Why buy a game that plays itself?

Why buy a game that plays itself?

Attached: 1568442178243.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=ffxv no damage

The same reason I bought XV

It's to combat the streamer menace, instead of paying other people to watch them play a game, you pay a dev to watch the game play itself.
Honestly it's a truly genius move and a solution for the modern zoomer mentality.

t. NeithOF aka Zeal aka Nathan

You at least have to press buttons in XV
7r doesn't

what are the odds of a pc port?

Does this games have a gambit-like system, are the AI just intelligent by default when auto-battling, or do we not know yet? Either way, FFXII played itself and FFXIII practically did too. I think some people like spending ten or more minutes configuring their party in menus in order to watch them defeat a foe without input.

this has been the case since FFXII

Extremely high
Just a year or two down the line because fuck us right haha

better than nothing

Attached: 1568252038295.jpg (960x960, 66K)

the next level play

eventually it'll be on every modern console but we'll see if it'll take twenty years again

I'm gonna be optimistic and say it's probably some kind of super easy mode that plays more like a movie than a video game
becausethats what people want.
they want movies not video games

Is this real?

Isn't this the turn based combat mode?

as long as they don't pull a dragon quest XI and release a version with more content for the switch 6 months after the PC version, I'll be happy.

It's just turning on the AI for the character you have selected instead of just the rest of the party. It's literally nothing.

Isn't the top-left just a pic and not video?

Im still holding out for a kingdom hearts collection eventually

It's the turn based combat mode

The character auto attacks and the player just use magic or summons when the ATB bar is filled

OP is just baiting


No, is XV-kun trying to shit on VIIR

its from the livestream

its not turn based its autobattle


Attached: FF7R plays itself.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

>its not turn based its autobattle

It's basically mimicking the original game, it's for people who prefers more tactic based combat than action oriented

no it isn't
its autobattle

I don't believe this. It's gotta be a demo build that's programmed to do this just to show off the game. Why would they make the actual game play like this?

>its just an option which you can decide not to use
>you can use it for some random encounter/grinding for some item/doing some other stuff while the game goes through minion fight a million time
>dumb people and casual consumers can enjoy the game, so SE gets more buyers

>no it isn't
>its autobattle

It's not, autobattle means that the character can use magic or summons, the character only attacks in this mode, you still need to move through menus in this mode for magic and summons

why are you replying to yourself?

You can win any fight in that mode without pressing any button, no reason to play any other mode

>You can win any fight in that mode without pressing any button, no reason to play any other mode

I'm sure as hell that you cannot

Because no one else talks to barry

>why play a game on automatic mode?
you are the reason games add "cimematic" modes so you dont play them

Now you're just making shit up.

I feel like the last person alive that played FF7 because it had fantastic RPG gameplay, and not because of the Nomura style emodrama artwank.

It's not automatic mode, the character only attacks physically, you need to press buttons for magic and summons

i like ff7 because its a nice game and i like games

They do more than just autoattack. Your character will mitigate damage with block and rolls for you which is a core part of the gameplay now

Same. I also loved the minigames in it. I cannot wait for them to fuck up Gold Saucer

At the end of the day, it's an entirely optional mode and the funny thing is that SE is giving people a more traditional combat system and people are still bitching

The problem is they tried to call it classic mode when in reality its just a very easy mode. They are lying to their customers because in the original game, your characters do not mitigate damage on their own. There's a new gameplay loop not seen before that will now just be automated and remove gameplay from you

VII Remake is an Action RPG game, not a turned based one, and they are trying to mimick the original one

SE listens to fans, giving them two ways of play and people are still complaining

I too can edit a video and post myself holding a controller doing nothing on someone's gameplay clip :^)

>more traditional combat system
it's really not.

because this isn't the only way to play the game

>'m gonna be optimistic and say it's probably some kind of super easy mode
it is

Attached: 1568487237411.jpg (1080x286, 113K)

I wish it wasn't so slow
hopefully there'll be an increased speed option

it is autobattle

>He thinks the clip is unedited

>traditional combat system
>still have no idea how the materia system works

it's real

Attached: FF7R literally do nothing.webm (960x540, 2.42M)

they attack, move and defend on their own
you never need to do anything

it is the only viable option to play

>game in auto-mode is playing itself

what do you call this cope

sure if you want to spend hours plinking away at something's health doing shit damage
it's very clear the main focus of battle will be full bar attacks. It isn't a good gameplay mode but it is probably for the west

no reason to play any other way

>and they are trying to mimick the original one
In classic mode for FF7R, the computer will optimally guard attacks and dodge roll from incoming attacks that the player may or may not have been able to do especially on a first playthrough. In the original game these are not present, so how the hell does that mimic the original game?

If it was a true classic mode, the enemies and the players would not move unless its their turn. You can't have your cake and eat it too

>What is auto-attack

A lot of FF games have had this, its mainly for mobs and won't be much use against bosses

its shown used against a boss

Attached: ff7r playing itself.webm (960x540, 2.66M)

>optional auto-mode that isn't even available on the highest difficulty
Tales games have had this forever and nobody complains about it, because IT'S FUCKING OPTIONAL. This is the worst case of artificial outrage I've seen this year and that includes the 2077 drama.

Kill yourself XV-kun

cope 7R-kun

Attached: FF7R-kun.jpg (1920x1080, 944K)

Yo, how does it feel to have to act like a retard to make a game look bad ?
Everyone knows the truth, so why keep going ? Maybe people thinking you're a retard gets you off ?

>Why is a game playing itself on the easiest of easy difficulties?
Gee I dunno Jim

It only plays itself if you use the mode that's made for FF15 players. Checkmate.

ffxv requires buttons to play even on easiest
7r doesn't, the new mode is made for kh3 fags which also requires no buttons

Attached: FF7R press nothing to win.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

Oh shit dude !
But you're not forced to use this or anything, chill.

why would i manually attack, move and defend when the game can do it all automatically for me

>Imagine being upset about an easy mode
>Imagine being upset about all games that have an easy mode

What a shitty way to live.

Whats the big deal? Use the combat mode that doesn't play itself.

imagine defending a mode that plays the game for you

>why would i fuck my girlfriend when i can just watch someone else do it
this is your mentality

You literally cannot die on Halo 1s easy difficulty, does that also make it a terrible game?

why? no point when we know the game can just play itself

That's why they give you the option, some people are lazy fucks like you are.
But you do you my boy.

Nope, it unironically is made for people coming off of XV who want to hold down a button and watch cool shit happen.
Imagine pushing the narrative that this is the only mode and way to play the game. Just imagine.

I'm sorry that you only play games like dark souls for hardcore gamers like yourself.


>why would I play the game the way it was intended to ?

Who knows ?

It's only attacking the boss but he needs magic and summons to defeat most bosses

ff7r requires no button inputs
xv requires pressing buttons

Attached: FF7R autobattle.webm (960x540, 2.73M)

I highly doubt you can beat that scorpion when it does 25% of your hp.

>Imagine not being able to not choose that mode

Seems like you have half a brain.

its intended to be played on the mode that requires the bare minimum effort to get through anything

Nope, you still have to press buttons to select skills in the ATB menu. XV doesn't require "pressing buttons," just holding down the attack button and occasionally tapping the AWESOME button. XV also doesn't have the great world of FF7 to save it from mediocrity, so even if both games were hold X to Jason, FF7 would still be the better game.

no he doesn't

it automatically blocks attacks

then don't play that mode.

