Now that the dust has settled

Now that the dust has settled...

What do you think about Meet The Pyro?

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pretty good, wish we got more interesting weapons instead of pyro vision
also what the fuck was up with giving pyro 1 weapon

A funny twist, but a bit incongruous with the pyro's previous characterisation, what little of it there was.

Given that the whole point of the pyro's character is that we know nothing about them. I think it went about as well as you could ask for.

What did you think was incongruous with previous characterization?

>What did you think was incongruous
Some of pyro's lines had a sort of sardonic, eye-rolling, tone to them. Like he was criticising the intelligence of the other classes. A lot of his voice lines are pretty clear, so there's little reason to think he wasn't lucid. That, and the fact that stuff like the hadouken and air guitar already made him seem a little immature, so it's a little strange to pull a twist like pyrovision as if he'd been dead serious the whole time.

it kind of blows its load on that one joke that isn't funny or original at all.
nailed it. he came across as a goofy contractor who liked his job, like everyone else.

I feel a little bit the same way about Medic.
Medic always struck me as more of a "nervous wreck" or "chronic worrier" type rather than a remissed mad scientist.

>Soldier starts off as a quixotic, xenophobic, delusional psychopath
>becomes a literal retard
>Scout starts off as a trash-talking quick-witted brat (and slight caricature of kids who play FPS games)
>becomes the team punching bag
>Spy starts off as a cold, calculating greaseball whose poise comes off as insincere
>becomes a snorting indignant mommyfucker

Ironically the only TF2 character to not become totally flanderized is Heavy. Despite being portrayed as a fat moron in fan works, the few times he's not killing something he's portrayed as the same stoic Russian tough man stereotype. Telltale's poker game remains the best portrayal of him but at least Valve can keep him consistent.

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Finally i found someone with the same opinion. Pyroland shit is so cringe, cant believe they went for it instead of expanding on his character. Meet the series MAKE the classes what they are and mtp feels like an afterthought

Fucking hell, why can't I get this post right.
>>Scout starts off as a trash-talking quick-witted brat (and slight caricature of kids who play FPS games)
>>becomes the team punching bag
I dunno, Meet the Spy makes it pretty clear early on that the only one who ever took Scout seriously was Scout himself. Everyone calls him son or boy and is outright dismissive towards him.

i was a little disappointed with it

Scout often feels less like a team member and more like an annoying busboy. That's not what the game is about and it's not what he was originally.

To add to this: The moment pyrovision was added to the game, the rainblower's taunt implied that he genuinely knew what he was doing, and was still a sadistic pyromaniac at heart. Like he was insane, but wasn't delusional, or simply had lucid moments.The fact that everyone ignores this is irritating. It gives real room for his original personality to still be canon.

How does it imply that?

>The fact that everyone ignores this is irritating.
I wouldn't say it's ignored. If anything, the comic outright addresses that he's still a sadistic pyromaniac despite being semi-lucid.

Attached: pyro bear.jpg (2048x1536, 462K)

Why is Soldier so fat now?

>Ironically the only TF2 character to not become totally flanderized is Heavy.
Valve didn't need to flanderize him, because "Friendlies" were already doing just that.

I wish there was a skin for the backburner. I feel like I'm the only non f2p using it nowadays in 99% of servers I go into

All fire is usually replaced by rainbows, all screams are replaced with laughter. There is no violence in any situation, apart from the end of that taunt where pyro lets out an explosion of fire while laughing maniacally. It's a complete contrast to how the rest of pyrovision works. Pyro's perspective matches reality and shows him to be quite evil.
I was gonna use this as an example of things people ignore, so I'm glad not everyone glossed over it.

Basically Pyro is a monstrous psychopath with delusional episodes that feels really really good when he sets fires.

I like to think the hallucinations are caused by dehydration. He's running around a desert in the middle of the day while wearing a hazmat suit and starting fires. All that heat over the years could fry anyone's brain.
I also like the idea of a man having two sides. One that wants to burn people, and one that wants to make the world a better place, by burning people, virtually indistinguishable from the outside. It's so redundant that it fits tf2 pretty well.

