You got to Ruiner yet?
World Hunter Iceborne Monster
Nah, will get a good 12+ hours in tomorrow
Why didn't they make a MR Wyvern Jawblade
T-they didn't? It still shows question marks on the last upgrade for me
>wanna play Iceborne
>all the boys I played with on console have sold their PS4s
>PC port runs like ass
Does anyone have a guide or list about the items and materials needed for augmenting and custom upgrades?
I got my two regions up to Lv7 and fought a bunch of tempered dudes and got their unique materials, but when looking at the required items it always show "????" and I don't know what exactly it is
when does this come out on pc again? :<
i lost my world save, do i need to start again?
What does this meme even mean? I haven’t seen whatever movie it’s from
He’s an old bitter food critic who eats something so good that he gets a flashback of his childhood on the spot
It’s basically like saying the top game hits the spot and reminds you of the bottom game
some monster in DLC are only accessible after HR 99, so better start grinding user
>when does this come out on pc again? :i lost my world save, do i need to start again?
if you didn't fiddle with any steam cloud setting, then it should be backed up
Are there diminishing returns on wounding?
Why are fucking tobi kadachi claws so hard to get? Why every single weapon demans tons of them? Is there any way to speed up this agony?
Did the iceborn changes make hunting horn not shit anymore?
Its pretty good now
Don't know about damage but some user mentioned it enrages the monster so it doesn't help if the fucker's running around hitting everyone
So are Power Element SAs good now?
No, I'm keeping pace with my buddy and he's too busy doing math doctor things for most of the week.
We've reached the Namielle investigation stage yesterday, I've managed to knock it out and watched the cutscene today while I was grinding for Fey Wyvern Gems.
We fought SEETHING Bagel yesterday and our hunt was instantly interrupted by Savage Jho, who then decided to follow us around the whole map.
Was good times.
damn, is there no level boost or something in Iceborne? so im gonna have to start from the beginning in preparation? i dont mind, ive been wanting to play the game again, i just dont want to waste my time.
i play the pirated version. i thought i backed up my save to gdrive for when i changed PC, but apparently not.
What are some good ones?
Yeah. HH got some good offensive moves and also it's easier to KO the monster now.
>did more than 30 SEETHING bazelgeuse investigation
>still can't get a mantle except a fuckton of Gems
I'm getting really tired. The only good thing is that bazel 's nuke is always impressive to look at, but fuck that desire sensor
Where's the petition?
I'm not sure if wounding enrages a monster, but hitting it with the flinch shot sure does and I wish people would stop.
... see me in 4 months when the kiddies are done beta testing for me.
Acidic Glavenus its the best one, and Fulgur Anjanath's its pretty good too
It's a free knockdown. I wish people would realize that using Rocksteady mantle isn't always a good idea.
>fight tobi in arena
>break his claws
>leave quest not abandon quest
>get claw as reward 50% of the time in less than a minute
This works for any monster that needs a common part that you're supposed to get from breaks. Majestic horns, fangs, whatever you need.
When I get the PC version, I'll recolor Acid Glavenus to blue, double his speed, and call it a day.
You know already what I'm talking about
Why is Ruiner easier than regular? I don't think he even has the dive anymore.
Its not if you fucking miss, it just makes shit go straight into rage mode and you can't use it when things are in rage mode
What white pieces do i need for healing augments on a gunlance my dudes?
Also, any tips on finding the hidden animals?
I have the rarity 10 one, is it worth upgrading to the final one? It only adds 90 attack and I hate fighting Glavenus so I don't want to waste a mantle in case I ever need it for something else.
Whats the best way to get a stupid fucking artillery gem? I'm in the endgame and haven't even found one yet.
If you're talking about MR99 Ruiner, what the hell are you maining? He's even more difficult since 99% of his attacks cause bleed and slams down a lot
Does Namielle drop large elder dragon gems are anything rare like that at all ?
yes they do drop them. Your best best is to do investigations with gold slots. I have the best luck with teostra personally.
This is your new MC, say something abou him
seeing how shit the weapons still look made me uninstall the World on my PC. I'll wait until the next game where they hopefully fix the weapons
I actually don't know I was trying to find out if there is one
Which dual blades are the best?
I finally did it. After 742 hours and 40 minutes, I finally got a magazine gem.
With the glitch?
Grazie tante user
Nope, I let RNGesus guide me. Fuck that guy, he's a dick.
I'd go to HR 99, max out all Palico Gadgets, unlock mantles/boosters and grind vouchers and other useful items like Mega Demon Drugs. Also build at least one Endgame set, so you can beat the Beo and shit comfortably.
How long does it take to get one area in Guiding Lands to max level?
You need to do four quests separate after raising your master rank. Prepare to grind..
Very based
>fatalis comes out
>nergigante eats it too
Why would anyone want a balcony with a great view into the slums?
>celestial wyverian print
thanks for putting in this useless shit into the game, capcom. Seriously, what is this for?
I clocked about 900 before a fucking temp uragaan finally shat out my first crit draw gem. I've got enough ironwall, handi, arty and attack decos to gem a whole army of reddit drachen meta-slaves but the memedraw decos just wouldn't materialize.
Melding Mantles
>quit and load game
>do a strange stream meld
>your three decos will be Gobbler, Vitality and Magazine
Apparently it doesn't always work, something to do with whether or not your character is in the top save slot. Basically the melder table isn't resetting properly in 10.11.
I meant sublime, sorry user- not celestial.
Give him JCE.
