Why was it the best in the series?
Why was it the best in the series?
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axiom verge
Is this any good? After day one no one talked about it
It is essentially Metroid: Art-House Edition.
It's made in a weird way, that can be made sense of, but requires an effort and skill to do so. Without having done that, and having point to fly over your head completely, it's okay to good, I guess.
I liked it a lot, it is more similar to the first metroid than to super, the atmosphere and the soundtrack are great. You can increase your health a little but you don't get giant those energy tanks, you can never take to much damage, so you will need to be always careful. There are different weapons that work better on certain types of enemies. I'm not much of a speedrunfag thought so I don't know if the game is good for that
It wasn't though. Both Zero Mission and Prime 2 were better.
it was the spookiest.
Best atmosphere, difficulty and bosses.
I should of said best in the 2D series. Never played the 3D games.
Zero mission was better than the other but had no story or structure
It's great. I have misgivings about the combat, but I've never played a metroidvania whose combat I liked. Do give it a whirl if you like Metroid.
Thanks I got it DL now
I like art whore games with dabs so here we go
What's so good about prime 2? I thought most of the fights were just annoying and awkward
It's the worst though.
Ignoring games that aren't part of the series like Other M.
That's a good thing, Fusion's structure is horrible.
It's really not that artsy. Hollow Knight is probably more artsy than Axiom Verge. AV does have a large emphasis on story, so be prepared. Helps that the story is really good.
Big true but worst Ridley fight
Zero was the worst 2D by quite a margin
What made fusion's structure bad?
It was perfectly paced imo
I fucking hated this boss when i was a kids, made me stop playing. I still kind of gave a grudge against it. Great sprite though
I consider axiom verge's pulsating walls of alien flesh to be art
Not him but most people complain about the having to go back and forth between the computer giving you the missions, seemingly giving the player no freedom at all, and having the gates block you from further exploring.
I didn't say it was artsy. And what I meant by what I DID say is that this game is made essentially to convey sense through the way it is made. It's unconventional for a reason.
Security gates worked within the context of the space station
Talking to Adam every twenty minuets got annoying so I understand that now
I recall fusion making some unmarked breakable blocks necessary for progression, requiring the player to bomb randomly in a spot that might have a path. I could be misremembering though
Using bombs would show what the tile was breakable from same with all metroids
Yeah but fusion made finding hidden blocks mandatory more than other games. Other metroid games generally only required spamming bombs to find breakable blocks when you're looking for optional stuff
People think that Fusion and Super Metroid were made by the same people, but most of the developers were actually new to the series.
The idea behind Fusion was to make a linear game so both the developers and the audience could get a feel for how Metroid works, and then to give them a taste of the real deal with a second game (Zero Mission in this case).
Handheld makes you wipe away expectations of "serious or spooky theme"
It was the closest Metroid came to imitating Alien/zombie movies
>SA-X hunting Samus, who's supposed to be a the hunter
>It introduces new gameplay concept of run the fuck away you can't win
>See Resi remake and Mr.X
I swear to god Prime 4 is dumbed down as 3 I'll be sad
>anywhere near the best
Justify your post retard
>I swear to god Prime 4 is dumbed down as 3 I'll be sad
Prime 4 is just gonna be to Metroid what The Force Awakens was to Star Wars.
Fusion really isn't the best of anything.
I have user
I don't want another BoTW but I want something equivalent for Metroid
Wow, some really valid points and good discussion there user. I like this opinion you have formed yourself and your reasoning.
>another complete useless post
That isn't Metroid 3
It's one of the better 2D Metroids for sure. It's not anywhere near as good as the Primes, but that's an unfair comparison for any game.
Nothing has been the same since I read goodnight punpun
Don't post it bc now I'm sad
What a waste of bandwidth
>no arguments
Super Metroid > Metroid > Metroid II > Meroid Fusion
If Metroid 5 has any chances of being successful it better build off of Metroid and Super Metroid, not Fusion. Fusion's too linear.
Read the thread faggot, we've been justifying our opinions since OP
>Fusion's too linear.
Why was that so hard?
>still no arguments
So what about the gimped Ball Jumping and rail-roading you to one path? Story wasn't even that great.
SeeA lot of changes need to be made for Metroid 5 o be good from Samus's suit design, to the story not being Federation shit, to the gameplay being more open-ended.
For my money the semblance of a story somehow stitches it together in a way no other Metroid does.