Spy was always intended to be le annoying European man, if anything the comics made him more sensible. I agree with you about Soldier though. He was never meant to be stupid. A psychotic xenophobic killing machine living in his own reality sure but he's not stupid.

>A psychotic xenophobic killing machine living in his own reality
Soldier really used to be a brilliant example of dark humour. There's so much about him that's just sad. The comics are hilarious, but after the WAR update they started to mostly ignore that aspect of his character.

I liked it. I've never understood the problem people had with it.

There actually is a distinction between the two team Soldiers
BLU is a paranoid gun nut barricaded in his apartment eating cheap provisions, RED is a homeless and dangerously impulsive retard

>There actually is a distinction between the two team Soldiers
That's a whole different can of worms that valve seem to be trying to ignore.

I think you're giving scout more credit than what would be actually healthy for the group's dynamic. Having him get constantly dumped on is the only thing that prevents his personallity from becoming truly grating.

>dust has settled
it's like ten years old

>I agree with you about Soldier though. He was never meant to be stupid.
The guy whose original profile lists that he tried to sign up to fight in WW2 years after it had ended was never meant to be stupid? The guy who lectured a bunch of severed heads on how Sun Tzu invented fighting and bought two of every animal on Earth so he could beat them up wasn't meant to be stupid?

blatant contrived platform to sell the stupid unicorn thing

Oh god, did you actually think that "Now the dust is settled" was the ironic Yea Forums meme where you actually mean "While everyone is still talking about it"?

There's a difference between lunacy and stupidity. He's smart enough to construct his own explosive ordinance and kill swathes of people, but he can't quite grasp the idea that a World War could ever end. It's depressing so many people can't tell the difference between the two, like you.

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I really liked that on the surface the heavy looked like a dumb fatass with a gun fetish but deeper down was a philosopher with a degree in Russian Literature (who was also a fatass with a gun fetish)

Not worth it. The jetpack was cool but all of the fun flamethrowers got nerfed. It was more fun before.

That's the jungle inferno update you're thinking of.

Have you considered it's just that soildier's brilliance is so specific that it doesn't reveal itself and that he legitimately is that idiotic in every other regard?

What's depressing is that there are people like you who have rose tinted goggles permanently fastened to their heads so that they whine about Valve "ruining the characters" by doing shit that had been there all along instead of following their own personal headcanon.

It's good, but all the best Meet the Team videos are ones which follow the original interview format. Sniper's is still my favorite.

Oh yeah

>tf2 lore
U gay.

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>Jungle inferno changed the rainbows to rainbow coloured fire.
Still waiting for them to fix that.

Meet the Pyro technically was an interview. Just sayin'.

The comics and promotional videos are really, really fucking good.

Soldier in 2007
>Insane person talks to corpses about how he is going to decimate all of his enemies in the name of a nebulous war god

Soldier in 2019
>Wizard's familiar who keeps pet raccoons and smears honey all over himself inbetween teleporting brain and shitting in a bucket

Don't you reply again you silly fuck.

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Yeah, if you're a retard that enjoys "youtube poop" tier humor, yes.

No wonder the game is loved by furfags and horsefuckers...

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Tell us a joke, mister comedy snob.

I don't see how either of these personallities are mutually exclusive.

Soldier in 2007
>crazy and stupid
Soldier in 2019
>crazy and stupid

They blatantly acknowledge his change in character through the lead poisoned water joke.

>Facebook tier reaction image
>Retarded fucking opinions
What a monstrous amalgamation of a post.
Just what are you?

What kind of shoes do ninjas wear?

You're lucky my IP is blocked from posting images or the reaction image I would reply with would decimate you.

It's only a "blatant acknowledgement" of his "change in character" because you want to see it as such when, again, his official profile in the manual and Meet the Soldier depicted him as crazy and stupid years before that comic was ever made.