Alright I asked my friend who did the arena quests for the divine slasher and thankfully there's an uprgade. Sorry for the shitty quality
fucking gooks, give it white sharpness already
Id say yes, but if you have anything else you really want to use the mantle on go ahead
>tfw divine shitter will end up being the go to LS again
>just when based nerg and Namielle save us from katana trash with their sexy European style weapons
A damn shame
Is crit draw any good for hammer? Wanna try the crit element from velk set.
>Fire - Anjanath. -20% affinity prevents use of crit element, but the high raw along with its high element allows you to also run peak performance to great effect.
>Water - Jyuratodus. Only good duals in the game.
>Thunder - Kirin. Sky high element and long white sharpness.
>Ice - Beotodus overall, but if you want fo use crit element use Barioth
Do not let the rarity 10 duals fool you. They are fantastic duals. Focus on stacking element through means of stacking the core element skill, Namielle divinity, or crit element. Please be advised that Namielle divinity is subject to the elemental cap, so you could experience diminishing returns from stacking element skill and Namielle divinity. For fire and thunder builds, 2pc Anjanath beta is nice for the extra stamina. 3pc Narga's true razor sharp is also a fine skill for any build if you can get it on your set.
t. cleared final boss in 36 mins on an unoptimized run with Beotodus duals.
How do I get rath wingtalons to drop? I’ve been breaking wings and capping los and Ian but they don’t drop them. Really annoying that all rath weapons require four each. Can I break wings and return from the quest to still get the drops?
Sadly I STILL only have 1 artillery gem. I just use an artillery charm on every build that isn't effluvia related because I'm a GL main. And by GL main I mean it's the only thing I know how to use. Gotta stack dat Bombardier III, Artillery III and Capacity all at once or I can't go full Morshu.
Depends on whether or not power charge disables the crit draw effect
I know crit draw hammer was a rare meme setup in older games because it affected both the superpound and every hit of the spin
Am I stupid for using a Crit Status setup for hammer?
I'm runnin the Kulu Sleep hammer with 70% affinity
>not F2 AND FU
>infuckingplying any games after the 2 gen could give you this feel
When will actual bait OP for will come back instead of cuteshit and iterations of the last meme template?
It can't be any dumber than any other crit status setup
Does it work? I always liked para hammers because it often leads to a KO.
>Zinogre weapons look rad as fuck
>there are 2 monsters weak to thunder in the game
fuck mhw
think I put Velk to sleep twice when I fought it first time
put the new Hazak to sleep 3 times
Who fucking cares? Use what you think is cool.
Nigga what? Thunder is overall the most common weakness in the series. Nearly every Flying Wyvern is weak to it for starters.
Gimme my fukin glavenus greatsword Yuya you fukin chink faggot!
Also, the good thing about using a sleep hammer is that in solo you can always get a big hit unless you're on a slope and can't stop sliding
So what is the consensus for the Guiding lands? Is it fun?
the damage adds to the coolness, like if you have a high damage weapon it's easier to do a iai slash counter and down a monster while you sheathe your katana like a fucking champ
yeah that's why i said fuck mhW
Best form of endgame in MH series. It should be a recurring feature from now on
I mean I like it so far. I just want my silver los gear really.
Anyone got the current best Switch Axe build for Iceborne?
>there are 2 monsters weak to thunder in the game
why is every reddit meme just taking a popular tv show/movie/etc out of context and slapping pictures over them to create a new context?
That's been a thing since demotivationals at least
It's more that this place stopped producing OC years ago and it's been an endless regurgitation of existing shit ever since
Why is Tigrex’s roars are so... underwhelming? It feel like they toned down the distortion effect too much
Finished Shara Ishvalda thia morning. What a ride it was. Now, I have to grind Listfag Bazelgeuse for a Mantle to upgrade my Bagel LS so I can go kill shit in the Guiding Lands and hopefully be able to bully Behemoth solo
Its kinda cute how glavenus imitates LS hunters with those little hops he does.
Frostcraft doesn't seem to be exclusive to just being sheathed. Sometimes my bar fills even when I have the weapon out but not attacking. What's the trigger?
>there were only 4 people in charge of the weapon designs
I kinda feel bad for them to be honest.
Are the researcher quests in Hoarfrost bugged? It’ll tell me Lynian/Piscine/Endemic researchers are there with quests, but when I go on an expedition I can’t find them anywhere. Not even on the map. The one time I found Endemic, she told me to catch a penguin. So I did, then returned to base so I could deliver it. The quest wasn’t at the research center to be delivered.
>Worldfucks shit on Freedom Unite
>all of a sudden they love old MonHun again
Unironically fuck off.
Are you using LS? Because I think the ia attacks count as sheathing
based deliberately narrow minded, ignorant retard poster
>Garuga's glaive LS made it to World
wew lad. Crafting this boi right now
Lets hope that now that they can reuse assets MH6 brings proper weapon design
Does it look goofy when you iai with it?
The Lance made the cut too thankfully
Finally there's good Para and Poison Lances again.
I'm going to be honest with you chief, I made it all the way to Shara, LS only without using Iai once. I really should get around to learn how to use that, it looks cool
>want to go level up the guiding lands
>want to make the shara hammer to kill vhelkana more easily so I can upgrade my vhelkana glaive to farm shara more easily
>want to replace the odo/narga mix I've been wearing but might want access to some of the guiding lands monster sets first
>still have optionals and bounties to catch up on
Now THIS is monster hunter
>have 2000+ hours on fu
>still my favorite mh despite having 500 hours on mhw
sasuga based retard
>Grinding a monster to grind another monster to grind the monster you were already grinding in the first place
Base World missed this feeling, I'm glad it's back
It doesn't even have white? fuckin shame, thanks for finding out though.