No you don't because you never have to
you press nothing to win 7r

Yes, he does


I love this retard KEK
Imagine your fucking face when Remake blows XV out of the water, you'll have to put some effort making dozens of threads everyday.

If you play on the retard difficulty. Guess what, that's the DEFAULT and ONLY way to play XV. Checkmate.

There is no awesome button and holding 1 button does this

Attached: just hold O to win except for when you don't .webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Watch the fucking ATB bars in these clips. See how much time it takes for the bar to fill in the webm, and compare to how full it already was when the webm started.

You guys expect to be sitting there only watching for that fucking long inbetween using abilities/magic?

Are people now gonna bait with this? Damn

It's just the classic mode of the original game, and it's optional

Thanks for the confirmation, every game with an easy difficulty is a bad and terrible game. Now I know why Yea Forums loves dark souls and zelda games so much.

And who said that ?

Teleporting is the awesome button, and that's a strawman. You can easily complete the vast majority of the game by holding down a button. I completed this shit in December 2016, and it was one of the absolute worst games in the series. Hilarious that it has nuthuggers like you defending it.

7r literally has advent children and crisis core trash tier OC shoved in
its less FF7 than before crisis is
and you don't need buttons in 7r

It doesn't block in time after it attacks. You still get hit by dumb shit as seen in the webm. If anything this game is hard cause the fucking AI is stupid.

no point in playing other modes when this exists

Apart from that not being fun?

>you don't need buttons in 7r

yeah dude its a movie


You're the one defending 7r having do nothing to win mode

Says the retard

Attached: You can hold only O to win amirite.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

lmao you play FFXV on the easiest diff? god you are so bad.

Neve touched this cancer series but something tells me your lying on the Internet for reddit point, I'm sure the og ff games never had a play the game for you mode where you do nothing but watch a bit play the game, kys


Even the retard mode in 7 requires input. Only auto attacking and blocking is automatic. The command menu isn't, so even that mode is more of a game than XV. Hilarious. You're using an optional mode to slam the game you haven't played. It's the only ammunition you have.

Remember in FF7 when you didn't press any buttons when the ATB bar filled up? It's just that as an optional mode but you already know that you baiting faggot.

I imagine these fucks trying to play on classic mode and still dying a lot to bosses because they can't manage their healing or skills on time, nor try to dodge attacks.
As if the devs said that classic was ever easy lol.

Clearly. Because you never played FF12

No it isn't, its the free warp button while r1+triangle is warpstrike
you will die if you hold
You never played it nathan

Attached: Just hold O brah you'll win.webm (720x404, 2.79M)

>the classic mode in ff7r requires more input from the player than the only mode in ffxv
really makes you think

which is piss damage shrugged off

>Being so much of a retard that your argument is playing on super easy on every game that has it, no other way around.

What a fucking shitter, fuck off retard lol.

yes ff7r is not fun

If I haven't played it, then how did I complete it in 40 hours by holding down the attack button throughout the vast majority of the game? Your favorite game's only mode is literally lower IQ and requires less input than the optional retard mode (made for people like you) in FF7R.

no but xv on easiest requires more button inputs than 7r

This fucking webm. Don't use your unlimited items. Don't have you anime bs mode and hold O. Don't use your team attacks for iframes.

That's just a shit player.

You tell me, Barry

How the game ends user ?

its less of a game than xv because using the menu is less input then popping a potion in xv, also you never need to use anything but basic attack to deal damage in 7r

It doesn't. You hold down O in that game. Classic mode in FF7R requires menu navigation, so even that is more interaction from the player than anything in the game that only has one way to play.

XV-kun using Classic mode as an argument against FF7R is just extra hilarious because it LITERALLY has more interaction than the one and only mode in XV.

The fight is 10 minutes or even longer if you dont issue commands. It adds up when you do no damage.

yeah ff7r requires no input while xv requires full face button, dpad, shoulder butting and stick inputs

Do you even read what you write? You're arguing that XV is more of a game than an easy mode in another. You're note even comparing it to the actual way the remake is meant to be played. Absolutely hilarious, Barry.

Because you didn't and you're an exposed liar nathan. Fucking using an item in XV requires more input than classic mode in 7R

>Shitters saying that classic mode requires no active control
>Imagine playing old FF that only required menu navigation, just like classic mode
>Outing themselves as zoomers who don't know about this

Loving every reply lmao

>your characters do not mitigate damage on their own.
Yes they did, they did that since FF1. It’s called evasion, and I don’t remember if FF7 had blocking because it didn’t have shields but the previous games did. So it’s literally no different to the original, since your party members would have a chance of automatically blocking and evading an attack when they were hit.

Just because you dislike XV-kun doesn't excuse shitposting. Every single button in FFXV and analog directions has a distinct use in combat. FF7R doesn't even have a jump button let alone directional inputs, its control scheme is nowhere near as complex or involved.

Attached: xv2.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

Cope, Barry. Cope. The literal retard mode in FF7 is more of a game than the one and only mode in FF15. You'll have to live with it.

>only able to use items in 10 sec cooldowns
>unlimited items whenever

First, you still have have to input commands for magic and special abilities (exactly like the old FF7)
Second, it's an optional mode.

Yes it does, you need to select your abilities

The purpose of defeating a challenge is to use whichever tools the game gives you to find an optimal strategy to get through.
The game literally offers you to just watch itself being played, which instantly asserts itself as the optimal strategy for ever challenge the game might pose.
A game's difficulty is determined by the easiest way you could get through it.

So press R2 then D pad direction then X to choose then X to confirm on who?
So L1+R1 using armiger meter built by dealing normal attacks?
So basic attacks or manual finishers or directional inputs with Lstick+O and tapping to attack on O?
Team attacks so L1+Dpad?
Literally all of that is more input than 7R

Holding down a button and tilting the analog stick is on the same level as automatic combat in FF7, except it's the only way to play the game, haha... :3

It won’t be till after FF7R, TLOU2 death stranding etc. inevitably get PS5 remasters

without an ending

>ff7r requires buttons inputs to select magic and special skills on both normal and classic mode
>xv requires pressing a single button constantly
Fixed for you

Yet it is the most unresponsive action combat I've played in the genre. I rather have the combat system in the demo that atleast customize my combos.

So you only play games on easy ?
That is your argument ?
Pathetic, simply pathetic.

That's an option so babby mode plebs (journalists) can make it thru the game. However it's designed so that it's reminiscent of the original turn based system. When on normal mode, the game looks really fun

Nigga if you’re not gonna do any research then you don’t deserve to be spoon fed.

7r is do nothing to win and in normal mode has hold to attack by default
No menu is needed on classic in 7r, basic attack is enough, using items in XV requires more input than 7r classic mode let alone basic attacks, defends and movement itself

Attached: ff7r hold to attack.webm (960x540, 2.8M)

Thats what your mother said bout my dick

>and holding 1 button does this
You mean not only attacking, but also running towards the enemy? Congratulations, you just explained the prime reason why FFXV's combat is shit

7r is hold to attack by default
7r has no jump button
7r has auto attacks and plays itself mode

you keep saying this, please compare the inputs for us :^)

nathan on suicide watch

Nope, FF7R has more to do than holding down a button, unlike XV. The real comparison between XV and FF7R is XV's standard mode and FF7R's retard mode. It's hilarious that this is the way things have turned out. People mock FF7R, but really, it's just a mode made for people who are coming off of XV.

please barry. please buy the game and do nothing the whole game and prove us wrong.