Fusion suit is best suit
Gameplay would be better since it had limitations of GBA
Story wins by default since it is the only game with one
The Fusion Suit was ugly as shit and no longer serves a purpose, this is why we haven't seen since Fusion. Your zoomer ass started with Fusion, no one liked the suit.
That's not the dark suit
You dont even know what an argument is do you?
But shoulder wheels
Best controls, atmosphere, difficulty and bosses.
It also has that whole meta-narrative after the system failure where Samus goes back to operating like in previous games after Adam railroaded her.
It's honestly really well thought out but I have a tendency to like the black sheep entries of some series
But shoulder wheels!
Good point about the meta story, I had forgotten
Other examples of black sheep gems?
ODST is my favorite Halo game because muh atmosphere and jazz
Drifting suit intensity
I loved zero mission, especially the zero suit Samus section at the end
I do, you just don't have one.
Over what?
I started with the NES metroid, and was mildly ok with it, but it was "meh" (mostly due to a lack of alternative games to play as a kid)
The next time i played a metroid game, it was Fusion.
Eventually got a hold of Fusion.
This was some of the most boring unlikable garbage Ive ever played.
I think I got to the 2nd boss before I got bored and quit. (probably a bit before, I forget)
Near the end of the Wiis lifespan, I decide to buy/try Super Metroid. (ppl wouldnt shut up abotu it.)
This game was vastly better than fusion, and pretty darn addicting.
The next metroid game i got was zero mission.
Its arguable which is better, super, or zero.
I rushed through zero with more interest than super, but super had a lot of "charm" that zero doesnt have. but the quality of life changes in zero makes it much harder to put down.
Part of me says super, but i know i enjoyed zero more.
Either way, these two easily blow fusion out of the water.
Now im looking to try Prime, due to so many people talking positively of it.
>prime 2
Absolute tip top taste my man.
Considered going back to fusion and playing more than twenty minuets?
(Or however long it took you, not a personal attack)
bosses are a letdown and the story isn't all that good desu. decent game though. better than momodera by far
Out of the 2d games it's the only one that took the series in a new direction, with the story, the art style, the setting. The gameplay has everything that super metroid had but it was faster paced and more challenging. Zero Mission had a lot of the improvements that Fusion had, but the world felt more disconnected and not as immersive. The more cartoon style didn't fit with the sense of fear that Fusion, Super Metroid and even metroid 2 managed to create and made them so engaging.
The Zero Suit mission tacked onto the end was fun for the first time, but it makes it a lot less interesting when you're trying to replay it for the endings/speedrunning, which is a big part of what makes metroid so much fun in the long run. The only real downside I can see to Fusion is the forced linearity and having to read the dialogue with the computer every time with no ability to skip.
Super Metroid overall, I think, was a more "perfect" game, whereas Fusion was more of a lower key artsy cult classic, kind of like what Majora's Mask is to Ocarina of Time.
>Other examples of black sheep gems?
Tales of Xillia 2, Xenoblade X and God of War '18 are some recent examples, in my personal opinion
I dont remember how long, id imagine "long" since im a slow player in most games.
but i have thought about retrying it, but i never muster the interest.
i tend to dislike most metrovania games, due to their lack of "zelda style" of exploration/progression.
too many of them play like the linear castlvania titles i dont like, and not enough like the "pick your path" style that symphony did. (along with finding perma powerups, etc, to make exploration exciting)
back to the point, it felt like fusion skirted the line of the later, rather than the former, way too closely, which is why i think i was so bored with it.
action doesnt excite me, but exploration, followed a reward for finding hidden stuff. (pretty much hide and seek)
of course the reward is shit, if it doesnt do something i consider worth while, so the action combat helps, since the powerups can help with the combat. (helping the hide and seek isnt always the best way to go about it, but sometimes its fine)
Cellular Skies has an incredible Melody
Abit of a chiptune need here and it's understandable the composer wanted to have pure sounding tracks but most modern chip tune sounds more fulfilled (see hotline Miami) Because they use modern bass line tools like 808s and I really wish AV's composer did the same so I could listen to the songs out of context of the games
while i find fusion to be a bad game, artistically, i think it does the job best out of all of them. (for the same reasons u mention.) I also think this is why i liked super over zero more, despite how much i enjoyed zero.
So around %20 into the game Samus realizes she's being fucked with by the computer and railroaded so you get into to this cat, mouse and lion game to get your power ups and defeat the big bad. It's meta and self aware of the metroidvania style and successfully suberts it.
