hints of a body double prior to V when there wasn't. Originally Big Boss just escapes somehow because it was an MSX game, Metal Gear 1/2 are more retcon then continuity as a result.
paz is in her 20's you fuckin numbnut pseudo-pedos
MGS2 is the contrary of V.
People were mad for MGS2 then happy
People were happy with V and mad after.
even the theme is a reverse MGS2.
Vulvun Raven says Solid has blood from the east, it's just a Jap thing to have their characters be part Jap no matter what. Like how anything that's meant to be hidden is named with an L at the start.
yeah I might be thinking of the rips on youtube but damn, listening to them is great
but I can't name a single track that stuck with me
I swear something said she got a breast reduction to look the part but I have no idea what.
you have to give the man some credit he was working on graphic engine + mgs V
>strawmanning "fans"
Sure in 10 years people will jerkoff to MGSV, it won't be the same "fans."
It is usually children that grew up playing it, so they look back at in with nostalgia. So kids growing up on MGSV will look back with rose tinted shades
>also MGS2 at least has a coherent messages and plot, even if some don't like it for what it is. MGSV is an objective messy plot with horrible pacing.
I love how Big Boss completely ignores Eva's advances in MGS3 until the mission is done. That should be a thing more.
>Venom is noticeably taller than Naked in a 5’10” vs 6’ way
Venom was the “real” Big Boss after all. From now on Naked Snake is Small Boss.
he's completely broken after the boss death, that's why.
Those are not mgs canon games faggot
>not your kind of people
>Won`t be cast as demons
>creatures despise by everyone
It's what made him and Solid both great characters (not to say the are completely the same.)
But the "mission first" mindset of both is both great for the story, their characters, and helps advance the gameplay.
Not for nothing we call him "BiBo".
I played the games in chronological order (MGS3, PW, V, MG, MG2, MGS1, MGS2, MGS4) and liked most of them but felt a little underwhelmed at the end of 4. Did I fuck up by not playing in release order? And by skipping Portable Ops?
we never got an explanation for this
you spoiled yourself on some things.
PO is a fun side story but isn't really important. even if the vilains were cool and Jonathan a true bro rip.
You ALWAYS play in release order. You don't miss anything by not playing PO.
What i am looking at?
Yeah you fucked it up, release order is a much better experience
MGSV is paced like an american TV show from the 80s. I thought this much would be obvious, what with the credits playing after every mission and all. Problem of the week, the overarching plot only advances on some episodes, exec meddling towards the end, etc etc.
GZ had better level design, that's it. Might have other better things, but they don't matter, because in a stealth game the level design makes or breaks the game. GZ was one tight, interconnected level, each and every area was it's own challenge, but you had to stay mindful of the rest of the base. ONE base that's more complex than basically anything in TPP, which is just mudhats made by niggers out of straws and their own shit. With a few exceptions TPP's camps were on a level of a proceduraly-generated map, maybe even worse because procedural maps wouldn't have to be repeated to stretch out the game.
TPP is a better sandbox than GZ, but the sand is so bland it's not even worth using your toys on it. And I liked TPP, I just WISH that I didn't have to go so much out of my way to play into it's strengths.
Playing them in chrono-order does kind of fuck up the point of the games. It's meant to be played in release order so its like pulling back layers of a story. Playing it in chrono-order is like biting into a lemon and then being sad that it was sour.
Also you haven't play Revengeance yet user? Its the next game in the series and it will fill that hole in your soul that MGS4 left.
A half finished game
>Might have other better things
You actually can hear the OST, unlike in TPP where the Volume for the OST is stupidly LOW.
Did you have to take a blurry ass screen shot user?
This cope has more lore than MGSV
But it's a video game. Even if that's true, it's a game. That's not fun to play, this isn't fucking mash
There is no such mod.
MASH would have been a better game.
Kaz. Skullface. The useless revenge plot that keeps BB out of Kaz's hair while he directed real wet work operations.
I can't call GZ perfect because there are so many little things that were iffy about the gameplay that TPP actually ironed out. The biggest one is how TPP lets you see enemy soldiers no matter how far away they are, and how in GZ sleeping or knocked out soldiers would sometimes just vanish for a while if there were too many of them, fucking you over if you wanted to move them out of the way. TPP would suck if it was like this. Though maybe if you could grab a high point and see everyone in the base in GZ and mark them right away it would be piss easy.