>Barret machinegun

Imagine if you had to press square for every bullet...
What a massive retard lol

>Are people now gonna bait with this?
A single mentally challenged autist is not "people"

No because 7r requires no input

O is attack
Square is dodge
Triangle is warp
X is jump
D pad switches weapons
L1+dpad does tech commands
R1+triangle does warp strike
L stick directional inputs while pressing O do different attacks from lunges to charges to self launchers
R2 is items menu
L2 is summon
l1+r1+ Dpad is character switch
Each bro has their own combat system too with different mechanics
Armiger unleashed even more so

7R is closer to "one button combat" than XV can ever be. Hell Prompto has to manually aim while Barret just auto-fires.

Attached: FINAL FANTASY XV_20171010011821.webm (960x540, 2.76M)

7r requires less input than a fucking item menu in XV LMAOOO

FFXV-kun right now

Attached: shitposting.gif (498x292, 92K)

Imagine getting upset over an optional feature.

Zoomlets BTFO

So XV requires more item use and thus more input than 7r?

Why buy a device/service that FEEDS content to you?
This is consumer culture.
The satisfaction and gratification is FED to you and you feel good.

Unless you dont and then youre quickly disregarded and not part of the average.

Attached: ScreenShot09-08-2019002.png (501x351, 223K)

If the game offers to change the difficulty with no consequences, it's essentially a smoother way to get through than to grind more.

>Pathetic, simply pathetic.

Attached: 1515985644422.jpg (387x437, 40K)

jannies???mods??? hiromoot????

someone save ff7 threads from this autism

The retard mode in 7R literally is more of a game than the standard mode in XV, Barry. lmao @ ur life


>No menu is needed on classic in 7r, basic attack is enough, using items in XV requires more input than 7r classic mode let alone basic attacks, defends and movement itself
>no jump button
Source: your arse

ff7r requires no inputs because none of that is needed and its still less input than a fucking item menu in xv


>There's a new gameplay loop not seen before that will now just be automated
Hence why the call it "classic" genius.
People bitched about the action parts, so they made a mode that takes away the action parts


>Kitase: This is one button action.

>Make a mode in which game plays like FF XIII
>Call it "Classic"
T-thanks Squeenix.

Attached: 2ohyE6L.gif (245x184, 981K)

Breaking the game and being a god vs weighing your options to survive or not.

How can you not realize basic rpg 101.

See Where's your argument retard? Or have we reached the point where you're just coping?

Attached: gladio dab.jpg (480x480, 32K)

Hold. O. To. Win. Barry.

Wow this is brilliant

>like FF XIII
kinda the opposite of ffxiii, in that game it auto selected commands, in ff7 the commands are the only part you have to worry about

>Every single button in FFXV and analog directions has a distinct use in combat.
Just because every buttons have a use doesn't mean it's actually useful; pic very related

>let alone directional inputs
Directional inputs were 99% pure aesthetic fluff with no actual role in battle

I didn't need to know all of the features to beat the game.

So maybe just close your fucking eyes if you don't want to see the characters move around in mock battle inbetween turns?

You never played it

Attached: FINAL FANTASY XV_20170524055320_1.webm (960x540, 3M)

See 7r does the same thing dickhead

FF7R has a mode that’s designed to be more akin to the originals turn based system. no matter the mode, regular attacks don’t do much damage because it’s primary function is to charge ATB off hits. Where the real damage comes from special moves that use that ATB (why braver is just a special attack now instead of a limit break)

You still need to use heavier attacks and spells to get real damage in and the more turn based mode only autos regular attacks. you occasionally block but you won’t get past most bosses just auto attacking unless you’re just gonna sit there abusing healing items to prove a point and by then the only point you’ve proven is how much of a faggot you are.

not really, if I turned it on it would only be handicap

That's a lot of fluff to make the XV seem like a game. In reality, you hold down O to win and occasionally hit the warp button. Even navigating a menu for skills is more of an actual game than XV. It's by far the most braindead battle system in the entire series. Even XIII has more depth.

All of those are useful.

>Normal Attacks (Circle)
>Deals comparatively low damage on mid hits, higher damage on openers and finishers
>Builds break% on manual finishers
>Regular hitstun/stagger potential, differs on enemy size
>Risky open to taking damage when doing
>Compared to manual finishers, techs or warpstrikes does much less
>Crucial for dealing consistent reliable damage
>L stick directions+O for alternate attacks and inputs from sidesteps, charges, lunges, stingers, backflips with iframes etc
>Builds MP guage, Armiger guage and tech(ATB like bar) gauge with each hit

>Warp Attack (Triangle)
>Base triangle performs free warp which functions both as fast traversal or dash like evasion with iframes
>R1+Triangle performs warpstrike with hit stagger/hitstun potential
>Deals high damage with various effects depending on weapon type, from single target warpstrikes to AOE warpstrikes to multi hit warpstrikes to self buffing warpstrikes etc
>Builds Break% much higher and faster to vulnerable state enemies by breaking them and gaining their rare drop
>Consumes MP, depleting MP enters stasis during which no warps can be performed
>Very efficient
>Less risky due to iframes and cancelling normals through warps

>Blocking/Dodging (Square)
>Tap Square + L stick direction for dodge roll with iframes
>Hold to Phase which consumes MP to evade some regular attacks but not AOE, parryable or 1hko attacks, inefficient but useful against projectiles
>Perfect timing tap to Blink cancel normal attacks, can cancel any normals through blink
>When shield equipped press to hold up shield to deflect and block and reduce physical attacks
>Perfect time block incoming attacks to blockstun enemies
>When taken damage and knocked back you can do Impervious action by tapping Square exactly when knocked back to cancel the damage dealt and recover through a tech roll recovery
>Can parrycounter with a Square+O input on parryable atttacks


Attached: rULQDR1g0L2WM0gz.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

>Yea Forums complains about an optional feature for the fifty gorillionth time

Attached: isleep.jpg (600x537, 38K)

>ff7r requires no inputs because none of that is needed
Just because you keep repeating easily debunked bullshit that doesn't make it true.

7R's optional journalist mode has more depth than the entirety of XV and no amount of denial on your part will ever be able to change that

no it doesn't
7r is just hold to attack in normal and press nothing to win in classic
its hilarious how using items in XV requires more input than 7r classic mode

Please do nothing against Omega and show me you winning in XV

That's a lot of words to describe Hold O to Win, Barry. How will you live with yourself knowing that the mode in 7R designed for literal retards is more of a game than the only way to play XV?

lmao its literally just auto attack, shit thats been in rpgs for like 2 decades

Cloud is also hold to attack

It's fucking sloppy. Having an auto combo while holding a button is fucking dumb. Even weeb Fighting games makes you input each button in the auto combo.

There's no weight between the autocombo. I can't time my dodges right cause I don't know the timing of randoms moves that I can't control of when I can cancel and when I cannot.

That shit is unresponsive.


seething 7R-kun on suicide watch

Yes, what you're saying is the XV is clunky and poorly designed, to the point where using an item requires more work than navigating an easy menu. I agree, it's clunky and poorly made, but at least it breaks up the monotony of holding down O.