After reading your post I feel like Fusion is the anti-metroidvania metroidvania for you.. if you would give it a chance to get to that %20 mark
> Super Metroid overall, I think, was a more "perfect" game, whereas Fusion was more of a lower key artsy cult classic, kind of like what Majora's Mask is to Ocarina of Time
Pack it up boys, we're done here
This, Zero Mission and Samus Returns weren't even great remakes.
>linear as fuck
>filled to the brim with cutscenes that interrupt the gameplay
>lore is about some stupid evil GF shit instead of the galaxy or chozo
>barren exploration
>boring as fuck space station setting instead of an interesting planet/planets
>forced handholding
>muh adam daddy figure ruining any pretense of immersion
>obsessed with clones
why the fuck are there people that actually like this game? Like seriously, it took away everything that made metroid good and replaced it with stupid shit yet there are people that UNIRONICALLY look back on it fondly. Metroid fusion is a terrible game. Image file not related
It's after this boss the deconstruction of the series begins
From screenshots, it seems to be aping Giger’s art quite a bit.
Contrarianism, genuine ninja team shills, and its funny to pretend so people yell at you.
Fusion was a handheld game, which means it was meant to be played in 20-40 minute bits at a time.
Once you understand this, a lot of it flaws start making sense.
Fusion is better than Other M in every way but anyone says that they want the direction Fusion took for the series for Metroid 5 is an idiot, it was the worst mainline game in the series before Other M was a thing. With Metroid 5, I'm fine with Samus talking but that better be the only thing from Fusion that returns, Suit better resemble the Power Suit and gameplay better be a evolved Metroid and Super Metroid.
Metroid 5 will probably be what you say but the more horroresk atmosphere should return from fusion too
Blue fusions is the best, didn't you know?
Nope, that wasn't the reason it was linear, that was because the team felt Super Metroid was too hard, which is why Sakamoto made the team make Zero Mission next. Sakamoto wanted the team to understand what Metroid was, ironic since Other M it seemed like he forgot what it was.
The SA-X's eyes are too close for my tastes. Looks like an old asian man. Love everything else. Shame about the watermark. Faggot just put a signature on it like every other artist.
Agreed, make the rogue Chozo scary.
Yeah well it didn't look like that in game dickhead
Unironically try AM2R.
All I'm hearing is Reasons YOU didn't like the game.
Which is fair. But not every game in the series has to be exactly the same. The problem is those things were done terribly, not that they were done in the first place.
Metroid Fusion shows the more story focused approach can work, and Prime 2 and Samus Returns show that more action focused Metroids can work.
He just got done talking about his dislikes for linearity and action and you recommend AM2R? The most action-oriented Metroid to date?
>make the rogue Chozo scary.
All the Chozo are dead. Those scenes all happened in the past.
>All I'm hearing is Reasons YOU didn't like the game.
those are common complaints from the fans
Reminder that X-Fusion is still in development.
Yeah, when you first get to Sector 5 you need to break a random block in the first room to progress.
>seemingly giving the player no freedom at all, and having the gates block you from further exploring
That was the fucking point. Samus isn't left to her own devices for a change and has to deal with how limited she is and how much she owes to the Feds. It's why the game opens up so hard once you start picking up unsanctioned upgrades.
It wouldn't be hard to write them/one back
They would be so perfect in a horror setting, it could be miss guided and blame Samus for their extinction and try to kill her
But now I'm just writing head cannon
What the fuck? How?
it wasn't super metroid is
Vital Tide is so good and perfect for the game's atmosphere. This was a 100% one dude project too like Cave Story was. Tom Happ did everything. With that in mind, I'm glad he's taking his time on the sequel but where the fuck is some news already?
All the Chozo that we know of are dead. I’m assuming the warring Chozo are still alive somewhere or in hiding.
What the fuck? Holy shit. AV's story was super interesting so this is great news.
Lads am I wrong for being still mad about the ending to 3?
I feel like they could've developed Dark Samus and Phazon way more
>it just felt rushed
Why didn't I know about this
Quick Google doesn't pull up much, is there a offical forum, site, reddit?
And yet there are also people who like the game.
Because they want a more story focused Metroid.
Or they want a more action focused Metroid.
I think other M is terrible, but people like different things. It's not a crime.
>OP is obviously talking about the boss
>people start talking about the game as a whole
>Metroid Fusion shows the more story focused approach can work
no it doesn't, fusion is in contention with the core aspects of metroid
>Prime 2 and Samus Returns show that more action focused Metroids can work.
