New Bomberman game in development

What do you think it will be? Classic, 64-style, mobile, etc?

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>copy and paste the series
Yeah, nah.... i already played one of them which is all of them

Hope it has the girls from the arcade game

Who cares when it's still at Konami?

>current year Konami

It will be shit style

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I just want a sequel to the Jetters/Generations games

Bomberman Royale, a NSO exclusive game where you pit your bomberman skills against 99 players in a large 100x100 map, where the dead players can lob bombs from the sidelines if they managed to kill a still in play bomberman, with huge cosmetic options to customize your bomberman to your liking.


Honestly I'd love another 64 style game with findable cosmetics, include a classic 2d style online and it'll be 10/10

I'd play the shit out of that.

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That actually doesn't sound bad for the series, but I'd still like a traditional mode or some such. Either way, more original is good.

Back to your channel, Jimbo, you're not welcomed here.

>99 players
Surely you jest, the switch definitely cant handle that much. Tetris 99 is possible cause it only use a tiny amount of data
But yeah, that sound great. Make it around 20-24 and its dandy

Wasn't the last bomberman game awful?

It's mobage or pachinko. Rip in piss, Bomberman.

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The switch one? It was decently fun, just not as good as it couldve been

likely shit, they havent even been trying to make it decent for a long time.
Reminder that Atomic Bomberman will never be topped. All they needed was to do a sequel to it with good online multiplayer, but naaaaah, that's too hard of a thing

The director of the game literally is an Hudson veteran you idiot. packinko also aren't made by the video game team you absolute retard.

Some informations about the game
>art style faithful to the work of Shoji Mizuno, the pre-reboot character designer for Bomberman from SB2 onwards
>azuko Sugiyama, the voice actress who portrayed Bomberman in both the old commercials and games up to Bomberman Hero will return to voice the character once more (the BOMBAMAAA girl)
>higeki Fujiwara, Director of games like Super Bomberman 3, Saturn Bomberman and Bomberman Tournament among other credits, as well as Supervisor for Bomberman 64 The Second Attack, Bomberman Online(DC) and Bomberman Generation among other credits has also been brought on board for the new project.

It's good, but it's not $50 good. The DLCs actually did help in the longetivy and the variety, though

I'm still surprised they got David Hayter to voice Snake, for a bomberman game.

>Bomberman 64 The Second Attack
Now i'm interested.

remember me

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Hudson mostly made shovelware. Doesn't mean shit.

>one is all
>bomberman 64 exists

I'll believe it when I see it

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If you guys want to know the look of Bomberman by Mizuno it's pic related.
it's the director of Super Bomberman 3, Saturn Bomberman and Bomberman Tournament and the producer of Bomberman 64 The Second Attack, Bomberman Online(DC) and Bomberman Generation

Attached: bomberman_mizuno.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

I was about to mention it. What were they thinking

It was literally announced at TGS user.

It was the era of Ow the edge. Shadow the Hedgehog released in the same year.

>it's the director of Super Bomberman 3, Saturn Bomberman and Bomberman Tournament and the producer of Bomberman 64 The Second Attack, Bomberman Online(DC) and Bomberman Generation

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>Bomberman Online(DC)
Oh yes, My friend and I used to play the heck off that game. The best one is the submarine one, Splatoon Bomb being the second

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Bomberman is cool

>they're not bringing back hideyuki takenami
But why?
I hope he's going over to SEGA to work on Puyo and Konami's not just keeping him locked up doing some gacha bullshit.

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Who gives a shit, Bombergirl port when?

He was the Character Designer / Mechanical Designer and Illustrator of Bomberman R. he also helped with the Konami stuff in Smash Ultimate.

I know that, I'm asking why they're not having Hideyuki do the art for this one, you blind fuck.

Bomberman Royale unironically sounds fun as fuck.

That would be fucken awesome user

The art isn't made Mizuno, he died in 2018. it could be Takemani using the style of Mizuno, or a mix of both.

>lob bombs from the sidelines
Pretty sure Bomberman Blast did this.

I only ever played World but I adored the shit out of it. This is my childhood right here.

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Wasn't there already an HTML game that did this?
But Takenami is best suited doing his "POP" artstyle, like in Puyo and Bomberman R. It'd be a waste having him imitate a dead man's art.

why is he always angry?

As for Bomberman R: I found that it was really hard to follow the action. Something about the design of the characters or something. I remember playing a lot of Atomic Bomberman and I didn't have that issue.

>Bomb is now monster can

Nevermind, I remembered the name. It was Bombermine, and actually went up to 1000 players.

I guess we will see.
maybe because of the 3D or all the character abilities?

Bomberman Tournament/Story, and Bomberman 64 Second Attack were grand adventure games with unique elements to them.
Sounds like the new game will be in the spirit of those too.

>maybe because of the 3D or all the character abilities?
Not sure. It's been a while since I played it, and soon I'll try it again. It could be those things or a combination of everything. I remember not being able to keep track of my bomberman very easily.

Whew, I thought the last game bombing killed the franchise for sure. Also isn't there a Bomberman Girl gacha game or some bullshit.

user R literally sold one million copies.
Bombergirl is an arcade game mixing bomberman , lewd girl and moba gameplay, but it's made by Konami amusement, not KDE (the video game branch)

I mean bombergirl is already 1000x better so why even bother?

Then go play Bombergirl and leave this game for the bomberman fans.

Cool cant wait for the Pachinko machine

>A new game of my second son after Sanic

pachink are not made by the video game team you absolute retard.

Oh sorry, mobile gacha game.