>Yea Forums likes and defends the mode that plays itself so they don't have to play vidya
Is a fucking videogame, you are meant to play it not to watch it, you fucking degenerated retards.


7r requires no input while XV items require more input than anything in 7r

show it


At least the 7R stuff in this is trolling bait

No excuses on XV

Shit 14 is a better FF

Then don't use it, you fucking child.

That's all confirmed

*Retard mode requires minimal input but still more than XV

So 7r requires no input while XV requires more from a item menu lmaoo


Nathan is just coping and lying about 7R now because its the 2nd game in a row to lose tto FFXV

the real question is why buy a game that even when played in the ""real"" mode is literally just a worse and more restrictive version of KH3, a game that already was fucking trash itself
but nope let's just bait eachother into retardation singularity by arguing which game has more demanding item usage

Attached: 1440968764282.jpg (713x900, 68K)

Haha, XV requires more input to use items because it's clunky and poorly designed without item limitations in mind, because, after all, the game is Hold O to Win and just insta heal through the damage. :3

What the fuck are you talking about? That's called a combo string and it's a staple of action games and fighting games. If you mash triangle in DMC, Dante will perform a combo. You can vary up your attacks in XV with directional inputs on different weapon types, offering back flips, sidesteps, charges, self launches etc, you have aerial combos from different weapon types, manual weapon switching, airsteps, aerial dodges, recoveries, attack cancelling through blink dodges, dodge roll, guard stance that consumes MP, shield blocks for proper timing based blocks that can stagger enemies, magic, etc. Don't shit on the game because you're too stupid to learn how to play it.

Attached: xvair.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

If this was 7r Cloud would auto defend then keep attacking and running around on his own

Attached: justholdObro.webm (720x404, 2.79M)

TL;DR: Hold O to Win, I.E, less of a game than the literal retard mode Barry is mocking 7R. xD

On one hand this feature is a kick in the balls to turn based fans on the other one it shows how the gameplay is so shallow it can be automated by code to the action folks. Bravo SE.

They are
7R is do nothing to win

>7r does the same thing dickhead
Except it doesn't. You move with one button and attack with the other. If you have to lie, at least come up with a believable one.

Attached: credibility.jpg (740x432, 94K)

Exactly. It's unituitive.

Yeah but unlike DMC that list of moves isn’t all set to 2 buttons that only activate contextually.


Maybe, on the retard mode. XV is still Hold O to Win and less involved than a fucking retard easy mode in 7R, lmao.

youtube.com/results?search_query=ffxv no damage

git gud

Attached: Noct smiles.jpg (299x266, 15K)

7r requires no input to win

Attached: You just have to only hold O and you'll win every single fight.webm (720x404, 2.71M)

The fags of Yea Forums will use it because is there, the developers are fucking retarded.

>Why would they make the actual game play like this?
It's chery-picked.
FF7's ATB system is effectively a turn-based RPG integrated with a real-time gimmick. The game starts out very simple and the difference between making decisions and just letting some kind of auto-battle feature perform a default move every time the ATB bar fills is negligible. Final Fantasy IV DS even includes a auto-battle feature, it's nothing as elaborate as FFXII's gambits, but if you literally tried to go through the game doing nothing but auto-battle you'd have to do a lot of grinding.
The remake clearly seems to be trying to recreate some of the dynamics of the original while also using some chrono trigger style dynamic positioning.


7R-kun on suicide watch because an item menu in XV requires more input than 7r

>The fags of Yea Forums will use it because is there
Then why do you care? If you're enlightened enough to not use it then don't. Let the fags play however they want, it's their loss if they want to sit there and let the game play itself.

Classic Mode in 7R still requires more input than XV on standard mode. Cope. The optional mode you're trying to sell as the only mode is more player involved than the entirety of XV's systems. Tell me, Barry, will you rope?

So this is your new bogeyman after KH-kun, Neithof, Zeal, etc. etc.?

Then let them use it.

Remember to not reply to Barry bait threads.

"Unintuitive" meaning you're shit at it and too incompetent to git gud.

Noctis has multiple melee attack buttons by default while Dante only has one without a specific style equipped.

Attached: warpin around.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

Why make a thread if you're replying to yourself?

Do they stop attacking automatically when the tail is up?
It seems to me like you just don't understand turn-based combat that starts out with very simple dynamics.

Yes, clunky menus is a POSITIVE now because it requires more input than 7R's retard mode. lmao

Just because you keep repeating easily debunked bullshit that doesn't make it true.

7R classic mode requires no input to win, using items in XV requires more input than 7r

Attached: FINAL FANTASY XV_20161207035806.png (1920x1080, 2.08M)

triangle jumping to an enemy is not a separate melee attack and if that’s the level of stretching you gotta do then all I can offer is a cup of copee

>thinking you'll be able to beat any of the bosses in the game without inputting commands for spells and skills

Seems like you don’t understand that the tail shit isn’t even in the remake. When he sticks up his tail you hide behind debris.

>Wanting turn based combat.

I didn't need to "git gud". I just hold O to win and abuse the items in the game. Warp strike whenever I have mp. Abuse Team attacks. Armiger when it pops.

You don't need to do anything more. It's so basic even at the end game.

>you get to do stuff when special skills come up

sounds like this shit but with out the ass tna

Attached: og_image.jpg (1200x630, 331K)

>Warpstrikes aren't attacks

7R-kun is getting desperate now. We won, XVchads.

Attached: xvmyst1.webm (854x480, 2.95M)

Nope its perfectly succint and tight with faster animation than KH3 or KH2 on normals and cancels and dodges
You're just proving you never played it

It's hilarious how using items in XV requires more input than 7r classic mode

Attached: FINAL FANTASY XV_20171010010641.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

>no input to win
oh yeah sure, try to win by attrition with the AI doing basic attacks only and not selecting any ATB ever, you'll pass most mob fights but anything worth a damn will kick your face in since it doesn't automate healing and the real damage dealers whatsoever.

it's literally the original combat of 7 as approximate as you could mangle an action combat system into it. now fuck off.

So 7R is clunky do nothing to win and its hilarious how using items in XV requires more input than 7r classic mode

It's just one fag samefagging to defend 7R

Honestly, I'd bet there'd be an audience for a developer playthrough of a game, while they talk over and explain certain design decisions and tell stories about the game's development.
It'd be like a director's commentary track.
He'll, some VAs are already doing this.

You're LITERALLY using clunky XV item menus as a positive. Doesn't get more Barry than this, lmao.

So FF7R is shit and automated on purpose? yikes

Oh you are talking about INPUT. Not the decision making. Got it.

>Barry's going all out again
Man I missed this guy since he went into stasis a few months back, I hope he never stops

Attached: I can only get so erect.gif (500x281, 936K)

He also samefag to hate it.

It's hilarious how using items in XV requires more input than 7r classic mode

anyone who thinks you can just put the controller down and expect the game to play itself is retarded, regular attacks do fuck-all in terms of damage and exist solely to fill up your ATB, if you're gonna sit there the entire time and not use ATB for anything every normal battle will take an eternity and you'll never beat any of the bosses.

These threads were amusing once.

