Free game

Only free for 2 more hours go get it

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Actually wanted to get this game! Thanks, user!


dirt devs are pretty cool, giving away games for free while the license is about to expire

Is this the one that's compatible with VR?

i got it free in humble few days ago, then i bought it too it was only couple euros used and literally brand new.



What license?

are you sure that its not because Dirt 2.0 is tanking? like they monetized the fuck out of it. Dirt 1.0 is superb thought

car and track licenses probably

What does that mean for the game? Will those things be removed, or will they stop selling Dirt Rally altogether?

I'm not really sure desu, but that's what I think it is, licenses of wrc expired
Probabaly not, because the game wont be sold anymore

So if you search it in steam it won't appear. Sneaky Fucks.
Go to the store page - hover over Games - Select 'Racing'
Scroll down to the vertical list and choose the 'Whats Popular' tab, it'll be right there.

the game stops being sold, like what happened with GRID 1

Fuck Codemasters.

Thanks user

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thanks for the heads up. It's weird that they didn't advertise it.

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It becomes abandonware like most other racing games. It's pretty cool.

so that's why they gave away grid 2. that's pretty cool actually

It shows up for me, weird.

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Might be a regional thing perhaps.