Your top 3 (or more) side scrolling games. Does not have to specifically be "metroidvania".
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Hollow Knight
Mega Man 2
Your top 3 (or more) side scrolling games. Does not have to specifically be "metroidvania".
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Hollow Knight
Mega Man 2
Other urls found in this thread:
Blazing Star
Rondo of Blood
Contra Hard Corps
Jesus Christ I miss Konami.
>Load up some random JRPG people said was good
>It's fucking awesome
>Notice it's made by Konami
What the hell happened to them
>Jesus Christ I miss Konami.
I know that feel, user.
Anyone here played Axiom Verge? Thoughts on it?
It's awesome but to say it's "inspired" by Super Metroid would be like saying this photocopy I did is "inspired" by the original
Katana Zero
Super Metroid
Axiom Verge
>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
>Wario Land 4
>Contra 4
Technically competent but I couldn't get into it.
Disappointing, desu
Many cool ideas though.
Environmental Station Alpha was better.
Megaman X
Risk of Rain
Subspace Emissary
Ninja Gaiden
Megaman Zero 2
Freedom Planet
leans to heavily on metroid, and while it's abilities are unique they really never use them all that creatively.
Combat is horrible, it's just shoot the enemy and hope they die before they reach you, bosses are pretty meh and the final boss is just straight up garbage where the only viable strategy is to just face tank the boss and shoot at it and hope its drones drop health pickups.
The exploration aspect is alright
Sonic Mania
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Hollow Knight
>that fucking level
Bloodstained is the best type of these games to come out in the past 5 years.
Thanks. I was just about to pull the trigger on this but it sounds like I wouldn't like it much.
I played the game on the hardest difficulty so playing it on easy might actually be a better experience since it makes the combat not so bullshit.
For what it's worth it's still a decent game, exploring the world is still pretty fun but it definitely doesn't come close to surpassing metroid.
Not much can surpass Metroid. I'll watch some gameplay before I buy, I appreciate the heads up.
Dracula X (I can't hate what got me into a whole series)
Contra 3
Metroid man
Super Castlevania
Mario Fusion
Solid action game, mediocre metroidvania. Weapon variety is good. Love the art style and music. Exploration is a pain. Story is meh. Bosses are impressive but can get tedious.
7/10, run of the mill indie sidescroller.
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Rondo of Blood
Mega Man 11
Metal Slug
I'll be honest with you, I like Dracula X better than Rondo. RoB has some really bland level design spread throughout the game while nearly every section of Dracula X is designed to kill you. There are much better CVs than both tough.
Yes or no on this?
It looks like ass, but everything else about it is great. The postgame/true ending is absolutely batshit insane and it's no wonder the developer went on to make Baba is You.
no love for Vector Man?
Super Metroid
Streets of Rage 2
La Mulana 1 & 2
Megaman X2 (branching stories was amazing to me at the time)
Terraria if that counts
Yoshi's Island if it doesn't
Guacamelee runner up as well as SotN, Hollow Knight under these, DKC2 on par with these
breddy gud
yes, it's a great game. I didn't bother with the post post game since it's clearly made for insane people but everything else is fantastic.
How is blazing chrome? Is it worthy enough to satiate the contra itch I've been having for years?
This game music was magic.
I miss it.
Good presentation but middling level design and guns aren't as satisfying as in Contra or Metal Slug. Overall worth playing but don't expect too much.
Why is Konami just one pile of cancer nowadays
They don't even want to make easy money by porting shit like harmony of despair either.
>STILL no Hard Corps Uprising on Steam
Then again it might be because of ArcSys.
Konami was the publisher for that game still so I doubt it's arcsys since their latest fighting games they publish have appeared on PC near or at the same time as their console versions.
Not to mention Konami didn't even fucking bother having the Contra name in that game for some reason.
I'm not sure I know what Metroidvania means, I thought it meant "have to obtain new abilities then backtrack to progress" but most Metroidvanias I've played don't fulfill that
metroidvania was just a term to refer to castlevania games that instead of playing like the previous "classicvanias" where more like metroid. Hence metroidvania.
Then the term just got adopted for a full genre of games that have backtracking through the use of abilities/keys to open new areas
>MegaMan Zero series
>Castlevania (hard to pick, CotM, SotN and DoS are all really good)
Fuck I forgot about Gunstar Heroes definitely honorable mention
are there any metroidvanias with a "post-game" where you actually use all your abilities for a standard platforming type game?
Hollow Knight
Rain World
Environmental Station Alpha
rain world is astonishingly good and permanently underrated
Hollow Knight
Dead Cells
Donkey Kong Country Returns
The main difference between boomerAnd zoomer
I also play and like old games, but the newer ones are just more fun and more memorable what can I say.
>>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
My man.
Super Mario Maker
Super Meat Boy
It's unironically one of the best games ever made.