All your stuff belongs to Khajiit.
>furries are mentally ill
>the smell of burning fur is a potent aphrodisiac
>literal animals deserve to be slaves
>the smell of burning fur is a potent aphrodisiac
everything ok user?
user, are you okay?
>Wealth beyond measure, outlander
>burning fur is a potent aphrodisiac
brb setting fire to my dog
you lied to me
the fur on the furfag's costumes you god damn retard, not your animal holy shit
khajiit pusy belongs to nords.
be specific next time autismo
You're the one seething over a single image and post
Pussy pussy.
Only thing Khajiit may have is my dick.
>you will never have a khajiit wife
>you will never be autistic enough to become a furry and try fur suit sex
Why was I even fucking born?
Worst part is fur suits are getting more realistic evry day.
how is that realistic?
Nigga get your eyes tested.
What i mean it almost looks like furry drawing in real life.
Not that it looks like a real human/animal hybrid.
Cute paws
when you're right, you're right.
You cant convince me that either of those are realistic. Detailed? perhaps but if you're going for realism, just fuck the neighbor's family dog.
Would you play a game similar to Kobold Adventure but instead you're a shortstack khajiit?
Thats exactly it.
Most furries dont want to fuck realistic.
Real life animals are not sexy at all.
Kinda how most people who like loli stuff dont find real children attractive.
>just fuck the neighbor's family dog.
that what you non-furries do? because you find the human part in anthro's disgusting?
You're fucked up friend, fucking literal animals. At least at it's core I just wanna fuck ugly humans.
Sometimes i dont want to fuck anything i just want to pet/hug cute things.
>those stains on the feet
Imagine spending thousands of dollars on a fur suit and not getting something to protect the paws when walking around. Then imagine doing so and then not removing said stains before wearing it again. Furries get no respect because they're fucking disgusting.
You're alright.
All Khajiit belong to Dunmer.
Who wouldn't like to pet Jubei?
But also sometimes fucking is all i can think about.
To be fair only people that prove themselves in combat may pet him.
Maby big titied sexy women he did knock up one and made a cat-girl.
Is this dragonborn dlc worth it? I am very tired of Skyrim, but I think to finish it completely.
but katia is not a homosexual
this picture is a lie
is she in heat?
A lot of the times the feet are made to be easily replaceable or detachable.
Personally, I think having the feet a little stained suits most suits better. Pure flawless fur is a little uncanny if you ask me.
Can I get that without the screenshot background
Is furry good for anything else but Coomers? There's barely any good discussion on the matter and every request thread that involves it is just fetish and porn talk
Furry is fetish garbage by definition. It's always going to get sexual on some level.
But I cleansed Skyrim of all furfaggotry.
It's sexual on every level. There's a reason it's such a controversial topic anywhere outside /trash/ or Yea Forums, it fucking ruined Yea Forums discussion
A lot of things that are discussed here are sexual on every level, the reason furries are so controversial here is because they're massively insufferable faggots that would shit up threads with their bullshit.
>Tharid's Feed and Seed (Formerly Bashruks)
Kemono > Furfaggotry
Reminder that Jubei has CANONICALLY married, fucked, and impregnated a human titty monster twice his size.
and yet no matter how hard they try, they still look like fur suits
It's literally the same thing.
same desu
So? Fursuits can look and feel good
furries are fetishists, no two ways about it
if you just want comfy animal people, you have to stay far the fuck away from furries
How the fuck do people calmly sit next to a fucking beast that could scalp you in one absent minded swat
>one thing > the same thing
What discussion exactly were you expecting to have?
What's the difference? The fact that you get to be a weeaboo as well?
Aside the fact from western furry artists are trash, you'd have a point
This. Anthro art isn't trash inherently.
Western furshit is trash though and western furries make weaboos look like normies.
I want to fuck that suit
>west inherently bad
>east inherently good
>therefore it's totally different trust me I'm not a furfag haha
Being a weeaboo furfag doesn't make you any less of a furfag.
>posts a furweeb image
It means you have standards
Let's not get ahead of ourself, the average furry is more adjusted and successful than the average weeb, and we should not glorfify the pedophiles that they are, even if this website harbours their ilk
The average western furfag makes the average weeb look like a Chad, user.
Wrong, the average furry is making at least 80k/year and the average weeb is a neet
Proof of both claims please.
animal fetishists don't have standards
>Says this
>While posting Sindoll
Liking japanese things doesn't make you a weeaboo. Going "muh superior nippon" does.
Furries have tons of autism and fit well with tech industry. Weebs barely get jobs
japanese furry is superior
Western furshit is garbage. Neon colours, retarded proportions, and everything is hyper-sexualised. Also, the art is just lower quality overall. Kemono is just weebshit with furry characters, western furries are some degenerate, Satanic, sex-cult.