There's like only like 12% difference isn't there? Couldn't you just slot in 12% worth of attack, agitator, peak in the slots handicraft would usually go?
Only manchildren whine about the weapons.
Is the bow still king? I noticed the Shrieking Legiana set bonus gives you Bow Charge Plus, does that stack with other deco that increases maximum bow charge?
The bow was my first weapon in World, but I stopped using it a while ago to get every weapon to 100 hunts, and I'm tempted to go back because it was comfy.
Only just bullied Velkhana to death last night, and now taking the time to upgrade gear.
holy crap its el gatito gaming meow meow meow meow
Iceborne more like Catborne.
FU is better than World tho
This doesn't use up the arena quest? Neat.
How do you actually get arena quests? I know it's from capturing monsters but it doesn't seem to always work - I've captured a monster multiple times and received no arena quest.
He's sexy af and has some good porn.
>recurring feature
>in MH
The bounce factor would probably be pretty brutal
it's pretty cool but i wish i had a ssd so loading into it wouldn't take half an hour
I can't decide which weapon I want to be my regular go to weapon. I really enjoy IG, Bow, LBG, HBG, Lance, GL, and DB, but I keep flip flopping between them and don't even have a fully complete set of armor for one weapon and it's pissing me off.
Why did they even include uragaan in world, there is absolutely nothing of worth to be made from it
>ties with velkhana in the turf war
get that weak shit outta here boy
So it could be an obnoxious cunt that only annoys the fuck out of everybody.
Why is narga so popular? The fight doesnt strike me as anything special
They should keep doing those 1v1 intros like Shaggy and Velkhana. They're great
I'm so glad I get to feel slow and frustrated again
>want to use hammer on certain easy headbait monsters
>I should make this hammer
>start farming the monsters that make the hammer
>end up making 5 more hammers because they look nice so why not
>shit now I need an armor set to complement this hammer
>spend an hour writing down different set combinations that give skills + looks
>start farming for those monsters for their armor
>at end of the day I didn't even get to fight the headbait monsters in the first place
I feel like I'm too slow and won't be able to play with my friends at this rate
>can't hit Namielle's head
Ok I guess I won't beat it with hammer then
People have always loved the weapons and armour that come from it, as well as people's first experience in MH with a truly agile monster
Helps that it was a flagship monster too
That just sounds like monster hunter to me.
user ask yourself one question. Did you have fun? If so then fuck it don’t worry about it enjoy the slower stuff while you can before it all just gets thrown out the window for ryu long swords (haven’t played in a long time don’t know if still meta in vanilla)
I hope he gets added to world.........
To feel better about themselves.
>l*stfag already found the other thread
glad to know I'm in the right thread
No because I'm taking my sweet time farming whatever the fuck I think looks cool.
Don't worry about him, he's getting something special :^)
How's the longevity of the end game this time around? I only got about 80 hours out of the base game because I didn't really enjoy the tempered elder Deco grind.
What's the best weapon to inflict exhaustion?
>*Gets killed for nothing*
>probably the best fifth gen monster
>literally appear out of nowhere at the end of the story
>never mentioned again
Im glad this one just exists instead of needing a super obtuse reason for doing so. It offsets the others pretty well.
That's not true, I killed it for that sweet armour
You joke but Nami really didn't do fucking anything. We we're just told to kill it because.
How bad is SnS compared to other weapons in damage output? It was always my favorite in previous games but I hated the slam meta in base world. Want to use element with the new attack, but I'm concerned about dragging out hunt times solo and online. Not interested in running a dedicated wide range set, I'll probably focus on damage skills.
Same with ruiner nergigante really
>"Damn, that thing just saved our lives, I guess it's actually helping balance the ecosystem by eliminating threats"
>"Right, let's go kill it"
SA is the manchild option in general.
This fuck looks endemic to the coral highlands and doesn't seem to shit everything up with its firetruck's worth of water. Why the hell it needed to be slain and not repelled, did it flood vaal's mancave forcing it to move or what?
Hey guys.
I just came here to say that people who started out with World have yet to experience best boi.
I miss him so much ;_;
Autism time.
>The New world was uninhabited for Centuries, it was only just recently discovered
>During all that time, Elders fucked shit up without anyone to stop them because hunters weren't there
>Nature then created it's own hunter (Nerg) to correct this
And before anyone says Elders like Teo and shit didn't anything, Teo fucks up the weather by simply being there. He needs to die as soon as he gets anywhere.
Elemental SnS is pretty awesome in Iceborne, just put loads of elemental attack into your sets and your clear times will be fine even if you're just hugging a monster's heels and poking it with the basic combos
SnS works great with the clutch claw too, which gives it an additional edge in helping you kill shit faster
How do I achieve the Bloodborne dual-form-experience then? don't forget CB is for coomers who can't handle more than 3 minutes without using a SAED
The game doesn't explain it so as far as I'm concerned Nami is the only Elder in MH besides Nerg that didn't do anything wrong.
And if quest descriptions in past games are to be believed, Teo also will roast the fuck out of anything else near its territory because fuck off this is my cave
And Lunastra is an even bigger bitch than that now
Based Gore. I miss him too.
are you retarded?
unique weapons exist in world everything getting bonned an iron'd is just an stylistic choice beacuse muh ""realism""
You don't soulsfag. They're both overly flashy pieces of shit.
>muh realism
I thought this meme died off with IB. Why the fuck are you retards still pushing this excuse?
Nerg is a failure though, and you the hunter, do his job far better than he ever could.