It's hilarious how 7R's retard mode is more of a game than XV's one and only mode.

yeah 7r is hold to win on normal and do nothing to win on classic

I remember when shadowbringers came out he started shit posting till he gave up.

Now he's back for this game.

Cloud auto runs to an enemy when you attack them in 7r retard
hell he literally auto jumps too to hit aerial enenies

If it's him he's not even pulling out all the stops. He's just spamming the same thing over and over on a more retarded level than usual. So either it's a copycat or he really doesn't have anything else but bitching about Classic Mode with the same posts on loop.

>hasn't play ff12

If they want to prevent it from being too easy, and also make it more like the original, they should make it cost an ATB to make your character autoblock until your next command. And it should also cost an ATB to move your character from position to position, instead of them moving automatically. That might actually be pretty fun.

its hilarious how using items in XV requires more input than 7r classic mode

Yes it's true I have not obsessed over every detail of pre-launch gameplay footage.
Do they hide automatically?

7r requires no input

It's hilarious that you're using clunky menus as a positive and that the retard mode in 7R is more of a game than XV's one and only mode.

7rkun is neith aka you

gonna be a lot of fun sitting through this exact same thread every day until march

Attached: coma.jpg (616x699, 49K)

At least you still have to select healing and it costs ATB so it's not risk free.

Reminder that XIV is better than XV.
VIIR will also be better. Barry is just coping cause after he got BTFO by Sekiro and DMC he hasn't found a new target yet.
Even Tales of Arise and Sakura Taisen will embarrass FFXV.

Attached: Screenshot_20190723010806.png (1280x720, 1.02M)

its hilarious how using items in XV requires more input than 7r classic mode

>more input
Sometimes, in original FF7, you win battles in the pre-battle preparation phase. In those cases, measuring the number of inputs made during the battle is something only a retard would do.


>263 posts
>literally half of the posts is one(1) person arguing with himself between a shit game and a game that hasn't come out yet
actual real mindbending autism itt

Attached: 94026.1.jpg (341x454, 30K)

It's hilarious that you're using clunky menus as a positive and that the retard mode in 7R is more of a game than XV's one and only mode.

nope it plays itself

You still have to pick something when the ATB bar fills which is already more than holding 000000001 button like XV.

>measuring number of inputs
something only a retard would do.

Kill yourself Barry. Jesus fuck, 5+ years of autism and false flagging. Daily. YEARS.

So 7R clunky gay menu isnt even required and has less input than XV item menu? lmaooo

>If they want to prevent it from being too easy
It's literally impossible to win any remotely difficult battle with auto commands. Even normal battles will take forever. It's not "too easy". It's arguably harder to let the game play itself without using magic or skills than having the player just do everything normally. This thread is a fucking travesty of bait and misinformation.

I remember that time when he made a new thread linking to a post from a previous KH v FFXV thread to restart the argument, that was like 2 years ago, it was fun

You're literally blind

Attached: 1495632484112.webm (960x540, 2.63M)


He's been doing this especially since XV Royal Edition added Armiger Unleashed. Suddenly having manual inputs instead of holding down a button to do cinematic finishers for a shit-wrecking post-game super mode means skill.

Holy shit NeithOf is going all out samefagging again because 7r is do nothing to win

>Tifa shitposting
>Berry is back
>Dunkey will most likely shit on it
This remake is cursed on Yea Forums

>bait and misinformation
Based and truthpilled, god I can't wait for this literal fag to spam it until march

Seriously. What's going to happen if you end up liking FF7R, Barry?

Nope never required
its hilarious how using items in XV requires more input than 7r classic mode

FFXV is even better now because it has a clunky item interface that requires more input than other games to use. Unironically.

its hilarious how using items in XV requires more input than 7r classic mode

>What's going to happen if you end up liking FF7R, Barry?
impossible. his super australian turbo mega autism means he can't get XV's dick out of his mouth to enjoy anything else

So you're seething and backpedaling after getting BTFO

>liking Dunkey unironically

Besides, thinking it won't at least do/ sell well is being purposefully obtuse at this point. Yea Forums is the worst place to talk about actual video games.

How does this post have anything to do with videogames?

And all of those auto hits serve no other purpose than to build ATB so the player can take over.
It'd still be more efficient to build that meter yourself since based on the videos we've seen the AI clearly doesn't build ATB anywhere near as fast as any player character.

I remember you NeithOf on suicide watch then like he/you are today

The worst part about all this is that I genuinely like FFXV and have played 103 hours of it yet this one guy managed to ruin Final Fantasy discussion on the entire board.
That would result in death, something you likely forgot could happen since apparently XV is the only game you ever played and you can't die there.

the gameplay

I think it's less him saying he likes Dunkey, and more saying "Dunkey shits on JRPGs in general and will shit on the remake no matter how good or bad it is because he shat on 7 already"

damn dude leak your copy

NeithOf samefagging again after another meltdown?

did you just assume neithof's gender
that's a new low bazz

>no one acknowledges Barry made this
I guess I will?

I mean, that's the point. Dunkey even outside of his absolute hateboner bias for JRPGS has fairly terrible taste in games.

>yet this one guy managed to ruin Final Fantasy discussion on the entire board.
The power of australians.
Leafs got nothing on them despite /vint/

you don't need to use anything other than regular attacks

This looks like FFXIV reskin. Why they hate turn based system so much? Won't sell for ADHD zoomers?

You never played it

Attached: justholditbrah.webm (720x404, 3M)

>post times
Crying samefag is sad. Really, what'll happen if you like it?

I wonder why you guys are replying to this retard, this is fucking insane.

ah, I didn't notice that. he's ripping off my shtick and it's hilarious because no one would take it seriously

Attached: ffxv kun.jpg (1920x1080, 749K)


Attached: reprimanding xv-kun.jpg (1125x1600, 472K)

Yes you fucking do, if you seriously think you could beat the scorpion or any other boss with no spells or skills you're full of shit.

t. NeithOf

Attached: 1568651421053.jpg (1920x1080, 433K)

>"I genuinely like FFXV"
>immediately spouts "you can't die" meme
>only played it for 103 hours

You should try harder with your falseflagging

Attached: xvarmiger2.webm (700x404, 2.86M)

no you don't

We already know you use multiple devices to use multiple IPs and use a Yea Forums pass on both NeithOf

>don't play classic bruh!
>but I have no self control my mind is too weak from the onions to choose the manual difficulty
Have some self respect and just don''t play Classic. Problem solved.

Some say Barry is still holding O.

The report function also exists.

Attached: xv dmc5.webm (1178x332, 2.85M)

its just one fag autistically defending 7r

For that (terrible) boss fight you had to also hold the analog stick. What's your point? I got through Castlemark or whatever it was called by spamming Phoenix down and the game never EVER punished me until the DLC bonus battles.

sounds like you never played the game.

Irony aside this is retarded, people dont watch streamers for gameplay, more often than not its for the personality of the streamer.

Yeah he always falseflags by first pretending to be a fan then just spouts the copypasted shitpost that no one would say if they were a fan.

You can criticize a game you like retard, I know that's an alien concept to you. XV was piss easy and the only challenges were in the DLCs.

That's just Barry. He's been doing this for years. Attacks every major RPG, and even popular action games. He'll also reply to this post saying this is a samefag/NeithOF/KHfag/7rfag/etc. post. He simply cannot let it go. He's genuinely somehow more autistic than this one asshole 35-year-old furry acting like a 12 year old child that i've met before.

