I was walking to the subway with my Switch and I tripped and fell and landed on it. Now it's showing me what I believe is a broken screen. How do I fix this?
I was walking to the subway with my Switch and I tripped and fell and landed on it...
Other urls found in this thread:
It's rubbish now. Obviously
Replace the screen. Also that image is not yours, but from this video of Crowbcat youtube.com
Put it on the dock
>my broken switch
>image from 2017
Just send it to Nintendo for repairs. If it's past warrantee, they''ll fix it for a fee.
return it to walmart
>Also that image is not yours, but from this video of Crowbcat
Buy a parts only switch on eBay and swap out the screen.
t. shit for brains
That image is old and has been posted a hundreds times. What in the fucking christ do you get out of roleplaying as a person who broke a game system?
I actually think my switches gpu may be starting to fail.
>posts snoyboi to complain about tendies
Probably a seething Snoy who tries to survive his game drought.
>people taking the bait
there's always people like you, what a fucking sad future we're going to have
Is it warframe? Because my textures spaz the fuck out in warframe but it hasn't impacted anything else so far.
The switch is actually pretty easy to repair but unfortunately for you screen/digitiser repairs are one of the hardest things to repair.
I would advise against doing it yourself but lots of people will fix it for you.
Screen replacements are pretty simple but they require you to handle a heatgun/heatpad and work with the adhesive strip unlike most other components that you can access with a screwdriver and some patience.
you must weigh a fucking ton to damage it that badly since the switch can survive a fall from 1000 ft.
I’m so sorry user. Yesterday I dropped mine but somehow caught it like a ninja before it hit the ground.
Well he is playing a switch in public
Sir, you are retarded
anything with a low mass could survive that with minimal damage
You could throw cats off from that high and they'd be fine
Get it repaired
Try throwing a cat from 100ft and see if it would be "fine"
“What I believe is a broken screen”
It is a broken screen you fucking retard.
I still wonder why that Switch video of his got like 10 times the views of his PS4 and Xbox videos. People really wanted to hate the Switch.
Snoybois seethe easily. No games to distract them from being mad, y'know.
>I can't believe these faggots don't know and recognize every single picture posted on the internet
>How fucking DARE they just post a suggestion instead of applying a pepe and calling someone a jew
Not him but cats are literally known for this, you can find tons of videos on youtube of them surviving falls from 50 stories and shit. Where do you think the 9 lives stuff comes from?
A mixture of the “Nintendo should go 3rd meme” in full effect
Ironic since HD Gameboy has been a fever time since HDTV in 2007
And Gameboy games on TV since 2003
if you can't tell these threads are bait you're fucking retarded
You should have gotten a wrist strap.
Oh wait the Switch can't use one cos Nintendo wants you to buy another one after breaking it.
lmao as if there hasn't always been retarded people
I, too, hate it when unexpected things happen to me while walking around with my Switch
Give it back, DeShawn
fix it easy with bleach
fuck off
>post retarded bait thread
>get outed as the lying faggot you are
What is fucking wrong with you people? Did your brain seep out your ear or something?
>My switchn
>Multiple versions of the image from the
user, are you creation lies?