I mean normal Nerg almost destroyed everything by leading Zorah around just to snack on him. I can't remember much about World's story but I do seem to remember that if Zorah had actually made it to the everstream the whole continent would've just blown up because of all its energy being released as it died
>literally saved the ecosystem from EDs
It died the second we saw monsters other than Great Jagras
so it never lived
user, please. All he did in base world was chase zorah around (accomplishing nothing) reach the new world and promptly get the inactive elders in the recess to scatter and cause havoc in all the other zones. That's causing problems, not solving them. You have to clean up his mess.
In iceborne he killsteals Shara, that's all.
It's just another attack like the jump slash except a couple strong hits instead of a bunch of weak ones, and horitzontal instead of vertical.
It's faster which is good.
>How bad
You just started with the wrong mindset you dumdum.
>shara has the gore skeleton
>potential for Gog/valstrax in the next game/dlc monsters
fuck im excited
I don't know if you actually played the game, but in IB, after Shara, it is discovered that Nerg's responsible for the ecosystem to not fuck up since it kept EDs in check. Nerg killing Shara was what made the discovery since it didn't attack you after it
Your bias confirms your lack of tastes.
>Cool as fuck design.
>That fucking cape.
>A huge variety of attacks that keep both gunners and blademasters on edge.
>An interesting mechanic that has you constantly pushing the attack.
>That fucking cape.
>As the fight goes on, he gets more and more aggressive.
>A ragemode that has the skybox turn dark and isn't just your average increase in power and speed, but actually changes the monster's movesets completely.
>An alternate form that literally has the world dying of pure rage.
>That fucking theme
>That fucking roar
>>shara has the gore skeleton
so do nerg and xeno.
Give me Seltas Queen or give me death.
>all that effort just to reply to a shitpost
fucking retard, but also based
There's a difference between what characters say and what we see happen. Nerg is bad at his job. You aren't. You, the hunter (a success) > Nerg (a failure).
“Seething” Bazelgoose will never not be funny.
>PC port runs like ass
60fps and zero loading times is ass to you?
>and what we see happen
Gameplay is never canon. I thought you knew this
maybe you should upgrade your computer bro, works fine on my machine
Turn off volumetric rendering or upgrade your i3 already
Zorah and Nerg wanted to blow up the Everstream in order to stop Xeno'jiva. One large island is a small price to pay to destroy an apocalyptic threat.
The story user, where he only succeeds in killing one elder you were already killing and just causes problems otherwise, not his bonus failures in turf wars.
Okay you got me
damn thats hot
hope they expand on camera mode in the next game, made me happier to go on those track sniffing expeditions
I don't understand what's funny about it.
So when does this get REALLY hard? I heard that Barioth was supposed to be hard but I didn’t break a sweat on it.
Did you do it solo?
I’m jk I love Gore
>failures in turf wars
I don't recall Nerg failing any turf wars, just ties. What's up with you? If we're talking failures, Valfalk is a big one. It did barely a dent and got forgotten the second he got killed since all he was is a mild pest to the MH equivalent of Amazon Prime
The less the better
Does seething Bazelgeuse live up to the same threat level as savage Jho and furious Rajang?
>get the inactive elders in the recess to scatter and cause havoc in all the other zones
Good, having them scatter means they're not around to give their bioenergy to Xeno. Nergibro is a true monster hunter.
Is that all it takes to be funny? Repeating a word so much it becomes a boring meme long after it loses it's meaning?
I know multiplayer is harder than solo in world, but I don't think telling him to team up to do it just to make things harder is really the right call.
V Jump posted some higher quality Rajang demo footage last night
i found him pretty easy, i think he would be harder for gunners since he has a habit of spitting bombs behind you
Oh shit actually seething my bad dog
Then I guess you're really good at videogames now.
Feel free to brag and call everyone a shitter I guess.
Other way around in Iceborne now that they tweaked the flinch/status scaling to be less than the HP scaling now, solo is the tougher way to do things again
He's not as fast, but powerlevel wise his bombs are enough to level entire villages
Fair fight though, all his attacks are very telegraphed and you're rewarded for being aggressive on his blue bomb state
Loving Gore is the patrician's choice, friendo.
Anyone who doesn't like capeboi has yet to experience the adrenaline rush of him saying "FUCK IT" and just going ham on your ass.
>I know multiplayer is harder than solo
Haha this fucking lie again. Monsters are harder when the heat is constantly on you, bro. Multiplayer is easier because you can wack monsters while it's busy with a single dude. Quit spreading this lie to try and convince everyone you're playing "hard mode" by teaming up with real people to beat up and AI.
Bioenergy from all over the new world flows to Xeno.
Gore is easy and Shagaru is unliked and unfun.
No wonder he got benched for World.
Is that so? I'm still playing through the story in iceborne and I only do story solo. I heard barioth was just awful in multiplayer though, so I assumed that's why you were telling him to do it in hard mode.
So what the fuck is Shara Ishvalda? some Fatalis-tier god or something?
Lovecraft inspired cosmic monster from what I can tell.
I don’t really think I’m that good. I used a full Beotodus set for ice resistance and the first G rank Anjanath hammer and basically just slid down slopes the entire fight and mounted it like 5 times. Clutch Claw is crazy OP as well
He literally screeches "REEEEEEEEEEEEEE" when angry, it's great
Honest question here, is the game worth the $40 in content? I could probably buy one game until probably christmas so i want to make it count.
Gonna play it con basic PS4, already put 350 hours in MHW, but there's also Borderlands 3 which i also put 300 hours in PC though.
Im interested on MHW because of the lower price, i managed to play MHGU on Switch but couldn't get good enough on G rank and stopped.