Holy shit you mean a Final Fantasy game wasn't designed to appeal to combo autists?


So you never played it

Man Barry puts ACfag to shame.

Some say Nathan isn't pressing anything

Ironic coming from (You)
Kys schizo

Attached: no.png (678x1362, 56K)

Funny enough, because Tabata explicitly "didn't want to have to memorize button combinations".

Some retard playing like a retard and getting hit

Some retarded combofag juggling a sandbag for no reason and trying to pass this off as good gameplay

Neither are accurate, this webm is b8.

Attached: actual DMC 'combat'.webm (900x506, 2.89M)

You clearly didn't.

Nice try falseflagging faggot

Least ACfag has some sense of justification with his stupid autism, he just hates certain things in vidya that he takes to an unreasonable and retarded extent, meanwhile Barry's just a plain old fanboy

There was a couple of devs from old Naughty Dog who worked on the R&C games who did a few playthroughs of the first three or so R&C games. I thought it was pretty interesting, I kind of wish more devs did this.

Though I'd absolutely understand not doing so. Devs should NOT be expected to play their own game beyond what's necessary for testing purposes. When you spend thousands of hours of your life working on one thing you do NOT come out of that experience wanting to play it. Writers don't read their own books, directors don't watch their own movies, musicians don't listen to their own albums, developers don't play their own games. I've seen people get angry and ask "didn't the devs play their own game!?" and I can only roll my eyes at the question.

>this webm is b8.
why yes, yours is, thank you for labeling it so

If you look at the board he's attacking Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Death Stranding, Cyberpunk, Devil May Cry V and Guilty Gear, also he did this about FF15 and KH, dude is plaguing the board and keeps ban evading to get away with it.

Some other terms and common posts nathan makes to help identify Nathan aka Neith Of here, he has frequently said these here and on gamefaqs
>Take your meds, variants of this
>Calm down, kid.
>Get help
>You're XV-kun, said to various different people both on Yea Forums and on gamefaqs
>repeatedly spamming old 2014 mistranslated and misinterpreted interview
>repeatedly spamming "hold O" webm from supereyepatchwolf furry vid even though R1+O is being held and its against some of the weakest grunts in the game while using durandal
>Calling everyone barry
>posting a list of other shitposters and namefags with himself included to try and distract from himself coming under fire, ignores they are all proven shitposters including himself and his various aliases
>Will try and hide behind other games just to attack XV and to try and turn fans of other games against XV by falseflagging as a fake XV fan shitting on other games then blaming it on "barry"
>Has done this with DMC, FF14, Persona, Xenoblade, Nier Automata, Sekiro and countless others
>The biggest Nomura defender in existence
>A huge KH shill and also a FF13 defender
>Defends FF7R nonstop and has been up for 56 hours straight defending it on Yea Forums and gamefaqs

Attached: neith aka nathan.jpg (810x1314, 455K)

I thought DMChads and XVfags were bros, bazzy? Whut happen?

for FF15 against 14, KH and etc.

Meanwhile in reality

Attached: FINAL FANTASY XV_20171010030249.webm (960x540, 2.66M)

t. Nathan

...No kek from me.


>Kitase: This is one button action.

Weak. Barry still holding O is funny because that's what he's been doing for 3 years without rest.

But streamers don’t have personality. They’re all diet PewDiePie

>autist is clearly holding R1+O and still gets hit taking damage while having wait mode on and using one of the strongest base game regular weapons in the game Durandal with elemental advantage against one of the weakest grunt mob enemies in the entire game while having a full 5 member party

>Autist being an autist against a boss

Attached: Hold O wins.webm (720x404, 2.95M)

Why are you falseflagging NeithOf?

Eat my shit Barry

Attached: file.png (1260x275, 67K)

Can they like, range ban anything that comes from Barry's vicinity? Would that even work? I'm pretty sure he has a pass.

Isn't this classic mode that's supposed to emulate the original game?

>my concubine gf looks like shit

Attached: 1561931033366.gif (512x288, 3.73M)

And NeithOf literally is holding Nomura's cock in his mouth for 6+ years

I dunno who this guy is but I started the FFXV Kun meme years ago and my name's not Nathan. In fact, I don't even like FF games, I'm a racing game and VN guy. I can't believe you're still assmad about this.

XV came to PC after all

So you never played it

I was in a thread just after KH3 release where barry was banned 16 seperate times, he is pure autism incarnate

reminds me of that one time he was proclaiming that Episode Prompto did not have a turret section final boss when he hadn't even cleared the DLC yet.

Just range ban Germany/Greece

Attached: neithof5e.jpg (1080x1690, 571K)

I doubt all that is true, particularly the belief that the guy is turning games against a mediocre game from 2016

Still more productive than defending a shit "game" where you hold one button to win, while a terrible story unfolds in the background. One so bad that it required 2 years worth of patching to be "complete."

>summons and sword other than buster sword before leaving Midgar
>faggoty ass magic black feathers right out of some fujo's fanfiction everywhere
>Kingdom Hearts heartless ghosts
Why Nomura. Why are you doing this

Attached: 1556628596371.jpg (750x689, 82K)

Literally no one said Ep Prompto didn't have a turret section NeithOf you lying cunt


But you did.

Nah, he's hilarious. You can shut him down completely by just bringing up HOLD O TO JASON. His reality comes falling down immediately and then he has to chug his medication to start functioning again. This happens over and over and is just great, free entertainment.

>ban Australia
A man can dream.

Mindlessly repeating le one button meme won't suddenly make it true, 7R-kun.

Attached: Holding O to win.webm (960x540, 2.84M)

I bought the day one edition and the season pass.
In how much denial can one man be? What else do you want as proof? A picture of my dick inside the disc hole?

>basically a glorified idle animation while you decide on moves

>every single FFVII:R thread now being shitposted to death by Barry
>Mods and jannies just let him do it every time

Attached: 1541356186891.gif (480x480, 465K)

If he ban-evaded for six years i'd probably quit caring too.

It is all true
He's that much of a nomura shill that he even still uses the regis and clarus design from nomura xv as his avatar and header pic


He got exposed as being nathan a few weeks ago when it was noticed he signed up to the FF7 fan forum around E3 because he got BTFO on gamefaqs
Then when he got exposed he put his twitter on private literally 1 day after his twitter was linked here and he was exposed

Attached: neithof aka nathan.jpg (1080x929, 291K)

But it is true. It wouldn't "suddenly" make it true because it already is a fundamental fact. It's ok to let go, Barry. You hold it to win, but you won't lose it if you let go.

>A picture of my dick inside the disc hole?
That's a small penis you've got there

Funny how XV has more positive reviews than KH3 huh?

This is an actual good addition. If they give you an option to turn the ATB speed up it's pretty much like OG 7 played, which I'm fine with. I'm no ADHD kiddie, I don't need constant button mashing to feel rewarded.

Honestly he bores me. I'd rather just have discussion. Because the same old song and dance is becoming more routine than actual job work.

after being yelled at for twenty years they know what nostalgiafags want from this game and how to insert it in as much as they can for maximum profit

Attached: 1433433554535.jpg (480x352, 42K)

Why would they do anything? He'll just ban evade forever and probably would use a VPN too if he got range banned. It's pointless.
The only thing that would work is if no one replied to him but people can't do that.


