Monster Hunter thread

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Show me those endgame sets.

I just saw /OURMAN/ went in on crapcom AGAIN.
This guy is OUT FOR BLOOD. Absolutely RUTHLESS.
How can one man be so based?

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>Monster never stops moving in iceborne G rank
>Either ends up on the other side of the area or moves behind you
That's it, I'm getting the hammer

Good, he's spreading awareness with the normie sheep
Hopefully they won't do this metal/bone shit again after this


Now that Iceborne has flopped, can we go back to actual MH?


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Is ok, they will fix it!

yeah he went all Rajang again

Can anyone tell me what the fuck was capcom thinking with the weapons?
Why are only a 1/3 of them actually unique??
The fuck happned at Capcom?


whats the best music to put on while you're grinding away?

You first XX bab

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they just being dicks about it
just like with the Handler
"oh you no like Handler? too bad, she is the center or the story now"

There are apparently only four people working on weapons

Miss me yet, hunty?

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God damn dude, that's just SAVAGE

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>tfw World is Capcom's biggest game ever
>biggest outspoken issue is the shit weapon designs
>not event the final boss have unique designs for its weapons
>make an expansion
>don't hire more people to do weapon designs
Really nigga...

>biggest outspoken issue is the shit weapon designs
You got that wrong buddy. The biggest outspoken issue with World is the Handler, not the copypaste weapon designs.

They didn't fix that either

The handler is good and makes the player personally invested. MH6 will have a handler, too

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imagine ravaging that female cats vagina mmfm


My man!

You forgot your "haha"


>>not event the final boss have unique designs for its weapons

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i mean, world's weapon design ARE bad.

That's adorable

why im not joking

too bad they didn't kill her off then.

The handler should've been torn to shreds by that odo in the rotten vale

I was worried that poor cat was getting cuckolded, glad it got a happy ending.


I think it was more like she already had a bf

Why is she so pretty with her hair down?

>Try to do Vaal subspecies normally
>Do ok, but get 3-carted as expected
>Go out and craft Girros Vambraces
>Come back and fight again
>Braindead easy other than the instacharge that does over half health
>Still took 40 fucking minutes despite me wailing on him constantly

And I thought it couldn't get more unfun or obnoxious than Velkhana, if it weren't for Namielle and Shara the end of the story for iceborne would be complete dogshit

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>See first Savage Jho while hunting for elder tracks
>It's just casually carrying a writhing Odogoran in it's mouth through zones

I thought he was postgame, I guess not

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So much SOUL going on there.

Capcom must have adored producing this game.

git gud, this is G rank not your pissbaby high rank, worlds balancing was fucking trash and this is finally getting back to where monster hp should be

Hey pard

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>Yian wasn't as difficult as people made it out to be
Am I missing something? I heard he was toned down for iceborne but this wasn't even close to as bad as I'd assumed.
Give 'em the bonk user. Give 'em all the bonk.

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Since Velkhana is evenly matched against Ruiner would it be safe to say that it would absolutely demolish normal Nergigante

He's always been a glorified rathian reskin but his sheer speed combined with shit like zero frame charges and animation cancelling made him infamous

The variant is much stronger
The base fight is alright, but super fun

Updated list (probably final for now):