>Lovecraft inspired cosmic monster
I never said he was hard, user. At least, not when you get used to him. Shagaru is just kind of underwhelming as you pretty much have an understanding of what he does when you've fight off Gore a couple of times.
He's just a fun fight with a lot of variety to his moves. he has so much personality and would love to see Worldfags experience it as well.
An MR-styled Gore with added moves? Yes please... Though I guess that would qualify as the Chaotic Gore.
It's basically double the content, but if you got a PC and some patience, wait for the PC port. Load times are worse than ever
That's pretty fucking cool. You got any more images and lesser known lore?
Lots of buddhist imagery. The sand and way it uses its wings like big rakes is reminiscent of a zen garden, and it even looks like it's praying when it does the big beam. The way it stares into the camera and not at the character when it opens its eyes implies some level of "enlightened" meta perception.
I really hoped Shara's weapons had a new element that shoots off sound waves with each attack. Would have been nice
Cant choose between Acid Glavenus or Nigga Diablos hammer. What are the stats and slots on the final A. Glavenus hammer?
You’ve already put 300 hours into Borderlands 3?..
Didn't Frontier have Wind weapons from a couple monsters?
At this point adding another element wouldn't really add much, they've still hardly done anything with the Ice and Water split
Borderlands 2* was thinking on buying 3.
My bad.
Has any MH game ever gave a final/flagship monster an exclusive element before? I only played GU and World
thats communism for you
Slime (Blast) was introduced with Brachy but a few other weapons had it, usually as a hidden element
Is the Velkhana set Crit Draw Longsword build better than Master's Touch with affinity stacking?
Brachydios was the only monster that inflicted blast when he was introduced
I love this scene so much.
I hope that Namielle sticks around for the next games instead of being forgotten and left behind like some elders.
No. Building only for the counter is not better than building for constant attacking.
Does iceborne provide a better way to farm mega demondrugs and shit
Also is mega dash juice in
He was content to leave you be until you tried busting out the real weeb shit, and rightfully slapped you down.
Frontier has some I think.
Most of frontier's snowflake elements are just some combination of the existing ones.
The last time something legitimately new was introduced for weapons was health honing, seregios' rolling sharpness, and chaotic gore's double affinity in 4U. Before that it was blast from brachy.
Use the Elder Melder
It's not even that the food is good on a technical level but that he's tasting the care the cook put into that specific dish, specifically for him, which reminds him of the care that his mother put into the food she made for him as a child.
Just meld all your mega drugs
And no
When Zinogre scrapes the ground, better watch out because he's going to do a triple paw smash!
What kind of shit PC do you have if Monhun works worse on it than the PS4.
Thread needs more webms
>Want to craft Namielle's set
>Uragaan pallium
No... Not again...
Are Fulgur Anjanath weapons better than Velkhana? I'm talking about GS and Switchaxe in particular.
Namielle is fun and interesting although I wish their b armor could be cooler lookin
Build whatever you want. If every weapon is viable then metafags cant argue that these creative builds aren't viable too. At the end of the day your effectiveness is 95% due to mechanical skill, 5% due to your build.
It's hard to compare weapons of different elements since they'll both have good and bad matchups in general use
Dunno about GS and SA in particular, but they're both still solid trees for their respective element in my experience
world feels so soulless and barebones when compared to the games that came before it
namielle b-armor is woomy.
Sometime I wish they'd comically nerf the longblade.
Not because I hate it, but just so I could see what it'd be like to have 75% of the playerbase have a sudden, collective fit.
Trying for captures with Savage Jho around is nightmarish.
Opposite for me. Felt closer to MH than XX did.
Nobody cares, tranny.
that image is photoshopped
You should've seen 4/4U then
>Can't refresh red sword
They had a fit when FSS went from a 44 frame window down to a 30.
tfw never been comfy camping
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
>$40 in content?
no, but there's nothing to play until 2020-21
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Something AIBOU him?
what the fuck is this shit and why do you post on every thread
Someone told me Garuga greaves Beta with layered thermae waist is great on females. Any pictures?
Don't feel too bad for him, he's a monster
I feel you man. Whatever, maybe something coming along later down the line will suit us better
Gen games are fucking soulles cashgrab shit with moe gay pandering
>6 investigations
>0 rath wingtalons
>Animefags hate World
Could this game get any better?
Base game yeah kinda, IB no.
Got it, thank you user
I like both anime and World.
Is weakness exploit lvl2 better than attack boost level 4 (first one with affinity)?
I'm using hammer, how about general?
He's talking to himself again, is he?
Seems like the schizophrenia is hitting.
>make me wait until endgame to fight my favorite monster zinogre
>friends got theirs super early with narg glav and tigrex
>finally fight him and hes glorious
>his armor skills are STILL TRASH unless you maybe make a mediocre thunder db build
being a zinogrefag is suffering
Does this happen in every thread when someone says something negative about world?
I fucking hate hunting Uragaan but I have no choice. This thing has been a piece of shit from the very beginning.
KEK the fucking STATE of shitposting anime retards.
But FU in hindsight was pretty terrible
If you couldn't tell it's buddhist poo in loo bullshit, then you're hopeless.
Bring him to THE SLIDE in the elder recess. Use water dual blades with critical element and affinity sliding.
Outspin him.
cats don't stand like that
All I wanted was a nice comfy farm back
Is ruiner nergi gs any good? I've heard that the purple sharpness doesn't matter that much in world anymore.
>It's not even that the food is good on a technical level
Jesus fucking christ
that's not pokke farm
>using wyvernwhatever
Nodda true main
I would bet money he only fought the story one before shara.
it happens whenever the list gets deleted. Seen it happen with the same images since he falseflags both sides
Kys, trannoid
>Not realizing that Yukumo is by far the superior farm
Any Kokoto great-grandpas here?