No one did.

>It is all true
Show me proof he's the guy picking fights with other games to make your game look bad. Go on.

Funny how you assume you must like one or the other. Fun fact: They're both shit.

But you did.

Remember when NeithOf said Nomura will never add new characters to FF7R that weren't in the original FF7? OOOOPS NeithOf on damage control

Attached: FF7R TGS 2019 JP.mp4_snapshot_00.21.996.jpg (1920x1080, 602K)

He is evading, you faggots apply to become a jannie to ban barry.

Attached: autismbarry.png (1581x196, 64K)

If anything he's giving awareness to this mode.

>remember when someone speculated

Whoever that is isn't a real person on Yea Forums. Barry is, and he's legitimately in every single thread about XV and FFVII.

This. Holding one button will get you fucked in XV especially against omega or naglfar or MA-X angelus or Cor or Bahamut or Ifrit or level 120 aranea or Cerberus or the fierce or the rogue or the mystic or ravus or quetzcoatl or dread behemoth or nagarani or red giant etc

It's funny because in older FF games, hold button to win was actually a thing. It meant selecting attack and an enemy as quickly as possible, and I used it for a huge portion of the random battles throughout the games. Now I'm replaying 15, and anyone who's played it a bit has learned that if you try to hold O to win, you will get DESTROYED.

Attached: ffv hold x to win.webm (780x540, 2.93M)

No it isn't and you never played it

Attached: 1555748728756.webm (640x360, 2.29M)

He's falseflagging

I just realized they haven't showed off rufus yet.

Nope, you however did this >literally posting himself falseflagging as his boogeyman

Yes, it is, and I spent over 50 hours on that abomination. In fact, I got it two weeks early because they broke street date in my country. I'm just not autistic enough to obsess over an objectively shit, mindnumbingly simplistic game like you are.

That was you NeithOf

t. NeithOf on suicide watch

Attached: Neithoff posting on v proof again.png (3052x1270, 358K)

I have never seen a guy so committed to a video game that he has to hate all other video games. Even if that video game was abandoned by the company and by many fans.

But he still holds on. He still shit posts. This guy is more resiliant than the OG RE2 fanbot.

But you did say Episode Prompto's final boss wasn't a turret section.

You clearly never played it

A strange game.
The only winning move is not to play.


Attached: 20190916_135101.jpg (3001x3000, 1.84M)

You just quoted 2 different people and called them both NeithOf. Your boogeyman doesn't exist, but you do, Barry. Cope.

You're the only one shitposting against anything that isn't nomura directed

it's funny because he liked XV
I wonder if he's XV-kun

There aren't even sixteen months loser.

Nope, no one ever said that you lying cunt NeithOf, you however said FF7R will never add new characters not in the original

Europoors everyone.

But you did.

I haven't enjoyed anything nomura related since Kingdom hearts 2. That was 14 years ago.

Can't you see that most of the damage taken or given during the auto-attacks was very low in that mode? It's not really auto battle. The characters are moving and fighting just to keep an active presentation.


Attached: huu5505.jpg (4032x3024, 2.23M)

>XV and VIIR fans arguing about whose shit smells the worse
Just shut up and play FFV, a good Final Fantasy-game.

You're NeithOf

Attached: Neithof posting here on v proof.png (3480x2752, 589K)

I told you to stop shitposting.

Two different people again, Barry. :3

just keep at it for 5 minutes you'll win

cope nate

Attached: neith aka nathan which nate is short for.jpg (1071x788, 326K)

You first.

Considering that SE put the original in every single platform under the sun to milk it,i'd say that its impossible that it wont come to PC eventually.

The first pair of posts you quoted were 20 seconds apart. Do you even know how Yea Forums works?

No its a video game user.

when the game launch and the scorpion kills you. you gonna get btfo.

Nope, i am NeithOf :^)

We've already established you use multiple devices and IPs


Attached: cloud omnislash ff7r.webm (960x540, 1.29M)

For me, it's CoD MW... a true classic but most of all a complete game with a good story.
XV's shooting mechanics are shit anyway, or any of its mechanics for that matter.

Which one is the better game Yea Forums?

Attached: CoD MW vs FFXV.jpg (1300x561, 474K)

That's pathetic, Barry. Yes, everyone here, all 113 posters are using multiple IPs JUST to tell you you're a fucking retard.

You'd just love it if this thread were just two angry people straining as hard as they can to fill an empty void competently full of their own shit before the other wins the shittting race.

Nope, i am NeithOf :^)

What does that graphical glitch have to do with anything?

Look how desperate neithof is to force random rivalries between games

Attached: kh3 do nothing and literally win.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

Actually, it's all Barry. Pic related the thread that started everything.

Attached: 1464211593264.jpg (1923x2868, 2.6M)

>coming first on Playstation 4
It's gonna be ported on everything except Swich.

This actually makes a lot of sense. It's obvious the guy is just playing both sides to shitpost and derail threads. He is both xv-kun and 7r-kun or whatever.

>wishes he had multiple personality disorder
So on top of everything, he's a special snowflake

bet you xv-kun is making a counter-image with photoshop as we speak.

Do you need proof that people shit post,false flag and do autistic campaings on Yea Forums?
How long have you been here?

This is a hell of a nothingburger Yea Forums's cooked up this time.

If you think watching an AI get smacked around waiting for your turn to open a menu is the optimal way to play then you have brain damage.

Attached: 1281394884595.png (450x450, 27K)

>Barry is a dirty slave nigger

>guy never posts an image of him

literally everything besides 2 twitter screencaps is fake news

That's not him it's a ff12 shill from UK called 1truth

how is it fake news? this was the first time ever anyone said the twitter user Bazztek is xv-kun, then people in that thread looked into it and it turned out to be true. Then they found out that he has been doing this for years and has been banned from every single forum ever etc.

Nice damage control though you dirty nigger.

nice try bazztek/galv/1truth/nigger

Sad that this is the only way XV can be discussed.

Big brain post

For liking XV that much, XV-kun sure ruined the chances of talking about it.

Also streamers are free to watch and paying money is entirely optional. That's why they're called donations

Ironically he likes to use the word nigger a lot on /ffg/.

Attached: max bait.webm (760x314, 535K)

it's too bad the moderation of this board is the fucking worst

a thread like this on Yea Forums would have been purged hours ago and barry would have been banned 30 times by now.

Come on! Repeat the same bullshit again! Maybe at the 1000th time it will actually become true!

Jesus Christ.
What the fuck is Barry's problem!?

Attached: 436 vs 70.png (256x217, 63K)

To be fair, Barry has been banned like 30 times, but he always come back.

The true problem is that people should stop replying to him.

when the beast is backed into a corner and feels threatened he will lash out in a last ditch effort

You're underestimating Barry's autism. He legitimately gets into the same arguments over and over. It's not an intentional troll job.

I'm wetting myself just trying to imagine his reaction if, by any chance, FFVersusXV actually happens...
We would literally need an entire new board just for him!
I'm unironically more hyped for that than the actual game

Attached: ohyes.jpg (329x239, 42K)

of course he gets banned all the fucking time but he's a deranged autist and bypasses bans

Literally every other FF (except maybe XII) has better combat than XV. And considering that FF in general never had particularly good combat, that's saying a lot.

