Have you had moments of clarity while gaming?

have you had moments of clarity while gaming?

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just moments of apathy

>waah game is consuming my real life
haha jokes on you i don't even have a normal life so the games just fill up the empty void
if not for games and books i'd just lie in bed all day and self-destruct, which i already do on bad days

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I was getting all the collectibles in Infamous 1, for about halfway through and realised I was just craving the dopamine rush that platinum would bring, so I just finished the story missions, ordered Chinese food and jerked off instead.

It's not I'm outgrowing gaming, it's that I'm not going to play something that isn't resonating with me out of sunk cost fallacy. Time is precious, so I'll be pickier about what I do play rather than give it up. Sekiro was the last game that really excited me and I admit I pirated it as I wasn't sure if I'd like it

>playing a game and enjoying it
>realize the gameplay loop is completely pointless because I've played the game to the point I'm emptily going through the motions for an end state I'm already aware of
>drop it

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I quit WOW in Cata when I did /played and my character had over 500 days played. I literally just told and quit the guild (ranked #1 on the server) quit the game and never went back. I was main tank within the guild too.

If you don't plan to have children, life basically ends at 30.

Yeah I think it came when I realized I wasn't a fucking loser who plays MMOs

It really does if you don't earn enough to travel as you please. Socially you're frozen out of most venues.

You should see me every time I finish some romance VN. Fucking ruined. So maybe not real clarity, but at least introspection of the highest order.

earlier for some desu
i don't mind this introversion in the sense that i am getting wiser and more knowledgeable and better at my hobbies as time goes on, but the social life had been dead since like 16 years old or so
even when i raid the local fightan gaem place and wreck everyone there on tourney days nobody bothers to talk to me during or after so i'm def not losing out on anything by this lifestyle

this does sound like a massive cope and it probably is, but i don't have anything else so there i am

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I admit that without the escapism of games I'd feel like shit realizing my encroaching illnesses will claim my independent living.

>"This weekend I just lay in bed all day and binge-watched The Office on Netflix for the 27th time!"
>this is socially acceptable

>"This weekend I spent all of my time on the computer raiding with my guild!"
>this is not socially acceptable

Fuck normies. Gamers rise up.

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>real life
Whatever you're doing with your life is real life.

We already had a thread about doing worthwhile things and I said I was making muffins.

true that, it provides some semblance of successful endeavors when you gain ranks and get better at them, even though it's all meaningless in the grand scheme and nobody cares
nagatoro gave me that feel a few days ago when i binged on it
never used to get emotional due to romance stories while i was growing up, but at current age they are starting to hit pretty deep in the feels

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Yeah I love the office just as much as the next guy but some people will literally just watch the show over and over. Same retards who’ll pretend season 9 is good

>If you don't plan to have children, life basically ends at 30.
Literally what?
My life didn't kick off until I was 30, career is well and truly sorted, tons of cash, house, spare time, banging chics 10+ years younger on the regular.

If you're a chic and 30 lifes over, but for a guy it's fucking great.

do they taste good


>"I wasted all that time collecting crap to see this?!"

since then I have never 100% a game, unless it's a masterpiece like RE4 or F-Zero GX where I actually enjoy it

Life may end at 30, but having to raise children is a fate worse than death. Who the fuck wants that, I wouldn't be surprised if 90+% are accidental


I had the same realization with osrs. Literally that game demands all of your time and you get shit at the end of it. I remember they opened up beta worlds and you could basically get BiS gear, that BiS gear shaved off about 20 seconds my usual boss kills. In the real game that equates to thousands of hours of grinding, for 20 second faster kills. Once I realized how retarded that was I quit that same day. Haven't gone back and never will.

Infamous 1 was horrid in it's trophies so I don't blame you

In Africa, maybe. When you get to that point your body gets to be like "oh shit i'm an adult at prime mating age, I gotta have children" and that gets you through about the first couple years