As an FUCHAD it feels glorious to see MH coming home
>I want to do boring ass gathering even when I'm not on a quest
>I love going through two loading screens to grab 5 honey after
Old farms are absolute fucking trash and I'm glad they're gone and that fags like you get to suffer for it
I haven't played p3rd, sorry.
finally nergs done
How to spot a bitch nigga in one post
>Tfw Capcom will actually job Nerg out to Fatalis somewhat and he'll take a shot meant for the hunter
>He'll fade out while looking eye in eye with the hunter like Godzilla 2014
>Mission: "Avenge Nergigante"
>He's actually barely alive at the end of the fight and he flies off after a nod of respect to the hunter
It's inevitable lads
What is a good hammer for MR3 quests?
if that happens then MH is dead
Ratatouille is kino.
tell me how to not get one shot
and what early on gun to use thats good and Ill convert
I clearly meant the execution of how the dish was prepared and plated, which is all he had been grading the dishes on until that moment.
Taroth "Sleep"
For White Fatalis, we have find Nergigante's temple and supercharge him with BIOENERGY so he can stand a chance against White Fatalis. Too bad that excess BIOENERGY turns Nergigante into a walking time bomb until Velkhana intervenes and sacrifices herself to stabilize Nergigante's BIOENERGY levels, turning him into Frostruiner Nergigante.
Make the Pukei hammer bro. Joke-tier mats and goes up to purple + has good stats. Will last you til Velk/Shara.
What bows should I draft in early MR?
Is that a lot better than the radobaan hammer? I fucking hate fighting Kulve
No, Xeno was drawing Zorah to the Everstream to feed on that sweet bio energy. Nerg was trying to kill the bitch before it could get there. Nerg was always doing his best to keep all the elders in check, but a giant time bomb elder was too much for him. Thankfully, his fellow human hunters came to the rescue.
I can't decide if I should play iceborne or greedfall tonight, or what distribution of time to give to them if I play both
Literally anything works. Stop worrying about meta builds, they only really help TA users anyways. Everything comes down to weapon skill. You can murder anything with any weapon. Just practice.
Reminder that Nergigante is the bad guy. By slaying the Shara the transient existence of the new world has been destroyed and the path to enlightenment has been lost.
PS2 game was my first yeah, way back when it first came out. Sadly didn't get that much into it though. Always wanted to pick it back up and properly 'finish' it.
based konchus
>Brachydios took me like 40 minutes with multiple turf wars with Azure Rathalos
Jesus Christ how bad am I? Keep in mind I'm still using my base game Reaver Calamity.
Grind boy.
Upgrade your weapon dumbfuck
I'm not really worried about killing stuff, I just want to kill them fast
>ice beams you from across the map
And a bing bing wahoo to you too
This is the peak MH feel. Wanting to craft fucking everything and anything and try it all out and ignore story missions until you wanna progress to get to the next monster whose gear you enjoy.
How do you kill Shrieking Legiana in less than 40 mins
>tell me how to not get one shot
Guard on the gun along with vitality and defense decs. Learning when to dodge and when to attack is the best method but of course that takes time.
Jagras gun is still bae. Use spreadshot 3 and nothing else. Deviljho is good for dabbing on LS shitters with bombs. Make sure you bring gunpowder and plants to make more ammo on the fly, and set up crafting recipies on your radial menu and crafting a couple shots while reloading. Bowgun is very technical, but also very fun and easy.
CB sword form is a lot of fun
Flash bombs
>using the new hunting horn song
>people don't even bother walking over the big puddle of light that gives freestamina
Maybe capcom should put an in game tip that tells other people to walk in that shit
>wall bangs
>flash pods
lol no way fag
theme is literally just a slowed down The Lone Ranger Theme Song
Play the song on the monster's face so everyone nearby is standing in it whether they want to or not
>that observation with the cats in the forest and the leaf umbrellas
Yes but that thing is really good on bow users and those low-iq braindead ranged weapon users dont walk over it even when I do the song right in front of their face
Okay and?
>water - Jyuratodus
It could literally be the best water dbs in the whole entire franchise and I would still choose Holy Guild Knights over it because it looks like fucking shit
the dude gets a girl in the end though
Latent power might actually be great with changes they made for it at level 7
Don’t worry so much.
You’ll get a better version soon.
Think of it as a late Xmas gift.
>Got bored and quit only 8 hours in
Should I pick it up again for iceborne or should I just give up?
>Valfalk a failure
A failure of what exactly? He's not made out as some savior of the ecosystem, he's just some fast fucker who we bothered while exploring
Imagine this but also with Brachy. Also dung pods do shit all.
The three of them had at least 4 turf wars. Did more damage then me.
It will happen.
kys binger
Imagine being at computers
I deal no damage with heavy bow gun even at critical distance pls help
If you count mucus as exclusive, then Nakarkos
Look up for Marcel Proust's Madeleine.
Remember when LS was trash tier in the past games?
I fucking hate seeing it everywhere now
bing bing wahoo
I feel dirty using it in Iceborne but special sheath makes me rock hard
Narga armor B with helmet A is peak ninja kino. Shame about the dual blades though.
I find it funny how mad you are for no reason
Pretty sure devs said there wouldn't be MR versions of the crossover monsters since that would require further contracts or something.
Soooo, let me get this straight. I'm thinking about buying MHW on PC. Iceborne is only releasing on PC in January right? But it's already available on console? Is it free?
Is the Acidic Glavanus HH better than Sharas?