>Total pleb with shit opinion doesn’t like slapstick
What else is new?

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You were expecting some stupid gmod or anime reaction image? yeah, sorry, i'm not a FAGGOT

Now, go ahead and boot up your dead shit game, stop replying to me.

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>thinks those 2 are the same

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Ahaha, oh wow. That's a thing? What kind of shit posting do you have to do to get that?
No wait, lemme guess. "Young actress" threads on Yea Forums?
BLACKED on /pol/?
No, no, snoyjaks on Yea Forums!

Did I get it?

just as bad as the pyro in gameplay

To be fair, I should have made it clear I was different guy. I agree that the soldier has always been idiotic and insane, but over the years they've focused more on the idiotic part. The fact that valve reference this, and you still don't see it, is just ignorance.

>Ecks dee, 2funnai xddD.
Yeah, we get it, you're autistic like the rest of the current tf2 playerbase.

Disappointing. The "Fantasy World" delusion was a singular joke that wasn't that clever to begin with and ran for far too long, taking up the vast majority of the video. Coming off of Sniper and Spy, which were and still are the best of the Meet the Class videos, it was pretty disappointing

No idea. its apparently affecting a few people. I wonder if it means they live close by. There's a few people on this site I'd love to meet personally.

To clarify, I should have specified it's my IP range, not mine specifically.

>You were expecting some stupid gmod or anime reaction image
I was expecting someone to have mocked you for posting it here within the last 6-7 years, and I'm shocked you were dumb enough to save it from here back then to begin with.

I’ve been rangebanned for /pol/ users going off keister, Australian Yea Forums posters going full Joker on someone, and an /mlp/ user who likes to get off topic
I’m almost certain the /mlp/ user is close enough to meet in person

>I’m almost certain the /mlp/ user is close enough to meet in person
Don't let this chance slip by, user.

Man at least we can have fun. Every other current game bans you for being too good or too nice

Objective ranking of the meet the vids

user look up what the word ignorance means and compare it to stupidity. The average burger has no idea that the majority of the heavy lifting in WWII was carried out by the Russians. That's not because Americans are stupid, its just not something that's taught in schools. The Soldier was written as a satirical take on American patriotism and nationalism. Not having a good grasp of history and picking and choosing which facts he wants to believe is exactly in line with the character of a man who is living in his own reality. It does not in any way mean he is unintelligent.

Objective shit you mean

I like how the heavy even though being a 1970s Russian is actually anti-communist because they messed everything up for him and his family and lives with his family in the woods providing for themselves. It would have been so easy to turn him into 'Le Gommunism XD'

Scorch Shot made the other flare guns obsolete despite doing fuckall damage

> somebody else uses the back burner

I like the festive skin alot

Have you not seen how wide he is in-game? Plus he lives off of canned soup most of the time, that's guaranteed instantaneous fat right there.

Detonator is still better overall
Scorch is for smooth brained foreigners

Why are you in a TF2 thread if you don't like TF2?

Scorch shot is what the original flare gun should have been.

I think he likes tf2 but is being tsundere about it

Flare guns had always been utter shit since their release. The fact that Scorch Shot is the only flare gun that's usable at any sort of range despite that being the original point of the flare gun and only real reason to pick one over the shotgun is why it made them obsolete.

>Detonator is still better overall
The Scorch Shot does more damage thanks to the flare hitting twice, has knockback, and is fire-and-forget and doesn't need to be manually detonated, in exchange for not having a weak blast jump (and don't say I'm not doing it right, it's far weaker than a rocket jump) that hurts you more than it would hurt an enemy on the class that needs that HP because he needs to get within horrible rape range of the enemy to deal damage.
Only faggot hipsters who want to try to be cool by not using the popular weapon think the Detonator is better than the Scorch Shot.

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Wish the Detonator allowed for some kind of explosive jumping

Do you know how to read?