The only change I can think of between them that wasn't an addition is changing dropping someone in a helicoptor without getting on to be a seperate button.
Wtf am I seeing here. Is this an out of bounds area?
diving off an elevated position also got fixed in TPP, I think
How so? Tacking on a remake of Metal Gear 1 as a final act would've just been tacky and rushed. The way MGSV ties to MG1 is very subtle and cool for people who actually know the roots of the franchise.
>you, the player, are
Was not the point in either of these games. You're just retarded, and got filtered as well.
Stop this. Ive spent too much time caring about mgsV. Delete these now!
There are little things but things that matter. For example, when you're sticking to a wall in GZ, turning around is difficult, snake will move backwards instead unless you put the camera on some weird angle and keep trying. I hated this in GZ and TPP fixed it.
Because you claim the events of MGSV tie into MG/MG2SS.
The MGSV events tying into MG/MG2SS about as logical as shoving a horse cock sized dildo up your ass, proclaiming it fits.
It's a retcon, and a shitty one at that. MGSV lore wise is a steaming pile of shit.
I want you all to know I fucking love MGSV and think it is one of the best games I have ever played.
>T-800 Terminator teleports right in front of Venom
That would have made it a good game.
>It's a retcon
Just like Solid Snake being a clone of Big Boss or Metal Gears (or the concept of it) existing since the 1960's. Metal Gear's lore is build on retcons.
or Big Boss's age. Liquid says Big Boss was in his late 50's when they created his copies only for MGS3 to change it to his mid thirties.
Except the overwelming majority of MGS fans started with MGS1 so it wasn't that big of a deal.
And it was a good retcon that set up the basis for most of the series.
MGSV added nothing and only exists to explain itself and it insist upon itself.
>It's okay because I was ignorant of what came before.
where is this from? don't thrill me
>first game in a reboot of the series that retconed to expand the story beyond good guy go kill bad man
>fifth game within that reboot series that tries to squeeze between two retcons with even more retcons
yes, clearly the same thing
So what's your issue of Big Boss being two different guys now if the MSX2 games don't matter anymore?
I'm saying it adds nothing to it. MSX2 games can exist without MGSV. We learned nothing from them. And what they attempt to add is about as retarded as MGS4 claiming Ocelot used hypnosis and psychotherapy to become Liquid Ocelot.
Kojima and the writing team went full autistic fanfic mode after MGS3.
Because MGS1 lore for Big Boss wasn't retconned at all later on
MGS3's plot added nothing to what came before except more retcons, but everyone seems to like it
Oh, its just GZ. Phew
This is actually a much better explanation for Solid Snake having Japanese heritage than the bullshit they came up with in MGS4.
reread my previous post here retcons like MGS1 (which was a series reboot) aren't bad, shitty ones are like in MGSV
every aspect of what I posted has been retconned, from his first combat experience to his years active to his motivation for outer heaven and even the date he lost his eye, yet you only throw fits over V
or don't read posts.
If you're referring to the dude who does those infiltration videos, that's not a mod, just clever editing using cut voice lines.
>The Japanese want extremely metaphorical/figurative storytelling
Too bad they are absolutely shit at metaphor and allegory
T.b.h Kojima didn't expect anybody to have played MG1 and 2, not even in Japan, when he made MGS. Proof of this is the fact that the game provides recaps of everything you need to know about their plots both in the manual and in-game, and also that MGS is 99% rehashed ideas from 2 and to a lesser extent 1, to the point that playing the games in release order would probably ruin MGS for you as you find yourself repeating the same stuff, most annoying of which is the backtracking to change the shape of the temperature key, but also wondering what happened to Holly and why you gotta deal with this Meryl girl who's clearly just Holly and Gustava's characters merged into one, why Gray Fox suddenly has an adoptive sister and doesn't remember his girlfriend, what happened to Dr. Marv's secret cartridge that snake retrieved and what happened to OILIX as a plot element, etc etc etc.