Can take a while until the game "clicks" for you. Best thing you can do is try out all the weapons and look up weapon moveset tutorials as well since a lot of the more intricate or cool moves are locked behind big combos
shaggy weapons are nice
>Use spreadshot 3
Did you mean spread 2 or a different gun?
Its free afaik if you buy it with the base game. So if you wait until january release to get it it would be free, but then you'd have to get through base game while everyone else is playing iceborne content
Retard is talking about the kulve jagras gun i believe, which is crap now
Wonder what happened here. Most unique models are holdovers and the vast majority of new monsters have nothing.
Obviously it takes less effort to model for 3ds, but I'm pretty sure that the MH team decided from the start to implement the generalized designs, probably because they had fewer staff available (everyone else probably went to work on MH4U/Gen/GU). It still doesn't explain why returning monsters are missing some designs in Iceborne.
Okay cool. I was going to buy the base game now since it's on sale but I was just wondering how the whole Iceborne thing went.
>Editing Guild Card
>”Capcom is a restricted word”
RIP good MH games.
If you own World before the release of Iceborne, you will have to buy Iceborne for $40.
If you buy World after Iceborne releases, you get Iceborne for free.
If I were you I'd buy it now, but $30 isn't much to me. It's still a great price for what you get in World.
Kulve jagras has 3, but that should be good for a while.
>did it flood vaal's mancave forcing it to move or what?
the bone/iron weapon would be a good feature if it comes as a gimmick in the next games
>bone/iron weapons are literally copies of the "real ones"
>cost less materials to create
>has something like negative affinity or other shit
bum now you literally have weapons created to grind
Is there a tier list for decos like in base World? If there isn't, is there any point in farming tier 2 tempered monsters instead of tier 3's?
why did they make the cats so fucking soulful?
Not PC gamers that's for sure
my guess is he meant lore-wise
The worst part is that Radobaan exists.
Use better adjectives, reddit kike.
her weapons are cool, but the armor is disgusting
>If you own World before the release of Iceborne, you will have to buy Iceborne for $40.
>If you buy World after Iceborne releases, you get Iceborne for free.
What the fuck, that's stupid. I guess it's worth buying now though to have a few months to play the base game.
I should add that I don't think there's actually any indication this is the case for PC. That's how the PS4/XBone release went. And even if this works the same way on PC, I doubt base MHW will be on sale for a while after Iceborne drops.
what the fuck is that brightness nigga
So, hows the brachydios insect glaive?
lmao the wings
I just beat Namielle and so far every HBG refuses to be good at Spread 3. But theres a bunch that are good with pierce 3. Is pierce still shit like it was pre Iceborne?
It was running away
abyssal Lagi is back
I have been using MR Jagras HBG as Glutton replacement.
They're just gonna replace the store page with
>MASTER EDITION Base Game + Iceborne $60
>Iceborne $40
>hit MR99
>go to kick Big Black's ass again
>kick his ass
>I sure bet his armor is goo-
>it's shit
>o-okay, h-how about his weapons surely if it took this grind they're grea-
>they're all shit
Yeah if its on sale getting it now would save just as much money, then you have a few months to finish the base game and be ready for iceborne content by january
Do elemental weapons need Namielle divinity to be good? 4 pieces is a lot
>Iceborne making meta faggots seethe by daring to release sets that arent all various flavours of drachen
Can this expansion be any more based?
2 Velk + 3 Teo is pretty good
>Master's Touch + Critical Element
Sorry, a fat chunk of white sharpness and no element worth shit loses out to the Acid stuff every fucking day because anyone worth shit is locking in purple on weapons with much higher raw, or using elemental weapons with much better dragon. The Ruiner Nerg stuff is shit and you're a huge faggot. Ishvala's shit is better, Velk's is better, Acid's kicks the shit out of both of those unless you're a shitter who can't afford some speed sharpening.
Why can't weapons be competitively good, why bother making so many if 99% of them are shit, and everyone just uses Acid/Velk/Ish?
Capcom had the last laugh. If you want to be meta you're going to look like a retard. That's why transmog never made it it; so that speedrunners can't hide their crimes and shame.
Pierce is still pretty bad on hbg. It's good on lbg though.
>did well with my lower tier weapon
>somehow do worse
Is a Crit Draw build based off Velk's set any good, or is still losing out hard to the based triple charge Chads?
Velks set has been really good for me
>triple charge Chads
suck my dick, ill be rocking it regardless
>Tigrex GS
Why though?
To this day I refuse to play with them.
Why did people said tempered have new move ?They're the same as their MR version...
I believed you and now i'm disappointed...
cause i like how it looks
Some of his weapons are BiS though...
But they do get one
Not the guy who posted his nerg set, ...but i'm looking at it and basically it seems fine. All necessary skills, real decent att, and it looks nice.
Like, unless you've got twice the slots, twice the def and 500+ points more attack what's the point? Tiptop gear is for tiptop bads desu.
>health boost
Shitter confirmed.
>n-nobody's paying attention to me in my other thread, cmon guys!
Let this be the only (You) you get, and it's to say you're a faggot. Barry the XV-kun tier autism.
Not that guy but srsly barioth was easy, soloed him while still in full HR gear and HR weapon, didnt cart
Does exhaust ammo/drain jewels do anything to enraged monsters?
Does rathalos have a new greatsword? I just want to see all the new greatswords.
Fuck off to /vg/ nigger
I now have a complete suite of Element Charge Blades and accompanying sets. My axe has never been so savage
bruh mode, my skills are not optimal, having vit atleast allows me to be aggressive
Post them. Please no boneshit.