Prime 2 and SR weren't more action focused, Prime 3 was and that was a lesser game because of it as well but not as shitty as fusion
How? Everything necessary to know about it was done by 2.
Muh lore
no, phazon was explored as much as it needed to be. anything else would be dragging
A solid 7. Frankly, the world is too goddamned big, the environments too repetitive, and the combat too simple to be anything more than that, but if you're a fan of the genre you'll still find it very enjoyable. I think the world and story are interesting enough to carry it on their own.
> Not a single person has argued about Nightmare not being best
I guess it's confirmed then
>Imagine being so retarded you can't enjoy retarded conversation
when i 1st saw this game, it seemed interesting. and i heard ppl hated it, but didnt know why.
your explanations help me a ton user.
yeah, i hate most of that too, and will make sure to never pick it up, even if cheap.
He's "working on a game in the same universe as Axiom Verge"
More likely than not it will be a sequel.
Fusion wasn't though.
> Level data : 40%
>Prime 2 and SR weren't more action focused
Samus Returns literally has a melee counter attack in it.
>fusion is in contention with the core aspects of metroid
That's the point and it used it to explore Samus as a character as well as use her own strengths against her.
Anons you're in charge of enemy design
Make a chozo enemy that doesn't mimic the ghosts/commandos
I'm upset that the final boss isn't really Dark Samus. Just some Mother Brain homage shit.
>I want that gay ass Federation shit again
Glad Metroid 5 will permanently shut you up.
Like the rogue Chozo leader in SR.
Zero Mission was a much better game, plus Samus looked superior in it.
The whole planet felt weak to me
>Didn't have the totally alien unnatural feel of the impact crater or the Ing dimension
Instead everything blue, no origin of the radioactive mutating blue goop
I refuse because they are all dead so they can't appear in any fashion except ghosts like in Prime 1 or as Chozo Statues.
Do people really want that? I've considered it plainly obvious that nothing will happen to Samus as a result of the B.S.L. simply because the feds wouldn't want to make an enemy of Samus. I fully expect the next Metroid game that takes place after Fusion to write off any sort of tribunal in the opening minutes as nothing more than a blip.
I like vidya
Nothing was going to top 2. Got the artist name? That is probably my new favorite Metroid related work after this, and I need it wallpaper sized.
This, only issues I had with ZM were
>boss fights were easy
>game was easy
>very short
>stealth segment
>full exploration locked behind final abilities
Other than that, it was better, even SR was better.
I agree with you
No easier than Fusion.
It's short, but it's also fun all the way.
What's wrong with the stealth segment?
But what really takes the cake is how Samus looked. In Fusion she looks like a fucking photo model, while in Zero Mission she looks buff as hell with the exception of a couple of ending screens.
Dunno user it's been on my pc for years
>I want them to retry a space station a lá zero mission
Bruh, she blew up their research station along with the last remaining Metroids and took Adam who more than likely has EVERY bit of dirty laundry on the feds. That doesn't say "we're letting this go." The fact that they have enough data to support and modify Chozo tech basically screams "We can make our own Samus."
fusion sucks cocks
She was buff in Fusion too, the stealth segment felt rushed and slapped on, it really wasn't needed and just broke from the gameplay.
So we got Chozo = birds
GF = Man
Space Pirates = see pic
What else could be added without being too weird
She was super thin in Fusion. In Zero Mission, she was a lot bigger.
I don't agree. The stealth was a welcome addition which added much needed variation, plus you really get to understand what kind of difference the power suit makes.
its far from the best
just look at it, GBA is the epitome of SOULLESS
Shit forgot luminoth = moth
Oh my god you have shit taste motherfucker, fusion is one the best metroid with super metroid and metroid prime 1, deal with it fucking faggot
Bats probably.
Ehh I'm not seeing it. The feds don't lend any credence to being a believable villain after the things Samus has been through. What, they're gonna trap her on a planet? Gonna shoot down her ship? Anything you can say that involves the words
>In Metroid 5, the federation is the enemy and
is just laughable. The federation that has gotten their ass kicked time, and time again by things Samus destroys?
> "We can make our own Samus."
You just know it'll go rogue and then Samus will have to save the day. It's nonsensical for the feds to be the enemy and it not be farcical.
Other hunters like the DS game
Good concept that there's other OP people that could bring alot of depth and interpersonal story to a game
V writes a good Metroid sequel
Learn to use the internet, user. It took 2 seconds on reverse image search
>She was super thin in Fusion. In Zero Mission, she was a lot bigger.
user...I was talking about user's MP2 image.