>dodging is so shitty that the only way to effectively do it is to stop attacking and concentrating exclusively on that
In other words, dodging in FFXV is basically just another way to put the game in pause. Wow

Attached: bad on purpose.jpg (444x221, 68K)

Guys I've found out where Barry lives

Attached: Seething.png (524x551, 751K)

Oh no no n ono no non on on on on ono

It's fun watching FFXV-kun squirm in desperation

Attached: shadowspawn.jpg (680x510, 55K)

>this one asshole 35-year-old furry acting like a 12 year old child that i've met before.

>posting literally the only 1 vs 1 fight in the game (other than Dyne)
>posting only the part that comes after Dark Nation is defeated
Wow. Literally double-level cherrypicking. WRPG-kun would be proud of you.

Attached: beh.gif (308x267, 2.42M)

>Dumb stagger system from FF13

Gee thanks

shit... you found me! I'm actually Zeal (v:

Attached: absolute truth.png (593x614, 62K)



Attached: True King Reclaim Your Heart.jpg (1240x720, 782K)

Jokes aside, I'm kinda upset that because of that faggot the credibility of VersusXV has been ruined.
I think he might be paid by SE to intentionally poison the waters...

Attached: wdhmbt.png (1084x1400, 1.35M)

Isn't that pretty much every fucking jrpg ever

its all fake info and lies by a larper
only 2 Twitter screencaps in that image are real but they're not what those shitposters claim it to be

Kill yourself Zeal you nomura cocksucking faggot.

The absolute cope of 7R-kun responding to himself

Holy fucking shit Zeal you retarded nigger just kill yourself already


Not a single FF has better combat than XV let alone has actual combat

Attached: 1468586684683.png (1195x262, 81K)

Jesus Christ you stupid cunt you're still posting this after being exposed and proven wrong countless times?

Fuck off with this shit, every enemy has telegraphed attacks and only the animal monsters have realistic animal like movement, they still all have telegraphed attacks as do all daemons, Niflheim enemies, humanoids and bosses.

Tabata is only talking about making the animations feel and look realistic for the wild monster enenies FIRST before they implemented the telegraphing for then, every enemy clearly telegraphs their attacks. You have literally no fucking clue what you are even trying to say.

MHW does the same exact thing with its monster animations as XV does too you moron.

Attached: 1523165873931.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

yet you're the one on suicide watch 7R-kun

Hold. O. To. Win.

Fuck off Zeal

Attached: large mgaminglive.jpg (1365x613, 110K)

Zeal on suicide watch and damage control because he's getting exposed again

Attached: mercilessv alt account 2.png (1150x626, 83K)


Fuck off, OP and stop spamming this shit. You've posted this like 30 times since it was aired live. You're like the anti-barry of FF XV who does everything in his power to shame FF VII Remake, but you know what? All you're doing is shilling and giving free advertising for the game, so thanks. Fucking retard.


Attached: SCHIZO.png (129x93, 1K)

You got it wrong!
I'm actually KH-kun!
How do you cope with the fact that vanilla KH3 is miles better than "complete" (lol) FFXV?

Attached: kh3.jpg (800x450, 61K)

Yes FF7R is hold to win or do nothing to win

Fucking kill yourself Zeal you damage controlling fuckstain

don't let barry see this

Attached: KH3 destroys FFXV.jpg (1280x720, 679K)

Your smear campaign backfired. The retard mode in 7R requires more player input than the standard one in XV. Lmao, Barry.

god dammit barry. Go make a XV thread for ones

At most it would probably just get an exclusive costume or feature.

Nice try samefag using multiple devices and IPs.

Don't let Zeal or Nathan see this

Attached: 1551618299421.jpg (3266x2180, 2.59M)

So 7R requires pressing nothing to win? Damn.


Slightly more than nothing on the optional retard mode, which is more than what can be said for XV, which is hold button to win game and then suffer through horrible cutscenes telling a horrible story.


Wow Cant believe nomura added hold to attack to FF7R and a press nothing to win mode and there's no jump button, what a trainwreck

Attached: ps2 tier water.webm (1920x1080, 2.92M)

XV has god tier cutscenes and story while 7R has trash KH tier story and cutscenes with you not needing to press anything to win


Attached: 317.png (500x501, 80K)

Wow so FF7R plays itself? Nomura really is a hack, versus would have been trash.

Cope Zeal

Rope, Barry.

Even KH3 is do nothing to win

Attached: kh3 do nothing to win.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

Thanks for reposting the same webm that proves what I just said!

>still posting this after being exposed and proven wrong countless times?
You mean "countless" because they are nonexisting?

>every enemy has telegraphed attacks
...and? The vast majority of their attacks are still completely unpredictable making the dodge useless.

>and only the animal monsters have realistic animal like movement,
You mean the majority of enemies?

>Tabata is only talking about making the animations feel and look realistic for the wild monster enenies FIRST before they implemented the telegraphing for then,
Literally zero substantiation for what you say.
LMAOing at your pretending to know what Tabata meant better than Tabata himself!

>MHW does the same exact thing with its monster animations
Why do you keep deflecting when you can't argue anymore?

Kys Zeal

XV is such a garbage game with a retarded broken story, no wonder its fanbase is equally garbage and mentally broken.

Kh3 and XV are just as bad. Both shit games with no redeeming value aside from music and graphics.

What the fuck is this thread

It literally proves you wrong you dumb nigger.

You've been exposed countless times because it's so fucking often you've been BTFO and destroyed.

>...and? The vast majority of their attacks are still completely unpredictable making the dodge useless.
Are you fucking retarded? They are all telegraphed thus perfectly predictable to dodge and evade with perfect timing

>You mean the majority of enemies?
Whom all have telegraphed attacks easy to dodge

Literally zero substantiation for what you say.

>LMAOing at your pretending to know what Tabata meant better than Tabata himself!
The fucking game itself you dumb nigger, because the example he used with the Behemory swiping its claws literally does have proper telegraps, he's only talking about the MOTION ITSELF being realistic like actual animals, they are all telegraphed as game enemies first.

>Why do you keep deflecting when you can't argue anymore?
Why are you trying to shitpost against XV for doing the exact same thing monster hunter world does on its monsters?

Fuck off you dumb cunt

Attached: FINAL FANTASY XV_20170826222326.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

average FF thread since 2012

a Nomura shill having a meltdown and samefagging, while getting exposed

a Tabata shill having a meltdown and samefagging, while getting exposed

XV is such a fantastic game with a amazingly compelling story, no wonder its fanbase is equally fantastic and extremely chill.

psxotaku from gamefaqs aka Zeal and @jb_squareenix on twitter the larping faggot is on suicide watch

t. xv-kun aka barry aka bazztek aka retarded xv shill


>Kitase: This is one button action.

oh no noooo

t. psxotaku aka zeal aka psxphreak aka traveler_of_truth aka CEOofMGN aka Zeal_Returns aka MGamingLive aka MercilessV aka Sword of Etro aka SquareBrand aka @jb_squareenix aka the biggest Nomura shill faggot larper in existence

literally just put your account on private DURING THIS THREAD

Attached: zea l@tjb_squareenix.jpg (804x5990, 1.81M)

>zeal put his twitter on private because he got exposed again

Zeal aka twitter.com/jb_squareenix on suicide watch