-the late PC release date is pathetic for today's standards, to say that at the outset (PC version also still buggy; lose connection after alt-tabbing, animations sped up, too demanding)
-rock spray instead of blood
-still trying to get children addicted with the completely pointless HR1-999 system (younger players conflate it with skill)
-only elders get AT quests, meaning the game basically only has a handful of monsters because you don't even fight anything but elders as only those put up a fight in the endgame
-forced to use turf wars and environmental traps if you want to keep up with speedruns: Turf war didn't trigger or missed a boulder because the AI went nuts? Restart your otherwise perfect run
-all challenging quests are time-gated events
-tripled down on AoE spam (see new Bazel, Vaal, Namielle and even Savage Deviljho) instead of well-designed movesets
-unstable framerate, especially due to clutter and an overload of effects
-yet they keep putting monsters in the cluttered forest; now even the Vaal subspecies, which will fart out and spam even more AoEs
-Guiding Lands and SOS system siphon from the comfy lobby system
-what's worse; only a limited number of lobbies and SOS quests displayed and hundreds hidden for some inexplicable reasons (sometimes can't even find an event SOS when AT Nergigante is live, even though there definitely are some)
-unskippable cutscenes because they want you to see their "beautiful creation"
-spawning in random zones and preventing it is an asinine chore, especially since you can fast-travel anyway (they probably do this for the same reason you can't skip cutscenes)
-skeleton rehashing: Very first big monster you fight, the flagship monster, the final monster of World and the final monster of Iceborne all rehash the same skeleton
-Nargacuga, Zinogre and assorted returning monsters slower than ever

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-bad hitboxes and hit progression (animation barely started and already does 100% damage, or how Nergigante's tiny tail slam does as much damage as the spin itself and one-shots you)
-can't pause
-precise gameplay with GS is dead (few exceptions like Kirin), it's all about just getting your TCS out, which barely requires skill; experience, spacing, positioning, timing (just watch a Kulve or Vaal speedrun and compare it to a 140 Shagaru speedrun)
-forced to hold a bunch of useless items that can make item usage a pain
-you can even make spots that aren't supposed to be weakspots such with the Clutch Claw and consecutively trip monsters like Nargacuga (can even make his wing blades weakspots by tenderizing them)
-palpable input delay, almost as bad as MH3U on Wii U
-most new monsters require no precision; just whack them like a pinata (Odogaron, Kulve, Vaal [EVERY hitzone is a weakspot], watch speedrun videos with GS), a joke compared to old monsters like Gore or Diablos before turning his head into a weakspot in MHW
-cryptic menu inputs for simple things at some instances
-now that lock-on exists, monsters circling around the player (think of Nargacuga or Nergigante) seems pointless, however, more and more monsters do it and people who rather play without lock-on are either forced to play with a camera setting they don't like or play with a big disadvantage
-one-player difficulty scaling arguably makes monsters too exploitable, the game too easy and cooparative gameplay redundant to good players
-HBG, CB and especially Bow easy yet overpowered, ridiculously so in the base game
-95% of armors useless
-almost all weapons but Kulve useless in the base game (might return)
-can't see quests other people have posted when you have a quest pending already, even though MH3U just made it possible not too long ago

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>modern games can't have sou-

That and how it evaded traps and made you look fucking stupid

-way too many roars (semi-unavoidable ones whenever a monster flees), even gave Zinogre a roar when approaching him
-roars can glitch out (consecutive micro roars impossible to dodge and predict, annoying when speedrunning)
-stunned way too long by tremors
-instantly craft and pop Ancient Potions, which in theory nullifies difficulty
-increased stun values on monsters' attacks because having no control is the only way to die in MHW
-half the endgame monsters do thunder attacks, barely any water monsters
-crammed and visually busy while monsters clip through everything and can even shoot through the massive trees in the forest
-generic weapon skins
-Palicos constantly heal and even revive you
-automatically climb and slide everywhere because of slopes and other shit, forcing contextual and often impeding inputs on the player
-sabotaging automatic animations such as taking off used mantles when trying to quickly prevent a monster from fleeing with your crossbow
-some of the obejctiely worst monsters in the series, notably Zorah, Lunastra and AT Kushala who flies constantly without even an airborne moveset/openings (Alatreon and Rathalos have good aerial openings)
-item wheel unresponsive and clunky
-paid DLC
-random MVP cards (feedback and knowing who did best is nice, but the execution is horrible and you have to do 70% damage to even even get the dps one)
-neck-snapping camera
-NPCs scattered across the hub
-can't see previews in the crafting menu for some reason
-likewise can't see things like your weapon slots in the gear window, wheel tied to loadouts, decos sorted basically randomly, etc.
-invasions more likely, even elder dragons you can't dung
-three monsters in one zone constantly roaring and pushing each other around
-no transmog
-way too much walking and long transition zones (even Guiding Lands) that almost make you miss loading screens

Share it, get MHW fixed.