It's not bad at all, it just doesn't feel as refined as Super Metroid and later 2D titles. Air control is near 100%, there's no acceleration or weight to your character for the most part. Not a bad thing really, but with such fine control it's easy to avoid a lot of stuff requiring that the design be tuned up in such a way where things are flying at you incredibly fast to ensure difficulty. In Metroid, because movement isn't instantaneous, things move slower and you have to plan out your movement in advance, because once you commit, you're either going to wind up in their attacks or not. I don't really like the system, it kind of feels like one of those bullet hell schmups at times where any non-pixel perfect movement can get you killed.
The story at first I thought was lame, but once I got all the pieces of it, it was pretty nice. I don't really like time travel or other sorts of deus ex machina things in my stories and was pleased when I found out there wasn't any of that actually going on, it was nothing more than a red herring.
Crabs and bugs
Fushit is awful and only jerked off by nostalgiatards. It's the worst game in the series next to other M which is just an even worse fusion
Compare that to this
>MP Hunter races
>evolved X parasite with real bodies
This is the first thread I've enjoyed on crap site in a long time
Thanks anons I don't feel alone
Only complaint I have about Fusion was the linearity of it. There's not a whole lot of times you can sequence break because the game expects you to follow a rigid line of progression with the computer narrating your objectives. Not bad for a first playthough, it's just subsequent ones start to get a little dry.
Conceptually a Federation-created Samus going rogue is fine and doesn't necessarily make the Federation the villains, as they could have been simply trying to prototype equipment/surgical procedures to enhance their own forces so Samus doesn't have to be the one saving the day all the damn time. It makes them look irresponsible, which... isn't new.
I like the idea but those designs could be better
>I know 3ds concept design but I'd like to see what the hunters look like under their power armor
>Hardmode pick a species of animal besides insect
Man I love this rendition. The wild hair just screams 80s.
Giant Unicellular organism, like a parasite
Oh fuck
Fusion had great ideas seriously
it would be the best if remade in 3D, with a pinch of deadspace atmosphere
being trapped in a space station, with big sectors, trying to get stronger and stronger with power ups all the while being hunted down by the SA-X with multiple ways of hidding
it would work the best with a real IA, no script and better ways of hiding or running away
Clearly, if fusion isn't especially the best, it still has the best ideas for a videogame
It's just too sad it's stuck to 2D gba game because it has a huge potential story wise and gameplay wise
Someone needs to plagiat it
Man, I remember when Yea Forums used to throw tantrums about Fusion and Prime 2.
Kinda like....
And the body screams Barbie. She has no muscle.
I swear the end game art for all the games is just some girls fanart of whom a dev is dicking
But her HAIR, man. I love her hair there.
Zero Mission had her body bigger. Fusion was the exception.
Nah, you've got to understand, the feds aren't so much the villain as they are an antagonist in a future game. They're after Samus because of a misguided belief that she's actually gone rogue and is working with the space pirates now, so the next Metroid has them chasing her to ground on a Space Pirate controlled planet. Meanwhile, the Space Pirates are STILL hostile to Samus at the same time, so Samus is essentially being chased by both factions.
The gameplay would involve having the zones split into Fed controlled zones, Space Pirate zones, and battle zones where the two are fighting amongst themselves. Space Pirate zones are the most classic form of gameplay since everything is hostile to you, battlegrounds usually involve some strong enemies duking it out that you slowly power up and eclipse over the course of the game (Think like those pink pirates in Super who can't be harmed without plasma), and the GF zones have GF security and non-combatants in, you have to use the zero suit to sneak around like the Zero Mission stealth segments to avoid destroying them.
As the game progresses and you kill bosses though, the presence of each force becomes more worn down and something sinister starts to creep up from the core of the planet, overtaking their once-controlled zones. Could be Metroids, could be X-Parasites, or something brand new, but it's spreading throughout the previous zones, modifying their ecology, changing the enemy set, and generally making a mess of things, opening up new routes and sealing others, sort of like when the plant monster overtook that zone in Fusion. There's a secret ending for sequence breaking enough to avoid killing any bosses and skipping straight to the zone that first contained this enemy, you'd have to kill the final boss without the majority of e-tanks and upgrades.