Kemonofags are superior to furfgas because of
1) Hatred of fags is ingrained in the Eastern furfag hegemony
2) Kemonofags aren't as faggy as their western frufag counterpart i.e. attentionwhores
3) Kemono artwork is on average superior and more wholesome than western frufaggotry
lions dont hunt when they're full
You forgot how kemonofags don't make their OCs look like a complete mutation of a gorillion different species that looks cohesively like trash ie their sharkgirls actually look like sharkgirls and not aquatic dog/cat/marsupial/elephant whatevers.
Not evidence, this is an anectdote.
The only thing i can find was some kiwifarms thread about a furry whale that passed away and was revealed to be a silicon valley tycoon of sorts.
shut up weebfag
What evidence do you even want, a list of millions of furries and their occupations a millions of Weebs with unemployed? Not happening, but most people will agree that the notice a lot of their programming coworkers are furries should they reveal it, and most Weebs are always talking about how they're neet
I mean its obvious furries have money and most of them are white people
Again, anecdotes. I can argue that furfags existed before modern programming jobs did.
tbqh "neet" is often used improperly due to repetition in social circles, just like how "waifu" has become "woman I want to bang" in normie circles(which is how you can easily separate them from actual users of Yea Forums until they lurk moar, which rarely happens) "neet" can mean just as much as "oh yeah I -totally- have depression, I'm so depressed xD"
Also, you're still making anecdotes. Claiming "most people" is still not something you can do and say it's evidence, my dude. Just like I can say most people think you're a stupid faggot, and though you think otherwise, you can't prove me wrong any more than you can prove yourself right.
Considering one of the guys who coined the term anthropomorphic is a Vietnam war vet you'd be right.
>Muh anecdotal!
You fags won't be happy until I pull up a list of every furry and their occupations for you. You just need to actually talk to people to find the correlation. Proof or not it doesn't change the fact that the average furry is more successful than the average pedophile, I mean weeaboo
furfaggotry does not MEAN western furry art
furfaggotry encompasses ALL furfaggots, of which all kemono lovers belong to as well
>make claims you can't back up, instead using anecdotes as replacements for any sort of tangible support for your argument
>have it pointed out that you're just saying words that mean nothing and are just presumptions based on personal perception
>get butthurt
The furries you are describing are definetely not average.
fursuiters are a minority,very vocal but still a minority.
I'm a furfag and work IT. Back when I was in the Navy there was an inordinate amount of military furfags too. I'd hazard the majority of furries are totally insufferable but that's because they buy into generic leftist garbage atop furshit.
Who the fuck uses NEET like that? Its meaning is not employed, in education, or training
I forgot he existed. He made good porn back in the day is he still making stuff or did he fall off the face of the earth?
>Neon colours, retarded proportions, and everything is hyper-sexualised.
So like weebshit?
For the image? No clue, sadly.
no i meant for the vietnam vet claim
Steve Gallacci, author of Albedo anthropomorphics. An unironic fur-boomer who's got pictures of his fuddguns on FA. Pretty nice guy.
>>the smell of burning fur is a potent aphrodisiac
can't imagine this is true at all because "fur" is vague here
>thread still up
So how come we can talk about furry culture shit unrelated to Yea Forums but can't post images without getting a thread deleted? How can I @ a mod on this
ask /qa/
dont listen to this guy
Ask on IRC but you will get dabbed on depending who you get
To the annoyance of every snowflake in the furrydom? yes and he's still a libertarian, only now he's into cuckporn and bisexual shit.
Still better than actual children like mentally ill weeaboos
>implying furries, pedos, and weebs don't overlap
>>literal animals deserve to be slaves
Based and Telvannipilled, but I'd rather just enslave the scaleskins
Hardly, furries actually contribute to society, weeaboos jerk off to children like the neets they are
>OP tried to start a thread about skyrim not related to porn since the other one up at the time was a porn thread
>used a funny Khajiit meme he found on google to draw people in
>"le ironic, edgy, furry hater" meme as the first reply
>thread then degenerated into an in depth furry discussion
This isn't what I wanted.
t. OP
and no porn of them fucking exists
you are an idiot OP.
should have posted a lore thread instead and then spam sexy khajit
Start your thread with a less shitty image next time, faggot.
Khajiit are funny though...
cute and funny?
>Post furry
>Wtf why are furries in my thread!?
You're retarded, on the bright side you have an actually good thread now
HAD an actually good thread until the brapfaggot showed up.
>Starts a thread about a shit game only known for its insane porn modding scene
>Starts out with an image of the one of two furfag races in the entire lore
I'm not too sure what you where expecting OP
Khajiit aren't furry. They're silly comic relief characters. Example: the caravan guy bitches that nords won't let him in their cities since they assume he's s skooma dealer. Turns out he IS.