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jesus christ listfag, no way you're doing it for free

How do you deal with randos?

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I don't

I know this is pasta but fuck like half of these are endemic to MH as a series, like
>can't pause
Nigga for real?

World has other problems besides the Handler? No way!

You do know you can pause old games right?

>See high hunter rank
>Play with them
>see low hunter rank
>Room full of longswords
>turn wifi off for 20 minutes.
Its very rare I get some absolutely carried people. The only time in Iceborne so far where I got legit mad at a dude for how bad he was was a bow man who died twice in sharas rock stage.

In single player, which you can do in world, you didn't pause 2ndG when you were in mid quest with friends

xeno could have some really cool fucking weapons, but noooo they have to make it bone/iron garbage...

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i only play with randos if i want to fuck around and don't mind failing the quest
expecting anything good is stupid, just post a room in a thread since the average person here will be better

Just solo behemoth yourself

A shame that I didn't see this in game though. Also, does anyone know how to make the cats in coral highlands finish the rehearsal? I waited for 15 minutes or more and the stupid cat kept falling on his butt.

For MH6 I want the Handler to be a married woman.

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i want her to never be seen or mentioned again

>You do know you can pause old games right?
He's obviously a World fetus who has no clue what he's talking about.

Guess what, fetus, you can't pause in single player either in MHW.

Oh, I thought you were talking about Iceborne's final boss. Xeno's weapons are trash indeed

>tfw I join LR SoS hunts to trip the fuck out of people with LS and kill the monster
Always ends with people hitting me during the post hunt countdown, and it's satisfying as fuck.

GIve me a damn seething Bazelguse mantle already!

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The lists sound pretty sound to me desu

>he doesn't know how to pause world
as expected of a parroting retard

>That retard Brachy is back
>Still no Gore
It's not fair.

>In single player, which you can do in world
No, you can't

>no penis

Listfag would have gotten more followers if his objective list was all about the Handler instead. But I guess that would be boring since the Handler is universally hated.

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You can't shitpost what everyone agrees on. Bait is never something anyone agrees

we have a boss with arm wings now
he's coming this game or next

January. They've said it's January. Not sure why you're confused.

2.5 million and counting.

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>can't get the girl he likes so he ends with the first female that shows interest on him

The girl that doesn't like you is not the one user

>Praises Iceborne constantly throughout the video despite the bad designs
God, you people are acting like the video is just Listfag telling you to play a real MH.

Do you really expect him to actually know? this is the same autist that has an entire folder dedicated to shitposting multiple games. He slipped up on one of his lists by posting an Epic Store shitposting image, and that's what got the mods to blacklist his ass


>Iceborne has flopped
>Hasn't even come out on pc yet so sales aren't even close to final
How can one game bootyblast people so much?

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source artist?

not just that, 2.5 million sales in one week for a DLC. Meanwhile, RE and DMC games, major IPs, sell barely 2 million in the first week

It is delusion of the highest order

Imagine fighting Gore in the ancient forest.

I don't want to imagine fighting anything in the ancient forest.

Imagine fighting anything in that shit map. I try to avoid it as much as possible.

nvm found his yiffparty


>it isn't
you ok, bud?

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>no cute male handler with an awkward personality like Ace Commander that needs to deal with his growing lust for you


he's a schizoposter, what do you expect?

>MH thread
>No webms
fix this

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there are two threads and everyone moved to the other one. Post them there and let this thread die or it'll get us moved to /vg/ again

Is it me or have people completely forgotten how Kulve sieges work? No one others collecting tracks or using the environment anymore and I had three people cart in phase 2.

Better question is why the fuck are you running kulve in 2019?