>>The gameplay would involve having the zones split into Fed controlled zones, Space Pirate zones, and battle zones where the two are fighting amongst themselves. Space Pirate zones are the most classic form of gameplay since everything is hostile to you, battlegrounds usually involve some strong enemies duking it out that you slowly power up and eclipse over the course of the game (Think like those pink pirates in Super who can't be harmed without plasma), and the GF zones have GF security and non-combatants in, you have to use the zero suit to sneak around like the Zero Mission stealth segments to avoid destroying them.
But see final fantasy art, it clearly is of one person's style and is in essence the identity of the game.
With Metroid the line work is all over the place in way of style and is clearly done by multiple artist with no artistic direction
Which is dumb, because then it turns into fan art where the character can look like anything depending on the artist. They should have a consistent look.
I fuck with this
Having factions bosses, humans are mechanical horrors like the Nightmare and the space pirates use more bio horror
Ooh, I like it. Also subverts the fact that fighting human GF enemies would probably never get the green light outside of a boss or two.
Name a better aesthetic. You fucking can't.
Fuck the alpha blogg
I love how visceral Fusion feels. In movement, sound and visual design. Especially compared to Super.
>misguided belief that she's actually gone rogue and is working with the space pirates
Aren't they aware her home was destroyed be the pirates?
>controlled zone gameplay
Sounds like Prototype, but with another faction. I don't like it, unless you're helping defend GF areas, but have the option to fight them if they are X-infected and will try to kill you.
I don't like the idea of the GF being directly evil, just shady and not someone Samus would ever join again unless it was a against a universal threat like the pirates. At best they consider Samus an asset, but a nuisance that has disrupted their secret war engineering for anything Metroid.
Where do you see muscle here? All I see is a fat ass.
It's close though
When will he show up in a proper game bros
AV was more like a simple piece of art than HK to me.
HK wanted to be a great game, AV wants to tell its meaning more than be a proper game sometimes.
>not Weavel
I loved this boss it was so comicbook-y
I can't. Prime 2 and 3 have the best varia suit.
>Implying I'm talking about that shit
Look at the image, look with your eyes, look and bask in the beauty of the dark suit once it has the gravity boost installed.
@me with good Metroid media
Yeah, whatever space virgin.
The best and most sobering review of Other M to date.
Is the SNES intro considered ??/synth
>I don't know how to describe it, the opening keys just build it up so well
>terrible bosses
>even worse final boss
>terrible boss music
>shitty dev insert character
>loads of completely useless weapons
>only ONE (1) place in the entire game where you need to use the address gibberish to decode a secret, so you never think to use it like that ever
>terrible pseud-musings-tier story
>good music, but whoever mixed/mastered it is a retard who doesn't understand concepts like "normalization" or "ear rape"
>huge set up for a second game that we most likely will never get since the dev is both a lazy fat boomer plus has a bunch of family troubles at the moment
Visually, it is as if Metroid 3 was made for the NES using the same hardware and chip upgrades as games like Castlevania 3, but beyond that it's pretty shit.
super linear, gated, with retarded, plodding story bits no one cared about. it's no wonder zoomzooms sing its praises more and more as the years go by.
what fucking idiot coded the cellular skies video?
The bosses were good fun. Final boss is a good deal because your skill and expertise in use of tools controls how fast the fight goes.
>only ONE (1) place in the entire game where you need to use the address gibberish to decode a secret, so you never think to use it like that ever
That's blatantly untrue.
>terrible pseud-musings-tier story
As is this.
>mfw this thread is damn good
I guess it's over anons, see you out there.
Thanks for the thread OP
There's no justification for trying to make her look like a bodybuilder. All of her abilities are a result of having a transfusion of magic alien blood and using one of their high tech suits. You see one of the Chozo using a suit to fight in the manga and he's a shriveled old fuck, not muscular.
>The bosses were good fun. Final boss is a good deal because your skill and expertise in use of tools controls how fast the fight goes.
That's blatantly untrue.
>That's blatantly untrue.
>As is this.
It's not my fault you've never read a book and that your perspective is wanting.
>Final boss is a good deal because your skill and expertise in use of tools controls how fast the fight goes.
>That's blatantly untrue.
Not at all. I guarantee you I can kill the final boss faster than you can.
We're talking about the wave decoder gun right?
>It's not my fault you've never read a book and that your perspective is wanting.
m8 pseud-musings? What pseud musings?
This will never be finished, will it?
While the rocket heels are always going to be a pants on head retarded design choice, I unironically think Samus in Ultimate is a pretty solid rendition. Muscular but not overly so
You cannot sequence break in fusion, at all, period, because of how the event system in the game works. Getting a powerup early can literally make the game unwinnable.