Buona Florescenza or Hidden Breaker (hammers)? The only benefit I can see from the latter is the hidden element but the former seems better because of Poison
>doing my velk investigation with a group to share the wealth
>me and two others have to carry some retarded LShitter still using Drachen who carts twice
>we have to keep him alive with healing until we manage to finish
any armor pants resembling a speedo?
male character btw
You brought this on yourself. Take but never give.
Give me an exemple then. I did Barroth/banbaro/Diablos/Fulgur/Beotodus/Rathalos and nothing. The exact same as normal MR version.
Two of them are BONED, heres the setup
Zorah Alpha Helm
Zorah Alpha Chest
Nami Beta hands
Nami Beta Waist
Zorah Alpha (or beta if you've got handicraft gems)
You want a magazine jewel and protective polish. Also jewels for each element, not hard. Get the respective elements' charms up to level 4 or hopefully 5. Nami set buff boosts and caps element on all of these.
Fire: Rathalos
Water: Jyuratodus(bleh)
Lightning: Zinogre
Dragon: Vaal BONED
Ice: Velkhana matata
Aim for handicraft 3 if possible, protective polish sharpen before every area. Run Impact mantle to larp as nonelement. Set up loadouts so you never have to leave guiding lands.
they all suck asshole
just run raw
For him you retard
>Dodging monsters with SA fade slash.
14% of players.
Dumb fuck
I did a bunch of tempered too and they were the same. Not even faster. What are you all babbling about ?
elemental hammers are still not that good, but if raw is not your thing, status works fine, especially poison and blast
For putting decorations in mantles, does the decoration last only while the mantle effect is active, or the entire time you're wearing it?
The former.
>Lao is Ryozo's most recent fave
So when's he coming out?
December, paired with Fatalis for obvious reasons.
webm's you say?
Set it to manual-accept, also you can check player's gear before they actually join (after the join message and before they load in) and if they got trash gear kick them without losing a player spot.
I love those sabers
A little more and I can upgrade them to the highest tier
thank fuck it's a happy end
>Time for headpats!
>ironic weeb messages
Those are so lame.
Saw this guy going "something something senpai"
How about the shara set?
Also how in the fuck does the nami set bonus work
Post MH OSTs only chads listen to
Time for headpats is weebshit? bro hold my hammer
how much handicraft do you need to get white sharpness on the matraca?
Three I believe.
I just wanted to remind you that your favorite Monster Hunter game is shit.
Seen anything actually humorous? In XX I ran into someone with the guild card title “Mini Van Thief”.
>absolute faggot joins the two other anons in my quest and spams whine emojis every single time anyone carts
>söyböy then carts likely due to ego shielding him from his own poor skill and then ragequits like the coward he is
>still finish the investigation with the others and even get the rarest drop
I never kick anyone as a rule, but I came close that time. If you're going to talk the talk, then walk the walk, pussy ass bitch. This picture is proof that passive aggressive cowards with a hair trigger fuse not only lose in the end but hold themselves back while the superior "never give up" chads reap the rewards. Next time maybe have a little more goddamn faith in your fellow man.
>Ninja poo-justu
Almost got me
Just got to Namielle, taking it slow
>Velkhana Variant comes out
>Absolutely obliterates Ruiner, normal Nerg doesn't even dare fight it
What is this cringy fanfiction? Nergigante is just another animal that wants to eat, it """balancing"""" the ecosystem is simply because there must always be a predator and it fits the niche
Valfalk was more threatening to the guild that Nergigante ever was
Because Nerg was never a threat m8, that's the whole point. Val was just a monster to the guild, nothing special
would you fly around the world with a valfalk
>tfw depressed
Which monster will cheer me up?
Literally achieved nirvana
He let Nergisue the edgeheg kill him because he knows he is an asset that can be reused in the next game
Seregios introduced bleed
>tfw surfing on Valfalk's back as he's flying at supersonic speed while I'm slicing open monsters with my greatsword ripping them open at the chest as we jet past them on our around the world monster hunting super cruise
Go brush your nearest Tobi.
I thought turf wars doesn't kill monsters. What happened here?
I'm pretty sure that human beings die at the height and speed he flies at so no
That's not a turf war.
Honestly, just how powerful is Valfalk? This dude can crash into you like a meteor at speeds faster than any other monster. No one can touch this dude.
It's technically not a turf war
Not a turf war. Deviljho can just pick up other monsters and use them to smash you around.
Ah, right
>500mph Hammer golfswings
>skydiving with IG and getting picked back up after clipping a monster’s wings
>flyby cluster spam
Anything below Deviljho tier probably can't survive the dive bomb
if we can shrug off falls at terminal velocity we can handle a little bit of bone-shattering turbulence
>Human being
I love my wife Bazelgeuse
Are all the trade-in items in MHW only good for selling? There's no reason for me not to sell them right?
He has a fucking Islam beard
4U is still probably my favorite MH
I hope
Shut up, Bazelgeuse is beautiful.
Remember to stay down when knocked down and the explosions won’t hurt you
Only the bow is shit now, everything else is great.
Nice, just what I was hoping.
>Rajang's quest in the beta is on another level entirely, higher than Velkhana's
I like to save a bunch of them up and then sell them all and see me obtain enormous amounts of zenny very fast.
>Everything is great and the bow is shit
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be
I still got 40 million zennys worth of trade-ins from kulve farming
Well, the new Bazel do way more damage and it doesn't have to fly in the stratosphere to do that.
Agitator/Resentment meme hammer build y/n
Throw Coalescence on there too you coward
Even Sword and Shield?
I have a intel 2500k and still manage my dude. Time to upgrade.
Can't believe I have to wait an extra 4 months for this shit.