Critical thread because people here complain:

Keeping them separate is a good idea.

too bad it's gonna get a filter :)

Never played MHW but it's on sale and I'm thinking about picking it up. Is it too late to get into?

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Its the perfect time actually.

You can play literally every MH solo if you so choose.
Also this.

Its not like Destiny where you have to play catch up, the main game is actually enjoyable this is basically just two games in one with iceborne.

Its like the first 8 gym leaders of Pkmn G/S are World and the last 8 gym leaders are Iceborne basically its just a continuation of the game.


Didn't think World had it in it. But it did.


Now is literally the perfect time as it just got a very big expansion, will be recieving further updates following that expansion, and there's events coming up within the next few weeks.

Additionally there's never really a bad time to get into MH as it's something that can be played solo as the other user said.

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consoles can't even always show properly the damage number KEK

>Praises Iceborne constantly throughout the video despite the bad designs
Maybe because the rest of the game is actually good and the only significant issue Gaijin has is the shit weapon designs? You can still enjoy something despite disliking certain aspects of it.

married with joh's gastric juice or nergigante spikes

Savage jho is fucking scary

>nerg trying to grab his Velk's tail as it flies away

>base game - 10 mil copies
>expansion - 2.5 mil on consoles

Nintenfags are really that desperate

gotchu senpai

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Based, Arrekz would never have the balls to make a video like that.

He still pussyfoots around apologizing for saying one bad thing about the game despite how nasty he was towards XX when people were concerned following world's reveal which he immediately 180'd on the moment the uear-late localization was announced.
The only shocking thing is that he's making any negative videos about World/IB at all considering how obvious it is that he's a paid shill.

Can monsters be effected by the secondary effects of an element (aka the "blight")? For example, if I use an ice weapon, it deals additional elemental damage, but does it cause them to use more stamina or tire out faster too like Iceblight does on the hunter?

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I still have yet to see my first Savage Deviljho in MHGU.. Scared of meeting him for the first time.

Do what I did and finally play with those friends who kept asking you if you bought the game yet. I'm lucky that they still play, bought it a few days ago and we've been having fun ever since

They wore no armor and brought shitty weapons when helping me through the main story missions which was nice


As he should be
Everyone must fear the Jho


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you will be scared, he is not only stupid strong but insanely aggressive,it's a pretty damn good representation of how savage jho should be


It's easy money.

It's pretty great to slowly learn a monster's moves and get better and better at fighting it. Feels nice.

Here's an empty room: 7itb scYK KKcp
Join if you feel like it and especially join if you're bad at the game. Doing annoying arena quests right now.

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wow what the fuck user

You know what, I'm just gonna ask. I just dropped 1250 on a new gaming PC, anyone have a extra Monster Hunter Key?

rooms isnt working

For some reason psn is being retarded and wont upload my fucking vids

No nigga. As logical as that sounds it would break the game. Monsters would be piss easy if you could set them on fire or have their stamina drain near instant

So far which elder do you hate the most?

I'm trying to hunt some MR Teotras, I have no investigations, the optional's rewards are garbage, so I0m trying to join SOS, but I can't find shit., why is this happening? In the base game it was easy as fuck to find hunt for any monster.

Lunastra, by far. Forever until the fix her fucking horrifically bad hitzone values.

Oh boy I’ve been ready for this

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Well damn
The handler is hated by everyone
People literally want her killed off
Fucking nothing is better than the annoying ass handler who’s a do nothing fat ass

Garuga was toned down a fuck ton from previous incarnations, it's probably the most nerfed monster in the game.

Scarred Garuga is the real mother fucker. He's a lot harder

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Yeah i messed up a letter, nevermind then. I go in shame.

just repost loser im bored

I fucking hate the new vaal, i fucking hate his garbage gimmick and the fight takes too damn long

Lmao just use fire nigga like fuckin lol

So what are steam tickets for besides the armor set? They seem really pretty good for melding but useless beyond that