Well Yea Forums?
Well Yea Forums?
I replay the Atlantica Song levels a lot in kh2
I bought disney princess ps2 game for 10 cents and played through it
I actually play the games I shitpost about.
It's a serious problem.
I make threads about games I like but call the game shit so people will come and call me a faggot but then actually talk about the game
thats how it usually works
I am obsessed with Isabelle lewds
I've never played a Fallout or Elder Scrolls game.
I’ve been playing AC:NL for 6 months
plz don’t she’s too pure
I fuck my butt while looking at straight Pokemon porn.
Always playing as a female character has made the idea of becoming a girl myself interesting.
I thought the witcher 3 was trash but still recommend it to other people
I'm actually pretty normie despite playing mostly weeb games
this isnt that weird
not liking a game yourself but thinking others might like it is pretty normal
pick one, you dumb cunt
What if it's recommend the game to people because it hates them?
Why would I tell you if nobody must know?
I'm shit at SRPGs and Fighting Games.
>have normal friends
>normal job
>get laid often
>not obese and smelly
>just play mostly japanese anime games
Id be exiled from most weeb circles easily
Senran Kagura
I think most people deserve to be happy
okay, tryhard
Why isn't that a picture of wojak
Cause we're friends.
because secrets are meant to be shared with others
The only game I play nowadays is FGO.
>implying normaltube and kikeflix hasn't become filled with weeb shit
get ready to say goodbye to your precious anime babes because hollywood jews and niggers are going to be all over it within the next decade.
I buy a shitton of games that I never play.
do gamers really do this?
I don't play games anymore. I'm here to c-word post.
serious question. why do you think you like playing as a girl?
cool gamers do
adorable and amusing?
>Id be exiled from most weeb circles easily
same happened to me
but I don't get laid since I never tried
I listen the DMC 5 boss songs in another games boss fights (or hard fights)
i played and enjoyed barbie horse adventures for the wii
horses are so fucking sexy AAAAAAAA
just play modded skyrim
you aren't missing much. I honestly just do it for the cuddles
I'm terrible at video games without an element of planning/strategy. I'm mediocre at best at TF2 despite about 700 hours sunk in, I'm awful at Hollow Knight and bad at most multiplayer FPSes.
i have and i've done exactly what you're implicitly suggesting
it wasn't particularly exciting although i'm sure i could have done a better job if i put the effort into it, but honestly i have more fun modding skyrim than actually playing it
I greatly prefer the Frank West with an ACTUAL personality from DR4 over the Asperger's ridden one from the original
You are what we call an ironic weeb
Depends on if you consider cartoons to be cp.
But everyone should. They should look up to your superior taste.
I used to type "I caaaaame!" in old gaming Skype groups when I logged in without having any idea of it's other meaning... I wonder what they thought of me...
ok shifty
I'm part of a game dev team, but I don't particularly like the games we've put out so far. They're not bad, I'd argue that they're very well made , I'm just not into them personally.
They probably just took it as a joke if you did it that often.
they thought you're retarded just like we do
>tfw only good at turn based games or card games
i just don't have the reflexes for other shit.
>having your life on track and liking anime makes you ironic
not him but
I'm making a shit game in Flash even though it's gonna die next year.
Am I supposed to know what this is?
Shut the fuck up ironic weeb
you really got me there
do you even know what an ironic weeb is?
inb4 (you)
don't lie
It's not the reflexes, I like RTS, it's mostly the stamina and staying focused on too many things happening on the screen.
>implying that's an ironic weeb
Alright, I'll say it.
Lolis and cartoons are not children, they don't look like children, they don't act like children. So even the most realistic 3DCG loli still isn't a child.
Fuck off ironic weebs
but what if the drawing was made less than 18 years ago?
The Last of Us, Half Life 2 and Ocarina of Time are my favorite games. I plan on buying the most expensive version of TLOU Part 2 and taking off work the day it comes out.
I abuse quick save and quick load constantly, especially in stealth games like Hitman.
I cheat all the time in multiplayer games. I used LMAOBox in TF2 for years and very rarely got caught. I was pretty much unstoppable with wallhacks and the spy decloak made into a police siren.
I cheated my way to an A in 2 uni computer science courses even though I can barely program basic shit
I made it into Master rank every season I played Overwatch comp only as Mercy. I had to stop playing because getting yelled at for fucking up became too anxiety inducing.
I shitpost as a hardcore leftist and a hardcore Trump supporter to derail threads I have no interest in.
Pic related is my 100% genuine opinion. I'm totally okay with an increased emphasis on cinematic games.
I've ayed through Fear 2 four times but gave up on the first one after an hour.
we are hitting non-argument levels that shouldn't even be possible
i unironically like the Sans is Ness theory
>t. ironic weeb
Cope harder, ironic weebs
>people still don't know what an ironic weeb is
stop devaluing words by misusing them
The drawing isn't sentient and it's not harmful for the drawing to be fucked.
