She cute she fast she strong and she scared

she cute she fast she strong and she scared

Attached: tifa2.png (399x800, 458K)

scared the BWD is too much for her

God i wish a strong girl would make me her little bitch

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She looks insanely fun to play as.

Who is that? Kinda looks like Tifa. Is it someone cosplaying as Tifa?

shes tifa

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>those arms
My sides.

Attached: E44A1FE6-891D-4DFA-B1F5-5089A579F519.jpg (2048x1152, 136K)

that's why she's training doing pullups

Attached: 1568338223934.jpg (889x732, 278K)

It's about the same as you saw in her CGs shots and in AC, so complain about how people somehow don't like putting muscle definition on female characters. But in every way its accurate to what we've always seen. They'd probably say she was a gorilla in the West or in Japan if they tried for anything more than a toned stomach and maaaaybe if they stretched it, toned calves and thighs.

Yeah, the footage from the Aps fight at TGS really looked awesome regarding Tifa.
>the little side jumps she does before her special

So fucking erect. Aerith's spinning dance stuff a shit.

best girl back then, best girl now, best girl always!

Attached: tifa remake fight 1.webm (1344x840, 2.93M)

she cute she fast she strong and she scared
and on top of that she got censored

because people who abuse their entitlement
our gal lost her tits to the ethics department

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yeah she lots her tits haha

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230 kg is crazy for a female. I began as a twig and started with 40 kg deadlifts. It took me years to clear 230 kg and then I was fucking huge with 4xl tshirts. Felt like a fucking beast doing it. Now I see females on Instagram clearing it left and right. Granted she is doing sumos with a suit and belt but props for not using straps. She could squeeze your dick like no other.

literally where are her tits! she's practically a 2x4

Attached: tifatits2.png (273x615, 95K)

>urinates while heavy lifting
I feel like this should be fairly common

it's fanart for a fangame based on FF7

reminder that the ethics department didn't actually tell the devs to make her tits smaller, but only to give her a sports bra so that her tits wouldn't flail around all over the place during complex animations
but noooo lets just read headlines and get mad over nothing

Attached: its so tiresome.gif (500x281, 2M)

I dont care about smaller tits her thigh highs make my dick giga hard


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havent some /fit/izens shit themselves at the gym

>they didn't want to animate tits
>you don't get to watch tits fly around
>"get mad over nothing"


Attached: Nigga Kawaii.jpg (200x400, 22K)

Retards here behave exactly like a reverse-feminist by exaggerating/politicizing every single thing they don't like. Please, fuck off from 4channel, this isn't your place.

>titties and hips

Attached: tifa hang.webm (1920x1080, 407K)

>that's why she's training doing pullups
There's no way they're pulling a San Andreas on us.

I don't get it, he should leave because he doesnt partake in sensationalist shitposting?

you are not into irony, are you

I want a new Riona figure!
The Reno figure has ugly teeth

Attached: reno figure.jpg (900x1200, 154K)

What is wrong with breasts moving around?

I really dont like that abilities are getting the focus and not the materia. What does materia do anyway except just some random magic?
I wish you can unlock abilities and limit them somehow with a new materia called "Skill" or something. Like Skill 1 unlocks, lets say, triple slash for cloud, bullet barrage for barret and axe kick for tifa, or holy circle. Skill 2 unlocks other abilities for the different characters, and so on.

Do you think people wear spots bra's for fun?
You can't fight, jump, do somersaults or do shoryukens without them being distracting and flying in your face. Sports bras were literally made to be worn in situations like this.