Guess all the sales were on consoles, PC is fucking dead.

why would they call a veteran bomberman staff for a mobile game?
konami also made a new studio for console games last year. and said they are working on multiple ips just some days ago, for consoles.
but since it's Konami, people prefer to be blind and keep repeating the same shit from 3 years ago.

it'll be a battle royale

This franchise was built for this, it's the quintessential battle royale

Simpler times

>Gameplay looks slow as fuck

I am still mad that this game got cancelled.

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Man i thought i was the only one remembering this, i was hyping for it 10 years ago.
what happened with it? did we ever know?

Every person who shits on Castlevania: Lord of Shadow should know about this in how things could have been worse. Much worse.

i still love and also hate the edgy bomberman design for some reasons.

That genuinely sounds like fucking fun. Considering how great the Tetris Battle Royale somehow ended up being, if this happens I have HOPE that it will be of quality and actually good.


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maybe that IS the new game, and is whats being brought back[/spoiler{

>new game


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Cool. I enjoyed Super Bomberman R. But if they're bringing back the original Japanese voice actress (who I think hasn't voice the character in over 20 years), does that mean that they're going to have to recast the role in English again? Hopefully it's on Switch and the other current gen systems, and not mobile. I would kill for another Tournament-style or Generation-style game.

They may are only keeping the classic bomberman and "un-reboot" the franchise. or just cast new people for the new characters.
I doubt they would bring some important member for a mobile game, i'm searching more infos right now but i doubt it's on mobile, considering it was done thanks to R success.

Is this a leak or what? Because I absolutely want this.

for the next game, maybe.
but at least he's in the game.
next Konami rep from is a Contra guy though. even if i would kill for them to somehow do Pyramid Head.

I remember Super R essentially being a reboot of sorts, so I guess the new game would maybe be a continuation of the older continuity from the 90's-2000's?

My biggest gripe is that everyone but the Bomberman and his siblings had abilities. It was really odd.

I love Bomberman 64 but it's incredibly sad that a Nintendo 64 is your sole argument against every Bomberman game being the same.

Maybe this. they got the old voice actress and are trying to imitate the old style. (even if the old artist sadly died in 2018, maybe he managed to do some artworks before dying.)
The real question is : is this game made by Konami inhouse studio or by another studio like every games they did beside PES and MGsurvive.
if it's Konami, might have some fox engine in Bomberman kek.
Having a MG in work woudn't influence this since the MG team is kinda on their own and is just a rebranded oldkojipro.

Good thread to talk about this.
I like Bomberman 64, Second Attack, and Hero. Is Jetters kinda like them?

I wouldn't be sure who is developing it since Bomberman is the only Konami (technically Hudson) series I play. Maybe by another developer like Super R. If there's multiplayer will all the characters look the same, that would be one thing I would miss from Super R, as I enjoyed the bombers being more individual.

Jetters is a sort of watered-down version of Generation, which is sort of like 64/Second Attack.

Eh, since it's a game made by an ex hudson member, maybe it's made by a team composed of only ex hudson staff?
Apparently they gave R to Hexadrive because they weren't sure if the game was gonna sell or not. so wait and see if it's made by Hexadrive again or another team. they did the same shit for Contra but sadly Toylogic kinda is bad even with a good director. at least M2 did a good job for the collection.

Who is still playing these games anymore? The last Bomberman game I played was on Gamecube. Have I actually missed anything since then? It seems like they keep coming out with new games, but they all seem similar

Hudson still exists within Konami as their own separate team so yes.

Power Bomberman is quite good, they just need to tone down the AI because even on easy the bots are hard as fuck to kill. I remember being able to dispatch them much easier on the SNES games and Genesis and such

I loved to play Bomberman as a kid, it's a very fun game, especially with friends.
nowadays it's less played, even if R managed to sell one million. most of it being switch sales. (then it's PS4

I still play the games since I really only got into the series a few years ago. You haven't really missed much. There was a few games on DS and PSP, as well as downloadable games on Wii/PS3/Xbox 360. The series was kind of dead between 2010-2017 until Super Bomberman R came out, and there was that Bombergirl spinoff arcade game a year ago.

Reminder that the two best Bomberman game (93' and 94') are in the PC engine mini.
god dammit Konami you really didn't wanted to put them in a collection.

They also released a weird arcade game that look like a party game. but it's not as popular as Bombergirl.
there's also a bomberman board game in dev by IDW games, who also are doing the MG board game releasing this year and the contra board game. i have no ideas how it will work. (same for Contra)

I wish Bomberman would go the Kirby route and incorporate lore from the entire series
There are these dedicated Bomberman fans who have started a wiki aiming to contain the most and accurate amount of info and they'd probably be into that

the bomberman hero games had some lore right? same for the game with Max.

just get Jun Chikuma to make another DnB slapper of an OST and I'll buy it

Think it's one of those token getting games apparently. Also, I wonder how a Bomberman board game would work.
I remember in Tournament, that it was revealed that Max is actually a cyborg, and was injured so badly by Brain/Phantom Bomber, so he had to get surgery to live.

I do occasionally, R is the most recent game so you're more likely to find someone willing to play online with that, which is fine. It isn't my favorite Bomberman but if you've played one you've played them all as far as classic Bomberman games go.

Bomberman r ost actually was pretty good, no ideas who did it. they even did a remix from Encounter from MGS and Vampire killer from Castlevania.
the ending song in japanese and english also was pretty cute

are the server for Bomberman blitz still open? i played a shitload of it on my DSI then 3DS back then.

I also love the ost for this game. Especially the themes for world 1, 3, and 5, all of the boss battle music, and the battle themes.

The official Nintendo Wifi connection was discontinued in 2014, but I think there's some tricks to play DS online games today.

I am kind of hoping for this to be honest.

They need some heavy changes then. the old game was a 3DS game.
then again, R solded mainly on switch...

And I Am Bomber Man

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