I suspect most people who know the plots of MG1/2 just watched them on Youtube.
what is this?
they are legit good games though
I'm convinced if MG2 had been released worldwide and for a less obscure machine like the SNES it'd have enjoyed the same fame that MGS1 got. The game is pure soul and manages to feel as much like an action espionage movie as the technology allowed.
And that soundtrack is kino
thats not GZ lol
Sorry to disappoint, but I wish I was. ;_; I'm just trying my best to look like one.
Werent there snippets of big boss saying the medic was actually a better soldier than him, or the ideal soldier or some shit like that? And thats why he was chosen to be brainwashed into thinking he was big boss since itd require someone of similar skill to rp as him?
No. Big Boss and Ocelot say he was the best man in MSF and he showed ultimate loyalty in jumping in front of the explosion.
Do I miss much for not transferring my GZ file to TPP? I'd rather not connect my PS3 to the internet because it's got CFW.
Does it import all the cool music tracks from the GZ iPod? Because I really miss them in TPP.
You miss a gold arm, MGS1 Snake costume, the GZ sneaking suit, and some useful starting soldiers. The GZ sneaking suit looks dumb on venom so it doesn't matter much.
Oh and the Gray Fox costume according to a wiki but Raiden's costume is a straight upgrade and you get that by S-ranking all missions in TPP.
hes the medic you retard
have you ever played MG or MG2?
I pirated the DLC as well and it does come with the gold arm and the PS1 gray fox costume at least.
Oh well, I can still achieve a 100% file right? I'm up to 70% already.
Yes, anything GZ gives you is either cosmetic or a starting boost that will be replaced by something later in TPP.
It was supposed to be ported to the Sega Genesis at some point.
1989 the real story of Bibo
spotted the Zoomer. GZ is closer to a proper MGS title. It's just extremely short.
Imagine if that base went down 10 levels? And Paz is all the way at the bottom. It would have been so awesome.
mgsv and gz is the same game
Best version
>Same game
>open world trash
It's the same gameplay. Your autisitc nature needs confined spaces in order to feel comfortable. It's why you use a weighted blanket at night.
How many people do you have to kill to unlock "Demon Snake"?
chubby Kazuhira or Bibo never liked Quiet?
Build a nuke.
You're both Big Boss.
Turns out Big Boss was two people.
>It's the same gameplay
>GZ is good gameplay
>TPP is bad gameplay
I can't decipher this autistic speech pattern.
How are you able to miss the point so badly? What a moron you are
Watched a flubber clip. I am now 99% certain Jodi Benson is EVA's VA.
>best version
>wont load non-gameplay Cutscenes
>textures have all been blurred to high hell
>fps shits the tank the moment stealth camo shows up
It's honestly just better to emulate.
>Punished "Venom" Snake
>Is not called Punished or Venom anywhere throughout the game, only the cast and a tape
>not even historical context calls him Punished or Venom, just "Snake", an awfully generic term that could mean anything and "Big Boss' phantom", whereas it calls Solid "Solid" and Liquid "Liquid"
'cause gameplay is the most retarded word in vidya.
MGSV gets too much hate here.
Why does Liquid and Solidus refer to Solid as Snake when Solid calls Liquid and Solidus Liquid And Solidus?
They are referring to "the protagonist". "The protagonist" is the MC of every Metal Gear game, "Snake".
mods would have fixed the game but there's too much limitations on the engine, we could have had bases with actual level variety
We're just dealing with the pain of what could have been.
So many varieties of corridor! I could only imagine
what a sad empty base.
Snake for BB and Venom Snake are metaphorical
in the lore Naked Snake was only used for two missions in the CIA and Venom had always been called Big Boss from the very beginning.
But we still call Venom Venom because Venom being all metaphors isn't well known (while being a very autistic thing too), plus it's shorter than Big Boss' phantom"
Venom isn't an actual Snake and thus "Venom" is a fake codename but no one cares, almost everyone on this board calls him Venom regardless
>Is not called Punished or Venom anywhere throughout the game
ocelot call him venom snake in one of the early tapes
Already said that retard
>only the cast and a tape
He is an actual snake just like Raiden was an actual snake, in both cases being a meme clone.
Raiden is a meme clone of Gray Fox despite never meeting the guy.
He's a phantom of Snake
Also Raiden went on to completely being his own character instead of Snake since MGS2