He was way more interesting as an enigmatic figure, there was probably nothing they could have done worse than just explain it all with 'he is le kooky'. The actual video isn't bad though, in the moments where they focus on everyone else treating him like a creepy freak

I can't help but get the feeling the entire shtick was to cash in on the tail end of the MLP and MLP-creepypasta phase because Gabe is a faggot brony

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>I can't help but get the feeling the entire shtick was to cash in on the tail end of the MLP and MLP-creepypasta phase because Gabe is a faggot brony

You can bet your life savings on that because it's 100% true.

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I am sorry

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>That pink unicorn hat gets added
>When the most extreme cosmetics were ever meant to be were pic related

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Is okay friend.

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Pyro's ass is probably small as fuck

My memory's bad, but I don't remember him ever having this giddy/flamboyant personality in the early years of the game.

>less like a team member and more like an annoying busboy.
So a flag runner, in other words.

tfc cosmetics for scout when? everyone else has them

Do Scorch projectiles actually have a bigger hitbox than the other flares?

Today i will remind them.

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>aaaat least it's holiday only
>now there's the pyrocorn mask, the flamedeer, the fox head, and god knows how many others for furries to paint pink and wear year round

BLU spy also knew Scout was spy. he was gonna say "he could be anyone! he could be me! he could be you! he could even be RIGHT BEHIND YOU"
red Spy even finish his sentence.

I don't believe you.

>they turned Max of all things into a furry symbol

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As a sam and max fan, i feel insulted.

A tiny, mentally unhinged, violent and questionably rabbit-like thing is a perfect representation for furries.

Sam and Max actually joked about the furries

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That voice for Sam is a lot more suave than I remember

don't forget the time when Sam says "you'd be surprised how many fetishes out there involve Max and me."

Why are there so fucking many animal themed cosmetics? Not just furries but just in general

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Shit, that's pretty good.

Shit sells. Why do the furfags get 30 different otherkin heads but I still don't get big Pyro titties?

Heavy was flanderized long before that by the gmod community. He's almost always portrayed as a bumbling retard even though he isn't

I liked the weird feeling of eerie isolation the TF2 maps had back in the early days.

I sometimes reinstall TF2, load up Dustbowl, play a few rounds, then uninstall. I hate the map in practice, but it's still a reminder of early TF2 and the shittons of fun I used to have when the game was still pay to play.

Un fucking fortunately it’s because most furries are the ones creating content.

i miss the old feeling of playing TF2 like back in the day.
will i ever feel this again? it's been some years i didn't played TF2, but even if i do, it will never be the same, i'm too old now...i miss the old times...

>cow mooing
>bip bip beep bip beep bip
>not another sound for miles

Don't furries like big titties?

I mean I've only recently started playing it again, and while I'm having fun there's definitely a different 'feel' to it all.

Exactly. For some reason I think of Steel as an eerie map. Just this labyrinthine complex, devoid of any people save for the mercenary teams endlessly clashing in a locked off compound hundreds of miles from civilisation.

Not on humans

It actually seems far more likely that the animator just didn't know how a butterfly knife works.

Well that's what the mask is for.

I'm not really a big fan of how they basically turned him into a crazy manchild. I'll acknowledge that it's amusing in its own way, but I think it watered him down as a character. He's clearly aware of his surroundings enough to do shit like call for medical aid and boo when the team is losing. In the comic the rest of the team don't even expect him to be able to accomplish shit and basically act like they have to babysit him. When Pyromania was coming out I thought it was gonna be an urban crime thriller or something, and Pyro was perhaps a criminal who committed a dark deed that the rest of the team was trying to figure out.
>all the weird random drop burnable items with vague descriptions
>secret diary - "Unlike other games we could mention, owning this won't trigger a sound file narrating secret diary entries. Why? Because we RESPECT THE PRIVACY of our characters. What are they hiding? Truly we live in MYSTERIOUS TIMES."
>urban themed item packs for Scout, Sniper and Soldier

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>Tfw if a TF3 ever is made, the only returning character are going to be medic, scout, Pyro and maybe spy (if he don't dies in the comics)

all the other voice actors are too old, some almost dead like Soldier. and heck, i'm not even sure of the voice actor of Spy/pyro age.