>stop devaluing words by misusing them
It's protected by copyright law.
you win.
can't win against a wojak spammer since you will not adress anything I say.
I have a lot of fun when I play video games.
>you win.
>can't win against a wojak spammer since you will not adress anything I say.
I'm gay and their customization options are usually better
I like cute girls in frilly dresses
>doesn't want to self-insert as the strong male protag
Same. I hate open world games.
Perhaps learn what the word "ironic" means.
the irony is strong in this reply :^)
ok so tell me what an ironic weeb is.
i just come here to laugh at you morons & the aids you call games
Look it up, user. I know you're smart enough to figure it out on your own. I'm not here to spoonfeed you simple concepts that you ought to have learned in middle school.
>dosn't know it
>calls anyone this
funny how you people can't argue yourself out of a wet paper bag
ok lets go with the definition of this pic
so having a life that is not trash makes me behave like this? no way around it?
This is such a stretch that I wonder with how many people you interact in real life.
What if I tell you I don't do this and openly enjoy manga (don't even watch much anime)? Does your wolrdview crumble or will you deny the possibility?
I'm not even sure what you're arguing at this point, or who you're arguing with. You seem intent on making up some kind of narrative in your own head and going off of that.
I'm curious now. What is the definition of "irony" that you're working off of?
>not answering a question
>want me to answer his
Look it up, user. I know you're smart enough to figure it out on your own. I'm not here to spoonfeed you simple concepts that you ought to have learned in middle school.
The girl I always use is a head canon Actress
Her real name is Allison Gray and she’s been featured in 27 video games
Fine, I'll bite. The definition of irony is not solely the one in your cute little image. Its more common definition is a situation in which the opposite from the expected happens. So a man with a nice house, three kids, a loving wife, and a solid pension fanboying over Sailor Moon with his daki is ironic, because it's the exact opposite of what a weeb is typically defined as; which, for clarity's sake, is a sweating neckbeard in his mother's basement eating pizza rolls and chatting about waifus.
It has no bearing on how you as a person act. You're just a drooling idiot.
how did this board get to this state anyway
>which, for clarity's sake, is a sweating neckbeard in his mother's basement eating pizza rolls and chatting about waifus.
can you back that up?
>plz don’t she’s too pure
hahahaha no she's not
You're a funny user.
Cartoons aren’t CP.
After you arrest real human traffickers and have real little girls get pissed at you for arresting them and take away their “Modeling career” when we’ve been intercepting their ship’s messages how the girls on board were going to be sold into sexual slavery
Cartoons will never hold a candle to the fire of hell I saved those girls from.
Worse part they probably still hate me to this day
Night elf futa ERP in gold shire
Than drawings of titty monsters could be considered CP since the draw in only a week old
except that doesn't fall under how it's used, which is to describe people like in the image
I played games on easy as a kid and thought I was the hottest shit because I managed to beat stuff my friends didn't.
Never realized the fact because I still beat them when we played pvp videogames.
the perfect female
Ignore the other retards user.
The only thing that one must know is what kind of anime and how much time you have put into it.
If you haven't spent at least 150+ days of your life on anime then you're a normalfag.
Though it's already pretty obvious from the blogposting.
This template is over ten years old.
I buy gifts for my nephews but I grow to dislike them more and more with their shit taste in game.
I actually think Starbound is ___good
I'm "glad" my sister is "non-binary" and will never have kids
I play MMOs and CM3D2 to stave off loneliness
I'm near 40 and can't bring myself to use voice chat in video games. It gives me anxiety.
I enjoy homestuck music
>another normalfag that uses reddit's definition of weeaboo
I constantly think about RPing in FFXIV with my female Au Ra Tank and getting off to her getting bullied and abused by other adventures.
I haven't done it yet though, only because I don't know how to change my status to RP , so not all hope is lost.
My foreign accent prevents me from using any kind of vox comms, ever. Even got me shy to play SCP
click on your character, edit search info. I've been wanting to do the same thing but being femroe dom no futa but I'm too autistic to actually start
Delet this
T-thanks for the help, user
I've bought several otherwise mediocre games because they feature cross-dressing in some regard. Any game in virtually any genre with it is an instant buy
are they at least cute
Some yes, some like dead rising are great games but the dressing is hideous
I actually play roblox in a unironically way, and I like it.
Weeaboo is a word that should have died and been buried in 2010.
I think metal gear rising: revengance is really deep and profound in a lot of ways
based and cuddlepilled
Pic related.
The hardest my dick has gotten this year was playing the new crackdown as a girl and collecting orbs to become a hulking super strong amazon. Just standing by the normal sized npc’s was enough to get me off
I buy FIFA games every now and then
just to play female tournaments