>Khajiit aren't furry
How's this then
>Khajiit aren't furry
lmao no, and even if they weren't, the OP image is unmistakable furryshit.
Anyone who'd first reaction to X is "goddamn I hate X and will now go out of my way to prove it!" is a closeted lover of X who's overcompensating.
fells good to be mayor
I'm sorry I don't look at furshit enough to recognize it at a glance. Also that image was on the top row on Google image for "silly Khajiit meme".
>literally googling "silly Khajiit meme".
OP, you've got more problems than this shit thread you made.
Everytime I see people like this I wonder if they're actually being serious or are just pretending to be edgy
What's wrong with that?
>Not having to deal with furfags ruining everything to the point where you can understand what is and isn't furfaggotry
You are a blessed one user
Also incredibly fucking new
I wonder what it feels like to be under the effects of an aphrodisiac.
I would tell you to lurk but no one ever does that. And it probably wouldn't help your issue .
Again, what's the issue?
>seething over cartoon animals
you know for how hilariously over the top antifurs are you sure don't ever hear about anything actually happening in real life
Mostly they just give in to their inner desires and whack it to anthro art then go back to screaming about how much they hate furries.
Most antifurs are furries themselves
Your post causes me to question if you're either incredibly young or just unexposed to this site or just the internet as a whole (which is incredibly hard to do nowadays) .
What the fuck are you talking about?
>real life
Rule 3 is still in effect. However no one really bothers to enforce any of the rules except when they want to.
>he had that infographic on hand
The level of overcompensating is approaching critical mass.
Also: you don't have very good reading compensation skills, do you?
It's Yea Forums of course they think twitter is real life
Nobody is posting porn you retard
Wait, since when did they change rule 3? fucking hell, we still have "videogame culture" since 2012 and then they change global rule 3 to allow ponyfags and fursuits? When was this?
you do know horsefuckers have their very own global rule?
>Make this post
>Have the balls to call anyone else mentally ill
Furfags >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hitler >>>>>>>>>>>> Bronies.
user you just posted cringe
nah nigga you all suck
wasnt there a chlorine attack of some furfag convention a couple years back
Uh... no.
no fucking way
Midwest Furfest 2014
I kill em
If you aren't aware of people like Kero while defending furfags you deserve the cross
That was confirmed that a furfag did it thougj.
>only anthro is banned
Specifically anthro porn.
Further implying anti furries are furries themselves
Porn in general is still banned ya know
honestly why even bother having that there, all porn is banned
Furry porn is extra banned though.
its there because porn boards still exist and furry isnt allowed there except on /trash/
Yea Forums has a huge stigma against furshit, and for good reason.
furfags hate other furfags more than anything else on the earth
wrong, cuckquean is the female term.
It's more of a love/hate. They crave the attention, acceptance, and adoration of their fellow furfags, but will also manipulate and stir up drama out of spite for one another.
they're literally mentally ill
Has anyone figured out who this TV man is yet?
Anyone part of the furry """""""community""""""" deserves the drama.
Making a community for porn was the start of the end.
Furries are the best when it comes to ousting other furfags
That it's not brap it's facesit
Fags don't know the difference
I thought the same thing when I saw a black guy the other day
Big Cats arent that much different from regular cats,they still love being treated like kittens.
thumb sucking is regular for panthers and cheetahs in captivity and licking,lots of licking. They rather want to lick your scalp than swipe it off
call you a dogfucker if you do like anthro
call you a dogfucker if you don't like anthro
>the smell of burning fur is a potent aphrodisiac
Look I get the rest of your post, but that is a bit much my friend.
Why do you care what pedophiles call you
Why is that robot shaking it's ass the camera?
that's a lot of succ
it wants your USB inside it
even robots need dick too my friend
Now i have to post it
Being a furry is gay.
hmofa is the only true way
give love to ferals too
Yiff in hell scum
Big cats are still dangerous though because they can also get excited and try playing a bit rough just like a housecat, but with the power behind it to accidentally maim or kill. IIRC the only real exception to this are cheetahs because they are the absolute laziest fucks in existence and will do absolutely nothing but lie about and get petted if they're fed and watered.
finally, a man-machine connection port
you wouldn't bladewolf right Yea Forums?
Hey now
There are plenty of furry creatures that are better being feral than anthro
like all of them for example
Based jannies, not trannies after all
the trick is just not to give a fuck
You wouldnt be licked by a cheetah?
their tongues are sandpaper thatd hurt like fuck
from all the people who had experience with them,they said it was quite painful and caused a little bleeding but nothing bad
Though i'd say thats worth it
If you had the power to give an animal the mindset of a loyal house dog what would you choose?
a spider but also make it 8x larger
Can it be fictional? If yes than I want to have a pet Nergigante, if not a tiger
Get commissioning son.
Das pretty spooky user.