>>all the weird random drop burnable items with vague descriptions
I forgot about those. Did they really lead to nothing? But yeah, as funny of a surprise pyroland was, I think it's mostly a disservice to the character.

He’s in his mid 40s I think. Also no Heavy no buy

I always felt Valve was very good at ambient sound design. Pretty much all of their games had lots of big open spaces that felt really alive despite being so empty.

Heavy/demo voice actor is almost 70 i think.
Soldier is almost 80
Engi is 66

the two youngest are Scout (late thirties) and Medic (early 40s)

>Started playing tf2 shortly after release when I was in high school.
>used to come home from class, eat something, then sit down at my desk and play tf2 for hours before going to bed.
I miss that. So little responsibility back then.

Yeah, they led to jack shit.
The diary became a reskin for the Halloween spellbook.

if you are a NEET, you can live like that again.
or you can try the lotery i guess.

Why are most valve VAs old af?

They're young when the games start development.

Who do you suppose this is?

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I am a NEET and it's not really the same. Back then I could do whatever I wanted without any guilt because as long as I was going to school I was on track and making progress in my life.

Also gotta have voices that aren’t celebrities while also filling the role

Shiny Chariot, giving magic to the masses.

his finger got pinched by the blunt side

Not really, soldier was already 65.
i don't know but i want to fuck her.

someone who needs SFM porn

>tfw TF3 would 100% have a or some female classes
TF2 is too bro for modern gaming.

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That wouldn’t even be a bad thing if all the current modded female characters weren’t voiced by the same person. Also, yeah, no banter at all

could they even have some banters in the modern industry who is way too fucking sensitive?

Nothing outside of “tee hee gotcha.~” or “girl power...!”
Noting ever, EVER again like “men, it doesn’t matter WHAT third world hellhole you come from, today we’re ALL Americans!”

He's always been a mad scientist in the comics.

A female class could work as long as they don’t appeal to the waifufags. Demogranny would be amazing

I listened to some funny fan TF2 songs today, some are really old now, even more than 10 years old.
back then it was funny
now i'm sad, almost want to cry.

...I miss being young...well i'm not that old, only 21, but i feel like i am.

>TF3 is everyone’s parents/siblings taking over for their relatives
I...I think I want it?

>Scout mother tease Scout by saying she get fuck by spy and love it

Daily reminder an older Scout will be the new spy in TF3 and you can do NOTHING against this.

>Alt fire for the bat has Scout pitch a knife

So is Spy actually Scout's dad or did he pull that disco star disguise to make Scout feel better as he was dying?

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> implying there will ever be a tf3

Beyond the valve meme they seem to genuinely review Team Fortress with disdain now in fact they don't even seem to like making first person shooters anymore

Spy really is Scout dad user. that's why he's actually nice with Scout but hide it.

how would you guys handle pyro, like would you keep him the same as he is or change his personality a bit?

wait until they do TFVR.
Keep Himor her the same.

it's basically a single joke that goes for two minutes straight. it's alright but def one of the weakest "meet the", if not the weakest one

>weakest one
that's not "meet the sandwish"

I never played TF2 but I used to watch these little movies all the time

You and me, hoss

that wouldn't be a problem at all

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Like half the in-game lines are insinuating the other guy is a frilly girl who wears dresses, so probably not.

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>It doesn’t have much action therefore it sucks
Plebeian opinion

T. Scout

They recorded new lines for the competitive update a few years ago and I think soldier still sounds good.

oh he can still do the voice don't worry. it's just he's 80 so he probably will start to lose his mind and can die very easily.

It's really heartwarming that even though the guy is in his 70's he still cares for that stupid game he acted for 10 years ago.

fuck snipers
pic related is the only redeeming quality about them

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At first I hated it, now im meh.

it's alright